88-1163 �IT� - CITV CLERK
t�INK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council � /`�
� � Council esolution
� //
Presented By �� �
Referred To Committee: Date ,
Out of Committee By Date
Wf-iET?FAS, the Division of F'uk�lic Health has requested the City Council
to h«ld a public hearing to consider the advisability and necessity of the
correction or wrccking and r�_moval of a two-story fire damaged wooci f.ran��
st.nacture which is locat� on property hereafter referred to as the
"��,};jer_t: Pro�r-t.��" corrmon.ly hnc�wn as 853 Huds�n Rc�ad, Saint Paul,
Minnesota and legally described as:
I,ot 2, SuY�divisian of. Block 68, Lyman Dayt�n's
ac�dition by H.A. Boardman, according ta the
recordc� plat th�reof, and situatE�d in Ramsey
County, Minnesota.
WEIEREAS, based upon the records in the Famsey County Recorder's Office
c;�n ^7arch 2£i, 1988, tlte following pc�rsons are c,wr►e.rs, interested parti.es or
responsible �artizs ��f the Subje�t Fror�erty: Michael P. Farrell, 14867
130th Street, Stillwa±:er, N1Iv 55082; Margaret r. I?ianlap, 13910 N. 47fih
Street, Stillwater, :�v' 55082; NL:�r.garet E. Dunlap, h611 N. Military Road,
(�icxa�hury, '�L�' S5�_�'5; I�7n��ld F. Dunlap, dE:ceased; Jatnes R. I)unlap, 620
Bluff Ave. E. , Shakopee, MN 55379; Midwest Federal Savings & Loan, f301
'�i:,:_�.11�>L �1all, '�I;.r�nearx�l is, MIvT 5540�; Richard L. ^�;lykiewic�z_, 5444 East
134th Street, A�le Valley, NIl�7 55124. The City of Saint. Paul has received
a n.E�tirf� t}1at Midwe�t FE_�dez-al Sa.vi.nc�s b, TA�an, POl Nicollet M��11,
Mir�nea�.r�lis, ^IlV FF4�2 no longer has an interest in the subject property;
WHEREAS, tYie Division of Public Health has issued arders identified as an
"?�t�.3ndorled. Building 'votic��" dated May 3, 1988 which is att.arhed and
:incor-�x�ratc�� as part af this resolution by this ref_erenr_e. This order was
s.�r-�-:�d c:r� a] l ;;wners, i.«t,ex-ested r�rti��s ar�� i-e�s�nsible ��art:ies nf th:� Su�je.�t
Prc�z�rty knc�wn to t.he enforr_P�nt of_fir_-_r. The notice and order inforn�d these
Fk3rti��s tl�t. t_?�e> twc-st-or-y wood frar�: f_i.rE� d�mage� structure loc�ted on the
Si�l?jec:t Pro�rty is an ak�ndoried building �nd a nuisance pursuant to S�ctions
�5.01., Surx�. 1 and 45.0?, St�tx3. 11 o.f thc Sairit Paul Lcyis]ati.ve C�de. The� May
�, 19£38 order alsv had attached to it a list of deficiencies regarding the
structure c�n t.hF� Suk�jec_�t Prc;��z-t��, said list is at.t.��c}ied and i.neoi7x�rat��d �:is
p�art of this resolution; and
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�� [n Favor
Rettman B ,
Scheibel A gai n s t Y
Form Appr e City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
c 6 2y �gg
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by A4avor: Date _ Appro y Mayor for Subm' i ouncil
` � ' ���d �l�
Wf��,REAS, the May 3, 1988 order informed all owners, interested parties and
responsible parties that they must either repair the structure on the Subjer_t
Property by correcting the list of deficiencies or demolish the strur,ture,
either action to take place by May 18, 19$8.
HfHEREAS, no action has been taken regarding con�liance with the May 3,
1988 notice and order, and as a result the Division of Public Health requested
that a public hearing be scheduled to take place on Thursday, July 7, 1988 for
the City Council to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the
correction of the nuisance condition or in the alternative consider the
dP_rnolition and removal of this structure; and
WHEREAS, the above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible
parties have been personally served notice of the time and purpose of the July
7, 19�8 hearing before the Council;
WH�,'REAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on July 7,
1988 and all testimony and evidence was considered by the Council.
N(�W THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED, that based upon all of the testimony and
evidence presentecl at the July 7, 1988 hearing, the Saint Paul City Council
hereby adopts the following Findings and Order concerning the strur_ture at 853
Hudson Road:
1. That in November of 1986 the structure located on the Subject Property
was determined to be vacant and open to access. The building has remained
vacant and has been either open or boarded since November of 1986.
? That since NovP�nber of 1986 the City of Saint Paul has on numerous
occasions issuec� orders to the owners to make this structure secure and not
ac.cessable. On many occasions, because of the inaction on the part of the
owners, the City has had to hire a private contractor to make the building
secure and not open t� access.
3. That the owners of the Subject Property have repeatedly failed to
register and pay the vacant building fee for this structure as required by City
4. That there are now and have been since November of 1986, multiple
exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations in eYistance at the Subject
5. That the owners, interested garties a.nd responsible parties of this
structtzre are as previously stated in this resolution. These individuals have
been properly servec3 notice of the July 7, 1988 hearing concerning this
6. That on May 3, 1988 an Abandoned Building Notice was sent to the
owners, interested parties or responsible parties ardering these persons to
either demolish the strur_ture or make repairs and cure the list of deficiencies
by May 18, 1988.
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7. That the order of May 3, 1988 has been disregarded by the owners,
interested parties and responsible parties.
8. That the two-story wood frame fire damaged structure located on the
Subject Property is an abandoned building under Section 45.01, Subd. 1, of the
Saint. Paul Legislative Code in that it is "a building or portion thereof which
has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year" and during that period of
tin� it has been "unsecured", "boarded", and has had "multiple exterior Housing
Code or Building Code violations".
9. Ttiat the two-story wood frame fire damaged structure located on the
Subject Property is a nuisance as defined under Saint Paul Legislative Code
Section 45.02, Subd. 11, in that it is an abandoned building located in the
City of Saint Paul that has created a dangerous or unhealthy condition or which
threatens the public peace, health, safety or sanitary condition of the City or
which is offensive or has a blighting influence on the cocrmunity.
10. That the costs of abatement of this nuisance are estimated to exceed
two thousand dollars ($2,Q00.00) or the abatement involves demolition of a
building other than a structure accessory to a residential bizilding.
The Saint Paul City Council hereby makes the following order:
1. The above referenced owners, interested parties and responsible
parties and their assigns shall make the Subject Property safe and not
detrimental to the public peace, health, safety, and welfare and remove its
blighting influence on the comnunity by rehabilitating this building and
correcting those deficiencies set forth in the list previously referenced in
accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by
demolishing the building and filling the site in accordance with all applicable
codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition of the building must be
completed within thirty (30) days of the date of mailing of this resolution.
? If the above corrective action is not completed within the thirty (30)
day t�me period, the proper City officials of the City af Saint Paul are hereby
authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish this structure and
fill the site and charge the casts incurred against the Subject Property
pursuant to the provisions of Section 45.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
3. In the event the building is to be demolished by the City of Saint
Paul, all personal property or fixtures of any kind which shall unreasonably
interfere with the demolition and removal shall be removed from the building by
the owners, interested parties and responsible parties by the end of the thirty
(30) day time period. If the personal praperty is not so removed, the City of
Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of such property and fixtures as is
provided hy law.
G�-'� f�
�BLUE - MAVOR File NO• v �/�
� � Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
4. TT IS I'iJRTHER OW?F,PED, that a cE�rtifiF:d ��opy of this resolution and
the ineorpc;rated Order and list c�f defieienr_ies k:e n�ailed to the last 1<riown
addre�ss �.>f thc� owr�ers, int�rest� 1�:��,t.ics arid r�ti��nsibl� �xzrtie�� p;zrsuant t��
Sectic�n 45.11, Sukx�ivision (5) .
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
��g � [n Favor
Rettman B .
Scheibel � _ A ga i n s t Y
Adopted by Council: Date
JUL � 9198 Form Appr d by C' Attorney
Certified P• sed by Counc'tl Secretary BY
� Zy 1�
sy G�c�'
JUL 2 i �988 Appro by Mayor for Sub s on to Council
6lpprove y 'Navor. e — t
�+ B
PIlS�1SHE0 J U L 3 01988
� . ; - - � Y. G',�--�-�i�..3
: . � ,,:r+.r.... ..�° .. .NO 9i�i 1 V�t .
Communi ty Se�^vi ces ,` •D$P�l�rrr - - - - - —
Steven Ro_v cot�r'�bcT ru�
292-7718 PHON�
� June 20, 1988 DATE .
`'�ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: i (See reverse side.)
�1. Department Direc�or � Mayor (or Assistant)�'�'�
_ Finar�ce �nd Management Servic�s Director � City Clerk
Budget Director � Clty COUnC11
� City Attorney _
TOTAL N[J�[BER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: '.d�_ (Clip all locations for signature.)
Th� City will begin the process of having this abandoned and fire-damaged building
: declared; a nuisance and ordered r�paired or razed.
If the ati►�er #ails to repair or rdae the building, the City will 'raze the structure
and asse�s the costs against the �axes. Estimated costs $5,OOO.dO - $3;(�f10.00. _
A1 r-eady Ipt�r�'Ced. , .
�;M ,
(Maqor•s �ignature not required if: under $10,000.)
Total Mount of Transgction: '�dpe Activity Nwaber:
Funding 3ource: 33261 Council Research Center
ATTACHMENTS: (List and number allllattachments.) `�U�` 1 2 1988
List of deficiencies for the buildii`ngtJocated at 853 Hudson Rd. , File #4571
3 ,
_Yes �No Rules, Regulatior�s, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required?
_Yes _No If yes, are �they �or timetable attached? •
X'�es �No Council resolution r$quired? Resolution required? ,�Yes _No
_Yes . X No Insurance required?! � Insurance sufficient� _Yes �No
_Ye. �No Insurance attached?
� � � ���'-� ����
=i{i�llun �6
"'��� 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101
George Latimer (612)292-7741
Mayor �1�
June 6, 1988
�--�'� I�CE�IIED
Mr. President and JUN �S 1988
M�tnbers of the City Council
Re: 853 H�lson Road, Saint Paul, NIl�1
Date of Hearing: July 7, 1988
District Council: #4
Honorable Council:
The Division of Public Health is hereby submitting its report on the
condition of the structure at the location referred to above.
The owners of record are: Michael P. Farrell
14867 130th St. (Contract Holder)
Stillwater, NII�1 55082
Margaret E. Dunlap
13910 N. 47th St. (Fee Owner)
Stillwater, NID1 55082
Margaret E. Dunlap
6611 N. Military Road (Fee Owner)
Woodb�.iry, A7N 55125
Donald F. Dunlap
13910 N. 47th St. tFee Owner)
Stillwater, MI�TT 55082
James R. Dunlap
620 Bluff Ave. E. (Mortgagor)
Shakopee, I�T 55379
Midwest Federal Savings & Loan
801 Nicollet Mall (Mortgagee)
Minneapolis, NIDT 55402
Attn: Residential Loan Dept.
Richard L. Molykiewicz
(unlmown) (Lienholder)
The legal description of the property is: Lot 2, Subdivision of Block 68,
Lyman Dayton's Addition by H.A. Boarc�nan, according to the recorded plat
thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota.
. '�,�"_ 1 ':�
j'�.; i�.��
Mr. President and
M�nbers of City Council -2- June 6, 1988
The building is a two story, fire damaged, wood frame, single family
The subject property has been unoccupied since November 5, 1986.
This building has stood unoccupied for longer than one year and meets one
or more of the conditions that constitute an abandoned building, as
defined in Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
On May 3, 1988, the Division of Public Health mailed an order to the
owners, interested parties and responsible parties of this building
requiring that the building be either repaired, by correcting the attached
list of deficiencies, or demolished on or before May 18, 1988. Inasmuch as
the orders have not been completed to the satisfaction of the Division and
the continued abandoned condition of the building contributes a blighting
influence and potential hazard to the neighborhood, it is the
recomnendation of the Division that the City Council pass a resolution
ordering the owners, interested parties and responsible parties to either
repair or d�nolish the building in a timely manner to the satisfaction of
the City.
In the event the owners, interested parties or responsible parties fail to
comply with the Council Resolution, the Division of Public Health should
be authorized to demolish the building and assess all costs incurred in
the demolition against the real estate as a special assessment to be
collected in the same manner as taxes.
Yo truly,
, /,% � .�r'� ,.
' �,Ci, C.-��� �� ��'%/r't•�rx
rank A. Staffer,�on
vironmental I�ealth Director
cc: George Latimer, Mayor
John McCormick, Asst. City Attorney
Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshall
Jan Gasterland, Building Inspection
Warren Frost, PED
District Housing Inspector
� .... -
. ��,�/� �i.
; n rn ; �
• SSS Ced�r Street,Saint Paul,Minnewta 55101
George latimer ABANDONED BU I LD I NG (6�2)292-»��
Dace: �y 3, 1988 Margaret E. � Donald F. Dunlap� Midwest Federal Savings�
• _ /3 9/D n y7 � ' and Loan
,iichael Earrell , q-s�://u'Alf���i� g01 Nicollet •Mall
14867 - 130th St. � �sO�� Minnea olis, MN 55402
Stillwater, MN 55082 James R. Dunlap P
620 Bluff Ave. E. ATTN: Residential Loan DeF�
Shakopee, MN 55379 Richard L. Molykiewicz
RE: (address unknown)
Address: 853 Hudson I�oad, St. Paul, MN 55106
Legal Description: Lot 2, Subdivision of Block 68, Lyman Dayton's Addition by
H.A. Boardman, according to the recorded plat thereof, and
situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Dear Sir nr Madam:
The �ivision of Public Health has determined that the above-noted building is an
abandoned building. which Chapter 45 •of the St•. Paul Legislative Code defines as:
" any building or portion of a building which has stood with an incomplete exterior shell
for longer than three (3) years or any building or portion thereof which has stood un-
occupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets one or more of the following criteria;
(a) unsecured, or '
(b) boarded, or '
(c) having multiple ex[erior Housing Code or Building Code violations, or
(d) placarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 of the St. Paul
Legislative Code."
The ordinance further states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and it may be ordered torn
down by the City. If you do not want to have the City begin action to have the building torn down
you are hereby notified that the attached list of deficiencies must be repaired or you must have
the building torn down �on or before Mav 18. 1988 My repair or demolition
must be completed in accordance with all applicable laws. -
If the work is not completed or if you have not had the building torn down by the above date� .the
Diviaion of Public Realth will refer this matter to the City Council to receive
authority [o raze the building and charge all costs incurred against the real estate as a special
assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. The City Council will schedule a public
hearing to consider if the building should be torn down. If a public hearing becomes necessary, .
you vill be notified of the time and date of the hearing and you will be allowed to present evi- �•
dence to the City Council. A copy of [his order vill be kept on file in the City Clerk's office
and a resolution declaring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey County
Recorder's office. Compliance with the attached list of deficiencies will remove yo�s buiTding
from the list of abandoned buildings but it does not mean Lhat the building complies With all
applicable housing and building codes. . .
The date for compliance with [hese orders shall not be extended unless you receive written approval
f rom the Divislon oE Publie Health.
If you have any questions about this order please con[act the Vacant Building Section at (612)
298-4153. '
Sincerely, cc: Warren Frost
� ,f1 � Planning & Economic Division
4i(itNe•r� 12th Floor, City Hall Annex
Steven R.� Roy St. Paul , MP� 55102 �
Environmental Program Nanager
r` �' j! �
. �`� — 1; �;�a�,
853 Hudson Road
All repairs and new installations must be made in accordance with the appropriate
codes. Permits must be obtained where changes and/or additions to an electrical
system require upgrading of the service size to current National Electrical Code
(N.E.C.) requirements. Some plumbing repairs may necessitate updating of the
� fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required for any repair or new in-
stallation. Permits may be obtained from the Building Inspection and Design
Division, Room 445 City Hall.
1. No steps for rear entry door. Provide.
2. Missing loose mortar on foundation. Repair.
3. Deteriorated and decayed floor boards on rear porch. Replace.
4. Missing and broken siding. Repair or replace.
5. Broken and vandalized windows. Repair or replace.
6. Missing and loose mortar on chimney. Repair.
7. West side eaves burned through. Repair.
, 8. East side eave: burned through, charred, fire damaged. Repair.
9. Uncapped rainleader. Properly cap rainleader.
10. Broken and missing screens and windows on front porch. Provide,
repair or replace.
11. West wall burned through near eave. Repair.
12. Hole in wall and wood lath exposed, broken, missing, on north side
porch. Repair.
13. Roof fire damaged, holes burned through. Repair.
1. Furnace rusted, inoperable. Repair or replace.
2. Heating ducts loose and disconnecte}i. Repair or replace.
� � (�=�-il�
Deficiency List for
853 Hudson Road
Page 2 of S
A. BASEMENT (continued)
3. Wood burning stove: rusted vent connector. Vent connector less than
18 inches from combustibles. Repair or replace rusted connector and
install to code. .
4. Missing hot water heater. Provide.
5. Patched and broken waste pipes. Repair or replace.
6. Overfilled junction box above furnace. Rewire junction box to N.E.C.
7. Water disconnected, no meter. Provide.
8. Broken light fixture. Repair.
9. Shower does not h�ve proper drain. Provide.
10. Floor drain filled with debris. Remove debris.
11. Unprotected, improper electrical wiring. Provide proper wiring to
meet N.E.C. requirements.
12. Broken treads on stairway. Repair.
13. Charred, broken, missing and burned away floor joists and floor boards.
14. Stairway has holes in walls and broken and missing wood lath. Repair.
15. Stairway handrail is loose and does not extend full length. Install
a proper full length handrail which meets the Minnesota State Building
Code requirements.
1. Broken and vandalized windows. Repair or replace.
2. Waste and water disconnected. Properly connect waste and water to
code requirements.
3. Hole in floor. Repair.
4. Unvented waste. Properly vent waste.
� •• l�- .�!���
� Deficiency List for
853 Hudson Road
Page 3 of S
B. KITCAEN (continued)
S. Open outlet box. Provide outlet box which meets the N.E.C.
6. Hole in wall. Repair. .
7. Loose wall covering behind sink area. Repair.
8. Heat and smoke damage to walls and ceiling. Repair.
1. Missing plaster. Repair.
2. Exposed and fire damaged wiring. Replace to meet N.E.C. requirements.
3. Vandalized and fire damaged windows. Repair or replace.
4. Walls and ceiling fire damaged and holes in walls. Repair.
5. Electric wiring fire damaged, missing and exposed. Replace wiring to
meet N.E.C. requirements.
1. Missing plaster. Repair.
2. Exposed and fire damaged wiring. Repair and replace to N.E.C. standards.
3. Vandalized and fire damaged windows. Repair or replace.
4. Charred and fire damaged walls and ceiling. Repair.
1. Charred and fire damaged walls and ceiling. Repair.
2. Holes in walls. Repair.
3. Fire damaged and vandalized windows. Repair or replace.
1. Hole in floor. Repair.
2. Ceiling and walls charred, burned, fire damaged. Repair.
. , ��_i���
Deficiency List for
853 Hudson Road
Page 4 of 5
F. SOUTH BEDROOM (continued)
3. Hole in south wall. Repair.
4. Window completely missing. Install approv�d window.
5. Fire debris on floor. Remove.
6. Holes in walls. Repair.
1. Toilet, sink and bathtub fire damaged. Replace.
2. Drain pipe absent from handsink. Provide.
3. Burned and charred ceiling and walls. Repair.
4. Large hole in wall. Repair.
5. Heat damage to light fixture. Replace.
1. Heat and fire damage to rafters and roof sheathing. Repair.
2. Steps are hazardous and severely fire damaged. Repair.
3. Exposed electrical wires in stairway. Properly conform wiring to N.E.C.
4. Hole in roof. Repair. •
5. Windows vandalized. Repair or replace.
1. Loose and fire damaged wires. Repair or replace to meet N.E.C. .
2. Heat and fire damage to walls and ceilings. Repair.
3. Vandalized and fire damaged window. Repair or replace.
1. Broken ceiling light. Replace.
, . �f�- j,� � �.
� '
Deficiency List for
853 Hudson Road
Page 5 of 5
1. Some heat dainage to electric service panel. Repair or replace panel
to meet N.E.C. requirements.
If you are unable to finance the correction or rehabilitation of the premises
to comply with this order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs for
� which you may qualify. Information about these programs is available from the
Department of Planning and Economic Development, Rehabilitation Section at
(612) 647-9273. Ask to speak to a loan officer.