88-1242 N�HITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �� //�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT ���[[� BLUE - MAVOR � FII@ NO. T" Council Resolution - L� � , ��, � , Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #60354) for a General Repair Garage License applied for by Cas-Dahl Auto Service, Inc. DBA Cas-Dahl Auto Service at 1745 Grand Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �og [n Favor Goswitz �p Rettman ✓ ��;�,�. A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson JuL L 8 �8 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Pas ncil Se a gy rv �� g�. Approved Mav . te Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B� .-v �...--� BY Pl3�iS�iED ,. ',..� �::a � 1988 �„�.�,.� �„�� _ ��'/�S/�- . � Mr. �. Carchedi G RE�1V S►HEE'1'` r+ro. ��2�6'0 �. . ,_ - � � DEPARlMENT DIRECTOR � � � MAYOR QOR 71�19TNin�. . . R k "s�s�o" — �.��� �`�� . � �u�re�n r� — _ _ aourn� ��R� � Counci 1 Researeh �. - � . � ORDER]- � � CtTV ATTOflNEY .� . � . . . . . . � � ' . .. � . . . . . � ,- . . � . � .. Application for a General Repair Garage License ' i a ion Date: 7-14-88 Hearin Date: 7-28-8F3 � :(aPWove(N or BeJsct(Rl) COUt�K9L.RE,�EARCH REPOR'fc PIJV�NMHQ COMMI9610N CML SERVICE COMAtS310N DATE IN . DATE OUT� � ANAIVST- . � Pf1QVE NO. . �. . . ZOIMN(i COMMIBBION . IBD 82b.3CFbOL BOARD � � � � � . - - � . . . � -�—. . . , , - . . . . �$TAFF. � � CFIARTER COWAISSION . .. . �C�APIETE AS IS � ADDL MIFO.ADDED*� . � FlETU TO CANiA�T �.��PIB'ErR1EM . . . � _ -_WR ADDt INFO. . �_FEEDBi1C'K AODEO*. �. � D16{RICT WUIK�L . � . . . . *EXPIANATIOtJ: . . . �. . .. .. .��SUPPOPIf8 WHICFI COUIICIL OBJ6C7NE9 ... � � . ., . . _ - � � � � � .. . . . . , .. . . fr11ATN18 tIKlW.EII,I�MJB.QP/ORIINIRY(WFw,Y4het,Wh�O�1IV11lfl.VYhy): Cas-Dah1 Auto Service Inc. DBA Cas-Dah1 Auto Service requests Council `approval of its appli'cation for a General Repair Garag� l:icense at 1745 Grand. Avenue. Council Research Center -.��.+�►�+,�.�:�: J:llL �� 19�$ A11 fees and applications have been submitted. All required departments have giv.en their approval - Building, Fjre, .Police and Licensing. . �twt,n.wna�.ma rc wnomy: , . - _ If Council approval is given, Cas-Dah1 Autv Service wi11 be able tv operate at 1745 Grand Avenue. If Counci1 approval is not given, Cas-�h1 Auto.Service wiT1 be unable to op�rate. _ .. K�,a►rn�s: • . . v�s coNs NO1'E: Sinclair Oil dispenses th gasoline at this address and �as_; obtained a gas stati n license. Cas-Dah1 1eas s space � from Sinclair Oil . . �aronrnro�cr�+�rs: _ �- u�,►i�: Y 1 ' , , C/� ��/��� � UIVISION OF LICENSE ANI) PERMIT ADMINISTRATION llATE ��� / INT�,RDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �S - �� � �.��.�,���,�rc�k:��Iome Address ���2 �-}- �, �� .�� GZ T � s�� �_ Rusiness Ivame .���� �-��Q�(j«. Home Phone � a, � -n1n G3 Business Address �`� ��� ,�_vG�,.,_JJC� Y-tn Type of Lic.ense(s) ,��Q,(�� 1 _�;�y� Business Phone CjG,rC�,G�Q. � c�' r( Public Hearing Date � +x. License I.D. 4f �2(� 35'I- at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chamb �rs, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� a3o 8"al�� llate Nutice Sent � aler 4� �'(� to Applicant /�� rederal P�_rearms 4� n �}- Public Hearing DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (GOMPUTER) CUMMENTS A proved Not A roved � Bldg I & D n � � g � p /�. Health Divn. ' ' ' � rLC� ' l.'�-C- , i Fire Dept. I ( �; ��� �� , o,� � , Police Dept. � �—� ��� � � � License Divn. I a� ` o � City Attorney y 6y � � � �(/, I�..� 00 Date Received: Site Plan l.C� L 15�1�� s-� � � �� To Council P.esearch � Lease or Letter D te £rom Landlord lQ I �� ! � +t3:'G�:�jMa7`'-.��qr .. ._ '.. '._._ .. .. . -�. �r�e .. ..-_ ... - -s�---�.�.. _." „y,�'..-._.r... �.-.. " ' " ' • " _ - � L n e // . � � �// f�j��� �e��r ' City of Saint Paul �— W ! � � � Department of Finance and Management Services ' /' , � , License and Permit Division r ��7 � . 203 City Halt� l0 St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-29&5056 � '- , , APPLICATI�N FOR LICENSE CASH �CNECK,^ CLASS NO.`• New enew ; ��; �'a ; r� � � , s �� oate -i ,� � Code No. Title of license � -- � � "� �� i^ _ ' <' ��• From � � 19 '�Tb ' � 19V � %:� � �P;.�o--,-� � '�> u r � � G! s � /� ( �'''":_v7,^Q, �� � ,"��. , /'� n � ' � J 1� t � � — �.l �' ;�� l .�•-J --��� App1icanUCompany I�fame � �°° ��'� ,. � — - % _i , 100 Buslness Name . / .r, � ,�__,__. - r I.� ,r._.i- . 100 J �� / !� r-�,.-./'� �-/�,i Business Address Phone Na 100 � ���1 .1{`_�/ 100 Mail to Address Phons Na 100 ManapedOwner-Nams 100 ' 100 AtanageHGwner•Home Address Phone Na , dp98 Applicatfon Fee Z 5a Recefved the Sum of �pp . 'l� �/ ,� _� ManagedOwner•Clty,State&Zip Codr 100 ; TOtal 700 � I . ' /�� r-, �^�� I': 1' �'� I� f � � / �.�"��i � � � � i l u � '.1 ,r.�.� ' '1 License �nspector %^�� _ -' gy: , /� j. '\ �`' � '�.l' �" , %-1.��1i"��i ;�'-'� i Sfgnature of Applicant r �_ �, j , . � ` i Bond• � _ Company Name Policy No. Expiration Oats- insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiratioo Oate Minnesota State Identification No. 0�3� �So��s Social Security No. Vehicie Informatio�: Serial Number late Number Other. THIS IS A RECFIPT FOR APPUCATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for license wiil either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordlnanCe and completion of the inspections by the Health, Fire,Zoning and/or License Inspeciors. � � $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS � , d � , � �°��al $ $ � � o�- �S-�g . . , �����z , , `�i 'o �w1�.�� , d- �.�y ��e�ti r �°�°`�`� �,�� \ , l�f`PC L JC�tct�-211`� � �!�-�*�1e5 � � ���o �� � f�c�5'� -t�►e �e p�� � �+�` s -�o � e���� 1 � � +�c ,�} � �J` �� ���0 .�o�i �S .�9-� /?5�S �r�� � d�� . P -�,�- t- t'�4�.�.l , .��J . s S(0 5 , � -��^c��c .�� �vc��-�`r �• �� ��� �-�C�s s���e �,t,v� r����� ��u c . S c ���� � l� w ` ,� �-� ap.�,�,►4-�.1, i � -�.�e �,qs ,�'�-r}�` ° °v S' ,�e� � � r 1 � . . . ���a�� . � , ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR'PI�'P OF FIRABCE ARD MARAGS�'P S81tVICES LICF.�SE ARD PERI�IIT DIVISIOR Thest statement forms are issued in d�aplicate. Please aas�rer all qneatioas tiil.ly aad completely. This application ia thoraughly checked. Any falsilicsLion xill. be esuse for denial. nate (�� - /y-S�'� 19 1. Application for �!` � (Licease) (Pesmit) 2. Name ot sppli cant !�f} l /` : � '�/`S 3. If applicant is/hss beea a msrx�ied female, list maiden name b. Date of bizth �/- ,�.7�_� Ag�� Place of birth ��'• �¢}� � �'��(,'�. 5. Are yau a citizen ot the Unfted Statea �/•�s Astiv+e Raturalized z"_` �__ — 6. Are yo�u a registered voter �� Where 7. Home addresa _1_3 Z:�� h �.�Citl��t�l l �� Aome telephone 6/,=�-:3,��� V R. Present business sddreas Business telephooe . �� 9. Including yaur present businesa/emplvyment, v�st bnsiness�e�loyment hs�+e yat followed Por the past� five yeara. Busineas/F�loyment Address �'le�:�a-�-�� o,���'��,�'�-��e h �c� a. �� . _OT) � �I��• �,p � t _C� � (`� ���.-, . � 10. hfarried ��S ZP ans�rer is ",vea", list name aad addresa ot spause T"— _C�^.(`�S`�tti� � - _�,��r���S / 7-5' �i;Uc�t�/1� �J� 21. �iave you ever been arrested Por an offense that hss reavlted in s coavictioaT�� I2 ansti+er is ",yes", list dates of arrests, rrt�ere, chargea, comrictioas sod aantences. Date of arrest 19 �here CHAF.GE CONVZCTION SffiITB(CE Date o: arrest 19 Where Cf�ARGr CDNVIC'PiOiI S�� 12. List the names and addresses (if married, name or spouse also) ot all perao�ns, � corporations, partnerships, associations or organizations which in aqy wsy "hav+e: � a. A mortgage interest in the licensed premise, �o t�� b. A security intereat in the licensed premises, license, or fnrniahings of the licensed premise, ! � ._l.. G . c. A prvmissory note for Punds loaned Por the operat3on of the licensad pre�ise or the pnrchase ot'the license, � ,�c�� d. Financially contributed t the purchase f the remise or the license it- self e. Ar�r other interest either direct or indirect, either Pinancial or otherwise i in the licensed premise or the license itself, l�p� 2. Attach a copy hereto o! arry and all documenta referred to in this atfidavit. 1?. Give namea aad addresses oP two persons, residents of St. Paul, Minaeso�t.a, rho can give intormation coacerning you. AAI� �s IyCv� + ,a ; h O�J� 14. Addreas of-premises for Whi�ch Licease or Permit is made i 7y:-°i ���.��~''` � ���i4� Addreaa /`7L��S' ���4iUN����? Zone clasaificstion�� 15. Between s+hat croas streets ��1��e�N,�'Z�„�f��-1 �PU��i_h side of stnet �n� 16. Naae under Which this business rrill be conducted �.,cK - ��,�1,e�n ��;'t)j,CL_ 1K;`' C 17. Buainess telephcne rnanber � lp. Attach to this application, a detailed description of the design, location, aad square footage oP the premises to be licensed �9. 1.re premises nrn+ occupied What business H�v► long . ., . �-�-��� . 20. List license which you currently hold, or former�y held, or me�q have an intere in ,C9nl 9 � ...�._. 21. Have a of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been sevoked. Yes No �. IP answer- is "yes��, list dates sad reaaona: i 22. Do ,Y�ou have an intereat of a�r type in arLy ot,her businesa or business premiaes. .!/G�- � I' answer is "yes", list business, business address aad telephone nvmber._! . 23. If business is incorporate�, give date of incorporation D G'l D ' 19� and at�ach capy of Articles of Zncorporation and minut,es of firat meeting. 24. List all officers of the corporation giving their names, ofSice held, hame address, and home. and business telephone n�bers: �/.T t��?.� � � 25. If business is partnership, list partner(s) address. aad te3reph�e nt�mbers: � Address 11e1.Fo. - 26. Is there a �yone else w}�o will have an i�erest in thia business or premises4 ,�(�a�,.(�`'�i Ii answer is "yes", give name hame addreas, telephone n�bers and in rhat � �s��? manner is their intereat: I /' !a7�"j����;).v �� � Co9o-�3�y 3 �� �,4-l.<< t a S a .1�� I n� � r _.v�.� . wc•�. �„��1.f���.�,`�a� �< �ao�s �"� �'�,`�.o �!�'�- ��u � , ;c.l,��, �a�- .�"�Sa 21. Are yrnr goin�z to operate this business peraonal]yC�j��S it not, xho vill. vQerate it: '�� R� Hax address Tel.Ao. _� �O. Are you going �o have a !�ana�er or assistant in this business? If answer is� � ��yes", give name an� ho:ae address and home telephone number: Name Home address T�1.No. 29. Has arlyone yau have named in questions 22 throu�h 25 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes", list name of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, comric- tions and sentence 1 � ?0. I derstand this premise may be in- spected by t po i e,` fire, healt and other city officials at a�r and all times when he business is in oper tion. State of Nlinnesota) )SS Couaty of Ramsey ) ,� � being first du�y s�+orn, deposes and says upon oat that h h read the foregcing statement bearing his signature and kaovs the contents thereof, and tha.t the same is true of his own l�ossledge exctpt as to those matters therein stated uport information and belief and as to t se matte he be- lieves them to be true. � Subscribed and svorn to beYoze me ' S ature of Applic t this day of 19 c�� Not ic, �ey�Coy� Minnesota '�ty ssion expires "=� ��A•OO�A[fN OAKOTq��OTA � � MY COAAA,�.IXPIFtES A(JQ 21. 1$41 w .�1,^� ��f���. , , . � CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPAR2'!�lVT OP' FIl�ABCE ApD MAAAC�4T SffitVZCES - LICENSE AND PIItN�T DTPISIOR . These stateme� farms are issved in d�licate. Plesse aaswer all qnestions !ul]y aad complete�y. This application ia thorough3y checked. /1ny tnlaiiicstion will be cause tor denial. nste �'� �i� i9 �r 8' 1. Appl i cat i on Por- v�.�•�.1�_w�,�, ' ���n� A� v" ��,�-,_,c�_�/� �(Li cense) (Permit) 2. Name o! appli csnt � „ a (�,� L a r r V �� � . 3• If applicant is/has been a mnrried Pemale, list maiden name �+. Dste of birth '– �_? Age �d place o! birth �T, �c� � � j�3'1 /v 5. Are you a citizea ot the United�tatee � P_S Astive � Faturalized __ b � 6• Are yau a registered voter Where � 7. Home address �.',� �'°) /,�a �D� r n r� W A:1'� [�p �./r�� Aame telephOrie �'�,�.24 � � � rn�SC . Present busineas addTQQB �����,��^�a T /ra so U,�//P Bnalaeii �1Qp600� _ - - ��. 9. Inclu6ing your present businesa/emploqmeat, �s,t- bnsiaess/eaplvymeat hsve yvn follo�ned for the past five y+ears. Busineas/F�+ploymeat Address �'�c �s r4 c�- _ . . �L sa7 w a��n �.�.r- -s l �Pes ,��,��Q .�, , � i � � JC�t � S l�. �/'%— 3%%v/n � I�oSe v, /�� .��Y ���5'/Qd �� �� OZSO '� LJr1�r► k't` SJ; .Poc� {��'�/� m�� 10. Mar�ied c� IP ans�rer- is ',vea", list name aad address o! apouse J�`�'� h��/��p,— C�Q � cJti,'�P �e� �- r� N ,s-s-��� Zl. ?�iave yw ever been arnsted for an oftense that has reaulted in a convictionY��Q I! ansti+er is "yes", list dates of arrests, where, charget, coavictio�os sad aeatences. Date ot arrest 19 Where s . �.l3r►i:� l�V�iV 11V11 S� Date o° arnst ' 19 Where CHARGE CONV ICTIOil S�� 12. List the names and addresses (if married, name o! spouse also) of al� persons, corporations, partnerships, associations or organizations ��ich in aqy rray�bave: ' a. A mortgage interest in the licensed premise, /��� � b. A security interest in tlx licensed premises, license, or ivrnishings of the licensed premise, � �i n C�� �rR �A/�r iC �'�► �. .�F�C c. A promissory note Por funds loaned for the aQerati� of the licensed premise or t� purchase ot 'the license, ��� d. Financially�COntributed to the purchase of the premise or the license it- self i(/ —T e. ArLy other interest either direct or indirect, either Pinancial or othernrise i �in the licensed premise or the license itself, Attach a copy hento oY ari,y and all documenta relerred to in this alYidavit. 1?. Give namea and addreases oP t�ro peraons, res�dents of St. Pavl, Minnesvta, who can give� information concerning- you. � � ADDRESS /9 C�c�e m � l� � ��`�4 hlo. ��n 7t�- y�q -3 s� �-- L7r �� I�..SC �i /Da/ /�r'�i �e l YFS� -9c��' 14. Addreas of premises for �rhi�ch License or Permit is made a . Addreaa 1�y C' ��.-,a...����_ Zone classiticatioa —� 15. Bet�reen what cross streets ��/ ,�,� � ���,�e�pr�+Riich side of street�iVQ/`�"''` 16. fta�ae under� which this busineas rrill be conducted ���j- f�.l►1 �t� 5'P��ee..c�7tx� 17. Buaiuess tclephobe rnanber i 1Q. Attach to this a�pplication, a detailed description oP the: design, location, and square Pootage of the premises to be Iicensed �9. �.re oremises nor occupied What business Ho� long . . . � ����� 20, List license wt:ich you currently hold, or for�er�y held, or mey have an intere in x/(� , 21. Have aay of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes No ��If anarer is "yes", list dates and reasona: 22. Do you have an intereat of ar�y type in arly other buaiaeas or businesa premiaes. I� answer is ��yes", list business, busineas address and telephoae number.� 23. If business is incorporated, give date ot incorporation _� �—/ Q - �' 19�' . and at�ach capy of Articles of Zncorporation and miautes of firat meeting. 24. List all officers oP the corporation giving their names, oftice held� h�e address, and home snd business telephone numbers: � . //�/_� D 25. If business is partnership, list partner(s) address and tel,epha� n�bers: � Addreas Tal.Fo. _� �_ 26. Ss there a�yone elae who will have an iaterest in thia business or� ps�emisesY If answer is "yes", give nsme homr addreas, telepho�e n�bers aad in vhst manner is their interest: 1�1� �'f��,'�, _ �,a d� ^�' '2���r nf�o y. � v e�90 - 3z y �-► � ��l „ ( a. I /'-?9 2 F l/k� r c.v c� �.J, c Q)l, ;T e t���i- m�'s'si'�o �1 n�. ��� ��'C �o/fv S�/ , �a c`l h'I� -�� �_�Z 2?. Are-you goin�r to operate this business peraon8l�j►� i! aot, tirt►o xill operste it: R�� q ' Hame aaaress I 2 7.S C r xi ce�� A�'�1.Ao.G=3 Z y3 Are you going to have a Mana�er or assistant in this business? If aas�er is � � "yes��, give name and ho:ne address and home telephone number� Name � ' l ' Home address Ttiel.No. 29. Has ar�yone you have named in questions 22 throu�h 25 ever b�en ar.�ested? If answer is "yes", list name of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, comric- tions and sentence i 3p. I ' understaad this premise me�y b� in- spected y t pol ce, fire, hea th and other city ofticials at ax�r and all times when t business is in op ration. State of Winnesota) )SS Cowzty of Ramsey ) being first du�y sworn, deposes and s�ys upon oath that he has read the Poregoing statement bearing his si�ature and lmars the coatents thereof, and that the same is true of his own l�ewledge exctpt as to those matters therein stated upon information and lief a.nd es to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. Subscribed and sxora to Poze me �/ Signature oP Applics.a thi s � da�y of 1?�a � �' ` No Public, County, Minnesota , !�fy ca�ission expins .�, ��a.ODA�N A DAI�TA CWNTY � MY COhAM.EXPIRES AU6.21. 1991 r 0 � ' �� . �'������'. � � CI'TY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTI�AT dF FIl�AHCE APD MAAAGS�!!t 38RYICFS LICEI�SE ARD FERMIT DIVISIOA These stateme:rt forrns are issued in d�glicata. Pleaae aasirer all queations iti31�y a� completely. This application is thorougti]y checked. Any falaification vill be csuse for denial. -- Dste _�,i,��;" � �� 19 ��� 1. ApplicatioD Por ( ?�l✓E�:%n.t_ l�C�+r,? �^r?•1l>!= .... (License) (Permit) 2. Aame of appii cant v�rT�� �J�,,:`,;2�) rl/�N�. i? 3. IP applicant is/haa been a married female, list maidea name �., r. b. Date of birth � �i� �/ 1 Age �� Place of birth N�.c,i�G;ic , �/<�•,' ,�r' .� ,, �,.,. -�._ � � rl+. 5. Are you a citizen ot the United States `.'C� Rstiv�e ;'�.S Aaturalized --- i 6. Are yau a registered voter `�C:� Where ;�1�+,2t c i �r�� �� il� 7. Hove addnas �`� � `' �' "- ,, . `'`., ` �y ''(1�� �i�i: c.�_ � ��i'� `/ �;, ,��� f'��N,�/ AC�e �.l�A�d �- �`U '� � i 8. Present busineas a,ddreas Buainess telephone -- . �. 9. IACluding yaur present business/emQloyment, vhat bnsiness/ea�loyoeat ha�s yon followed for the past five years. Bus inea s/F�ployment p,d�*a I o✓✓�ZC�S✓�.�.`.' i�l/c�.n. �-s�t, G.1� ?�j� i��n/�,.��j ?�`7 ^^ ,/.c ����- �". � i ..�✓� � /'� C J� . :llL�' /'7rIVA� r3,��«r���� S WccNC� �A�ac.✓ '�6 ,�a. ���C �; �` r�:.� ,�„�,✓ ,., �'" � .�_-- 10, i�(arried !C� IP ans�rer is ',vea", list name and address ot spouse Cu��, JC�,�1 �''�s:-� �r�. j��l.�,'� nv; =: f , i�i`b�- �vI/N��/• ,.�jJ/��X 21. Fiave you ever been arrested for an olfense ttiat has resul.ted in a coaviction! .�%Cs, It answ�er is "yes", list dates of arrests, where, cbarges, comrictioas and � aentences. Date ot arrest _ �!/2,�c� lg Where CAAFGE� --- COPVICTION S8i4TIInCE Date o£ arrest -- 19 Where Cf�ARGr _._. CONVIGTIOi1 — S�� 12. List the names and addresses (iP married, name of spanse also) ot all perao�na, corporations, partnerships, associations or organizations W�ich in aay wsy hav�: ' a. A mortgage interest in the licensed premise, ,�✓:>-��' b. A security interest in the licensed prrmises, license, or it�rnishings of the � licensed premise, �i,,.t C�„c /%�•4."kC_"Ti N�, ��/C _ c. A promissory note tor funds loaned for the aperation o! the licensed premise or the purchase o! 'the license, ���:✓� d. Financially contributed to the purchase of the premise or the license it- self .�A�-�C� C �r�N�.c:� �L:��c: �;;�����5 - ✓/IY.vLCNt ;�= �,��.-�c: �C��, ^ e. ArLy other interest either direct or indirect, either Pinancial or otherwise i in the licensed premise or the� license itaelf, iv�s.�i� Attack a copy hereto of any at�d all documenta referred to in this affidavit. 1?. Give aamea and a�cldresses oP t�o pez�ons, resideats of St. Paul, Minnesota, Wtio can give intormation concerning you. NAME AD�R'FSS Av��,S;��`��} 1��si 33 �'-o, /;/,�,�t��,��r" .�✓ S�, ;='�-%., ,�,,,u,�, _ � �J�n:;3�2/Q �• �V�.;� /'/5�l �i.✓Cac..,.� :Z:! ji• nie�c../�/ei-✓ 14. Addreas of premfses tor ahich License or Permit is made Address j 7�,/S �c��`�4,[� ��Q Zone clasaificati�� 15. Bet�reen wizat croas streets � r ���I,ep`�./�Which side oY street��VA6`�"� 16. Na�e under vhich this business r+ill be conducted C ,r4*�'_ 1 l�l ��a'� �Q���e �� 17. Busiaess telephcne munber � 1�. Attach to this application, a detailed description of the design, location, aad square Pootage of the premises to be 1.icensed 19. '�.re oremises now occupied What business H� long .. • , ��0� /��� . - . � .` 2,0.. List l�cense Which you currently hold, or Pormerly held, or may have an iatere in �C '�_ i�J'� 21. Have a of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes No � . IP anawer is "yes", list dates aad reaaona: :^/ =; 22. Do you have an interest of ar�r type in a� other busineaa or business premises. I° answer is "yes", list business, busineas address aad telephone- aumber. r�/Q;Jc� 23. If business is incorporated, give da�e of incorporation �� — �C 19�� and attach capy oP Articles of Incarporation and mi�tes of f3rat meeting. 2�. List all ofPicers of the corporation giving their names, oP2ice held, heme address, and home and business telephone numbers: -✓�C � 25. If business is partnership, list partner(s) address and teleph� nt�bers: N� Address Z1e1.Ao. _� �� 26. Is therr ar�yone e who will have an iuterest in thia businesa or premisesY Zr answer is yes"� give name, hame- addreas, telepho�e n�bers and in rrhst manner is tbeir ntereat: ;C'�c.< <�,,���r- � ,o� t� , , c`- n_ -,,.�c:� ,✓ ,�„ � � .�� �C'�o -,3.��� 1 ��._/,�c J :i.l�iC / 9�? ,�/.s'� ,'�+.':2 iU•r.` I; ;� <,��r�'" S�d o'��C� 27. Are you goinq to operate this business peraonal�y ��/o if not, xho vi11 vperate it: Name Home address Te1.Ao. Are y�u going to have a t�ana.ger or assistant in this business? IS ans�er is ��yes", give name and ho:ae address and home telephone number: Name NU Home address Te1.No. 29. Has arLyone yau have named in questions 22 �hrough 26 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes", list name of person, dates of arrest, where, cherges, comic- tions aad sentence �o -� , � ' �/?��/ 30. I _,�._ ,�-�� understand this premise mey be in- spect'ed by the police, fire, ealth and other city oP2icials at a�r and a13. :times when the business is in aQeration. i��,\ State of �linnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) C - ing first duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath th has read the foregoing statement bearing his sigaature and lmrnrs the content� thereof, and that the same is true of his own 1�oWledge exctpt a to those . matters therein state3 �pon information and beZieP and. as to those matt�s he be- lieves them to be true. c Subscribed and svora to bePeze me �� � Signature oP Applica.at this day of 19 rrot blic, �����%o--��untv Miz�nesota My c�mnission expires �� -� ��A• ODAlE(r ;�'�-`• ���CWNTY�OTA MY(�p�.EXPIRES AtNi.21. 19G1 r s