99-251��tGt1�A1. Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation administers the applicants and grants program established by Ordinance 409.235; and WHEREAS, the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board was formed to implement the administration of the ordinance for the Division; and WHEREAS, the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board met on February 18, 1999 to add organizations to the eligible list for the 10°s club for 1999; and WHEREAS, New applications were approved by the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # 1�� S � Green Sheet # 63472 �� Arlington Youth Club Boy Scout Troop #66 Front Booster Club Hazel Park Booster Club St. Anthony Park Gymnastics Club South St. Anthony Park Booster Club NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby requested to promulgate an approved list of eligible organizations for the 1999 Charitable Gambling 10°s Club. Requested by: Division ofJ Parks and ' /1-� Adopted by Council: Date �1� Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By �. t- Approved y Ma �� Date: /�����1�'�/`"/ BY: �� �' Form Approved by City By: Approved y,�Nfa�or f Submission to Council By: v aq-as I DEPARiMENT/OFFICFJCOUNC�L siv"ss �° GREEN SHEET NO. 63 472 Parks and Recreation CAMACT PERSON AND PHONE INITIAL/DA7E INIT7ALAATE EriCThompson651-266$362 � 1 oeParireeFxroiaECrort 3 cmcouna� we�re 2 crtrnTrawer 4 cmc�wc MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BV (DA7E) � 5 FINNNCIAL SEfMCES DIR 6 Parks - Thomoson A.S.A.P. MFVOR(ORASSISTANT)� _ TOTAL C OF S�GNA7URE PAGES_ (CLIP ALL LOCAiIONS FOR SICaNANR� ACTONREQUESTED: Aproval of organizations to the 1999 list of eligible recipients. RECOMMENDATIONS. Apprave(A)orRejeq(R) PERSONALSERVICECON'fRACiSMUSTANSWERiHEFOLLOWINGQUES710N5: PLANNINGCOMMISS70N CNILSEAVICECOMMISSIOti 1 HasMis7e«��mnaverwalcetltmtlaraWntrarlfortl�isdeparlment? CIB COMMIITEE A Youth Fund Board YES NO A STAFF 2. HeslhisP��rmeverbeenacilYemDbY�° DIS7RICTCOUNGL �'ES NO — — 3 Does ihis persaJfrm possass a skill rrot normalty possessed by any curreM uly empbyee� SUPPORTS NMICH COUNqL O&IECTNE'+ VES NO Exqain all yas annwen on saperab aheet anE attach W green aheet INRWTING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfTV (Who. NMat, When, Vrlfere, NTy). Council has requested that the 10% List of Eligible Recipients be updated on an annual basis. These organizations will be added to the list for 1999 and will then be eligible to receive direct donations from charitable gambling organizations. AOVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Improved programs for: Arlington Youth Club, Boy Scout Troop #66, Front Booster Club, Hazel Park Booster Club, St. Anthony Park Gymnastics Club and South St. Anthony Park Booster Club. � � ..enh d'nra r ,rzr .., . ., . ._ � ,. .. _ �ISADVMl�AGES IF APPROVED: None. 4 a�� � � ��� 3�AR 0 � 1999 DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED. ` ��; � ■ � ��� ° ' 9 � Poor quality youth programs. , __. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION OSTIREVENUE BUDGETEO (pRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE AC7M7Y NUNBER FINANCIALINFORMATION. (EXPWN) ��tGt1�A1. Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation administers the applicants and grants program established by Ordinance 409.235; and WHEREAS, the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board was formed to implement the administration of the ordinance for the Division; and WHEREAS, the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board met on February 18, 1999 to add organizations to the eligible list for the 10°s club for 1999; and WHEREAS, New applications were approved by the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # 1�� S � Green Sheet # 63472 �� Arlington Youth Club Boy Scout Troop #66 Front Booster Club Hazel Park Booster Club St. Anthony Park Gymnastics Club South St. Anthony Park Booster Club NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby requested to promulgate an approved list of eligible organizations for the 1999 Charitable Gambling 10°s Club. Requested by: Division ofJ Parks and ' /1-� Adopted by Council: Date �1� Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By �. t- Approved y Ma �� Date: /�����1�'�/`"/ BY: �� �' Form Approved by City By: Approved y,�Nfa�or f Submission to Council By: v aq-as I DEPARiMENT/OFFICFJCOUNC�L siv"ss �° GREEN SHEET NO. 63 472 Parks and Recreation CAMACT PERSON AND PHONE INITIAL/DA7E INIT7ALAATE EriCThompson651-266$362 � 1 oeParireeFxroiaECrort 3 cmcouna� we�re 2 crtrnTrawer 4 cmc�wc MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BV (DA7E) � 5 FINNNCIAL SEfMCES DIR 6 Parks - Thomoson A.S.A.P. MFVOR(ORASSISTANT)� _ TOTAL C OF S�GNA7URE PAGES_ (CLIP ALL LOCAiIONS FOR SICaNANR� ACTONREQUESTED: Aproval of organizations to the 1999 list of eligible recipients. RECOMMENDATIONS. Apprave(A)orRejeq(R) PERSONALSERVICECON'fRACiSMUSTANSWERiHEFOLLOWINGQUES710N5: PLANNINGCOMMISS70N CNILSEAVICECOMMISSIOti 1 HasMis7e«��mnaverwalcetltmtlaraWntrarlfortl�isdeparlment? CIB COMMIITEE A Youth Fund Board YES NO A STAFF 2. HeslhisP��rmeverbeenacilYemDbY�° DIS7RICTCOUNGL �'ES NO — — 3 Does ihis persaJfrm possass a skill rrot normalty possessed by any curreM uly empbyee� SUPPORTS NMICH COUNqL O&IECTNE'+ VES NO Exqain all yas annwen on saperab aheet anE attach W green aheet INRWTING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfTV (Who. NMat, When, Vrlfere, NTy). Council has requested that the 10% List of Eligible Recipients be updated on an annual basis. These organizations will be added to the list for 1999 and will then be eligible to receive direct donations from charitable gambling organizations. AOVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Improved programs for: Arlington Youth Club, Boy Scout Troop #66, Front Booster Club, Hazel Park Booster Club, St. Anthony Park Gymnastics Club and South St. Anthony Park Booster Club. � � ..enh d'nra r ,rzr .., . ., . ._ � ,. .. _ �ISADVMl�AGES IF APPROVED: None. 4 a�� � � ��� 3�AR 0 � 1999 DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED. ` ��; � ■ � ��� ° ' 9 � Poor quality youth programs. , __. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION OSTIREVENUE BUDGETEO (pRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE AC7M7Y NUNBER FINANCIALINFORMATION. (EXPWN) ��tGt1�A1. Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WHEREAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation administers the applicants and grants program established by Ordinance 409.235; and WHEREAS, the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board was formed to implement the administration of the ordinance for the Division; and WHEREAS, the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board met on February 18, 1999 to add organizations to the eligible list for the 10°s club for 1999; and WHEREAS, New applications were approved by the Youth Programs Fund Advisory Board RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # 1�� S � Green Sheet # 63472 �� Arlington Youth Club Boy Scout Troop #66 Front Booster Club Hazel Park Booster Club St. Anthony Park Gymnastics Club South St. Anthony Park Booster Club NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby requested to promulgate an approved list of eligible organizations for the 1999 Charitable Gambling 10°s Club. Requested by: Division ofJ Parks and ' /1-� Adopted by Council: Date �1� Adopti Certified by Council Secretary By �. t- Approved y Ma �� Date: /�����1�'�/`"/ BY: �� �' Form Approved by City By: Approved y,�Nfa�or f Submission to Council By: v aq-as I DEPARiMENT/OFFICFJCOUNC�L siv"ss �° GREEN SHEET NO. 63 472 Parks and Recreation CAMACT PERSON AND PHONE INITIAL/DA7E INIT7ALAATE EriCThompson651-266$362 � 1 oeParireeFxroiaECrort 3 cmcouna� we�re 2 crtrnTrawer 4 cmc�wc MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BV (DA7E) � 5 FINNNCIAL SEfMCES DIR 6 Parks - Thomoson A.S.A.P. MFVOR(ORASSISTANT)� _ TOTAL C OF S�GNA7URE PAGES_ (CLIP ALL LOCAiIONS FOR SICaNANR� ACTONREQUESTED: Aproval of organizations to the 1999 list of eligible recipients. RECOMMENDATIONS. Apprave(A)orRejeq(R) PERSONALSERVICECON'fRACiSMUSTANSWERiHEFOLLOWINGQUES710N5: PLANNINGCOMMISS70N CNILSEAVICECOMMISSIOti 1 HasMis7e«��mnaverwalcetltmtlaraWntrarlfortl�isdeparlment? CIB COMMIITEE A Youth Fund Board YES NO A STAFF 2. HeslhisP��rmeverbeenacilYemDbY�° DIS7RICTCOUNGL �'ES NO — — 3 Does ihis persaJfrm possass a skill rrot normalty possessed by any curreM uly empbyee� SUPPORTS NMICH COUNqL O&IECTNE'+ VES NO Exqain all yas annwen on saperab aheet anE attach W green aheet INRWTING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNfTV (Who. NMat, When, Vrlfere, NTy). Council has requested that the 10% List of Eligible Recipients be updated on an annual basis. These organizations will be added to the list for 1999 and will then be eligible to receive direct donations from charitable gambling organizations. AOVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Improved programs for: Arlington Youth Club, Boy Scout Troop #66, Front Booster Club, Hazel Park Booster Club, St. Anthony Park Gymnastics Club and South St. Anthony Park Booster Club. � � ..enh d'nra r ,rzr .., . ., . ._ � ,. .. _ �ISADVMl�AGES IF APPROVED: None. 4 a�� � � ��� 3�AR 0 � 1999 DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED. ` ��; � ■ � ��� ° ' 9 � Poor quality youth programs. , __. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION OSTIREVENUE BUDGETEO (pRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE AC7M7Y NUNBER FINANCIALINFORMATION. (EXPWN)