88-1195 WMITE - C�TV CLERK COUflC1I (/ / >l�f �, PINK - FINANCE �AIJARVy DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. � -� �� / � � BLUE - MAVOR � Council solution � �,;.;; Presented By � .___ . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION FCC�t NO►rICE TO PUBLIC OF A NUISANC.� WHF�tEAS, the Division of Public Health of the Department of (7annanity Services of the City of Saint Paul has deterniined that the structures identified in this Resolution constitute a nuisarice in ac�ordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WE�tEAS, the owners, interested parties and responsi.ble parties have been served in the manner as set forth in the Ordinance, with an Order to either repair the structures or have them demolished; and WI�RF,AS, the public is required to be put on notice of the pending action by the Division of Public Health; naw, therefore, be it ' RE90LVID, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs the Division of Public Health to file with the City Clerk, a copy of the Orders it has issued regarding the follawing described structures and properties which have been determined to constitute a nuisance: " 736-38 E�clid Street Lots 3 arid 4, Block 2, Wilder and Dodges Subdivision of Block Forty-eight, Lyman Dayton's Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Abstract property. Uates of Order�: July 14, 1987 and May 13, 1988. 853 Hwdson Road Lot 2, S�bdivision of Block 68, Lyman Dayton's addition by H. A. Baarc�nan, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in RamseY County, Minnesota. Abstract property. Date of Order: May 3, 1988. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond COMMUNITY SERVICES ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman B s�ne�net __ A gai n s t Y ' Sonnen Wilson Form prove y Cit Att ney Adopted by Council: Date c Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By A►pproved by 1Aavor: Date _ Appro y Mayor for S ouncil ,•�_ gy B WNITE — GTV CLERK ^ PINK — FINANCE COIIIICIl I r�y y �• CANARY — DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L / / / BLUE' a.— MAVOR File NO. • • • � — � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2281 Priscilla Street Lot 20, Block 27, St. Anthony Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate i.n Ra�ey County. Minnesota. Abstract ProPertY• D�ate of Order: May 10, 1988. 415 Sinrien Street Lot 6, Block 10, B. Sinnens Subdivision of Blocks N. 10 and 22 of Lyman Dayton's Addition, except the Northeasterly 65 feet thereof; ar�d Lot 7, Block 10, B. Sinnens Subdivision of Blocks N. 10 and 22 of Lyman Uaytons Addition, exce�t the Northeasterly 65 feet and except the Southeasterly 27 feet thereof, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Ratnsey County, Minnesota. Abstract property. Uate of Order: April 29, 1988; and, FUR'1'Effit RE90LVID, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul authorizes and directs the City Clerk to file a copy of this Resolution with the R�ey County Recorder. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond � COMMUNITY SERVICES �ng In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman l7 B sche;be� _ Against Y Sonnen riV'�- J�L 2 � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya_se �b ��n'C� Sec. � BY By� _ Approved 'Navor Date _ a� � Appro e y Mayor for Subm' s' n o Council gy v B Pil4llSHE� �U L � 0198$ Community Services DEPARTMENT N� 4 8 3 z � �l� . Steven R. Roy CONTACT 292-7718 PHONE Juiy 5, i9s8 DATE 1 �i�� �� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : � � De artment Director Director of Mana ement/Ma or��(� P �. 9 Y Finance and Management Services Director �c City Clerk Budget Director 5 city council City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Prospective buyers of the property descXibed on the attached resolution wi11 be placed on notice that the City has started action to have the building declared a t�uisat�ce and ordered repaired or razed . 736-38 Euclid street RECEIVED 853 Hudson Road 2281 Priscilla Street 415 sinnen street � � JUL 0 51988 COST�BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: RECEIVED Gon�u�i�sMl�i�i JUL 07' 1988 None. MAYOR'$ OFFICE FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- To�.1 Amount of Transaction: none quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: I�CEIV�'D ' Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : � JVL � � ��8� 1. Memorandum to Al Olson, City C1erk ��C+��'K 2. Resolution D��EIV�� f� JUL 6 1988 �`I"C''� F���C��:�`��:`� -:�, DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �/'� Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � � ooc�°; , % �� ��c�'S � oFr� - --_ , �-�:; �t,.. _ , r;_ _ . , � �, �. �a ��� � �� ��� ��� ��� 1 . ,'C,��,� Y: • t0U NicKtivivA, COUivTY RECORDER � g ��J�� �� � �d"'"' �''°'a`4���t.'`'T i �` xECORn�D ox AUG � � 9 1988 � STATE OF MINNESOTA ) County of Ramsey ) ss. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) I . . . .Albert.B. .Olson. ... . . ... . . . . . . . . . ...City Clerk of the , City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached copy of Council File No 88�1195. . July 21, as adopted by the City Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . I9.88. . . July 22, and approwed by the Mayor. . ... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 19.88. .. with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . . . . . .$th . . .. day of . . . . ?�,�9.uS�. . . . . . . .A.D. 19..88 . . . . .�����:.!�. .�-:��:'-.�`j�-:!�. . . .. .. ... ;..r, c�ty ciErk. � �.�4. :. � ,, . _ '���.�'.� . J . � ' . -� . ,�� ����� �� �i.i .. '�' �'�.� �, '.. r\\-I1� . �� 1� � 1 1 ��;�� . \ � �' � � � � (� � � ��� � �C��`--�-�- . w►�ITE -CITV C�IENK � � � f ��_„ vINN - FIN�.NGE - � COYQGl� j � rANARY -OEP/1RTMENT �" g�„E =M„�oR , CiITY OF SAINT �ALTL File N0. � ,,.�/ � Council solution ; -� � �- Pcesented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �7 RESOLUTI�+T FdR NOTICE ZO PUBLIC OF A NQISANCE � � ►''' � WHEREAS, the Division of Public Health of the D�par�nt of C7omnxnity �" Services of the City of Saint Paul has determined that the structures � identified in this Resolution constitute a nuisance in aecordance with Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Coc3�e; and Wf�EREAS, the owners, interested parties ar�l responsible parties have been served in the manner as set forth in the Ordinance, with an Order to either repair the structures or have them d�lished; and WI�REAS, the public is reguired to be put on ryotice of the pending action by the Division of Public Health; now, therefore, be it ' RESOLVID, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby directs the Division of Public Health to file with the City Clerk, a copy of the Orders it has issued regarding the following described stru�ctures and properties which have been determi.ned to constitute a nuisance: 736-38 Et�clid Street Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, Wilder and Dodges S�bdivision of Block Forty-eight, Lyman Dayton's Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Abstract property. Dates of Orders: July 14, 1987 and May 13, 1988. 853 Hudson Road Lot 2, S�abdivision of Block 68, Lyman Dayton's addition by H. A. Boarchnan, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Ra�seY CountY. Minnesota. Abstract property. Date of Order: May 3, 1988. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ( COMMUNITY SERVICES ��8 t i [n Favor soswitz Rettman � �h�;� Against By Sonnen Wilson Form prov y Cit Att 'ey Adopted by Council: Date ' c CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary BY � B� , Approved by 1Aavor. Date _ Appro y Mayor for S ouncil �- By B � . , wMITE - C1T� GIERK � � � :iNK � - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT � PAU L Counci! /�/�' [/ { -"`� .:�N1�RY -(fEP�RTMENT . FIIG NO. v � /• �` 3LUE� Z MAYO�i �� � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To . Committee: Date . Out of Committee By Date 2281 Priscilla Street �''� Lot 20, Block 27, St. Anthony Park, according to the recorded plat � thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Abstraat property. „'r;� Date of Order: May 10, 1988. . �� 415 Sinnen Street a' Lot 6, Block 10, B. Sinnens Subdivi.sion of Blocks N. 10 arid 22 of � Lyman Dayton's Acldition, except the Northeasterly 65 feet thereof; and Lot 7, B1ock. 10, B. Sinnens Slxbdivision of Blocks N. 10 and 22 of Lyman Daytons Addition, except the Northeasterly 65 feet and excep�t the Southeasterly 27 feet thereof, according to the revorc3ed plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Abstract pro�aerty. Date of Order: April 29, 1988; and, FtIRTE�t RE90LVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul authorizes and directs the City Clerk to file a capy of this Resolution with the Ratr�sey County Recorder. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas h*ays � Requested by Department of: Dimond COMMUNITY SERVICES �ng In F'avor Gosw;tz Ret�an Ls s�6e;n�� A gai nst BY Sonnen �V�k�e�r- Adopted by Council: Date ��`' � � �� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Ya.se .b . n ' Secr BY B • �� ' ,�`'N% ; _ Approved Navor �ate .�UL,�2 ��� Appro e y Mayor Eor Subm' s' n o Councit By 5-�-��v — B P1�US�l�I J U L 3 01988 � �� /�q-�. � � � � �� � � �, � w � W � � S.i • O W W �' U �- � � F-- � ,� _ � � O � � W N 4� � O • U .1� U�j � � � � C � (� • +� �p,i � LY, � Vl U C U � �L 1�.► W Up] •� C N a� oo � a •� � .� M � � U� � 1� l4 M 00 u1 O �'D � NrI Zi 1� 00N d' � � . . � � N ,� � � i 1 a"i ap � M � S-t N C [� � �-.� • O � N J u+ _ �L - t^ C �- J �J O Vf L OC N s- �"'� a E J I.t_ F- .n �'^ +� Z U O � � �r� b N ' ►r-+� Op z � O L � V UM _ U A. ����� :0:� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: June 29, 1988 TO: Albert Olson f City Clerk / Room 386 City Hall FROM: Steven R. Roy ,� Environmental Program Manager Division of Public Health RE: Nuisance Building Resolution Attached please find a City Council Resolution which includes a listing of structures and properties that the Division of Public Health has declared to be public nuisances and are subject to demolition or repair orders. We are enclosing copies of the Orders that have been issued to the owners of the properties that are naw becoming subject to d�nolition orders. Pursuant to Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code you are requested to keep the Orders issued by the Division of Public Health on file in your office and you are further authorized and directed to file a copy of this Resolution with the Ramsey County Recorder. SRR:la enclosure �►. . G�d���� ��.,�,...,. CITY OF SAiNT PAUL � � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ��°%���-��_�_�•��� '� �. OIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �� 555 Cedu Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George lotimer ABANDONED BU I LD(N� (6�2�z9z-n�� M�r« NOTICE Date: MaY 13, 1988 Janice L. Olsen State of MN Janice L. Kohlrusch Arnold Peter 'O1: 4038 - 86th Lane N.E. Trust Exempt 4038 - 86th Lane N.E. (address unkno�•:-. Circle Pines, MN 55014 109 Court House Circle Pines, MN 55014 Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Address and Legal Descrip[ion. 736-738 EUClid �- Wilder & Dodge�s Subdivision of Block 48, Lyman Dayton's Addition to St. Paul, Lot � 3 and Lot 4, Block 2. Dear Sir nr Madam: The nt�tsio� of Public Healch has determined that the above-noted building is an abandoned building, which Chapter 45 of the St: Paul Legislative Code defines as: " any building or portion of a building which has stood with an incomplete exterior shell for longer than three (3) yeazs or any building or portion thereof which has stood un- occupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets one or more of the following cri[eria; (a) unsecured, or (b) boarded, or (c) having muitiple ex[erior Housing Code or Building Code violations, or (d) placarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 of the St. Paul Legislative Code." - The ordinance further states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and it may be ordered torn down by [he City. If you do not want to have the City begin action to have the building torn docm you are hereby notified that the attached list of deficiencies must be repaired or you must have the building torn down on or before t�ra� 95 19RR Any repair or demolition must be completed in accordance with all applicable laws. . If the work is not completed or if you have not had the building torn down by the above date. ,the Division oE Public Healch will refer this matter to the City Council to receive authority to raze the building and charge all costs incurred against [he real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. The City Council will schedule a public hearing to consider if the building should be torn down. If a public hearing becomes necessary, you will be notified of [he time and date of the hearing and you will be a1loWed to present evi- dence to the Ci[y Council. A copy of this order will be kept on file in the City Clerk's office and a resolution declaring this propert_y to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey County Recorder's office. Compliance with r.he attached list of deficiencies Will remove yo� buil�ding Erom the list of abandoned buildings but it•does not mean that [he building complies With all applicable housing and building codes. • The date for compliance With these orders shall not be extended unless you receive written approval f iom the Divlsion of P�blic Heal�h. If you have any questions about this order please contact the Vacant Building Sec[ion at (612) 298-4153. ' Sincerely. cc: �►arren Frost /�� Planning & Economic Division 12th Floor, City Hall Annex Steven R.• Roy St. Paul , MPI 55102 � Environmental Program Hanager Revised 1/88 � . ' � ��1��'`�. DEFICIENCY LIST FOR • 736-38 EUCLID STREET All repairs and new installations �st be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permits must be obtained where changes and/or additions • to an electrical system require upgrading of the service size to current National Electrical Code (N.E.C. ) requirements. Some pliunbing repairs may necessitate updating of the fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required for any repair or new installation. Permits may be obtained from the Building Inspection and Design Division, Room 445 City Hall. �- . ---- � ����l�s_ 736 - 38 Euclid LIST OF DEFICIENCIES Page 2 of 4 736 Euclid 1. Front porch storm windows and screens are broken and torn. Repair, replace or remove all broken windows and screens. 2. Front .interior dwelling unit doors and windows are vandalized and boarded. Re- pair or replace all damaged windows and doors. 3. Front of building - the stucco is cracked, bulged and loose. Remove all loose stucco and repair all damaged areas. 4. Front eaves - the eaves are loose, sagged, and have decayed. Repair or replace eaves. 5. West side front porch - the porch is pulling away from the main building and the front support column is cracked and out of plumb. Repair or remove this PORCH. 6. West side - two windows are boarded. Repair or replace these windows. 7. Southwest corner - the stucco veneer has fallen off the walls. The sheathing is decayed. Replace all decayed wood and replace the missing siding. 8. South side near the west corner - the sill plate for the wall is decayed. Replace all decayed wood and repair the wall. `- 9. Rear windows and doors are boarded over. Repair or replace doors and windows and remove boards. 10. West side - lst floor open porch has decayed wood on the outside wall. Replace all decayed wood and repair the wall. , 11. East side rear porch - the stucco is bulged and pulling away from the 2nd floor. Remove all loose stucco and repair the wall. 12. The masonry chimney has cracks and is leaning out of plumb. Repair the chimney. 13. The second floor rear porch deck has decayed wood. Replace all decayed wood and repair the porch. 14. There is evidence of roof leakage above the rear porch. Repair all roof leaks. 15. Gutters are rusted and lack downspouts. Repair or remove the gutters. 16. The rear first floor rear porch by the east side - there is a hole in the floor, the floor boards are decayed and the windows and doors are boarded. Replace all decayed wood. Repair all windows and doors and remove the boards. 17. East side - the stucco is cracked and pulled away from the sheathing. Repair the stucco on the east side. 18. There is an open hole in the east side wall near the southeast corner. Seal this hole. 19. East side - the windows are boarded. Repair the windows and remove the boards. . , :: „f� / .� , � , ���,c-��/�S , LIST OF DEFICIENCIES - 736 - 38 EUCLID (Continued) Page 3 of 4 20. All sides - the wooden trim board at the second floor level is decayed, loose and warped. Repair or replace this trim board. 21. The sewer connections for the downspouts are uncapped. Seal the open sewer connections. 738 Euclid 1. West side - the stucco is bulged, cracked and partially missing. Repair the stucco. 2. West side - windows are boarded and/or vandalized. Repair all windows and remove the boards. 3. Rear porch - the columns, decks, steps and roof are decayed and in a haazardous condition. Repair or remove this porch. 4. Rear windows and doors are boarded. Repair or replace all windows and doors and remove the boards. 5. The eaves are decayed. Repair. 6. Front porch - the stucco is cracked, bulged and pulled away from the building. Repair the stucco. 7. The front porch deck is spongy. Repair the front porch deck. 8. The windows and doors by the front porch are boarded. Repair the windows and doors and remove the boards. 9. East side - the windows have decayed wood, and some windows are boarded. Repair or replace the windows. 10. East side stucco is cracked. Repair. 11. The front windows are decayed, vandalized and/or boarded. Repair or replace the windows. GENERAL 1. The gas and electric utiliites have been disconnected. Provide gas and electric service to all dwelling units. �r�i��`�' 736-38 E1�clid Deficiencies Listing Page 4 of 4 Housing code condemnation notice and list of deficiencies are attached. If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. Inforn�ation about these programs is available from the Department of Planning and Economic Development, Rehabilitation Section at f612) 647-9273. Ask to speak to a loan officer. t - ./ ����j�s' ��•�•. CITY OF SAINT PAUL . -. • . ��.. ��f�„���' !ti. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ���� 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George latimer (672)292•7741 M�yor January 22, 1986 • Scott Bradley Janice L Olsen 1034 Summit Ave. 4038 89th Lane NE St. Paul, MN 55Y05 St. Paul, MN 55112 Dear Property Owner: . This letter is to inform you that since the improvements needed to bring your property at 738 Euclid St. , into compliance with the Saint Paul Housing Code have not been completed, it will be necessary for us to placard the property as "Unfit for Human Habitation" on January 23, 1986, and order it vacated by no later than February 3, 1986. If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with this order, there are State and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. As stated previously, for appeals `information, call 298-4163. Yo truly, . .. ,t , / - � T/' � f��.�4.r�r '�z-� rank A. Staff son Supervisor of Housing Inspection FAS/kh cc: Permit Counter - 445 City Hall Housing Information Office, 25 W 4th St. Marland Mork - Welfare Dept, 160 E Kellogg �, Steve Roy - Building Department, 535 City Hall . . ���//�� ,�,T,e, CITY OF SAINT PAUL .e' '�E DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �.. ��������� � �• DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (672)292•7741 Gcorge latimer Mayor ___ January 22, 1986 NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION AS IINFIT FOR HIIMAN HABITATION ' Scott Bradley Janice L Olsen 1034 Summit Ave. 4038 89th Lane NE St. Paul, MN 55105 St. Paul, MN 55112 Dear Property Owner: The Division of Public Health, Section of Housing Code Enforcement of ' the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, has found that the dwelling and premises at 738 Euclid St. is "Unfit for Human Habitation" due to the want of re rs, an or efects in the drainage, plumbing, lighting or construction of said dwelling and premises, and/or for other causes affecting public health. If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with this order, there aze State and local rehabilitation program& for which you may qualify. As stated, for appeals information call 298-4163. All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permits must be obtained where changes and/or additions to an electrical system require upgrading of the service size to present National Electrical Code requirements. Some plumbing repairs may necessitate updating of the fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required for any repair or new installation. Permits may be obtained from the Division of Building Code Enforcement, Room 445, City Hall. The following repairs and/or improvements are required before this dwelling may be reoccupied: IINIT #1 1. There is extension cord wiring throughout vnit #1. Remove all extension cord wiring in unit #l. 2. There is insufficient electric outlets in unit #1. Bring electrical system in unit #1 to N.E.C. (National Electrical Code) standards and provide a G.F.I. outlet for the bathroom. i . G��//�,�� January 22, 1966 -2- 738 Euclid 3. There are broken and missing windows throughout unit #1. Repair and replace broken windows in unit #1. 4. There are holes in the livingroom ceiling. Repair livingroom ceiling. 5. There is no source of heat in the south bedroom and bathroom. Provide a controlled source of heat for bedroom and bathroom so rooms can be heated to 68� F as is required by code. ' 6. The rear stairs leading to unit �2 are deteriorated. Properly repair • rear stairs. IINIT #2 . 7. There are insufficient outlets, overfusing in unit #2. Bring entire electrical system in unit #2 up to N.E.C. standards and provide a G.F.I. electric outlet for bathroom in unit #2. 8. The smoke detector in unit #2 is not working. Provide a working properly mounted smoke detector for unit �2. 9. There is no source of heat for the bedrooms and bathroom in unit #2. Provide a controlled source of heat for bedrooms and bathroom so rooms can be heated to 68°F as is required by city code. The dwelling mu`st be vacated by February 3, 1986. THIS DWELLING SHALL NOT AGAIN BE USED FOR HUMAN HABITATION UNTIL WRITTEN APPROVAL IS SECURED FROM THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH, SECTION OF HOUSING CODE ENFORCEMENT. In addition to the above enumerated deficiencies, the following improvements and/or repairs are required to bring this/these dwelling unit(s) into compliance with the Housing Code: 10. The bathroom ceiling is water damaged. Properly repair bathroom ceiling. ,. , ;��� � . /�'` �;••''t`�' (._� �.;,.1� .c?T.y.J ' �►y�,�./�.S'�" e Frank A. Staffe on Ed R. Eberhardt Supervisor of Housing Inspection Director of Public Health FAS/ERE/kh encl. ,��� � . ���l�g� . � ,.•:.. ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL •�- DEP.�RT,ti1ENT OF COti1.ti1UNITY SERVICES � ������. .'� : �� � :'��' BUILDiNG INSPEC710v AND DESIGv DIVISION •� C;ty HaO,Sa�nt Paul,At�nnceow 55102 rti:,:�.�! ���L7 3L'ZLDI\G 612-298-7212 GEORGi LATIMER �OiIC� ' MATOR � Date: July 14, 1987 Janice Kohlrusch Janice Kohlrusch Scott Bradley .' 4038-86th Lane NE 11087 Robinson Dr. ,N.W. 1034 Summit Ave. Circle Pines, MN. 55014 Coon Rapids, MN. 55433 St. Paul, MN. 55105 RE: Add:ess and Legal Descript�on - 736 - 738 Euclid - L�Tilder & Dodge's Subdivision of Block 48, Lyman Dayton's Addition to St. Paul, Lots 3 and Lot 4 Blk 2. Dear Sir or Mada�: The Building Inspection and Design Division has deterained that the above-noted building is an abandoned building, which Chapter 45 of the St. Paul Legislative Code defines as: " any building or portion of a building which has stood with an incomplete esterior snell for longer than three (3) years or any building or portion thereof wnich has stood un- occupied for longer than one (1) year and whicn meets one or more of the following criteriz; (a) unsecured, or � r_ (b) boarded, or (c) having multiple esterior Eousing Code or Building Code violations, or (d) placarded as "Uniit for Huaan Iiabitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 of the St. Paul Legislative Code." The ordinance further states that 2n abendoned building is a nuisanc_• snd it may be order�d torn .- down by the City. If you do not want to have the City begin action to have the building torn doc.-n you are hereby notified that the attac:�ed list of deficiencies must be repaired or you must have the building torn down on or before August 14, 1987 Any repair or demolition nust be completed in accordance with all applicaole laws. If the work is not comeleted or if you have not h2d the building torn dow-n by the above date, the Building Inspection and Design Division will refer this matter to the City Council to receive au[hority to raze the building and c�arge all costs incurred against the real estate as a soecial assessnent to be collected in the saze manner as ta:ces. The Ci[y Council vill schedule a public he2ring to consider if the building saould be torn de:.rn. If a public hearing becones r.ecessar�, you will be notified of the ti:�e and da[e oi the hearing and you vill be allowed to present evi- dence to the City Council. A copy of this order will be kept on file in the City Clerk's os"=ice and a resolution declaring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Rar.isey Councy Recorder's oEfice. Compliance with r_he attached list of deficiencies will remove yois building from the list of abandoned buildings but it does not mean that the building complies with all applicable housing and building codes. The date for compliance with these orders shall not be extended unless you receive written approval from the Building Inspection and Design Division. If you have any questions about this order please contact the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-4153. Sincerely, . /C� � cc: Warren Frost, PED Encl 12th Annex Steven R. Roy, S pervisor Vacant b Hazardous Buildings ' � �',��/�95� 736 - 38 Euclid LIST OF DEFICIENCIES 736 Euclid 1. Front porch storm windows and screens are broken and torn. Repair, replace or remove all broken windows and screens. 2. Front interior dwelling unit doors and windows are vandalized and boarded. Re- pair or replace all damaged windows and doors. 3. Front of building - the stucco is cracked, bulged and loose. Remove all loose stucco and repair all damaged areas. 4. Front eaves - the eaves are loose, sagged, and have decayed. Repair or replace eaves. 5. West side front porch - the porch is pulling away from the main building and the front support column is cracked and out of plumb. Repair or remove this PORCH. 6. West side - two windows are boarded. Repair or replace these windows. 7. Southwest corner - the stucco veneer has fallen off the walls. The sheathing is decayed. Replace all decayed wood and replace the missing siding. 8. South side near the west corner - the sill plate for the wall is decayed. Replace all decayed wood and repair the wall. -, 9. Rear windows and doors are boarded over. Repair or replace doors and windows and remove boards. 10. West side - lst floor open porch has decayed wood on the outside wall. Replace all decayed wood and repair the wall. , 11. East side rear porch - the stucco is bulged and pulling away from the 2nd floor. Remove all loose stucco and repair the wall. � 12. The masonry chimney has cracks and is leaning out of plumb. Repair the chimney. 13. The second floor rear porch deck has decayed wood. Replace all decayed wood and repair the porch. 14. There is evidence of roof leakage above the rear porch. Repair all roof leaks. 15. Gutters are rusted and lack downspouts. Repair or remove the gutters. 16. The rear first floor rear porch by the east side - there is a hole in the floor, the floor boards are decayed and the windows and doors are boarded. Replace all decayed wood. Repair all windows and doors and remove the boards. 17. East side - the stucco is cracked and pulled away from the sheathing. Repair the stucco on the east side. 18. There is an open hole in the east side wall near the southeast corner. Seal this hole. 19. East side - the windows are boarded. Repair the windows and remove the boards. , ��/l 9�`� . LIST OF DEFICIENCIES - 736 - 38 EUCLID (Continued) Page 2. 20. All sides - the wooden trim board at the second floor level is decayed, loose and warped. Repair or replace this trim board. 21. The sewer connections for the downspouts are uncapped. Seal the open sewer connections. 738 Euclied 1. West side - the stucco is bulged, cracked and partially missing. Repair the stucco. 2. West side - windows are boarded and/or vandalized. Repair all windows and remove the boards. 3. Rear porch - the columns, decks, steps and roof are decayed and in a haazardous condition. Repair or remove this porch. 4. Rear windows and doors are boarded. Repair or replace all windows and doors and remove the boards. 5. The eaves are decayed. Repair. 6. Front porch - the stucco is cracked, bulged and pulled away from the building. Repair the stucco. 7. The front porch deck is spongy. Repair the front porch deck. 8. The windows and doors by the front porch are boarded. Repair the windows and doors and remove the boards. 9. East side - the windows have decayed wood, and some windows are boarded. Repair or replace the windows. 10. East side stucco is cracked. Repair. 11. The front windows are decayed, vandalized and/or boarded. Repair or replace the windows. GENER.AL 1. The gas and electric utiliites have been disconnected. Provide gas and electric service to all dwelling units. ,. . 1 � �' . �-�''//�/S • ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ..`"�•-� . �' , � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : ��"������, : : DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH '••• S55 Ced�r Street,Saint P�ul,Minnewu 55101 George tatimer ABANDONED BU I LD I NG r�`� (612)292J741 M'r°f NOT I CE /" s Date: �y 3, 1988 Margaret E. & Donald F. Dunlap ✓ Midwest Federal Savings _ "���-��e. j3`//D /1 �/7"� S�• and Loan . Michael Farrell �* °�•�'_, '_""_'�—��-i�9- 5tc�lLu�a.�i��/�7/� 801 Nicollet •Mall 14867 - 130th St. � SSv��' Minneapolis, MN 55402 Stillwater, MN 55082 James R. Dunlap ATTN: Residential Loan De: 620 Bluff Ave. E. Shakopee, MN 55379 Richard L. Molykiewicz RE: _ (address unknown) Address: 853 Hudson Road, St. Paul, MN 55106 Legal Description: Lot 2, Subdivision of Block 68, Lyman Dayton's 9ddition by H.A. Boardman, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Dear Sir or Madam: Th'e nivision of Publie Health has determined that the above-noted building is an abandoned building, vhich Chapter 45 of the St�. Paul Legislative Code defines as: " any building or portion of a building which has stood with an incomplete exterior shell for longer than three (3) years or any building or portion thereof which has stood un- occupied for longer than one (1) year and Which meets one or more of [he folloving cri[eria; (a) unsecured, or • (b) boarded, or (c) having muitiple extRrior Housing Code or Building Code violations, or , (d) placarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" puzsuant �o Chapter 34 of the St. Paul Legislative Code." � The ordinance further states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and it may be ordered torn doWn by the City. If you do no[ want to have the City begin action to have [he building torn down you are hereby notified that the attached list of de'ficiencies must be repaired or you must have the building torn down on or before May 18. 1988 _ Any repair or demoli[ion must be completed in accordance With all applicable laws. ' If the work is not completed or if you have not had the building torn down by the above date. the Division of Public Health will refer this matter to the Ci[y Council to receive authority [o raze the building and charge all costs incurred against the real estate as a special assessment [o be collected in the same manner as taxes. The City Council Will schedule a public hearing to consider if the building should be torn down. If a public hearing becomes necessary, you vill be notified of [he [ime and date of the heazing and you will be alloved to present evi- dence to the City Council. A copy of this order Will be kep[ on file in the Ci[y Clerk�s office and a resolution declaring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey County Recorder's office. Compliance wi[h r.he attached list of deficiencies vill remove yo�s buil�ding from the list of abandoned buildings but it does not mean that the building complies With all applicable housing and building codes. • � � The date for compliance �ai[h these orders shall not be extended unless you receive vritten approval f rom the Division of Public Health. If you have any questions about [his order please contact the Vacant Building Sec[ion at (612) 298-4153. ' Sincezely. cc: Warren Frost � . Planning � Economic Division ���,�„ 12th Floor, City Hall Annex St. Paul , MN 551Q2 Steven R.• Roy Envlronmen[al Program Hanager Revised 1/88 � ���l�s� � , , \�`,� t b t \ �i 4 { i''��' • `���.•'! .�.�-_. Q . . ,r'\•,���` ^..�� f� � i';, �`J..! � ?�� "� a '"� ��1i.c� K;� �.J`•. � lj "( 1s "4 - r�rl � ..� Y "��'��� ' ~ ��'^� I � ✓.-J '4i.v r��'J�_.I�.�.. Q � - W � ' �.•��' a� .b � � �� ¢" � � � � " ..� z�� K � u'1 ('V`� •r• r! O N � � " —• . • , \'�"� _� A 7 � 1,�,�,. � V �^ �tS 'G � Q � — - O a' .:. � .:. W �2r � � � 7G R� �d a� o a � . � � � . � �, c� Gp M p � O !:/ cC N �cti � . L.) �-+ N � a, — � V� Z 4` � �� O . �_ � �- Z o � �_ . X �\ a:a ' �_t �.' O � ��W � }..i ' . U N i-- :-! W � O .^. (`.{ N � � � 0 C � Z F=- � �� � � Q - zn � W ro � �" � z . ' � �— � � N O V c . LL m N N � t� 0 • O a � �- r . � LL v Eni= � 3Z W � v� m ¢ � J � ` �A151fi1�, . z o� r: �-- � ¢ � � �1ti�� � . � � � � W > � e, �o ��` `� � � � � �� �fi N 1 N � ��w*,►ip yy � �� �� W o+' �c` 0'3 �(��� �4 f§y♦� '� �� � � v� . . • . G''t14�Y 1p'I r�`a``€ �l. � � ���� . h�o�„o...... .,_ .�6., � � • ���1�� DEFICIENCY LIST FOR 853 Hudson Road All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permits must be obtained where changes and/or additions to an electrical system rec}uire upgrading of the service size to current National Electrical Code (N.E.C.) requirements. Some plumbing repairs may necessitate updating of the fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required for any repair or new in- stallation. Permits may be obtained from the Building Inspection and Design Division, Room 445 City Hall. EXTERIOR 1. No steps for rear entry door. Provide. 2. Missing loose mortar on foundation. Repair. ' 3. Deteriorated and decayed floor boards on rear porch. Replace. 4. Missing and broken siding. Repair or replace. 5. Broken and vandalized windows. Repair or replace. 6. Missing and loose mortar on chimney. Repair. ,_ 7. West 5ide eaves burned through. Repair. � 8. East side eave: burned through, charred, fire damaged. Repair. 9. Uncapped rainleader. Properly cap rainleader. 10. Broken and missing screens and windows on front porch. Provide, repair or replace. 11. West wall burned through near eave. Repair. 12. Hole in wall and wood lath exposed, broken, missing, on north side porch. Repair. 13. Roof fire damaged, holes burned through. Repair. INTERIOR A. BASEMENT l. Furnace rusted, inoperable. Repair or replace. 2. Heating ducts loose and disconnecte{i. Repair or replace. . � �'"����� - Deficiency List for 853 Hudson Road Page 2 of S INTERIOR A. BASEMENT (continued) 3. Wood burning stove: rusted vent connector. Vent connector less than 18 inches from combustibles. Repair or replace rusted connector and install to code. 4. Missing hot water heater. Provide. 5. Patched and broken waste pipes. Repair or replace. 6. Overfilled junction box above furnace. Rewire junction box to N.E.C:. requirements. , 7. Water disconnected, no meter. Provide. 8. Broken light fixture. Repair. 9. Shower does not have proper drain. Provide. 10. Floor drain filled with debris. Remove debris. - 11. Unprotected, improper electrical wiring. Provide proper wiring to fneet N.E.C. requirements. 12. Broken treads on stairway. Repair, 13. Charred, broken, missing and burned away floor joists and floor boarcl5• Repair. 14. Stairway has holes in walls and broken and missing wood lath. Repa�r• 15. Stairway handrail is loose and does not extend full length. Install a proper full length handrail which meets the Minnesota State Buildinfi Code requirements. B. KITCHEN 1. Broken and vandalized windows. Repair or replace. 2. Waste and water disconnected. Properly connect waste and water to code requirements. 3. Hole in floor. Repair. 4. Unvented waste. Properly vent waste. � �������_ . Deficiency List for 853 Hudson Road Page 3 of 5 INTERIOR B. KITCHEN (continued) 5. Open outlet Uox. Provide outlet box which meets the N.E.C. 6. Hole in wall. Repair. 7. Loose wall covering behind sink area. Repair. 8. Heat and smoke damage to walls and ceiling. Repair. C. DINING ROOM 1. Missing plaster. Repair. � 2. Exposed and fire damaged wiring. Replace to meet N.E.C. requirements. 3. Vandalized and fire damaged windows. Repair or replace. 4. Walls and ceiling fire damaged and holes in walls. Repair. 5. Electric wiring fire damaged, missing and exposed. Replace wiring to meet N.E.C. requirements. D. LIVING ROOM 1. Missing plaster. Repair. 2. Exposed and fire damaged wiring. Repair and replace to N.E.C. standards. 3. Vandalized and fire damaged windows. Repair or replace. 4. Charred and fire damaged walls and ceiling. Repair. E. NORTHEAST BEDROOM 1. Charred and fire damaged walls and ceiling. Repair. 2. Holes in walls. Repair. 3. Fire damaged and vandalized windows. Repair or replace. F. SOUTH BEDROOM 1. Hole in floor. Repair. 2. Ceiling and walls charred, burned, fire damaged. Repair. , ���//�'s� Deficiency List for 853 Hudson Road Page 4 of 5 INTERIOR F. SOUTH BEDROOM (continued) 3. Hole in south wall. Repair. 4. Window completely missing. Install approved window. 5. Fire debris on floor. Remove. 6. Holes in walls. Repair. G. BATHROOM 1. Toilet, sink and bathtub fire damaged. Replace. � 2. Drain pipe absent from handsink. Provide. 3. Burned and charred ceiling and walls. Repair. 4. Large hole in wall. Repair. 5. Heat damage to light fixture. Replace. H. 2ND FLOOR AND ATTIC 1. Heat and fire damage to rafters and roof sheathing. Repair. 2. Steps are hazardous and severely fire damaged. Repair. 3. Exposed electrical wires in stairway. Properly conform wiring to N.E.C. 4. Hole in roof. Repair. 5. Windows vandalized. Repair or replace. I. FRONT ENTRYWAY . 1. Loose and fire damaged wires. Repair or replace to meet N.E.C. 2. Heat and fire damage to walls and ceilings. Repair. 3. Vandalized and fire damaged window. Repair or replace. J. PANTRY 1. Broken ceiling light. Replace. . �������� �" - � Deficiency List for 853 Hudson Road Page 5 of 5 MISCELLANEOUS 1. Some heat damage to electric service panel. Repair or replace panel to meet N.E.C. requirements. If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to comply with this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. Information about these programs is available from the Department of Planning and Economic Development, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 647-9273. Ask to speak to a loan officer. ��. , �������' � � ,�,•.., . CITY OF SAINT PAUL '� ' DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY SERVICES : ; � : ���'���" ; : DIVISION OF PUBUC HEALTH �� 555 Ced�r Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George latimer ABANDONED BU I LD I NG tb'2��92-»a� M�r� NOTICE Date: May 10, 1988 . Meredith Smith Meredith MacKenzie Meredith Smith Meredith MacKenzie 1457 Western Avenue N. ' 1457 Western Ave. N. 2281 Priscilla St. 2281 Priscilla St. Saint Paul, rIl�l 55117 Saint Paul, MN 55117 Saint Paul, MN 55108 St. Paul, MN 5510£�; RE: � Address and Legal Description 2281 Priscilla Street: . Lot 20, Block 27, St. Anthony Park, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Abstract Property. Dear Sir or Madam: Th� nivis�on of Yublic Healch has determined that the above-noted building is an abandoned building, Which Chapter 45 of the St. Paul Legislative Code defines as: " any building or portion of a building which has stood with an incomplete exterior shell for longer than three (3) years or any building or portion thereof which has stood un- occupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets one or more of the following criteria; (a) unsecured, or , (b) boarded. or (c) having multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations, or (d) placarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 of the St. Paul Legisla[ive Code." The ordinance further states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and it may be ordered torn . down by the City. If you do not want to have the City begin action to have [he building torn docm you are hereby notified that the attached list of deficiencies must be repaired or you must have the building torn down on or before A'Iay 24, 1988 �y repair or demolition must be completed in accordance with all applicable laws. If the work is not completed or if you have not had the building torn down by the above date. ,the Divialon of Public Healch wili refer this ma[[er to the City Council to receive authority [o raze the building and charge all costs incurred against the real es[a[e as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as [axes. The Ci[y Council aill schedule a public hearing to consider if [he building should be torn down. If a public hearing becomes necessary, you will be notified of the time and date of the hearing and you will be allowed to present evi- dence [o the City Council. A copy of this order Will be kept on file in the City Clerk's office and a resolution declaring this property [o be a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey County Recorder's office. Compliance with r.he at[ached list of deficiencies will remove your buil'ding Erom the list of abandoned buildings but it�does not mean tha[ the building complies With all applicable housing and building codes. � The da[e for compliance With [hese orders shall not be extended unless you receive written approval f rom the Divislon of Public Nealth. If you have any questions about this order please contact the Vacant Building Sec[ion a[ (612) 298-4153. ' Sincerely. cc: Warren Frost �� � Planning & Economic Division e,,_ 12th Floor, City Hall Annex Steven R.• Roy st. Pa�t , MP1 55102 Environmen[al Program Hanager Reviaed 1/88 � .°�.��, . . � � . � ' / ': � "'�` `-�'l�4-s � � .,..� -� CITY OF SA�P ; . �� .: �� � ����� <<� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVI�ES � �.a:.;r..<<�`� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH � George Latimer SSS Cedar Street,Saint Paul, Mayor Minnesoq 551p1 � • (672)292-7741 April 25, 1989 NOTICE OF CONDp,,�ATION . AS DNFIT FOR SQMAp gJ�gITATION Meredith Mac �Cenzie 501 Second Ave NE _ Meredith Smith Jamestown, � 2281 Priscilla St. St, pau1� t�j 55108 Dear Property p�.}1ers: The Division of Public Aealth . the City of Saint Paul � Section of Aousing Code Enforcement of at 2281 Priscilla iS ., ' Minnesota, has found that the dwellin . t'^F•` for Human Aabitation" due to the wantaof repairs, and/or defects in the drainage, Premises of said dwelling and premises Plumbin � health. � and/or for other causeshaffectinconstruction � 9 public If you re.ceive rental income from this dwelling, the Services will notify the Department of Revenve for t of noncompliance Department of Community . pursuant to Chapter 226, Laws of Minnesota 19�51whichta provides for denial of interest and depreciation deductions f buildings du�ing the period of noncom liance. , to an audit of p This referral ma substandard Your Minnesota State Income Tax. Y lead , If Y°u are unable to finance the correction or rehab �' premises to comply with this order programs for which . there are State andtlocal rehabilitati call 2gg-4163, yOU may qUalify, As stated, for 8 on ppeals information All repairs and new installations must be made i appropriate co8es. Permits must be obtained wherecchangeseanath the ' to an electrical system require u ' National Electrical Code requirementsa1Some �or additions � � ' g of the service size to present updating of the fixtures and/or Plumbin for an piping involved, g repairs may necessitate } Divisi nrof aBuilding Code Enforc ment A pe�lt is required Permits may be obtained from the . Room 495, City Hall. The following re airs and may be reoccupied: �or improvements are required before this dwe , lling � • t " I , °-�-� �--�9-� � . V � . , ' ; --_..�.�,.�._ ..-^ _-__:. ----___-_.._._ _. _. _ _ �i - _. _.____ __ :.r..:.- --___.__ . . �QS I . � � � � ��� ► . ; � _2_ 2281 Priscills i Apzil 25, 1984 • Lacking basic facilities - gas $nd electricity. Restore- The dwelling must be vacated .by May 28, 1984. THI S D�'dELLING SHALL NOT AGAIN BE USED FORp BM�C HEALTATISECTIONLO�$DUSING APPROVAL IS SECURED FROM THE DIVISION O CODE ENFORCEMENT. . � � � ������/'�4C�IL� 1� � . � tt�"� L ' Ed R. Eberhardt prank A. Staffenson Ins ection Director of Fublic Health . Supervisor of Housing P FAS/ERE/cm > encl. � , E t_: . l" 1 � _—,.---------- -.- � , ������s� DEFICIENCY LIST FOR 2281 PRISCIIZA STREET All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Pernlits ma�st be obtained where changes and/or additions to an electrical systesn require upgrading of the service size to current National Electrical Code (N.E.C. ) requirements. Some plumbing repairs may necessitate updating of the fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required to for any repair or new installation. Permits may be obtained fr�n the Building Inspection and Design Division, Room 445 City Hall. EXTEftIOR A. ERONI' PORCH 1. Front steps deteriorated - rotted, decayed, falling apart. Repair or replace. 2. Screens torn and rotted. Repair or replace. 3. GUtter in poor repair. Repair or replace. 4. Porch roof - fascia rotted and decayed. Repair. 5. Shingles worn and torn. Replace. B. GINERIIL 1. Front attic window missing. Install a new window. 2. West side screen/storm door missing. Replace. 3. West side uncapped sewer for rain leader. Cap. 4. G�.itter throughout in disrepair. Repair or replace. 5. Rear attic window missing. Replace. 6. Service drop not anchored to house. Properly secure service drop. 7. Rear second floor deck lacks a guardrail. Install. 8. No step for rear entry door. Install. 9. Hole in siding by rear entry door. Repair. 10. Some missing and loose mortar on foundation. Repair. 11. Chimney is missing mortar and has loose bricks. Repair. 12. Siding has loose and flaked paint. Provide a protective coating for all exterior ��ood. 13. No handrail on front steps. Provide a legal handrail. . �?�"����� Deficiency List for 2281 Priscilla Page 2 of 5 INTERIOR A. GIIJERAL 1. Electric service 30 am�, 230 volts. Provide adequate service to meet post repair requirements. 2. a. Main fuses r�aved and filled with plugs. Provide an electric panel to meet the N.E.C. b. Electric service shutroff. Provide. c. ' Overfused branch circuits. Repair to meet N.E.C. d. No electric, gas or water service. Provide. ' B. REAR EN'I'RY FOYER 1. Broken and missing plaster. Repair. 2. Exposed, broken and missing wood lath. Repair. 3. Roof leaking causing decay in wall. Repair roof to a watertight condition. 4. Ceiling plaster sagged.,_Repair or replace. 5. Window - missing pr�me sash. Provide. C. PANTRY 1. Broken and missing plaster on walls and ceiling. Repair. 2. Illegally wired light and outlet - extension cord wiring. Renave illegal wiring. 3. Exposed wood lath. Repair wall. 4. Broken sash cords on window. Replace. D. KITCEiII�I 1. Unapproved single wall flexible gas pipe. Replace with legal gas P1Pe• 2. Hardwood floor covering is water damaged and bulged. Repair. 3. Water shutrof f. Provide. �' �����1/5/ Deficiency List for 2281 Priscilla Page 3 of 5 D. KITCHEIVV (continued) 4. Walls water damaged and bulged away from lath. Repair. 5. Windows missing sash cords. Provide. 6. Ceiling - water damaged - loose and missing plaster (exposed lath. Repair. 7. Ceiling light missing and has exposed wires. Eliminate exposed wires. 8. Kitchen lacks adequate niunber of electric outlets. Provide to meet N.E.C. requirements. • E. BASII�'IE,'NT 1. Steps lack handrail. Provide legal handrail. 2. Foundation has loose mortar. Repair. 3. Galvanized water piping is rusted and corroded. Replace. 4. Gas meter is removed. Provide. 5. Boiler is rusted and not operable. Replace. 6. Water heater - vent is disconnected. Provide legal vent. 7. Laundry tubs removed and waste is unvented. Provide tubs and legal waste vent. 8. Some illegally installed bx cable by laundry tubs. Replace with wiring which meet the N.E.C. 9. Improperly installed light fixture by laundry tub area. Remove. 10. Water heater drip pipe from temi�erature relief valve too far above floor and has a threaded end. Provide legal drip pipe. 11. Chimney deteriorated at base in basement. Repair. 12. Much extension cord wiring in use with improper splicing. Remove. 13. Some debris left in basement. Remove. 14. Gas piping is rusted. Replace with legal gas pipe. � �s � �•� �-�i ,. Deficiency List for 2281 Priscilla Page 4 of 5 F. STEPS TO BASII�TI' 1. Water damage plaster. Repair. G. LIVING FtOCx�4 1. Broken and missing plaster on ceiling - exposed lath is water damaged. Repair plaster and lath. 2. Hardwood floor covering is water damaged. Regair or replace. 3. Lacks adequate convenience outlets. Provide outlets to meet N.E.C. Standards. H. FbRMAL DINING Ft00M ' 1. Lacks one convenience outlet. Provide. 2. Loose finish on ceiling. Repair. 3. Broken sash cords. Replace. I. FRONT BIDFt00M, SEC�OND F7AOR . l. Windows - missing putty. Provide. � 2. Holes in plaster. Repair. 3. Lacks adequate niunber of convenience outlets. Provide outlet to meet N.E.C. Standards. 4. Illegal extension cord convenience outlet. Provide outlet to meet N.E.C. Standards. J. EAST BEDROOM, SECOND FIAOR 1. Broken window pane and frame is broken. Replace and repair. 2. Water damage and rot to walls in closet. Repair. 3. Exposed wires for wall light. Provide wiring which meets the N.E.C. K. REAR BEDF�OOM, SEOOND FZi00R 1. Water damage to ceiling - missing plaster. Repair. . ��. ������s 'M '�, Deficiency List for 2281 Priscilla Page 5 of 5 K. REAR BEDROOM, SEOOND FTAOR (continued) 2. Window missing putty and has broken cords. Repair and replace. 3. Lacks adequate convenience outlets. Provide proper rnunl�er of outlets to meet the N.E.C. L. BATF�tOOM, SECOND FZ�OOR 1. Plaster damage around tub, hole in wall, and sagged ceiling plaster. Repair. 2. Toilet trap is dry. Repair. 3. Light lacks a globe. Provide. � 4. Debris in tub and lavatory. Remove. M. SEOOND FI+OOR STAIRS 1. No handrail. Provide legal handrail. Housinq Code cond�nnation deficiency list attached. If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the pr�nises to comply with this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. Infornnation about these programs is available from the Department of Planning and Economic Developnent, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 647-9273. Ask to spealc to a loan officer. . � i, . �,-�����' - �,..,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL •`�� '. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES . , � ; ��'f��" ; • � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH "" SSS Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesots 55101 Ceorge luimer ABANDONED 8U I LD 1 NG �6�2�29Z�»j� M�r« NOTICE Date: Apr. 29, 1988 . Raymond Al1en Sandford �; Constance M. & Robert M. Gibbons Robert M. Schumacher � 1739 N. Fairview Ave. 708 Hague Ave. �i3 9155 28th St. No. St. Paul, MN 55113 St. Paul, MN 55104 Lake Elmo, MN 55042 RE: Address and Lega1 Description � Address: 415 Sinnen' St. , St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 Legal Description: See attached. Dear Sir nr �fadam: The �ivision of Public Health has determined that the above-noted building is an abandoned building, which Chapter 45 •of the St.�Paul Legislative Code deFines as: " any building or portion of a building which has stood with an incomplete exterior shell for longer than three (3) years or any building or portfon thereof which has stood un- occupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets one or more of the following criteria; (a) unsecured, or (b) boarded, or_ (c) having multiple exterior Housing Code or Buflding Code violations, or (d) placarded as "UnFit for Human Aabitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 of the St. Paul Legislative Code." The ordinance further states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and it may be.ordered torn down by the City. If you do not want to have the City begin action to have the building torn down you are hereby notified that the attached list of deficiencies must be repaired or you must have the building torn down on or before May 15, 1988 Any repair or demolition must be completed in accordance with all applicable laws. IE the work is not completed or if you have not had the building torn down by the above date, .the nivision oE eublic Healch will refer this mat[er to [he City Council to receive authority to raze the building and charge all costs incurred against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. The City Council will schedule a public hearing to consider if the building should be torn doc�m. IE a public hearing becomes necessary, you will be 'notified of the time and date of the hearing and you will be alloued to pcesent evi- dence to the City Couacil. A copy oP this order vill be kept on file in the City Clerk's office and a resolution declaring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey County Recorder's oEfice. Compliance With r.hz attached list oE deficiencies will remove yo�s building from [he list of abandoned buildings but it�does not mean that the building complies With all applicable housing and building codes. ' The date for compliance With these orders shall not be e:ctended unless you receive written approval fro m the Division oE Public Health. If you have any questions about this order please contact the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-4153. � Sincerely. cc: Warren Frost /� � Planning & Economic Division 12th Floor, City Hall Annex Steven R.• Roy St. Paul , MPI 55102 Eavlronmental Program Manager Revlaed 1/88 � � . ��,���s � 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO I IV TH I S COMh'I I TMENT I S DESCR I BED AS FOLLOWS: L��t 6, E�l��ck 1�►, E�. Sir�r�er�s S�_ibdivisi��r� ��f E�l��ck.s N. 1�Z� ar�d cL ��f Lyrnan Dayt��n' s Additi��n, except the N��r•theasterly E� feet ther�e��f� ar�d L��t 7, E�l��ck 1�, B. Sir�r�er,s S�_tbdivisic�n r_�f E�l��ck.s N. 10 and 2c ��f Lyrnar� Dayt_�r�s Additi��r�, except the N��rtheasterly 6� feet �r�d except the 5���_itheaster-ly `7 fe�t there��f, acc��rdir�g t�_� the r�ec��rded plat there��f, and sit!!at? i r� Rarnsey C���_ir�t y, M i nr�e=_��t a. Abstr�act Pr���perty. . �✓���� DEFICIENCY LIST FOR 415 SINNEN STREET All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permits must be obtained where changes and/or additions to an electrical syst�n require upgrading of the service size to current National Electrical Code (N.E.C. ) requirements. Some plLUnbing repairs may necessitate updating of the fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required to for any repair or new installation. Pernuts may be obtained from the Building Inspection and Design Division, Room 445 City Hall. Ek'T'Ef2IOR 1. Front porch - The floor is missing; the floor joist are decayed and the.floor is supported on tenq�orary cement blocks. The roof has decayed wood and is sagged. Repair, replace or remove this porch. 2. The front steps to the front porch are tipped out of pltunb and . lack a handrail. Repair or replace these steps. 3. The front foundation has loose and missing stones and mortar. Repair or replace this foundation. 4. The south side porch: the roof and floor are decayed the floor is collapsing and has a hole in it and is unlevel. Repair, remove or replace this porch. 5. The south side and north side exterior foundation walls are bowed away from the house. Repair or replace the foundation. 6. The electric, gas and water service have been disconnected. Provide. 7. The chimney has loose and missing mortar. Repair chimney. 8. There is debris stored in the rear lean-to addition -- an old refrigerator, stove and sink. Remove all debris. 9. Several windows have torn and missing screens. Provide functional screens for all openable windows. 10. The roof shingles are worn and the shingles at the northwest corner are missing. Repair and replace damaged shingles. 11. The plumbing vent stack on the west side of the roof does not extend 12 inches above the roof. Repair. 12. The rear storage shed has a worn roof covering. Repair or remove shed. 13. On the south side porch: exposed wires and water damage to ceiling Repair ceiling and repair electrical system to meet the N.E.C. / f/ � . �"( �J . s Deficiency List for 415 Sinnen Page 2 of 3 EXTERIOR (continued) 14. . Some siding has broken pieces. Repair. 15. There is a crack in the foundation near the south side door. Repair. 16. Front porch has missing decking. Provide. INTERIOR . A. BAS�1T 1. Basement stairs: loose and out of pltm�b. Repair or replace. 2. Improperly installed waste for bathtub. Provide legally installed waste pipe. 3. Improper use of heater hose for waste pipe. Provide legal waste pipe. 4. Water heater deteriorated. Replace. 5. Improper use of flexible gas piping to water heater. Replace with " legal gas pipe. 6. Vent for water heater in contact with wood. Provide legal clearance from combustibles. 7. There is missing mortar between the foundation stones. Repair. 8. No spill pipe for the TPR valve. Provide. 9. Open and exposed electric wiring for the light fixture at the bottom of the stegs. B. KITCff�NN 1. Water damage to ceiling. Repair. 2. Unvented S trap and improperly installed waste for kitchen sink. Install a legal vented trap and waste pipe for this sink. 3. Floor deteriorated and unlevel. Repair. 4. Windows are painted shut. Repair windows to make them operationable. 5. Closet near kitchen has exposed wires. Repair to meet N.E.C. . e , ��/�� Def iciency List for 415 Sinnen Page 3 of 3 C. BATf�200M 1. Unvented S trap for sink. Provide legal waste pipe and vent system. 2. Open vent on main soil stack in bathroom. Properly seal vent stack. 3. Deteriorated plaster on the walls. Repair. 4. Toilet tank broken. Frovide approved toilet tank. 5. Window painted shut. Repair window to provide normal operation. 6. Open electric wires near stove. Provide electrical system which • meets the N.E.C. D. LIVINGROOM l. Walls buckled. Repair. 2. Outlets lack cover plates. Provide legal cover plates. ,_ 3. Cra`ked window pane. Replace. E. NORTH BIDROOM 1. Space heater vent too close to wood. Y�eep space heater vent a legal distance from combustibles. 2. Wall covering warped. Repair or replace. F. NORTH BEDROOM CrASET l. Water damage to ceiling. Repair. 2. Warped wall covering. Repair or replace. Deficiency list on Order to Vacate Notice (attached) . If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises to cotc�ly with this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. Information about these programs is available from the Department of Planning and Economic Develo�xnent, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 647-9273. Ask to speak to a loan officer. � � - • � �, , � ����i9� , . . . ,,, , . - � . � May 10, 1985 -2- 415 Sinnen ' 1. Present 30 AMP 2 wire service lacks fusing or is overfused, is illegally wired and Iacks adequate branch circuits. DpBate system, permit and inspection required. 2. Znstall a smoke 8etector. �3. Replumb kitchen sink and bath lavatory waste per State Coc]e. 9. Replace/repair damaged entry locks. - S. Replace cracked window living room. � 6. Repair torn screen. 7. Secure loose light fixture south porch. �BASEMENT "� 8. Secure stringer, repair broken treads stairwell. 9. Remove rubbish. . 10. Remove hose from water service, replumb per State Code. 11. Install a ��,rabn e on the water heater. ��/�F�p� 12. Repair collapsing foundation northeast corner. 13. Complete repairs to the east porch. ` 14. Repair all deteriorate8 flooz boards and supporting member south porch. 15. Install a flue liner if chimney lacks same. The c7welling must be vacated by May 13, 1985. THIS DWELLING SHALL NOT AGAIN BE USED FOR HFIMAN AABITATION IINTIL WRITTEN � APPROVAL IS SECURED FROM THE DIVISION OF pUBLIC HEALTA, SECTION OF AOUSING CODE ENFORCEMENT. Sn addition to the above enumerated deficiencies, the following improvements and/or repairs are required to bring this/these dwelling unit(s) into compliance with the Housing Code: 16. Repair �amaged plaster behind water closet. 17. Repair ceiling walls, casing trim etc in a workmanlike manner. 18. Replace/clean soiled carpeting. 19. Remove, flex connector from water heater, bent gas pipe, replumb pez State Coc]e. 20. Remove all wood debris miscellaneous rubbish from exterior property areas. s . Frank A. Staffe s n Ed R. Eberhar8t Supervisor of ousing Inspection public Bealth Services Manager FAS/ERE/cm _ " - en cl. .