88-1203 WHITE - CITV CLERK ^� PINK - FINANCE COUflCSl \j 1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L y�( BI.UE - MAVOR File �O. O /v' � Council Resolution , -�-., Presented By "—`�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #61139) for renewal of a State Class B Gambling License by Tanner's Lake VF6J Post 8217 at I795 E. 7th Street, be and the same is hereby approved with the following stipulations: Tanner's Lake VFW must be brought into compliance with Section 404.10 (pul1tabs , tipboards permitted) of the Legislative Code pertaining to Private Clubs. Specifically - 1) 10% net profits must be contributed monthly to the city-wide youth athletic fund. 2) All past due contributions ($13,244.00 through 4/88) must be paid. 3) All gambling proceeds must be donated to youth athletic activities. 4) Only pulltabs and tipboards which return between 75% and 80% to the players can be used. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz � Rettroan ��;�� _ Against BY Sonnee�-�" �i�'ilesa. Adopted by Council: Date JUL 2 � 1988 Form Ap oved by City Attorney Ceriified a e y ou cil , etar BY ' � '� By. .� � � � Appro ed Mav r: D te _ L Z �I Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B � � BY pUBIlSNEO J U L 3 01988 �,,,� . ��.��„� �„��: � ��a� Mr. J. Carchedi �71R��� �J�� �i0.�Q2Q: 'J� r ,� . oErrrwn�n.cin�Crcn a�rria pci��ae�r�uir► Chr'�St111e R02ek � — �a�,w+���or�croa �«r� : . ruo. �� — euoc�Er nu�roA 2 Council Research F i.nance & t. , 298-5056 oRO�r: � �,,,��,; Application for renewal of a State Class B Gamb1ing, License Notificatjon Date: 7-8-88 Hearing Date: ,, �none:l�ov�W«�ml) c�+ca.�u�a+n�aorrr: � PI.AM�16 OOMA118810N CNL SERVICE 001MI9810N DATE 11 �. . DATE�OUT A►MLVST � - - P110NE.N0..� � � � � ZOMIt10.�lON • 18D 828 8(�FIOOL� . . � . . � . � . . STl1� -. . . : QMART�i COMWS&ON OOI�LETE AS IS . . AODL INFO:1{pDED�''�. . , . RETD TU OOFtTA�T � . - p0�i71U@rT� .-. �. . . . . - � � � ._ . � . _Fqi ADDL NiFO. �_PEEDBAdC AOD�• 00iFYf)T COUWCR. . . .- � . ;D(PIANATION: �� . _ . ..BUPPORIB NMICW$OUNCIL OBJECi1VE9 � � . . . . . � . . .. . - � - . lN11A7M1�#�f�MNlE.OMORiUIfry(�.MIhYf.VNletl.NlhefA.VM�y�:" ; : • : ` :. Raymond Snauffer, on behalf of The Tanner's Lake VFW Post 8217, requests Council a�proval . of his application for renewa1 of a Stat� C1ass 6 . Gambling license at '1795 E. 7th Street. : �ua�e+c�e�+oN�c?o.r�e.�.�..�,n�>: ; . ,: All .fees_and,applications have been submitted. _ . ��M�+.a�en.«,a�o wrwm�: , : - , . If Gouncii approval is given,.the Tanner's Lake VFW Post 8217 will continue to sell. pulltahs in their private c1ub. If Counci1 approval is nat given, � pul�tab sales will be discontinued. _ K��. � � � Stipulattons: Tanner`s Lake must be broug t into compliance with Se ion 404.�0 of 3 the Legisiat9ve Code. Specifica 1y,.they mus�: 1� Contri te 14� �f a��t ;profits monthfiy to the city-wide youth a h1etic fund; 2� Pay a�l b k corr�ributions awed ($13,244.QO through April , 1988� 3) Danate all gamb�i�g p fits to .you�h athletic activities.; 4} NNast use only pu ltabs and t p6oards which eturn between 75� and� 8�� to the players. Tanner's Lake h s been notified of tfiese s ipulatians (see attached 1et�er). wrronr,.e�rrs: _ �� . _ , � �u►��ssuEa: � � gg-lac�-3 ����o 3 ' DiVIS'ION OF LICENSE ANI) PERMIT ADMINISTRATION llATE � �� v�+/ � ��,�� INT�,RDF.PARTh1ENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Proce sed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �����.� �,,`J�� Home Address � �� o �� .��_� Business lvameTQMrItIrS LA•�G �,f �"'� Home Phone ��q � ��� Z Business Address n9 S'' t 7�s�'g�'� Type of License(s) �e,l��(,O J� Business Phone C,��S � C'1,Q r�'1 b��✓�� Ll C,(�^+5�.� Public Hearing Date 7 �� � License I.D. 4f �j ��3� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chauibers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �l /V�/4 llate Notice Sent; Dealer �� � to Applicant Pederal Pi_rearms �� N'J4' Pub.lic Hearing DATE INSPECrIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A proved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � N 1,� , Health Divn. ' , i��,�. , � f Fire Dept. , t , � � i N I I i �K � Police Dept. �I� �� License Divn. ' �� ��! �����0� l � �g)� w, � � - y City Attorney /,/ � `� �I ,�; , Date Received: Site Plan 1�' (� � �i�( To Council P.PSearch I t� Leane or Letter . 1 Date from Landlord �� N -� � _ . (�= ��- �ao3 : � ,--- Charitable Gambling Control Board l%' Rm N-475 Griggs-Midway Bldg. For Board Use Only - 1821 UniverSity Ave. Paid Amt: = St: Paul, MN 551043383 Check No. •:.....:'� (612)642-0555 Date: GAMBLING LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION ' LICENSE NUMBER: y-iAr^•�o-�1(i3 /EFF. DATE: i,�j?�.1,y7 /AMOUNT OF FEE: 3[JU,i�1 1.Applicant-Legal Name of Organization 2. Street Address "�:: �s� ?�i' ST rGf`� 'cc = 't« 5tr�?� >.. 3. City, State,Zip 4.County 5. Business Phone jh, �q!l: ;r,�� .�t^Sh 1dRra�4 O:� 7���?�i ' 6. Name of Chief Executive Officer 7. Business Phone .:s�s,acr;�s�=.�.r.ta_ T� r x' � 7 9' 1 '� 8. Name of Treasurer or Person Who Accounts for Revenues 9. Business Phone ' , •, ��o� � . 10. Name of Gambling Manager 11. Bond Number 12. Business Phone c+�12�'-�k5;?n ,� r. r ::-'�'r„-"j" �r� � �� � t 13. Name of Establishment Where Gambling Will Take Place 14. County 15. No.of Active Members �i�,� ?es; �2:? ��� ?a�sl �+��.'�?v � 393 16. Lessor Name 17. Monthly Rent: . .i, 18. ff Bingo wi be conduct with this license, please specify days and times of Bingo. Days Times : Days Times Days Times f_ 19. Has license ever been: ❑ Revoked Date: O Suspended Date: ❑ Denied �ate: 20. Have internal controls been submitted previously? L�Yes ❑ No(If"No,"attach copy) 21. Has current lease been filed with the board? G�Yes ❑ No(If"No,"attach copy) 22. Has current sketch been filed with the board? [�Yes ❑ No(If"No,"attach copy) . . . . _._ - f GAMBLING SITE AUTHORIZATION -_ ...___...,. .--- _ .---•--__.,_,__... By my signature below, local law enforcement officers or agents of the Board are hereby authorized to enter upon the site, at any time, gamblingis being conducted, to observe the gambling and to enforce the law for any unauthorized game or practice. BANK RECORDS AUTHORIZATION By my signature below, the Board is hereby authorized to inspect the bank records of the General Gambling Bank Account whenever necessary to � fulfill requirements of current gambling rules and law. OATH � I hereby declare that: 1. I have read this application and all information submitted to the Board; 2. All information submitted is true,accurate and complete;, - . 3. All other required information has been fully disclosed;. _ � 4. I am the chief executive officer of the organization; 5. I assume full responsibility for the fair and lawful operation of all activities to be conducted; 6. I will familiarize myself with the laws of the State of Minnesota respecting gambling and rules of the board and agree, if licensed,to abide by those laws and rules, including amgndments thereto. 23.Official Legal Name of Organization Signature(Chief Executive Officer) Date Title �,......+' . �'SlI� '"anners Lake H"rW Post i�8217 n " '� i` :�oIInnander ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOTICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY I hereby acknowledge receipt of a copy of this application. By acknowledging receipt, I admit having been served with notice that this application will ,. be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control Board and if approved by the Board,will become effective 30 days from the date of receipt(noted below), unless a resolution of the local governing body is passed which specifically disallows such activity and a copy of that resolution is received by the Charitabie Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the below noted date. 24. Ciry/Counry tVame(Local Governing Body) Township: If site is I�ated within a township,please complete items 24 � � „ and 25: .�J�+ Signature of PePSdn Receiving Application: 25.Signature of Person Receiving Application l.: . J � /� � .J '.� ; ; Title � � ��Date Received(thJs date begins 30 day period) Title: j � � i: � , Name of Person Delivering Application to lbcal Governing BQdy: Township Name '�' - / �'_ _ _ . ._ _ _ _ _ CG-OOD22-01 (5/8� White Copy-Board Canary-Applicant Pink-Local Governing Body , . �� ' City of Saint Paul �� �a°3 �<<�� � , � Department of Finance and Management Services , - � License and Permit Divisiorr � 203 City Hall� SC. Paul, Minnesota 55102-29&5056 APPUCATiON FOR UCENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. New Fenew Q� —+ �/�/ � - " - � � li" .- .• -(� i n / Date �• -� �9` Code No. Title of License /� r �1, -� � ,:' i � ���-- From � � `' 1 J Tfl � - 19`-_T •�., > r ' �, - .' �- �.�, .. ' , � •. , � -:-C i t � ;i� , ��' ,:_t ;r;':;��C� -.i * '"i, ---�1 , . ; � 100 j/� :1. ' �l� L--' `�. ' r�l` " �.i, ApplieanUCompany Nams 100 i` —�(.r � - r" 100 Busl�eas Name 100 J • r�( � ��.'J i, BusinesaAddreas ' Pfio��Na 100 100 Maii to Addroaa Phons No. '1 . "' �� �l '..1 • . l 1 � I .1 ..y _�• ( Man�pedOw�et-Name 100 �" ` _ . J ' ,J 4 � , �� , � :.� ��.� 100 titanageNGwner-Home Addrcsa- ' Phon�Na 4098 Applicatlort Feo- - _ ., 2, 50 �� � Recelved tha Sum ot t00 ,� ! ' �i , � `.,! . �_. � t� 1 % �7 � �V ManagedOwnx-City.State 3 Zip Codt 100 Total 100 License�Inspector % ! B : (^ .� (L Y Siqnatu�e of Applieant Bond• Company Name Policy Na Expintlon Oats. Insu�a�ce: Company Name Policy Nc Eupintion Oate MtnnesotaState Identification No. Social.Security No Vehicle tnformation: Serial Number �a1s Numbsr Other. THIS IS A. RECEIPT FOR APPLlCAT10N THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for ticense will either be granted or rejecied subject to the provisions of the zoning ordlnanca and completion of the�inspections by the Health, Fire, Zoninq andlor License Inspectors: i � � �� < - , $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS ,,.,� .,, .. , ,� -� � ���� ��a�-�'�--� ��= �av3 ', � • Cicy oc Saint Pau1 . � ' Departmenc oE Finance and Management Services Division oE License and Permit Regisrration T_NFORI�ATZON REQUIRED WITH �P°LICATION FOR ?ERMIT TO CONDUC'i CHAR.ITABLE Ge1MBLI?TG Ge1ME IN S�INT PAUL 1:. Full and complece name oE organization which is applying for license • EY r;�'7>C �5 � A�e 1� %I,t/ f 45 T �� I'�l 2. Address where games wi11 be held . �79.�/ r /� .rT -����'�// � Vumber St�ee[ City Zip 3.. Name oi manager sigrting this appl.ication who afll conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games �����`1 a, 1� ��-V�� Snu��f'f�aLe of Birth _ ���vt.9 � � ; q i `� (a) Langth o= ci�s :r.arager has be�n member o= 3DDIi C3AL or3aa�zation � eu,r � . "T�� 4. Address of Manager �� � � � � _�.►'�GY.r�C�Q� ,�i a�L;f ,� S1�,� ' - _ Yumber S�ree ���r Zip 5. Day, dates, and hours chis appl=cac�on is :or � • - � � C�C�u 5 � ,'_t) ��� 6: Is the applicant or organization or;anized ander t:�e laws o= �he State oi `�`i? ��e�j 7�.. Date oi incorporatiorc �►�t�c.� - 3 " l ��v( 8. I7ate whea registered with the Stace oi Ki:cnesoc.� G�a� 3 , j � C/ 9. How long has organization been in exiscaace? �,5 �'�h� 10.. How long has organization oeen ia ex�steace ia St. Paui" ,� c�h,o --�- 11.. What is the purpose oi the orgaa=zat{on? y /= j/f� 12.. Officers of. applicant organ�zation �rA 1'�C(`5 }- (.CJ(��d �dame Ya.�e `� v� 5 �1 !"I t� pr C.cirt t. ��//�J :�ddrass Address , ".. � Title �DCB ��. I7 I�3 Ti�?e �OB ;iame C',�i.ei r1�n0 /.L�������� Vame Address ,��`�� ,5'�,��r (�,�T�,�,q,�P /7't/!�, auc�ess / Tit1e �� DOB 1 —$'—a � ""���e �OB !3. Give names of oificers, or any oc^e� �ersor,s �no :aii 'e= ��r�=ces �c _::e or3ar.i=�t�on. Vame vv!�- '�' it�N_L � s :dame Address :��d:ess :'itle --�'_a (:;tcac� separa�e �na•-' -..- �c:::==.,,.-- --_�'�. 14. Attached hereto is a list of names and addresses oL all members of che organizac�on. , 15. In �hose custody will organization's reccrds b e kept? Name ��,� �c��a-.-rXi Address S c-( .�l�— 1�6. Persone who wi11. be conductin , assisting in conducting, or operating the games: � // i . vane `%�i;��/L1;, , �j��,,,',� ;���, Date oi Birth ��- �� - ✓G- � � A Add r e s s � �. ���1�' �GG�_�,�c,�c.c� sSi/y �/ /- . *lame of SQause ���.�� ,fX��� _��� Date oP Birth �'— �— , _ ` ffates when such oerson crill conducc, assist, or ooerate. ���i�i_-�.�� � � Name � �����,.�, Date o* Birth � -�..�— /.(� � �ddress �� i.��s.�� ��.�,_,.� �-� S�/,1�„j`i , " -�� / Naae ot Spouse O��-Cct„J �+-�vu�t�y�� Dace ot Birth 7-Z�J-- �9 Dates �aen suc� person .�iZ? ceacLCt, ass�s�, ot ope=aca l \ � � 1J.. �iave ;�ou rea�+ anc dQ ;rou c�aroughly und�_staad che prov�s oas oc ail 1aWS, ordinances, and regulatzor.s Qo��e:-tir.g c:te ooerat:ort c: C'nar:tab_e Gamc_'a� �ames? 1� , 15:. Attached hera�o oa �:�e =o:�.+ �ur..�shed �J �ne Ci::r or Sc. ?sul is a Financial Report wnich ��e�izas a?1 :ece=�cs, e::penses, and d'_sbursegeacs o� c�:e dDDl=cant organization �3 47e:� 35 d:_ O:ftaP,_Z3C:C:iS :+QO :a8V2 =BC�:7eQ _t1.^,CS �Or CZE 7L'°_C2C�:g c�1_ndar �ear whic:� �as beea sig^.e=, r-epa_:ed, and :Te_�?:ed 3y �ame r� � `• / �T r��5 who is c�e �a.,�'ar-rrc �+/ ��"' o= c:^.e applicant Organization. _`�ame JL Oi�:�° 19. Operator o� pre�ises :rne-� za�es ��'� �e :�e?d: V ame ���j(� ��aS� �oZ�'7 B�siness riddress l� 4� L= z� �� «�a�r� � / - ' �" a "'` �/I/t/ J .S �l � 2U. Amounc o� rer.t paia ��� app_��sac Jr_San:=ac:on 'or *e.^.c o: che aall; spec��y amount paid per 4-nour se-.�:on � . ��- �a.o3 ZI'. The proceeds o* the ;arses will be disbursed a=ter deduccing prize layouc costs and operacing expenses for che iollowing purposes and uses: �-.,� -f�� c,��o<c�e e,r� � � l-�r a�-e_. --�. : ��; �; _ 7�x c,�. e�f'L �2. Has the premises ��here che games are co Se held been certified Eor occupanc}• by the City oc Sainc Paul? Y�e� �3. Ras �our or3ar.�zat:on :iied :ederai �o rt 990—T'. ,-(/'v�IL answer is yes, �iease accach a co v W�C:i C;:is aDO�ica[�on. ?: answa= is ::o , e:c�lain :rhy: i • G/vG��u/�l�r�, S tit !/�.F/!/1- /'�/�I CJl . i a � E�9' r• �x� c�.-!l �v� .�--,.e r�-; �— ,,�,u�r� � , c���'�''� � .ny changes desirec �� "e a�a��c�::c :.sso�=ac=ort �a� be �de onl;r wich c::e conser.t oi LC�e :.ity Cc+ur�c�L. � ��,�-,��� 1!r Gr1�o:s���l� Orgaa_zac:on Dace � =,�2 3 — �� ay: `iaaa3ar i.n charga o: game � ��- �, �� :. � � � _ �� � �� �- _ � � , ;� � � � � — � �-c � ,� � - � " _ T . CJ rT! � , :7 l- �� I �.1 tD ro -� r^. � .i7 . — rv � � 3 r. I = �0 ' =� �— .� _ ! . = .= r. �t I r � f I ' �� � � v V r �D � � !l�+ � r-i 3 a y� . ` - J . � � -e ; :7 .. _` -� � � f-r .7 tA � N � '' = " I 'fl 1 rr E � 3 7 � • � ' � (� _ _ :l � 1' O �' :17 rs .� �S rt (0 U1 � :< � :9 :J _ 1 �-- � [ f� `G O (" _ , I � 1 �. � . �./ ` rr + '` r+ '� 'S � :� � I t � � _ ^ !C �7 � �� ` � IIQ � � _ � � r� �. � .7 :(ll�, � �a E � �G .�.�U "7 ^T ^�`�C/ -- t i J `\ F-+ rf -� � � + �t- -!,j I \ I C�A � lD A � � I � .` � � �: � :�� ' � I � i� _ = l `n i '�< � I 7 � � � rr � � n r� ^� . _ ' _ ' ! .� _ T 1 w ^I ,� p_ ' '� � .T = a I\ I 7 � N = � I - �9 i ^ 'll °� 7 i I,� _ T � :D < �(D �.� � — � � A I � �\ i I � 1� � —: � ' ! .' � i � — i '� I �� E ^. -t � a �o '� I ( � � C � � . 1 :J I � -• I I 7 ' � City of Saint Paul GG` /� O � , _. Department of Finance and Hanagemeat Servicea 0 � , ,`,' Dtvision of Liceuse aad Permit Admiaistracion , ' • UNIFORii CBARITABLE 6A1�LING FINANCIAL REPOR2 � � Dats t. xama oe orgaatzacion Tanners Lake VFW Post 0�8217 Z. Addraas where Charitabla Gambling 1s conducted 1795 E. �th St. 3. Report for period covering Jan. 198� 19 through DeC. 198� ly_ 4. 'fotal number of daqa played 365 5. Groae rnceipta for above period . ; 3�.qr q�7 o d 6. Crosa prize payouts for above period (iacluda cash ahort) ; ��� /�0 � I 7. Net raceipta - Iiae 5 vi.nua line 6 ; �,gq7 — 8. Expenses ineurred ie conducting aad operating game: A. Groee vagea paid. Attach worksr liat vith namae, addreas aad grose wages. ; ^ d ` B. Reat for veeks � "' U ' � C. Lieenae fee � ��� ~ D. 2naurance ; �U ' E. Bond ; c� 0 O ' F. Dishonored checka not recovared ; /S� "� G. Accouating Eapenae � —'� H. Employers F.I.C.A. S '�"G "' I. Pulltab Tax Paid to Department of Reveaus ; � ��" � J. Mina. D.C. Ta: S —v — R. Federsl Exci'se Tau b Stamp � '� � � L. State Gambling Ta�c ; ° � M. Hiac�llaneous Expeneaa. Identify the aount ' and to whom paid. . � � 1. ; � 2. i � 3. � 4. ; 9. Total E�cpenaea �� ; 17 f��- et � 10. Net. Income - lina 7 minus line 9 S ��� d � 7 > d 11. Checkbook balance begiffiing of period S � ��O A — 12. Total of lina !0 and 11 i ��i'�� 13. Total eoneributiona from lin� 17 � i � �� � 14. Checicbook balance end of reporting period - S� d� line 12 lesa line 13 ; a � � � D /� o� 15. Specify uae made of amouat on line 13: �'��`'`�"-C.• — � r---�'�C.. � / � � .a1E- �I"`��,� 1�dCc,yn,_e,..�' G�.�a. ���.�-G� � � C �L�L. �iri.��� G�yC. G�-�.�. �bc.�.C� �c.L r� ) -� v . !J Sg-�� 0 3 -_'��.=.o, CiTY OF SAINT PAUL �-"' = DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � ;, ;; _'��� �' Q� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION °'�, ,��� Room 2U3, City Hali Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor July L1, 1988 Eugene R. Sellards 6848 - Sth Street North Oakdale, MN 55119 Dear Gene: Just to confirm our telephone conversation of July 8, 1988, the renewal of your State Class B Gambling License will be heard before the Saint Paul City Council on July 21, I988 at 9:00 a.m. Per our discussion, the following stipulations will be placed on your renewal: 1) 10� net profits must be contributed monthly to the City-Wide Youth Athletic Fund. 2) Al1 past due contributions ($13,244.00 through April, 1988) must be paid. 3) All gambling proceeds must be donated to youth athletic activities. 4) Only pulltabs and tipboards which return between 757 and 80� to players can be used. Further, as you already know, the entire past due amount of your 20Z/I0� contributions to the City-Wide Youth Athletic Fund from 1986 through April, 1988 must be paid to the citq. Per our agreement, I have asked the Accounting Department to issue you an invoice for the amount due of $13,244.00 broken into 12 payments. Payments will begin August 1, 1988. Hopefully, based on your past pulltab sales, this new payment plan will work out well for your organization. If you run into problems making these payments, please Iet me know so that an alternate plan can be devised. As you lmow, you are also responsible for current lUx contri- butions which must be made each month beginning with your report for May, 1988. Finally, I am enclosing your 990 and your cancelled checks per your request. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, �,�i,�(,��i � lZf�� Christine A. Rozek Deputy License Inspector 298-5056 cc: Council Member Janice Rettman Council Member William Wilson License Inspector Joseph Carchedi