D00741Whrte — Crty C�erk pink — p{nence Oept. Canary — DepL • <�rricr: oF rF�r. mns•c�a ADMIIVIS'IRATIVE ORDER I3l'll(sEi' RF,I'ISIO\ No: � Date: "! �`OC— � ��I�.ZS�IR.�I�� O�ER, Consistent with the authoriry granted to the Mayor m Section �o.o7.a of the Ciry Charter and based o� the request of the Director of the Department of Puhl i S� H��1 to amentl the 79_-45budget of the $(1BC7_3) Ravani�o funtl, the Director of tne DepaRment ot Finance and ManagemeM Services is authorized to amend sa+d budget in the fol4owing manner: i Current Amendetl Bud9e1 Change Budget FU�L1'� HCI3L:�� - �Ylil.1'ftL C$I'+S�IiUB t'Ulill� a"Oc ,32�.-G121 3ua-33F3"s-uiii 3va-3J23$-D?32 3Q3-3a2�li-ui�i �P5-3324?-6122 36a-aSis4-�i32 5u5-5"si55-6?4i 3ua-<32$4-Q1ii � GITY OF SAI\'T I�AUL Ya"Ai,iH 'a"nGGRG� - PanT-iiii& �A�il'LI� YLt�h}lihu YI1�J1'S�1J - C111�L 11�iC WGeiEF'S �&ALiH CLiNIC - MOT Cu&iie"iCi&D &B"r�20Tiii�ii'+"n nnAL:fi - PART T.ilf� ai�5 SG�B"n?iItiG aivD tBn4, txGG BEFGG�E ni,i'r. "vAxn - waGT ii�;"r. MiCri &IEn iuJiH Fil"uv'�Ci - G'u&6iirin ='r,e!GeiiZAiiG!v FEOd. - euLi iit',n 5=1�+S�4.UU BU�OU bU.U�i yi3,B%"r,u0 4i,ni2."vu $ii��2d��0 SU.UU $i2a,697,G0 31YI�.Stlk,UQ SO,U�O.UV ��,UUU�UU YD�UUII�IiU b4.UUU.UG v41��UJ ��,caa.ao ��Si���.�� �7d4�V4�.U�i1 ��1,U1! �kY�uR$11J� �1��(�11'iPiL AIfIt�UxlTY .� :VBISJBU :?i 4AGIVUJ ]YSv19'L 16BYBIVUC 9CI.Gl1NIJ CG5 tf84�['I{Y� (�EVU 'A771#�L`fl� Tt1ndL t� JYGItll/'llEit ISUitII/Kil? 1PV 1�i1?IIHLLATJ.��V' 1VU�J Li1�1fd 17fHi �l�U'Ult tlIS 169�dF5t(�1Gf� �H6&fiF02R 5E 2"nnGGVn➢, PHAT iHfi HAYU� APP$"u'VBS TiIS CriANOE Tu inB !99� BGB�;�i, SG� �?,VU1��44� �6�IIUC�DJ �L(a3tI,U� YI,B5E,6U 'si7,&24.�Q SnyVUU.OU 7�1�}Va(.Ul� y15l�3tf4�i/11 r� l�� Appr ed by: Mayor � L —2�b l� Da[e 'iY1n�7u � OEPAfiTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED •', N 3 2 4 3 4 Pub7ic Hea7th 5S Ck.L1CtIL�J'F Nov. 9 19 5 GREEN SHE� - �" CONTACT PEqSpN fi PHONE �am111DATE MRIAUDATE , � DEPqRTMENTDiFiE � CfTYCOUNCIL Kdth MOhrland - "�'�" OGT'ATTORNEY �CRYCIERK UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (OATE) pUO��FOP � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. b MGT. SERVICES DIR OPDER � MpVOR (Ofl ASSISTANT) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PA6ES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ' ACTION RE�UESfED: City signatures on Administrative Order budget revision for Health Special Revenue Fund. RECOMMENDq710NS: Apprave (n) a Raject (R) PERSONAL SEHVICE GONTRACTS UUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: __ PLqNNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SEPVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoNfirm ever worked untle� a mntraCt for this EepartmeM? � _C�aCWRdrtiEE _ VES "NO _ S7AFF 2, Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICi COURi — 3. Does Mis person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any curtent city employee? SUPPOFiTS WNICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE't YES NO Expla(n all yes answers on seperate sheet and attaeh to green sheet INITATING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPOHTUNIN (W�o, Whet, When. Whare. Why) Various Health Special Revenue activities need spending authority for personnel backpay. There is spending authority in Imm. 33234 that could be transferred. �VANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Personne} W�}} be paid. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPHOVED: NONE RECEIVED NOU 211995 CI7Y CLERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED' Personnel wi1T not be paid. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 34 � O4O CO57/pEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHGSOUFiCE Special Funds ACTIVITYNUMBER UdY'lOUS FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) � �