99-264oR����A�. Presentea Refesed To Council File # - e'� � Green Sheet # 62273 Committee Date /S 1 WHEREAS, the Legislarive Hearing O�cer recommends that license application (ID # 19980009070) for a 2 Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle License by Adrian R. Peterson, DBA Royal Star Liquidators, Inc., 415 3 Lexington Parkway North, be approved with the following conditions: 4 1) No mare than two vehicles may be displayed outside at any one time. This outdoor vehicle display area 5 shall be located as shown in the site plan, on file with the Office of License, Inspections, Environmental 6 Pzotection. There shall be no more than three vehicles displayed inside the license premises; 7 2) The vehicles on display must be fully operational with no parts missing; 8 3) There shall be no servicing or repair of vehicles on the site; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license with the recommended 10 conditions. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Coleman � Harris � Benanav ,/ Reiter � Bos4om �/ Lantry � ''Z O Ca 18 Adopted by Council: Date � � a.y,��"�q� 19 Adopfion C fied by Council Se etary 20 BY. ��-- ---- 21 Approved by Mayo ' ate ��ILlGlSG'l �� 6�� 22 By: RESOLUT(ON CITY OF �41f�T PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayar for Submission to Council � �•�.c� City Council Offices 3/12/99 � GREEN SHEET No 62273 Strathman, 266-8575 March 24., 1999 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES u �.,�,�„� u �.�.-- ❑ fJIYAiiOPIEY � OIYCIfRK ❑ n+.xcw.aErtvcuoa ❑ wuwu.�aom.�c.o � ❑ (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving application for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle License by Adrian R. Peterson, DBA Royal Star Liguidators, Inc., 415 Lexington Parkway North. PLANNING COMMiSS10N Cl8 CAMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IFAPPROVED Has this pe�rtn e�er xwked untler a wnUaU forthis departmenYt YES ND Has fhie DersoMfirm ever heen e cilY emPbYee't YES NO Do� this�pereaNfirm pocsesa a sldll not normallYPOSSessed bY �Y curtent dtY emd%'ee? YES NO IstMs pe�soNfinn a targeted vendoYt YES NO (a 9� e, r ii��a�aa2 .,�e��y,v:y,. �'.. .e;�. �,!:�.. _;. .: �..�.:�. OFTRAASACTION COSTIREVENUE BUDOETED lC1RCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE AGTNITY NNiBER (E7WwN1 ��_ �� 2�� MINUTES OF Tf� LEGISLATNE HEARING ROYAL STAR LIQUIDATORS, 415 LEXINGTON PARKWAY NORTH Thursday, Mazch 11, 1994 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, I.egislative Hearing O�cer Staff Present: Latry Zangs, License, Inspections, Environmental Protection (LIEP) Gerry Strathman called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m. No one appeared in opposition to the license. Adrian Peterson, owner, appeared. Gerry Strathman stated his office received two telephone messages in objection to this license; however, no conespondence was received, and no one is here in opposition. , Gerry Strathman moved approval of the license with the following conditions as recommended by LIEP: 1) No more than two vehicles may be displayed outside at any one time. This outdoor vehicle display azea shall be located as shown in the site plan, on file with the Office of License, Inspections, Environmental Protection. There shall be no more than three vehicles dispiayed inside the license premises; 2) The vehicies on display must be fully operational with no parts missing; 3) There shall be no servicing or repair of vehicles on the site. The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. rrn oR����A�. Presentea Refesed To Council File # - e'� � Green Sheet # 62273 Committee Date /S 1 WHEREAS, the Legislarive Hearing O�cer recommends that license application (ID # 19980009070) for a 2 Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle License by Adrian R. Peterson, DBA Royal Star Liquidators, Inc., 415 3 Lexington Parkway North, be approved with the following conditions: 4 1) No mare than two vehicles may be displayed outside at any one time. This outdoor vehicle display area 5 shall be located as shown in the site plan, on file with the Office of License, Inspections, Environmental 6 Pzotection. There shall be no more than three vehicles displayed inside the license premises; 7 2) The vehicles on display must be fully operational with no parts missing; 8 3) There shall be no servicing or repair of vehicles on the site; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license with the recommended 10 conditions. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Coleman � Harris � Benanav ,/ Reiter � Bos4om �/ Lantry � ''Z O Ca 18 Adopted by Council: Date � � a.y,��"�q� 19 Adopfion C fied by Council Se etary 20 BY. ��-- ---- 21 Approved by Mayo ' ate ��ILlGlSG'l �� 6�� 22 By: RESOLUT(ON CITY OF �41f�T PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayar for Submission to Council � �•�.c� City Council Offices 3/12/99 � GREEN SHEET No 62273 Strathman, 266-8575 March 24., 1999 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES u �.,�,�„� u �.�.-- ❑ fJIYAiiOPIEY � OIYCIfRK ❑ n+.xcw.aErtvcuoa ❑ wuwu.�aom.�c.o � ❑ (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving application for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle License by Adrian R. Peterson, DBA Royal Star Liguidators, Inc., 415 Lexington Parkway North. PLANNING COMMiSS10N Cl8 CAMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IFAPPROVED Has this pe�rtn e�er xwked untler a wnUaU forthis departmenYt YES ND Has fhie DersoMfirm ever heen e cilY emPbYee't YES NO Do� this�pereaNfirm pocsesa a sldll not normallYPOSSessed bY �Y curtent dtY emd%'ee? YES NO IstMs pe�soNfinn a targeted vendoYt YES NO (a 9� e, r ii��a�aa2 .,�e��y,v:y,. �'.. .e;�. �,!:�.. _;. .: �..�.:�. OFTRAASACTION COSTIREVENUE BUDOETED lC1RCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE AGTNITY NNiBER (E7WwN1 ��_ �� 2�� MINUTES OF Tf� LEGISLATNE HEARING ROYAL STAR LIQUIDATORS, 415 LEXINGTON PARKWAY NORTH Thursday, Mazch 11, 1994 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, I.egislative Hearing O�cer Staff Present: Latry Zangs, License, Inspections, Environmental Protection (LIEP) Gerry Strathman called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m. No one appeared in opposition to the license. Adrian Peterson, owner, appeared. Gerry Strathman stated his office received two telephone messages in objection to this license; however, no conespondence was received, and no one is here in opposition. , Gerry Strathman moved approval of the license with the following conditions as recommended by LIEP: 1) No more than two vehicles may be displayed outside at any one time. This outdoor vehicle display azea shall be located as shown in the site plan, on file with the Office of License, Inspections, Environmental Protection. There shall be no more than three vehicles dispiayed inside the license premises; 2) The vehicies on display must be fully operational with no parts missing; 3) There shall be no servicing or repair of vehicles on the site. The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. rrn oR����A�. Presentea Refesed To Council File # - e'� � Green Sheet # 62273 Committee Date /S 1 WHEREAS, the Legislarive Hearing O�cer recommends that license application (ID # 19980009070) for a 2 Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle License by Adrian R. Peterson, DBA Royal Star Liquidators, Inc., 415 3 Lexington Parkway North, be approved with the following conditions: 4 1) No mare than two vehicles may be displayed outside at any one time. This outdoor vehicle display area 5 shall be located as shown in the site plan, on file with the Office of License, Inspections, Environmental 6 Pzotection. There shall be no more than three vehicles displayed inside the license premises; 7 2) The vehicles on display must be fully operational with no parts missing; 8 3) There shall be no servicing or repair of vehicles on the site; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves this license with the recommended 10 conditions. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Yeas Na s Absent Blakey � Coleman � Harris � Benanav ,/ Reiter � Bos4om �/ Lantry � ''Z O Ca 18 Adopted by Council: Date � � a.y,��"�q� 19 Adopfion C fied by Council Se etary 20 BY. ��-- ---- 21 Approved by Mayo ' ate ��ILlGlSG'l �� 6�� 22 By: RESOLUT(ON CITY OF �41f�T PAUL, MINNESOTA Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayar for Submission to Council � �•�.c� City Council Offices 3/12/99 � GREEN SHEET No 62273 Strathman, 266-8575 March 24., 1999 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES u �.,�,�„� u �.�.-- ❑ fJIYAiiOPIEY � OIYCIfRK ❑ n+.xcw.aErtvcuoa ❑ wuwu.�aom.�c.o � ❑ (CIJP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving application for a Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle License by Adrian R. Peterson, DBA Royal Star Liguidators, Inc., 415 Lexington Parkway North. PLANNING COMMiSS10N Cl8 CAMMRTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IFAPPROVED Has this pe�rtn e�er xwked untler a wnUaU forthis departmenYt YES ND Has fhie DersoMfirm ever heen e cilY emPbYee't YES NO Do� this�pereaNfirm pocsesa a sldll not normallYPOSSessed bY �Y curtent dtY emd%'ee? YES NO IstMs pe�soNfinn a targeted vendoYt YES NO (a 9� e, r ii��a�aa2 .,�e��y,v:y,. �'.. .e;�. �,!:�.. _;. .: �..�.:�. OFTRAASACTION COSTIREVENUE BUDOETED lC1RCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE AGTNITY NNiBER (E7WwN1 ��_ �� 2�� MINUTES OF Tf� LEGISLATNE HEARING ROYAL STAR LIQUIDATORS, 415 LEXINGTON PARKWAY NORTH Thursday, Mazch 11, 1994 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Strathman, I.egislative Hearing O�cer Staff Present: Latry Zangs, License, Inspections, Environmental Protection (LIEP) Gerry Strathman called the meeting to order at 4:04 p.m. No one appeared in opposition to the license. Adrian Peterson, owner, appeared. Gerry Strathman stated his office received two telephone messages in objection to this license; however, no conespondence was received, and no one is here in opposition. , Gerry Strathman moved approval of the license with the following conditions as recommended by LIEP: 1) No more than two vehicles may be displayed outside at any one time. This outdoor vehicle display azea shall be located as shown in the site plan, on file with the Office of License, Inspections, Environmental Protection. There shall be no more than three vehicles dispiayed inside the license premises; 2) The vehicies on display must be fully operational with no parts missing; 3) There shall be no servicing or repair of vehicles on the site. The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 p.m. rrn