88-1230 WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �G, a�� CANARV - DEPARTMEN T BLUE - MAVOR File NO. a � Council Resolution :�:; Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 1988 Memorandum of Understanding pertaining to certain non-represented Confidential Supervisory Employees. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested rtment of: Dimond ERSONNEL OFFICE ��g in Favor Gosw;tz Rettman Scheibel � Against BY Sonnen Wilson AUG 1 1���p Form pproved y i Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Yasse n 'l Se re By — � gy, Approved Mavor: AUG 2 �_ p►pproved by Mayor for Submission to�Council B}�--�� � BY � p�{.ISNEB �U G 2 p 1988_ < °r-� , n • /I//��'i/��� �.�� 1988 Memorandum of Understanding This Memorandum of Understanding shall apply to the employees holding the titles listed below. These titles are not represented by a bargaining unit. Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant--Public Works Affirmative Action Director Assistant Director of Personnel Assistant Fire Chief Assistant to the Mayor V Assistant to the Mayor VI Budget Director Chief Internal Auditor Chief of Police City Clerk & Commissioner of Registration City Attorney Council Investigation & Research Center Director Deputy Chief of Police Deputy City Attorney Director, Dept. of Comm. Services Director, Finance & Mgmt. Services Director, Public Works Director, Planning & Econ. Develop. Employee Benefits Manager Executive Assistant to the Mayor Fire Chief General Manager--Water Utility Labor Relations Director Labor Relations Manager Office Manager Personnel Assistant IV Personnel Director Personnel & Mgmt. Systems Analyst Personnel Manager Program Administrator Risk Manager System & Organizational Development Specialist Training and Development Manager 1. Salaries applicable to the titles listed above shall be increased $13.31 bi-weekly. This increase shall be retroactive to January 2, 1988. 2. In addition to the benefits approved under council file numbers 84-1736, 85-270, and 85-91, employees holding a title listed above shall be eligible for an employer contribution of $36.25 per month for dental insurance coverage provided currently under a plan administered by the St. Paul Supervisors` Organization. The effective date of this item No. 2 shall be the effective date of the resolution approving this Memorandum of Understanding. � � -1. C�►—o o. �� . : �' � � N°_ 014053 PF.RSI')NNF.T.-T.ARnR RF.T.ATTnNS DEPARTMENT " .TAMF:�r T.nMRARnT � CONTACT NAME 99R-4991 , PI'�ONE _TiTNF. 9�� l ORR i DATE ASSIt�N NUriBER FOR ROIITING ORDER: (See reverse side.) �0 � ���zq� - , � T�epartment Director 3 Mayor (or Assistant) �— _ Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk � Budget Director _ Oity Attorney _ F TOTAL NiTMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: �_ (Clip all locations for signature.) 0 C ? �PurposefRationale) THIS ItESOLUTION APPRO A 1988 MEMORANDUi�i OF UNDERSTANDING APPLYING TO CERTATN NON-REFRESENTED CONFIDENTIAL SL�PERVISORY EMPLOYEES. THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING EQUALIZES THE BENEFITS OF T�E NON-itEPRESENTED EMPLOYEES WITH THE BENEFITS OF THE EMFLOYEES REPRESENTED BY TIiE� SAIN� PAUL SUPERVISORS' ORGANIZATIQN. THE CHANGE IS THE SAME THAT IS BEI�NG PROPOSED FOR THE SAIN'�' PAUL SUPERVISORS' ORGANIZATION. THE CITY WILL BEGIN PAYING THE PREMIUM {$3b.25). FOR TI�E DENTAL INSURANCE AND $13.31 BI-WEEKLY WILL BE RETURNED TO THE EMPL�YEE'S BASE RATE. THIS AMOUI�T HAD BEEN PREVIOUSLY REMOVED FROM THE BASE RATES AND APPLIED TO THE C�ST' UF DENTAL INSURANCE. �T/iBBNEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACT$ _A_NTICIPliTED: FINANCIAL IMPACT: 1988: $13,000 for 34 employees T R���.���� `�(�� ?r / FIN INC SOIIR�E AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBEjt CHARGED OR CREDI7'ED: �'4Y��,, `�88 (�tayo�'s signature not required if under $10�000.) �O�r,j�� Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Nwnber: Funding Source: CounciJ Research Cent�r ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.) JuL �� � 1 - ATTACHMENT (1988 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING) 1 - CiOUNCiL RESOLUTION 1 - COPY CITY CLERK 1 - COPY PHYLLIS BYERS . ADNIN�ISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _'Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPAR$MENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council resolution required? Resolution required? "Yes _Na _Yes �No Insu�cance required7 Insurance sufficient7 iYes _No _Yes J�No Insurance attached? ������ _ � 9 Est. � Time 2:45 6. Resolution 88-1234 - amending the 1988 Capitai 1Vo action required Improvement 8udget by adding $114,485 for the Community Service Capital Naintenance Program. �Referred from Council July ZS) 2:50 7. Resolution 88-1235 - amending the 1988 Capital • Approved Improvement Budget by adding a56,000 to the Financing and Spending Pl�ans for Fire and Safety . Services for roof replaceme�ts. (Referred from Council July 28) PERSONI�L � 2:55 8. Discussion of process by Which Pe�sonnel Department No action required ' respo�ds to Orders and Decisions of the Civil Service Commission (i.e. the reclassification and hiring of Store�oom Manage�.) MISCEL4ANEOUS - 3:15 9. Discussion of Elder Council report on per diems Laid over to August IS paid by the city to membe�s of city boards, commissions and cortimittees. (Referred from � Rules and Policy Committee July 8) - 3:30 10. Ad,�ourn. --. �-- Additional Item Resolution 88-1229 - approving agre�nent between City of. Approved St. Paul and the St. Paul Supervi.sors' Organization. (Referred from Council August 4) � Additional item Resolution'�- approving 1988 Memorandum of Understanding Approved pertaining to certain non-represented Confidential Supervi.sory Employees. (Referred fran Council August 4) �