88-1106 WHITE - C�TY CIERK � PINK - FINANCE CjITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT (//�X�1- ///y BLUE - MAYOi2 File NO. Q u -/�`� � '�ouncil Resolution �` � � � J Presented y ' Refer��red To �-^��" ¢ � Committee: Date � � � ��� Out o�' Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to' Section 10.7.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1988, Budget; and , . � WHEREAS, Council File No. 277510, adopted OctOber 1 , 19�it, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and � WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends th,at the following :add-Ytions be made to the 1988 Budget: FINANCING PLAN Curren.� -6udget Changes Amended Budget 350 - 33422 Friends of the Saint Paul Public Library 33422 $291 ,964.00 $291 ,964.00 33422 - Fund Balance $104,015.52 104,015.52 291 ,9 4. ��5.�, 9 ,9 9. SPENDING PLAN 350 - 33422 - 0241 Printing - ou�side $ 10,166.00 $ 10, 166.00 33422 - 0299 Other Misc. s�rvices $ 66,450.00 68,849.52 135,299.52 33422 ; 0381 Books, Periodicals 103,000.00 25,000.00 128,000.00 33422 = Various codes , 122,514.00 122,514.00 91 ,9 4.0 04,015. 95,9 9. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Th,at the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1988 Budget. . ; APPROVED: L�t APPROVED: Dire or of Finance 6,� �a udg D ector ' COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: _ Yeas Nays nimona CQmmunit rvices - Librar �ng � [n Favor � Goswitz , .��� � _ Against B Sonnen Wilson ��Q JU�. 2 8'1�ci� Form Approved City Attor ey Adopted by Council:, Date Certified Yasse y il Secr ar By sy� 'n t�pproved b or: ate _ ��� 9 1�5� Appr Mayor for Submi o uncil By 1 ` B _� PU9i.{SHED AU G!, 5 19$$ , - � . ��'�-,�°� .�� '�~. ' : N° 010040 Cot�un t Services - Libra $p��rrr - Gerald N Steen r t�rr�cT rt� 292-62 1 oNE � 5 20 �E . G 0 (See reve�rse side.) �,p.�..� (Y� " � Depa tment Director I, E�E�� Mayor (qr Assistant) ���' �� Fina e aad Ideaagement Se ices Direc��trwr � City Clerk -/� � Budg Director OF�C v�P 31988 s r,,g�t �r`n�F{nCv �J4 n�� `� '1'i,r� Cfe City ttorney DEPA OF TME p�R .2 ' �D RTIb1ENT OF ECTpR �Q�M����ns for signature ) �� W ? (Purpos tionale) ; Will all the Division of Lil aries to complete projects that were funded with grants previousl received from the iends of the Saint Paul Public Library. The monies wi11 be used for rinting for public � l,ations purposes, for books, periodicals and related library terials for use by e general public, and for necessary equipment and furniture. This will complete the projec funded by the Friends' 100th Anniversary fund Drive in 1982 for pecial projects to ' nefit this library system. CO U G Y ND 0 ACT T D: Benefits re that the Divisio I f Libraries wi11 be able to replace obsolete equipment, . as well a to purchase new it � desperately needed for staffR��f��c�t'�ncy and productivity. E� No persor� impacts. - • , J�N 011988 RECEtV'ED N v BUDG T C I V R CH G �s oFFicE MAY 2 3 � (Mayor*� ignature not require if under $10,000.) �� Total unt of Trans�ction: ��04,015.52 Activity Number: 33422 Funding ource: 350 - 33422 ' Fund Balance � �ounci! Researc RECEIVED . A T (List and number 11 attachments.) JUN 2 h �enter 2 3 � 819�g MAY 19 1 - ounci�l Resolution � glJptiET OF�ICE AD I S IV ItOCEDURES X Yes No Rules, Regul � ons, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? �Yes No If yes, are y or timetable attached? P TM NT EVIEW , �i CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council resolut �n required? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes No Insurance requi �d? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes No Insurance attac �d? . ' j � `� � • � . � . �f*.;%'iS'iJL-� _ . - � � �CITY OF SAINT P�,,U'I, � �/ „��/I0� . �'��;f ��tmt'' . O . (,� L� , B''�'ICE OB` TH� CZTY COIINCIL � ' Committee Re ort P . . � � �"vaance. Ma�na�eme�t, � Personnel_G�mmittee. i . I July 18, 1988 . '. i - � Est. . • : __. . .. _ �__ =_- _� - -- -- - _. Time , . . .. ----- - _ - . - - -- 1:30 1. � Approval of mic�utes of July 5 meettng. " - A��� FIiVANCE 8 MANA�,EMENT - . - � - � � 2. Resoiution - 8$-1073 - amending the I988 budget �}�r�� � . by adding $10,b00 to the Financing and Spending - - Plans for Poiice-CCPP/Intervention praject. (Referred fromlCouncil June 30) � - _ � I :40 3. Resolution - 88-107Z - amending the I988 budget App�ov�d (3-1) -_-- by adding $20,�720 to the Financing and Spending - ' Pians for License Division-Investigative Reports. - (Referred framj Counci 1 June 30) - . . - _ ____ _- - -�---- - 1:501 4. Resolution - 8�3-1074 - amending the I988 bu�get �: App�� _ _ . _ by adding $45,I110 to the Financing and Spending . . Plans for Refugee Specia�l Services. - . (Referred froml Counci 1 June 30) - 1 :55 5. Resolution - 8�-l021 - amending the I988 budget - Approved as amended by adding $21, 60 �o the Financing and Spending (Delete $3,860 for Pians for City Cier�-Records. (Referred from lighting) Counc i T June 2�i) 2:05 6. Resolution 88-984 - amending the 1988 budget by �,aid over to July 25 adding $30,274Ito the Financing and Spending Plans for Finance b Management Services-Oivision of Accountingland the Community Services Department for the Youth Athletics and SPorts Assistance Program. (Reflerr� from Counci 1 June 16) {continued} _. _ i . _ _ --�---- - -- -_ __---_ � CITY FiALL, � SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55IO2 I �y� � _.. . . � I .. _ _ /f�...�� �o �' . ._..- .'_� _:.. .,.. . r . � __ _ _ __,_ - .'� �''�';�' - - {i�"'�''`f��.: Z:15 ?. Resolution 88-9�15 - amending the 1988 budget 6y Approved - adding $12,000 i�o the Financing and Spending _ Plans for PED-0 erations fund. (Referred from � � Councii Ju�e 16� � • . _ • 2:25 8. Resolution 88-1�05 - amending the 1988 budget by App�� adding $68,625.00 to the Financing and Spending . Plans for Cortgnunity Services-Metropoiitan Library Servics Agency. l (Referred from Council July 7I . 2:30 9. R�loi�fiia� 88�� - emending the 1988 budget by • � ' � addf�����,►���i��=.to_the Financtng'.�ii�''°��€ng � Plans for Cc�u �ty 5ervices-Frfends of the 5t. Pa�r� --Puh 1 i c �i b�ary �und. (Referred fran Counc i T .luly 7) � _ _ � 2:35 �0. Resolu;.ion 88-1107 - amending the 1988 budget by A mved ' � adding $16,992.50 to the Financing and Spending Pp Plans for Commurhity Services-Perrie Janes Library � Fund. (Referred from Council July 7) 2:45 11. Resolution �5-1108 - amending the 1988 CIB budget Approved . .__ by trar�sferring $20,000 fram Community Services- Maintenance to �ierriam Park Branch Library. _ (Referred from Council Juiy 7) . 2:50 12. Resolution 88-1�09 - amending the 1988 budget by � A��� adding $248,449.60 to the Financing and Spending P1ans for Commu�hity Services-libraries. 2:55 13. Resolution 88-9�0 - setting date of hearing to Laid over to Jul.y 25 consicer sewer 5ervice charges. (Referred from Council June 14) � - 3:00 �4. Oiscussion of Proposed Budget Hearing Scheduie and Work P1an. � i�ER50NN�L � • � � �— 3:15 15. Resolution 88-9178 - amending Section 5.E of the Laid over to July 25 � Civil Service R}�les pertaining to Character and _ Fitne�s. (Refei�red from Council June 7) 3:20 16. Resolution 88-9p9 - amendin� Section 6.8 of the Apprc�ved � Civil Service Rules pertaining to Examination Contents. (Ref�erred from Council June 7} _ 3:25 �7. Resoic:tion 88-1O19 - establishing the rate of Approved � pay for Zoning �'echnician in Grade 35, Section ID2 or the Technical Standard Ranges in the � Salary Plan and, Rates of Compensation Resolution. r 23 red from �ouncil June (Refe. ) , � (continued) � . ' 2 _ . . . _ . ,