88-1191 �NNITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT I BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � � � � Co ncil Resolution ���/ Presented '�`l'�--.�'" Referred To '{� �S/�� G' '� GG, ��� Committee: Date � — �f�� Out of Committee By Date RE50LVED, that the Saint Pau1 City Council does hereby consent to and approve of the appointment and reappointment, made by the Mayor, of the following-named persons to serve as members of the Saint Paul Public Housing Agency. Representing Non-Tenant Commissioners APPOINTMENT - Tong Vang to fill the unexpired term of Richard Zehring who resigned. This term to expire September l, 1991. REAPPOINTMENT - Roy Garza to serve a five-year term which expires September 1, 1993. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor coswitz �t� �/_ Against BY , Sc6eibel Sonnen �131'+1ora SEP — � 1`•!00 Form A roved y C' r Adopted by Council: Date �. Certified }?as d by Council Secretary By gy �.��-� ��/ C�"�d�.l�:��� Approv vor. e _ ��� — � h7o8 Appr y Mayor for Submissio --` s L By � . Ptl�.lSHE� ��-N �. 7 1968. . . $�8�-1 t°� � Mayor' s Office . . -�°_. 013615 � DEPARTMENT - ' Ora Lee Patterson QONTACT NAME . 298-4323 PHOIdE � 7 11 f 8 a _ DiAT� . ASSIGN NOMBER FOR ROIITING ORDE�: (See reverse side.) 1 _ Department Director Maqor (or Assistant) _ Finance and M�nagement Services Director � City Clerk Budget Director � City_ CouneiLmpmher � City Attorney � _ 1 . TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGE3: (Clip all locations for signature.) WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERI t (Purpose/Rationale) ; Roy Garza will be �eappointed to the Public Housing Agency to serve a_ five-year term; representing Non-Tenant Commissioners. Term to expire September 1, 1993. � ' Tong Vang will be appointed to Public ,Hous�ing Agency representing Non�Tenant Commission�rs.. Tong wi17. fi11 the remainder of Richard Zehring's term. Term expires September 1, 1991. GOST�BENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PE�SONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �G�V� N/A ���. �U��$19� � C�� �� FINANCING SOIJRCE AND BUDGET ACT�VI1'Y NUMBER CHAR6ED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Transsction: N�A Activity Number: , Funding Source: ATTACI�NTS: (List and number all attachments.) 1 Council R.f:solution ADI�IINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes ' �No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW � , �:TY ATTORNEY REVIE(�i �Yes _No Council resolutiosi required? Rssolution required? X Ye.s _No _Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No Yes No Insurance attached? . , .a � �_ 1 �- � � .� .� :O� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM July 11, 1988 TO: Council President James Scheibel Members of the Saint Pawl City Council FROM: Ora Lee Patterson RE: PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY SKYWAY GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE *DISTR3 - GY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Attached e two r olutions appointing/reappointing members to the Publ ' Hous' Agency and the Skyway Governance Committee. The first resolution appoints Tong Vang to the Public Housing Agency to fill the unexpired term of Richard Zehring who resigned. This term expires September 1, 1991. Roy Garza will also be reappointed to serve a five-year term expiring September ' l, 1993 . The second resolution appoints Lieutenant Lester T. Benson to replace Lieutenant Richard iffert on the Skyway Governance Committee, representing the Saint Paul Police Department. This term shall expire January 31, 1990. Mayor Latimer requests your review and approval of these appointments/reappointment. Applications are attached for Tong Vang and Lieutenant Benson. If you should have any questions, feel free to call. Thanking you in advance. OLP/drm cc: John Gutzman, PHA Darold McMahan, PED Council Research Al Olson, Council Agenda Attachments * P.S. Recently you received a copy of the resolution reappointing Barbara Lukermann to the District Energy Board of Directors. Please change your records to reflect she will serve a 3-vear term rather than a 2-year term. . . � - � � � �-- ' `' �� RECEIVED �`�- ����� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �,t�, 347 CITY HALL " `�',, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 J U L 0 81988 ��. .ti-�� . 298-4323 � MAYOR'S n���r,� Name: Tong Vang Address: 1571 Wheelock Ridge St. Paul 55101 Street City Zip Phone: �Home) 771-4671 ' (Work) 627-4774 City Planning District Ward Senate District What is your Occupation? Ethnic Group (to ensure fair and equal representation) Asian (Hmong) PlaCe Of Employment: Community University Health Care Clinic Address of Employer: 2�16-16th Ave. So. , Minneapolis, MN 55404 Commission or Committee Applied Fqr Public xousing Agency of the City of Saint Paul � , , ._ � ,. � What skills/training or experience do you possess for the commission/board in which you seek appointment? Experienced in various aspects of refugee resettlement, particularly menLal health, t - economic development, leadership development. Experienced in and currently active in small business (L.H. Oriental Grocery in St. Paul) ; is President of the corporation's board of directors. President of the Board of Directors of Lao Famiiy Community of Minnesota; term expires 7/1/88. (over) Personal Reference #1 •• __, Name: Jane Kretzmann Add ress• RIAD, MN Dept. of Human Services, 444 Lafayette Rd. , St. Paul, MN 55155 Phone: �Home) (Work) 296-2754 Personal Reference #2 Name' Timothy Dunnigan �� Addr'ess: Dept. of Anthropology, University of Minnesota Phone: jHome) 546-3928 (Work) 373-4699 Personal Reference� Name• Rev. Jay C. Rusthoven Addr'ess• Liberty Plaza Homes, 415 Marshall Ave. , St. Pau1, MN 55103 Phone: �Home) 646-2579 (Work) 228-9311 Reasons for your interest in this particular committee/board/commission: As I end my term as President of Lao Family Community of Minnesota, I am interested in a board position which will have a broader community responsibility, not speci.fic to the Hmong community. I am::also -2nte'resCed in a board posifion which will use my business skills and provide opportunities for using mycprofessional experience _ for the betterment of the lives of St.� �aul's citizens. Have you had previous contact with the committee/board/commission for which you are making application? If so, when, and circumstances? As President of Lao Family Community of Minnesota; I si�ned the lease aQreements_ with the Public Housing Agency; these agreements gave Lao Family the responsibility of managing the community centers at Mt. Airy and McDonough Homes. � � � _ I' I Signat re Date Rev. 12/86 .�,:_ -� . � �-���i Members: Bilf Wilson, chair i = „� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Tom Dimond OFFIOE OF THE CITY COIINCIL �fc� Sonnen � Date: August 24, 1988 RECEIVED WILLIAM L. WILSON p�� GOCnCT�ILLP.P. RP� O : MARK VOERDING �u��,aQ � , p rt ���A� _ AUG 2 51958 . To:�Saint Paul City Council cmr c�ERK From : Housing and Economic Deve[opment Committee . Bill Wilson, Chair : 1. Approval of Minutes COMMITTEE RECOI�iENDID APPROVAL 2. Resolution approving the appointments by the Mayor of persons listed to the Saint Paul Private Industry Council, Inc. (CF 88-1143} - COMMITTEE RECO1�II�iENDED APPROVAL 3. Resolution approving the reappointments by the Mayor of persons listed to the Saint Paul Private Industry Council, Inc. (CF 88-1144) COMMITTEE RECOrIlKENDED APPROVAL : 4. Resolution approving the reappointment by the �Mayor of Barbara Lukerman to serve on the Board of Di�trict Energy Saint Paul, Inc., term to expire September 1991 (CF 88-1188) _ .COMMITTEE RECO1�iENDED APPROVAL 5. Resolution approving the ap�ointment of Toag Vang and the reappoi.ntmeat of Roy Garza by the Mayor to �serve as members of the St. Paul Public Hausing Agency (CF 88-1191) _ _ COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 6. Resolution approving the appointment by the Mayor of Lt. Lester Benson to the� Skyway Governance Committee, term to expire January 1990 (CF 88-1192) COMMITTEE RECOI�IMENDED APPROVAL , 7. Resolution authorizing placement of certaia advertising display paael fixtures in the pedestrian skyway system with conditions (CF 88-I161) COMMITTEE RECO�NDED TWO WEER LAYOVER � 8. Ordinance amending Section 160.04 of the Legislative Code pertaining to parking meter zones of commercial vehicles (CF 88-1335) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED INDEFINITE LAYOVER CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SSI02 6t2f298-4646 . � . � f�48� � � .