88-1184 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COURCII � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � �/� � ncil Resolution Presented �,, ';� � � eferred To ��m�l, "�' t'fv '�i�'} hl s✓S: Commi ttee: Date � ��.� �� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, on January 6, 1987, the Saint Paul City Council established a Community Festival Revolving Loan Fund and Grant Program, administered by the Division of Parks and Recreation for the purpose of assisting neighborhood festivals with expenses, startup costs and insurance coverage; and WHEREAS, on August 12, 1987 the Saint Paul City Council did pass rules to administer the grant program; and WHEREAS, after operating under the rules it has become clear that some of the rules should be amended; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the following amendments be made to the rules: 1. ) Under General Procedures, Paragraph 3: that the date for application to the City' s Division of parks and Recreation be changed from February 1 each year to April 1 each year and that notification of award will be made by May 1 each year rather than March 1 each year. 2. ) Under Grants, change "only one grant per organization" to "grants may be awarded using a reducing scale of: $2,000 the lst year $1,000 the 2nd year $ j�—oA8 the 3rd year 3. ) Under Review, Paragraph 2: change "February 1 and March 1" to "April 1 and May 1". COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond r.o� in Favor Goswitz - Rettman �hQ1�� � Against Sonnen Wilson �UG' 2 5 '� Form A ove y Cit t ney Adopted by Council: Date c� Certified Pas Council S t BY � By ' l�pp o Mavor: Date "`£ Approv by o or mission to Council By PUBI.1SttEED ��P - � 1988 .. »�::: '� , � - . � ��� N°_ 014590 , CON�tUNITY SfRVICES DgP�►�tT�u.xT - ' �c 1tt ensteln CONTACT NAi� ' � P�iQNE � - -8 DATS ; ASSI6N �ER: F4R ROUTING ORDER: (See rev�rse side.) � � �Department Director 3 Mayor (or Assista�t) ` Binance and i�ianagement Semices Director 4 Citq Clerk ; Budget Director 5 C1t,L,GvUnC11 � City Attorney 6 �'Pdrks and Recrea ion ; �AL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGE�: (Clip all locations for signature.) j i i_�4T �iILL BS ACHIEVED B�TASING AC�,ON ON THE ATTACHED MATERiALS? (Purpose/Ra�ionale) , � The rules gouerning the Con�nunity Festival Fund will be amended to allow for �a reducing sc�le of grants for festiva]s, thereby allowing graups to receive support for� their event for three years ir�stead 'of one. Secondly, it changes the due date for �grant applications allowing more time for groups to apply. , { REC�[1/ED ; SQ,�Tf BEI�EFIT. BUDGETARY. AND P�RSONNEL IMPACTS ANTTCiFATED: ; ���� 0 6 P�va City will award approximately $30,000 in grants yearly. � Go�N�lhil[rt11t � � � � =- _ , __ , ; . i ����'Ct7! �INANCING SOtTRCE AND BUDGET AC'�IVITY N[JI�IBER„�HARGED OR CREDITED: I {l�tayor's signature not requ-ired if under $lp,000.) � e� "fjr � Total Amount of Trans�ction: 'Approx. $30,000 Activity Number: 23143 � �K . � Funding Source: Special Services - Community Festival Fund � ATTACHKENTS: (List and number a11 attachments.) Council Resolutian RECEIVED _ JUL 8198� ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ; X Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment requiredY _Yes X No If yes. are �hey or timetable attached? D$PARTMENT REVIEW ' CITY ATTORNEY R�v� X Yes No Council resolutior► re uired? Resolution re uired? ",,,,_Yes _No 4 9 _„Yes X No .Insurance requ3,red? Insurancc sufficient? �Yes No�/� _Yes X No Insurance attached? � � � . � ; � j .. . . . � �. ... . � . . . � /J��,/_ �/ ' Members:U`d"t'���y -�''� GITY OF SAINT PAUL Janice Rettman, chair � Bitl Wilson ' ,;.�;=r, !:ii. ct:';:L�; OI'FICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL BOb LOflg Date: Augus t 18, 1988 1ANICE RETTMAN . ��°n����° . Committee Report To: Saint Paul City Counci( From : Community and Human Services Committee . Janice Rettman, Chair A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 17, 1988: � 1. City Council Agenda S/3/88, Item No. 16: Third Reading - 88-500 - An ordinance amending Chapter 409.21(b) of the Legislative Code pertaining to pulltabs and tipboards in bars by deleting the reference to charitable organizations that support youth athletic activities. (Community and Human Services Committee recommends approval. (Sent back per request by Ms. Sonnen in regard to national associations having pulltabs.) Phil Byrne's combination of two ordinances will be presented. (Laid over from July 6, 1988 meeting.) (This was laid over to August 3�, 1988, as both Bill Wilson and Kiki Sonnen were absent.) (Laid over to August 17, 1988.) Laid over to August 31, 1988 for language stipulation (five permits versus striking youth athletics) . 2. City Council Agenda 5/24/88, Item No. 2: First Reading - 88-794 - An ordinance amending Chapter 33.02 of the Legislative Code and providing an increase in the Certificate of Occupancy fees and to reflect the administrative merger of the _ Certificate of Occupancy inspections program from the Department of Community Services-Building to the Department of Fire and Safety Services-Fire Marshall. (For Steve Zaccard's report.) (Laid over until August 3, 1988 for Gene Schiller to review with Steve Zaccard.) (New information has been received. Laid over to August 17, 1988 to review information.) Laid over to August 31, 1988 for Steve Zaccard to procure comparative data. 3. City Council Agenda 6/30/88, Item No. 5: First Reading - 88-1071 - An ordinance amending Section .310.03 of the Legislative Code pertaining to IJniform License Procedures for investigation and review of new applications for BCA and FBI checks of Class III licenses. (Laid over to August 17, 1988 so that Jerry Segal may review author's potential amendments.) Laid over to August 31, 1988 so that Ms. Sonnen may address the item. 4. Part III - Report on Gross Unsanitary Homes. (ALL COUNCIL MEMBERS ARE ENCOtTRAGE� TO ATTEND.) (Laid over from August 3, 1988.) Three ordinances reviewed and recommended for approval by the Committee; that is, amending Chapters 33.01; 33.03(f) , with a friendly amendment adding performance CTTY HALL ROOM NO. 704 SAWT PAUL. MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 s.+�o se - , . � ��-,��� CO;MITTEE REPORT Community and Human Services Committee. August 18, 1988 - Page Two bond; and 33.06. 5. City eoTruth in Housing2Boardipertaining tophislcancelled licenseto a decision of th Laid over to August 31, 1988, as requested by Dick Warwick. � .�{�Zf�'��'�!��`��r °�� 1,� ti���t�-�';�8��+:�6 ��e s 6..�u�°� ' '. . ram Eo a�ow for �t�R�, ur�Z,1�.�#t� � ing Loan F�IE��.r�'�C,.��oS le o� grants and chang�i`iig due ��t��°for p�rant �3i��,�ioas- R�l����"`' �'�p�prov��`�``'!`�e. 7. Child Care Discussion. Preliminary discussions held; indepth discussion will be held on September �7, 1988. cc: A1 Olson Ed Starr