88-1162 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT ,i �/��/� BLUE -�MAVOR File NO. �`� ' � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 . FURTHER RESOLVED, that Jeffrey A. Hassen is appointed hearing officer at a rate of $50 .00 per hour, said fee to be charged to Activity Code 09073 provided that the b�tal fee shall not be in excess of a reasonable fee having reference to the Code of Professional Responsibility and counsel shall submit monthly itemized statements. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays D�mona HUMAN RIGHTS �os � In Favor Goswitz � Rettman scheibe� A gai n s t BY � Sonnen VV'ilson Adopted by Council: Date AUG � 6 �88 Form Appr ved by City Att e Certified Yas e \ o ci Se BY By 61ppr by Mavor: Date �1UG i g Appro e Mayor for Submiss' � t ouncil By — PIl�I.�SHE� .r„�- a r, lY 19C�8 , . S� . � � ��-�/��. ' � � N°_ Q13634 � � HUMAN R�GHTS: . DEIPARZ'�NT - Marii,yn H. o nson COtpTACT NAME 29$-4288 � PH4NE � Juiy 8, 1988 DA�� . ASSIGN SNUi�BER FOR ROtTTI.NG ORDER; (See reverse side.) � Department Director 3 Mapor (or Assistant) ' Fixianca and l�anagement Services Director � City Clerk ;, Budget Director � Citv Council 2 City Attorneq , T4TAL ER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: � (Clip all locations for signature.) WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED B� TAKING �ACTION ON THE ATTAGHED MATERIAIS2 (Purpose/Rationale) � The Saint Paul Human Rights Dir�ctor, who can not be represented by the City Attorney in the camplaint against the Saint Paul PHA due to a conflict of interest, as deter- mined by the City Attorney, wil'� be able to perform her duties of pursuing through cjvil en.forcement procedures al�eged v9olation of the Saint Pau1 Human Rights Ordinance, pursu�nt to Section 183.16 of the Ordinance. COSTjBENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL �MPACTS ANTICIPATED: Council Research Center : JUL 121988 FINANC„�NG SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (l�tayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Transgction: $75.00 per hOUP Activity Number; 09073 (total amount cannot be determined at this time) - Funding Source: ATTACH1rSENTS: (List and number a�.l attachments.) Resolution AD1riINI�TRATIVE. PxOCEDURES Yes ✓�io �, Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes �No i If yes� are tl�ey or timetable attached? DEPARZ`1�[ENT REVIEW ' CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council resolution requiredT Resolution required? ,�Yes _No _Yes X No Insurance requi#�d? Insurance sufficient? _Yes �No _Yes �No Insurance attached? . RECEiVEO � u�tembers: ��ii�z �`~ (.�I TY O F ►.�. A I N'1' PA UL Kiki Sonnen,chair `-f-� � Roger Goswiiz '� !`::';;;i's:�ii' AUG 0 81988 oi���-rcr oF '1`FI� CI•r�' COUNCIL Bob Long . . C1TY CLERK statt: KIKI SONNEN Agenda Date: Friday, August 5, 1988 Joe Hannasch, Research Councilmember ' T6tri BytT1@, Secretary MOLLY O'ROURKE .I8R8 MCP@8I(.Attomey I.egislaUve Aide Rules and Policy Committee Repor� a'� � � �11� 1. Approval of minutes of the July 8, 1988 Meeting. COMMITTEE APPROVED 2. Update on progress of Neighborhood Empowerment pro3ect. NO COMMITTEE ACTION REQUIRED � 3. Resolution �88-1179 - Amending the 1988 budget by t�ansferring $6,OQQ to Mayor`s Office for gifts to .various dignitaries. (Referred to Committee 7/21/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL �► 4. Resolution #88-1187 - Approving appointment of Gary Trudeau to represent the Fire Department on the Court Ordered Affirmative Action Advisory Comm.ittee. (Referred to Committee 7/21/88) COMMITTEE RECOrIlKENDED APPROVAL �' S. Resolution 4�88-1189 - Approving the reappointments of Barbara Metzger, Rosa Smith and Robert Avina to the Human Rights Commission (Referred to Committee 7/21/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL �` 6. Resolution ��88-1190 - Approving the appointments of Dariene Morse, Rathleen Ramirez, Jeffrey Hazen, Gordon Clarron, and Judy Hanson; anc� the reappointments of Steve Bertrand, Marilyn Brache, Marge Hinker, Robert Jirik, ierrance Kayser, Bruce Larson, Jeanette McDougal, Thomas Shaw, Jurlean Smith, Regina Wi.blishauser, Nancy Willing, and Wayne Wittman to the Committee for People with Disabilities (Referred to Committee 7/21/88) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL ___.__._....._r_____..____..----�_..____.._ _ ... _ ___ _.___ _ . .___.._ __ _ . _. ._ �� .'` 7. Resolution ��88� Appointing Linda A. Miller to represent the Human Rights' ' ;' Department in the complaint of James Fowers vs. the PHA and appointing � � Jeffrey A. Hassen as hearing officer (Referred to Committee 7/19/88) / ' COMMITTEE RECOI�Il�SENDED APP$QX,�_..__.,____. ._._._._._._._.�.__.-----.�..�.._.______.._�__..._.___.._v._._.._.___.--/ _. _._ _ � __ . ._ ,...�...___.__.,_....._-.,—.---- .�_.__. � "8. Resolution #88-1237 - Authorizing retaining services of attorney Thomas Mooney regarding complaint of Human Rights for Jesse Thomas vs. Raymond & Harlan Heichel and charging Mooney's compensation to Human Rights budget. (Referred to Co�ittee 7/28/88) CONIhIITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL J 9. Ordinance �t88-1137 - Amending Chapter 183 of the Legislative Code regarding Human Rights, which more completely defines certain provisions, expands protections and deletes gender specific language (Referred to Committee 7/14/$8) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, WITH AMENDMENTS 10. Resolution 1�88-945 - Requiring all ordinances and appropriate resolutions to include a statement of purpose and findings of fact in their final form. (Referred to Committee 6/14/88 and laid over in comtnittee from 7/8/88) COP'Il�fITTEE RECOMMENDED ONE MONTH LAYOVER (continued on reverse side) CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINZ'PAUL, MINNFSUTA SSiO� 6121293-5378 s.��ss ___ ._„ . - - _ -------..—:.-.,...