99-268- +-• Council Fi1e # - l�l � ��S 0 R f G� NA L RESOLUTION Green Sheet # �� E���p - �„����CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /I Presented By � "•" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, The Library will receive funds from The Friends of the Library to replace the Library's Integrated Oniine Library System as part of The Friends capital campaign, and WHEREAS, The Library will be purchasing the system in 1999, and WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.01 of the city charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1999 budget, and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1999 budget: LIBRARY AIDS AND GRANTS FUND - 350 Financing Plan Current Change Amended 33422 The Friends of the Library 6905 Donations All Others 902,505 247,233 1,149,738 1,000,000 -0- 1,OOQ000 1,902,505 247,233 Spending Plan 33422 The Friends of the Library 0856 Data processing software -0- 0857 Data processing hardware 700,000 All others 449,738 1,149,738 800,000 200,000 -0- 1,OOQ000 2,149,738 800,000 900,000 449,738 2,149,738 RESOLVED,.That the City Council approves these changes to the 1999 budget. Approval Recommended: Budget Direetor Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary By: Appr By: ov�by Ma�r: � te _�r��LV ��% ` <C� aa.a�s Requested by Department of: Libraries BY• (A�L4// �GU�'^� Form App�e�,ed by City orney � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council • By: / Adopted by Council: Date � �,y ��� � 99���Fr DEPARTMEhT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET No.: 64126 Libraries March 4, 1999 CO_VTACT PERSON & PAO?QE: � Itv`7RALDA7E L�'ll'IALDATE Doug Guthrie 266-7078 ASSIGI� 1 D£PARTMEVT DIR. 3/1 5 CITY COIJ\CIL NUMBER /� Yy FOR 3 CITY ATI'ORNEY CITY CLERK D1USf BE ON COIINCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) 120UTI�'G � M3LCI1 24 1999 ORDER 2 FIN.ADiCIAL SERV DIR b FIN:4�'CIAL SERVICES/ACCT 9 MAYOR(ORASST.) CIV[LSERVICECOMMISSION TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL I,OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrioN x�uESrEb: Approval of Council Resolution increasing the budget for the Library's Fund 350, Library Aids and Grants, to replace the Library's Integrated Online Library System (IOLS) and the Library's technology infrastructure to support the new system, as part of the Friends Capital Campaign. RECOMtv1ENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rzject (R) PERSONA[. SERVICE CONTRICTS MtiST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLAN1v1NG COMMISSIOIV CNIL SERVICE COMNIlSSIOA' 1. Hu this persoidfimi ever worked under a comract for th�s deparunent? CTB CObIMITTEE � STAFF 2. Hu this person/fimi ever been a ciry employee? �DISTRIC7 COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIV6? 3. Does this persodfirm possess a skill not normally pos�essed by any cuaem city empluyez? Expinin all pes answers on separate sLeet a�d attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Whq K7wt, R�hen, \Afiere, Why). The Friends have raised funds to replace the IOLS and supporting technology infrastructure throughout the Library system. The existing IOLS and electronic infrastructure do not support current information technology, and are not Y2K compliant. These funds will give the Library the opportunity to better distribute electronic resources and to offer easier-to-use interfaces to those resources. AD�'ANTAGES IF AYPROVED: The Library will be able to replace the existing systems with technologies that will allow the Library to operate mission criticat systems in the light of Y2K issues. The library wili be abie to offer an enhanced interface with the Library catalog and indexes, and to ofter electronic information services that are quickly replacing paper-based information resources in the Library industry. DI5ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None .DISADtiANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Library will not have sufficient funds to replace the IOLS and the supporting infrastructure. The Library will be unable to ensure that its mission critical systems are Y2K compliant, and will not be able to offer access to the electronic resources which aze replacin� paper-based resource in the information service field. TOTAL A.MOUNT OF TRANSACTION: S I.000,000 COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDI�i'G SOURCE: donations ACl'IV'ITY NUMBER: GL 35033422 FI�ANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIn� �c ,�,�„�,� E � g � , �� Ss ::s.tw�,F y,r..`o::.^`atY..^£4 N�','.'P:{`��,�" �r�"�' =`.� �,� ali monizs tlonated to the librnry tluough T7ie Friends �� ������� °�'�" �ft l 1 l°99 c�umoocsvo�s.cax � �� �� �� ���m���� - +-• Council Fi1e # - l�l � ��S 0 R f G� NA L RESOLUTION Green Sheet # �� E���p - �„����CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /I Presented By � "•" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, The Library will receive funds from The Friends of the Library to replace the Library's Integrated Oniine Library System as part of The Friends capital campaign, and WHEREAS, The Library will be purchasing the system in 1999, and WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.01 of the city charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1999 budget, and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1999 budget: LIBRARY AIDS AND GRANTS FUND - 350 Financing Plan Current Change Amended 33422 The Friends of the Library 6905 Donations All Others 902,505 247,233 1,149,738 1,000,000 -0- 1,OOQ000 1,902,505 247,233 Spending Plan 33422 The Friends of the Library 0856 Data processing software -0- 0857 Data processing hardware 700,000 All others 449,738 1,149,738 800,000 200,000 -0- 1,OOQ000 2,149,738 800,000 900,000 449,738 2,149,738 RESOLVED,.That the City Council approves these changes to the 1999 budget. Approval Recommended: Budget Direetor Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary By: Appr By: ov�by Ma�r: � te _�r��LV ��% ` <C� aa.a�s Requested by Department of: Libraries BY• (A�L4// �GU�'^� Form App�e�,ed by City orney � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council • By: / Adopted by Council: Date � �,y ��� � 99���Fr DEPARTMEhT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET No.: 64126 Libraries March 4, 1999 CO_VTACT PERSON & PAO?QE: � Itv`7RALDA7E L�'ll'IALDATE Doug Guthrie 266-7078 ASSIGI� 1 D£PARTMEVT DIR. 3/1 5 CITY COIJ\CIL NUMBER /� Yy FOR 3 CITY ATI'ORNEY CITY CLERK D1USf BE ON COIINCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) 120UTI�'G � M3LCI1 24 1999 ORDER 2 FIN.ADiCIAL SERV DIR b FIN:4�'CIAL SERVICES/ACCT 9 MAYOR(ORASST.) CIV[LSERVICECOMMISSION TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL I,OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrioN x�uESrEb: Approval of Council Resolution increasing the budget for the Library's Fund 350, Library Aids and Grants, to replace the Library's Integrated Online Library System (IOLS) and the Library's technology infrastructure to support the new system, as part of the Friends Capital Campaign. RECOMtv1ENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rzject (R) PERSONA[. SERVICE CONTRICTS MtiST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLAN1v1NG COMMISSIOIV CNIL SERVICE COMNIlSSIOA' 1. Hu this persoidfimi ever worked under a comract for th�s deparunent? CTB CObIMITTEE � STAFF 2. Hu this person/fimi ever been a ciry employee? �DISTRIC7 COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIV6? 3. Does this persodfirm possess a skill not normally pos�essed by any cuaem city empluyez? Expinin all pes answers on separate sLeet a�d attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Whq K7wt, R�hen, \Afiere, Why). The Friends have raised funds to replace the IOLS and supporting technology infrastructure throughout the Library system. The existing IOLS and electronic infrastructure do not support current information technology, and are not Y2K compliant. These funds will give the Library the opportunity to better distribute electronic resources and to offer easier-to-use interfaces to those resources. AD�'ANTAGES IF AYPROVED: The Library will be able to replace the existing systems with technologies that will allow the Library to operate mission criticat systems in the light of Y2K issues. The library wili be abie to offer an enhanced interface with the Library catalog and indexes, and to ofter electronic information services that are quickly replacing paper-based information resources in the Library industry. DI5ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None .DISADtiANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Library will not have sufficient funds to replace the IOLS and the supporting infrastructure. The Library will be unable to ensure that its mission critical systems are Y2K compliant, and will not be able to offer access to the electronic resources which aze replacin� paper-based resource in the information service field. TOTAL A.MOUNT OF TRANSACTION: S I.000,000 COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDI�i'G SOURCE: donations ACl'IV'ITY NUMBER: GL 35033422 FI�ANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIn� �c ,�,�„�,� E � g � , �� Ss ::s.tw�,F y,r..`o::.^`atY..^£4 N�','.'P:{`��,�" �r�"�' =`.� �,� ali monizs tlonated to the librnry tluough T7ie Friends �� ������� °�'�" �ft l 1 l°99 c�umoocsvo�s.cax � �� �� �� ���m���� - +-• Council Fi1e # - l�l � ��S 0 R f G� NA L RESOLUTION Green Sheet # �� E���p - �„����CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /I Presented By � "•" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, The Library will receive funds from The Friends of the Library to replace the Library's Integrated Oniine Library System as part of The Friends capital campaign, and WHEREAS, The Library will be purchasing the system in 1999, and WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.01 of the city charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1999 budget, and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1999 budget: LIBRARY AIDS AND GRANTS FUND - 350 Financing Plan Current Change Amended 33422 The Friends of the Library 6905 Donations All Others 902,505 247,233 1,149,738 1,000,000 -0- 1,OOQ000 1,902,505 247,233 Spending Plan 33422 The Friends of the Library 0856 Data processing software -0- 0857 Data processing hardware 700,000 All others 449,738 1,149,738 800,000 200,000 -0- 1,OOQ000 2,149,738 800,000 900,000 449,738 2,149,738 RESOLVED,.That the City Council approves these changes to the 1999 budget. Approval Recommended: Budget Direetor Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary By: Appr By: ov�by Ma�r: � te _�r��LV ��% ` <C� aa.a�s Requested by Department of: Libraries BY• (A�L4// �GU�'^� Form App�e�,ed by City orney � By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council • By: / Adopted by Council: Date � �,y ��� � 99���Fr DEPARTMEhT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: DATE INITTATED GREEN SHEET No.: 64126 Libraries March 4, 1999 CO_VTACT PERSON & PAO?QE: � Itv`7RALDA7E L�'ll'IALDATE Doug Guthrie 266-7078 ASSIGI� 1 D£PARTMEVT DIR. 3/1 5 CITY COIJ\CIL NUMBER /� Yy FOR 3 CITY ATI'ORNEY CITY CLERK D1USf BE ON COIINCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) 120UTI�'G � M3LCI1 24 1999 ORDER 2 FIN.ADiCIAL SERV DIR b FIN:4�'CIAL SERVICES/ACCT 9 MAYOR(ORASST.) CIV[LSERVICECOMMISSION TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL I,OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrioN x�uESrEb: Approval of Council Resolution increasing the budget for the Library's Fund 350, Library Aids and Grants, to replace the Library's Integrated Online Library System (IOLS) and the Library's technology infrastructure to support the new system, as part of the Friends Capital Campaign. RECOMtv1ENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rzject (R) PERSONA[. SERVICE CONTRICTS MtiST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLAN1v1NG COMMISSIOIV CNIL SERVICE COMNIlSSIOA' 1. Hu this persoidfimi ever worked under a comract for th�s deparunent? CTB CObIMITTEE � STAFF 2. Hu this person/fimi ever been a ciry employee? �DISTRIC7 COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIV6? 3. Does this persodfirm possess a skill not normally pos�essed by any cuaem city empluyez? Expinin all pes answers on separate sLeet a�d attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Whq K7wt, R�hen, \Afiere, Why). The Friends have raised funds to replace the IOLS and supporting technology infrastructure throughout the Library system. The existing IOLS and electronic infrastructure do not support current information technology, and are not Y2K compliant. These funds will give the Library the opportunity to better distribute electronic resources and to offer easier-to-use interfaces to those resources. AD�'ANTAGES IF AYPROVED: The Library will be able to replace the existing systems with technologies that will allow the Library to operate mission criticat systems in the light of Y2K issues. The library wili be abie to offer an enhanced interface with the Library catalog and indexes, and to ofter electronic information services that are quickly replacing paper-based information resources in the Library industry. DI5ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: None .DISADtiANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The Library will not have sufficient funds to replace the IOLS and the supporting infrastructure. The Library will be unable to ensure that its mission critical systems are Y2K compliant, and will not be able to offer access to the electronic resources which aze replacin� paper-based resource in the information service field. TOTAL A.MOUNT OF TRANSACTION: S I.000,000 COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDI�i'G SOURCE: donations ACl'IV'ITY NUMBER: GL 35033422 FI�ANCIALINFORMATION:(EXPLAIn� �c ,�,�„�,� E � g � , �� Ss ::s.tw�,F y,r..`o::.^`atY..^£4 N�','.'P:{`��,�" �r�"�' =`.� �,� ali monizs tlonated to the librnry tluough T7ie Friends �� ������� °�'�" �ft l 1 l°99 c�umoocsvo�s.cax � �� �� �� ���m����