88-1181 WHITE - CITV CLERK CO�IIIC11 �(/ X �,�. // \/ J PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - OEPARTMENT /S /I BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. �� �s < <' � Council R so ution � _ � �� ,� Presented y Referred To �/l�141� �l: Committee: Date � � � � �� Out of Committee By Date WHERSAS, during the rehabilitation pro�ect in process, the Depart�eent of Community Services, Building Inspection and Design Division has identified structural proble�s in the roof support design of the St. Anthony Branch Library; NOW, THBREFORB, BE IT RBSOLVED, by the City Council, upon the reco�endation of the Mayor and the advise of the Long Range Capital Iwprovenent Budget Co�mittee� that the Capital I�aprove�ent Budget for 1986, as heretofore adopted and a�eended by the Council, is hereby further a�ended in the following particulars: LOG NO. YEAR/30URCB TITLS CURRBNT CHANGB AMENDED APPROPRIATION APPROPRIATION C-1201 1986/CIB St Anthony Park Branch Libr Rehab 614�000 80,000 694,000 C-6608 1986/CIB Comm Serv Capital Mtce Progra� 250,000 (14,000) 236,000 C-1711 1986ICIB Central Libr Public Use Elevatora 130,000 (17,000) 113,000 1986/CIB Spec Contingency to Secure Bids 171�300 (49�000) 122,300 -------- -------- -------- TOTAL 1,165,300 0 1,165,300 AND BB IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the scope of the pro,�ect is expanded to include structural repair to the roof supports. APPR AS TO FUNDING !'he St. Paul Lonq-Ra��� Capi±e�,l ?�r-cvtiY_nrt�;f " E•�:dget Com.�itfie3 rec�ivc�1 t:�is rLC��rr�r an Df rector, nance and anagewent Servi t��`e� °2 f�-�� ��`�"`���`'``:�:.�`''' ro•Pt1d _ . _ . APPROVSD '' % � '� S:,gn�cl:'�' , ��{G�. Budget D e tor COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond Community Services �� _�_ [n Favor Gosw;tz Rettman Scheibel � A gai n s t By — �6eeeaa .—��ilse�n _. Adopted by Council: Date AUG - 9 � Form Approve by City Atto y Certified Pa.se o ncil Sec y By By A�ppro by iNavor. Date �_ Approv Mayor for S ' si to Council gy — B pt191.tSHfB AU G 2 p 1988 Community Services DEPARTMENT N� 215 lz'ober�' M. Beikler Y CONTACT �U J`! " / • 298-4431 - PHONE � �� � May 11, 1988 . DATE . .. . e � ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER �Clip All Locations for Signature) : �Department Di rector . � Di rector of Management/Mayor� � Finance and Management Services Director 6 City Clerk �'Budget Director 7 Citv Council � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Transfer of funds: ($14,000) from Community Services Capital Maintenance project C-6608; ($17, 000) from Central Library Public Use Elevators project C-1711; ($49,000) from CIB Contingency Funds to the Saint Anthony Park Branch Library Rehab Project for structural repairs and additional roof tile replacement not anticipated but discovered during construction. ($25,000 an 000) were previously transfered to this project from the Central Libr��lic Use Elevator and CIB Contingency Funds, respectively. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ,lUL 01198$ Additional funding of $80, 000 for the Saint Anthony Park B Aanc�� pro'Cect from existing funding sources ($31,000) and CIB Contingency Funds ($49,0.00) NOTE: This i� a safety issue that must be funded to keep the library open. Winter snow load could cause the roof to collapse. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUN�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: �80, 000. 00 quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: czs - as above _ RECEIVED Activity Number: ��L ' S i988 RECEIVED ATTACHMENTS (Li st and Number A11 Attachments) ;OFFfCE OF THE DIRECTpR JUN �41988 , �DPARTIVIENT pF FM 1. Council Resolution MANAGEMENT �CE �ICE,S BUDGET OFFICE Council Research Center, JUL 0 S 1988 bEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �� L'� C'/�,�. � • �-/��J . � CITY OF SB�I�TT P13.UL . ; =�iiif'1 '• o�c� oa� Ta� crrY co�vciz RECEIVED :��< <��:,� .r . � AUG 0 21988 Con��tee Reporf, c��r c�ERK � �'i�ance, l�ana�eme�t., � P�rsannel Cammi�tee. August 1, 1988 1:30 1. Approval of minutes of July 11 and July 18 meetings. Approved � FINANCE 8 MANAG�IIENT � 1 :30 2. Resolution 88-1029 - identifying program objectives, Laid over. to Aug.. 8 personnei and budget increases for 1989 for the Police Department's Vice Unit and requesting the Mayor to recommend additional funas and personnel be assigned to the Unit. (Referred from CounciS June 23, laid over in committee July 25) 2:00 3. Resolution 88-1177. - amending the 1988 budget by Approved . adding $13,750 to the Financing and Spending Plans ` for Personnel Office-Better Neighborhoods Forum. (Referred from Councit July 21) -- - ------- _ __.._._��v - ; 2:15; 4. �.+1���+���- amend i ng the 1986 Cap i ta 1 � �'�� Irt�rovem�t Budget by transferring funds for the ', St. Anthony Park Branch �ibrary. '� E��d gt��cxs Counc i 1 Ju 1 y 21) 2:20 5. Discussion of Proposed 8udget Hearing Schedule. Approved � 2:45 Adjourn. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT Pt1UL,141INNESOTr1 SSI02 •��s