99-26Council File # q9 — e1(.
Referred To
Green Sheet # 62414
Committee Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached
January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1999 Employment Agreement between the Independent School
District No. 625, Saint Paui Public Schools, and Manual and Maintenance Supervisors' Association,
Representing Manua1 and Maintenance Supervisors.
Requested by Department of:
Office of Labor Relations
By: `� � . �
Approved by Mayor: Date J�l � 3 ( r t a�(
By: <'�:3%vc�cf�l� � �_�� -
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By: �-"-- � �
Form App ed by City Attorney
By: ��r4C3�• � ����a4
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Adopted by Council: Date '�
Adoption Certified by Council Sec etary
LABOR RELATIONS 12/28/98 GREEN SHEET No.: 62414 '`'t'1 � �
CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: q nv�7iaLnnx'E m�i�niNwTe
acnox�QUESrEn: This resolution approves the attached January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1999 Employment
Agreement between Independent School District No. 625, Saint Paul Public Schools, and Manual and Maintenance
Supervisors' Associarion, Representing Manual and Maintenance Supervisors.
,PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION i. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worked mder a contract for this department?
STAFF 2. Has this persodfirm ever been a city employee?
SiJPPORTS WHICH COIJNCIL OBJEC'fIVE? 3. Does this person/fum possess a skill not normatly possessed by any cuRen[ ciry employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes aoswers on separate sheet and attach to green s6eet
.. ,-�:r:...^,:r: �.� . .v
This resolution pertains to Boazd of Education employees only. 1 „
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DATE: July21, 1998
TOPIC: Approval of Employment Agreement Between Independent School District
No. 625, Saint Paul Public Schools and Manual and Maintenance Supervisors'
Association, Representing Manual and Maintenance Supervisors
1. New Agreement is for a two-year period from January 1, 1998, through December 31, � 999.
2. Contract changes are as follows:
Waaes: Effective January 3, 1998, increase wage schedule 2.5%. Effective January 2, '1999,
increase wage schedule 2.5%. Include the title "School Bus Garage Superviso�' at Grade 34.
Insurance: The insurance premium contributions by the District are increased from
The current insurance caps of $187.50 for single coverage and $330 for family coverage will
increase as follows:
Sinqle Familv
Effective January 1, 1998 $196.05 $350.00
Effective January 1, 1999 $205.00 $375.00
Retiree Health Insurance: Language revised, removing options that created a tax liability for
Holidavs: The Columbus Day holiday is deleted and replaced with the Day After Thanksgiving.
Veterans Day and two floating holidays are converted to vacation days. The eligibility language
is revised. These changes streamline the leave system by alig�ing the leave system with the
organizational calendar and reducing payroll processing time.
Severance Pav: Employees who retire and meet eligibility requirements will receive $100 per
day for unused, accumulated sick leave �p to a maximum of $15,000. This replaces all
previous severance pay plans.
3. The District has six FTE's in this bargaining unit.
4. This request is submitted by Susan Gutbrod, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager;
Richard Kreyer, Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager; and Lois Rockney, Interim Executive
Director, Fiscal Affairs and Operations.
That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Agreement
concerning the terms and conditions of employment for manual and maintenance supervisors in this
school district; duration of said Agreement is for the period of January 1, 1998, through
December3l, 1999.
��-26 '�l
1998 - 1999
January 1, 1998 Through December 31, 1999
� Saint Paul Public Schools
• L/ F E L O N('i L E A R N/ N G
� Sainf Pau1 Public Schools
L/ i f L O N G L E A R N/ N G
Independent School District No. 625
Board of Education
Mary Thornton Phiflips - Chair
Greg Filice - Vice Chair
Gilbert de la O- Clerk
Neat Thao - Treasurer
William A. Larson -
Maureen A. Flanagan -
Lois M. Rockney
Cy R. Yusten
Tom Conion - Director
Becky Montgomery - Director
AI Oertwig - Director
Interim Superintendent of Schools
Executive Assistant
Superintendent of Schools
Assistant Superintendent
Accountability, Technology
and Support Services
Interim Executive Director
Fiscal Affairs and Operations
Assistant Superintendent
Teaching and Leaming
�9-26 '�1
Article 1. Purpose of Agreement .................................................................................... 1
Article Recognition .....................................................................................................1
Articie 3. Maintenance of Standards ...............................................................................2
Article Employer Rights .............................................................................................2
Article 5. Association Rights ..........................................................................................3
Article Seniority ........................................................................................................4
Article 7. Overtime and Premiums ................................................................................5
Article 8. Working Out of Classification ........................................................................5
Article Uniforms ........................................................................................................6
Article Vacation ..........................................................................................................6
Article Holidays ..........................................................................................................7
Article Sick Leave .......................................................................................................8
Article 13. Parental Leave ................................................................................................9
Article Wages ..............................................................................................................9
• Article 15. Insurance Benefits .......................................................................................10
Article Mileage .........................................................................................................14
Article Severance .....................................................................................................14
Article Discipline .....................................................................................................15
Article 19. Grievance Procedure ....................................................................................i 6
Article 20. No Strike, No Lockout ...................................................................................i 8
Article 21 . Right To Subcontract ....................................................................................i 8
Article Savings Clause ..............................................................................................1 8
Article 23. Term of Agreement .......................................................................................1 9
Appendix A: Titles and Salaries ...................................................................2 0
Index .............................................................................................................2 1
1.1 This Agreement is entered into beriveen Independent School District No_ 625,
hereinafter called the Employer, and the City of Saint Paul Manual and
Maintenance Supervisors' Association, hereinafter called the Association.
1.1.1 Assure sound and mutually beneficial working and economic
relationships between the parties hereto;
Establish procedures for the resolution of disputes conceming this
AgreemenYs interpretation and/or application; and
Place in written form the parties' agreement upon terms and conditions
of employment for the duration of this Agreement.
1.2 The Employer and the Association through this Agreement shall continue their
dedication to the highest quality public service to the public served by the School
District. Both parties recognize this Agreement as a pledge of this dedication.
2.1 The Employer recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative, under
the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971 (PELRA) as amended, for all
personnel in the following bargaining unit:
All manual maintenance supervisors in the titles contained in this Agreement and
any new manual and maintenance supervisor titles created during the term of
this Agreement by Independent Schooi District No. 625 as defined by PELRA.
2.2 In the event the Employer and the Association are unabte to agree �s to the
inclusion or exclusion of a new or modified job class, the issue shall be submitted
to the Bureau of Mediation Services for determination. It is understood that this
provision shall refer to the Bureau of Mediation Services only such issues as i t
has jurisdiction over by law.
2.3 The Employer shall not enter into any agreements covering terms and conditions
of employment with the employees of the bargaining unit under the jurisdiction
of this Agreement either individually or collectively which irt any way conflicts
with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, except through the certified
2.4 Neither the Association nor the Employer shall discriminate against any
employee because of Association membership or nonmembership, or because of
his race, color, sex, religion, national origin or political opinion or affiliations.
2.5 All existing Civil Service Rules shall apply except those superseded by this
�a-26 '�
• 3.1 The Employer agrees that ail conditions of employment relating to wages, hours
• of work, overtime differentials, vacations, and general working conditions shall
be maintained at not less than the highest minimum standard as set forth in the
Civil Service Rules of the City of Saint Paul at the time of the signing of this
• Agreement, and the conditions of employment shall be improved wherever
specific provisions for improvement are made etsewhere in this Agreement.
4.1 The Employer retains the sole right to operate and manage all manpower,
facilities, and equipment in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of
appropriate authorities.
4.2 Any terms and conditions of employment not specifically established or modified
by this Agreement shall remain solely within the discretion of the Empioyer to
modify, establish or eliminate.
4.3 The exercise by the Empioyer of, or its waiver of or its failure to exercise its
• fuli right of management or decision on any matter or occasion, shail not be a
precedent or be binding on the Employer nor the subject or basis of any
grievance not admissible in any arbitration proceeding. The Empioyer's right of
management shall not be amended or limited by any claimed or unwritten custom,
past practice or informal agreement nor by any claim the Employer has claimed
or condoned or tolerated any practice or any act or acts of any employees.
4.4 A public Employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent
manageriai policy which include, but are not limited to, such areas of discretion
or policy as the functions and programs of the Employer, its overail budget,
utilization of technology and organizational structure and selection and direction
and number of personnel.
5.1 The Employer shall deduct from the wages of the employees who authorize such a •
deduction in writing an amount necessary to cover monthly Association dues.
Such monies shall be remitted as directed by the Association. �
5.2 The Association may designate employees from the bargaining unit to act �
stewards and alternates and shall inform the Employer in writing of such choices
and of changes in the positions of stewards andlor alternates. It is further
understood that the number and locations of stewards shall be limited and
confined to numbers and locations as are necessary and reasonable to administer
the provisions of this Agreement.
5.3 The Employer shall make space available on the employee bulletin board for the
posting of Association notice(s) and announcement(s).
5.4 The Association agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against any
and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the
Employer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the
provisions of this Article.
5.5 The Employer agrees that on the Employer's premises and without loss of pay the
Association stewards shall be aflowed to post official Association notices of the
designated representatives; transmit communications authorized by the
Association or its officers under the terms of this contract; consuit with the
Employer, his/fier representative, Association officers or the Association
representative concerning the enforcement of any provisions of this Agreement, •
so long as such action does not interfere with regular empioyee duties and is
reasonabie and necessary.
5.6 Stewards are authorized to perform and discharge the duties and responsibilities
which are assigned to them under the terms of this Agreement and any
supplementary Agreements. The Employer agrees that there shall be rro
restraint, interference, coercion or discrimination against a steward because of
the performance of such dut+es.
5.7 Any present or future employee covered by this Agreement who is not an
Association member shal! be required to contribute a fair share fee for services
rendered by the Association. Upon notification by the Association, the Employer
shall check off said fee from the eamings of the employee and transmit the same
to the Association. In no instance shall the required contribution exceed a pro
rata share of the specific e�enses incurred for services rendered by the
representative in relationship to negotiations and administration of grievance
procedures. This provision shall remain operative only so long as specifically
provided by Minnesota law and as otherwise legal. It is also understood that the
Association agrees to indemnify and hotd the Employer harmless againsi any and
aIl claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the Employer �
a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the provisions of
this Section.
5.8 The Association agrees that an administrative service fee of fifty cents ($.50)
per member per month shall be deducted by the Employer from the amount
withheld for dues or fair share prior to remittance of dues or fair share to the �
� � — � f? ��
Seniority, for the purpose of this Agreement, shall be defined as follows:
6.1.1 "District Seniority" - The length of continuous regular and
probationary service with the Employer from the last date of
employment in any and all class titles.
6.1 .2 "Class Seniority" - The length of continuous regular and probationary
service with the Employer from the date an employee was first certified
and appointed to a class title covered by this Agreement, it being further
understood that class seniority is confined to the current class
assignment held by an employee.
Seniority shall terminate when an employee retires, resigns or is discharged.
6.3 Seniority shall not accumulate during an unpaid leave of absence, except when
such leave is granted for a period of less than thirty (30) calendar days; is
granted because of illness or injury; is granted to allow an employee to accept an
appointment to the unclassified service of the Employer; or is granted to take an
efected or appointed full-time position with the Association.
6.4 Subd. 1. In the event it is determined by the Employer Yhat it is necessary to
reduce the workforce, employees will be laid off by class title within each
division based on inverse length of "Class Seniority ° Recail from layoff shall be
in inverse order of layoff, except that recall rights shall expire after one year of
Subd. 2. In cases where there are promotional series, such as Foreman I,
Foreman II, Foreman III, etc., when the number of employees in these higher
titles is to be reduced, employees who have held lower titles which are in this
bargaining unit will be offered reductions to the highest of these titles to which
°Class Seniority" would keep them from being laid off, before layoffs are made
by any class title in any department.
ubd. 3. It is further understood that a laid-off employee shall have the right to
placement in any lower-paid class title, provided said employee has been
previously certified and appointed in said lower-paid class title. In such cases,
the employee shall first be placed on a reinstatement register and shali have
"Class Seniority" based on the date originally certified and appointed to said
class. Employees may also apply for positions in a lower class but may,
nevertheless, retum to original class as provided in Subd. 1. above.
6.5 To the extent possible, vacation periods shall be assigned on the basis ot "District
Seniority," within each class, by division. It is, however, understood that
vacation assignments shall be subject to the ability of the Employer to maintain
6.6 Promotions shall be handled in accordance with current Civil Service Rules and
7.1 Employees (with the exception of those covered in Section 7.2 hereof) shall be i
paid one and one-half (1-1/2) times the regular rate of pay for work performed
in excess of the regular workday and/or the forty (40)-hour workweek. .
Overtime rates shall be computed on the basis of 1/80 of the biweekly rate.
7.2 Employees in a classification in salary grade 41 or above, or that is considered ,
"exempt from overtime calculation" under the RSA shall be paid straight time
for work performed in excess of the regular workday and/or the forty
(40)-hour workweek.
7.3 An employee who is called back to work following the completion of his/her
regular workday shall be guaranteed four (4) hours of pay at his/her regular
straight time rate.
7.4 Major holidays, for the purpose of this Section, shall include the following: New
Yea�'s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and
Christmas Day. Minor holidays, for the purpose of this Section, shall include the
following: Martin Luther King Day, Presidents' Day and Day After Thanksgiving.
An employee working a major holiday as defined herein shall receive time and
one-half (1-1/2) the regular rate of pay for aII work performed on such
holiday, and an employee working a minor holiday as defined herein shall receive
straight time for such holiday work, it being understood that an alternative
holiday shall be designated.
7.5 An employee shall be compensated in either compensatory time off or overtime •
payment in wages at the Employer's discretion.
7.6 A night differential of five percent (5%) shall be provided to employees who
work night shifts as defined herein. A night shift will be considered to be a
regularly-assigned shift beginning earlier than 6 a.m., or ending later than
6 p.m., provided that at least five (5) hours of said shift are worked between the
hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. It is further understood that in case of
regularly-assigned shifts beginning earlier than 6 a.m. or ending later than 6
p.m. which involve less than five (5) hours of work, an employee shall be
eligible for the night differential only for the hours actually worked during night
shift hours.
8.7. Any employee working an out-of-class assignment for a period in excess of
fifteen (15) working days during any fiscal year of Employer shall receive the
rate of pay for the out-ot-class assignment in a higher classification not Iater
than the si�cteenth consecutive day of such assignment. For purposes of this
Article, an out-of-class assignment is defined as the full-time performance of
all of the significant duties arxi responsibilities of a classification by an
individual in artother classification. For ihe purpose of this Article, the rate of
pay for an out-of-class assignment shall be the same rate the employee would
have received if he were promoted to the higher classification. �
� 1-26 '�
r 1
9.1 The Empioyer agrees that if any employee is required to wear any kind of
uniform or safety equipment as a condition of continued empioyment, such
uniform and/or equipment shail be fumished and maintained by the Employer. I t
is, however, further understood that the Employer's obligation to provide
uniforms and/or safety equipment shall be confined to present practices and/or
requirements of law.
9.2 Any uniform or safety equipment provided pursuant to this Articie, darnaged in
the line of duty, shall be replaced by the Employer, provided that said damage is
not attributable to the negligence or other improper act of the employee.
9.3 The Employer agrees to pay $60 toward the cost of purchasing or repairing one
pair of safety shoes per contract year. This reimbursement of $60 shall be made
only after investigation and approval by the immediate supervisor for that
employee. This $60 Employer contribution shall apply oniy to those regular
employees who are required to wear protective shoes or boots by the Employer.
10.1 Vacation shall be credited at the rates shown below for each hour on the payroll:
Accrual Hours of Days of
Years of Service Rate Vacation Vacation
First year through completion of 5 years .0500 1 04 1 3
After 5 years through completion of 15 years .0692 1 44 1 8
After 15 years through completion of 20 years .1000 208 26
After 20 years and thereafter .1077 224 28
Years of service with the City of Saint Paul and years of service in any
bargaining group with the School District wili be counted as years of service for
purposes of this Section. Hours/days listed are based on a 2,080-hour work
year. Years of service means calendar years of service.
For the purpose of this Article, the `�racation year� shall be 4he calendar year.
i 0.2 Employees who work less than full time shall be granted vacation on a pro rata
i0.3 An employee may carry over into the fol{owing year up to one hundred sixty
(160) hours of vacation.
10.4 Scheduling of vacation is subject to approva{ of the employee's supervisor.
10.5 For the purposes of this Article 10, years of service shall be defined as the
number of years since the employee's date ot appointment. Th+s shall not include
years of service prior to a resignation.
1 1,1 Holidays Recognized and Observed. The following days shall be recognized and •
observed as paid holidays: •
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Presidents' Day
Memoriai Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day After Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
Eligible employees shall receive pay for each of the holidays listed above on
which they perform no work. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall
fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday.
Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fall on Sunday, the succeeding
Monday shall be observed as the holiday.
11 .2 Elyibility Requirements. To be eligible for hoiiday pay, employees must have
beert compensated for alt schedule hours of iheir last scheduled workday before
the holiday and for their first scheduled workday following the holiday.
11 .3 If Martin Luther King Day or Presidents' Day falis on a day when school is in
session, the Employee shall work that day at straight time and another day shall •
be designated as the holiday. This designated holiday shall be determined by
agreement between the emptoyee and fhe supervisor.
• 12.1 Sick leave. Sick leave shall accumulate at the rate of .0576 of a working hour
� for each full hour on the payroll, excluding overtime. Sick leave accumulation is
unlimited. To be eligibie for sick leave, the empioyee must report to his/her
supervisor no later than one-ha4f hour past hisfher regutar scheduled starting
time. The granting of sick leave shall be subject to ihe terms and provisions of
this Agreement.
12.1.1 Specified Allowable Uses of Sick Leave. Any employee who has
accumulated sick leave credits as provided above shali be granted leave
with pay, for such period of time as the head of the department deems
necessary, on account of sickness or injury of the empioyee, quarantine
established and declared by the Bureau of Health, death of the
employee's mother, father, spouse, child, brother, sister,
mother-in-law, father-in-law or other person who is a member of the
household; and may be granted leave with pay for such time as is
actuaNy necessary tor office visits to a doctor, dentist, optometrist,
etc., or in the case of sudden sickness or disability of a parent or a
member of his/her household, making arrangements for the care of
such sick or disabled persons up to a maximum of eight (8) hours sick
12.1 .2 Funeral Leave. Any employee who has accumulated sick leave credits, as
provided in the Civil Service Rules, shall be granted one (1) day of such
leave to attend the funeral of the employee's grandparent, grandchild,
aunt, uncle, sisier-in-law or brother-in-law.
12.1 .3 Sick Child Care Leave. An employee who has worked for the District for
at least twelve (12) consecutive months for an average of twenty ( 2 0)
or more hours per week prior to the leave request may use accumulated
personal sick leave credits for absences required to care for the
employee's itl child. Sick leave for sick child care shall be granted on
the same terms as the employee is able to use sick leave for the
employee's own illness. This leave shall only be granted pursuant to
Minnesota. Statute § S9i.9413 and shafl remain available as provided
in Statute.
i 2.1 .4 SpouselDependent Parent Leave. Up to five (5) days of accumulated
sick leave may be used in a work year to allow the employee to care for
and attend to the serious or critical iliness of his/her spouse or
dependent parent. These days when used are deductible from sick feave.
12.1.5 Sick Leave Conversion. Sick I
hours may be converted to paid
of sick leave time for one (1)
five (5) regularly-assigned w
(AO) hours in any year.
:ave accumulation in excess of 1,440
vacation time at a ratio of two (2) hours
iour of vacation time, to a maximum of
>rkdays (not to exceed a totai of forty
There shall be no conversion of unused sick leave in any amount at any
� time to any cash payment other than ihe above-described conversion to
vacation time or severance pay in Article 17.
13.1 Parental leave is a leave without pay or benefits which shali be granted upon �
request subject to the provisions of this Section. ft may be granted for reasons of
adoption or pregnancy and/or the need to provide parental care for a child or .
children of the employee for an eMended period of time immediately following
adoption or the conclusion of pregnancy; such period of leave shall be no longer
than one calendar year in length. Leave up to six (6) calendar months shall be
granted upon request. Leave for more than six (6) calendar months is at the
discretion of the Empioyer.
13.2 In the case of pregnancy, an employee who wishes to use a period of (paid) eamed
sick leave at the time of pregnancy and delivery-related disability, may request
unpaid parental leave for a period following the use of eamed sick leave;
however, sick leave time shall not be granted within (during the course of) a
period of unpaid parental leave. The employee requesting such sequential leave
shall submit an application in writing to the Director of Human Resources of
tndependent Schooi District No. 625 not iater than twelve (12) weeks in advance
of the anticipated date of delivery. The employee wiil be required to submit, at
the time of use, appropriate medical verification for the sick leave time claimed.
13.3 In the case of adoption, the employee shall submit a written application to the
Director of Human Resources, of Independent School District No. 625 including
the anticipated date of placement of the child, at least twetve (i2) weeks in
advance of the anticipated date of placement, or earlier if possible.
Documentation will be required.
13.4 When an employee is returning from parental leave extending over a period of
six (6) calendar months or less, the employee shall be placed, at the beginning of •
the first pay period following the scheduled date of return, in the same position
held prior to the leave or, if necessary, in an equivalent position.
13.5 When an employee has requested and been granted teave for a period longer than
six (6) calendar months, but no more than twefve (12) calendar months, the
employee will be placed in an equivalent position after the scheduled date of
retum as soon as an equivalent vacancy becomes available. For purposes of this
provision, an equivalent vacancy is a position in the same title which exists, has
no certified incumbent, which is to be filled, and for which no other person has
13.6 Effective February 1, 1994, leaves of absence shall be granted as required under
the federal law known as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) so long as i t
remains in force. The Human Resource Department provides procedures.
14.1 The wage schedule for this Agreement is in Appendix A.
14.2 �tep Progression. Employees who received overall sat+sfactory performance
rating and who were paid a minimum of 1,040 hours in the previous twelve
(12) months (prorated for part-time employees) will progress one (1) step
each year on the first day of the pay period following their anniversary date
through Step 5. After ten (10) calendar years of service, the employee w i I I
progress to Step 6. After fifteen (15) years of service, the empioyee will �
progress to Step 7.
��-26 ' �
1.1 The Employer will continue for the period of this Agreement to provide for active
empioyees such health and I'rfe insurance benefits as are provided by Employer at
ihe time of execution of this Agreement.
1.2 Eliyibilit�Waiting Period. Three (3) full months of continuous regularly
appointed service in Independent School District No. 625 will be required before
an etigib{e employee can receive the District contribution to premium cost for
health and life insurance provided herein.
1.3 Full-Time Status. For the purpose of this Article, full-time employment is
defined as appearing on the payroll at least thirty-two (32) hours per week or
at least sixty-four (64) hours per pay period, excluding overtime hours.
1.4 Half-Time Status. For the purpose of this Article, half-time employment is
defined as appearing on the payroll at least twenty (20) hours but less than
thirty-two (32) hours per week or at least forty (40) hours but less than
sixty-four (64) hours per pay period, excluding overtime hours.
1.5 Emolover Contribution Amount for Medical Insurance� Full-Time Employees.
Effective January 1, 1998, for each eligibie employee covered by this
Agreement who is employed full time and who selects employee insurance
coverage, the Employer agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage o r
• $196.05 per month, whichever is less. For each etigible tul!-time emp{oyee
who selects family coverage, the Employer will contribute the cost of such family
coverage or $350 per month, whichever is less.
1.5.1 Effective January 1, 1999, for each eligible employee covered by this
Agreement who is employed full time and who selects employee
insurance coverage, the Employer agrees to contribute the cost of such
coverage or $205 per month, whichever is less. For each eligible
full-time employee who selects family coverage, the Employer will
contribute the cost of such family coverage or $375 per month,
whichever is less.
1.6 Life Insurance. For each eligible full-time employee the Employer agrees to
contribute to the cost of $50,000 fife insurance coverage. The total premium
contribution by the Employer for all life insurance coverage shall not exceed
$12.00 per month. This amount shall drop to $5,000 of coverage (in the event
of early retirement) until the retiree reaches age sixty-five (65); then all
Employer coverage shall terminate.
1.7 Employer Contribution Amount: Married Couples. Effective January 1, 1999,
� an eligible full-time employee who is married to another District employee axi
is enrolled in the DistricYs health insurance plan as a dependent on their
spouse's plan may waive the single or family contribution to health insurance
� and receive up to $150 per month toward their spouse's family coverage. The
coordination of District contributions cannot exceed the full cost of family
� coverage and cannot be applied in cases where the spouse is receiving health
insurance through the District's cafeteria benefits plan.
ARTICLE Y5. INSURANCE, Section 1. (continued):
1.8 Emplovee Contribution Amount: Half-Time Emnloyees. For each eligible •
employee covered by this Agreement who is employed half time, the Employer
agrees to contribute fifty percent (50%) of the amount contributed for full-time �
employees as stated in 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 above.
1.9 Flexible $pendinaAccount. It is the intent of the Employer to maintain during the
ierm of this Agreement a plan for medical and child care e�ense accounts to be
available to employees in this bargaining unit who are eligible for Employer-
paid premium contribution for health insurance for such expenses, within the
established legal regulations and IRS requiremenis for such accounts.
1.10 The contributions indicated in this Article 15 shall be paid to the Employer's
group heaiih and welfare plan.
1.11 Any cost of any premium for any Employer-offered employee or family
insurance coverage in excess of the dollar amounts stated in this Article 15 shafl
be paid by the employee through payroll deduction.
Subd. 1. Benefit Eiic�ibilit� for Emplovees who Retire Before Aae 6 5
1.1 Employees hired into District service before January 1. 1996, must have
completed the following service eligibility requirements with Independenf School
District No. 625 prior to retirement in order to be eligible for any payment of •
any insurance premium contribution by the District after retirement:
A. Be receiving pension benefits from PERA, St. Paul Teachers Retirement
Association or other public employee retiree program at the time of
retirement and have severed the employment relationship with Independent
School District 625;
B. Must be at least fifty-five (55) years of age and have completed
twenty-five (25) years of service, or;
C. The combination of their age and their years of service must equal
eighty-five (85) or more, or;
D. Must have completed at least thirty (30) years of service, or;
E. Must have completed at least twenty (20) consecutive years of service
within Independent School District No. 625 immediately preceding
Years of regular service with the City of Saint Paul will continue to be counted
toward meeting the service requirement of this Subdivision 1.1 B, C or D, but
not for 7.1 E.
1.2 Em�loyees hired into District service after January 1. 1996, must have
completed twenty (20) years of service with Independeni School District
No. 625. Time with the City of Saint Paul will not be counted toward this twenty
(20)-year requirement.
1.3 Eligibility requirements for all retirees:
ARTICLE 15. INSURANCE, Section 2. (continued):
A. A retiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such spouse is
also an Independent Schooi District No. 625 retiree or Independent School
District No.625 employee and eligible for and is enrolled in the
Independent School District No. 625 health insurance program, or in any
other Employer-paid health insurance program.
B. Addftional dependents beyond those designated to the District at the time of
retirement may not be added at District expense after retirement.
C. The employee must make application through District procedures prior to
the date of retirement in order to be eligible for any benefits provided i n
this Section.
Subd. 2. E�lover Contribution Levels for Em�loyees Retirinc,�Before Age 6 5
Health Insurance Employer Contribution
The District will for the period of this Agreement provide employees who meet
the eligibility requireme�ts for health insurance in 1.1 or 12 above, who retire
during the term of this Agreement, and untii such employees reach sixty-five
(65) years of age, such health insurance premium contributions up to the same
dollar amount as were made by the District for health insurance for single o r
family coverage by that carrier, for an employee under this Agreement, in
his/her last month of active empioyment. In the event new carriers replace
those in place at execution of this Agreement, the dollar amounts being paid for
single or family coverage to the carrier at the employee's date of retirement
shall constitute the limit on future contributions. Any empioyee who is receiving
family coverage premium contribution at date of retirement may not later claim
an increase in the amount of the Employer obiigation for single coverage
premium contributions to a carrier after deleting family coverage.
Life Insurance Employer Contribution
The District will provide for early retirees who qualify under the conditions of
1.1 or 1.2 above, premium contributions for eligible retirees for $5,000 of life
insurance only until their 65th birthday. No life insurance will be provided, o r
premium contributions paid, for any retiree age sixty-five (65) or over.
Subd.3 Benefit Eligibility for EmployeesARer Pge65
3.1 Emoloyees hired into the District before January 1. 1996, who retired before
age 65 and are receiving benefits per Subd. 2 above are eligible, upon reaching
age 65, for employer premium contributions for health insurance described i n
Subd. 4 of this Article.
3.2 Em�lovees hired into the District before Januar�. 1 996, who retire at age 65
or older must have completed the eligibility requirements in Subd. 1.1 above to
receive District contributions toward post-age-65 health insurance premiums:
ARTfCLE 15. INSURANCE, Section 2. (continued):
3.3 Emp(ovees hired on or after January Y. i 996, shal( nof have or acquire in any
way any eligibility for Employer-paid health insurance premium contribution
for coverage in retirement at age sixty-five (65) and over in Subd. 4,
Employees hired on or after January 1, 1996, shall be eligible for only eariv
retirement insurance premium contributions as provided in Subd. 2 and
Deferred Compensation match in Subd. 5.
Subd. 4. Employer Contribution Levels for Retirees After Age 6 5
4.1 Emolovees hired into the District before January 1. 1996 and who meet the
eligibility requirements in Subdivisions 3.1 or 3.2 of this Article are eligible
tor premium corttributions for a Medicare Supplement health coverage policy
selected by the District. Premium contributions for such policy will not exceed:
Coverage Type
Medicare Eligible
Non-Medicare Eligible
Sin e
$300 per month
$400 per month
$400 per month
$500 per month
At no time shall any payment in any amount be made directly to the retiree.
Any premium cost in excess of the maximum contributions specified must be paid
directly and in full by the retiree, or coverage will be discontinued.
4.2 Emplovees hired after January 1. 1 996, after completion of three (3) full years
of consecutive active service in Independent School District No. 625, are eligible
to participate in an employer maiched Minnesota Deferred Comper�sation Plan.
Upon reaching eligibility, the District will match up to $500 per year of
consecutive active service, up to a cumulative lifetime maximum of $12,500.
Part-time employees working half-time or more will be eligibte for up to orie
half (50°/,) of the available District match. Approved non-compensatory leave
shall not be counted in reaching the three (3) full years of consecutive active
service, and shall not be considered a break in service. Time worked in the City
of Saint Paul will not be counted toward this three (3}-year requirement.
Federat and state ruies goveming participation in the Minnesota Deferred
Compensation Plan shall apply. The employee, not the District, is solely
responsible for determining his/her total maximum allowable annual
contribution amount under IRS regulations. The employee must initiate an
application to participate through the DistricYs specified procedures.
9 �-26 ���1
• 1 6.1 Employees of the School District under policy adopted by the Board of Education
, may be reimbursed for the use of their automobiles for school business. To be
eligible for such reimbursement, empioyees must receive authorization from the
District Mileage Committee utilizing the foilowing pian:
" PLAN "A". Effective with the adoption of this Agreement, is reimbursed at the
current Board rate or 31¢ per mil e whichever is greater. in addition, a
maximum amount which can be paid per month is established by an estimate
furnished by the employee and the empioyee's supervisor.
Another consideration for establishing the maximum amount can be the
experience of a�other worki�g in the same or similar position.
Under this plan, it is necessary for the employee to keep a record of each trip
1 7.1 The Employer shall provide a severance pay program as set forth in this Article.
• Payment of severance pay shall be made within the tax year of the retirement.
17.2 To be eligible for the severance pay program, the employee must meet the
following requirements:
17.2.1 The employee must be fifty-five (55) years of age or older or must be
eligible for pension under the "Rule of 90" provisions of the Pubiic
Employees Retirement Association (PERA). The "Rule of 85" or the
"Rule of 90" criteria shall also apply to employees covered by a public
pension plan other than PERA.
17.2.2 The employee must be voluntarily separated from School District
employment or have been subject to separation by layoff or compulsory
retirement. Those employees who are discharged for cause, misconduct,
inefficiency, incompetency or any other disciplinary reason are not
eligible for this severance pay program.
t7.2,3 The employee must file a waiver of re-employment with the Director of
Human Resources, which will clearly indicate that by requesting
severance pay, the employee waives all claims to reinstatement o r
re-employment (of any type) with the City of Saint Paul or with
{ndependent School District No. 625.
17.3 If an employee requests severance pay and if the employee meets the eligibility
requirements set forth above, he or she will be granted severance pay in an
� amount equal to $100 pay for each day of accrued, unused sick leave, up to 1 50
ARTICLE 17. SEVERANCE (continued)
17.4 The maximum amount of money that any employee may obtain through this •
severance pay program is $15,000.
17.5 For the purpose of this severance pay program, a death of an empfoyee shall be
considered as separation of employment and, if the employee would have met aI I
of the requirements set forth above at the time of his or her death, payment of the
severance pay may be made to the employee's estate or spouse.
17.6 For the purpose of this severance pay program, a transfer from Independent
School District No. 625 employment to City of Saint Paui employment is not
considered a separation of employment, and such transferee shall not be eligible
for this severance program.
18.1 The Employer will discipline employees for just cause only. Discipline will be
in the form of:
a) Oral reprimand;
b) Written reprimand;
c ) Suspension;
d) Reduction;
e) Discharge.
18.2. Suspensions, reductions, and discharges will be in written form.
18.3. Employees and the Association will receive copies of written reprimands and •
notices of suspension and discharge.
18.4. Employees may examine all information in their Employer personnel files that
concerns work evaluations, commendations and/or disciplinary actions. Files
may be examined at reasonable times under the direct supervision of the
18.5. Preliminary Review. Prior to issuing a disciplinary action of unpaid
suspension, demotion or discharge, the supervisor will make a recommendation
to his/her supervisor regarding proposed discipline. That supervisor will then
provide written notice of the charges to the employee and offer to meet with the
employee prior to making a final determination of the proposed discipline. The
employee shall have the opportunity to have union representation preseM and be
provided the opportunity to speak. If the employee is unable to meet with the
supervisor, the employee will be given the opportunity to respond in writing.
18.6. An employee to be questioned conceming an investigation of disciplinary action
shall have the right to request that an Association Representative be present.
18.7. Employees who are suspended, demoted or discharged shall have the right to
request that such actions be considered a"grievance" for the purpose of
processing through the provisions of Article 19 (Grievance Procedure); as an
altemative option, such employee can request review, consistent with Minnesota
Statute § 179A.20, Subd. 4. Orxe an employee, or the union acting in the
employee's behalf initiates review in one forum, the matter shall not be again
reviewed in another forum. Oral reprimands shall noi be subject to the
grievance review procedures. �
�;��6 .��
1 9.1 Definition of a Grievance. A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement �
to the interpretation or appiication of the specific terms and conditions of this
19.2 Association Representatives. The Empioyer will recognize representatives
designated by the Association as the grievance representatives of the bargaining
unit having the duties and responsibilities established by this Article. The
Association shall notify the Employer in writing of the names of such Association
representatives and of their successors when so designated as provided by 6.2. of
this Agreement.
1 9.3 Processing of a Grievance. It is recognized and accepted by the Association and the
Empioyer that the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by
the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall therefore be
accomplished during normal working hours only when consistent with such
employee duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved employee and an Association
Representative shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss of pay
when a grievance is investigated and presented to the Employer during normal
working hours provided that the employee and the Association Representative
have notified and received the approval of the designated supervisor who has
determined that such absence is reasonable and would not be detrimental to the
work programs of the Employer.
19.4 Procedure. Grievances, as defined by Section 19.1., shall be resoived in
conformance with the following procedure:
te 1. An employee ciaiming a violation concerning the interpretation o r
appfication of this Agreement shall, within twenty-one (21) catendar days after
such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievance to the employee's
supervisor as designated by the Employer.
The Employer-designated representative will discuss and give an answer to such
Step 1 grievance within ten (10) calendar days after receipt. A grievance not
resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in writing, setting forth
the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the provision o r
provisions of the Agreement allegedly violated, the remedy requested, and shall
be appealed to Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days after the
Employer-designated Representative's final answer in Step 1. Any grievance not
appealed in writing to Step 2 by the Association within ten (10) cafendar days
shall be considered waived.
te 2. if appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the Association
and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 2 representative. The
Employer-designated representative shall give the Association the Empioyer's
Step 2 answer in writing within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such
Step 2 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3
within ten (10) calendar days following the Employer-designated
representative's finai Step 2 answer. Any grievance not appealed in writing to
Step 3 by the Association within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered
19.4 Procedure: Grievances (continued)
Steo 3. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by ihe Association
and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 3 representative. The
Employer-designated representative shalf give the Association the Employer's
answer in writing within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 3
grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 3 may be appealed to Step 4 within
ten (10) caiendar days following the Employer-designated representative's final
answer in Step 3. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 4 by the
Association within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived.
Ste . A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to Step 4 by the
Association shall be submitted to arbitration subject to the provisions of the
Pub)ic Employmeni Labor Relations Act of 1971 as arnended. The selection of an
arbitrator shall be made in accordance with the rules as established by the
Bureau of Mediation Services.
19.5 Arbitrator's Authoritv
19.5.1. The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nuliify, ignore, add
to or subtract from the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The
arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issue(s)
submitted in writing by the Employer and the Association and shall have
no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. •
19.5.2. The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to o r
inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the application of
laws, rules or regulations having the force and effect of law. The
arbitratoPs decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty ( 3 0)
days following Gose of the hearing or ihe submission of briefs by the
parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension.
The decision shall be binding on both the Employer and the Association
and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or
application of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of the
grievance presented.
19.5.3. The fees and e�enses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings
shall be bome equally by the Employer and the Association provided that
each party shall be responsible for compensating its own
representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim
record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made,
providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim
record of the proceedings, ihe cost shall be shared equally.
�f-26 ��1
1 9.6 Waiver. If a grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth above, i t
shail be considered "waived." If a grievance is not appealed to the next step
within the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be
considered settled on the basis of the Empioyer's last answer. if the Empioyer
does not answer a grievance or an appeal thereof within the spec'rfied time limits,
the Association may elect to treat the grievance as denied at that step and
immediately appeal the grievance to the next step. The time limit in each step
may be extended by mutual written agreement of the Employer and the
Association in each step.
19.7 It is understood by the Association and the Employer that, if an issue is
determined by this grievance procedure, that issue shall not again be submitted
for arbitration under the provision of the Rules and Regulations of Civil Service.
It is further understood that, if an issue is submitted and determined by the
grievance procedure under the Civil Service Rules and Regulations, it shali not
again be submitted for arbitration under the procedures set forth in this Article.
20.1 The Association and the Employer agree
stoppages, slow-downs, sit-down, stay in
• the Employer's business or affairs by
thereof, and there shafl be no bannering
without first using all possible means of
that may arise.
that there shall be no strikes, work
or other considered interference with
the Association and/or the members
during the existence of this Agreement
peaceful settlement of any controversy
21.1 The Employer may, at any time during the duration of this Agreement, contract
out work done by the employees covered by this Agreement. In the event that
such contracting would result in reduction of the workforce covered by this
Agreement, the Employer shall give the Association a ninety (90) calendar day
notice of the intention to subcontract.
22.1 This Agreement is subject to the laws of the United States, the State of Minnesota.
In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary to law
by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree no
appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provisions shall be voided.
All other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. The voided provision
may be renegotiated at the written request of either party. All other provisions
of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
23.1 This Agreement shall be effective as of January 1, 1998, and shall continue in
effect through December 31, 1999. This Agreement shall not be extended oraily
and it is understood that it shail expire on the date indicated.
23.2 It is understood that this settlement shall be recommended by the
Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager, but is subject to approval by the Board of
23.3 The Empioyer and the Association acknowledge that during the meeting and
negotiating which resulted in this Agreement, each had the right and opportunity
to make proposals with respect to any subject concerning the terms arxl
conditions of employment. The agreements and understandings reached by the
parties after the exercise of this right are fully and completely set forth in this
Agreement. Any and all prior agreements, resolutions, practices, policy or rules
or regulations regarding the terms and conditions of employment, to the extent
they are inconsistent with this Agreement, are hereby superseded. In those areas
where Civil Service Rules are not inconsistent with this Agreement, the Civil
Service Rules shall continue to be in effect.
\ J
xecutive Board ember
/ � � � / / �� /L.� s -!/ �" _
�._ • • . .
i� �
Manager N gotiations Team M mber
� laclgR
Assistant Manager
� 1s96"'
��-26 ' �
STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Start 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years
Grade 3 4
Schooi Bus Garage Supervisor
1-3-98 1, 212.71 1, 337.01 1, 391.03 1,462.07 1, 521.45 1, 600.46 1,640.00
1-2-99 1,243.03 1,370.44 1,425.81 1,498.62 1,559.49 1,640.47 1,681.00
Grade 3 5
Food Service Equipment Specialist
1-3-98 1,355.02 1, 494.16 1, 569.80 1, 65'I .98
1-2-99 1,388.90 1,531.51 1,609.05 1,693.28
Grade 3 6
Facility Operations Coordinator I
13-98 1,361.61 1,501.17 1,561.81 1,641.58 1,708.24 1,796.96 1,84'I .36
1-2-99 1,395.65 1,538.70 1,600.86 1,682.62 1,750.95 1,841.88 1,887.39
• Grade 3 7
Grounds and Labor Supervisor
1-3-98 1,402.47 1,546.2� 1,608.68 1,690.8'I 1,759.47 1,850.86 1,896.60
1-2-99 1,437.53 1,584.87 1, 648.90 1, 733.08 1,803.46 1, 897.13 1, 944.02
Grade 4 0
Facility Operations Coordinator II
1-3-98 1,544.48 1,691.03 1,757.86 1,847.76 1,922.65 2,022.48 2,072.42
1-2-99 1,583.09 1,733.31 1,801.81 1,893.95 1,970.72 2,073.04 2,124.23
Association Dues ........................................3
Discipline ................................................ I S
Employer Rights .........................................2
F7exible Spending Account ......................... 11
Funeral I.eave ............................................. 8
Grievance Prxedure ................................... 16
Health Ins�rzance ........................................ 10
Holidays .................................................... 7
Insurance Benefits ...................................... 10
Life Insurance ........................................... 10
Lockout................................................... 18
Mileage ................................................... 14
Overtime ...................................................5
Parental I.eave ............................................9
Preliminary Review ................................... 15
Premiums .................................................. 5
Retirement Aealth Insurance ........................ 11
Salaries ................................................... 20
Seniority ...................................................4
Severance ................................................. 14
Sick Child Caze Leave ..................................8
Sick Leave ................................................. S
Sick L.eave Conversion .................................8
Spouse/Dependent Pazent Leave .....................8
Step Progression .........................................9
Scewazds .................................................... 3
Stritce...................................................... 18
Subcontract .............................................. 18
Uniforms ................................................... 6
Vacadon .................................................... 6
Wages....................................................... 9
Working Out of Classification .......................5
Council File # q9 — e1(.
Referred To
Green Sheet # 62414
Committee Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached
January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1999 Employment Agreement between the Independent School
District No. 625, Saint Paui Public Schools, and Manual and Maintenance Supervisors' Association,
Representing Manua1 and Maintenance Supervisors.
Requested by Department of:
Office of Labor Relations
By: `� � . �
Approved by Mayor: Date J�l � 3 ( r t a�(
By: <'�:3%vc�cf�l� � �_�� -
—v �
By: �-"-- � �
Form App ed by City Attorney
By: ��r4C3�• � ����a4
.... ,.. . , . , .
�./� ��_I�.
� �
Adopted by Council: Date '�
Adoption Certified by Council Sec etary
LABOR RELATIONS 12/28/98 GREEN SHEET No.: 62414 '`'t'1 � �
CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: q nv�7iaLnnx'E m�i�niNwTe
acnox�QUESrEn: This resolution approves the attached January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1999 Employment
Agreement between Independent School District No. 625, Saint Paul Public Schools, and Manual and Maintenance
Supervisors' Associarion, Representing Manual and Maintenance Supervisors.
,PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION i. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worked mder a contract for this department?
STAFF 2. Has this persodfirm ever been a city employee?
SiJPPORTS WHICH COIJNCIL OBJEC'fIVE? 3. Does this person/fum possess a skill not normatly possessed by any cuRen[ ciry employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes aoswers on separate sheet and attach to green s6eet
.. ,-�:r:...^,:r: �.� . .v
This resolution pertains to Boazd of Education employees only. 1 „
��`.� � � ,����
DATE: July21, 1998
TOPIC: Approval of Employment Agreement Between Independent School District
No. 625, Saint Paul Public Schools and Manual and Maintenance Supervisors'
Association, Representing Manual and Maintenance Supervisors
1. New Agreement is for a two-year period from January 1, 1998, through December 31, � 999.
2. Contract changes are as follows:
Waaes: Effective January 3, 1998, increase wage schedule 2.5%. Effective January 2, '1999,
increase wage schedule 2.5%. Include the title "School Bus Garage Superviso�' at Grade 34.
Insurance: The insurance premium contributions by the District are increased from
The current insurance caps of $187.50 for single coverage and $330 for family coverage will
increase as follows:
Sinqle Familv
Effective January 1, 1998 $196.05 $350.00
Effective January 1, 1999 $205.00 $375.00
Retiree Health Insurance: Language revised, removing options that created a tax liability for
Holidavs: The Columbus Day holiday is deleted and replaced with the Day After Thanksgiving.
Veterans Day and two floating holidays are converted to vacation days. The eligibility language
is revised. These changes streamline the leave system by alig�ing the leave system with the
organizational calendar and reducing payroll processing time.
Severance Pav: Employees who retire and meet eligibility requirements will receive $100 per
day for unused, accumulated sick leave �p to a maximum of $15,000. This replaces all
previous severance pay plans.
3. The District has six FTE's in this bargaining unit.
4. This request is submitted by Susan Gutbrod, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager;
Richard Kreyer, Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager; and Lois Rockney, Interim Executive
Director, Fiscal Affairs and Operations.
That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Agreement
concerning the terms and conditions of employment for manual and maintenance supervisors in this
school district; duration of said Agreement is for the period of January 1, 1998, through
December3l, 1999.
��-26 '�l
1998 - 1999
January 1, 1998 Through December 31, 1999
� Saint Paul Public Schools
• L/ F E L O N('i L E A R N/ N G
� Sainf Pau1 Public Schools
L/ i f L O N G L E A R N/ N G
Independent School District No. 625
Board of Education
Mary Thornton Phiflips - Chair
Greg Filice - Vice Chair
Gilbert de la O- Clerk
Neat Thao - Treasurer
William A. Larson -
Maureen A. Flanagan -
Lois M. Rockney
Cy R. Yusten
Tom Conion - Director
Becky Montgomery - Director
AI Oertwig - Director
Interim Superintendent of Schools
Executive Assistant
Superintendent of Schools
Assistant Superintendent
Accountability, Technology
and Support Services
Interim Executive Director
Fiscal Affairs and Operations
Assistant Superintendent
Teaching and Leaming
�9-26 '�1
Article 1. Purpose of Agreement .................................................................................... 1
Article Recognition .....................................................................................................1
Articie 3. Maintenance of Standards ...............................................................................2
Article Employer Rights .............................................................................................2
Article 5. Association Rights ..........................................................................................3
Article Seniority ........................................................................................................4
Article 7. Overtime and Premiums ................................................................................5
Article 8. Working Out of Classification ........................................................................5
Article Uniforms ........................................................................................................6
Article Vacation ..........................................................................................................6
Article Holidays ..........................................................................................................7
Article Sick Leave .......................................................................................................8
Article 13. Parental Leave ................................................................................................9
Article Wages ..............................................................................................................9
• Article 15. Insurance Benefits .......................................................................................10
Article Mileage .........................................................................................................14
Article Severance .....................................................................................................14
Article Discipline .....................................................................................................15
Article 19. Grievance Procedure ....................................................................................i 6
Article 20. No Strike, No Lockout ...................................................................................i 8
Article 21 . Right To Subcontract ....................................................................................i 8
Article Savings Clause ..............................................................................................1 8
Article 23. Term of Agreement .......................................................................................1 9
Appendix A: Titles and Salaries ...................................................................2 0
Index .............................................................................................................2 1
1.1 This Agreement is entered into beriveen Independent School District No_ 625,
hereinafter called the Employer, and the City of Saint Paul Manual and
Maintenance Supervisors' Association, hereinafter called the Association.
1.1.1 Assure sound and mutually beneficial working and economic
relationships between the parties hereto;
Establish procedures for the resolution of disputes conceming this
AgreemenYs interpretation and/or application; and
Place in written form the parties' agreement upon terms and conditions
of employment for the duration of this Agreement.
1.2 The Employer and the Association through this Agreement shall continue their
dedication to the highest quality public service to the public served by the School
District. Both parties recognize this Agreement as a pledge of this dedication.
2.1 The Employer recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative, under
the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971 (PELRA) as amended, for all
personnel in the following bargaining unit:
All manual maintenance supervisors in the titles contained in this Agreement and
any new manual and maintenance supervisor titles created during the term of
this Agreement by Independent Schooi District No. 625 as defined by PELRA.
2.2 In the event the Employer and the Association are unabte to agree �s to the
inclusion or exclusion of a new or modified job class, the issue shall be submitted
to the Bureau of Mediation Services for determination. It is understood that this
provision shall refer to the Bureau of Mediation Services only such issues as i t
has jurisdiction over by law.
2.3 The Employer shall not enter into any agreements covering terms and conditions
of employment with the employees of the bargaining unit under the jurisdiction
of this Agreement either individually or collectively which irt any way conflicts
with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, except through the certified
2.4 Neither the Association nor the Employer shall discriminate against any
employee because of Association membership or nonmembership, or because of
his race, color, sex, religion, national origin or political opinion or affiliations.
2.5 All existing Civil Service Rules shall apply except those superseded by this
�a-26 '�
• 3.1 The Employer agrees that ail conditions of employment relating to wages, hours
• of work, overtime differentials, vacations, and general working conditions shall
be maintained at not less than the highest minimum standard as set forth in the
Civil Service Rules of the City of Saint Paul at the time of the signing of this
• Agreement, and the conditions of employment shall be improved wherever
specific provisions for improvement are made etsewhere in this Agreement.
4.1 The Employer retains the sole right to operate and manage all manpower,
facilities, and equipment in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of
appropriate authorities.
4.2 Any terms and conditions of employment not specifically established or modified
by this Agreement shall remain solely within the discretion of the Empioyer to
modify, establish or eliminate.
4.3 The exercise by the Empioyer of, or its waiver of or its failure to exercise its
• fuli right of management or decision on any matter or occasion, shail not be a
precedent or be binding on the Employer nor the subject or basis of any
grievance not admissible in any arbitration proceeding. The Empioyer's right of
management shall not be amended or limited by any claimed or unwritten custom,
past practice or informal agreement nor by any claim the Employer has claimed
or condoned or tolerated any practice or any act or acts of any employees.
4.4 A public Employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent
manageriai policy which include, but are not limited to, such areas of discretion
or policy as the functions and programs of the Employer, its overail budget,
utilization of technology and organizational structure and selection and direction
and number of personnel.
5.1 The Employer shall deduct from the wages of the employees who authorize such a •
deduction in writing an amount necessary to cover monthly Association dues.
Such monies shall be remitted as directed by the Association. �
5.2 The Association may designate employees from the bargaining unit to act �
stewards and alternates and shall inform the Employer in writing of such choices
and of changes in the positions of stewards andlor alternates. It is further
understood that the number and locations of stewards shall be limited and
confined to numbers and locations as are necessary and reasonable to administer
the provisions of this Agreement.
5.3 The Employer shall make space available on the employee bulletin board for the
posting of Association notice(s) and announcement(s).
5.4 The Association agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against any
and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the
Employer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the
provisions of this Article.
5.5 The Employer agrees that on the Employer's premises and without loss of pay the
Association stewards shall be aflowed to post official Association notices of the
designated representatives; transmit communications authorized by the
Association or its officers under the terms of this contract; consuit with the
Employer, his/fier representative, Association officers or the Association
representative concerning the enforcement of any provisions of this Agreement, •
so long as such action does not interfere with regular empioyee duties and is
reasonabie and necessary.
5.6 Stewards are authorized to perform and discharge the duties and responsibilities
which are assigned to them under the terms of this Agreement and any
supplementary Agreements. The Employer agrees that there shall be rro
restraint, interference, coercion or discrimination against a steward because of
the performance of such dut+es.
5.7 Any present or future employee covered by this Agreement who is not an
Association member shal! be required to contribute a fair share fee for services
rendered by the Association. Upon notification by the Association, the Employer
shall check off said fee from the eamings of the employee and transmit the same
to the Association. In no instance shall the required contribution exceed a pro
rata share of the specific e�enses incurred for services rendered by the
representative in relationship to negotiations and administration of grievance
procedures. This provision shall remain operative only so long as specifically
provided by Minnesota law and as otherwise legal. It is also understood that the
Association agrees to indemnify and hotd the Employer harmless againsi any and
aIl claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the Employer �
a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the provisions of
this Section.
5.8 The Association agrees that an administrative service fee of fifty cents ($.50)
per member per month shall be deducted by the Employer from the amount
withheld for dues or fair share prior to remittance of dues or fair share to the �
� � — � f? ��
Seniority, for the purpose of this Agreement, shall be defined as follows:
6.1.1 "District Seniority" - The length of continuous regular and
probationary service with the Employer from the last date of
employment in any and all class titles.
6.1 .2 "Class Seniority" - The length of continuous regular and probationary
service with the Employer from the date an employee was first certified
and appointed to a class title covered by this Agreement, it being further
understood that class seniority is confined to the current class
assignment held by an employee.
Seniority shall terminate when an employee retires, resigns or is discharged.
6.3 Seniority shall not accumulate during an unpaid leave of absence, except when
such leave is granted for a period of less than thirty (30) calendar days; is
granted because of illness or injury; is granted to allow an employee to accept an
appointment to the unclassified service of the Employer; or is granted to take an
efected or appointed full-time position with the Association.
6.4 Subd. 1. In the event it is determined by the Employer Yhat it is necessary to
reduce the workforce, employees will be laid off by class title within each
division based on inverse length of "Class Seniority ° Recail from layoff shall be
in inverse order of layoff, except that recall rights shall expire after one year of
Subd. 2. In cases where there are promotional series, such as Foreman I,
Foreman II, Foreman III, etc., when the number of employees in these higher
titles is to be reduced, employees who have held lower titles which are in this
bargaining unit will be offered reductions to the highest of these titles to which
°Class Seniority" would keep them from being laid off, before layoffs are made
by any class title in any department.
ubd. 3. It is further understood that a laid-off employee shall have the right to
placement in any lower-paid class title, provided said employee has been
previously certified and appointed in said lower-paid class title. In such cases,
the employee shall first be placed on a reinstatement register and shali have
"Class Seniority" based on the date originally certified and appointed to said
class. Employees may also apply for positions in a lower class but may,
nevertheless, retum to original class as provided in Subd. 1. above.
6.5 To the extent possible, vacation periods shall be assigned on the basis ot "District
Seniority," within each class, by division. It is, however, understood that
vacation assignments shall be subject to the ability of the Employer to maintain
6.6 Promotions shall be handled in accordance with current Civil Service Rules and
7.1 Employees (with the exception of those covered in Section 7.2 hereof) shall be i
paid one and one-half (1-1/2) times the regular rate of pay for work performed
in excess of the regular workday and/or the forty (40)-hour workweek. .
Overtime rates shall be computed on the basis of 1/80 of the biweekly rate.
7.2 Employees in a classification in salary grade 41 or above, or that is considered ,
"exempt from overtime calculation" under the RSA shall be paid straight time
for work performed in excess of the regular workday and/or the forty
(40)-hour workweek.
7.3 An employee who is called back to work following the completion of his/her
regular workday shall be guaranteed four (4) hours of pay at his/her regular
straight time rate.
7.4 Major holidays, for the purpose of this Section, shall include the following: New
Yea�'s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and
Christmas Day. Minor holidays, for the purpose of this Section, shall include the
following: Martin Luther King Day, Presidents' Day and Day After Thanksgiving.
An employee working a major holiday as defined herein shall receive time and
one-half (1-1/2) the regular rate of pay for aII work performed on such
holiday, and an employee working a minor holiday as defined herein shall receive
straight time for such holiday work, it being understood that an alternative
holiday shall be designated.
7.5 An employee shall be compensated in either compensatory time off or overtime •
payment in wages at the Employer's discretion.
7.6 A night differential of five percent (5%) shall be provided to employees who
work night shifts as defined herein. A night shift will be considered to be a
regularly-assigned shift beginning earlier than 6 a.m., or ending later than
6 p.m., provided that at least five (5) hours of said shift are worked between the
hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. It is further understood that in case of
regularly-assigned shifts beginning earlier than 6 a.m. or ending later than 6
p.m. which involve less than five (5) hours of work, an employee shall be
eligible for the night differential only for the hours actually worked during night
shift hours.
8.7. Any employee working an out-of-class assignment for a period in excess of
fifteen (15) working days during any fiscal year of Employer shall receive the
rate of pay for the out-ot-class assignment in a higher classification not Iater
than the si�cteenth consecutive day of such assignment. For purposes of this
Article, an out-of-class assignment is defined as the full-time performance of
all of the significant duties arxi responsibilities of a classification by an
individual in artother classification. For ihe purpose of this Article, the rate of
pay for an out-of-class assignment shall be the same rate the employee would
have received if he were promoted to the higher classification. �
� 1-26 '�
r 1
9.1 The Empioyer agrees that if any employee is required to wear any kind of
uniform or safety equipment as a condition of continued empioyment, such
uniform and/or equipment shail be fumished and maintained by the Employer. I t
is, however, further understood that the Employer's obligation to provide
uniforms and/or safety equipment shall be confined to present practices and/or
requirements of law.
9.2 Any uniform or safety equipment provided pursuant to this Articie, darnaged in
the line of duty, shall be replaced by the Employer, provided that said damage is
not attributable to the negligence or other improper act of the employee.
9.3 The Employer agrees to pay $60 toward the cost of purchasing or repairing one
pair of safety shoes per contract year. This reimbursement of $60 shall be made
only after investigation and approval by the immediate supervisor for that
employee. This $60 Employer contribution shall apply oniy to those regular
employees who are required to wear protective shoes or boots by the Employer.
10.1 Vacation shall be credited at the rates shown below for each hour on the payroll:
Accrual Hours of Days of
Years of Service Rate Vacation Vacation
First year through completion of 5 years .0500 1 04 1 3
After 5 years through completion of 15 years .0692 1 44 1 8
After 15 years through completion of 20 years .1000 208 26
After 20 years and thereafter .1077 224 28
Years of service with the City of Saint Paul and years of service in any
bargaining group with the School District wili be counted as years of service for
purposes of this Section. Hours/days listed are based on a 2,080-hour work
year. Years of service means calendar years of service.
For the purpose of this Article, the `�racation year� shall be 4he calendar year.
i 0.2 Employees who work less than full time shall be granted vacation on a pro rata
i0.3 An employee may carry over into the fol{owing year up to one hundred sixty
(160) hours of vacation.
10.4 Scheduling of vacation is subject to approva{ of the employee's supervisor.
10.5 For the purposes of this Article 10, years of service shall be defined as the
number of years since the employee's date ot appointment. Th+s shall not include
years of service prior to a resignation.
1 1,1 Holidays Recognized and Observed. The following days shall be recognized and •
observed as paid holidays: •
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Presidents' Day
Memoriai Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day After Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
Eligible employees shall receive pay for each of the holidays listed above on
which they perform no work. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall
fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday.
Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fall on Sunday, the succeeding
Monday shall be observed as the holiday.
11 .2 Elyibility Requirements. To be eligible for hoiiday pay, employees must have
beert compensated for alt schedule hours of iheir last scheduled workday before
the holiday and for their first scheduled workday following the holiday.
11 .3 If Martin Luther King Day or Presidents' Day falis on a day when school is in
session, the Employee shall work that day at straight time and another day shall •
be designated as the holiday. This designated holiday shall be determined by
agreement between the emptoyee and fhe supervisor.
• 12.1 Sick leave. Sick leave shall accumulate at the rate of .0576 of a working hour
� for each full hour on the payroll, excluding overtime. Sick leave accumulation is
unlimited. To be eligibie for sick leave, the empioyee must report to his/her
supervisor no later than one-ha4f hour past hisfher regutar scheduled starting
time. The granting of sick leave shall be subject to ihe terms and provisions of
this Agreement.
12.1.1 Specified Allowable Uses of Sick Leave. Any employee who has
accumulated sick leave credits as provided above shali be granted leave
with pay, for such period of time as the head of the department deems
necessary, on account of sickness or injury of the empioyee, quarantine
established and declared by the Bureau of Health, death of the
employee's mother, father, spouse, child, brother, sister,
mother-in-law, father-in-law or other person who is a member of the
household; and may be granted leave with pay for such time as is
actuaNy necessary tor office visits to a doctor, dentist, optometrist,
etc., or in the case of sudden sickness or disability of a parent or a
member of his/her household, making arrangements for the care of
such sick or disabled persons up to a maximum of eight (8) hours sick
12.1 .2 Funeral Leave. Any employee who has accumulated sick leave credits, as
provided in the Civil Service Rules, shall be granted one (1) day of such
leave to attend the funeral of the employee's grandparent, grandchild,
aunt, uncle, sisier-in-law or brother-in-law.
12.1 .3 Sick Child Care Leave. An employee who has worked for the District for
at least twelve (12) consecutive months for an average of twenty ( 2 0)
or more hours per week prior to the leave request may use accumulated
personal sick leave credits for absences required to care for the
employee's itl child. Sick leave for sick child care shall be granted on
the same terms as the employee is able to use sick leave for the
employee's own illness. This leave shall only be granted pursuant to
Minnesota. Statute § S9i.9413 and shafl remain available as provided
in Statute.
i 2.1 .4 SpouselDependent Parent Leave. Up to five (5) days of accumulated
sick leave may be used in a work year to allow the employee to care for
and attend to the serious or critical iliness of his/her spouse or
dependent parent. These days when used are deductible from sick feave.
12.1.5 Sick Leave Conversion. Sick I
hours may be converted to paid
of sick leave time for one (1)
five (5) regularly-assigned w
(AO) hours in any year.
:ave accumulation in excess of 1,440
vacation time at a ratio of two (2) hours
iour of vacation time, to a maximum of
>rkdays (not to exceed a totai of forty
There shall be no conversion of unused sick leave in any amount at any
� time to any cash payment other than ihe above-described conversion to
vacation time or severance pay in Article 17.
13.1 Parental leave is a leave without pay or benefits which shali be granted upon �
request subject to the provisions of this Section. ft may be granted for reasons of
adoption or pregnancy and/or the need to provide parental care for a child or .
children of the employee for an eMended period of time immediately following
adoption or the conclusion of pregnancy; such period of leave shall be no longer
than one calendar year in length. Leave up to six (6) calendar months shall be
granted upon request. Leave for more than six (6) calendar months is at the
discretion of the Empioyer.
13.2 In the case of pregnancy, an employee who wishes to use a period of (paid) eamed
sick leave at the time of pregnancy and delivery-related disability, may request
unpaid parental leave for a period following the use of eamed sick leave;
however, sick leave time shall not be granted within (during the course of) a
period of unpaid parental leave. The employee requesting such sequential leave
shall submit an application in writing to the Director of Human Resources of
tndependent Schooi District No. 625 not iater than twelve (12) weeks in advance
of the anticipated date of delivery. The employee wiil be required to submit, at
the time of use, appropriate medical verification for the sick leave time claimed.
13.3 In the case of adoption, the employee shall submit a written application to the
Director of Human Resources, of Independent School District No. 625 including
the anticipated date of placement of the child, at least twetve (i2) weeks in
advance of the anticipated date of placement, or earlier if possible.
Documentation will be required.
13.4 When an employee is returning from parental leave extending over a period of
six (6) calendar months or less, the employee shall be placed, at the beginning of •
the first pay period following the scheduled date of return, in the same position
held prior to the leave or, if necessary, in an equivalent position.
13.5 When an employee has requested and been granted teave for a period longer than
six (6) calendar months, but no more than twefve (12) calendar months, the
employee will be placed in an equivalent position after the scheduled date of
retum as soon as an equivalent vacancy becomes available. For purposes of this
provision, an equivalent vacancy is a position in the same title which exists, has
no certified incumbent, which is to be filled, and for which no other person has
13.6 Effective February 1, 1994, leaves of absence shall be granted as required under
the federal law known as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) so long as i t
remains in force. The Human Resource Department provides procedures.
14.1 The wage schedule for this Agreement is in Appendix A.
14.2 �tep Progression. Employees who received overall sat+sfactory performance
rating and who were paid a minimum of 1,040 hours in the previous twelve
(12) months (prorated for part-time employees) will progress one (1) step
each year on the first day of the pay period following their anniversary date
through Step 5. After ten (10) calendar years of service, the employee w i I I
progress to Step 6. After fifteen (15) years of service, the empioyee will �
progress to Step 7.
��-26 ' �
1.1 The Employer will continue for the period of this Agreement to provide for active
empioyees such health and I'rfe insurance benefits as are provided by Employer at
ihe time of execution of this Agreement.
1.2 Eliyibilit�Waiting Period. Three (3) full months of continuous regularly
appointed service in Independent School District No. 625 will be required before
an etigib{e employee can receive the District contribution to premium cost for
health and life insurance provided herein.
1.3 Full-Time Status. For the purpose of this Article, full-time employment is
defined as appearing on the payroll at least thirty-two (32) hours per week or
at least sixty-four (64) hours per pay period, excluding overtime hours.
1.4 Half-Time Status. For the purpose of this Article, half-time employment is
defined as appearing on the payroll at least twenty (20) hours but less than
thirty-two (32) hours per week or at least forty (40) hours but less than
sixty-four (64) hours per pay period, excluding overtime hours.
1.5 Emolover Contribution Amount for Medical Insurance� Full-Time Employees.
Effective January 1, 1998, for each eligibie employee covered by this
Agreement who is employed full time and who selects employee insurance
coverage, the Employer agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage o r
• $196.05 per month, whichever is less. For each etigible tul!-time emp{oyee
who selects family coverage, the Employer will contribute the cost of such family
coverage or $350 per month, whichever is less.
1.5.1 Effective January 1, 1999, for each eligible employee covered by this
Agreement who is employed full time and who selects employee
insurance coverage, the Employer agrees to contribute the cost of such
coverage or $205 per month, whichever is less. For each eligible
full-time employee who selects family coverage, the Employer will
contribute the cost of such family coverage or $375 per month,
whichever is less.
1.6 Life Insurance. For each eligible full-time employee the Employer agrees to
contribute to the cost of $50,000 fife insurance coverage. The total premium
contribution by the Employer for all life insurance coverage shall not exceed
$12.00 per month. This amount shall drop to $5,000 of coverage (in the event
of early retirement) until the retiree reaches age sixty-five (65); then all
Employer coverage shall terminate.
1.7 Employer Contribution Amount: Married Couples. Effective January 1, 1999,
� an eligible full-time employee who is married to another District employee axi
is enrolled in the DistricYs health insurance plan as a dependent on their
spouse's plan may waive the single or family contribution to health insurance
� and receive up to $150 per month toward their spouse's family coverage. The
coordination of District contributions cannot exceed the full cost of family
� coverage and cannot be applied in cases where the spouse is receiving health
insurance through the District's cafeteria benefits plan.
ARTICLE Y5. INSURANCE, Section 1. (continued):
1.8 Emplovee Contribution Amount: Half-Time Emnloyees. For each eligible •
employee covered by this Agreement who is employed half time, the Employer
agrees to contribute fifty percent (50%) of the amount contributed for full-time �
employees as stated in 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 above.
1.9 Flexible $pendinaAccount. It is the intent of the Employer to maintain during the
ierm of this Agreement a plan for medical and child care e�ense accounts to be
available to employees in this bargaining unit who are eligible for Employer-
paid premium contribution for health insurance for such expenses, within the
established legal regulations and IRS requiremenis for such accounts.
1.10 The contributions indicated in this Article 15 shall be paid to the Employer's
group heaiih and welfare plan.
1.11 Any cost of any premium for any Employer-offered employee or family
insurance coverage in excess of the dollar amounts stated in this Article 15 shafl
be paid by the employee through payroll deduction.
Subd. 1. Benefit Eiic�ibilit� for Emplovees who Retire Before Aae 6 5
1.1 Employees hired into District service before January 1. 1996, must have
completed the following service eligibility requirements with Independenf School
District No. 625 prior to retirement in order to be eligible for any payment of •
any insurance premium contribution by the District after retirement:
A. Be receiving pension benefits from PERA, St. Paul Teachers Retirement
Association or other public employee retiree program at the time of
retirement and have severed the employment relationship with Independent
School District 625;
B. Must be at least fifty-five (55) years of age and have completed
twenty-five (25) years of service, or;
C. The combination of their age and their years of service must equal
eighty-five (85) or more, or;
D. Must have completed at least thirty (30) years of service, or;
E. Must have completed at least twenty (20) consecutive years of service
within Independent School District No. 625 immediately preceding
Years of regular service with the City of Saint Paul will continue to be counted
toward meeting the service requirement of this Subdivision 1.1 B, C or D, but
not for 7.1 E.
1.2 Em�loyees hired into District service after January 1. 1996, must have
completed twenty (20) years of service with Independeni School District
No. 625. Time with the City of Saint Paul will not be counted toward this twenty
(20)-year requirement.
1.3 Eligibility requirements for all retirees:
ARTICLE 15. INSURANCE, Section 2. (continued):
A. A retiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such spouse is
also an Independent Schooi District No. 625 retiree or Independent School
District No.625 employee and eligible for and is enrolled in the
Independent School District No. 625 health insurance program, or in any
other Employer-paid health insurance program.
B. Addftional dependents beyond those designated to the District at the time of
retirement may not be added at District expense after retirement.
C. The employee must make application through District procedures prior to
the date of retirement in order to be eligible for any benefits provided i n
this Section.
Subd. 2. E�lover Contribution Levels for Em�loyees Retirinc,�Before Age 6 5
Health Insurance Employer Contribution
The District will for the period of this Agreement provide employees who meet
the eligibility requireme�ts for health insurance in 1.1 or 12 above, who retire
during the term of this Agreement, and untii such employees reach sixty-five
(65) years of age, such health insurance premium contributions up to the same
dollar amount as were made by the District for health insurance for single o r
family coverage by that carrier, for an employee under this Agreement, in
his/her last month of active empioyment. In the event new carriers replace
those in place at execution of this Agreement, the dollar amounts being paid for
single or family coverage to the carrier at the employee's date of retirement
shall constitute the limit on future contributions. Any empioyee who is receiving
family coverage premium contribution at date of retirement may not later claim
an increase in the amount of the Employer obiigation for single coverage
premium contributions to a carrier after deleting family coverage.
Life Insurance Employer Contribution
The District will provide for early retirees who qualify under the conditions of
1.1 or 1.2 above, premium contributions for eligible retirees for $5,000 of life
insurance only until their 65th birthday. No life insurance will be provided, o r
premium contributions paid, for any retiree age sixty-five (65) or over.
Subd.3 Benefit Eligibility for EmployeesARer Pge65
3.1 Emoloyees hired into the District before January 1. 1996, who retired before
age 65 and are receiving benefits per Subd. 2 above are eligible, upon reaching
age 65, for employer premium contributions for health insurance described i n
Subd. 4 of this Article.
3.2 Em�lovees hired into the District before Januar�. 1 996, who retire at age 65
or older must have completed the eligibility requirements in Subd. 1.1 above to
receive District contributions toward post-age-65 health insurance premiums:
ARTfCLE 15. INSURANCE, Section 2. (continued):
3.3 Emp(ovees hired on or after January Y. i 996, shal( nof have or acquire in any
way any eligibility for Employer-paid health insurance premium contribution
for coverage in retirement at age sixty-five (65) and over in Subd. 4,
Employees hired on or after January 1, 1996, shall be eligible for only eariv
retirement insurance premium contributions as provided in Subd. 2 and
Deferred Compensation match in Subd. 5.
Subd. 4. Employer Contribution Levels for Retirees After Age 6 5
4.1 Emolovees hired into the District before January 1. 1996 and who meet the
eligibility requirements in Subdivisions 3.1 or 3.2 of this Article are eligible
tor premium corttributions for a Medicare Supplement health coverage policy
selected by the District. Premium contributions for such policy will not exceed:
Coverage Type
Medicare Eligible
Non-Medicare Eligible
Sin e
$300 per month
$400 per month
$400 per month
$500 per month
At no time shall any payment in any amount be made directly to the retiree.
Any premium cost in excess of the maximum contributions specified must be paid
directly and in full by the retiree, or coverage will be discontinued.
4.2 Emplovees hired after January 1. 1 996, after completion of three (3) full years
of consecutive active service in Independent School District No. 625, are eligible
to participate in an employer maiched Minnesota Deferred Comper�sation Plan.
Upon reaching eligibility, the District will match up to $500 per year of
consecutive active service, up to a cumulative lifetime maximum of $12,500.
Part-time employees working half-time or more will be eligibte for up to orie
half (50°/,) of the available District match. Approved non-compensatory leave
shall not be counted in reaching the three (3) full years of consecutive active
service, and shall not be considered a break in service. Time worked in the City
of Saint Paul will not be counted toward this three (3}-year requirement.
Federat and state ruies goveming participation in the Minnesota Deferred
Compensation Plan shall apply. The employee, not the District, is solely
responsible for determining his/her total maximum allowable annual
contribution amount under IRS regulations. The employee must initiate an
application to participate through the DistricYs specified procedures.
9 �-26 ���1
• 1 6.1 Employees of the School District under policy adopted by the Board of Education
, may be reimbursed for the use of their automobiles for school business. To be
eligible for such reimbursement, empioyees must receive authorization from the
District Mileage Committee utilizing the foilowing pian:
" PLAN "A". Effective with the adoption of this Agreement, is reimbursed at the
current Board rate or 31¢ per mil e whichever is greater. in addition, a
maximum amount which can be paid per month is established by an estimate
furnished by the employee and the empioyee's supervisor.
Another consideration for establishing the maximum amount can be the
experience of a�other worki�g in the same or similar position.
Under this plan, it is necessary for the employee to keep a record of each trip
1 7.1 The Employer shall provide a severance pay program as set forth in this Article.
• Payment of severance pay shall be made within the tax year of the retirement.
17.2 To be eligible for the severance pay program, the employee must meet the
following requirements:
17.2.1 The employee must be fifty-five (55) years of age or older or must be
eligible for pension under the "Rule of 90" provisions of the Pubiic
Employees Retirement Association (PERA). The "Rule of 85" or the
"Rule of 90" criteria shall also apply to employees covered by a public
pension plan other than PERA.
17.2.2 The employee must be voluntarily separated from School District
employment or have been subject to separation by layoff or compulsory
retirement. Those employees who are discharged for cause, misconduct,
inefficiency, incompetency or any other disciplinary reason are not
eligible for this severance pay program.
t7.2,3 The employee must file a waiver of re-employment with the Director of
Human Resources, which will clearly indicate that by requesting
severance pay, the employee waives all claims to reinstatement o r
re-employment (of any type) with the City of Saint Paul or with
{ndependent School District No. 625.
17.3 If an employee requests severance pay and if the employee meets the eligibility
requirements set forth above, he or she will be granted severance pay in an
� amount equal to $100 pay for each day of accrued, unused sick leave, up to 1 50
ARTICLE 17. SEVERANCE (continued)
17.4 The maximum amount of money that any employee may obtain through this •
severance pay program is $15,000.
17.5 For the purpose of this severance pay program, a death of an empfoyee shall be
considered as separation of employment and, if the employee would have met aI I
of the requirements set forth above at the time of his or her death, payment of the
severance pay may be made to the employee's estate or spouse.
17.6 For the purpose of this severance pay program, a transfer from Independent
School District No. 625 employment to City of Saint Paui employment is not
considered a separation of employment, and such transferee shall not be eligible
for this severance program.
18.1 The Employer will discipline employees for just cause only. Discipline will be
in the form of:
a) Oral reprimand;
b) Written reprimand;
c ) Suspension;
d) Reduction;
e) Discharge.
18.2. Suspensions, reductions, and discharges will be in written form.
18.3. Employees and the Association will receive copies of written reprimands and •
notices of suspension and discharge.
18.4. Employees may examine all information in their Employer personnel files that
concerns work evaluations, commendations and/or disciplinary actions. Files
may be examined at reasonable times under the direct supervision of the
18.5. Preliminary Review. Prior to issuing a disciplinary action of unpaid
suspension, demotion or discharge, the supervisor will make a recommendation
to his/her supervisor regarding proposed discipline. That supervisor will then
provide written notice of the charges to the employee and offer to meet with the
employee prior to making a final determination of the proposed discipline. The
employee shall have the opportunity to have union representation preseM and be
provided the opportunity to speak. If the employee is unable to meet with the
supervisor, the employee will be given the opportunity to respond in writing.
18.6. An employee to be questioned conceming an investigation of disciplinary action
shall have the right to request that an Association Representative be present.
18.7. Employees who are suspended, demoted or discharged shall have the right to
request that such actions be considered a"grievance" for the purpose of
processing through the provisions of Article 19 (Grievance Procedure); as an
altemative option, such employee can request review, consistent with Minnesota
Statute § 179A.20, Subd. 4. Orxe an employee, or the union acting in the
employee's behalf initiates review in one forum, the matter shall not be again
reviewed in another forum. Oral reprimands shall noi be subject to the
grievance review procedures. �
�;��6 .��
1 9.1 Definition of a Grievance. A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement �
to the interpretation or appiication of the specific terms and conditions of this
19.2 Association Representatives. The Empioyer will recognize representatives
designated by the Association as the grievance representatives of the bargaining
unit having the duties and responsibilities established by this Article. The
Association shall notify the Employer in writing of the names of such Association
representatives and of their successors when so designated as provided by 6.2. of
this Agreement.
1 9.3 Processing of a Grievance. It is recognized and accepted by the Association and the
Empioyer that the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by
the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall therefore be
accomplished during normal working hours only when consistent with such
employee duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved employee and an Association
Representative shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss of pay
when a grievance is investigated and presented to the Employer during normal
working hours provided that the employee and the Association Representative
have notified and received the approval of the designated supervisor who has
determined that such absence is reasonable and would not be detrimental to the
work programs of the Employer.
19.4 Procedure. Grievances, as defined by Section 19.1., shall be resoived in
conformance with the following procedure:
te 1. An employee ciaiming a violation concerning the interpretation o r
appfication of this Agreement shall, within twenty-one (21) catendar days after
such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievance to the employee's
supervisor as designated by the Employer.
The Employer-designated representative will discuss and give an answer to such
Step 1 grievance within ten (10) calendar days after receipt. A grievance not
resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in writing, setting forth
the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the provision o r
provisions of the Agreement allegedly violated, the remedy requested, and shall
be appealed to Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days after the
Employer-designated Representative's final answer in Step 1. Any grievance not
appealed in writing to Step 2 by the Association within ten (10) cafendar days
shall be considered waived.
te 2. if appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the Association
and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 2 representative. The
Employer-designated representative shall give the Association the Empioyer's
Step 2 answer in writing within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such
Step 2 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3
within ten (10) calendar days following the Employer-designated
representative's finai Step 2 answer. Any grievance not appealed in writing to
Step 3 by the Association within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered
19.4 Procedure: Grievances (continued)
Steo 3. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by ihe Association
and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 3 representative. The
Employer-designated representative shalf give the Association the Employer's
answer in writing within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 3
grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 3 may be appealed to Step 4 within
ten (10) caiendar days following the Employer-designated representative's final
answer in Step 3. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 4 by the
Association within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived.
Ste . A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to Step 4 by the
Association shall be submitted to arbitration subject to the provisions of the
Pub)ic Employmeni Labor Relations Act of 1971 as arnended. The selection of an
arbitrator shall be made in accordance with the rules as established by the
Bureau of Mediation Services.
19.5 Arbitrator's Authoritv
19.5.1. The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nuliify, ignore, add
to or subtract from the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The
arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issue(s)
submitted in writing by the Employer and the Association and shall have
no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. •
19.5.2. The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to o r
inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the application of
laws, rules or regulations having the force and effect of law. The
arbitratoPs decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty ( 3 0)
days following Gose of the hearing or ihe submission of briefs by the
parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension.
The decision shall be binding on both the Employer and the Association
and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or
application of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of the
grievance presented.
19.5.3. The fees and e�enses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings
shall be bome equally by the Employer and the Association provided that
each party shall be responsible for compensating its own
representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim
record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made,
providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim
record of the proceedings, ihe cost shall be shared equally.
�f-26 ��1
1 9.6 Waiver. If a grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth above, i t
shail be considered "waived." If a grievance is not appealed to the next step
within the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be
considered settled on the basis of the Empioyer's last answer. if the Empioyer
does not answer a grievance or an appeal thereof within the spec'rfied time limits,
the Association may elect to treat the grievance as denied at that step and
immediately appeal the grievance to the next step. The time limit in each step
may be extended by mutual written agreement of the Employer and the
Association in each step.
19.7 It is understood by the Association and the Employer that, if an issue is
determined by this grievance procedure, that issue shall not again be submitted
for arbitration under the provision of the Rules and Regulations of Civil Service.
It is further understood that, if an issue is submitted and determined by the
grievance procedure under the Civil Service Rules and Regulations, it shali not
again be submitted for arbitration under the procedures set forth in this Article.
20.1 The Association and the Employer agree
stoppages, slow-downs, sit-down, stay in
• the Employer's business or affairs by
thereof, and there shafl be no bannering
without first using all possible means of
that may arise.
that there shall be no strikes, work
or other considered interference with
the Association and/or the members
during the existence of this Agreement
peaceful settlement of any controversy
21.1 The Employer may, at any time during the duration of this Agreement, contract
out work done by the employees covered by this Agreement. In the event that
such contracting would result in reduction of the workforce covered by this
Agreement, the Employer shall give the Association a ninety (90) calendar day
notice of the intention to subcontract.
22.1 This Agreement is subject to the laws of the United States, the State of Minnesota.
In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary to law
by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree no
appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provisions shall be voided.
All other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. The voided provision
may be renegotiated at the written request of either party. All other provisions
of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
23.1 This Agreement shall be effective as of January 1, 1998, and shall continue in
effect through December 31, 1999. This Agreement shall not be extended oraily
and it is understood that it shail expire on the date indicated.
23.2 It is understood that this settlement shall be recommended by the
Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager, but is subject to approval by the Board of
23.3 The Empioyer and the Association acknowledge that during the meeting and
negotiating which resulted in this Agreement, each had the right and opportunity
to make proposals with respect to any subject concerning the terms arxl
conditions of employment. The agreements and understandings reached by the
parties after the exercise of this right are fully and completely set forth in this
Agreement. Any and all prior agreements, resolutions, practices, policy or rules
or regulations regarding the terms and conditions of employment, to the extent
they are inconsistent with this Agreement, are hereby superseded. In those areas
where Civil Service Rules are not inconsistent with this Agreement, the Civil
Service Rules shall continue to be in effect.
\ J
xecutive Board ember
/ � � � / / �� /L.� s -!/ �" _
�._ • • . .
i� �
Manager N gotiations Team M mber
� laclgR
Assistant Manager
� 1s96"'
��-26 ' �
STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Start 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years
Grade 3 4
Schooi Bus Garage Supervisor
1-3-98 1, 212.71 1, 337.01 1, 391.03 1,462.07 1, 521.45 1, 600.46 1,640.00
1-2-99 1,243.03 1,370.44 1,425.81 1,498.62 1,559.49 1,640.47 1,681.00
Grade 3 5
Food Service Equipment Specialist
1-3-98 1,355.02 1, 494.16 1, 569.80 1, 65'I .98
1-2-99 1,388.90 1,531.51 1,609.05 1,693.28
Grade 3 6
Facility Operations Coordinator I
13-98 1,361.61 1,501.17 1,561.81 1,641.58 1,708.24 1,796.96 1,84'I .36
1-2-99 1,395.65 1,538.70 1,600.86 1,682.62 1,750.95 1,841.88 1,887.39
• Grade 3 7
Grounds and Labor Supervisor
1-3-98 1,402.47 1,546.2� 1,608.68 1,690.8'I 1,759.47 1,850.86 1,896.60
1-2-99 1,437.53 1,584.87 1, 648.90 1, 733.08 1,803.46 1, 897.13 1, 944.02
Grade 4 0
Facility Operations Coordinator II
1-3-98 1,544.48 1,691.03 1,757.86 1,847.76 1,922.65 2,022.48 2,072.42
1-2-99 1,583.09 1,733.31 1,801.81 1,893.95 1,970.72 2,073.04 2,124.23
Association Dues ........................................3
Discipline ................................................ I S
Employer Rights .........................................2
F7exible Spending Account ......................... 11
Funeral I.eave ............................................. 8
Grievance Prxedure ................................... 16
Health Ins�rzance ........................................ 10
Holidays .................................................... 7
Insurance Benefits ...................................... 10
Life Insurance ........................................... 10
Lockout................................................... 18
Mileage ................................................... 14
Overtime ...................................................5
Parental I.eave ............................................9
Preliminary Review ................................... 15
Premiums .................................................. 5
Retirement Aealth Insurance ........................ 11
Salaries ................................................... 20
Seniority ...................................................4
Severance ................................................. 14
Sick Child Caze Leave ..................................8
Sick Leave ................................................. S
Sick L.eave Conversion .................................8
Spouse/Dependent Pazent Leave .....................8
Step Progression .........................................9
Scewazds .................................................... 3
Stritce...................................................... 18
Subcontract .............................................. 18
Uniforms ................................................... 6
Vacadon .................................................... 6
Wages....................................................... 9
Working Out of Classification .......................5
Council File # q9 — e1(.
Referred To
Green Sheet # 62414
Committee Date
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached
January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1999 Employment Agreement between the Independent School
District No. 625, Saint Paui Public Schools, and Manual and Maintenance Supervisors' Association,
Representing Manua1 and Maintenance Supervisors.
Requested by Department of:
Office of Labor Relations
By: `� � . �
Approved by Mayor: Date J�l � 3 ( r t a�(
By: <'�:3%vc�cf�l� � �_�� -
—v �
By: �-"-- � �
Form App ed by City Attorney
By: ��r4C3�• � ����a4
.... ,.. . , . , .
�./� ��_I�.
� �
Adopted by Council: Date '�
Adoption Certified by Council Sec etary
LABOR RELATIONS 12/28/98 GREEN SHEET No.: 62414 '`'t'1 � �
CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: q nv�7iaLnnx'E m�i�niNwTe
acnox�QUESrEn: This resolution approves the attached January 1, 1998 through December 31, 1999 Employment
Agreement between Independent School District No. 625, Saint Paul Public Schools, and Manual and Maintenance
Supervisors' Associarion, Representing Manual and Maintenance Supervisors.
,PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMIvIISSION i. Has ihis persoNfirm ever worked mder a contract for this department?
STAFF 2. Has this persodfirm ever been a city employee?
SiJPPORTS WHICH COIJNCIL OBJEC'fIVE? 3. Does this person/fum possess a skill not normatly possessed by any cuRen[ ciry employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes aoswers on separate sheet and attach to green s6eet
.. ,-�:r:...^,:r: �.� . .v
This resolution pertains to Boazd of Education employees only. 1 „
��`.� � � ,����
DATE: July21, 1998
TOPIC: Approval of Employment Agreement Between Independent School District
No. 625, Saint Paul Public Schools and Manual and Maintenance Supervisors'
Association, Representing Manual and Maintenance Supervisors
1. New Agreement is for a two-year period from January 1, 1998, through December 31, � 999.
2. Contract changes are as follows:
Waaes: Effective January 3, 1998, increase wage schedule 2.5%. Effective January 2, '1999,
increase wage schedule 2.5%. Include the title "School Bus Garage Superviso�' at Grade 34.
Insurance: The insurance premium contributions by the District are increased from
The current insurance caps of $187.50 for single coverage and $330 for family coverage will
increase as follows:
Sinqle Familv
Effective January 1, 1998 $196.05 $350.00
Effective January 1, 1999 $205.00 $375.00
Retiree Health Insurance: Language revised, removing options that created a tax liability for
Holidavs: The Columbus Day holiday is deleted and replaced with the Day After Thanksgiving.
Veterans Day and two floating holidays are converted to vacation days. The eligibility language
is revised. These changes streamline the leave system by alig�ing the leave system with the
organizational calendar and reducing payroll processing time.
Severance Pav: Employees who retire and meet eligibility requirements will receive $100 per
day for unused, accumulated sick leave �p to a maximum of $15,000. This replaces all
previous severance pay plans.
3. The District has six FTE's in this bargaining unit.
4. This request is submitted by Susan Gutbrod, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager;
Richard Kreyer, Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager; and Lois Rockney, Interim Executive
Director, Fiscal Affairs and Operations.
That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Agreement
concerning the terms and conditions of employment for manual and maintenance supervisors in this
school district; duration of said Agreement is for the period of January 1, 1998, through
December3l, 1999.
��-26 '�l
1998 - 1999
January 1, 1998 Through December 31, 1999
� Saint Paul Public Schools
• L/ F E L O N('i L E A R N/ N G
� Sainf Pau1 Public Schools
L/ i f L O N G L E A R N/ N G
Independent School District No. 625
Board of Education
Mary Thornton Phiflips - Chair
Greg Filice - Vice Chair
Gilbert de la O- Clerk
Neat Thao - Treasurer
William A. Larson -
Maureen A. Flanagan -
Lois M. Rockney
Cy R. Yusten
Tom Conion - Director
Becky Montgomery - Director
AI Oertwig - Director
Interim Superintendent of Schools
Executive Assistant
Superintendent of Schools
Assistant Superintendent
Accountability, Technology
and Support Services
Interim Executive Director
Fiscal Affairs and Operations
Assistant Superintendent
Teaching and Leaming
�9-26 '�1
Article 1. Purpose of Agreement .................................................................................... 1
Article Recognition .....................................................................................................1
Articie 3. Maintenance of Standards ...............................................................................2
Article Employer Rights .............................................................................................2
Article 5. Association Rights ..........................................................................................3
Article Seniority ........................................................................................................4
Article 7. Overtime and Premiums ................................................................................5
Article 8. Working Out of Classification ........................................................................5
Article Uniforms ........................................................................................................6
Article Vacation ..........................................................................................................6
Article Holidays ..........................................................................................................7
Article Sick Leave .......................................................................................................8
Article 13. Parental Leave ................................................................................................9
Article Wages ..............................................................................................................9
• Article 15. Insurance Benefits .......................................................................................10
Article Mileage .........................................................................................................14
Article Severance .....................................................................................................14
Article Discipline .....................................................................................................15
Article 19. Grievance Procedure ....................................................................................i 6
Article 20. No Strike, No Lockout ...................................................................................i 8
Article 21 . Right To Subcontract ....................................................................................i 8
Article Savings Clause ..............................................................................................1 8
Article 23. Term of Agreement .......................................................................................1 9
Appendix A: Titles and Salaries ...................................................................2 0
Index .............................................................................................................2 1
1.1 This Agreement is entered into beriveen Independent School District No_ 625,
hereinafter called the Employer, and the City of Saint Paul Manual and
Maintenance Supervisors' Association, hereinafter called the Association.
1.1.1 Assure sound and mutually beneficial working and economic
relationships between the parties hereto;
Establish procedures for the resolution of disputes conceming this
AgreemenYs interpretation and/or application; and
Place in written form the parties' agreement upon terms and conditions
of employment for the duration of this Agreement.
1.2 The Employer and the Association through this Agreement shall continue their
dedication to the highest quality public service to the public served by the School
District. Both parties recognize this Agreement as a pledge of this dedication.
2.1 The Employer recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative, under
the Public Employment Labor Relations Act of 1971 (PELRA) as amended, for all
personnel in the following bargaining unit:
All manual maintenance supervisors in the titles contained in this Agreement and
any new manual and maintenance supervisor titles created during the term of
this Agreement by Independent Schooi District No. 625 as defined by PELRA.
2.2 In the event the Employer and the Association are unabte to agree �s to the
inclusion or exclusion of a new or modified job class, the issue shall be submitted
to the Bureau of Mediation Services for determination. It is understood that this
provision shall refer to the Bureau of Mediation Services only such issues as i t
has jurisdiction over by law.
2.3 The Employer shall not enter into any agreements covering terms and conditions
of employment with the employees of the bargaining unit under the jurisdiction
of this Agreement either individually or collectively which irt any way conflicts
with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, except through the certified
2.4 Neither the Association nor the Employer shall discriminate against any
employee because of Association membership or nonmembership, or because of
his race, color, sex, religion, national origin or political opinion or affiliations.
2.5 All existing Civil Service Rules shall apply except those superseded by this
�a-26 '�
• 3.1 The Employer agrees that ail conditions of employment relating to wages, hours
• of work, overtime differentials, vacations, and general working conditions shall
be maintained at not less than the highest minimum standard as set forth in the
Civil Service Rules of the City of Saint Paul at the time of the signing of this
• Agreement, and the conditions of employment shall be improved wherever
specific provisions for improvement are made etsewhere in this Agreement.
4.1 The Employer retains the sole right to operate and manage all manpower,
facilities, and equipment in accordance with applicable laws and regulations of
appropriate authorities.
4.2 Any terms and conditions of employment not specifically established or modified
by this Agreement shall remain solely within the discretion of the Empioyer to
modify, establish or eliminate.
4.3 The exercise by the Empioyer of, or its waiver of or its failure to exercise its
• fuli right of management or decision on any matter or occasion, shail not be a
precedent or be binding on the Employer nor the subject or basis of any
grievance not admissible in any arbitration proceeding. The Empioyer's right of
management shall not be amended or limited by any claimed or unwritten custom,
past practice or informal agreement nor by any claim the Employer has claimed
or condoned or tolerated any practice or any act or acts of any employees.
4.4 A public Employer is not required to meet and negotiate on matters of inherent
manageriai policy which include, but are not limited to, such areas of discretion
or policy as the functions and programs of the Employer, its overail budget,
utilization of technology and organizational structure and selection and direction
and number of personnel.
5.1 The Employer shall deduct from the wages of the employees who authorize such a •
deduction in writing an amount necessary to cover monthly Association dues.
Such monies shall be remitted as directed by the Association. �
5.2 The Association may designate employees from the bargaining unit to act �
stewards and alternates and shall inform the Employer in writing of such choices
and of changes in the positions of stewards andlor alternates. It is further
understood that the number and locations of stewards shall be limited and
confined to numbers and locations as are necessary and reasonable to administer
the provisions of this Agreement.
5.3 The Employer shall make space available on the employee bulletin board for the
posting of Association notice(s) and announcement(s).
5.4 The Association agrees to indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against any
and all claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the
Employer as a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the
provisions of this Article.
5.5 The Employer agrees that on the Employer's premises and without loss of pay the
Association stewards shall be aflowed to post official Association notices of the
designated representatives; transmit communications authorized by the
Association or its officers under the terms of this contract; consuit with the
Employer, his/fier representative, Association officers or the Association
representative concerning the enforcement of any provisions of this Agreement, •
so long as such action does not interfere with regular empioyee duties and is
reasonabie and necessary.
5.6 Stewards are authorized to perform and discharge the duties and responsibilities
which are assigned to them under the terms of this Agreement and any
supplementary Agreements. The Employer agrees that there shall be rro
restraint, interference, coercion or discrimination against a steward because of
the performance of such dut+es.
5.7 Any present or future employee covered by this Agreement who is not an
Association member shal! be required to contribute a fair share fee for services
rendered by the Association. Upon notification by the Association, the Employer
shall check off said fee from the eamings of the employee and transmit the same
to the Association. In no instance shall the required contribution exceed a pro
rata share of the specific e�enses incurred for services rendered by the
representative in relationship to negotiations and administration of grievance
procedures. This provision shall remain operative only so long as specifically
provided by Minnesota law and as otherwise legal. It is also understood that the
Association agrees to indemnify and hotd the Employer harmless againsi any and
aIl claims, suits, orders or judgments brought or issued against the Employer �
a result of any action taken or not taken by the Employer under the provisions of
this Section.
5.8 The Association agrees that an administrative service fee of fifty cents ($.50)
per member per month shall be deducted by the Employer from the amount
withheld for dues or fair share prior to remittance of dues or fair share to the �
� � — � f? ��
Seniority, for the purpose of this Agreement, shall be defined as follows:
6.1.1 "District Seniority" - The length of continuous regular and
probationary service with the Employer from the last date of
employment in any and all class titles.
6.1 .2 "Class Seniority" - The length of continuous regular and probationary
service with the Employer from the date an employee was first certified
and appointed to a class title covered by this Agreement, it being further
understood that class seniority is confined to the current class
assignment held by an employee.
Seniority shall terminate when an employee retires, resigns or is discharged.
6.3 Seniority shall not accumulate during an unpaid leave of absence, except when
such leave is granted for a period of less than thirty (30) calendar days; is
granted because of illness or injury; is granted to allow an employee to accept an
appointment to the unclassified service of the Employer; or is granted to take an
efected or appointed full-time position with the Association.
6.4 Subd. 1. In the event it is determined by the Employer Yhat it is necessary to
reduce the workforce, employees will be laid off by class title within each
division based on inverse length of "Class Seniority ° Recail from layoff shall be
in inverse order of layoff, except that recall rights shall expire after one year of
Subd. 2. In cases where there are promotional series, such as Foreman I,
Foreman II, Foreman III, etc., when the number of employees in these higher
titles is to be reduced, employees who have held lower titles which are in this
bargaining unit will be offered reductions to the highest of these titles to which
°Class Seniority" would keep them from being laid off, before layoffs are made
by any class title in any department.
ubd. 3. It is further understood that a laid-off employee shall have the right to
placement in any lower-paid class title, provided said employee has been
previously certified and appointed in said lower-paid class title. In such cases,
the employee shall first be placed on a reinstatement register and shali have
"Class Seniority" based on the date originally certified and appointed to said
class. Employees may also apply for positions in a lower class but may,
nevertheless, retum to original class as provided in Subd. 1. above.
6.5 To the extent possible, vacation periods shall be assigned on the basis ot "District
Seniority," within each class, by division. It is, however, understood that
vacation assignments shall be subject to the ability of the Employer to maintain
6.6 Promotions shall be handled in accordance with current Civil Service Rules and
7.1 Employees (with the exception of those covered in Section 7.2 hereof) shall be i
paid one and one-half (1-1/2) times the regular rate of pay for work performed
in excess of the regular workday and/or the forty (40)-hour workweek. .
Overtime rates shall be computed on the basis of 1/80 of the biweekly rate.
7.2 Employees in a classification in salary grade 41 or above, or that is considered ,
"exempt from overtime calculation" under the RSA shall be paid straight time
for work performed in excess of the regular workday and/or the forty
(40)-hour workweek.
7.3 An employee who is called back to work following the completion of his/her
regular workday shall be guaranteed four (4) hours of pay at his/her regular
straight time rate.
7.4 Major holidays, for the purpose of this Section, shall include the following: New
Yea�'s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and
Christmas Day. Minor holidays, for the purpose of this Section, shall include the
following: Martin Luther King Day, Presidents' Day and Day After Thanksgiving.
An employee working a major holiday as defined herein shall receive time and
one-half (1-1/2) the regular rate of pay for aII work performed on such
holiday, and an employee working a minor holiday as defined herein shall receive
straight time for such holiday work, it being understood that an alternative
holiday shall be designated.
7.5 An employee shall be compensated in either compensatory time off or overtime •
payment in wages at the Employer's discretion.
7.6 A night differential of five percent (5%) shall be provided to employees who
work night shifts as defined herein. A night shift will be considered to be a
regularly-assigned shift beginning earlier than 6 a.m., or ending later than
6 p.m., provided that at least five (5) hours of said shift are worked between the
hours of 6 p.m. and 6 a.m. It is further understood that in case of
regularly-assigned shifts beginning earlier than 6 a.m. or ending later than 6
p.m. which involve less than five (5) hours of work, an employee shall be
eligible for the night differential only for the hours actually worked during night
shift hours.
8.7. Any employee working an out-of-class assignment for a period in excess of
fifteen (15) working days during any fiscal year of Employer shall receive the
rate of pay for the out-ot-class assignment in a higher classification not Iater
than the si�cteenth consecutive day of such assignment. For purposes of this
Article, an out-of-class assignment is defined as the full-time performance of
all of the significant duties arxi responsibilities of a classification by an
individual in artother classification. For ihe purpose of this Article, the rate of
pay for an out-of-class assignment shall be the same rate the employee would
have received if he were promoted to the higher classification. �
� 1-26 '�
r 1
9.1 The Empioyer agrees that if any employee is required to wear any kind of
uniform or safety equipment as a condition of continued empioyment, such
uniform and/or equipment shail be fumished and maintained by the Employer. I t
is, however, further understood that the Employer's obligation to provide
uniforms and/or safety equipment shall be confined to present practices and/or
requirements of law.
9.2 Any uniform or safety equipment provided pursuant to this Articie, darnaged in
the line of duty, shall be replaced by the Employer, provided that said damage is
not attributable to the negligence or other improper act of the employee.
9.3 The Employer agrees to pay $60 toward the cost of purchasing or repairing one
pair of safety shoes per contract year. This reimbursement of $60 shall be made
only after investigation and approval by the immediate supervisor for that
employee. This $60 Employer contribution shall apply oniy to those regular
employees who are required to wear protective shoes or boots by the Employer.
10.1 Vacation shall be credited at the rates shown below for each hour on the payroll:
Accrual Hours of Days of
Years of Service Rate Vacation Vacation
First year through completion of 5 years .0500 1 04 1 3
After 5 years through completion of 15 years .0692 1 44 1 8
After 15 years through completion of 20 years .1000 208 26
After 20 years and thereafter .1077 224 28
Years of service with the City of Saint Paul and years of service in any
bargaining group with the School District wili be counted as years of service for
purposes of this Section. Hours/days listed are based on a 2,080-hour work
year. Years of service means calendar years of service.
For the purpose of this Article, the `�racation year� shall be 4he calendar year.
i 0.2 Employees who work less than full time shall be granted vacation on a pro rata
i0.3 An employee may carry over into the fol{owing year up to one hundred sixty
(160) hours of vacation.
10.4 Scheduling of vacation is subject to approva{ of the employee's supervisor.
10.5 For the purposes of this Article 10, years of service shall be defined as the
number of years since the employee's date ot appointment. Th+s shall not include
years of service prior to a resignation.
1 1,1 Holidays Recognized and Observed. The following days shall be recognized and •
observed as paid holidays: •
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Presidents' Day
Memoriai Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Day After Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
Eligible employees shall receive pay for each of the holidays listed above on
which they perform no work. Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall
fall on Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the holiday.
Whenever any of the holidays listed above shall fall on Sunday, the succeeding
Monday shall be observed as the holiday.
11 .2 Elyibility Requirements. To be eligible for hoiiday pay, employees must have
beert compensated for alt schedule hours of iheir last scheduled workday before
the holiday and for their first scheduled workday following the holiday.
11 .3 If Martin Luther King Day or Presidents' Day falis on a day when school is in
session, the Employee shall work that day at straight time and another day shall •
be designated as the holiday. This designated holiday shall be determined by
agreement between the emptoyee and fhe supervisor.
• 12.1 Sick leave. Sick leave shall accumulate at the rate of .0576 of a working hour
� for each full hour on the payroll, excluding overtime. Sick leave accumulation is
unlimited. To be eligibie for sick leave, the empioyee must report to his/her
supervisor no later than one-ha4f hour past hisfher regutar scheduled starting
time. The granting of sick leave shall be subject to ihe terms and provisions of
this Agreement.
12.1.1 Specified Allowable Uses of Sick Leave. Any employee who has
accumulated sick leave credits as provided above shali be granted leave
with pay, for such period of time as the head of the department deems
necessary, on account of sickness or injury of the empioyee, quarantine
established and declared by the Bureau of Health, death of the
employee's mother, father, spouse, child, brother, sister,
mother-in-law, father-in-law or other person who is a member of the
household; and may be granted leave with pay for such time as is
actuaNy necessary tor office visits to a doctor, dentist, optometrist,
etc., or in the case of sudden sickness or disability of a parent or a
member of his/her household, making arrangements for the care of
such sick or disabled persons up to a maximum of eight (8) hours sick
12.1 .2 Funeral Leave. Any employee who has accumulated sick leave credits, as
provided in the Civil Service Rules, shall be granted one (1) day of such
leave to attend the funeral of the employee's grandparent, grandchild,
aunt, uncle, sisier-in-law or brother-in-law.
12.1 .3 Sick Child Care Leave. An employee who has worked for the District for
at least twelve (12) consecutive months for an average of twenty ( 2 0)
or more hours per week prior to the leave request may use accumulated
personal sick leave credits for absences required to care for the
employee's itl child. Sick leave for sick child care shall be granted on
the same terms as the employee is able to use sick leave for the
employee's own illness. This leave shall only be granted pursuant to
Minnesota. Statute § S9i.9413 and shafl remain available as provided
in Statute.
i 2.1 .4 SpouselDependent Parent Leave. Up to five (5) days of accumulated
sick leave may be used in a work year to allow the employee to care for
and attend to the serious or critical iliness of his/her spouse or
dependent parent. These days when used are deductible from sick feave.
12.1.5 Sick Leave Conversion. Sick I
hours may be converted to paid
of sick leave time for one (1)
five (5) regularly-assigned w
(AO) hours in any year.
:ave accumulation in excess of 1,440
vacation time at a ratio of two (2) hours
iour of vacation time, to a maximum of
>rkdays (not to exceed a totai of forty
There shall be no conversion of unused sick leave in any amount at any
� time to any cash payment other than ihe above-described conversion to
vacation time or severance pay in Article 17.
13.1 Parental leave is a leave without pay or benefits which shali be granted upon �
request subject to the provisions of this Section. ft may be granted for reasons of
adoption or pregnancy and/or the need to provide parental care for a child or .
children of the employee for an eMended period of time immediately following
adoption or the conclusion of pregnancy; such period of leave shall be no longer
than one calendar year in length. Leave up to six (6) calendar months shall be
granted upon request. Leave for more than six (6) calendar months is at the
discretion of the Empioyer.
13.2 In the case of pregnancy, an employee who wishes to use a period of (paid) eamed
sick leave at the time of pregnancy and delivery-related disability, may request
unpaid parental leave for a period following the use of eamed sick leave;
however, sick leave time shall not be granted within (during the course of) a
period of unpaid parental leave. The employee requesting such sequential leave
shall submit an application in writing to the Director of Human Resources of
tndependent Schooi District No. 625 not iater than twelve (12) weeks in advance
of the anticipated date of delivery. The employee wiil be required to submit, at
the time of use, appropriate medical verification for the sick leave time claimed.
13.3 In the case of adoption, the employee shall submit a written application to the
Director of Human Resources, of Independent School District No. 625 including
the anticipated date of placement of the child, at least twetve (i2) weeks in
advance of the anticipated date of placement, or earlier if possible.
Documentation will be required.
13.4 When an employee is returning from parental leave extending over a period of
six (6) calendar months or less, the employee shall be placed, at the beginning of •
the first pay period following the scheduled date of return, in the same position
held prior to the leave or, if necessary, in an equivalent position.
13.5 When an employee has requested and been granted teave for a period longer than
six (6) calendar months, but no more than twefve (12) calendar months, the
employee will be placed in an equivalent position after the scheduled date of
retum as soon as an equivalent vacancy becomes available. For purposes of this
provision, an equivalent vacancy is a position in the same title which exists, has
no certified incumbent, which is to be filled, and for which no other person has
13.6 Effective February 1, 1994, leaves of absence shall be granted as required under
the federal law known as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) so long as i t
remains in force. The Human Resource Department provides procedures.
14.1 The wage schedule for this Agreement is in Appendix A.
14.2 �tep Progression. Employees who received overall sat+sfactory performance
rating and who were paid a minimum of 1,040 hours in the previous twelve
(12) months (prorated for part-time employees) will progress one (1) step
each year on the first day of the pay period following their anniversary date
through Step 5. After ten (10) calendar years of service, the employee w i I I
progress to Step 6. After fifteen (15) years of service, the empioyee will �
progress to Step 7.
��-26 ' �
1.1 The Employer will continue for the period of this Agreement to provide for active
empioyees such health and I'rfe insurance benefits as are provided by Employer at
ihe time of execution of this Agreement.
1.2 Eliyibilit�Waiting Period. Three (3) full months of continuous regularly
appointed service in Independent School District No. 625 will be required before
an etigib{e employee can receive the District contribution to premium cost for
health and life insurance provided herein.
1.3 Full-Time Status. For the purpose of this Article, full-time employment is
defined as appearing on the payroll at least thirty-two (32) hours per week or
at least sixty-four (64) hours per pay period, excluding overtime hours.
1.4 Half-Time Status. For the purpose of this Article, half-time employment is
defined as appearing on the payroll at least twenty (20) hours but less than
thirty-two (32) hours per week or at least forty (40) hours but less than
sixty-four (64) hours per pay period, excluding overtime hours.
1.5 Emolover Contribution Amount for Medical Insurance� Full-Time Employees.
Effective January 1, 1998, for each eligibie employee covered by this
Agreement who is employed full time and who selects employee insurance
coverage, the Employer agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage o r
• $196.05 per month, whichever is less. For each etigible tul!-time emp{oyee
who selects family coverage, the Employer will contribute the cost of such family
coverage or $350 per month, whichever is less.
1.5.1 Effective January 1, 1999, for each eligible employee covered by this
Agreement who is employed full time and who selects employee
insurance coverage, the Employer agrees to contribute the cost of such
coverage or $205 per month, whichever is less. For each eligible
full-time employee who selects family coverage, the Employer will
contribute the cost of such family coverage or $375 per month,
whichever is less.
1.6 Life Insurance. For each eligible full-time employee the Employer agrees to
contribute to the cost of $50,000 fife insurance coverage. The total premium
contribution by the Employer for all life insurance coverage shall not exceed
$12.00 per month. This amount shall drop to $5,000 of coverage (in the event
of early retirement) until the retiree reaches age sixty-five (65); then all
Employer coverage shall terminate.
1.7 Employer Contribution Amount: Married Couples. Effective January 1, 1999,
� an eligible full-time employee who is married to another District employee axi
is enrolled in the DistricYs health insurance plan as a dependent on their
spouse's plan may waive the single or family contribution to health insurance
� and receive up to $150 per month toward their spouse's family coverage. The
coordination of District contributions cannot exceed the full cost of family
� coverage and cannot be applied in cases where the spouse is receiving health
insurance through the District's cafeteria benefits plan.
ARTICLE Y5. INSURANCE, Section 1. (continued):
1.8 Emplovee Contribution Amount: Half-Time Emnloyees. For each eligible •
employee covered by this Agreement who is employed half time, the Employer
agrees to contribute fifty percent (50%) of the amount contributed for full-time �
employees as stated in 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 above.
1.9 Flexible $pendinaAccount. It is the intent of the Employer to maintain during the
ierm of this Agreement a plan for medical and child care e�ense accounts to be
available to employees in this bargaining unit who are eligible for Employer-
paid premium contribution for health insurance for such expenses, within the
established legal regulations and IRS requiremenis for such accounts.
1.10 The contributions indicated in this Article 15 shall be paid to the Employer's
group heaiih and welfare plan.
1.11 Any cost of any premium for any Employer-offered employee or family
insurance coverage in excess of the dollar amounts stated in this Article 15 shafl
be paid by the employee through payroll deduction.
Subd. 1. Benefit Eiic�ibilit� for Emplovees who Retire Before Aae 6 5
1.1 Employees hired into District service before January 1. 1996, must have
completed the following service eligibility requirements with Independenf School
District No. 625 prior to retirement in order to be eligible for any payment of •
any insurance premium contribution by the District after retirement:
A. Be receiving pension benefits from PERA, St. Paul Teachers Retirement
Association or other public employee retiree program at the time of
retirement and have severed the employment relationship with Independent
School District 625;
B. Must be at least fifty-five (55) years of age and have completed
twenty-five (25) years of service, or;
C. The combination of their age and their years of service must equal
eighty-five (85) or more, or;
D. Must have completed at least thirty (30) years of service, or;
E. Must have completed at least twenty (20) consecutive years of service
within Independent School District No. 625 immediately preceding
Years of regular service with the City of Saint Paul will continue to be counted
toward meeting the service requirement of this Subdivision 1.1 B, C or D, but
not for 7.1 E.
1.2 Em�loyees hired into District service after January 1. 1996, must have
completed twenty (20) years of service with Independeni School District
No. 625. Time with the City of Saint Paul will not be counted toward this twenty
(20)-year requirement.
1.3 Eligibility requirements for all retirees:
ARTICLE 15. INSURANCE, Section 2. (continued):
A. A retiree may not carry his/her spouse as a dependent if such spouse is
also an Independent Schooi District No. 625 retiree or Independent School
District No.625 employee and eligible for and is enrolled in the
Independent School District No. 625 health insurance program, or in any
other Employer-paid health insurance program.
B. Addftional dependents beyond those designated to the District at the time of
retirement may not be added at District expense after retirement.
C. The employee must make application through District procedures prior to
the date of retirement in order to be eligible for any benefits provided i n
this Section.
Subd. 2. E�lover Contribution Levels for Em�loyees Retirinc,�Before Age 6 5
Health Insurance Employer Contribution
The District will for the period of this Agreement provide employees who meet
the eligibility requireme�ts for health insurance in 1.1 or 12 above, who retire
during the term of this Agreement, and untii such employees reach sixty-five
(65) years of age, such health insurance premium contributions up to the same
dollar amount as were made by the District for health insurance for single o r
family coverage by that carrier, for an employee under this Agreement, in
his/her last month of active empioyment. In the event new carriers replace
those in place at execution of this Agreement, the dollar amounts being paid for
single or family coverage to the carrier at the employee's date of retirement
shall constitute the limit on future contributions. Any empioyee who is receiving
family coverage premium contribution at date of retirement may not later claim
an increase in the amount of the Employer obiigation for single coverage
premium contributions to a carrier after deleting family coverage.
Life Insurance Employer Contribution
The District will provide for early retirees who qualify under the conditions of
1.1 or 1.2 above, premium contributions for eligible retirees for $5,000 of life
insurance only until their 65th birthday. No life insurance will be provided, o r
premium contributions paid, for any retiree age sixty-five (65) or over.
Subd.3 Benefit Eligibility for EmployeesARer Pge65
3.1 Emoloyees hired into the District before January 1. 1996, who retired before
age 65 and are receiving benefits per Subd. 2 above are eligible, upon reaching
age 65, for employer premium contributions for health insurance described i n
Subd. 4 of this Article.
3.2 Em�lovees hired into the District before Januar�. 1 996, who retire at age 65
or older must have completed the eligibility requirements in Subd. 1.1 above to
receive District contributions toward post-age-65 health insurance premiums:
ARTfCLE 15. INSURANCE, Section 2. (continued):
3.3 Emp(ovees hired on or after January Y. i 996, shal( nof have or acquire in any
way any eligibility for Employer-paid health insurance premium contribution
for coverage in retirement at age sixty-five (65) and over in Subd. 4,
Employees hired on or after January 1, 1996, shall be eligible for only eariv
retirement insurance premium contributions as provided in Subd. 2 and
Deferred Compensation match in Subd. 5.
Subd. 4. Employer Contribution Levels for Retirees After Age 6 5
4.1 Emolovees hired into the District before January 1. 1996 and who meet the
eligibility requirements in Subdivisions 3.1 or 3.2 of this Article are eligible
tor premium corttributions for a Medicare Supplement health coverage policy
selected by the District. Premium contributions for such policy will not exceed:
Coverage Type
Medicare Eligible
Non-Medicare Eligible
Sin e
$300 per month
$400 per month
$400 per month
$500 per month
At no time shall any payment in any amount be made directly to the retiree.
Any premium cost in excess of the maximum contributions specified must be paid
directly and in full by the retiree, or coverage will be discontinued.
4.2 Emplovees hired after January 1. 1 996, after completion of three (3) full years
of consecutive active service in Independent School District No. 625, are eligible
to participate in an employer maiched Minnesota Deferred Comper�sation Plan.
Upon reaching eligibility, the District will match up to $500 per year of
consecutive active service, up to a cumulative lifetime maximum of $12,500.
Part-time employees working half-time or more will be eligibte for up to orie
half (50°/,) of the available District match. Approved non-compensatory leave
shall not be counted in reaching the three (3) full years of consecutive active
service, and shall not be considered a break in service. Time worked in the City
of Saint Paul will not be counted toward this three (3}-year requirement.
Federat and state ruies goveming participation in the Minnesota Deferred
Compensation Plan shall apply. The employee, not the District, is solely
responsible for determining his/her total maximum allowable annual
contribution amount under IRS regulations. The employee must initiate an
application to participate through the DistricYs specified procedures.
9 �-26 ���1
• 1 6.1 Employees of the School District under policy adopted by the Board of Education
, may be reimbursed for the use of their automobiles for school business. To be
eligible for such reimbursement, empioyees must receive authorization from the
District Mileage Committee utilizing the foilowing pian:
" PLAN "A". Effective with the adoption of this Agreement, is reimbursed at the
current Board rate or 31¢ per mil e whichever is greater. in addition, a
maximum amount which can be paid per month is established by an estimate
furnished by the employee and the empioyee's supervisor.
Another consideration for establishing the maximum amount can be the
experience of a�other worki�g in the same or similar position.
Under this plan, it is necessary for the employee to keep a record of each trip
1 7.1 The Employer shall provide a severance pay program as set forth in this Article.
• Payment of severance pay shall be made within the tax year of the retirement.
17.2 To be eligible for the severance pay program, the employee must meet the
following requirements:
17.2.1 The employee must be fifty-five (55) years of age or older or must be
eligible for pension under the "Rule of 90" provisions of the Pubiic
Employees Retirement Association (PERA). The "Rule of 85" or the
"Rule of 90" criteria shall also apply to employees covered by a public
pension plan other than PERA.
17.2.2 The employee must be voluntarily separated from School District
employment or have been subject to separation by layoff or compulsory
retirement. Those employees who are discharged for cause, misconduct,
inefficiency, incompetency or any other disciplinary reason are not
eligible for this severance pay program.
t7.2,3 The employee must file a waiver of re-employment with the Director of
Human Resources, which will clearly indicate that by requesting
severance pay, the employee waives all claims to reinstatement o r
re-employment (of any type) with the City of Saint Paul or with
{ndependent School District No. 625.
17.3 If an employee requests severance pay and if the employee meets the eligibility
requirements set forth above, he or she will be granted severance pay in an
� amount equal to $100 pay for each day of accrued, unused sick leave, up to 1 50
ARTICLE 17. SEVERANCE (continued)
17.4 The maximum amount of money that any employee may obtain through this •
severance pay program is $15,000.
17.5 For the purpose of this severance pay program, a death of an empfoyee shall be
considered as separation of employment and, if the employee would have met aI I
of the requirements set forth above at the time of his or her death, payment of the
severance pay may be made to the employee's estate or spouse.
17.6 For the purpose of this severance pay program, a transfer from Independent
School District No. 625 employment to City of Saint Paui employment is not
considered a separation of employment, and such transferee shall not be eligible
for this severance program.
18.1 The Employer will discipline employees for just cause only. Discipline will be
in the form of:
a) Oral reprimand;
b) Written reprimand;
c ) Suspension;
d) Reduction;
e) Discharge.
18.2. Suspensions, reductions, and discharges will be in written form.
18.3. Employees and the Association will receive copies of written reprimands and •
notices of suspension and discharge.
18.4. Employees may examine all information in their Employer personnel files that
concerns work evaluations, commendations and/or disciplinary actions. Files
may be examined at reasonable times under the direct supervision of the
18.5. Preliminary Review. Prior to issuing a disciplinary action of unpaid
suspension, demotion or discharge, the supervisor will make a recommendation
to his/her supervisor regarding proposed discipline. That supervisor will then
provide written notice of the charges to the employee and offer to meet with the
employee prior to making a final determination of the proposed discipline. The
employee shall have the opportunity to have union representation preseM and be
provided the opportunity to speak. If the employee is unable to meet with the
supervisor, the employee will be given the opportunity to respond in writing.
18.6. An employee to be questioned conceming an investigation of disciplinary action
shall have the right to request that an Association Representative be present.
18.7. Employees who are suspended, demoted or discharged shall have the right to
request that such actions be considered a"grievance" for the purpose of
processing through the provisions of Article 19 (Grievance Procedure); as an
altemative option, such employee can request review, consistent with Minnesota
Statute § 179A.20, Subd. 4. Orxe an employee, or the union acting in the
employee's behalf initiates review in one forum, the matter shall not be again
reviewed in another forum. Oral reprimands shall noi be subject to the
grievance review procedures. �
�;��6 .��
1 9.1 Definition of a Grievance. A grievance is defined as a dispute or disagreement �
to the interpretation or appiication of the specific terms and conditions of this
19.2 Association Representatives. The Empioyer will recognize representatives
designated by the Association as the grievance representatives of the bargaining
unit having the duties and responsibilities established by this Article. The
Association shall notify the Employer in writing of the names of such Association
representatives and of their successors when so designated as provided by 6.2. of
this Agreement.
1 9.3 Processing of a Grievance. It is recognized and accepted by the Association and the
Empioyer that the processing of grievances as hereinafter provided is limited by
the job duties and responsibilities of the employees and shall therefore be
accomplished during normal working hours only when consistent with such
employee duties and responsibilities. The aggrieved employee and an Association
Representative shall be allowed a reasonable amount of time without loss of pay
when a grievance is investigated and presented to the Employer during normal
working hours provided that the employee and the Association Representative
have notified and received the approval of the designated supervisor who has
determined that such absence is reasonable and would not be detrimental to the
work programs of the Employer.
19.4 Procedure. Grievances, as defined by Section 19.1., shall be resoived in
conformance with the following procedure:
te 1. An employee ciaiming a violation concerning the interpretation o r
appfication of this Agreement shall, within twenty-one (21) catendar days after
such alleged violation has occurred, present such grievance to the employee's
supervisor as designated by the Employer.
The Employer-designated representative will discuss and give an answer to such
Step 1 grievance within ten (10) calendar days after receipt. A grievance not
resolved in Step 1 and appealed to Step 2 shall be placed in writing, setting forth
the nature of the grievance, the facts on which it is based, the provision o r
provisions of the Agreement allegedly violated, the remedy requested, and shall
be appealed to Step 2 within ten (10) calendar days after the
Employer-designated Representative's final answer in Step 1. Any grievance not
appealed in writing to Step 2 by the Association within ten (10) cafendar days
shall be considered waived.
te 2. if appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by the Association
and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 2 representative. The
Employer-designated representative shall give the Association the Empioyer's
Step 2 answer in writing within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such
Step 2 grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 2 may be appealed to Step 3
within ten (10) calendar days following the Employer-designated
representative's finai Step 2 answer. Any grievance not appealed in writing to
Step 3 by the Association within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered
19.4 Procedure: Grievances (continued)
Steo 3. If appealed, the written grievance shall be presented by ihe Association
and discussed with the Employer-designated Step 3 representative. The
Employer-designated representative shalf give the Association the Employer's
answer in writing within ten (10) calendar days after receipt of such Step 3
grievance. A grievance not resolved in Step 3 may be appealed to Step 4 within
ten (10) caiendar days following the Employer-designated representative's final
answer in Step 3. Any grievance not appealed in writing to Step 4 by the
Association within ten (10) calendar days shall be considered waived.
Ste . A grievance unresolved in Step 3 and appealed to Step 4 by the
Association shall be submitted to arbitration subject to the provisions of the
Pub)ic Employmeni Labor Relations Act of 1971 as arnended. The selection of an
arbitrator shall be made in accordance with the rules as established by the
Bureau of Mediation Services.
19.5 Arbitrator's Authoritv
19.5.1. The arbitrator shall have no right to amend, modify, nuliify, ignore, add
to or subtract from the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The
arbitrator shall consider and decide only the specific issue(s)
submitted in writing by the Employer and the Association and shall have
no authority to make a decision on any other issue not so submitted. •
19.5.2. The arbitrator shall be without power to make decisions contrary to o r
inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any way the application of
laws, rules or regulations having the force and effect of law. The
arbitratoPs decision shall be submitted in writing within thirty ( 3 0)
days following Gose of the hearing or ihe submission of briefs by the
parties, whichever be later, unless the parties agree to an extension.
The decision shall be binding on both the Employer and the Association
and shall be based solely on the arbitrator's interpretation or
application of the express terms of this Agreement and to the facts of the
grievance presented.
19.5.3. The fees and e�enses for the arbitrator's services and proceedings
shall be bome equally by the Employer and the Association provided that
each party shall be responsible for compensating its own
representatives and witnesses. If either party desires a verbatim
record of the proceedings, it may cause such a record to be made,
providing it pays for the record. If both parties desire a verbatim
record of the proceedings, ihe cost shall be shared equally.
�f-26 ��1
1 9.6 Waiver. If a grievance is not presented within the time limits set forth above, i t
shail be considered "waived." If a grievance is not appealed to the next step
within the specified time limit or any agreed extension thereof, it shall be
considered settled on the basis of the Empioyer's last answer. if the Empioyer
does not answer a grievance or an appeal thereof within the spec'rfied time limits,
the Association may elect to treat the grievance as denied at that step and
immediately appeal the grievance to the next step. The time limit in each step
may be extended by mutual written agreement of the Employer and the
Association in each step.
19.7 It is understood by the Association and the Employer that, if an issue is
determined by this grievance procedure, that issue shall not again be submitted
for arbitration under the provision of the Rules and Regulations of Civil Service.
It is further understood that, if an issue is submitted and determined by the
grievance procedure under the Civil Service Rules and Regulations, it shali not
again be submitted for arbitration under the procedures set forth in this Article.
20.1 The Association and the Employer agree
stoppages, slow-downs, sit-down, stay in
• the Employer's business or affairs by
thereof, and there shafl be no bannering
without first using all possible means of
that may arise.
that there shall be no strikes, work
or other considered interference with
the Association and/or the members
during the existence of this Agreement
peaceful settlement of any controversy
21.1 The Employer may, at any time during the duration of this Agreement, contract
out work done by the employees covered by this Agreement. In the event that
such contracting would result in reduction of the workforce covered by this
Agreement, the Employer shall give the Association a ninety (90) calendar day
notice of the intention to subcontract.
22.1 This Agreement is subject to the laws of the United States, the State of Minnesota.
In the event any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary to law
by a court of competent jurisdiction from whose final judgment or decree no
appeal has been taken within the time provided, such provisions shall be voided.
All other provisions shall continue in full force and effect. The voided provision
may be renegotiated at the written request of either party. All other provisions
of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
23.1 This Agreement shall be effective as of January 1, 1998, and shall continue in
effect through December 31, 1999. This Agreement shall not be extended oraily
and it is understood that it shail expire on the date indicated.
23.2 It is understood that this settlement shall be recommended by the
Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager, but is subject to approval by the Board of
23.3 The Empioyer and the Association acknowledge that during the meeting and
negotiating which resulted in this Agreement, each had the right and opportunity
to make proposals with respect to any subject concerning the terms arxl
conditions of employment. The agreements and understandings reached by the
parties after the exercise of this right are fully and completely set forth in this
Agreement. Any and all prior agreements, resolutions, practices, policy or rules
or regulations regarding the terms and conditions of employment, to the extent
they are inconsistent with this Agreement, are hereby superseded. In those areas
where Civil Service Rules are not inconsistent with this Agreement, the Civil
Service Rules shall continue to be in effect.
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xecutive Board ember
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Manager N gotiations Team M mber
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Assistant Manager
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STEP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Start 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years
Grade 3 4
Schooi Bus Garage Supervisor
1-3-98 1, 212.71 1, 337.01 1, 391.03 1,462.07 1, 521.45 1, 600.46 1,640.00
1-2-99 1,243.03 1,370.44 1,425.81 1,498.62 1,559.49 1,640.47 1,681.00
Grade 3 5
Food Service Equipment Specialist
1-3-98 1,355.02 1, 494.16 1, 569.80 1, 65'I .98
1-2-99 1,388.90 1,531.51 1,609.05 1,693.28
Grade 3 6
Facility Operations Coordinator I
13-98 1,361.61 1,501.17 1,561.81 1,641.58 1,708.24 1,796.96 1,84'I .36
1-2-99 1,395.65 1,538.70 1,600.86 1,682.62 1,750.95 1,841.88 1,887.39
• Grade 3 7
Grounds and Labor Supervisor
1-3-98 1,402.47 1,546.2� 1,608.68 1,690.8'I 1,759.47 1,850.86 1,896.60
1-2-99 1,437.53 1,584.87 1, 648.90 1, 733.08 1,803.46 1, 897.13 1, 944.02
Grade 4 0
Facility Operations Coordinator II
1-3-98 1,544.48 1,691.03 1,757.86 1,847.76 1,922.65 2,022.48 2,072.42
1-2-99 1,583.09 1,733.31 1,801.81 1,893.95 1,970.72 2,073.04 2,124.23
Association Dues ........................................3
Discipline ................................................ I S
Employer Rights .........................................2
F7exible Spending Account ......................... 11
Funeral I.eave ............................................. 8
Grievance Prxedure ................................... 16
Health Ins�rzance ........................................ 10
Holidays .................................................... 7
Insurance Benefits ...................................... 10
Life Insurance ........................................... 10
Lockout................................................... 18
Mileage ................................................... 14
Overtime ...................................................5
Parental I.eave ............................................9
Preliminary Review ................................... 15
Premiums .................................................. 5
Retirement Aealth Insurance ........................ 11
Salaries ................................................... 20
Seniority ...................................................4
Severance ................................................. 14
Sick Child Caze Leave ..................................8
Sick Leave ................................................. S
Sick L.eave Conversion .................................8
Spouse/Dependent Pazent Leave .....................8
Step Progression .........................................9
Scewazds .................................................... 3
Stritce...................................................... 18
Subcontract .............................................. 18
Uniforms ................................................... 6
Vacadon .................................................... 6
Wages....................................................... 9
Working Out of Classification .......................5