88-1177 co°°`� ��' ��I �,1 F��e � �J �Sy `� � � . CJ A1�� V�'�� � 1 . Spl� .l Re Da�e ` C� ., } G ��� Com�,t`ee Oa`e o� 5�1�� �_ , . J e �y�y s �- � � �,� e�e,�Ue y���. t � V� e �ra�o� �,°�al Y 1� S4e��a1 . c.��`�;P��r � 1� °� � o4z�a� �e��a .t� 1��"°a , '� ott �.�•01�-° d�� es�abl��r 19ga , e �N G0 J� Om�,ctee 8y �� �o �e a.�8 bva e'�' a� .�9g1, d1 aae .�o ��.e e�aeb .,�C zs`�a e a lg8 e.� 1' be �co A�` e�c e a9°�� �a�' d 1�' ��e ea �c�°b dai�yo�� $�� Q cg�AS� ���e tie f.es��.4�a�e 1���� P�do4� ol,�ow:yt�� a C�ar e5 ��� d°e ti�°� 2� e � e�� 0 4 a��e5s °� ��y�, �a1e 5 �ba� �� ��'Ud e� � 1'�pp0 eX �ov atti er.d B� �12' y0 �����s �'�cye�' o'� �eco� 1'�50 �13''I ,�U.�3 ° �e �i.a9 �12,0 5� o� ���g, '� � ,0� �13+� � I��5�o �� e'�' ��s .0' �r 1' 30 .bUd$ �'�o�e I��Z�� `� �500 e�1a�" o�`y.�` �de � 1�5�0 � 5 2�0 e S4 as � 0��5 � 3�� � �5� �SCZ�o��s� �e1�Y'b�^C�'°o �a��.o.�`s � �0�� � 5�Z�� ��3���� �Z� e�s e'� � & �° �0' � p5� o 30�6 9 �ee��b �10,�� SeYVyGes o0' ��3'��� aaa1��or5 � .69 5 G�� �es5�'��a� ��� he abo�e .�o � ��� �L O��e 0�5 ie Sez��ces yl aao4�s s,���� �ees �1�� � �e,��a eo�5 ye� Co�.�,c 0219 yr�-t' ,�et�� �ella� gu441 ��.�y 21�1 �y�.4 �s es .us be � 028 9�0 h�o Su44�e11a�'e� �� �ba� � �e�t°E'' y p3�9Yp re'� ��� Z� g�s���� �eaby°ees`` A. p3a B� , ' f eqoes R �g�.�pR�e�. (�W R c '5,1�. .Bad� � Q � � 1��W' �.98a � � I �} o y ��'e G �� 0 �a�o� By y G;t �'�� f b�_` �� ' 5� c�ve •1 ��NC�I•M�'�1ay5 / , P►�'a�� F°t� ss o to � ce�+ / g`! Eo�S�bm, �eas O,``pe�a � / y Ma`loc e�cd`a ��e`be� �QQ�pV nng� So�es�o Oa�e �c / ey �`�so Go Jnc,`, o J�C,,SeG�e�acy oP�Ea by Sea by C // �/ Ce����,ea�3~ Da�e / / a�°�' / e� ea�,y'� � �,Qe� �� By / � �� ; �� ��'l�� . �1l° Q12333 , Personnel-Traiaing & Dev. DEPARTMENT n a esen CONTACT NAHE 298-6861 PHONE � June 13� 1988 DATE . �SSIGN NUMBER FOR ROIITING ORDER: (See reverse side.) �Department Director 4 Mayor (or Assistant) �'� _ Finance and Managemer►t Services Director 5 ity Gtlerk Budget Director Linda �Giesen, Trn�.. and,Dev. Mgr. 3 City Attorney 6 Citv Council TOTAL N[TrIBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: (Clip all locations for signature.) G1HAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAItING ACTI�N ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) : The Mayor's Office/Personnel Office will provide a one day neighborhpod forum in 1989 that includes: ������� R�earch Center 1. Lecture presentations �UL 1 1i�8 4. Neighborhood demonstrations and 2. Small group workshop sessions 5. Wa�ds pres�ntations and banquet 3. Problem solving sessions COST/BENEFIT. BUDGETAR.Y. AND PERSONNEL Il�tPACTS ANTICIPATED: � cost: �ia,�5o RECE��D ��L o u �9aa �y��g OrF�t�E �INANCING SOUItCE AND BODGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10�000.) Total Amount of TransBction: $13,750 Activity Number: 30165 Funding Source: 030 �,TTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.) Council Resolution ADI4INISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes X No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes X No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNE� REVIEW A Yes _No Council resolution required? Resalution required? X Yes _No _Yes _No Insurance required? ; Insurance sufficient? _Yes No _Yes _,No Insurance attached? . . , ��� �°/.�r,�. . _ � CITY OF S�.I,7T P�.UL "'i0"" S OF'FICE OF TF3� CITY COL'�TCIL : ,���, ���;��i � RECEIVED .+ , � AUG 0 21988 Commlttee Report� CITY CLERK �:i�ance, Mana�eme�t, & Personnel Cammittee. August 1, 1988 1 :30 1 . Approval of minutes of July 11 and July 18 meetings. Approved ` FINANCE 8 MANAGEHENT 1 :30 2. Resolution 88-1029 - identifying program objectives, Laid over. to Aug.. 8 personnei and budget increases for 1989 for the Potice Oepartment's Vice Unit and requesting the Mayor to recortmend additional funcis and personnel be assigned to the Unit. (Referred from Councii June 23, laid over in cortmittee July 25) • , ' . -----°-----------_ , . ----_____ - ---- � : � - - _ __--- � -- ---- � 'r(i ---__- __._ � �:. , � .. < , � r---�-------- c r_. � _ 2:00 31 Resolutiun 8&-1177 - amending the 1988 budget by RP'Prt�v+ed j add i ng #!3,750 to the F i nanc i ng and Spend i ng P 1 ans � ,�f ,,. ; ,� , ,.., ;,�, ?, fot� Personftei Office-Better Neighborhoods Forum. i ; �(�s-c< f,.�C-z-+�t� y�> ,<<< r. � ' (R��' ftoin Counc i 1 Ju 1 y Z.1_).�.__ . ;,. � ,. ��°, --_ .. ._..__ �-- ��__.___.__— � , � 2:15 4. Resolution 88-1181 - amending the 1986 Capital Approved Improvement Budget by transferring funds for the St. Anthony Park Branch Library. (Referred from Council July 21) 2:20 5. Discussion of Proposed Budget Hearing Schedule. Approved � 2:45 Adjourn. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN'i'PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ��e