88-1111 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �(�� `��/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT File ��„y�. 4 BLUE - MAVOR �� , ,Co cil Resolution ' ��``� � - � � /�� Presented By , — Refe To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHER�AS, the Port Au�thority of the City of Saint Paul on April 19, 1988 , by Resolution No. 2956 adopted the East Metro Development Guidelines for the activities of the Port Authority outside o� the City of Sair'it Paul ; and � WHER�AS , said guidelines are attached hereto as Exhibit A; and , ' WHER�AS, the Council l�as reviewed said guidelines and desires to adopt said guidelines ' as the guidelines for the approval by the Cound'il of the City o�' 5aint Paul for activities in the East Metro De�r;elopment Area; no1N, therefore, be it RESd'LVED, that the Council hereby adopts the East Metro Development Guidelines att'ached hereto as Exhibit A. I �� ' , � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested b of: Yeas Nays � Dimond sy ' Long / In Favor ca�;� ����,�r � � Rettman � --*��/�� `"�` . s�he;d�� � �A gai n s t BY Sonnen ' Wilson JUL � 7 '�88 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council!�: Date .---, Certified Pa -ed by�'Counc.il Secret ry � B ��°�„"{-1 � ` �"�--�-`' gy 1.`i��_�� �i �%t.C�-��r�r-�-- �, A►pprov by M or:;���ate JU � 1 _ App d y Mayor fo i to Council � � . , �� , � � � . � � c . � -�- _ , PIlBLI3NEB J U L 1� 6 1988 \ St. Paul Por Authority D�PARTMENT ��0�'��1� , , N� 3644 E.' A. Kraut ICONTACT 224-5686 PHONE �y 25, �988 DiATE reen e e ASSIGN NUMBER FO ROUTING ORDER (Cli �' Rll Locations for Si nature : �'�'�` ` � �1�_ � Department D rector � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and anagement Services �'�^ector 5 City Clerk Budget Direc ��' ' �� �iht LTTT S(1N AfITTCT7LC � F!'�T�dMT�v a�V. C0� 2 City Attorne ' EAST NETRO GUIDELINES WHAT WILL BE ACH EVED BY TAKING ACTI �N ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The purpose of the Interim Guideli es and the East Metrop Development is to create more jobs for St. P ul citizens by assistp.ng development in East Metro, which in turn will create more �obs for t. Paul business interests. I COST/BENEFIT BU GETARY AND PERSONNE IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � i FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUNIBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount f Transaction: quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Sourc : , Activity Num r: : I ATTACHMENTS Li and Number All Att chments : Staff Memorand m (Guidelines) Draft CIty Cou cil Resolution ' Port Authority Resolution No. 2956 ' , DEPARTMENT REVI W CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No C uncil Resolution Req ired? Resolution Required? x Yes No Yes x No I surance Required? � Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No I surance Attached: (SEE REVERS ' SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � : , ' � ��/��� . ,, �; i ;�..�""�,'�"'�"�,,; � � � ? j � 1 �'� r �� ���`�, ��`� ,� i . PORT AVUTHORIN OF THE CIN OF SAINT PAUL TOLL FREE(800) 328-8417 �*'� 1900 AMHOIST TOWER � 345�T. PETER STREET • ST. PAUL, MN. 55102 • PHONE(612)224-5686 ' June 29, 1988 i i �RE ��� �.h�- Members of the St. Paui Q • City Council ,V� � City Hall and Court Ho�se St. P2�ui , Minnesota 55102 SUBJECT: EAST METRO Gl� IDEL I NES �«���-SON Dear City Council Memb�rs : I am �lttaching a copy of the East Metro Development Guidelines as amended at the meetingjof the Housing and Economic Development Committee on June 29, 1'988. The amendments are as foilows : Item 3 is amended by a�ding the following underlined language : ` "No legislative changes should be made related to this effort, givingiSt. Paui elected officials final approval of all proJects and proJect financing as provided under current statutory powers. " Item Q is amended by deleting the underlined language : "The Authority � ili endeavor to satisfy the company ' s needs in St. Peul before electing to approach a community on a location in East Metro. If , however, the ��ect is referred to th� Authority b� an East Metro Community or another source related to East Metro devel_o�ment the inteyrity of the referral will be honorQ�" Item t4 pertaining to the current Port Authority policy on set aside has been added : I I I i EUGENE A.KRAUT,C.I.D. PERRY K.FEDERS,C.PA. CHARLES M.TOWLE LAWRENCE H.LANGER,P.E. PATRICK E.DEAN,C.PA. EXECUTNE VICE PRESIDENT,C.E.O. ASST.IXEC.VICE PRESIDENT,C.F.O. DIRECTOR OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CHIEF ENGINEER DIRECTOR OF FINANCE RICHARD A.GIERDAL ! WILLIAM E.McGNERN PROPERN MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMISSIONERS: GEOR�E W.WINTER WILLIAM R.PETERSON ARTHUR N.GOODMAN JEAN M.WEST VICTOR P.REIM JAMES SCHEIBEL JOHN DREW PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENF SECREfARV ASST.SECRETARY TREASURER ASST.TREASURER COMPAtSSIONER �� CI.I.D.CERTIFIED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPER : � , ������� � EXHIBIT "A" �I �INTERi',IM GUIDELINES ANO CONDITIONS OF EAST METRO DEVELOPMENT RESOLUTION N0. 2956 Pl1RPOSE ' The obJective of these Interfm Guidelines and the program is to create more Jobs for St. Paul citizens by assisting development in Ea�,st Metro, which In turn wfll create more Jobs for St. Paul busi�ess interests. Given this East Metro thrust is to at the same tfine preserve th Port Authority of the City of St. Paul in its current form rath�r than seek legislative expansion. This would in effect be impo_ ing our act ( viti6s o� various communities whom e are asktng to help create employment for St. Paul citiz�ns, rather than accompltshing It on a Joint powers bas ( s wherel� no one ' s authority fs usurped, and the community dectsions are first made by the (,r elected officials. 1 . No change in methqd of Commtssion appofntments. 2. ProJect process ( ng shouid be based on spectfic community ihitiative, i . e. , creatton of Economic Development Authority or Port Authority where none is currently in place. Action by East Metro Communtty City Council should precede action by Port Authority. . 3 . No legislative changes should be made related to this effort, giving St. Paul elected otficials final approval of all proJects and proJect f i nanc i ng a ^--Q„�,-Q��r . 4. AIl Joint Powers A�greements should be speciftc proJect related unless prdJect is an Industrial park where financing obJectives and development are subJect to tax i'�ncrement ttme constralnts. 5. AIl pro,Jects shoul'd be subJect to St. Paul ' s Economic Development Strat�gy Plan (when revised ) excluding any land coverage or facllity type restratnt. I , ; I � ���//r _ 6 . AIl'; projects shail be subJect to First Source Agreements if ';pubitc involvement exceeds S1 million as set forth in the Cittzens Commission on 8ondtng and Financing Practtces Report. Where no program exists for training or placement in � a specific communtty, a separate agreement will be requ ( red betwean the company and the City of St. Paui ( i . e . , Rosevilie example ) . I 7 . Individual o� stand alone proJects shall be fnd.us`rial or servlce in nature a d evaluated on the basis of Jobs, relatlonships to other entlties in St. Paui and East Nietro, anu the poter�ti al Job growth . 8. The; Port Authority, during the interim period, wfll not par##tcipate in financing retail facilittes, hotei rooms, or :housing proJects. 9. Th�i Authority will endeavor to satisfy the company ' s needs �, 1n St. Paul before electing to approach a community on a ` �' ,,,�� � � lo�ation in East Metro. , , �-� �� ' ��� a-�-he--R-rr##ar-t-#Y-_ b-�--_�an._--East Metr�n Commun i ty_ or � a�-�#-�re f-__3�vfz8_re f a tad__f.a_�a s# _MBf r o_._�v�1 o p m e n t fi h e � -fir�t8gt°-�-#y -vf the -referral w i l I be honored. 10 . The Authorlty may c�ntract with a ,Joint power communtty to create an industria park provlded tax increment ftnancing is approved. It ma particfpate as a contracted development manager with no fin ncial comm ( tments or may lend tts credit If all profits from land and financing Inure to the Authority after tax increment is attained. 11 , AIl proJects ftnanc d shall be sub,Ject to the Authority � s fiscal and admtnist ative faes, f . e. , . 06� on tax exempt bonds and 1 � on tax�ble bonds, plus any re�renues derived fra!m i nvestment o� r�ent proceeds. 12 . Sta,ndards of the Authority relative to equity required and ftr�',ancial feasibil tty shal i be met. 13 . Fl �,cal and administrattve fees not subJect to axtsttng creid (t restrictlons Mtll be allocated on a formula by whi'ch costs are first deducted for operattonal expenses an� then split 50/SO for general obligation bond debt ret� f rement. 14 . The set aside poli �y adopted by Port Authority Resolution No. 1818 on May 26; 1981 would be applicable. � , , � � � � �-�-iii� � , ,. • ' EXHIBIT "A" �INTERIM GUIDELINES AND CONDITIONS OF EAST METRO DEVELOPMENT RESOLUTION N0. 2956 PURP�SE The obJective of these Interim Guidelines and the program is to create more Jobs for St. Paul citizens by assisting development in East Metro, which in turn will create more Jobs for St. Paul business interests. Given this East Metro thrust is to at the same tfine preserve the Port Authority of the City of St. Pauf in its current form rather' than seek legislative expansion. This would In effect be impo� ing our activities on various communities whom we are asking to h ' Ip create employment for St. Paul citizens, rather than a complishing it on a foint powers basis where no one ' s authortt is usurped, and the community decisions are first made by their, elected officials. 1 . No change in methodlof Commission appointments. 2. PrpJect processing should be based on specffic community initiative, i . e. , creation of Economic Development Authority or ' Port Authority where none is currently in place. Ac�ton by East Metro Community City Council should precede acfion by Port Authority. 3 . No legislative changes should be made related to this effort, • thAreby giving St. Paul elected officials final approval of �0�2 0 �, p r o J e c t f t n a.n c i n g �- --- , t a- �� �r�����-����:�.. 4. A I I Jo i nt Power°s llgr�eemen�s� shou l d be spec i f i c proJect rei �ted unless proJ�ct is an ( ndustrial park where financing obJective� and development are subJect to tax increment time cons raints. 5 . All proJects shouldl, be subJect to St. Paul ' s Economic Development Strateg� Pian (when revlsed ) excluding any land coverage or facilityr type restraint. • � � � ', ���-�/�i r . ,. . . I � I I 6. AIl proJects shall le subfect to First Source Agreements if public involveme t exceeds S1 milllon as set forth in the Citizens Commission on Bonding and Financing Practices Report. Where no p ogram exists for training or placement in a specific communit , a separate agreement will be required between the company and the City of St. Paul ( i . e. , Roseville example ) . 7 . Indiv ( dual or stand alone proJects shall be industrial or service in nature a d evaluated on the basis of Jobs, relationships to other entities ln St. Paul and East Metro, and the pote�tial Job growth . i 8. Th� Port Authority, '�, during the interim period, will not participate in fina�cing retail faciiities, hotel rooms, or housing proJects} 9. The Authority will ndeavor to satisfy the company ' s needs in St. Paul before lecting to approach a community on a ���_ I ocat 1 on i n East Me ro. �,�!-� . r �,..- ` r �+o�� t +., � #,.�^�,o.�o r r a I w t I i �e—�-rw. 10. The Authority may c�ntract with a Jotnt power community to create an industria� park provided tax increment f ( nancing is approved. It ma participate as a contracted development manager with no fin�ncial commitments or may lend its credit if all profits from ' land and financing inure to the Authority after tax increment , is attained. � 11 . AIl proJects financ�d shall be subject to the Authority � s fiscal and administ ative fees, i . e. , . 064 on tax exempt bonds and 1� on tax ble bonds, plus any revenues derived from Investment or ent proceeds. 12. Standards of the Authority relative to equity required and financial feasibilf �hy shall be met. 13 . Fiscal and administ�-ative fees not subJect to existing credit restrictions will be ailocated on a formula by wh ( ch costs are f1r t deducted for operational expenses and then split 50/5 for general obligation bond debt retirement. I I EAK : Jmo. �� I j ',,I i . . y ' �v,:���L� � ' Resolution f�10 . ;�' �; �- r . > RESOLUTION OF THE PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL WHEREAS , the Por�t Authority has contemplated and studied the feasibility of extending its scope of operation to the area knows as St. Paul Metrd East ; and WHEREAS , the Po t Authority has previously adopted a Resolution limiting P rt Authority activity outside of the City of Saint Paul until �,uch time as guidelines for activities in Metro East are adopted;, and WHEREAS , staff has reviewed the goals and objectives of contemplated activities in the St. Paul Metro East area and has prepared a set of guidelines which are attached hereto as Exhibi:t A; and Wj�IEREAS , staff recommends that the Commission adopt. said guidel�!ines as the guidelines of the Port Authority for the activi'ties of the Port Authority in the St. Paul Metro East area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE PORT AUTHORITY OF' THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL : l . That the MetrQ East Guidelines which are attached hereto are hereby adopted as '�,the guidelines for activities of the Port Authority outside of thje jurisdiction of the City of Saint Paul . I Adopted: II �� , �— _ ) � . ` - k. �. resident . Port Au ority of the City of Saint Paul Attest'': � � , ;` ecretary � i . � ' � �.!�"�4 � � _ (,�j����1/ ' , i _�, - , , PORT AUTHORIN OF THE CIN OF INT PAUL TOLL FREE(800) 328-8417 1900 AMHOIST TOWER • 345�T. PETER STREET • ST. PAUL, MN. 55102 • PHONE(612)224-5686 � �, May 25 , 1988 I Mr. Ke�hneth Johnson REC�9�/EQ Director Pl ann i �g and Econom i c Deve l opment �� �r,' {_� j ��88 13th F1oor, City Hall Anex St. Paui , Minnesota 55h02 MA1�'fJ�t"� Q�F��E RE : E�IAST METRO GU I DEL I NES Dear Kj�n : I We submit herewith for �your review and referral to the office of the Maiyor, City Council and City Attorney ' s office a copy of the East Metro Development �uidelines for the activities of the Port Authority outside of th�e City of St. Paul as approved by the Board 'on Aprll 19, 1988. In addition to the staf�f inemorandum, we are attaching a draft copy o� the proposed City Council Resolution and a copy of Port Authority Resolution Nor 2956 which authorized the Guidelines . Your eticpeditious handling of this matter wiil be appreciated. � � Yours truly , � ; ��� ugene A. Kraut I Executtve Vice President EAK: Jmp cc : Mayor Latimer � � I PATRICK E.DEr1N,C.PA. EUGENE A.KRAUT,C.I.D. PERRY K.FEDERS,C.PA. CHARLES M.TOWLE LAWRENCE H.LANGER,P E. EXECUTNE VICE PRESIOENT,C.E.O. ASST.IXEC.V10E PRESIDENT,C.F.O. I DIRECTOR Of INDUSTRIAL DEVEIOPMENT CHIEF ENGINEER DIRECTOR OF rINANCE RICHARDA.GIERDAL WILLIAM E.McGIVERN � PROPERTY MANAGER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMISSIONERS: GEOR6E W.WINTER WILLIAM R.PETERSON �RTHUR N.GOODMAN JEAN M.WEST VICTOR P.REIM JAMES SCHEIBEL iOHN DRE�N PRESIDEM V10E PRESIDENT SECREfARV ASST.SECRETAM TREASURER ASST.TREASURER �0�.!�:iSStO��ER . r`I I'1 /"CDTICICII IAIf11 ICTDIAI IICl/CI(IDGI� � � I � � ������ , Members: ��� ,,:, ' Biil Wilson, chaiG� CI'1�Y OF SAINT PAUL Tom Dimond ���'�j�'��� ' OFP'ICE OF+' THE CITY COIINCIL Kiki Sonnen , . ' Date: J Ine 29, i9ss RECEIVED W1LL[AM L. WILSON � MARK VOERDING �oun�llm� Committee Report JUN � O �JSv �g�alstive Aide To: Saint Paul City Council CITY CLERK From : Housing an Economic Development Committee Biil Wilson, Chair l. Memo - Economic Developc�ent Strategy ADOPTED WITH AMENDMENTS� NO COUNCIL ACTION REQUIRED. . e ���'oin '���'�ag the �ast Metro?`Dei�elopment Gu�.dQlines COi�I'IF�LL ItECUNII�i�'1�DED ` R�VAL, �+Ti1"'EI AMER'TfMENTS 3. Resolution approving th� issuance of $2,135,000 tax exempt public airport bonds (M.B.A.C. , Inc.) SENT BACK TO COUNCIL FR�M COMMITTEE WITHOUT RECOMMENDATION (2 - 2 split vote on Mot�ion not to approve) 4. Ordinance repealing Ord� No. 17498 (C.F. 87-1377) adopted October 9, 1987, pertaining to hel�.pads or heliports by repealing the ordinance in its entirety. (C.F. I88-889) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED :TT�O WEEK LAYOVER (2-1 vote) 5. Resolution approving a �.olicy f.or interium spending €or the Low Income Housing Development Fun (HRA) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED TG40 WEEK LAYOVER 6. Report on Vacant Buildi g Initiative COMMITTEE RECOMMEENDED 0 WEEK LAYOVER I . ,I � I 3�/ 3 � C1TY HALL SEVENTH FLOO�Z SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 I a�4a I —--_.__— L�_ _