88-1107 WHITE - C�TV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE � � COIl/�C1I BLUERV - MAVPORTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. � �/� Co�ncil Resolution '�-� 0 I � .: Presente By � F� Referred To ��-�^-+�-� � '�'v'` Committee: Date � - �� �� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Se�tion 10.7.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , does certify that t,here are available fbr appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1988 Budget; and WHEREAS, Council File No. 277510, adopted October 1 , 1981 , did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and° WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that� the following additions be made to the 1988 Budget: FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Changes Amended Budget 351 - 33421 Perrie Jones LibraryjFund 33421 $ 4,447.00 $ 4,447.00 33421 - 6905 Gifts & Donations $13,590.00 13,590.00 33421 - Fund balance 3,402.50 3,402.50 4,447.00 16,992.50 21 ,439.50 SPENDING PLAN 351 - 33421 Perrie Jones Library Fund 33421 = 0121 Part Time Cer'tified $ 4,276.00 $ 1 ,�25.00 $ 5,701 .00 33421 - 0219 Other - fee� 12,000.00 12,000.00 33421 :- 0241 Printing - oWtside 100.00 100.00 33421 :- 0299 Other Misc. services 1 ,956.00 1 ,956.00 33421 :- 0439 Fringe benefits 171.00 65.00 236.00 33421 - 0815 Desks, chair's, etc. 1 ,446.50 1 ,446.50 ' $ 4,447.�b0 16,992.50 $21 ,439.50 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1988 Budget. � % APPROVED: � APPROVED: /�� +` Dir tor of Fi nce ; J� udget Di ctor 6 �' COUNCIL M�MBERS ; Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays n;mond i Communi rvices - Library Loa� ;' _T [n Favor GoswiCZ � ; RettmSn � �;� �__ Against BY _ Sonnen Wilson �oQ Adopted by Council: Date `�u � 2 8 t� Form Approved y City Attorney Certified Passe y il Secre ry By By � � �. A►pproved b avor. at _ JUL 2 9 �S Appro Mayor for Sub i ouncil t BY _ B �'���s�f�� %='�:��i�: � 1988 - ti � � ��-��o�� � , � - � � N° D10039 � _ DEP NT ' CONT T NAMB _�� _PHON � �,���_ DATE; . . �i,4SIGN ,�NG ORDER: ' See ray,��gg��da.) ��,�I`� ` �� �c� I 4 rct tt + � Departme t Director Mayor (or Assistant) Finance nd Management Servi s Dir,��or 3 1988 � City .Clerk Budget D rector FFiCE OF THE DIRECTOR � �r` ���a�� m�.��1��-i'�e��.c-k City Att rneq j EPARTMENT OF FMANCE � o PA D MAI�,��A��c�,�y��ns for f etur .) W V B G E (PurposefRationale) Will allow he Divisior� of Libral^'es to have a two day retreat for the purpose of writing a new strateg c plan for the libr system; have a consulting firm conduct focus groups, user survey and ead the retreat for ; e writing of the strategic pian; release the Youth Services Coordinata to plan special wor ihops/programs through additional part-time pa�raprofessionals and allow t e purchase of a wor ' tation for the Secretary in the Administratfon Office. T tTD AR. ND � CT C T D: These fund _ will allow the Divi on of Libraries to write a new strategic plan using the expertise f and information ga ered from focus groups and a user $urvey by a cansulting firm. The e will be done duri a t�o day retreat attended by Library� Administration and . top manage s of the library. grants will allow our Youth Services Coordinator to plan workshops/ rogra�s for library aff and users by releasing her with part-time paraprofessional; It will al o pay for materials eded to produce booklists and warkshop materials. Perrie Jane: �unds aid for a mfcrocom uter or the secretar and will now urchase a workstation. .1FTE F C NG A u I E D T : (temporary) for the duration (Mayor's s gnature not require ; if under $10,000.) of the Youth Services CO- Totai nm unt of Transgction: $16,992.50 Activity Nvatberrdl�dt01^'S Pl"Oj@Ct. 33421 Funding ource: 359 - 3342 Fund Balance RECE�� ' Gifts & Donati�EIVED RECE�YED ' <List and number j �l attachment�� Q 1 19SS MAY `�`� �`S� MAY Z :'� � 1 Council Resolution i �� AIlAYOR'S OFFIf�1��'��E Council Research Center - �D , 1Q VE P OCEDURES I ; �Yes _No Ru1es, Regu ��tions, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? �Yes _No If yes, are ; hey or timetable attached? D p TME VIEW I CITY ATTORNEY REVILW �Yes _No Council resol �ion required? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes ,�,No Insurance re red? Insurance sufficient� _Yes _No Yes x No Insurance at �Ched? _ i I - . �i�'�;'�/S''.,,^�.,- - _- '�. , . - _ - �' � : CI7�"Y OF SBINT P9.UL - :��d�. �7`�� i?iiiliii:Titi ; • OB'�'ICA3 OB' TSa' Cl2rY COUNCII, � Com�ai�tee �epart . � �u�ance. l�ana�°�t, � Personnel �ommittee� July 18, 1988 Est. . _ . , _.. . .. ; _.�- _--_ - -_-- ._ Time � , -•� __.�, . - _ - . - _. --- -. 1:30 1. � Approval of minutes of July 5 meet4ng. " - Approved FINANCE b MANAGEMENT - • � � 2. Resolution - 88-�073 - amending the 1988 budget Approved • � � by adding $10,00i0 to the Financing and Spending �- - �� Plans for Poiice--CCPP/Intervention project. (Referred from Gouncil June 30) - . � I :40 3. Resolution - 88�107Z - amending the 1988 budget p��oy,� (3-1) - ,-- by adding $20,7�0 to the Financing and Spending . � Pians for Licen�e Division-Investigative Reports. � (Referred fram Council June 30) � 1 :50 4. Resolution - 88,�1074 - amending the 1988 budget � ApProved _ __ ~ - by adding $•�5,1110 to the Financing and Spending . P1ans for Refu�ee Specia•i Services. - (Referred from;Council June 30) - _ - - . . _ _ _ ----- --- � - 1 :55 5. Resolution - 8$-l021 - amending the 1988 budget � Approved as amended by adding $21,�60 �o the Financing and Spending (Delete $3,860 for Plans for City; CleTk-Records. (Referred from lighting) Counc i i June 2'3) - -- - - - Z:O�' 6. Resolution 58-;984 - amending the 1988 budget by Laid over to July 25 adding $30,274 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Fin�nce b Management Services-Division of Accounting� and the Community Services Department for the Youth; Athletics and Sports Assistance Program. (RelFerr� from Council June 16) . . - (continued) - CITY HA�.L � SEVENTH FLOOR SAI��iT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55IO2 , �ya ._.�....�.....--.__.___� _,.._-.._,..._ _ - - � _._ . _ . . .? _._. _ . �T. . -:•..,-.... yr/j/�� _ ['/�_ �s , - . (J(� /%�,� . - . i. -�. .. . r�..�._.. . �,�..r � G ��..- . . �;-" • ��`i��.-- Z:15 7. Resoluticn 88-985 - amending the I988 budget by Approved - � ;adding $12.000 to the Financing and Spending _ Plans fcr PED-Opera�ions Fund. tReferred from � � Council June 16) � • - 2:25 S. � Resolution 88-1105 - amending the 1988 budget by Approved addi�g $68,625.00 t�o the Financing and 5pending . Plans for Cor�nunity Services-Metropoiitan Library Service Agency. tReferred from Council Juiy 7� . 2:30 9. ; Resolution 88-1106 '- amending the 1988 budget by � Approve� � adding $104,015.52;to the Financing and Spending - i Pians ror Community Services-Friends ef the St. � Paut Pubiic Library fund. (Referred from Council Ju1y 7) � _ . _ ..._ , . . 5 10.' Reso i uzi cm �88-12 0'�' - amend i ng the 1988 budget by Approv�ed� add i ng ���'392.5Q I"�o the F i nanc i ng'artcf Spend i ng ' P 1 as►s .€a�rt �riunun i y Serv i ces-Perr i e Jones l i brary Fc�:.:__�afer-�ed �'t�on� �ounc i 1 Ju 1 y 7} 2:45 11. Resolution 88-110$ - amending the 1988 CIB budget Approved . _.__ by transferring $�0,000 from Community Services- Mainteaance to Mek-riam Park Branch Lihrary. _ tRefered from Ca'unci 1 JuTy 7) . 2:50 12'. Resolution 88-11d9 - amending the 1988 budget by � A�rproved adding $248,449.60 to the Financing and Spending „ Plans for Community Services-Libraries. 2:55 1�. Resolution 88-950 - setting date of hearing to Laid over to July 25 consieer sewer service charges. (Referred fran Cou�ci 1 June 14�; � 3:00 14. Discussion of Pr,oposed Budget Heari�g Scheduie . and Work Plan. ; . � . . . PERS� � � � � � _ -_- S 3:15 15. Re solution 88-9h8 amending Section 5.E of the Laid over to July 2 Civil Service Rules pertaining to Character and . Fitne=_s. (Refe�red from Council June 7) 3:20 ' 16. ResoTution 88-909 - amending Section 6.6 of the Approved. � Civil Service Rules pertaining to Examination Contents. (Ref�erred from Counci 1 .lune 7) " _ 3:25 ;,� 17. Resotution 88-�019 - establishing the rate of Approved � pay for Zoning Technician in Grade 35, Section . IO2 or the Technicai Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolutio�. (Referred frorti Counci 1 June 23) . : , (continued) � 2