88-1172 WNITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council BLUERV - MAPORTMENT File NO. ��// �� .Council Resolution ��- ����Presented By — Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #15248) for a One Time Gambling Permit (Raffle Only) by the Groveland Park School Association, 2045 St. Clair Avenue, for August 15, 1988, at 10:00 AM, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor coswitz �b'�1 � Against BY Sonnen � ���, � � �� Form Ap oved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • Certified P�s by Council Secretary BY ��,/� Bs. �� �h- Approv •,Mavor. a Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council '_` BY ptlBL.ISHHI J U L s o �9sa �� . �„�..,�,� ��� ��=uY� ` ! Mr: J. Carchedf Gi��1�1 SHEET No.p p 2 Q�1 ` �� ��� ����� , .. - Christin� Rozek �FOR F�a��� -3'�,,,,«� � '�` � Courrci`1 Research BIWCiET aHECi'Ofi ... . - 56 1 ��A,� . , _ _ Rpplication fcrr One Time Ga�li�g Permit (Raffle Only� Notificatiot� Date: 7-6-88 . Hearin Date: r�e��8:.(�t�)«�+l�) a�,�na+nErarr: r���n+ci oouwse�or� crv�tEnv��m�xssa� �� on�our �rsr vr�o�Ho. ao�+o� reo ezs�eo�o , , sr� awr►�oo�a�ssaN ' ooti,r�,ns is �ooL n�o.noo�* , r�ru io cor�r�r � :�-- — _.�wn aouti wRO. _�r+cu�oo�• oisrr�cr oouta� . .'�'bCPU1NAT�N: � . . . ' . . . . , � BU�POqTS WHlp/COI�IGi 0&IEC11Vff4 . . . . . . - . . . . � . . . . . � . . . _ . ... � . � . � . i . . . . . . .. . . . � . . � . . i � : Council Res��rch Center JUL 12 �988 ».,,�,,.�a�.�,�.�,�.n,,�.�,�,.,�,.�.:�,. _ . � � Mr. Dafl Talbot, on behalf: a�F the Grove1a�nd Pa�k �ool Assqciatio�, requests Council approval ofi his application for a 4ne Tim� Gamb1ing ; ` Permit (Ra�fle Only) for August 15, 1988 at lO:Qb AM. The raffle will be held at Groveland S�hoo1 , 2045 St. Clair Avenue. P,roceeds - wil l be used for chari tabl e ;p�urposes. , .x�,r�ca►��cowe«�w,na�.r�a�...Aaeuw>: - : ; , ,. ... ; All fees and applications haMe been submitted 30 days prior to the ever�t. _ � ; . , _ . , ; �tw�:w�.�s..no-�e,�;�: . .. .. ,:..- ; :. �, , ; j,, , , If Counci l approval i s gi ven�;; the Grovel and Park Sct��oo1 Associ a�tion wi71 ` be able to hold a raffl�; on August 15. If Counci1 app�^oval is not given, a raffle will not; be held. u:�wanv�s: � �: � ��� �. �- � . � _ � ;:� �a� �� � � .� c�s � � . _ i � � _ � � � _ �� MsroRrrr�: , : �oa�sa: . I ; ; ; ��onr oF��ruo�onr�¢�►na+ipnNCwus: : , ': gTAKEyp6pEpg(� _ nosrtwN�+.-,o► � �wiu.TESf�ra(vn�) w►nowu�tsunmr�.M.in Ng�rnrn� `FlNANCIAL IMPACT ��n ca�n oas� sEOO�ro r�u+ No�s o�R�tn��suoaEr: . . REVENUES GENERATED ............................................................... _ : _ EIIPEIi�S: SelarieslFringe Benefits........................................................ - , : ' EquiP�...........................................:.................................. _ . , > . . �PP�� ............. . ...... ... .. . . .._ , Cornrects for Service...............:............................................. Olher . . : : ,�-_ ; PROFlT(LOSS) ...............................:................................... ........ . . FUNDIN6 SOURCE FOR ANY LOSS(Name and MiouM) • ' ' C11P11'AL IMPROYENIENT BUDGET: � DESiGNCOSTS................................................................................ - ACBWSITION GOSTS................: _: � � , . _ : _ . CONSTRUCTION COSTS ................. .......................... .,....:-. TOTAL.............................................................................................._.... ' . , SOURCE OF FUNDING(Name and Amounq . , , IMPACT ON BUDOET: : IIMOUNT CllRRlNTLY BllDf3E1'ED•,•::.............. _ _ : , ,; . - ,. . -. :.:. ; ,.. , , • . , AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF CUARENT BUD(iET ......... . ....... 80URCE OF A�AOUNT OYER BUDGIET........................................ - 4 PROPERTY TAXES GENERATED �LOS'� ......... , , _. M�LENENTATION RESPONS98N.ITY: _ DEPT/OFfICE DIVI&ION i TRLE . �� ��6U0(iET ACTiVITY NUMBER 8 TITLE ._ . _ . . . � . . ACTI111TV MANAGER �. .. .. . HOIAI PERFORMANCE IMLL BE AAEASUREC?: PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: PRO�M INOICATORS 18T YR. 2ND YR. EVALUATION RESPOI�.ITY: , . - � pEp$pN .- DEPT. . . � PHONE NO. � /��jj'►b�,'Q(p�,� DA � . ANST WARTFRI.Y . �� 1�7� . ` T�IVISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE v /�� �/ � � �� INTF.RDF.PARTMEh'TAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Proc ssed/Received by Lic Enf Aud �a n �al bo1' Applicant Ve , � ���0�� Home Address � � Rusiness Iv'ame � �SSn Home Phone Business Address a�y� �. �I0.1•1�' /�t��(,Type of License(s) C�QyN���hA � � T/�l � Business Phone ',�Q��G (��J !y Public Hearing Date � !q p� License I.D. �{ �s a� `t'$ at 9:00 a.m. in the �ouncil Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� f�/ !�} llate Nutice Sent; � Dealer 4� � '/4' to Applicant � �, �� Federal Firearms 4� N /Q Public Hearing DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CO�NTS Approved Not A roved � Bldg I & D + 1�+)A Health Divn. � _ , u lA ' Fire Dept. i � � ��� I Yolice Dept. I �n� I �Is��t�i �L << � c� � License Divn. �� i City Attorney __/� Il C/(/ Ob + Date Received: Site Plan � �'�1' J( �( To Council Research � l( V U Lease or Letter c,Q ate f rom Landlord � I?,Q l b a City of Saint Paul /�a �� �, � ' , Department of F'inance�and Management Services / �� ��'/�� License and Permit Divisiort �— • 203 CIty HaU� . SL Paul.Minnesota 5510Z-298-5056 A�PPLICATION FOR LICENSE CASH C1iECK CCASS NO. Nev� Renew Q � i ( i L=J. � , � _ / .. ;��. Date L' r "`� i9 ,,.. �,. / , 1 �.,., . Coda•Nc_ Titleof License• Frortr , � �� 1a_� To � .'�� � 19 , •� � �: :G,yr. `^�: ��i1 V:�( li.l �� � %i ! \, �� .� 1 ' �. I i � C � � � ,� ( ; v��fr l�; , , u ,-<< � �-i: ;,r,i ,-, ---,,�,,�, ;- j�\:.:--+- .r i;,, � �`-� .. ApplicanUCompany Nams � �oo ., ,- ; � • ; :,. �.� i �. u - � �� . �__t;�i �,- ---� r;;_i✓ 100 Business Name 100 � — ��� i �-.� -� ..��: Business Address I Phon�Na 100 100 Mail to Addreas PhoneNo. 100 _�::'. . ` j r • , - �s `7�. -- ManapsnOwner•Name � " ! tOd . -, •-• � � ` :!, �� �� i � �: .�' 100 AlanageNGwner-Home Addrcss PhoneNa. 4098: APPlfcatiorr Fee� 2. 50. '` ReCeived.the Surtr ot 10Q �ti j • -r�.�i ; ; ,ti'� � �!;�:-�- 3, ManagedOwnen-Ctty,State 3.Z1p Cod� 10Q.' Total. tOQ. License Inspector �i� - By: �,�JG' SignaturQOt Applieanf Bond- �� '� Company Nams Policy Na� Expiratlorn 0ate� Insurance~ '`�,i'T Company Nam�. Poliey No. Expiratlort Oata MlnnesotaState IdentificatiorrNo. 'v?�� SociaLSecurity No Vehicie Information- Serial Numbx Plata Number Qther. THIS 1S A�RECEiPT FOR APPLICATION THIS.IS NOTA UCENSETo OPERATE Youtapplicatiort for Iicense�will eitherbegranted orrejecfetf sub�ect to the provisionsot�th�zoning ordinance and completiort of th�inspectionsby theHealth, Fire.Zoning and/or Licens�inspectora_ $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS � � �� � C ' r` � ' ., �� 7--� �-� � � ���8�� . . . � . _ .... ._. _.. . - -- r •, � c lilil �E �� GiIYL. �� //!� ., • � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �iND MANAGEMENT' SERVICES . , DIVISION OF LICENSE AND P� ADMINISTRATZON INFORMATION REQIIIRED WITS APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDIICT G�iP�LING SESSION IN SAINT PABL Four sessioas a=e� allowed per yesr, with each sessfoa� beiag; a m9r+�■+* o� fonr consecut�ve hours_ Tfiis. appLicatio� aad a1L required attacbmeazs. must be filed with th� Licease rnspector at Ieast thi=t� days prior to the: requested date of the gambling eveat.. L) rTame of orgaaizatioa Groveland Parl: School Association 2) Address w�era orgaaization's regular meatings are. he1d2045 St. Clair Ave. , St . Palil 3) Dap and tim� of inestings Vieek night evenings; appro:c. five tiMas per schoo� . year 4) Add=ess where- gambling sessioa wi11 be held 2045 St . Clair Avenue, St . ?aul 5) Is applicaat owner of propertp where gambling sessioa will be �e1d? Yes �i No 6) I£ Ieased, who is the. owner of propertp w�ere gambling. sessiou wilZ be held? Inde�2ndent School District �625 7) Name o£ officer making applicatio� Dan Talbot 8) �,ddress ot officar 418 4loodlawn, St . Paul, rZN 55105 Date�of birthl/19/40 9) `T� of maaager wha wil.L conduat gambliag sessfoa r�ancy ��tac;:er LO) Address a£ maaager 2153 Lincoln A�re. , St . Paul 55i05Date: oz birttz��20/5� L't� � conaectioa with w�at.eveat is: this: gambliag sessfoa befag he:1.d?' Thz raffle is b�ing conducted inde�endently of an event to raise. r..cnay -o ii r, nae� .� y� � �. . . 12) Wbat type- o£ gamhl.iag device{s) wilZ be used? Paddl.ew�ieeL �� Tipboard ivTo . . Raffle YeS Pu.LLtabs ivo Bingo° �io L3) Specifp whea. gamh.Liag sessiou(s) wi:u. take: place� HOURS� Dap(s) i�:onday� Date(s) AuS. 15, 1958 �r�� lO :OQ a.ra.�a� PJoon (Mamnntm oL iOUL hOt1r3) L4) Wi11 prizes be paa.d. ia. mane}r or merchandise? rTerchandi�� 15) Is the appl.ican.c associatioa orgaaized uader the laws of the State o� :iinaesota?. •/(� T— 16) � H�ow loag has. th� organizatiou: beea ia. eaisteace?C�2ratir.� sinc� thE 1520 ' s, it -oo , i�� nar.:� � � ir. 1 00 . 17) f�Jiia� is the purpose of the arganizatios? Suppert Grcvelanu. Par; �l�r.:. S,:;:�c�.. L8) F�or whac� will the proceads fro� tfiis event be: usedT=�G� �""iJ<��zs�s incurr�c: for car� o� ��ncr.:a� ,.aai��r..�y er 19) Give names of officers or aay othez persou paid for sa�-vices to the orgaai.zatioa..—��� Zp� (j��iGe2 s � �� D2�����-�-�ivr, D :Tame—T'itle Address Date of Birth Dar� TalACt , Pr�sider.t �18 ��co�latm� S� . Paul 55105 1/iS�L.p \ar.cy �•+ack�r, Vic�—Pres . 2153 Linccln, St. Paul 5�?0� �/ZO/5E� r .,20� Q�g�_z.�, o£ c� arga�zatfoa� :- . . - ..�._ . ._ . f•�//7� . c tfoa _ C�, _ r � ' - 1'�:a-Tit� . -. . . � Addxass- Daze o� bfrct� . � , � Ann. Vitko, Vice-Pres. 151 Amherst St.. Paul, 55105 5/14/53 . � Genie Kufus, Treasurer 1782 Princeton St. Paul . 55105 2/28/47 ZZ� L�witoas. castodp wfLt.=ecords of, �rg��*��+�*`� gamtrliag sasstoas b�lcept?' � N�, Nancy Wacker 9,dd=es� 2153 Lincoln Ave. . St . Paui 5510 ZZ� 3ttacit a ccver lettar def�aia� th� aveat far whfc�ya¢ ar� rsqn�fa� tftis.. liceass- 23) �t*-'=�?± a. 1.e=rar o�pas�iss�oa ta cfladue� tt� g�bZia� s�saio� a� cit�re�uesre�. address� 2w) Atracfr a capp� of pcar o j�� �+*•'� membe=st�r roarar aad. dar� eacir ms�ber j ois�� 233 3tzacs a» capy- af tfr� Dsaa=�eat o� ttz�r Tressu�9-, Lata=as,L BQV�S'ervtc� "Setu�a ofc orgaafzat3os Fas�pt fxo� Iaca� Tat'; For� 99a.. �C�ptar 414.0� (I)I_ -f]$ . 2b) 3ttaciz a. coop� ar Deanx�at ai t� T'reasurp�,. Iatstaa�_� �avenae� Serv�ca-,. "c..a�pt Qrgaai za�ca Busfaes� rae�T'au�`, E�c�990T [CSaPzer 41�.04- (2)I -Og: � �rrs.•� tfr� aaaual. r$po=t requt=e� o= rf*'ri�t�i��, Or$83fZ8tf0'a.l.�`�BSOtB. SCBLl�ES'�. ---- - , See�o�309':53.. �Cfiaate�4L4�.II4. (31 j. � . 281 S�vc y�oe�=ss�aa�do�Yo�.t�caSlsLF'�mders�: th�prQVfs�a�aLZ Ia�a,- �•stw�..���,, �, =Q�T�„�,r±n�es�L�IlC Op�O� $��$"9lsi�Z' Vo� Zgj 3aY`c�e� destre�bp•ttter apgl{��**+-assocf=�� �ay�be�madae oa1g-vttf�cfr� caasaaC o= � T'j r�raas C,'G��, 30) � att9- gersoaEs} P��et�at�f� cft�operatfo�o� aag-o�-t�gamtrl''�,; saerstcnss _.._... _. cavere� bp� tfrts Licaasas ave=bes�. cflavf�r.s�.a=� �alaap-iaG. tft� Star� o= �sat�or _______ .. �aay- ocfter Statffr�a� FederaL.Ccu�?" Y'ess Ym X - L�aaswer�:�"Tr.�",r p=avtd� n�e•�f 3.d�Le3884,. aII�. b7SL� d3Le4i.. ._ . Org�T�9T�-��**� Groveland Park School Association _ �.�-::-.. + . _ ��, (Q���Ti�� Dan. Talbot, President� aa� NancY Wacker �-Stacs.oi :4iaaasaral (MaaaBer is=caazgc a= ga�a�.i.a� sessioal ) s� • . _ � _.-C o£� ._. . . . 7LQ���i�►� . _ ' =�ciruuurn�,r� .__ _ ._. aa� tiit:� � � »i, �e��xx� dsstX- swo chey- at� c� pe�rT��- ia c.tte abov� apF�c��,'`',c�C��cise� Eiav� �t�� ieregoiag' Pecf�os � kaa� tft� caarear.� che=eer; � �e�+ti�r�c�eir oar¢ �ovieds3¢ �N,Yi�� .;tu,�o�,:..- ` , ,, � � 15��� $�,148g ;�i�� ��. � � Suas��e� a� befcr� mor ttiis: ` _ � , �day-a� L��� ,,'�'' ;?.n.�;�;;:�'. _` ,?� �. ���►�t�j;�-�� , G ROB K' � Notary Pub?'�;����sa+�`'�ounty,Mi"r� Yo� �1ic,- . �ER';•. Mycommis:::�:,:;a..;�urs1'une3, �991• �p.��,�.�es�, F.agi=e� N�/!1� �=?� . ��� " � � .. � - ' . . ���,7�.- Groveland Park School Association 2045 St. Clair Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105 June 15, 1988 City of St. Paul Dept. of Finance and Management Services Division of License and Permit Administration Room 203, City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ATTN: Christine Re: GPSA Raffle Dear Chri.stine: This letter is written in compliance with Zteia 22 of the application for. a charitable gambling permit from the City o£ St. Paul.. The �roveTand Park School Association is an organization established as a support. group for GroveI.and Par}� ETementary School, located at, 2045 St. C'lair Avenue, St_ Paul.. I:t. has been operat.ing as the GPSA since 1986, but prior to that time it operated as the Groveland School PTA since: the school' s inception in. the 19 20 ' s. A charitabLe; gambling permi.t to. conduct a raffle is sought to raise funds to pay the• medical expenses of Thomas. Haefemeyer, who was the son of Jeff Haefemeyer,. the vocal music: teacher at: Groveland Park School.. Thomas was born. on April 30, 1988 with a. severe, congenital heart defect and was placed on the donor waiting list for a heart transplant. Out. of humanitarian concerns and to show solidarity with a. member o� the Groveland Park School teaching staff in an hour of need, the GPSA under.took to raise funds to he.1p pay expenses associated with Thomas' s care. With great sadness, we must report that Thomas died on June 14,- 1988 .. We have decided to finish our. planned fundraiser�, however, to help pay Thomas ' s existing medical and funeraL expenses .. In the very unlikely event that any money be_ left over, it will be dona.ted to Children's Hospital in S:t. Paul.- The GPSA is sponsoring a raffle among the members of the Groveland Park School community to raise money to be used to pay the Haefemeyer family ' s expenses. Prizes have been donated by businesses in the community. a Groveland Park students have been enlisted to sell tickets. �`