88-1109 WHITE - C�TV CLERK .
�'ouncil Resolution ��a� �� .
t �
Presented By !i -
Refer'red To r �' Committee: Date � � � � � �
Out ot' Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The Ma.yor, pursuant to $ection 10.7.1 0� the Charter of the City o� Saint Paul, does cer-
tify that thiere are available �or appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the
1988 Budget; and '
WHEREAS, Coul�ncil k'ile No. 277510, adopted Qctober 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund
�olicies; and
WHEREAS, The,l Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1988 Budget:
FINANCING PLAN , Current Budget Changes Amended Budget
349-33400 L3�brary Special Revenue Fund $185,000.00 $185,000.00
33400 Fund Balance , $248,449.60 248,449.60
$185,000.00 $248,449.60 $433,449.60
349-33400-0�19 Other - fees $ 4,714.00 $ 4,714.00
33400-0251 Txansportation , 2,600.00 2,600.00
33400-0252 Lodging, Meals, etc. 4,341.00 4,341.00
33400-0271 Building repaixs; 84,633.00 84,633.00
33400-0275 Off. Equip. Mtce Cts. 4,000.00 4,000.00
33400-0299 Qther Misc. Serv�ces $ 21,400.00 40,265.47 61,665.47
33400-0�69 Qthex - supplies 5,000.00 7,7a2.75 12,702.75
33400-0381 Books, Periodica�ls 150,000.00 3,000.00 153,000.00
33400-0537 Transfer Out 27,000.00 27,000.00
33400-0814 Other Of�ice Equ�ipment 24,990.00 24,990.00
33400-0815 Desks, Chairs, etc. 6,000.00 6,000.00
33400-0816 Cabinets, bookca�ses, etc. � . 7,3QO.OQ 7,300.00
33400-0830 Shop machinery, equipment 2,100.00 2,100.00
33400-0857 Data Processing ardware 21,803.38 21,803.38
33400-0898 Building improve�ents 6,400.00 8,OQ0.00 14,400.00
33400-0521 Refunds 2,200.00 2,200.00
' . $185,000.00 $248,449.60 $433,449.60
NOW, THEREF�RE, BE IT RESpLVED, iTHAT The City Council adopts the aboVe additions to the 1988 Budge�
� n
/ �
Direc r o� Finan e �' Budget Dire to
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Dimond � i Co ni y Services — Libra y
Long [n Favor � n „
Gos.vitz ��•�
Rettman `�� B (
� Against Y
Wilson I �Q
' JUL 2 a I�t7 Form Appro d by City Att ney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Yass d y uncil S tar By
- ,
By �
A►pproved b� avor. D e _ � JU� 2 9�� Appr e Mayor for Sub cil
By _ „��L( i
PUBIlSl�EO ;i�� � 1988
e ��_/�o�
' ` ��� �l°_ 010046 �
Comotun�:t $ex'v�.ce.�,^I���;x�x PARTMENT � - - - - -
�;� teen e. g NTACT NAME
��� ONE
� TE .
G G (See' raver��� . �
p � ��
� Depar ment Director � Mayor (or Assistant) �Q 1� �.�--
�, Finan e and Management Se ices Direct�UN 31988 6 City Clerk
Budge Director OFFICE OF THE DIRECf� �r' �'�ance, Mgmt & Pers. Cte.
City ttorney , DEPARTMENT OF F(Nqhl� C�'� C unc�,1
0 (Cli all ocat ons or s a ure.
W H Purpose/Rationale)
�1,�,11 �,llo the Ai;y�;�ut'�� T��:i�I' �'�:�� �Q ea�4p��te }�u:�kd3ng p��jec�� �e$un �,n 1987 and not
cc�7,eted �a�. vax�au�s �e.a�t�n_�, i uxcTi��e�t�a�ckas� eqv�p�,t �cax the autom,a�t�;an p�.a�ect that we
�tere. una�T� e to p�;de� un��,l, ,7�n �,�y� e��� I�88. Tt �ri;11 al�a r tra�el and lodging for
I��,h7;��y� � $��' tca att�e�d tli�e� n�e�eaces a,nd prcw:�de addi;��E�nds to proceed with the
�tack. �e: r�t:;Lon p.�c�je,�t �'c�� C .�tral, L��ra.�y .
.1UN O 1 1988
C T I U AND C .���F�,,ds �rill be used for the re-
],aceyqent ca� th�'ee.: iloA�'� eu� F�� ch. �,�;��8aci;ee; x�ux�x�c�,�ag o� �ark�ag l4ta at two branch libtar-
e�., �eaqo. �1.��,$ o�� ck��ckQUt. de �,t YiXand ���k.��nch L�;lixa.x need�d to accommQOdate texminals
p mm o
c�x auta t�:.tin, xet�3:�.ng ca� �1. taxa� �n . d��a�t:mGen�a ca� C�aita�a7, �ibxary; Purch�s� of back-up
equ�menti nee��c� �qx the �ut � ��on pxc�,�ect, �.e.; 1�3:�1it p�ns, ter�.nals, prtnter stands and.
�axkstat� n�; a,llca�r.�.�t��'axy �� �� �q �ttend tfi� Apnex�ean L�,1i�ra;xy �asociatioa Conference Public
Lib a,r so �.a,t�,�ta o�n exenc�'�nd Usex �ru Ccx���x'ea .e. '1'tie. �ta�ck Se �ration liu�.ld�ng
g�o�ec� o�d px�y�� �ette� can.��a�o��fi�,t��xpc Rdt��;ca��ng in �lie l�;�rary s eight-lev�1 back
�tack � a a,s� �ae11 �,� c�e�,�nx' '� etxu�`¢x`t �or s�tafk aror�;ng �,'n �li�, �acR--stacks. This pro�eet will
elit�n te ch � ect ttl ' e �leve�l �t cIt ai�ea n tY�e eveat th.a,t a ��re should ever
INANC�N 0 G V E C D R �EDYT D: o�,cur. No personnel impacts.
(Mayor's ignature not requir I if under $10,000.)
Total ount of Trans�ction I �5�4$,444.6Q Activity Number: 34Q�334QQ
Funding Source: 34�^33'4QQ x�d fl�41.$nce � R��
C <List snd nwabe ' all attachments.) MAY 2 31988 RECEIVED
Council Research C�G� OfFiCE MAY 2�3198�
1 Gc�unc�;l, ���i.uti:ctn I
,,J U N 2 8 9�88 conn�ity s«wfo�
�Yes _No Rules, Regu ions, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required?
�Yes _No If yes, are ey or timetable attached?
I ' • .
�Yes No Council resol t on required? Resolution required? _Yes �No
_Yes No Insurance req �. ed7 Insurance su€fici�nt? _Yes _No
Yes No Insurance att ' ed?
_� _. .� _ .. . � .. �i y� �_�/ .! r1 �� /� . / .�j/ /y.. . .
� ... . '. � '�'" -'`i/"�"� � �, `� . � _ l�.1/�� //V�L�_'_
,. a . - .. . -' _ . . • . � � . . .. f � - - '_
2:15 7. Resolution 88-985, - amending the I988.budget by Approved - '
adding �12,000 to the Financing and Spending _
Plans fo� PED-0perations Fund. (Referred from �
� Counci 1 June 16) I ' • .
Z:25 $. Resolution 88-1105 - amending the 1988 budget by Appmved
adding $68,625.OQ to the Financing and Spending .
Plans for Catmunity Services-tletropolitan Library
Servic� Agency. tRefer-red from Council July 7}
, 2:30 9. Resolution 89-1106 - amending the 1988 budget by � �pra� �
adding $104,015.52 to the Financing and Spending -
Plans ror Commun�ty Services-rriends of the St.
, Paul Public Library fund. (Rererred from Council
July 7) , _ - �-
2:35 1�. Resolution �88-1107 - amending the 1988 budget by Appmved -
adding $16,992.SI0 to the Financi�g and Spending
Plans for Cortununity Services-Pertie Jones Library
� Fund. (Referred from Council July 7)
2:45 11. Resolution 8�8-11�08 - amending the 1988 CIB budget ApP�� . _
by tran5ferring $20,000 fram Community Services-
Mainte�ance to erriam Park Branch Library. .
(Referred f -
2:50 12. ResQlt��e� �8,b,�, , 9 - amending t4�` l9�88 budget by • .A���
�_#� ���-.449 ti�w�8 F f rwar�i ng and Spend i ng
pi� �^ Con�nwcY , : 5i�i c�s�-L-i�ar i es.
2:55 13. Resolution 88-950 - setting date of hearing to Z,aid over to July ZS
consieer sewer service charges. (Referred from
Council June 14b �
3:00 14. Oiscus�ion of Proposed Budget Hearing 5chedute
and Wark Plan. i . �
PERS� . . _ .
3:15 15. Resolution 88-908 - amending Section 5.E of the I,ai.d over to July Z5
Civil Service Rules pertaining to Character and .
Fitne�s. (Refe!�red from CounciT June 7)
3:Z0 16. Resolution 88-909 - amending Section 6.8 of the Approved
Civil Service Rlules pertaining to Examination
Contents. (Referred fr-om Councii June 7) " -
3:25 17. Resolution 88-1I019 - estabiishing the rate af Approved �
pay for Zoning Technician in Grade 35, Section .
ID2 ot the Tect�nical Standard Ranges in the
Salary Plan anc�J Rates of Compensation Resolution.
' (Referred from Council June 23)
. _ . . . _ -
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