88-1141 WHITE - CI7V CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT / BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �'�_ �T � T Council Resolution Presented By � efe To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council passed an ordinance to require the registration of all one and two fa�nily rental dwellings, to be done by the Department of Community Servi ces, Divi sion of Publ i c Heal th; and WHEREAS, the Department of Community Services has identified the additional staf f req ui renents and expens e to carry out the program; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify there is available for appropriation financing in excess of the original �988 estimates; and V�HEREAS, the Mayor recanmends the fol lowing changes in the 1988 Heal th Ordi nance �nforcement Fund Budget: CURRENT CHANGE AMENDED FINANCING BUDGET BUDGET 06-33264-7299 Transfer Fran General Fund 0 44,383 44,383 SPENDING PI AN 6- - FU�_�_ T IME CERT IF I ED 0 15,911 15,911 306-33264-0299 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 15,000 15,000 306-33264-0439 FRINGE BENEFITS 0 3,472 3,472 �06-33264-0857 COMPUTER EQ UIPMENT 0 10,000 10,000 TOTAL 0 �83 44,383 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Th e Council of the City of Saint Paul , upon the recommendation of the Mayor, approves the above �Idi tion to the 1988 Budget. FINANCING IS AVAI�_A E APPROVED i rect , Fi nance and an ag nt Servi„�es Budget i ctor �� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond I.o�g In Favor � Goswitz Rettman l� B Scheibel _ A g8i n s t Y 8oneen �Ison �uCj t � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya-s d Council Se t BY gy, Approv �Vlavor. Date ` ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY f�'Sfl�� �^�'-' � � � 1988 L.v;.•u•iu�v�.i�. .�LC�v.L�..ua r_. �..-, �u�rn���r����� jr: GGJ RO�ERT 'BF3KLER � � N� _ ..CONTACT . _ . �)lL� _ 298-4431 �= � PHONE � r � reen e� JUNE 9, 1988 . -DATE . - . : . ::. :. � , . - ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (C1 i p Al l Locations for Siqnature) : ��},���� X Department Director .`' � ' �: � ��5 ' Director of Management/Mayor �� � Finance and Management Services Director 6 City Clerk , ?:.; ,`: Budget Director ,� �g > , - ,' _,� � 4: . `� �{JS���'Y .�M �,i� �,fLL �.,,. City Attorney - �� :3,�= ��F . . . ;. ti���:, � , � •1� �`. �R�: .: .. �. Y�w ..v�.. . .... .�.��..'i : . ., -_ f �? ,K.F ^ f• Y}�� . . .L�'v . . ' `.l.': ..' :'•�=3 � . ;1 AT WILL BE ACffIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ . . ' -r��-��}� � � < Rat�onale) : �. ' .� �.� .. ' :�` .�.n aY�'�1"�R+� .Y�A� r�.: ' .._� .„' .� '' .� ,_. ., l���y�'f ' Stast up �osts for� the Registration of Rental Housing Program. �� r�,� .� �._ � � � :.. . � � yr �; 4,�c,`>"� � �" ,:a.`-h' :r. �_. . . ,�.� n<�'-xp � ��y "YZ.+- - "� � : � � . � .�� , i �.�y � � §���,�, �. _R���.v�� � RECEIVED ,:y.�� � � �` �`� � `b_ � " — , � � � �: �� r �v� � ��� ''��"�:t � _ .� ..y `�"' t}-� ��.� yI rA� ���:.l9�� ' �..��N.`� 2 IJ�8 "`�� t„�� �. �,. ... .... .. . .: p:.. . . _ :. ,, I .. ,... . . ., .. . .. ,3. .. .., . �, �.- ._ . . . . .r . . .. . . ��. �'" . :: - � � . ... ,. ,.-. . . . . . . . . :. ..,.�.. ,������� " ' � � � ����c, � „ ,,� OFFICE OF THE�DIRECTOR� � . =. . :;� � : : � `-_ t�q�,. , . ri,., '.�z. - v �j ri�'� 'DEPARTMENT OF F(NANCE` - COSt/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY �AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES • - - , -�-��...., . � _ .... . . . .,,� , _ Increased �ost: to :maintain "data base for a new ordinance passed by the City Council, 'requiring the registration of all one and two family rental units � in the �'City. � �" . , - - . . , ` en#et ., y.. ; . .:��' �y�.� r z k �OU��II R@�e�r�� C :�. . _ r � � ; _ ,, � . � �� � �.� � � - ` JUt��0 a i��� �'� , �:= ��� . . . ; , . � �.4 i �� �. : .�.� � . r � � �r . � �1� J `I` . � . . fr`M1` .fy �y ,v, � . . �. . <.. . . � .e�� � . :; �� �.� ,' . � : .� � ,;� . . . ,.. ' . ; . ' ..V'. ..µ .. ... :�. . .i' -.; � . � .�� "C' _� " b?' +.`�'. . < _ ?t� �"z-?i. FINANCING SOUR E AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NU{�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- . .,..,:. . ., ,:;.. ture not re- : , , : =-- . :- . , ; ._ �- _ Tota1 Amourtt of:.Transaction. $54,368. U0 ` '� � j ; , qu i red i f under `'� , , �` �.., ' , $1Q,000) , , � � . . , . . ,� . � . Funding Source: General Fund/Fund Balance �r `` � �.. Activity Number: ._ �103200/33264 � ��� �� � �:-` . .: . . '-," � �.f��-�, ;.; _ - . : • �;< . ,_ ,,,' A7TACHMENTS S List and Number All Attachments) : �� ��` � � . .:- ,: . ,_: _. _. � : 1. Two Council Resolutions ���� ' � =` General Fund and Special Fund 306 ���E���� 2. Copy of Ordinance: Council File 88-415 J Ut� N� 1988 � ?�1'°��l' /!'"'�'1�;1..'��,i�''• DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY R�VIEW X Yes ^ No Cowncil Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x Na Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) . Revised 12/84 �::, `' - _ _ -_----------__._____ .,_--- - __ ------------_ _____ � . __..__ _ � : � : � � � � '��;� /t�� ��,�-,,�ke. �_ � _ _ WHITE - CITII CLERK COYflCll �` PINK - FIN NCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL /) CANARV - DE ARTMENT y� BLUE - MA OR FliC NO. v //�/ . Co ncil Resolution ; -� �%�, Presente y Re erre Committee: Date ��7 �� Ou of C mittee By Date WHEREAS, the 'ty Council passed an ordinance to require the registration of all one and two family ental ellings, to be done by the Department of Community Services , Division of Public ealth; a d \ WHEREAS, the Depart�nent of Community Services has identified the additional staff require ents and exp`�nse to carry out the program; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify there is availab e for appropriation financing in excess of the original 1988 estimates; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes in the 19a8 Health Ordinance enforcement Fund Ru get; CL'RRENT CHANGE AMENDED FINA CING PLAN RUDGET BUDGET 306- 3264-7299 Transfer From General Fund 0 54,368 54,368 SPEN ING PLAN 306- 3264-0111 FL'LL TI:KE CERTIFIED 0 16,773 16,773 306- 3264-0121 PART TIME CERTIFIED 0 6,722 6,722 306- 3264-0299 CONTRACTliAL SERVICES 0 15,000 15,000 306- 3264-0439 FRINGE BEI�'EFITS �'� 0 5,873 5,873 306- 326�-0857 COMPL'TF.R EQUIPMENT \ 0 10,000 10,000 ----=�---- ------- ---------- TOTAL �, 0 54,368 54,368 NOW, TH REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Council of the`City of Saint Paul , upon the recomme dation of the Mayor, approves the above add�ion to the 1988 Budget. � • FINANCI. G IS AVAILABLE APPROVE�, - - � —__— — ` 4� � , Finance and anagement Services Budget or COUNCIL EMBERS Requested by Departc�ent of: Yeas Nays . - Di nd , A'�'� ;�. � In Favor Go 'tz r Rett �h ;�� Against BY Son en Wil n Form App o d by City orney Adopted by ouncil: Date Certified Pas-ed by Council Secretary BY gy. Approved by avor: Date _ Approv y Mayor for Submission Council By ,_ ,� ;� ,; . , •I ' . � � .. . t:` . . . . .« . .. . ' -. � WHITE - CI CI.ERK � � � � ='• � N C E CONRCII CANA/�'V -DE ARTMENT FI�@ NO. � PINK - F1� .. . � �I TY O F S�A I NT �P U� �,� 1`,r:�,i �:� [ BLUE" -MAY R . � �r . Co�ncil Resolutio�n � � _ Presentecj,B � '�`''! � `;����'+� � .. ,.�- f ...._..,,_...- � r ... . tRe rred To� ��'� ` ` �j�-j' �` -' * Committee: Date � ` Out of Committee By Date �A3 the Citp Co�nc�l �a�s+ed ea ordivance to req�ire L� re�ist�ratfaa o! all �e aad tMo le�il� tal d�ellin�a., to be dane by th�e IIepart�ent ai Coiwu�ity 3ereices , Divisfo� af PqDl�C !lZ't�l: �II8 � . MHSRBA3, the Depart�at at G�nity Servic�es haa idesjtiffed the additiflnal stalf r+e�u# nta aad eaEpease to crirry aa�t th+e prograr�: and iASR�AB. the l�iagor. gt�rsuant to section 10.07.1 of the Citq C3�rter, does c+�rtily tbere is avallabl for a�ropriation► t.f�aac#n� in exeesa o! the origi�nl 19l�8 eeti�ntea; a�,d 1P�tBAl, the Msyar reco�eads the foi�oKf� chan�es ft1 �� 1S8$ $�''klI'C�t �3PE��Aa1lC8 eaforce�eut Fm�d t: C[IRRRiiT CHAN�E AMFIQD�D FI IPG Ff.hF BUDGE'P B�IGE! _�..�� ���.�__�^� ....._�.�__ �.._...�� ...��.�_�..� :3 S0�-� 284-7a98 Transter Fra� Genera2 Fex�►d O b4,388 54f388 , SF� FLA�i 3�-3 �-0131 FtTLL ?iI� CBR'i`IFIBI? 0 16,�73 I$,7'�3 �, 306-SS -0121 PART 'Y'I!� CBRYIF�� 4 6.?22 �f,��2 9Q8-33 84-0�9�8 Ctll�'i'RAGNAL 8BRVIt�S .0 �5.Ott41 18,tH3Q 3t?6- -t!�$9 FkI'1�B HB�iEFT7'S a 5.$78 �,8?3 . 348-33 84--Ql�S7 Cfll�P� BQQI'P�iT 0 14.Ot10 �0,OC}C� TdTAL 0 54,888 5d,3B8 l�it, : � I? �8t1�'�BD. The Council r�f tAe Cit� af Sefnt Panl. ttpon the � reac�end tion a! the lfngor, ey�Pr'a4�s t�e �b4ve 8t'YtI�$fflA to t�e 2fl88 Red�et':� FI�II18 fS ItVAILAB�� APPROV8t3 ; . . . _ �N. /L. . . . . Y . . . . . Direc��r. #��e au�d M�e�ageaent Servtces Bud�et flfreator � COUNC�I. M MBERS • , _ �; ;: Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ( Dimond ��;� � � �� In Favor � so�r� � x�� ��;be� Against BY � � sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney , Adopted by Cou il: Date ___.�:�,«.-.._ Certified Passed by Courtcil Secretary BY �� y-*°� ` By' i' Approved�Mayor for Submission to Council � A►pproved by Mav r: Date � 1 _ ._._ ., . B}/ B�/�;�� � „'�'ru '�? q - ��-���/ � ; Members: ��, Bill �ison,chai �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Tom Dimond ,,�tltil,lt`Itl( „ ��1� i�.� ; OFFICE OF TH� CITY COIINCIL t4iiki So�nen Date: August 10, 1988 � REC�IVED WILLIAM L. WIL�.SON 1NARK VOERDiNG ����� Committee Report �t�.�..�. . � AuG 11 �9aa To: �aint Pau! City Councii cin c�K Frorin : Housing and Economic Development Commi#�e� - . Bill Wilson, Chair _ 1. Resolukion approving the reappointment by the Mayor of Victor Reim aad the appoint- ment o� Howard Guthmann Co the: St. Pau1 Port Authority, terms to expire August I9, 1994. � (CF 88-1110) On 7/27/88 this committee approved the reappoia�aeat of Victor- Reim and laid over the appointment of Howard Guthman to 8/10/88 COMMIT�TEE RECO1rIIrIENDED`APPROVAL I 2. Resol ion approving the appointments by the Mayor of persons Iisted to the Saint aul Private Industry Council, Inc. (CF 88-1143) COMMI EE RECOMMENDED TWO WEER LAYOVER 3. Resolution approving the reappointments by the Mayor of persans Iistec� to the Saint ;Paul Private Industry Council, Inc. (CF 88-1144) COMMI�TEE RECOMMENDED TWO WEEK LAYOVER 4. Resol�tion approving funding priorities, budgets aad conditions for seRrer projects subje�t to compliance with the Program Development & Implementation requireme�ts of th� NPP Guidelines and extending appreciation to aIl applicants for their time �nd efforts for the lOth cqcle of the NPp (CF 88-121I) COMMI�TEE RECOI�iENDED APPROVAL � 5. Appea of the Fort Road/West Seventh Federation to a decisian of the Heritage Prese ation Commission for property at 270 W. Seventh Street. COIK'�itl TEE RECOI�SENDED 30-DAY LAYOVER 6. Resol tion establishing rates for registration of rental dwellings with the City's Depa tment of Community Services, Division of Public Health to be reviewed on a year basis. (CF 88-1004) COMM TTEE RECOrgiENDED APPROVAL, WITH AMEND�T 7. Reso ution amending the 1988 budget by adding $54,368 to the Financing and Spen ing Plans for .start up costs for the registration of the Rental fiousing Prog am (CF 88-1140) COMM TTEE RECOrIlKENDED APPROVAL, WITH AMENDME.�iT 8. Reso ution am�ading the 1.988 budget by adding $54,36& to the Financiag and Spendiag � Plan for start up costs for t�e registratioa of the Rental Housiag Pragram j (CF $-1141) COMMITTEE REC'OMME1�'DED APPROYAL, WITH AMENDMENT �/ �� - ____.. _.._. .�..�.._._�__.__�.�._______.._ ._.__.- _, _ _ _.. -- __.__________. __.__-- _....._..__�_.^___._- 9. Reso�lution authorizing placement of certain advertising display panel fixtures in t�e pedestriam skyway system with conditions (CF 88-I161) COMt�ITTEE RECOMMENDED TWO WEEK LAYOVER CTTY HAL�. SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SSI02 612/298-4646 s�.�• I