88-1219 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COURClI F PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L // a/9 BLUERV -MAVPORTMENT File NO. v // • Council solution �`� r�..:j Presented By �` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #21029) for a One Time Raffle Permit by the Church of St. Pascal Baylon at 1757 Conway Avenue on July 31 , 1988, between the hours of 12:00 noon and 4:00 PM, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� [n Favor Goswitz � Rettman scheibet __ Against BY Sonnen Wilson �Q JuL L � I�ci� Form App ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ - Certified Yassed y u cil Secretary By � // � By Approved vor: Date � � � � p►pproved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy "� BY Pi�l.j�liEc7 ����� �:� u 1988 TOR �{. ..f. ... . � . DM!MJIIMTED . .� DATE COA�LtPFD ... . . . . �" ��'� . , , _ C����V �H��Z' No.0 Q 2 0�6 ��� �����,� : '`� � Christfine Rozek �� ! ����� �«�«� "°. �ou,,,�a — �� � Caunci 1 R�search Fi.nance ,& mt: 298-5Q56 a'°�": ��A,� — . - ! App1ication for One Time famb1ing Permit Permit - Raff�e Only ,' � � Notif��ation Date: 7-8-88 :��av�.tN o��cR�i oow+c�.�s�ncH n�o�r:_ x�+� .. crvx_sEav�oorr�a+ on�a� on�arr u�rsr �No. � rcx�NO co�rioe�o�► reo s�a scwoo�eo�v+u sr� c�wwrea c�sa�a+ aa���s is nooti+nRO.noo�* �rn ro cartn�T oo►re�rn�►rr _Pon noot�o. _e�e�c�* o�rwcr o0u+cw - f� *oa�nHnrava: Tp � BUPPONTS WMlpl WUNCII.OdEC[NE4' - . � - . . � . . � � . � . . . . � . - - � . , � � . . � �.. , . . .. . �' � � � . . . . . . � . . . . � � .. i .� . � . . . i � . �.. . . . . . ' .. . � . � . . . .. . � . . . � .. .. . � . � � - � � .. - . .' IN11A]�ID ?IM�i CPFORTI�MTY(VMW.Whet.NR1B11.�NM�s.VNY�:, . - ��' Mr. Rol]and :Robertson, on beha1f of the Church of St. Pascal Baylon, _requests Council approval of his app1ication for a or�e :time Gaunbl'i�ng IPermit - Raffle on]y. The raffle wi31 be held orr Su�day,:Jaly 31, 1988,- between the hours of 12:00 noon and 4:00 PM in con�unction with the , Parish Picnic at 1757 Conway Ave. Proceeds wi11 be donated to the parish. - .�s�c+�� �.�oy.��eg...�: _ . . ..: j iAll fees and applications have been sulxnitted 30 days prior to the event. , _ _ _ . , ; . � � wn.a..�a 10 v�: : ., , . - � , 'If Council app.roval is given, the Church of St. Pascal Baylvn will be able to sponsor a raffle at its church picnic. If approval is �ot.given, a raffle wil.l , not .be held. . , . . �tt'e�utmres: � wws c�s ! , �- _ . . 'i _. �NSt'onr . , - � �u�. � ' 1� : �su►�s: Y V` I ,, , , . � ������� v �� � a3 �a UIVISION OF LICENSE ANI) PhRMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE W a� / / INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Proces ed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �o I(an � l�Q���� Home Address Rusiness Name � O'{' Sf• CAf Home Phone ay �on ----� Business Address '�]5'1 n �JQ� Type of License(s) �lV� � 1 M� Business Phone �7 �� �'�f $s a-��Q, � Public Hearing Date f Z.(p g� License I.D. 41 021 �o�� at 9:OQ a.m. in the �ouncil Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� �!�� llate Notice Sent; � � ��'L Dealer �� N��' to Applicant _� __� rederal F3.rearms 4�' �� Public Hearing —�- DATE I1�'SPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMEENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � ���' � Health Divn. i � N�R ' � � � Fire Dept. � � ' NI�' � I ; � I Police Dept. I ����� License Divn. � �,� � � o �� City Attorney 1I(l f�,/ � (a'r� ; o ,� N O �-�a-� -�r w� r�¢cQ.SSa�r� Date Received: Site Plan N�� �.(/ / To Council Research � ( � Up I�4 Letter ^ � p�C/ Date from Landlord � � 0 a , , City of Saint Paul ��'����� . .. ', Department of Financs and Manageme�t Services � 1 O a p i License a�d Pertnit Division 1 � ' ; 203 City Hal1� , St. Paul. Minnesota 55102• 29&5056 APPLlCATION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECit CLASS NO. New Renew � � —� � Date � � �' 19 x '-��' � � / ..1 , � �� ��; � Code No. Title of License From -�— 19_To � � ! 19 � , . ,-x/��j r'� ("�',•!� ,�,, —' (/"�l � � r... , �� ' 100^ •� I'I/ir"''i'' �.J( 1%%/' i;�, ApplicantlCompany Name' ` 100 . i� ,, 100 8usiness Name , ` '-�. .� ��, i _ � .' i — ��0 � p` ! ` / J /7�1 / � l./i� �� - ' _` i / ' _� �1 8usinesyAddress , .� Phone Na 100 C )C? �!�L_ 100 Mail to Address PAa+e No. '�;� � .:• I ioo ,� � f r � � �, -�.—,� .� ManaperJOwnet•Name 100 %1'" i �i 1 ' � �i��it 100 1.lanagedGwner Home Addrcss PAOne No. d098 AppliCation Fee 2 5� _ r Received the Sum of 100 � -��L� ;� ���(�- ManagerfOwner-Clty,State 6 Tip Code i00 Total 100 :7 , '�`'�1 . ,' %�' � �-- ,/7/�..,:, I-� `'. , %i '� . :•� ' ��j `� � �icense Inspector B,y: '#''� Signature of Applicant � . ��� �.- , Bond: Company Name Policy No. Expiration Oate insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiration Oate Mi�nesota State Identification No. Social Security No. Vehicie Information: aia�e Numoer Serial Number Other. - THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPUCATION THIS IS NOT A �ICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for license will either be granted or rejecfed subject to the provisions of the zoning o�dlnance and completiort of the inspections by the Health, Fire, Zoning and/or l.icense Inspectors. � , �15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS , �vl�iwu!�� - �/�.�.'�� � � . _ _ _ _ . _ � . �-- ,- � � , ` CITY OE S�'iT PADL l/� °" /'�/` DEP.�,RTMENT OF FINANCr aND :4ADTAGEI�]T SERPICES . DIVISION OF LICENSE ?.rTD ?EHMIT ADI�NISTRATION �YFORMATION REQUIRID �aITH �PPLIC3TION EOR PERMIT" TO CONDIICT G�LING SESSION IN SdINT PADL Eour sessions are all.owed per ysar, with each sassion beiag a m9�*+++*�+ of four consezutive hours_ 'L'Iiis applicatioa and all required attac�ments mu�z be filed with ttie Licaase Laspector at least thirtp- days prior tc the requestad date of the gambliag event.. I) Yame of orgaaizaLion Church of St. Fascal Bavlon _ _ 2) �ddress wi�ere organization's reguZar mestings are held St. Fascal Farish 3) Day and time of inesciags Ro����i Thursga.y of each �!onth - 7: 15pm 4) 3ddress catiere gambliag session wil.l be �eld 1757 Conwa,y Ave, �t. =aul, P'�T 55106 5) Is applicant owaer o= property wi�ere gambliag sassion. will be held? x Yes No 6) Is ?easad, wtio is the owner of pro�erty •�ere gambling sessioa �ri11 be held? 7) :T�e of o=ficer makiag appiicazioa John Eichin�er S) �ddress oi officer 22Q.�. �onwa,y St. , ,�t. Paul, N�t Date o= birtfi �av. 1926 9) Yame. of manager wt�o wi11 conduct gambliag sessios Kevin r lana�an LO) address af maaager 1515 Reaney nve, St. Faul, I��T Date oi birt�. 10-3-52 TT7 I'a cona.ect�oa �ith wizat event is t3�is gambliag sessioa beiag held? Farish Ficnic 12) '�at type of gamb.liag devi.ce{s) vi11 be used? Paddlew�eal Tipboard Raifle X Pulltabs Biago L3) Soez� �ea gamcliag session(s) wi11 taka place: HOIIRS: Day(s) ��daY Date(s) July 31, 1988 From: 12:00 To: 4:00 (Ma4i mt�m p= �Our hOUIS) L4) ��i11 �r-�.es be paid ia meney or merc�andise? :lerchandise (value not to exceed 7G L5) Is t�e appL.caat associat�.oa orgaaized uader tfie laws of the State of :iianesata? �,yes 16) Sow long has tfie organizatioa beea ia. eaistenc�? � qQh L7) '�Iiaz is che pv-pose of che organization? Operate Farish and Parish Farochial School I8) _or :�ca� wil.t the proceeds from this event be used? �'rpnP.T�A� F,�n�a of F.:.ri�kz 19) Give aames o= oi::icars or aay other persan paid for servicas to the organizatioa. Vame-Tit�e :�ddress Date ot Birth �rchbi a _o� .T�hn Roach ��6 ;�l�mmi t �.vP . ;t_ ��a„� � •nn ,�Yj1'� nr +r, 1923 Rev �ustin '��,'�rd ��6 c.i�mmi fi QZ�P� �t_ ��„� �^'Tt �'"�Ll�''±^ �911� '_0) Ot�=cars of c�e orgaaiza=�on: Yame-�_�_e �ddress Daza o= bir�.� _- - ., Rev �Tohn �rT(�'F�S�"P.C�P. �?�= � 757 Conwav Ave . 5t. raul.i�r_N nr� nr tn � ���n� `�!arv Heale.y, Trustee 1721 �,Jilson Ave, .iSt. Faul. ti11V �rior to l�?� John Eichin�er, Trustee 2247- Conwa,y St. , St. raul,l�t i��a,y, 1926 21) La viiose ass=ady :i1l. reeards of orgaaiza=ion's gambliag sQSSiaas bs seac? Yame Rolland Robertson, Par �dmin �ddress 1757 Conwa�� St. . St. Paul. i:�r Z'-) �t:ac�. a c�rer Le=tar dei:siag cize zveat �ar whics you ara r�ceat:ag c.�s license. Z) 3t�ae� a ?et_ar of p��-*�asfca ca caaduc= che g�bl.iag session at ci�e reouastad address. Z�+) 3t�� a c�p;� of jc� �rg=-��f�a�r:'s a�aY�e�s:�.�i :n�tar aad dat� aac�s �cer joined. 25) 3t�acz a capv oi �e ]eaar�eat o= �e Treasur7, Ia=araa.L. 3eveaue Serr_ca "3ecurs o= Jrgaa::zaz�aa sempt :rom Lzc�e- Tazj', For.a 990. [C�aacar �19.04 (I) I -E78- 25) 3c:ac� a capv oi Dea1T--+�^z oi c�e TrEasurp, Iatar�al 3eveaue Sex4ica, "�emac Orgaai- zaz=ca 3usiaess �c�e ias", eora 99aT. [C�apcar 4I9.04 (2) j -OB- Z7) .�t�ac� c�e a�aua.L. :naorr rz�uired oi c�arizable crgaaizar�ns by `iiaaesata. Staust�s, Sec�aa 309.�3. (C�aatar 4I9,04 (3) j � ZS) 3ave vots rasd aad do yvu cfioroug�l.� uaders=aad c�a prcQ�ioas af aLl Ias�a, ordiaaacss, aad =esruia�aas 8ovar�g t'�s ooera�aa of S�liag saasioasl yes . Z?) 3,a9 csaa3es desirsd bv c�s aaoLcaat assoc=a�na aap be made os1.y �i.t� c�e cansaat oi c�e i.�csasQ C��i=�sa. :0) 3as aa9 �ersoaCs) �ar�c=aat'� ia t:te ooeratioa of aay af c�e gamaL-"ag sessiaas c�ver�d �� �s.s '=csas� aver beaa cflavic�a� af a ;:ela� � c�e Staza oi '•.;aassata Qr- � aay oz�er Sta=a cr ?sderal Courz' Yes Yo � L aaswer s "-es", prav:ce �iYCs. addrtsses, and Sirr.s dazas. p��,;��_�: Church of St. ��ascal Eaylon � � r ) 3y: (O�+cs�r-T�zlel ?/ � ��j �.�. Sta=a oi ':iaaesazal , (iSaaager :a caarge oi gamoi�g sessian) ) ss C�uar� af 3a�sey } �.TiS�/,� _/. ��/!'i'L//,•.'%.i , aad /� ��i��� r-!.,Q,r ��i'G'��� �e:.:.g �7 swar sa9 '�.:at �ey ara :he pez_t:aaers ia c�e acove aapL"car�a; _�a= -�.s+ e� nave :�aa ��s :aregci.a� �et��aa aad 'mow che c�atanrs chersar; c�at che sae s �e o= c�eir awa '{aowisdge. aubsc��e� aad svor�-before ae this f/ n .� ' 1/,�f =��' �� �9 °L �-1 � "'" � � 19 `' ,::�w�, TRUDY M. HOELZEL /� � �� /?i; ���v �� � NOTAAY P(,BUC—MINNESOT j � �` �- �'/' �1� RAMSEY COUNTY � t3Z'j �r.,,LC, Ca1lIIL7, :S�IIIIG50L3 `��.�MY Commisew�Expiree Oct. 15, 1990 :'!� .r.�+�+R 57.Oa :S�L 83 �!� /;'— /%�/i . . � C�r��/��� • ��iu���i o f c�t. �as.�a� �ayl'on� 1757 CONWAY STREET ST. PAUL, MINN. 55106-5999 J'urie 2Q, 1g88 To ;�lhom it :n2y Concern: I approve the use of St. Pascal Farish for the Farish Ficnic to be held Sunday, July 31, 1g88. This event will include a raffle, not to exceed $750 in merchandise, eg bicycles, coolers. e John �of tede � ������ � ' ��ZUZC�i o f cst. �a�.ca� �a.y�orz 1757 CONWAY STREET ST. PAUL, MINN. 55106-5999 June 20, 1g88 To `��,fhom it ma,y Concern: St. Fascal Baylon Farish will hold its annual Parish Picnic on Sunday, July 31, 1988, from 12:00 to 4:00. The purpose of the raffle is to offset the cost of various food items served at the picnic. : v John fstede