88-1262 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF . SA I NT PA U L Council ,/ I� CANARV - DEPARTMENT /��/ /J/� BI.UE - MAVOR File �O. u I/I '�� - - ouncil Resolution J�` I� �� ,��.� ' Presented By ���` ; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, Pursuant to Minnesota Statute, Section 204B.21 the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby appoints the attached list of persons as election judges in the precincts as indicated for the primary election on September 13, 1988. Should vacancies occur in the positions due to resignation, illness, or unavailability of the persons appointed between the date of this resolution and the election date the City Clerk is hereby authorized to fill the vacancies in the position. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by De rtment Yeas Nays � ✓ Dimond �� In Favor � Gosw;tz Rettman � - ,�;y� Against BY Sonnen Wilson A�' " L � Form ove by City At rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s e by Council ret ry ` BY gy, t#pprove 1Aavor: Da e — � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ��fE� AU G �, 3 1988 CityClerk DEPARTMENT Np 3974 earol• Fontaine - CONTACT ' �X 5�1 PHONE 7-25-88 DATE _ ���✓� �� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Siqnature) : ������o'� Department Director . 2 ` Director of Management/Mayar Ffnance and Management Services Director 3 City Clerk Budget Director - _�_ �City Attorney _ - � � blHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) • Elec�ior� �udge�. �or the upc�ing.,Sep.tember °l�h Primary Election� will b� app raved and. appo3�t�ed pur�u�,nt to .��:�riesota Statue; .. . . . . :._,. _._ . ... _ .. �� �_ _ - � Sec�ion �O�B.21.: _ , ,. , .. COST/BENE�IT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: • Salaries will be paid from an +establ�.shed bud.get fund �pcm tl��i� �. � `. ` ' - completion of services. � � Councf► F������-C� .��p�eC : J U L 2 5 j�gg , � FINANCING SUURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- . ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: � . . _ Elections and Voter Regis�tration 00263-212-000 � Activity Number: � aTTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : l. A listing of Election Judges 'is attached. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REUIEW Yes No � Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? es No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �, Yes No Insurance Attached: /'' • (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � <evised 12/84 : . : : ���/.���- ELECTION JUDGES LIST FOR COUNCIL APPROVAL Dist. 1 C�TSt: � Pre. 1 Pre. 9 R Virginia Kolar Chairman D Barbara Johnson Chairman D Martha Lindgren D Robert Krominga � D Esther Heunisch R Mary Williams � R Amalia Jackson R Dorman Dahlen R Faith Matters D Geraldine Ciasen ' Pre. 2 Pre. 10 R Theodora Anderson Chairman R Henry Feickert Chairman R . '' Cora Miller D Reneta Michlitsch y� Edmund Bisping D Edna Landreville ��� Gertrude Anderson R Ellsworth Ewy D Anthony Connolly Pre. I1 Pre. 3 D Kenneth Miller Chairman D Margie Hendrickson Chairman R Elizabeth McKeen R Darlene Heinl D Marilyn Kalinowski R Larraine Pawlak D George Myhra Pre. 12 D Patricia Flanigan R Ann Fritz Chairman D Judy Amos Pre. 4 R Elizabeth Chiginsky D Clara Ripka Chairman D Henerietta Hallgren R Florence Grabowski D Mary Harnilton R Melvin Pavich D Felicia Holmstrom Pre. 13 D Helen Heini R ODellle Galloway Chairman R Ermine Allen Pre. 5 D Dolly Crushshon � Martha Deikoski Chairman D Annabelle Beal D Irene Pavich D Henry Turner R Stephen Havens R Ruth Griebie Pre. I4 D Bobbie Gant Chairman Pre. 6 D Irene Kemp R Adrienne Beck Chairman D Beatrice Goss D Shirley Sheehan R Constance McMiller D Lorraine Melin D Grace Fuller Pre. 15 D Jane Rowan Chairman Pre. 7 D Lena Day D Ruth Zappa Chairman R Olivia Gahlon R Elizabeth Olsen R Debora Barnes R Cliste Stephanie D Alex Wachman Pre. 16 D Phyllis Steiner D Virginia Murawski Chairman D Jean Schmieg Pre. 8 R Gertrude Anderson D Agnes Haubenhofer Chairman Q Phillip Ervin D Mary Ann Wiome D Michele Raleigh � Reen Faster R Rite Stoffel D Kathleen Donovan � � � D i st. 1 D i st. 2 �d� �°��� Pre. 17 Pre. � G Grar���thY Br�i�r� C:he f rmen U � De i rdre Madden Cha i rman R Shirley Smith R" Veronica Thompson R Gloria Gates R Lloyd Wickstrom D Sylvia Schultz R Hildegarde Matters D Agnes Knipe D Harold Byers Pre. 18 Pre. 4 D Mary Clernons Chairman R Mildred Stanke Chairman D Constance Hunt D George Nickerson . D Lucille Herring R Vivian Byers R Devaughnia Simmons D E . Lynn Mayo R Stephen Maxwell D Dorothy McCluney s• -�re. 19 Pre. 5 ' Sandra Schultz Chairman D Joanne l.isson Chairman R Joan Spanyard R John Fleming R Evelyn Robinson R Peter Koegel D Lavinia Murray R Lee Stoffei D Vivian Stone Pre. 6 Pre. 20 R B. J. Bruner Chairman D Richard Neumeister Chairman R Harriet Theroux D Frank Szymonik D Mae McKeever R Janet Todora D Mary Catherine Johnson R Myles Sweeney D Linda Chisholm D Phyllis Wood Pre. 7 Pre. 21 D Arlene Croes Chairman D � Leon Bach Chairman D Mary Johnson R Eunice Finney D Robert Deck R Charles Biersborn D Narman Johnson D Lillian Rosenthal R Josephine Kromer Pre. 22 Pre. 8 D Johnye Pierce Chairman R Roger Matters Chairman R Lee Eunice Walker R Mary Hickey D Arveria Walker D Merry Thompson R Rita Schirber U Marjorie Lande D James Murray R Betty Jane Capron Pre. 23 Pre. 9 R Harry Stanke Chairman D Clarence Hajney Chairman D Lois Casey R Margaret Knutson R Sylvan Smith D Wilma Lance D Kenneth Johnsan R Beverly Gragan D Madeline Moes R Evelyn Obrien Pre. 10 D Marcellain Bergholtz Chairman Dist. 2 R Patricia O'Neill Pre. 1 D Eleanor Reider R Gertrude Teeples Chairman D Richard Matthews R Iris Harrod R Rachel Husom R Agnes Koehler D Dolores Sullivan R Alice Bubb • � � Dist. 2 "' " '��� Dist. 2 Pre. 11 Pre. 19 R M�r�y�r�n F+��m�a���t� �1�7r�i rm�n D Chr i stapher Stevens Cha i rman D Gayle Stelter R Alice Olmstead D Colleen Peppard D Mary Gurrola R Carol Wille D Donald Lange D Donald Appleby R Jean Sielene Pre. 12 Pre. 20 R Mary Marolt Chairman R Charles Bauer, Jr Chairman D Kathy Vadnais R Patricia Bader R Lois Gathman R Clara Weigenant D Michael Nehring R Arnold Oison D Carol Blum D Fred Zahalan �. D Bonnie Haugen pre. 13 ;�+ Eunice Nelson Chairman Pre. 21 D James Biack D Magdalen Corrigan Chairman R Margaret Reddy R' Doris Kisch D Ethel Kaphingst D Mary Bauer R Maxine Hamel R Marion Meidlinger D Dorothy Robinette Pre. 14 D Lorayne l.ocke Chairman Pre. 22 D Cecile Gillet D Carol Nehring Chairman R Marianne Funk D Corinne Brengman D Odilia Fabio R Agnes Witt D Sally Levitan R Martha Dwyer D l.i 1 1 i an Fyksen Pre. 15 D • Catherine priver Chairman Dist. 3 D Mary Ann Quinian Pre. 1 D Lawaine Logen R Gertrude Boyd Chairman R Joseph Podgorski R Mildred Rudberg R Edie Ruedy R Esther Bauer D Margaret Therrien Pre. 16 R� Genevieve Mulally R Elizabeth Koegel Chairman � D John Fischer Pre. 3 R Selma Kadela D Bernice Gau Chairman D Helen Kalash D Sarah Keller D Atfred Pease R Florence Doyle R Marlane Gallgher Pre. 17 D Phyllis Francis R Mathilda Chinander Chairman � D Jeanet Woelfel Pre. 5 D Regina Bolton D Sarah Garrstt Chairman R Mary O'Neill D Bonnie Hultberg D David Rothstein D �orothy Schuba R Benjamin R. Harriman Pre. 18 F� Edith Cohan D Mary Osterman Chairman D Martha St�rnberg D Wilfred Juenemann D Agatha Straus Pre. 6 D Mary McLagan R Franklin Renstrom Chairman R Clara Kolles R Phyllis Kramer R Wesley Johnson D Mary McEnaney •R Roger Lundberg • � �Dist. 3 Dist. 3 �� `��� Pre. 7 Pre. 17 D Jerome B�sner Cha 1 rman G We 1 t�r fitaL�n��w �.ha 1 rman R Marie Crea R Marcella Hennessy D Alvin Valerius R Frances Linstroth D Jean Harkness D Russell Spurrier D Mary Grundner 0 Florence Joyce Pre. 8 Pre. 19 D Helen Fischbach Chairm�n R Mary Weils Chairman D Rosina Welsch D Thelma Bureloff D Corrine Ertz R Mildred Beckman D Eleanore Elsenpeter R Alexander Young R Robert Bauman R James Linstroth i.� R;re. 9 Pre. 20 :�'� Joann Eha Chairman D Dorothy Vinar Chairman D Clarence Holtz D Betty Baumgarten R Carroll Dickison R Allan Davis D Gene Conway D Irene Giesen R Martha C Kane D Irene Holzem R Maxine C Meehan Pre. 11 D Lucille Bonfe Chairman Pre. 22 D Delores Steiner R Bernice Link Chairman R Carolyn Hoffman D Anna Dickey R Emma Godbout R 8ryce Kilby D Margaret Lennon q Carol Larkin D Adaline Lieberman D Phyllis Supornick Pre. 12 Pre. 23 R Catherine Harrington Chairman R Rosalind Slonim Chairman D �ola Bach R Kenneth Jefferson R Antoinette Sepion D Esther Holtz D Lillian Minning D Helen Turner R Genevieve Yanchar D Phyllis Vosejpka D Edith Goodman Dist. 4 Pre. 13 Pre. 1 D Mary Rahlf Chairman D Dorothy Rantz Chairman R Arline Nielsen D Gladys Freeman D Bernadett Lamb R Helmer Lindquist D Dolores Brault R Marian Eltefson D Richard Scanlan Pre. 2 Pre. 15 R Elizabeth Morlock Chairman D Catherine Schwabel Chairman R Josephine Delger R James Larsen R Janet Christianson D Robert Hawkins R Alice Johnsan R Adelaide Zack R Edna Pankonin R Gladys McKenZie Pre. 3 Pre. 16 D Raiph Currier Chairman R Helen Johnson Chairman R Edna Pankonin R Ruth Milier R Elvera Skovholt D Anne Nammond R Verna Wavne D Rita Rosenb) um D Elaine Bur9stahler R Muriel Levin ; , � , '��"-/��a. � � Dist. 4 Dist. 4 Pre. 4 Pre. 14 D Dorothy Amundsen Chairman R Bernice Becker Chairman R Elsie Trapp D Marjorie Gunselt R Ina Mae Gillespie R Amelia Lilleboe D Irene Hagerman D June Rustad R Karen Singer D Edward Miller Pre. 5 Pre. 15 R Gail Nelson Chairman D Dorothy Danley Chairman D William Davies R John Sandberg D Agnes Keller R Alice Arend D Winifred Rudie D Katherine Deuhs R Pearl Hansen D Dorothy Barney ,. . Pre. 6 Pre. 16 :� Hazel Davies Chairman R Mae Fruhstuck Chairman D Mary Timm D Mary Muehlstedt R Argie Higgins R Mar,jorie Hunt R Mary Salvatore D Bernadette LPSter D Charles Meehan D Jeanette Dumas Pre. 7 Pre. 17 R Gloria Dahlen Chairman D Gertrude 0'Brien Chairman � Louise Hammerlindl D �orraine Miller D Lorraine Worwa R Anna Cullen D Shirley Westphall R Myrtle Wendell R Mary Kimball D Ray Vogt Pre. 9 Pre. 18 R ' Marilyn Seglem Chairman D Justina Sharlow Chairman D Marcella 6rault D Lucille Fischbeck D Leona Loomis D� Kathryn Cline R Leola Erickson R Millie Seaquist D Catherine Graff R Art Semmler Pre. 10 Pre. 19 R Sylvia Feickert Chairman D Marie Carruthers Chairman D Carmell Scott R Katherine Lundberg D Gilbert Graff R John Cullen D Judith Valerius D Elmer Price R James Gordinier D Lenore Tierney Pre. 11 Pre. 20 R Lottie Addington Chairman D Margaret Courtney Chairman R Ruth Jenkins R Theodore Rudberg D Ella Mae Castell D Mary Kelly D Helen Harrison R Phyllis Tierney D Milton Willer D Robert O'Brien Pre. 12 Pre. 21 R Gertrude Marsh Chairman D Jane Scanlan Chairrnan R Roy Schroeder R Carol Sjoberc� R Irene Mattison R Joan Jacobsen D Micheile Sharlow i� Marie Mohr D Betty Vogt D Charles Green ; ' ,Dist. 4 Dist. 5 ����°�`� ' Pre. 22 Pre. 8 R Bonnie Kuehl Chairman D Margaret Petsch Chairman G M�r•g�t�•�t 8er•t��f sf��r�•d R E 1 i zabeth Sm t th D Helen Donahue D Herbert Kirkwold D Irene Smith R Carol Johnson R Barbara Klein Pre. 9 Pre. 23 R Eileen Corry Chairman R Margaret Esch Chairman R Elaine Heskett R Margaret Westman D Jean English D Hertha Lane R Edna Pitt . . D Nanette Mountain D Audrey Loe D Liltian MacDonald Pre. 10 Dis�. 5 D Jarnes Ridge Chairman �e. 1 D Sadie Zibley �D� Ardelle Larson Chairman D Mary Rider D Shirley Holleran D Barbara Rider D Marilyn Stage R Avis Jacabsen Pre. 11 D Cheryl Rushenberg R Virginia Boet Chairman R lrmina Klett Pre. 2 D Sina Eickelberg D Edmund Mcpherson Chairman R Ladonna Rivet D Margaret Maroney D Gene Thompson D Sophie Wincell D Helen Cadry D Lorraine Ridge R Frances Belland Pre. 12 D Daniel Vogt Chairman Pre. 4 D Josephine Ouren D John Tschurl Chairman D Esther Kirkwoid D Victoria Dunnwald R Audrey Saymonik R Alice Langevin D Dean Hollen D Corinne Gelbmann D Jan Kane Pre. 13 D Luelia Jelen Chairman Pre. 5 R Marie Wynne D Marie Allen Chairman R Ruth Tome R Theresa Achterling D Wayne Dahlstrom R Helen Thomas D Mildred Fortuna D Rxse Yanish D Maxine Flynn Pre. 14 D Marie Peltzer Chairrnan Pre. 6 R Laverne Coverdale D Francis Jelen Chairman D. Ruth Frantzen R Louis Sass D Martin Peterson R Marie Youngdahl R Rose Murphy D Ruth Neumann D Helen Schneider Pre. 15 D Edna Wigen Chairman Pre. 7 D Lyle Allen R George Carlton Chairman D John Gubasta R Carl Klett R Rebecca Meints R Jack Martens D Anna Olchefske D Helen Hall : , Dist. 5 Dist. 6 '������ � Pre. 16 Pre. 3 R Lorraine Petschel Chairman R Margaret Hawkinson Chairman D Hr�1 en Den t ssan C� M�r•�1� M 1 e 1 z�r��k D Lucille Hennessey R Jean Robinson D Floyd Tennant D Elizabeth Johnson R Marguerite Kubitschek D Louise Anderson Pre. 17 Pre. 4 D George Zechmann Chairman R Reba Holterbach Chairman R Phyllis Demma D Mary Tetzlaff D Richard Gelbmann R Agnes Mattson , . D Lorraine Byland D Eleanor Knapp D Agnes Testen D Margaret Babcock Pr�e 18 Pre. 5 4. � James Joyce Chairman R Margaret Hovey Chairman :�3� Anna Brinker D Maxine Fogarty R L.orraine Merkl D Doris Maloney R Lorraine Kreyer R Carmel Sward D Steila Ranweiler D Alyce Young Pre. 19 Pre. 6 R Eugene Heskett Chairman D Bonibel Hanson Chairman R Beverly Huseman R Harriet Brunnette D Marjorie Scheunemann R Beverly Hartman D Florettee Hujanen D Elizabeth Nauqhton D Edward Peterson R Marjorie Rebeck Pre. 20 Pre. 7 D Marguerite Dunn Chairman D Madeleine Thayer Chairman R Bertha Dorman D Joann Wildman R Marie Yatckoske D Lillian Davis D Harlie Gibbons R Arlene Olson D Anita Regino Sr R Jean Mekoli Pre. 21 Pre.B R Hazel Litkey Chairman R Lee Sanny Chairman R Ruby St. Germain R Sigward Engle D Leonard Sarnmons D Eleanor Patwell D Inez Bonk D Theresa Johnson D Carol Gibbons D Clifford Matteson Dist. 6 Pre. 9 Pre. 1 R Helen Hinz Chairman R Catherine Lineer Chairman D Joan Mickelson R Louise Jernberg R Margaret Heckman D Arline Evans R Gladys Patchin D Lois Hanley D Eileen Berger D Harold Hansen Pre. 10 Pre. 2 D Alice Kelley Chairman R Eleanor Erickson Chairman R Edith McShannock D Carol Friedl R Jane Carlson R Dara�hy Nygard D Iva Mae Dreis D Eleanore Mckinnon D Eileen Lee D Marjorie Anderson � � � ��r����- . ' � ' Dist. 6 Dist. 6 Pre. 11 Pre. 19 D Eve 1 yn Wa 1 1 s Cha i rman D D�arcrthy G�r,l s��n �.ti� 1 rmeri D Dorothy Kunz D Lorraine Voeller R Adelinee Mulwee D Joan Hayne D Harry Hayden R Marcella Wage D Ora Mooney R Carol Engle Pre. IZ Pre.20 D Margery Eyinck Chairman R Paulina Ranallo Chairman R Vernon Heckman D Theresa Jungwirth D Steven Ward D Veronica Schober � D Walter Sass D Kathryn Theissen D Sharon Oler R Florence Jackson ,. Pre. 13 Dist. 7 ;�', Elizabeth Smith Chairman Pre. 1 D Anna Hayden R Dorothy Nelson Chairman R Judy Boldt D Marie Crea R Harriet Edlund R Deloris Kern D Lorraine Hunter D Ellen Melander D Eileen Myhra Pre. 14 , D Lorraine 5chwantes Chairman Pre. 2 R Flora Kamp R Margaret Amos Chairman D Anita Powell R �eilah Huonder R Donovan Weiblen D Dawn Dahn D Lorraine Sherry D Viola Hermo 0 Ethel Lil ,�edahl Pre. 15 R Hazel Linell Chairman Pre. 3 D �uella Bresnahan D Margaret Richie Chairman D Gail Gilles D Gladys Jennings R Fioyd Rose R Ellen Tostenson D Vincent Anderson D Ernest Charpentier D Helen Eckl Pre. 16 R Clara Hackett Chairman Pre. 4 D Marcy Johnson D Anna Ahnstedt Chairman D Audrey Connolly R Frances Kampa D Helen Hoffman D Edward Voelier D Beatrice Frost D Verna Mae Wilson D Mary Miller Pre. 17 R Verna LaBarre Chairman Pre. 5 R Mildred Schwendig D Patricia Lieb Chairman D Marie Knutson R Lorraine Winkel D Lorraine Kivel R Ruth Spock D Evelyn Ahrens D Ellen Wallin R Marjorie Mayer Pre. 18 D Della Glisky R Laurel Nelson Chairman R Georgiana Peterson Pre. 6 D Julia Sollie R Gertrude Pothoff Chairman D Marjorie Gilles R Bernard Huonder D Ruth Hall D Peari Hanson D Ione BPlisle D Jeanette Koesling . . ' . Dist. 7 Dist. 7 �"" �`�� Pre. 7 Pre. 14 R Irene Quinn Chairman R Ethelyn Chishoim Chairman G Ruth `�chw+�rz R Caro 1 i ne Dock R Dale Johnson D Marie Lambert D William Kuczaboski D Lorraine 5tark D Marietta Kusilek D Verniel Bushman Pre. 8 ,Pre. 15 D Cecilia Engstrand Chairman R Ruth Sandberg Chairman D Sylvester Rauch R Muriel Milter D Harriette Malm D Merle Jost • R Catherine Black D Beverly Husemann R Reda Goemer D Linda Karschnia Pre�. 9 Pre. 16 � Helen Burmeister Chairman D Mitdred Meier Chairman �R' Martha Hansen D Nelen Deck R Helen O'Connor R Cyriila Rademacher D Florence Nelson D Catherine Okeefe R Irene Quiring D Medora Vetter Pre. 10 Pre. 17 D Rosemarie May Chairman R Georgine Misukanis Chairman R Rita Fieischhacker D Barbara D'Aloia D Camilie Rauch f� Mae Brennan R Patricia Hawes D Mary Hawkins D Magdalen Schepers R Robert McCarthy Pre. 11 Pre. IS D Regina Heimerl Chairman D Ethel Gaetke Chairman R Carol Piepgras p Helen Mildenberger R Eugene Obrien D Rosalie Ruehi D Herbert Schwarz R Mimi Palumba D Bernice Kuczaboski D Elizabeth Leary Pre. 13 D Margaret Bodsgard Chairman R Maxine Hermanson p Rosella Wald R Annabel Madigan D Grace Fuller