88-1149 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FIN�INCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council o ) ) CANARY - DEPARTMENT J{ ��//� � BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �l ouncil Reso ution �� Presented By ' '�-'� �/ -- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Dan Gabrielli has submitted the attached proposed lot split for City Council approval ; and WHEREASi, the Departments of Planning and Economic Development and Public Works have re'viewed the proposed lot split for 1507 Canfield Avenue, as described on the attached survey; and WHEREAS', the proposed lot split meets the requirements of Sections 67.304 and 67.406 of the Zoning Code, except for the minimum lot requirements of 5,000 square feet (Parcel A has 4,959 square feet and Parcel B has 4,752 square feet); and WHEREAS, the City Council on June 9, 1988 held a public hearing to determine the advisability and necessity for the granting of variances from the strict applicattion of the provisions of Section 61.101 of the Zoning Code; at which hearing� all persons present were given an opportunity to testify; and WHEREAS, following said public hearing, the City Council made the following findin�s of fact: 1. The intent of chapter 67.100 is met; 2. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public �afety, health or welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is located; 3. The conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are unique t�o the property for which the variance is sought and are generally not applicable to other property; 4. The literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond � Lo� In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman �be1�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Appr ed y City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By� Approved by Mavpr: Date _ Appro d y Mayor for Submiss� t Council ' By WHITE - C�TV CLERK 7 PINK -,� - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council ���(�9 GANARV�- DEPARTMiENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 5. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; and b. Because of the shape of the property invoived, unusual hardship ta the owner would resutt, as distinguished from mere inconvenience. if the strict letter of these regulations were carried out. WHEI�EAS, the propert,y owner to the west has an existing residence on Midway ParNcway and has an interest in preserving the view of the parkway as seen fro�n their front window; and WHE�2EAS, the average front yard setback on Midway Parkway is 33 feet and the setback which would also preserve the view of the parkway for the neighbors to the west is 35 feet; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. that the City Council accepts and approves thi�s lot split with variance for minimum lot size for property situated at 1507 Canfield Avenue, legally described as, Parcei A: the south 99.20 feet of �Lot 10, Block 1 , Lake Park Addition, and Parcel B: that part of Lot 10, Black 1 , which lies north of the south 99.20 feet thereof and subject to the rights of the public in Midway Parkway. Lake Park Addition, subject to the frant yard setback for any new residence, including a o�rch! deck, waii or fer�ce, constructed on Parcei 8 to be �5 33 feet. COUNCIL 1V1'EMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Loog _�_ [n Favor Goswitz Rettman C�i ^��, _ Against BY � w���°° AUG - � �.988 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yas e y uncil Secr By `�� �` — �_� By ' �U� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Appro y IVllavor. Date By PlJ�l1SHE0 AU G 1 � 198$. - - WHITE - C1TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council (� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT �� / BLUE - MAVOR File NO. v � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 5. The special nditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; nd 6. Because of the sh e of the property involved, unusual hardship to the owner would result, s distinguished from mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of these regu tions were carried out. WHEREAS, the property owner the west has an existing residence on Midway Parkway and has an interest in reserving the view of the parkway as seen from their front window; and WHEREAS, the average front yard setb k on Midway Parkway is 33 feet and the setback which would also preserve the 'ew of the parkway for the neighbors to the west is 35 feet; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cit Council accepts and approves this lot split with variance for minimum lot size r property situated at 1507 Canfield Avenue, legally described as, Parcel A. the south 99.20 feet of Lot 10, Block 1, lake Park Addition, and Parcel B: th t part of Lot 10, Block 1, which lies north of the south 99.20 feet thereof a subject to the rights of the public in Midway Parkway, Lake Park Addition, su 'ect to the front yard setback for any new residence constructed on Parcel B o be 35 feet. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Dimond Nays Planning and Economic Development Lon� In Favor � Goswitz ��iR-<__`"' Rettman B �he1�� A gai ns t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, t#pproved by Mavor: Date _ Appro y Mayor for Submi i t Council By - . . . �8//�� •, . , ' N°_ �13524 PED '' DEPAR NT - - - - - - - Donna Da Sk0 CONTAC NAME X3395 ' PHONE ! � 6/21/88 � DATE I ASSIGN NLTM$ER .FOR ROUTING ORDER: ( ee reverse side.) � R�C��vED �'O'� a91q� ,� Departinent Director ; 3 Mayor (or Assistant) `p� �� _ Financ�s and Management Services� Direc�q� �7�� ���8 � City.Clerk Budget; Director " �Council Research � Citp Aktorney � �y��'���'� ()��=iCE — ; TOTAL NUMB$R OF STGNATtIttE PAGES: (Clip 811 locations for signature.) W TAKIN 0 T I ? (Purpose/Rationale) � This reso�ution will implement the� ouncil `s action of June 9, 1988 which was to grant a ' lot split�with variance for minimum lot size for property at 1507 Canfield. : ; i PLEASE NO1�E: Resolution includes p�^ vision for front yard setback of 35' ; this provision was added by �he Counci1 at the F�earing and on the request of the adjoining neighbor. Su�sequently, applicant;, Mr. Ga6rielli, stated tF� t he does not agree with 35' but would rather retain the existing �verage se�back of 33' . M . Gabrielli did not attend the pub1ic hearing. C T UDG ND ERSO P C S NT C A D: N/A . ' ' Council Research Center JUL 0 71988 ; . PI D UD T A IVI BE C GED G EDIT (Mayor�s ignature not required if der $10,000.) „ N/A " ! Total A�pount of Transgction: 'i Activity Number: Funding�Source: � � � � � � � RECEIV�D ATTACHMEN�S: (List and number alll ttachments.) 7wo pagej resol uti on and staff rep� t from 6/9/88. JUN 2 w �9$$ ; I � �ITY ATTO�NEY ADMINISTRI�TIVE PROCEDURES , � _Yes �,' _,�No Rules, Regulatio s, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes � _No If yes. are theyi r timetable attached? DEPARTMEN„� REVIEW �ITY ATTORNEY REVIEiI _Yes �Po Council resolutio Irequired? Resolution required? _Yes No _Yes �No Insurance requiredl Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance attached� , ,i � � _ 4 : � , . . . . � ��-ii�9' . LOT SPLIT STAFF REPORT FILE SBD #314 1. APPLICANT: Dan Gabrielli DATE OF HEARING: 6/9/88 2. LOCATION: 1507 Canfield (north side between Arona and Pascal) 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See attached survey 4. PRESENT ZONING: R-4 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67.304; 67.703 5. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE: 5/31/88 BY: Donna Datsko A. PURPOSE: To consider a Lot Split with variance for minimum lot size. B. SITE & AREA CONDITIONS: The parcel is a through lot with frontage on both Canfield and Midway Parkway. An existing single family residence is situated on the Canfield, or south side of the lot. C. FINDINGS: 1. The applicant intends to purchase the north part of the lot and construct a single family residence which fronts onto Midway Parkway, An existing shed and garage in this area will be removed. 2. The proposal meets the conditions of section 67.300 (lot splits) with the exception of condition (3) the lots meet the minimum standards for Iot width and area for the zoning district in which thep sre Iocated. The minimum lot size in an R-4 single family district is 5,000 square feet; the applicant proposes creating two lots one 4,959 square feet and one 4,752 square feet. The lots would meet the standards for lot width however. 3. The City Council may grant a variance to the subdivision regulations when compliance would create an unusual hardship to the development of the land, based on the following findings of section 67.703: 1. The intent of the (subdivision) chapter is met; 2. The granting of the variance wiZ1 not be detrimental to the public safety, he8lth or welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is Zocated; 3. The conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are unique to the property for which the varisnce is sought and are generally not applicable to other property; 4. The Iiteral interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district; 5. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; and 6. Because of the particular natural surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the specific property involved, unusuaZ hardship to the owner would result, as distinguished from mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of these regulations were enforced. 4. On this block of Midway Parkway between Arona and Pascal are 12 lots. Five of these lots, 42 percent, have over time been divided in a manner that is proposed by this applicant. Some of these lots are similarly undersized for the district. r . . � . . � . � ����,� Gabrielli Lot Split � SBD File #314 Page Two 5. In creating new lots for a subdivision, the zoning code states that through lots (lots with frontage on more than one street) should be avoided. 6. Granting the variance will allow the development of a new single family dwelling on the only lot in the block which has a garage and shed facing Midway Parkway rather than a residence. The new dwelling could meet the appropriate setbacks without seeking another variance. 7. The intent of the subdivision regulations are met with this application yet the literal interpretation of the subdivision provisions would preclude additional development. D. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 7, staff recommends approval of the lot split with variance as indicated on the attached survey. 1 , �� � � � . . ��-�i�q -�. �� PAUL R. McLAGAN & SON ����������� 27311yku4Avtuut w►:�rsr.rnu►.,\IIYN.SSII■ Miancsota Itcriuerall.wJ tiun�c��«a ot �urbep 1 Here6y CaniJy that this wrvey,ptu►or teport was propurd by me or undcr my dirrct wpervition and that 1 am a duly Registered Land S�uvoyor under d�e laws of Uu Stxle of Minnesota. SMrvsysd For......_. Dan..Gabri.el.li._.........._.........._.._.._.__._.. PAUL 1.McCINLEY,R.L.S. Dots.�_...._......_..__M41rc h._.�..Q�.._...�.9.$.$__..____ � :...,,...: .. ... Scals_...._......._...__...._.1.....�,.��h.....°_.2.9.....f�.et.__... --= Cl's.�.���'l�i Y .IttGtSTltwTION 6U99 �r,v�vta�c±� ,rivw�r nw.rwrrr �2tvqul7 � A � 1 ��.' d �iA.CE i3�.PX ^D _� 'O I '�O h V� O � JLV/1N l�fA'! O' NC�IOB/•K� !I. IlSI �W LY Ga4�AWI'AAO�J / � � c / .11id�y �b�,Fir�y-S——� �° °'m o �:; �: ++ �v v � u �� >, 10'Q7 — ` pp �wnr vr or .wow,�r s+Kr�rw G` � y•,u�� � 'r'4�O.1R7YaAf � s�°. °m d 3 a A��pr � m � s�F o�' B�1 a , 33.S �$rf ' u e " u a � � p�i L �� � + � � �' � � e y �� c �\ � a e v �.+ � }�" �c°� � L� ~ R� a, a�'r ° �a � t�°.� 5�� a � � � � � �� . a a�i� � � � � y� ��Q . aro � � � i A� 00 ` a � � l .: � u .� y �i,'a R' � M �� H N�� � � � + - 0�. (4 C p�i� N V W � �` � �� � ; � ��� � �iV At�ia�+ i I� �.� c a �. s-iw.w►.arESrmawr� !�''�. ma r .-i u � � �.'�v,�� ' — _ •.�QQ�_, .�c w � •� � �dr.waro�-t '' " f� G F'ydl.� i � 4?1C!�/1 :�,` . . - r1 CI W Y m � I �� d.i . w u :i � e� w �ow I .°�o . d a°i Z .� u w "s� �w� -� � . . so o� �� � 1 � � Y Q{ L W W W �.��1 N 1 ``, �I � rh rr..n- u � c°V o i-,7�� � ��• t�` s�van. ao�si 1� � �� �w wW� � � � � �. o � L � w .� oo � � ; .� �W � . m u °'�� � � a� �0 �ri al '� � Q �� N C. 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' � . • • . . 1 � O 8 ����i �! �� � � ¢ � . � \ C� � r � ' - - ----- ' � � P ' o PO oo � 0000 � oo ¢ o� 000 � o � o � oco � � � o0000000 000 � � 000000 � o0000000 � � ey �REDA : o000 000 00� oo � � �i ¢ j� �0000�oe�oo�o �joe. , , � . , � iZ , �Z ii T� �T ' �0 � � ; ti :: � Q ,,�o 00 00�000�c'�lo�°' O� O o ;, Q � c�co���oo 0o c , wYNNE O 37 •.�37 ` •R � U � BP.EWST R ST. _ O37 037 � � AREA MAP APPLICANT D�tN �'g LEGEN� - ZONING DISTRICT BOUNOARY � SUBJECT PROPERTY PURPOSE ' � O 0 N E FA M I LY P�ANI�NNG � OJSTRICT TWO FAMILY FILE N0. �� : � MULTIPLE FAMILY QATE � • � n COMMERCIAL LAND USE SCALE � I"= 200' NORTH ♦ �� �NOUSTRIAL MAP NO y $AINT PAUL PLANNING DIYISION V VACANT - �__ . . _ ,_ _ _�._. _ __._.-� - -- _ _ _. - - .- ._�._ _ . - - r_.�.....�... ---,---..--,_,--..�,__. _ . .._.._. _. _. . � �- . �'�--�� �� ST. PAUL CITY COUNCII. RECE�VED PUB�IC HEARING NO I T CE MAY2� 1988 0 ( . CITY CLERK Z N N G To: Property owners within 100' ; FIL E N 0. SBD 314 Representatives of Planning District 10 PAGE PURPOSE To consider a Lot Split with variance for lotsize; 5,000 square foot lot required in R-4 single family zoning district, proposed Lot A = 4,959 square feet and Lot B = 4,752 square feet. LOCATION � 1507 Canfield (north side between Arona and Pascal ) PETITIONER DAN GABRIELLI H E A R I N 6 Thursday, June 9, i9sa 9:0o A.M. � Cit Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City �lall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 29s-4154 (Donna Datsko) Contact the Zoning Sectinn of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1I01, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesoia 55102 Legal Description: Lot 10, Block 1 , Lake Park Addition to Saint Paul Notice aent 5/27/88 J � , � ' l,�. C1T? �+ ' � R�` ' ° CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4 �'i a �_��;��„� ; DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT °vo ��� �� � �o DIVISION OF PLANNING ��s� Z5 West Fourth Sheet,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-228-3270 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR June l, 1988 RECEIVED Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, rr� 55102 JUN � 6 1988 CITY CLERK RE: Subdivision File #314, Dan Gabrielli City Council Hearing: June 9, 1988 PURPOSE: To review a lot split with variance to divide an existing through lot at 1507 Canfield Avenue; a variance is required because the two new lots would be undersized for the district. In the R-4 district lots must have 5,000 square feet in area; the applicant proposes creating two lots, one with 4,959 square feet and one with 4,752 square feet. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the lot split with variance be granted. Dear Sir: Attached please find the application, survey and staff report for the Dan Gabrielli request for a lot split with variance for property located between Arona and Pascal on the north side of Canfield Avenue. The parcei is a through lot with a single family residence located on the south half, closest to Canfield Avenue. The lot split was requested in order to build another single family residence which would face Midway Parkway. A variance is required because the two new lots would be undersized for the zoning district. Sincerely, � �K~� �� "�- Donna Datsko City Planner DD:rm Attachments , ��?�_.�/`�� APPLICATION FOR SUBDIVISION REYIEY CI7Y Of SAIltT PAUL SUBDIVISION REVIEW i 3► � .����_���� � PROJECT NAME �1 � � �g���g -y9�z � �� h,.��E � �� s�°�'� - �� DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT _ LG-� ��I�`-�- G�D►'�� �•✓ � l `��' (/(�t Iii�Gt v� t"� �CJr� �''► � "�'��-, l�i ��c��,,,.� PROPERTY ADDRESS/LOCATION 1 �0 �' �Q,v��i,c,I„(_ ,}�-ir�c,v�_�._�1��hw. .Ara�..�. Pa-s `''`� LEGAL OESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY � � �ri�,c,.t� APPLICANT � ` es�'r►,�►. COMPANY —'� YVtC ADDRESS ��'�,e��' (ZIP) PHONE ��a-�a�3 TYPE OF DIVISION: (Check one) LOT SPLIT PLAT: Preliminary Final Combined RLS (4 or Fewer Tracts) LS (Five or More Tracts) , APP L I CANT'S S IGNATURE DATE �111�I I�� FEE PAID � 0210 -� CITY AGENT I �- sssssasassmsaaasaaaa=ana=:===rsmx:=s�ss=aas===a�saa=as�aassasa�ss�a�xassasxcss=z=asax OFFICE USE ONLY PLNG DIST �� LAND USE ^ I�,� ZONING �y HISTORY — TAX MAP � 3! PLANS DISTRIBUTED �S RETURN BY �G��8 REYIEWED BY CONMENTS (continue on back) RECEIVED �sa�szss�zaass�assassssssszsszas:sszsams=�sssarsssa:aaazzsrrsasssaaazssssssss:sss FOR STAFF USE ONLY APR 191988 Legal Notice Published ZONING City Council Hearing Oate Approved/Denied 7/1/85 . �-�-i�<�� IAT SPLIT STAFF REPORT FILE SBD #314 1. APPLICANT: Dan Gabrielli DATE OF HEARING: 6/9/88 2. LOCATION: 1507 Canfield (north side between Arona and Pascal) 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See attached survey 4. PRESENT ZONING: R-4 ZONING CODE REFERENCE: 67.304; 67.703 5. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE: 5/31/88 BY: Donna Datsko A. PURPOSE: To consider a Lot Split with variance for minimum lot size. B. SITE & AREA CONDITIONS: The parcel is a through lot with frontage on both Canfield and Midway Parkway. An existing single family residence is situated on the Canfield, or south side of the lot. C. FINDINGS: 1. The applicant intends to purchase the north part of the lot and construct a single family residence which fronts onto Midway Parkway. An existing shed and garage in this area will be removed. 2. The proposal meets the conditions of section 67.300 (lot splits) with the exception of condition (3) the lots meet the minimum standards for 1ot width and area for the zoning district in which they are Iocated. The minimum lot size in an R-4 single family district is 5,000 square feet; the applicant proposes creating two lots one 4,959 square feet and one 4,752 square feet. The lots would meet the standards for lot width however. 3. The City Council may grant a variance to the subdivision regulations when compliance would create an unusual hardship to the development of the land, based on the following findings of section 67.703: 1. The intent of the (subdivision) chapter is met; 2. The granting of the variance wi11 not be detrimental to the public safety, health or welfare or injurious to other property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the property is Zocated; 3. The conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are unique to the property for which the variance is sought and are generallp not applicable to other property; 4. The literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district; 5. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; and 6. Because of the particular natural surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the specific property involved, unusual hardship to the owner would result, as distinguished fromn mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of these regulations were enforced. 4. On this block of Midway Parkway between Arona and Pascal are 12 lots. Five of these lots, 42 percent, have over time been divided in a manner that is proposed by this applicant. Some of these lots are similarly undersized for the district. . . ,,__,_,.__. _ . ,_ �...,,�._ _ ..___ . . _ _ __ , _.. , . . . _ .� _ . - Gabrielli Lot Split �� V ���� SBD File #314 Page Z�ro 5. In creating new lots for a subdivision, the zoning code states that through lots (lots with frontage on more than one street) should be avoided. 6. Granting the variance will allow the development of a new single family dwelling on the only lot in the block which has a garage and shed facing Midway Parkway rather than a residence. The new dwelling could meet the appropriate setbacks without seeking another variance. 7. The intent of the subdivision regulations are met with this application yet the literal interpretation of the subdivision provisions would preclude additional development. D. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 7, staff recommends approval of the lot split with variance as indicated on the attached survey, . w - . .. ,-. . .._ _._ _.�_,..� -..-... - --- , _ __. . . . _ ... _ _ .y � . , , . . ... , __ _ . . , . , , . . _ . , - . _ . _ _ _ �';�a . . . . � . . • . � ��� ��� � � PAUL R. McLAGAN & SON , , 2»wr.0���we w►sr sr.reui,aunn.ss i�r �ert�ticate Minncwu licriwaal l�ud tiuna�,wc ot �urbep /Hereby CertiJy thct this survey,pL�n or report wat pnpund by me or wWer my direct supervuion and that 1 am a duly ReYisterrA land Survoyor undu tlic laws of tl►e Swte of Minnesota. Sarusysd For-._.. Dan.G.abi'.i,ell.i........_....................._.._....._.._._._ PAUL J.McG1NLEY.R.L.S. pot�—_...__....._.__i�r.c h_�.1...Q.,......1�$$_._._._.__.___ � :...:. ..: .._ Sodt_.__.......__..___ ..].....in�►?...._-...24..�,�.t___... _ C�'���'l�i Y .UEClSTIlAT10N N 6UY9 LL�N/f.P!/.1E Q! .Y/ON'AY a►t�+nrr fnn',►nxJ9 _ � � �= a, .r �•r.e,rE s�.�K .��, . �y �� �� / 'C M' �•, IAUIN !uY A` NQAOB/AL° SI. f�/ /CO Q• NtT NiNI'.fAD�l / � �o ,��d�y ��,��y s� .-� C � � �GO � Q �.j � L� 'O W �\ O � .�-1 . .�.Q� _ Y la T � o t w �r urE ar .vor�r ,nwtrrrr pp i ..-�vo�rnvwrr +'� L L�1.0 3+ ! 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AREA MAP APPLICANT ��tN C�� LEGEND - ZONING DISTRICT BOUNOARY �G%//a SUBJECT PROPERTY PURPOSE � O ONE FAMILY P�AN(�NG � DISTRICT TWO FAMILY FILE N0. �� Q MULTIPLE FAMILY � QATE " " • • n COMMERCIAL ; LAND USE SCALE � ip= 200� NORTH � �� �N�USTRIAI. MAP NO BAINT PAUL PLANNINCs DIVISION V VACANT � ._.. <,.,�- . _ - ._. _. w _.. . � . _. . _ _ - .- ------ - - _ _ . - - - .- .. . _�,� • - . ` � �.�"�.= � . � , _ � -•�i - . . . . . . � � � ��/i�i ST. PAUL CITY COUNCI� .�';� PU6�IC HEARING NOTIO�EcEIVED � ZONING JUN011988 - CITY CLERK To: Property owners within 100' ; FIL E N 0. SBD 314 Representatives of Planning District 10 PAGE P U R P O S E To consider a Lot Split with variance for lotsize; 5,000 square foot lot required in R-4 single family zoning district, proposed Lot A = 4,959 square feet and Lot B = 4,752 square feet. LOCATION 1507 Canfield (north side between Arona and Pascal ) PETITIONER DAN GABRIELLI H E A R I N G Thursday, �une 9, 1988 9:0o A.M. � Cit Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S TION S Zoning 298-4154 (Donna Datsko) Contact the Zoning Sectinn of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Legal Description: Lot 10, Block 1, Lake Park Addition to Saint Paul Notice sent 5/27/88 � q � Y r:,aA yty�}�:� ���t-� � '?' �'�e e r+ �t �� 4 -� � s� � ' �: � ": - �� # w'' da . S � 'k ;., � � r b e y t S r f � ��4��a` �� �i r< , :1 �� x� �' •; �rk r��� f�,� � � �F �. 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