88-1132 M�y1TE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUnC1I �//i6 ) CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO• �+`� �J/�� BLUE - MAVOR _ � , Coun il Resolution Presented By �� � ���� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #82784) for a One Time Gambling Permit (Raffle Only) applied for by the Episcopal Church Home at 1879 Feronia Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman t� B Scheibel A gai n s t Y 9anecn, Wilson �" ' � ��pQ Form Ap oved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date 1�.__ Certified Pas• b il Secre y By � � � � By �lpproved � vor. ate � � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY P11�lSHED J U L 2 �3 198_8_ �=-: , ���r!.�' . �" � �A��",� °"�`�� G`iREEN Slif E7' wo.0020 3 7 �', �Mr. J. Carchedi ��a�� ���«���n Christine Rozek �"R� — �a��� �`�� . °°��� . Roun� — �� � Counci 1 Research � F. Ei . 298-5056 onoea: 1 �A„� — . 0F P E . • : Application for a One �ime Gambling Permit (Raffle) � Notification Date: 6• 3-88 Hea i Date: TIONS:(APpove(p o►Fleject(Fl)) ! COIMrCN.REBEAACH REPORT: . . PLANNMN�COAM�8810N. . � GVIL SEiiVICE.COMMI3SION I DATE M � DA7E d7T ANALY3T � . _ PMONE N0: , - . . ZONIttlO COWd18810N . . 13D 824 BCNOOL�ARD ... I . . � . - � � . . � . . . �8TAFF - piARTER tXMMdISSI0P1 ;�I � �+iPLE2E AS IS�� A�i MIFO.��ADDED* � - .REt9 FO QONfA�T . ... .��.�TRUENT� . � _ . �. �POR A�i MIFO. _FEEDBACM ADDED• . DISTRICf COINJCIL �.. I *EXPLANAT�N: � . � . . � -.�3l1PPOR'.f8 WMlqi WUNCIL OBIEC7NE? � � � � - . . � . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . .. . � Gour�cil Res�arch Cer�te� J�;�1 3 0 19$8 ..n►,.����,�„�.,,►�,�.,�,�,. .��: _ _ Beth Craig-Powe11 , on eha1f of the Episcopa1 Church Hotne, requests Council approval of he application for a Qr�e Time G�mbTing Permit for �` . July.21, .19E8, between: the hours of 2:30 PM and 6:30 PP�. The raff1e wi11 be held at �he Home, 1 79 Feronia.Avenue, �n conjunctioR with a Sunnerfest ce1ebration. Proceeds �from the event wi11 be dona�Ced=to �he resident guild. ,�cR,+oN�_�rn.p..�,as): ., . ; � i All fees and appiicati�ns have been received 30 days prior to the event. ,cot�ou�+e�s cwne�:wn.n�.ne�ra v��: If Council approval is'� given, the Episcopa1 Church Home will ho1d a raffle at its Sumnerfest eve, t. If approval is not given, .a raff9e w��l1 .not be held. � aaeMU►nves: . : wws _ coNs � � i _ � ; . �sroRr�rn�oe�rrs: _ , ! i � , � . . ��resu�s: I � _ � �����z DIVISION OF I.ICENSE AND P�:RMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � �(0 a� / �''� �� / o � . INTERDF.PARTMEhTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Proc ssed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �.`�h �+Y�,�� • �t�We�' Home Address Rusiness Name �(�lS�G,� L�IILYl1'1 ��e Phone � Business Address ��7q �rontc�, Type of License(s) Q�Q„�//�tF�_ Business Phone � �� � y��r in T-Q'��'1'1L'� `�G �Q, Public Hearing Date � ��2��0 License I.D. 4{ �°��O � at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �1 �5 e�37 �{� llate Notice Sent � Dealer 4� ��� to Applicant �'�� c��'�������� rederal Firearms 4� /U /� Public He<�ring —� DATE IIvSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � !�� Q- � Health Divn. � ���- � � Fire Dept. I ��� � I � � I Yolice Dept. �Y�� I � � OICC� ��� � � 1 � I License Divn. � � a�- � o� City Attorney � ��� � � a��� , � ,� Date Received: Site Plan N '�T � �c� � To Council Research v Lease or tt + Date from Landlord �Q �� � , City of Saint Paul �� ��� • . Department of Fnance and Management Services �� `'"' "���� . ' . License and Permit Divisiort . 203 City Hatl� ' St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-298-5056 - APPLICATION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. New Renew a o !- a c� � . Date `"n /`� � ���,79 r J Code No. Title of �icense � `��� From � �c� tg6 �To '"`�;`�' �1 19 �� Gt7 " - k7v�L p r� � Q�i...•L"�/� ��%�.���1 .•"! � t'�U Y✓� D�� 1'l t.� �l��' j�} `�i/wl vs . � , 1 ( ( 100 d.i7�. � i% � �J�Ct I ��;I�.! i�_`1 C"t d:'li! ��- � = � .,i�� � '-fZ r,� �"T !�. �1�;1„� App�icanUCompany Name � 100 ' ,, -� j � �� . ;i_ .c. ,�.. .��; 100 Buslness Name ' I 100 .i , � �:.i .t t i ,�. '; �J` �-� 8usiness Addross Phon�Na r 100 _ -t '.: ' -��-- ` . 100 Mail to Address Phons Na � �� �'�� � � � Y , - , , ..v - . / ManapedOwn.�-Nams ! 100 100 AtanagerlGwner-Home Addresa Phons No. 4098 Application Fee 2 5a Recefved tha Sum of 100 � ManagaNOw�er-City,Slate 6 Ztp Cade 100 Total • 100 I � i� License Inspector � `'� 8y: � "� Signature ot Applicant Bond• Company Name Policy No. Expiratlon Oats Insurance: Company Name Poiicy Na Expiratlon Oate Minnesota State Identification No. Social Security No Vehicie Information: � Sarial Number Ists Nwnbsr Other. - — THIS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPUCATION THIS IS NOTA lICE1JSE TO OPERATE.Your application for license will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisfonsof thezoning o►dinance and completion of the inspections by the Health, Fire,Zoni�g andJor License Inspectors. ; i �:('�'� ��t � ; � �� ` $15.00 CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CNECKS ,._. ` �� `.iy� ,' �� V�� ' �� n �\ �,' .1� ' V t ^�`.J . �\\• '�t� �'` - . , � .0 �_. " .� ��`� .� I�\ �\ a' _`�� , � � � � � �// � ��'� �R� �� �f / � ,.Jv '.Q ' .� , l � � '� ���-��"� . , 20) Officers of che orgaaizatfaa: /�� (�,����. �/��� Q v � Nams-Tit1e Addresa Date of bi.rT.,h� ...�- __- - 21) Ia wt�osa eus=ody wi1Z records of orgaaizatioa's g�liag sessions be kapt? Name � �li ��t'� Addrsss S�- �-�("'�� 22) ?,ttach a cover Zetter def�aing the eneat for w�ich you ars requestiag tfiis licensa. 23) 3ttach a letter of pezmissica to caaduct the gambl.ing sessioa at t3ie requested address. ��,24) Attacfi a copy of pour orgaaization`s membersf�i.� roster aad date each member joi.aed. �� 25) 3tzach a copp of tfie Deaartmeat of the Treasur�, IateraaL Reve�e Servi.ce "Recura of Orgaaizatioa r".zempt fram Iacome Taa", Form 990. [Chapter 419.04 (1) 1 -OR- 2b) �ttaca a copy or Deaar�at af tiia Treasur9, Iateraal Reveaue Service, "Qasmpt Organi- zatioa. Busiaess Iacame Tas", For� 990T. [Chapter 419.04 (2) ] -OR- 27) �ittach che anaual rsport required oi ciiaritable orgaaizations by �iaaescta Statutes, Sect:oa 309.53. [Cha�ter 4I9.04 (3) j 28) Have pc�u. read aad do yon tfwroughly uad�rssaad tha prorvi.sions of ail lava, ordiaaacss, aad reguZazi.oas govexaiag tt�ee operatioa of gambl{� sessi.oras? _xP.S 29) 3ay chaages desired by tite applicaat association map ba made oalq �th tfie ccaseat oi che L+cease C�:.ittes. 30) Sas aay persoa(s) part:.ci�at.fag ia tt�e operatioa of a� of tfie gambl.ing sessions covered by tfu.s I.icanss ever besa connicted o= a felouyii.a the State oi �inaesota or :,a aay other State or FedezaL Caurt? Yes Yo ✓ If answer s "�es", provide �es, addresses, aad birtt� dazes. �r$3II1ZSt�0II: � I S C o Q � �YI,�l rC.� �6�n e. e /�7�n n 2 Sc�I'q, �, � +\ A By: (OfficBr-Title) ��.�%;�'l',"-1�,� �',�i'►�,;���v,v.+ .�'1',l��b���',.�'_ � � f.• „'V�Y L., - .� �'/•/• �� '�/J.-���j: Staze oi :4iaaesoca) C ger ia caarge �oi gamoLi.ag'sessioa) - . f-- ` gs ��y�-Ll�..(��. � Coua� of Ramsep ) �f}V I D �b 2.F D�•U,(3C,e C. aad .�L/2.i913�'TH C' 2 /4/ C-- (�C' (,v E�L �eiag duly swora sav t�at �ey are che pec�tioners ia ct�a acove applicat�on; ct�at they have read che _oregoi.ag pet+tion aad kaow the cantea=s chereo=; tfia= tfie same is c=ue ai tf�eir owa '�owl�dge. .�. �Hl��c�l M. G�.R=J�lFi2 S1108C�.beC. 3ad SWOI� bef ore m@ C�11$ � +� � NL'TARY�UBLIG-MINNiSOTA f3 � d3� Of . L//��C I9 J'�Y ��� RAMSEY COUNTY MY commisaion axpires Do�. 22,1989 ( ^ t<�� Yotarr Pubiic, RA��5��� , cuaty, :iiaaesoca Ky Ca�issioa E�pires _/T/�a /Q 9 � . . CITY OF SdINT PAtJ�. C�� �° `1,3•Z � ... DEPA8IMENT OF FINANCE dND MANAGII'�]T SERYICES ' � , . • DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMIl�TISTRATION INFORMATION REQUIRID WITS c1P'PLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CaNDIICT G�LING SESSION IN SAINT PADL Four sassioas ara al.lowed pe� yaar, with eacfi sessioa bsiag a ma�Lm� of four consecutive hours_ This appl3catioa aad all required atrac�ments atnsz be filsd witti the Liceasa raspector at I.east thirty� days prior to the requssted date of r.he gambliag anent.. I)� Yame of orgaaizatioa _��ti�c��o.� C,(ry�.tr��, (-�+'hZ Z) Ad'dress where orgaaization`s regular meatings are held ���� -{��Jhr� ��. 3) Day aad time of ine�tiags N�/-� ��`' TS � ��.Y`'�i r� h;�v�� . , 4) address wlaere gambliag session will be held 5��� 5) Is applicaat owner of property wi�ere gambling session wi].l be held? Yes � No 6) If Ieased, who is the owaer of property where gambliag sessian wi11 be hel.d? N/� 7) Name of officer makiag appiicatian ��/'n,� ��a�.�.���� ,. -�e{ hr, ttiis�"!�� � 8) Address or officer �-�i�- �U�%��7��D /�v! - �i „��w�,?,� �� Date of birth / yi,�S�' 9) �Tame of manager w�io wi71 conduct gambliag sessioII '���� (.t�e�� -Qo4��� 10) Address of manager �4��r.,-�,�,.� .,�-•PL�.� .�(CS� Date o= birth (Z-��--�.'b II)" ra co�ection with wEiat even,t is this gambLiag sessioa beiag held? �tr.VYt YYt 12��5-1� 12) Wlzat tqpe of gambli.ag devi.ce{s) will be used? Paddlewhesl Tipboard � Raffle c� Pulltabs ___ Biago 13) Specify wiien gambliag session(s) *aill. take place: HOtTRS: Day(s) � Y��� Date(s) C�w�y �-� From: �r:� To: :�'0 �'m . �-- �Mazim*tm OL LOLir 110'11I3� 14) Wit1 priz�s be paid i.a menay or mercf�aadise? �"t�-ltin(+."�4�,-� I5) Is the applicaat associat�.oa organized under the laws of tfie State of Minnesata? �S 1.6) Sow long Eias the organizatioa besa i.a eaisteaca? i t�_ �� 17) Wizat is the purpose of the organizatioa? ��t<S� �r1C��- ^ L8) For waat wi1Z the proceads from this event be used? �id;;-�v� C��,,� � 19) Give names of oZficers or aay other person paid for services to the orgaaization. Yams-Title Address Daze of Birttt �� 'W,�,/� ��'P.G �,� �!'�r —�`-!i�r�t��-e�,�Yi.�e� �'�i'�'� �C.yc-Y.-�c r��� )J,iCc ,!� %—Zf-5 „ ' ^r, ��/�C`�lj J�L�(,1,�•�-�v��Z\PC�.. �L ��.: � ���V�.0 �(�(n�.y, ��T� � �- /��.5�> . . ��.��,��. � the episcopal ,church home � of minnesota 1879 feronia avenue st. paul, minnesota 55104 612-646-4061 6/3/88 City of St . Paul Division of License & Permit Administration Room 203 , City Hall St . Paul, MN 55102 To Whom It May COncern, This is to request permission to conduct a raffle at the Episcopal Church Home of Minnesota. It will be held as part qf our Summerfest event on 7/21/88 . All prizes will be donated merchandise . Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, �� Dave Bredenb rg Administrator � � � -. ���`..�- _. , ,. � - the episcopal ,church home of mtnnesota 1879 feronia avenue st. paul, minnesota 55104 612-646-4061 June 3, 1988 City of St . Paul Division of License and Permit Administration Room 203, City Hall St . Paul, MN 55102 To Whom It May Concern, The event being held at the Episcopal Church Home of Minnesota is the anual summerfest . This type of event has been held every year for a number of years to raise funds for the Resident Guild. The event will include refreshments such as ice cream and hot dogs , entertainment, arts and crafts sale and a raff le . Thank you for your_ consideration in granting this permit . Sincerely, ���e� `'+�1.�. Dave Bredenb Administrator