88-1146 WHITE - C�TV CLERIK COUIICII yyJ ry f / PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL /) /,f / �j BLUERV - MAVORTM�NT File NO. v " _• /�"'� - Council Resolution �,__ <.� rresented ey , Referredl To Committee: Date Out of C mmittee By Date WHEREAS, The City of Sain� Paul , Division of Parks and Recreation, sponsjors the Junior Royalty Program for the St. Paul Winter Carnival ; AND, Whereas The Junior Royalty makes appearances in parades, on a flo�at as good will ambassadors for the City of Saint Paul ; !,NOW, Therefore Be It Resolved That The Council of the City of Saint� Paul , will hold the Minneapolis Aquatennial harmless from, and indemnify the Association against any and all claims, demands, acti ns , suits, costs, injuries, and liabilities, including attorneys ' fees, arising out of, relating to, connected with, by reason of, or resulting in any manner from our participation in said parades . �' COUNCIL ME BERS Requested by Depart ent of: Yeas Nays Dimond �_ CO Y S ES Lo� _�_ In Favor co�r� '�' �� _ A ainst Sc6eibel g - c9e�+w.a. uc��.. Form proved b �ty Attorney Adopted by Counqil: Date ����t—�sQ— Certified Pass y C cil Secr y By B}, � t#pproved b 1Aav r: .pate _ 1� �1lJ� 1 �roved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY PI�l1SHE0 J U L 2 3 1988 S�'-//�� N° 093�� � � Cammunity 5 rvices DEI� RThF�NT . _ • _ � Ron,.Hauth CON ACT ` °� 292-7400 PHOI�E June 14, 1988 DAT� ����' _ � ' � . , . ASSIGN NUhBER 4R ROUTING ORDE� C1i Al' Locations for Si nature :�� - ` �Department Director Director of IManagement/Ma;yor Finance an Manag�nent Serv�ces Dire� tor , 3 ,City Clerk . ; . ` . � Budget Dir ctor 4 �City.�Council �: � , 2 City Attor Y � R�,n Ha��th,� Par�cs�' � 'Re��.�- .300� CHR � WHAT WILL BE A IEVED BY TAKING ACTIQN; TNE ATTACHED MAfERIALS? (.Purpose/ Rationale) : The St� Pa 1 Winter Carnival Jun'ior Royalty, sponsored. by the .Ci t of Sai nt Paul , Di vi si on of Parks and Recre.ati on: �ci 1=� be abl e to ma e ap�earances i n the i nneapol i s Aquat�.ani al 6ran-d D.ay_ ;Parad.e, July 16, 1 88 and the Minneapolis Torchlight Parade, JuJy 20, 1988: � ' � RECEIV�D . . . w. . . . . �JUN 2�'� 1988 ' . COST BENEFIT 6 DGETARY AND PfRSONNEL IMP CTS ANTICIPATED. ` _ N o d i r e c t o s t. . ��Servioe�; � � Counci( Research C�riter. ; � JUL 0 51988 t FINANCING SOURC AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUhI� R qiARGED OR CREDITfD: (Mlayor's signa- i �ure no� re- : � _, Total Amount of �Transaction: 'i quired if under � �10,00Q) Funding Sour e: NA , Activity Num er: . ` . ATTACHMENTS Li t and Number A11 Attachrr� ts : � c;ty of st Paul Counci 1 Resol ut 'on RE�EIVEp _RECEIVEDI. . . :. �:. JUN N8 1988 JU.N w� 1988 . ; - � � COTY /�7��C�I��V�� CITY ATTC�(��EY . : : . ., DEPARTMENT REVI CITY A�TORNEY REVIEW - X Yes No C ncil Resolution Required? ' Resoiution I�q�ir�d? Yes No Yes X No I urance Required? � InsurancE Safficf�ent?" Yes °1�a Yes X No I urance Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SID� FOR INSTRUCTIONS) } ,. Revised 12/84