88-1102 M�HITE - CITV �LERK I PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council CANARV - OEPAWTMENT //�2 B�LUE - MAVOR File NO. � �� Council Resolution .- - Presented By, �� Refe�rred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. #34838) for the transfer of an Off Sale Liquor License from Hopkins Enterprises, Inc. DBA Fort Road Liquor Store at 261 Fort Road (William R. Hopkins - President, Darlene Hopkins-- Secretary) to W.N.T.H. Enterprises, Inc. DBA Fort Road Liquor Store at 255 W. 7th Street (William R. Hopkins - President) be and the same is hereby approved with the following condition: That the building be brought into conformance with all building, hea}.th, and fire code standards. �I COUNC','[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas e D11Yl�ri�s N ��, GoSW1tZ � [n FaVOC R m�� �,ong Sc eib�l , e� Rettmaz� �__ Against BY T S�o Scheibel �i��' � InlilsOn �' L � L '�8 Form Approved by City At rney / Adopted by Council: Date - Certi fie d Yass d b nci l Se ar B y � � � BS� A►ppro ed Mavor D e — JU�- i $ �•7�7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � — BY PUBL1SNEfl J U L 2 3 1988 . , �,�..ti►,� o,►n�� l�°� ���"' �f �t�� ,�. carchedi GR�EIV �1�EET �o. 0 017 9� ` . � �� ����� Kris S hweinler-VanHorn �� _ �_��� �«n«� � NO• ppUTING euocsEr�w�cmn � Council RQSearch �Finance & , ..__ ._ _.298-5056 '. . oRO�R. 1 «,���, — App'li:c tion for the Transf of an Off Sale Liquar License from Corp. to Corp. and Pl ce �ta Place. '' j 1 � (KPP�'s IA1 ar Rejset(R)) COUIif�L RESEIWCFI REPC1�i; .. .�. pIAMIWG. . . �qVIL BEpy�CE .. . � �DATE W � DATE OUT . � PFiONE N0. � � � �-- G/i/Q� �/�ff �r,�"/ za«no . �so azs scrioa eo�wo ; sr,� c�r�a coen�,uss� ca,+��s�e eooL s�FO.uwm* . nEr�o�ro cowr�r consnn�xr _r��wnt n�o. _�oehac�ooec* o�srncr +ocvuNn�: au�or�s wr�w oa�cnv�r Council Research Center. JUN O 1)9�g _ ».A�►,.� �,��.�. .�: . Reques by Hopkins Enterpri s, Inc. , William. R. Hopkins, Pres. , DBA '`Fort �R d Liquor Store at 2 Fort Rd. to transfer the Off Sa1e Liquor Licens to W.N..T.H: Ente.rpr. es, Inc. , William R. Hopkins, P�^es. at. 255 W. 7th St. ,as�c�sioN �►a�+�...r��: : , . . . , _� All ap lications and fees h e been submitted. A11 required departments have rev��w the appli,cations a ' approved with tfie condit�or�s that app1icant. meet ` al T ap i cabl e f i re, Heal th � Zoni ng Codes. f , co�. wna�.�ro vw,w,��: ,:. , If Cou ii approval � is not � � eived, the Off Sa1e L�quor i.ic�nse wi11 r�naiin n the name of Hopki ' EnterQrises, Inc. and at'261 P�rt Rd., : ��w►,�res: �oa aoNS' � _ i � { , � i �ronv a ��sst�s: � � . � ! � ���io�, . . � DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT A.DMINISTRATION DATE �'i,�_ / � z.� � INTE,RDFPARTMEI�TAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by � Lic Enf Aud Applicant l/J:�� � �(L�,C�Y�S���a-• Home Address a� ��J �,(���jP�,J ��,, Rus ine s s Name�p�(t {�� . �C�. ��(�/G Home Phone �7J$� - 11"1 � r ba (� Business Addresso�55 �J��,�"5� . Type of License(s�V,q�n �C, � �OrT, Business Phone �C - �s3,a + Public Hearing Date ! License I.D. 4{ 3�a 3 � at 9:0(� a.m. in the C unc Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthause State Tax I.D. �t �g5.q 5�,� llate Nutice Sent; a;� ��W�(y� D�aler 4� (k to Applicant s I `7� ��� q Federal Fi.rearms �6 I� � Public ';Hearing ���Z�I�� ��t ` - d -�. w DATE TNSPECTIUN REVIEW �ERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg ,I & D S' � � . , a� w- �,�; � Health Divn. s� ' II I �( ' - � o k �,.� e.�,2�e . I �Fire 'Dept. j � � � j I �� W � � Yolice Dept. I � � a� c�ro License Divn. 1 s� �d � o� , City Attorney s � � 2-, ; p l� Date ReGeived: Site Pl�an _�' � �� l��{ `�/ , To Council Research � � �v 1 l �« Lease or Letter `' Date from Landlord �S 8�X' CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION i � : . , , , � , ,; . �. ;,. . , �• � , Current Co�poration Name: New�Corpq.ration Name: � • _ , , � `� � �" �-U�`LiY�s ��1�►riS�S,�`• �..��. H. c�+'l�r�r tSeS��`-c'' : Current DBA: ' ' New DBA: l _ �� �C�� � .J�Y� �,..vY�- �GC�(� �� C.�- c�'t��'�, � �� ' Current O,fficers: Insurance: � �-�� �i r�e..� �(1�a..ri..ha, l��� l! ; ��� �v�u:r�s �n�s . � �o lo�a l� 3 d 3 � � 3�� ��1 �c�r�e, rc., . -�vP�c..�v�s s�c . Bona: S�.��,.�.,.Q_,�, � . '~�c�(� G S i�Yt� , �13�1�i � � ' Workers Compensation: �^ �,,..��-�S0.. �1-v`�o . �.� . 03�� G� �t a�za c. �I � l �-� — �< < 1 � New Officers: W , 1��r �+ �� �p�`�''t.�s�rt,�,o . . � �`� � i 4 Stocicl�olders: � W �ll � �-►�. � . -l�pk: �� . . �; ' V� . � ^ ,��+' w 'f� 1 . ,''. . .. �(�(/'��//� . ,��° ,� c���r ��o•v ` 4�... . . , � t . . �.� I � Application No. Oate Received By . CITY OF ST.. PAUL,. MINNESOTA � � APPLICATION F'OR ON SALE IMTOXICATING LIQUOR LICEySE SUNOAY O�N SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR I.ICENSE . PRIVAT� CLUB INTQXICATING. LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXICATING I.IQUOR LICENSE ON'. SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: This form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole - owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5� 'in the corporatian and/or �ssociation in which thp name of the lic�nse will be issued. THIS APP�ICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Application for (name of lic�nse) �+x►T•g• ��''�'��� �+► dbet��RT .�?AD LI�T�R � 2. Located at. (address) �g5 �� �: s'". ?�,ub� I�t 3. Name under whi ch bus i ness wi 11 be operated �� ��D LZt1VaR 3TORS � 4. True Plame �lli�m Riahars! _ _ �� Phone ?38 ??7l ' irst Midd e Maiden Las t . . _ .. . ._ . . . _ . 5. Date of Bi rth Z� Pl ac� of Bi rth �� ��l*� � Month, ay, �ear 5. Are you a ci�izen of the Uni�ed States?' � � Natfve� � Naturalized � 7. Home Address 231$ Va�.le� Yie�w Ave.: Il�ltrd� �h �{ame Tel ephone �"�� 8. Including your present business/emRloymen����what 6us.iness/empToyment have� you followed for the past five years? , : ;; , � Business/Employment � ', Address �'ort 3ond Liquar Star� ?la. Fort $o�d, 3t� Pa�nl � , ._ _ . i . ... i 9. Married? � � If answer is "yes", 1'ist the name and address of spouse�. ' � � - . � . . . ���ro� � IO. � 4ave yau ever been canvicte��of any felony, crim� ar vioiatiort af any city ordinance, other than traffzc? Yes Na = � � Oat� of arrest � I9� Where � ; Charqe � ' Canvi cti'on �� Sentence �� Oate of arrest � � 19 Wher� � � � Charge �d I � Canvictlan 3jA ' Sentence "�� LL Retail Beer Federal iax Stamp�� Z RetaiT` Liquar Federal Tax Stamp � �Nill be used. 12. Clasest 3.2 Place � ?�.i2e � Church � blacit� Schooi 2 �lacka I3. C1 osest i ntoxi cati nq 1 i quor p�ace. On Sa1 e aeroee str8�t pff Sai e �' �'�'° i�. List the names and residencas �of three persans af Ramsey County of goed moral character, not related to the appiicant or financialTy interested in the premises or business, �Nha �nay be referred to as to the �pplicant's character.. � Name ,4ddress St�anley Ci�bcu�s 1b53 �'elles2+ay Aos* � I.�csaard Cap:.ul 242i3 P.� �'eunty Ra� g . -- lt�sat S��ar�s �33� �a�ley '11a� ��ro 15. Address af premi ses far wh i ct� �pp�]i cati ort i s� made� `S� ��`t ���d, St �a�.I . Zone Cl ass f ff cat�ort �5 � � � ' Phane '�'�"'�'��'~ I6. Betweert what cross streets? ��r °� g°�� ��" �` ��}1dhich side af Stre�t �'�� I7. �re premises naw: occupied? �'°� ' What Business? '='��� ��° ttow� Long? 2 r� . '_3.. List licenses whictr yau c:irren�Iy hoTd, ar rarnerly heid, or may have an int�ros� in. i - 0�!-sa3.e Liqn��r Lic�n�� ' � - '- i � 1 ' '- in � . r nrevk ? Y Y 4 an fi h 1 c ns s 1 s d' b � ou o 8 eve bee .. a ed es Vo I4. ave y o � e .. e �e , y 1 , I � If answer �s "yes" , l�s� ttte dates and r=asons � 7'• . e . ' ������ ,.� . � , - � ZC. .If business is iacorporate�, give date of incorporaticn 3"'"24�"� 19� aad attach copy of Articles of Iacorporation aad minutes of first meeting. ZL. I:ist �11 officers of the carporation, givtng their names, offi.ce held, home address aad home aad busine�s telephone� numbers. �T.7.2nlR �_ AAaK2m9 � �S1S 7e228J Sr3e1r !►Te. !lapl�suOdr !�t g5il9i '�58•.???1 22. If busiaess is partnezship, ,list partner(s) , address and telephone numbers. Name '.�A Address Phone 23. Is there anqone else who will have an interest in this busiae�s or premises? 1M � 24. Are yoa goia to operate thi�s business personally? 4E3 If aot, who will operate it? :iame �� Home Address Phone Z5. Are you'gofag to have a manager or assistaat in tlzis ousiaessr � If answer is "yes", give name, home address, aad home telephone number. Name AA Some Address Phone ANY FALISFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEY' OR MATERIAL SLBMITTID WZLL RESULT I:�I DEiJI�1I. OF THZS �,PPLIC�,TION. ' I hereby state uader oath that I h�ve answere� all of the above questions, and that the iaformation contained therein is true aad correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. L hereby state further uader oath th�t L have received no- monep or other consideratioA, directly, or indirectiy, ia connectiott wfth the tzansfer of this Ticen�e, froirt any person bv way o£ Ioan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other thaa already disclosed ia the application whic:� L have herewith submitted. State vf :4inn�sota) , � . � � , � County of Ramsey ) ' (Sigaat o plicant) Subscribed and swora t before me s �<S� day af � 195�� ;totary blic, y Couaty, nnesota :ty Con�i 'oa e. r s _ _ -...e._�._..,T.,...,..� . . ... •11:1��1 � . � . " -. � .�. .�• 1 •%'��v�..�1 , - . .vt.�l�i r.�:'1 i..�/.'.I:.�iVr:S., ' . . i. . �.i:i ..',1�•'T;� � ! � ��....�,......,�.��.+....,�.,.�,�,..Y% �-9138-04 ST/�1TE OF MINNESOTA ���d�� , . • ` ' DEPARTMENT O�pUBL1C SAFETY �. LIQUOi�CONTROL bIVISION ST.PbUI,MN�5io1 � � (S 121296-6430 APPLICATION FOR OFF SALE INTOXiCATING LIaUOR LIC�NSE �VERY nUESTION MUST BE ANSWVER�D. If � corpor�tion, ah officer shall execute this appficatioh. If a partnership, a partner shall execute this application. AppflcanYa Name(lndividual,Corporation,PertnBrship) Trade Name or D8A ' W.N.T.H. Enterprises, Inc. Fort Road Liquor Store License Location(Street Address/Lot Ei Block No.� - License Period ApplicanYs Home Phone . �55 r''OY't ROc�tl �. . � �►om �.-8$ To 1.-g � 12 � . 1 Municipality County ` 5tAtb tip Cod9 � ' St. Paul Ramsey Mn 55102 Name of�tore Manager Business Phone Number Date of Binh(lndividual AppticAnt) ,Wi,lliam R. �Hopkins 2Z4-o532 Z-23-40 If a co�potation, state name, date of birth, address, title, and shares held by each officer. If a partnership, state names, address and date of birth of each partner. Partner/Officer D.O.B. Address City le/Shares William R. Hopkins 2-23- 0 ` 2515 Valley View Ave Mplwd �r�e�Treas. Partner/Officer D.O.B. Address City Title/Shares Partner/O�cbr D.O.B. Addresa City Titie/Sheres Partner/Officar D.O.B. Address ' City Title/ShArea 1. If a corporation, date of incorporation 3-�4-88 , state incorporated in Mn amount o� authorized capitalization 1,000.00 � amount of paid in capital 1,000. , if a subsidiary of any other corporatioh, so state NA � give purpose of corpQration off Sale Liq�uor store if incorpc�rated under the laws of another state, is corporation authorizled to do business in the State of Minnesota? �A . Number t�f cettific�4� bf allthority ONE . � , . � . 2. Describe premises to which I,icense applies; such as (first floor, �econd floor, basement, etc.) F'irst Floor or if ehtire building, so state Half . 3. (f operating under a zoning ordinance, how is the location of the building classified� R5 ? 4. Is est�blishment located near any state university, state hospital, training school, reformatory or prison? N� , state app�roximate distance NA .. �. . . 7177 C+�„f.,v.a e:,c_ i I I I , • ^ �� �QO ���� .10. Stat��whether any person other than applicants has any right, title or interest in the f�rniture, fixtu�es, o'r equipment for which license i5 applied, ahd if so give name and details. �� . 11. Have applicants any interesti whatsoever, directly or ihdi'rettly, ih ahy other liquor establishment in the State of Minnesota? N� Give hame and address of such establishment NA •., :12. Furnish name and address qf one bank re�erence Maplewood State Bank_ � Ma�;plewood� Mn 777-7700 13. Under what classification is the license applied for: �XCLUSIVE OFF-SALE LIQUOR STO�iE, DRUG STORE, COMBINATION ON & OFF LIQUOF�, OR GENERAL FOOD STORE �xclusi�te Off-Sale 14. Are the premises now occupied, or to be t�ccupied, by the applicgnt �ntirely 'separate �nd • • ' ��t�lusiv� �rom any other bus.iness establishmertt� YES , � : . . � 15. If a drug store, state length di time the store has been in operation �A . 16. State,whether applicant has,�or will be granted, an Orr-Sale Liquor License in conjunction with this Off-S�le Liquor License, and for the sarr�e premises �� , � :, 17. State�whether applicant has, or will be granted, a.Suhday On-Sale Liquor License in conjunction with the regular On-Sale Liquot License NO , �i 18. State 'Whether applicant has, or will be granted an Off-Sale Non-Intoxicating Malt Beverage (3/2) � License in conjunction with this Off-Sale Liquor License � ' R� �� ; • 19. Durin�the past license year has a summons been issued under the Liquor Civil Liability Law (Dram Shop) M.S. �40A.802. ❑ Yes �l No. If yes, attach g copy of the summons. Subscribed and sVvdrri to befqre me this � I hereby certify that I hav� re�d th� above y.t� � question and that the ar�swers are true of my � day of 1r'L�, 19 own kno le ge. _ _ • . ' �' C . ;{ ( ary Pubtic)•�.... , ,;,�, : -.. . � < �v nf�wn � �cinn '� rn@ ,�,__, •J_CrJI��IF�R I. I.leltne-.� i ---'-----`---'--'. I I __ _-- . , . . ��r6�D� �, � �._•..� C1TY QF S�INT PAUL `'� = DEPARTMENT OF FINANCF AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES = :. : �� :� . OiVISiON OF LlCENSE ANO PERMIT ADMINiSTRATION ..M Roant 203.GtY Hall , . • Saint P�ul.Minnesots 5510z ` Geof�Q 11t�111lf Mayor!, � • L) Hav you, � , completed your finaacfal obligatioa to v � � � r - 2) Was there aay other considerat�.oa other thaa the orio na1 sale price of i(/p ? � 3) Does� i have aa}r sacu=itp interest ia the busiaess I�own as � , or propert� where the busiaess is Iocated? /1�� 4) Lis alI. persoas fiavis a 5 percenz interest or more f.a thi.s Liquor License. �l Sta.te of Miaaesota) . ) SS Couaty qf Ramaep ) r �' being first du1.y swora, deposes aad says upon cath that s ea the oregoing statemenz beariag his sigaature aad kaows the contents thereof, aad tha the s e is true of his awu l�o�sledgs eacept as to ttiose matters thereia stated upaa. ormatioa aad bel.ief and as to those matters he beLieves the� to be true. Subscri ed and swvra before me this t day of �_, 19 �i,�, ■ KRI3TINA L.SCHYY� , � - . tldlAN1►P11BI,1C--�NI�50TR DAKOTA Ct�N11f � IiAY COMM.�XP6ifS.IAN.2:1992 �O �.Cs. '�2'��CClIIItf s M�IIIIe3Qt8 � *- I�a,lc.o Mp Co�i.ssion eapires�� ,9G a � � � ����� � ; � a T�T'� �' " T� CITY COUN�IL � .: City Clerk �ARIN� NO�I C�. �cE�vEa � � 38�6 City Hall : � - -_. ., �..� APP�ZCA'�I.aN �AY 251988 CITY CLERK � F�T�E NO. LFORTROAD Dear Property Owner: ' Application for the transfer of location and corporation of P�O S� an off sale liquor license i . �S.C�Tc�l�tiLY.L W.N.T.H. Enter rises Inc. DBA Fort Road Li uor Store P , Q � � (William R. Hopkins, President-Secretary-Treasurer) L�C�.�Z�N 255 W. 7th Street July 5, 1988 9:00 a.m. �� City Council. Chambers, 3rd floor Citp Ha1.1 — Court Souse By Licease and Pe=mi.t Divf.sioa, Departmaat of Efnaace aad �O�=�� ��*� Maaagement Sezvices, Roo� 203 City Hall — Court House, Saiat Paul,. Miaaesata 298-5056 � This� date ma.y be changed without the consent an.d/or knowledge of the Lice4nse and Permit Division. It is suggested that you call the City C1er�k' s Of fice at 298-4231 if you wish conf irma.tion. i i . �. . . . ./ . - . . � 1,�� �-7—��. ' �nd � �/� ���1 �� , 3rd d ���" '�a Adopted �—�S--�Sb . � � Yeas Nays : � DIMOND �� a ° /`D 3 � coswzTZ � /7�5�'� ; LONG ' , RETTMAN , . i SONNFIV ; � WILSON MR. PRESIDENT� SCHEIBEL . � , , � � � � _ _ _ ; ; . , � � : . _ WHITE — CITV CLERK FjeYK � FINANCE ' CO11I1C11 r B�.UERV�M,E.�oR''�,TME"T GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �d" �1�� City Attn'�/PBB . Ordindnce Ordinance N 0.��� �� Presen ed By I � � �( �� f � Refer ed To ��i'"'`�- ��Committee: Date � ` �`�'� Out o� Committee By Date An ordinance to amend section 310. 06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code by adding clarifying language concerning the irnposition of conditions . • THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ' Section 1 '� Section 310. 06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby am nded by adding the following new subsection (c) : "(c) LtiThen a reasonable basis is found to impose reasonable conditions and/or restrictions upon a license issued or held under these '' chapters , any one or more such reasonable ' conditions and/or restrictions may be imposed ' upon such license for the purpose of promoting public health, safety and welfare, of advancing the �ublic peace and the elimination of conditions or actions which constitute� a nuisance or a detriment to the peaceful enjoyment of urban life, or promoting security and safety in nearby neighborhoods . Such reasonable conditions and/or restrictions ma.y include or pertain to , but are not limited to, i I COUNCIL M MBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimon �ng in Favor cos.V;t xen �be; � Against By Sonnenl Wilson Form App ved by Cit A orney Adopted by Council: Date ' - CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary BY � G 2� � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �I I . , "` � � ' . . � , , . � . ��' l�`� - � � � /1.��� -2- � (1) a limitation on the hours of operation ' of the licensed business or establishment , � or on particular types of activities con-- ducted in or on said business or establish- ' ment; I (2) a limitation or restriction as to the � location within the licensed business or establishment whose particular type of , activities may be conducted; . (3) a limitation as to the means of , ingress or egress from the licensed establishment or its parking lot or ' iirnnediately adjacent area; (4) a requirement to provide off-street ' parking in exce�s of other requirements � of law; ' (5) a limitation on the manner and means of advertising the operation or merchan- dise of the licensed establishment; (6) any other reasonable condition or restriction limiting the operation of the licensed business or establishment � to insure that the said business or , establishment will harmonize with the character o� the area in which it is ' located, or to prevent the deveTopment or continuation of a nuisance. ' The inspector may impose such conditions on Class I licenses with the consent of the licenseholder, or may recommend the imposition of such conditions as an adverse action against the license or licenses; the director has the same power with respect to Class II licenses . The council may impose such conditions on C1assIIl licenses with the consent of the licenseholder, or upon any class of license as an adverse action against the license or licenses � � (q�t3��