99-250ORIGINA� Council File # � ��.SO Green Sheet # � L �5.2 ` RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PATI,, NIINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has an agreement with the Saint Paul Saints Baseball 2 Team to play their 1994 home games at the City's Midway Stadium; and 4 WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul operates the pazking at Midway Stadiuxn, where the 5 Saint Paul Saints will play up to fifty (50) home games during the 1999 Northern and League 6 season as well as schedule other events; and 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 WHEREAS, the City receives income from the pazking of vehicles at these events; and WHEREAS, the Midway Stadium site lacks a sufficient number of parking spaces to house all visitors for Saint Paul Saints events; and WHEREAS, Daytons Energy Park, located at 1930 Energy Park Drive, has a parking lot within walking distance of the Midway Stadium; and WHEREAS, Daytons is willing to allow the City to use its parking lot for overflow parking for Saint Paul Saints home games during the 1999 Northern League season as well as other events scheduled by the Saints and agreed to by the City, but on the condition that it be indemnified and held hannless from damages or claims arising out of the use of the parking lot for that purpose; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby fmds that the indemnification of Daytons for the use of its parking lot at 1930 Energy Park Drive serves a valid and legitimate public purpose; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Daytons harmless from any and all damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions, or judgments arising out of the use of the 1930 Energy Park Drive parking lot as a parking site for the Saint Paul Saints home games and approved events during the 1999 season; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing defense and indemnification does not cover 1) any occurrences or events which do not take place during the use of the 1930 Energy Park Drive parking lot for a Saint Paul Saints home game or approved event; ar 2) injuries or damages arising from hidden traps or dangerous conditions of the 1930 Energy Pazk Drive parking lot as to which Daytons had actual or constructive notice; and be it �� 1 q9 ��.�D 2 FURTHER RESOLVED, that nothiug in the foregoing provisions shall be construed as a 3 waiver of the municipal tort liability limits set forth in Mimi. Stat. §466.01 et seq. 4 5 Re by Department of: Y��.K,� $ 1�SCaL�a�✓t By: Form Approved by City By: to Council BY: Appx By' By: Adopted by Council: Date .�� u!� T Adoption Certified by Council Secretary OEPAR7MENT/OFFICE/COUNQI DATE INITIATED �� �� GREEN SHEET NO. 62761 Parks and Recreation 3/3/99 GONTAGT PERSON AND PHONE INRIAL/DAlE INtt1AUDAiE Howard Bell 266 _J � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 4 CIT'COUNQL ASSIGN NumeER FOR�, Z CEN ATTOFNEV r J CITY CLERK MUST eE ON COUNCR. AGEN�A HY WATEI POUnNG �' OrsDER , _��+ET DIRECTOR _FINANCIAI. SERVICES �IR. 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTA 6 Parks & Rec 300 CHA _ 70TAL t �F SIGNATUftE PAGES 1 (C� ALL IOCAT10N5 fOR StGNANREI ACTIpN REQUESiED: Adoption of the attached resolution by the City Council. flECOMMENDATIONS: Approve IA1 or flelect (R) PEflSONAL SERVICE CONiiWCTS MUST ANSWEN THE iOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a con[ract for [M1is department CB COMMITTEE _ YES NO /� STAFF 2_ Has this persoNLrm ever been a crty employee> VES NO DISTPICT WUNQL — — 3. Does this persoNfrtm possess a skdl not normally posses5e0 by any curren[ city employee� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE> YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sM1eet and aaach to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whap When, Where, WM1yI: The City wishes to enter into an agreement with Dayton's Energy Park to use part of their parking lot area for parking for Saint Paul Saints home games and stadium events. Paragraph 7 of said agreement calls for the City to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Dayton's for the use of their lot. ADVANTAGES IP APPFOVED Revenue for the City and additional convenient parking for the public. DISADVqNTAGE$ IF APPROVEP: (��p ry @ ry t�� � �( REtE�OiED �Qy;3if�i ��0�'�+�yv� 4'�f 61V� N/A �4 � 9 9�� �AR t#4 1999 � � DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPqOVEO: " 9 Loss of revenue and parking spaces making it extremely difficult for the public to park for Saints and Stadium events. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACSION Net revenue of aooroximatelv 54.500.00 COSTIHEVENUEBUDG£TFDICIRCLEONE} YES PoO FUNDING SOUFCE Soecial Services Fund - Stadium ACTIVITV NUMBER 334/33182 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: IEXPLAIN7 The City pays Dayton's 5100 per date used at the end of the 1999 season ORIGINA� Council File # � ��.SO Green Sheet # � L �5.2 ` RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PATI,, NIINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has an agreement with the Saint Paul Saints Baseball 2 Team to play their 1994 home games at the City's Midway Stadium; and 4 WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul operates the pazking at Midway Stadiuxn, where the 5 Saint Paul Saints will play up to fifty (50) home games during the 1999 Northern and League 6 season as well as schedule other events; and 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 WHEREAS, the City receives income from the pazking of vehicles at these events; and WHEREAS, the Midway Stadium site lacks a sufficient number of parking spaces to house all visitors for Saint Paul Saints events; and WHEREAS, Daytons Energy Park, located at 1930 Energy Park Drive, has a parking lot within walking distance of the Midway Stadium; and WHEREAS, Daytons is willing to allow the City to use its parking lot for overflow parking for Saint Paul Saints home games during the 1999 Northern League season as well as other events scheduled by the Saints and agreed to by the City, but on the condition that it be indemnified and held hannless from damages or claims arising out of the use of the parking lot for that purpose; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby fmds that the indemnification of Daytons for the use of its parking lot at 1930 Energy Park Drive serves a valid and legitimate public purpose; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Daytons harmless from any and all damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions, or judgments arising out of the use of the 1930 Energy Park Drive parking lot as a parking site for the Saint Paul Saints home games and approved events during the 1999 season; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing defense and indemnification does not cover 1) any occurrences or events which do not take place during the use of the 1930 Energy Park Drive parking lot for a Saint Paul Saints home game or approved event; ar 2) injuries or damages arising from hidden traps or dangerous conditions of the 1930 Energy Pazk Drive parking lot as to which Daytons had actual or constructive notice; and be it �� 1 q9 ��.�D 2 FURTHER RESOLVED, that nothiug in the foregoing provisions shall be construed as a 3 waiver of the municipal tort liability limits set forth in Mimi. Stat. §466.01 et seq. 4 5 Re by Department of: Y��.K,� $ 1�SCaL�a�✓t By: Form Approved by City By: to Council BY: Appx By' By: Adopted by Council: Date .�� u!� T Adoption Certified by Council Secretary OEPAR7MENT/OFFICE/COUNQI DATE INITIATED �� �� GREEN SHEET NO. 62761 Parks and Recreation 3/3/99 GONTAGT PERSON AND PHONE INRIAL/DAlE INtt1AUDAiE Howard Bell 266 _J � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 4 CIT'COUNQL ASSIGN NumeER FOR�, Z CEN ATTOFNEV r J CITY CLERK MUST eE ON COUNCR. AGEN�A HY WATEI POUnNG �' OrsDER , _��+ET DIRECTOR _FINANCIAI. SERVICES �IR. 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTA 6 Parks & Rec 300 CHA _ 70TAL t �F SIGNATUftE PAGES 1 (C� ALL IOCAT10N5 fOR StGNANREI ACTIpN REQUESiED: Adoption of the attached resolution by the City Council. flECOMMENDATIONS: Approve IA1 or flelect (R) PEflSONAL SERVICE CONiiWCTS MUST ANSWEN THE iOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a con[ract for [M1is department CB COMMITTEE _ YES NO /� STAFF 2_ Has this persoNLrm ever been a crty employee> VES NO DISTPICT WUNQL — — 3. Does this persoNfrtm possess a skdl not normally posses5e0 by any curren[ city employee� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE> YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sM1eet and aaach to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whap When, Where, WM1yI: The City wishes to enter into an agreement with Dayton's Energy Park to use part of their parking lot area for parking for Saint Paul Saints home games and stadium events. Paragraph 7 of said agreement calls for the City to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Dayton's for the use of their lot. ADVANTAGES IP APPFOVED Revenue for the City and additional convenient parking for the public. DISADVqNTAGE$ IF APPROVEP: (��p ry @ ry t�� � �( REtE�OiED �Qy;3if�i ��0�'�+�yv� 4'�f 61V� N/A �4 � 9 9�� �AR t#4 1999 � � DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPqOVEO: " 9 Loss of revenue and parking spaces making it extremely difficult for the public to park for Saints and Stadium events. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACSION Net revenue of aooroximatelv 54.500.00 COSTIHEVENUEBUDG£TFDICIRCLEONE} YES PoO FUNDING SOUFCE Soecial Services Fund - Stadium ACTIVITV NUMBER 334/33182 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: IEXPLAIN7 The City pays Dayton's 5100 per date used at the end of the 1999 season ORIGINA� Council File # � ��.SO Green Sheet # � L �5.2 ` RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PATI,, NIINNESOTA Presented By Refened To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has an agreement with the Saint Paul Saints Baseball 2 Team to play their 1994 home games at the City's Midway Stadium; and 4 WIIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul operates the pazking at Midway Stadiuxn, where the 5 Saint Paul Saints will play up to fifty (50) home games during the 1999 Northern and League 6 season as well as schedule other events; and 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 WHEREAS, the City receives income from the pazking of vehicles at these events; and WHEREAS, the Midway Stadium site lacks a sufficient number of parking spaces to house all visitors for Saint Paul Saints events; and WHEREAS, Daytons Energy Park, located at 1930 Energy Park Drive, has a parking lot within walking distance of the Midway Stadium; and WHEREAS, Daytons is willing to allow the City to use its parking lot for overflow parking for Saint Paul Saints home games during the 1999 Northern League season as well as other events scheduled by the Saints and agreed to by the City, but on the condition that it be indemnified and held hannless from damages or claims arising out of the use of the parking lot for that purpose; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby fmds that the indemnification of Daytons for the use of its parking lot at 1930 Energy Park Drive serves a valid and legitimate public purpose; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Daytons harmless from any and all damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions, or judgments arising out of the use of the 1930 Energy Park Drive parking lot as a parking site for the Saint Paul Saints home games and approved events during the 1999 season; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing defense and indemnification does not cover 1) any occurrences or events which do not take place during the use of the 1930 Energy Park Drive parking lot for a Saint Paul Saints home game or approved event; ar 2) injuries or damages arising from hidden traps or dangerous conditions of the 1930 Energy Pazk Drive parking lot as to which Daytons had actual or constructive notice; and be it �� 1 q9 ��.�D 2 FURTHER RESOLVED, that nothiug in the foregoing provisions shall be construed as a 3 waiver of the municipal tort liability limits set forth in Mimi. Stat. §466.01 et seq. 4 5 Re by Department of: Y��.K,� $ 1�SCaL�a�✓t By: Form Approved by City By: to Council BY: Appx By' By: Adopted by Council: Date .�� u!� T Adoption Certified by Council Secretary OEPAR7MENT/OFFICE/COUNQI DATE INITIATED �� �� GREEN SHEET NO. 62761 Parks and Recreation 3/3/99 GONTAGT PERSON AND PHONE INRIAL/DAlE INtt1AUDAiE Howard Bell 266 _J � DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 4 CIT'COUNQL ASSIGN NumeER FOR�, Z CEN ATTOFNEV r J CITY CLERK MUST eE ON COUNCR. AGEN�A HY WATEI POUnNG �' OrsDER , _��+ET DIRECTOR _FINANCIAI. SERVICES �IR. 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTA 6 Parks & Rec 300 CHA _ 70TAL t �F SIGNATUftE PAGES 1 (C� ALL IOCAT10N5 fOR StGNANREI ACTIpN REQUESiED: Adoption of the attached resolution by the City Council. flECOMMENDATIONS: Approve IA1 or flelect (R) PEflSONAL SERVICE CONiiWCTS MUST ANSWEN THE iOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a con[ract for [M1is department CB COMMITTEE _ YES NO /� STAFF 2_ Has this persoNLrm ever been a crty employee> VES NO DISTPICT WUNQL — — 3. Does this persoNfrtm possess a skdl not normally posses5e0 by any curren[ city employee� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE> YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sM1eet and aaach to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whap When, Where, WM1yI: The City wishes to enter into an agreement with Dayton's Energy Park to use part of their parking lot area for parking for Saint Paul Saints home games and stadium events. Paragraph 7 of said agreement calls for the City to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Dayton's for the use of their lot. ADVANTAGES IP APPFOVED Revenue for the City and additional convenient parking for the public. DISADVqNTAGE$ IF APPROVEP: (��p ry @ ry t�� � �( REtE�OiED �Qy;3if�i ��0�'�+�yv� 4'�f 61V� N/A �4 � 9 9�� �AR t#4 1999 � � DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPqOVEO: " 9 Loss of revenue and parking spaces making it extremely difficult for the public to park for Saints and Stadium events. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACSION Net revenue of aooroximatelv 54.500.00 COSTIHEVENUEBUDG£TFDICIRCLEONE} YES PoO FUNDING SOUFCE Soecial Services Fund - Stadium ACTIVITV NUMBER 334/33182 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: IEXPLAIN7 The City pays Dayton's 5100 per date used at the end of the 1999 season