88-1254 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /J �{ / CANARV - OEPARTMEN T �/�✓/�/{�� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. A �<<� - Co ncil Resol�tion Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #71794) for a Class III Entertainment License applied for by Limelight, Inc. DBA Everybody's at 369 Cedar Street be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz � Rettman g�;�r A gai n s t BY Sonn�--^� Wilson JUL 2 81988 Focm Ap oved by City Attorney Adopted by ouncil: Date • - I �/ rj/ 7 �f Certified Pa.s uncil S etar By gy. Approved b Ylavor. ate JUL 2 9 i7oU Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � � By �a�t..J���` � lJ�� �.. � �,�.� �„�� �d�`'/ �' Mr. J. Carchedi Gt�E�� ���� No: �0�0 5 oa+* v�o� o�,,w;,.�MO�c,o� µ►�+�+�er�, Kris Schweinler-VanNarn ,,��, _ �m��*�� �«�� � "� . `"°�"°. � �*�, 2 Counci 1 Research F:' : 298- °"°ra�: � «��,�� — . .. R _ Application for a Class III Entertainment LiEens+� Notification Date: 7-20-88 Heari Date: - 7-28-88 �nor�:t�v►a+c�)or ael�c(flt) cot�c�.aesc�►ncN��voar: _ , _, . �PIANWINO QOMMISSION qVIL SEHVICE CONM�SSbN DATE IN .. . � � OA7E 011T � �. ANAiv9T .� . .... .: . P1K7NE NO. � . . . . � �►JMO O�ION 18D 8?b SCHOOL BOARD .. � . � � . . � . .. � . . .� -$TAFF . GNNTER Cd1A18910N � COMPLETE A3 18 . � ADDL MM�O.ADOED* . . �FiE'F'Tl TO CONfA�T .. � �T7TUBiT . .. . . . . _F(fR AL�SL 7iF�0 � _-FEE06AGC ADOED• : � DIBTRICT OOIMCIL . *EXPLANATION: . . � . . . . . . . .. . .8UP►ON'TS�YNMCROOIIIiCII OBJEC'fiVE7 � . . ._ �� . . . � � . � . . . . � . �.` .. � . '�R7fp1110l6lM.M811E.OPrOR1UNRY M�ho�VYf1�.WI7lII�Wf19f6,WhY): ', L�melight Inc. DBA Everybody's request Council , approval 'of the `C1ass :ITI Entertainment License applicatian at 369 Cedar S€. _ _ Council Research Center � JUL 211988 � _ .�,.��: , .. ,. , --.: _ All appl_ications and fees have been submitted. A11 required _ departments have reviewed and approved this application. QOI�OB•lMl�.w1Mn.end To wnon�: , . , . . "..: ,.' , : ' If Council approval 1s not received, Lime1ight .I�nc. wi11 not be allowed to have entertainment at this location. �c,,�: pnos ca�s ""��Police reports r.ECeived by License Division indicated a check by �he SPPD on � July 7, 1988 .r.egarding the entertainmer�t report indicat�s ther�e w�re 3 mem�ers in the band and that no patrons were dancing. A contract gi�ren tv us by L��light "., �,�: �.. . was no license violation. �,!/STORY OF iPO1180RINd F4RW llidi: . - + , . �. , r � `f'srl11GEF10�R�tust) _ �c+.-.� �, �w�L�+rt(v,N� r�Tro+uW.e csum�e�ce�n�1,: , :t . j FI�IA#1iC1AL IMPACT �r r�cs�o�> vr�►n ra,Es a�►nNa�ooer: �ftiES OENERATED ............... .. . ; E7(PENSES: ,. Selarfes/Frinpe Benelits............................................. ......: ;: : �.............................................................................. ' ��... .. ..._... .... . . _� .... Conft'aefs for Se�vice....................._.......... ....... ...... : Od�er , PiiOFlT(4085) ........:........ ......... ......... ...:................ -. . � .. ` :, .'. FUMbINfi SOURCE FOR ANY L03.4(Name erM A71wuM) � : _, . C�PIT#L IMPROVEMEtiT BU06ET: ' , t DESIffN COSi'S:................:.............................................................. , �►��. .... ... ... .... ..,.. •• , _ C�1�TRUC71pN COSTS , . � _,. .- ' 7�E1TAL........:.................................................................:............... . .. sO1JNCE oF RM��II�Ni(Harne and a�wurn) . _ #N+ACT ON�1JDQET: AMOUMt CURRENTLY BIIDGETED. ........ . ..:..:. .,.. _ � _ .. , ,,,:__ —t. - , , . • , : �.' . . .. AMOUNT qr DCCESS OF t�l�fi'BtlDGEf �` �OtlRCE�AMOUNi OYER BWOEr............................. ........ ; ,, � ; P�4PER7'Y TAXES 6E111ERATED (�.OST) ........: ' � ATION RESPONSIBILITY: DEP�/OFFlCE - - - DMSION FUND TITtE , � . , .. . � . . . . .. ,. . . ..: � � '. �9liD8ET ACTNlTY NtMABER&TittE JICTIVITV MANAC,�q ' . � � �l10YII PER�'OpIfANCE WIIL BF�: � � PROBRAM C9JEC71VES: PROGRAM INDICATORS 18T YR. 2N0 YR. EYALUATION RE8POt1&&L1TY: , > - ; ; : -_-.. . � PERSON " . . � dEPT. � � PHONE NO. -. �'7'CJ�GOlNYCH.OF� �� . F1RST QUARTERLY ` _:.:. y.,. , . . , .a �����iK��. �%� � DIVISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT ADMIIvISTRATION DATE ��� �1� / ��L�!'�S INTP,RDFPARTh1FNTAL REVIEW CHECKLZST A.ppn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �V Home Address � �(p� �l Q�S-� .�_�c�-j , (`�r� a.�i � �,��c9-• �A-l- _�oe� Rusiness Name �(�e(y�j�, H e Phone �� �f,�C�.�c.(.(o fiusiness Address 3(Q� Cp(�a� � , Type of Lic.ense(s) �(,L�S ^t�'j� Business Phone ��j - C(Q ((,) l-f��y�{{Y����' Public Hearing Date a �� License I.D. 4� `��. `'�� c.� at 9:00 a.m. in the C inci Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �C llate Notice Sent; ��7'��'"��-( Dealer �� � �- to Applicant � �p � �e'aeral I'i.rearms �� 1� ��t' Pub.lic Ne�.iring DATE TNSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS Ap roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � � �� � �k Health Divn. /�� - ' ( � • 'W 'h CJv� � � Fire Dept. i� � • i . I f I � Police Dept. � I � A � License Divn. ✓� I ' l �� � City Attorney �' �` � � �' ) Date Received: Site Plan 1/1 �� To Council Rpsearch '� `'(�1 Q'� Lease or Letter Date f rom Landlord V1, City o: 5atut Paul Llcensr_ anc! Permic Uivision . , • Roum 203 �ity Hall � ��� " ' Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � ' - '' "'" � A.DPLICATIOIv FOR ENTERTAIPfiLNT LICENSE � ` PLEASE COMPLETE ALL ITEMS LISTED BELOW 1. Applicant/Company Name /�-�� ` / G/ � � Telephona �. 2. Businass Name , � . £�_r� � _ �� ar , !/��_�� �� 3. Business Address STREET: J (o � �� � �.— Number Name Direction Type 4. Mail to Address STREET: �G�i..� Number Naae Direc:ion Type S� s� Gc. K.� /�/iL/ ����� City State Zip Code S. Name of Applicant ���.1� � G-�. �G�.! �_�/ , (/�"Teiephone�i/L - `7��7 /> yJ� Individual/Partner/Officer�— Area Code/Number 6. Applicant Address STREET: ��� �o� �o w� Number Name Direction Type L,�, .S r�.�� w/ h'lN 5'.T'�/� (:ity ' State Zip Code 7. Type of Business: Restaurant Club � Hote.1/Motel 8. Manager in Charge ��,Y��e U�,.,�e��-� C1/�d 2 A/ �l� �"�y� Firsc Name Middle Last Date o Birth 9. Manager Home Address STREET: ���� U ��/ e i� C' Number Name Direction Type G✓, S'f , G�a,u. / T�'!/V ��S—// � City State Zip Code Telephone�/2� - y1�7��y� Area Code Number Orig. Date of Employment 10. Class of Entertainment (Check appropriate box.) ❑ Class 1 - Amplified or non-amplified music and/or singing by une performer, and group singing participated in by patrons of the establishment. ❑ Class 2 - All activities allowed in Class 1, plus amplified or non-amplified music and/or singing by three or fewer performers. � Class 3 - All activities allowed in Class 1 and 2, plus amplified or non-amplified music and/or singing by performers without limitacion as co number, and dancing by patrons to live, taped, or electronically-produced music, and which may also permit volleyball and broomball participated in by pa[rons or guests of the licensed establishment. � Class 4 - All activities allowed in Class i, 2, and 3, plus stage sliows, skits, vaude- ville, theater, contests, and/or dancing by performers without limitation as to number, including pxtron participation in any of the a'_urementioned. 11. Specify exact area(s) where Entertainment will be provided. ( ���/ ((/�a.h ['�� ��I V� , 12. If dancing is proposed for the public, specify the amount of floor space maintained for dancing in the form of a scaled drawing or blueprinc. 1J. 4fiat days and times will Entertainmenc be provided. 9;�iv � � ���J G. . ��� .f?�G- y vta c r�. .r, . / � . %��o li/�.���.�-� Applicant's Signature � / 3CB lst d''o��0 �/ 2nd� • �C� -��'� � ;; r-�,;- p �-�� 3rd '7 / •, - :; ,.-�. Ado ted � �,�(� . �- Yeas Nays - � DIMOND C�U" �����J. coswzTZ / 7.5"9l LONG = � ' RETTMAN _ SONNEN WILSON MR. PRESIDENT, SCHEIBEL : � . , _ _ . - . .. . � .i.: " _ _ � / . ... � . _ � . . . ' .