88-1190 WNITE - C�TV CLERK COU�ICII PINK - FINANGE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR File NO• �� - uncil Resolution � �'�� �� � Present d By —�'�£ Referred To �V �'�= � � �4 �� G� Committee: Date � �� ��� Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby consent to and approve of the appointments/reappointments, made by the i�7ayor, of tne following-named persons to serve on the T�Iayor' s Advisory Conu-�nittee for People with Disabilities. APPOINT Darlene Morse Gordon Clauson Kathleen Ramirez Judy Hansen Jeffrey R. Hazen REAPPOINT Steve Bertrand Jeanette McDougal Marilyn Brache Thomas Shaw Marge Hinker Jurlean Smith Robert Jirik � Regina Wiblishauser Terrance Kayaer Nancy Willing Bruce Larson Wayne Wittman Each shall serve a two-year terrn, expiring June 30, 1990. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor Gosw►tz �h�� � __ Against BY Sonnen Wilson �' � � '�88 Form Appr y City Attor Adopted by Council: Date � � Certified P-s d ouncil S tar BY sy Ap d by Mavor. Date �A I 1�_+'g � Approv b Mayor for Sub s io o Council By — B . �S�t� r.�.�u i � ���U �, .. • s L , ' . ���f �� O .. � 1 � �./ l.. .N_. �13 613 . Mayor s Of�ice . - _ _ -_ _ _ DEPARTMENT - Ora Lee Patterson CONTACT I�AME . 298-4323 PHpNE � June 3 0, 19�8 DATE . ASSIGN NOMB�R. FOR ROUTZNG ORDER: (See reverse side.) � _ Department Director 1 Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and Ztanagement Servi�es Director '� City Clerk Budget Diractor 3 City Councilmember 2 City Attorney „ _ TOTAL NUMBEB OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 (Clip all locations for signature.) . WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THL ATTACHBD 2�1ATERIALSF (Purpose/Ratioriale) Fi,�►e persons will be �ippointed to the Mayor's Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities: Darlene E. Morse, Rathleen FLamire2, Jeffrey R. Hazen, Ga�don Claus�o� and Judy Hansen. Twe�.ve me�nbers wi11 be ReapPo�,nted to th� above-named committee: Steve Bertrand, Mar�lyn Bra�he, Marge Hinker, Robert Jirik, Terrance Kayser, Bxuce Laxaon, J'eanette McDougal, Tom Shaw, Jurlean Smith, Regina Wiblishauser, COSTjBENEFiT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSQNNE�. SKPACTS AN,TIC�PATED: I�ancy Willing and , Wayne Wittman. Each shall serve a .2-year term exgiring ,Tune 30, 1990. N/A � � �� � FIN G C T CTIV C CRED IIt� (Hayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) ��V� �,'� � Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity Number: ���� Funding Source:. � N�� ATTACHMENTS: (List and nwnber all attachments.) ' 1 GitX Cour�cil Resolution �� AD1rtINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ,_Yes , X No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes� are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTQRATEY REVIEW �_Yes No Council resolution required? Resolution required? X Yes _No Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? ^Yes _No �� _Yes _No Insurane,e attached? .� . ;', '�, . � :�-' t� - �_ ':,.�.� �r , CITY OF SAINT PAUI � � //7 U INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM � RI�Cj a ���- 1 1 1988 July l, 1988 COUNCILMAN JAMES SCHEIBEL TO: Council President James Scheibel Members of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: Ora Lee Patterson ���� Assistant to the Mayor RE: FOUR COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS & REAPPOINTMENTS Mayor's Advisory Committee Human Rights Commission for People with Disabilities Court Ordered Affirmative Board of Directors Action Advisory Committee District Energy St. Paul, Inc. Attached are four resolutions appointing and reappointing members to various committees. Mayor Latimer requests your consideration and approval of these appointments/reappointments. They are as follows: MAYOR'S ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Appoint: Darlene Morse, Kathleen Ramirez, Jeffrey R. Hazen, Gordon Clauson and Judy Hansen Reappoint: Steve Bertrand, Marilyn Brache, Marge Hinker, Robert Jirik, Terrance Kayser, Bruce Larson, Jeanette McDougal, Thomas Shaw, Jurlean Smith, Regina Wiblishauser, Nancy Willing and Wayne Wittman Terms: Each serves 2-year term, expiring June 30, 1990. HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Reappoint: Barbara Metzger, Rosa Smith and Roberto R. Avina Terms: Each to serve 3-year term, expiring October 9, 1991. , ' ' � COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS & REAPPOINTMENTS /(�� ����� � ' ` July 1, 1988 V� Page Two , COURT ORDERED AFFIRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Appoint: Gary Trudeau, representing Saint Paul Fire Department filling vacancy created by the resignation of Bob Heinen who retired. No terms of expiration on this committee. B_OARD OF DIRECTORS. ST. PAUL DISTRICT ENERGY INC Reappoint: Barbara Lukermann. Term: Two-year term expires September, 1990. Also attached are copies of applications for those persons being appointed. If you should have any questions, do not hesitate to call me at 298-4323. Thanking you in advance. OLP/drm Attachments cc: Marilyn Johnson, Staff, Human Rights Commission and Affirmative Action Advisory Committee Trudy Sherwood, Staff District Energy St. Paul Council Research A1 Olson, City Clerk, For Council Agenda ,�, , RECEiVED ., Members: v'_"oo -�1�� (.�I TY O F S A I N'1` PA UL Kiki Sonnen,chair `� ' Roger Gosw�tz :�'.-�� '�"L'' AUG o$ �9aa oN`�'`ICE OF '1`FI� CI'1`Y COU N C i L Bob Long �.. �� . CITY CLERK sta�t: A enda Date: Frida , Au ust 5, 1988 Joe Hannasch,:Research KIKI SONNEN g y g Terri B me, SeC�eta Couocilmember y ry MOLLY O'ROURKE .Ja[i@ MCP@3IC,AttOf�iQy Legisladve Aide � Rules and Policy Committee Report b�,�. g� . ��11 1. Approval of minutes of the July 8, 1988 Meeting. COMMITTEE APPROVED 2. Update on progress of Neighborhood Empowerment project. NO COMMITTEE ACTION REQUIRED � 3. Resolution 4�88-1179 - Amending the 1988 budget by transferring $6,000 to Mayor's Office for gifts to various dignitaries. (Referred to Committee 7/21/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL � 4. Resolution �88-1187 - Approving appointment of Gary Trudeau to represent the Fire Department on the Court Ordered Affirmative Action Advisory Committee. (Referred to Committee 7/21/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL �' S. Resolution #88-1189 - Approving the reagpointments of Barbara Metzger, Rosa Smith and Robert Avina to the Human Rights Commission (Referred to Committee 7/21/88) � COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR -------- ._.__.__.._.._..,__ _...-- _ _ .____._._ w_'�, �' 6. Resolution �88� Approving the appointments of Dariene Morse, Kathleen Ramirez, ��� Jeffrey Hazen, Gordon Clarron, and Judy Hanson; anc� the reappointments of Steve � Bertrand, Marilyn Brache, Marge Hinker, Robert Jirik, Terrance Kayser, Bruce Larson, � Jeanette McDougal, Thomas Shaw, Jurlean Smith, Regina t35blishauser, Nancy Willing, and Wayne Wittman to the Committee for People with Disabilities � (Referred to Committee 7/21/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL d , __ _._._..�....._.__.�.>__._....._.�._s..._ _...__ ._._._.__...-......._�._.__..� -- ----�—_-._._. _ �`.7. Resolution #88-1162 :- Appointing Linda A. Miller to represent the Human Rights " Department in the complaint of James Fowers vs. the PHA and appointing Jeffrey A. �Hassen as hearing officer (Referred to Committee 7/19/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL � �8. Resolution 4�88-1237 - Authorizing retaining services of attorney Thomas Mooney regarding complaint of Human Rights for Jesse Thomas vs. Raymond & Harlan Heichel and charging Mooney's compensation to Human Rights budget. (Referred to Committee 7/28/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL ' 9. Ordinance �E88-1137 - Amending Chapter 183 of the Legislative Code regarding Human Rights, which more completely defines certain provisions, expands protections and deletes gender specific language (Referred to Committee 7/14/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, WITH AMENDMENTS 10. Resolution ��88-945 - Requiring all ordinances and appropriate resolutions to include a statement of purpose and findings of fact in their final form. (Referred to Committee 6/14/88 and laid over in committee from 7/8/88) CONIl�IITTEE RECOMMENDED ONE MONTH LAYQVER (continued on reverse side) CIZ'Y HALL SEVEN�'H FLOOR SA[NT'PAUL, MINNESUI'A 5510� 612/298-5378 s..�y ss ___.��..._,..,� -- —_ - ----