88-1088 WNITE - C�TV CLERK � �
BLUE - MAVOR � , FlI@ NO• �
Co�ncil Resolut� n �
_ - 3l '�-
Presented By
Referred Tq o mittee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
BE 1T R�SOLVED, That; the Council of the City of Saint Paul
hereby certifies and approves the action of the Cityof Saint Paul
Board o£ Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed
property and as shown by Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals
and Review, dated May 10, 1988 , and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached
hereto and made a part h�reof by reference:
05/10/88 30-88-H 934-936 Galtier St. Twin Cities Habitat
for Humanity
Orin Scandrett
BOARD ACTION: Moved ta' refund the filing fee of $10.00.
Lot 20 Blk 15
05/10/88 27-88-H 2O17 Iglehart Ave. Thomas K. Machacek
BOARD 'ACTION: Granted an extension for 30 days (June 10, 1988) to
modifyjthe windows in Apartment No. 1 and No. 2 on
first �loor.
iRamsey Co. , Mn.
W. 5 Ft. of Lot 9 and all of
Lot 8 Blk 19
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Long In Favor
Rettmlan �;
Sc6eibel �_ Against BY
JUL - � ,�8 Form Ap by City ttorne
Adopted by Council: Date -
Certified P�5& Counc.il , etar By c
gy, ���:� I
t\pprov by Pulavor: Date •' ����� 7 � p►Pproved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�.I4HE� J U L 1 f� 198$
� ' ���0�
:�°_. 012452 �
Jose hine P. Bon ioeanni CONTA x NAME
298-4163 PHONE � ; �
ASS T G RD R: See reverse side.)
_ Departmen Director ,_ Mayor (or Assistant)
_ Finance a d Management Servic s Director � City Clerk
_ Budget Di ector � C il Resear i __
� City Atto ey _ __
TO B N P (Clip all locations for gnature.)
WHA WI V G 0 H T C D I (Purpose/Rationale)
Approving the. actions of t � Board of Appeals & Review meeting of
May_10, 1 88.
N mber of cases 2 Council Research Center.
1 - ref nd of filing fee
1 - ext 'r�sion of time �UN 2"� �9Sa
(Mayor's si nature not required if under $10,00�.)
Total Amo t of Trans�ction: N/A Activity Number:N/A
Funding S urce: N/A
ATTA NT : (List and number 11 attachments.)
1 Resolution wit minutes attached.
_Yes No Rules, Regul 'tfons, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required?
_Yes No If yes, are hey or timetable attached?
_Yes No Council resol ion required? Resolution required? _Yes _No
_Yes No Insurance req �ed? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No
_Yes No Insurance att ,c�ed?
, � . �
705A City Hall
�aint Paul , Minnesota 55102
MEMBERS PF�ESENT: Ron Glassman. Chairman
Sean Carey
Oavid Schuttz
Glenn Gausman
Bill Tilton
C�THERS PF2ESENT: Pat Fish, St. Paul Fire Prevention
Larry Ackerman, Public Works Department
Gary J. Pechmann, Div. of Public Health
� Mike Kasson, Public Works Department
Phil Ethier, Nicholas M. Schneider, Ed Nally,
Raymond Thorson, Vicky Thorson, Gayle Stangeland,
Geoffrey Miller, Todd Smart, Charles Gholl ,
Kay Machacek, Ed McCue, Ralph Malmberg
Sl'AFF : ' Flo Zaragoza, Secretary
The meeting was called to order at 1 :30 p.m. on May 10, 1988, by
Chairman Ron Gl�ssman. He welcomed the citizens and explained
how the process works. Chairman Glassman mentioned that a
replacement has peen named by the Mayor, but did not have any of
the particulars.
1 . Approval of' minutes of the April 12, 1988 meeting as
submitted ir1 writing.
Gtenn Gausman MQVED approval of the minutes of the April 12, 1988
meeting. Motion seconded and passed unanimousiy.
Zg-gg-H 13Q4 Arona St. Nicholas Schneider
APPEARANCE : N�9cholas Schneider
5lJBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on rainleader
disconnection as appellant feels it would create a water problem
i n hi s basemen�t.
PROCEEDINGS: 'Mr. Schneider explained he is requesting a variance
on the downspQut rainleader disconnect. Water flows right through
the wail bldcks and underneath the basement floor. He feels
that the di �connection of his rainleader has caused the water
problem in hi � basement. The water is in a sand basin that goes
down to the s�ubsoil . Below the subsoil is a layer of clay which
� ` • �
water does not flow through. The homes in his neighborhood now
sit on a lake due to this disconnect. He mentioned that NSP is
also having problems with water in their lines. Ne did suggest a
dry well disconnect so the water is taken away from his property.
He also stated that Public Works agrees with his suggestion, but
the City does not want to pay for the expense.
Mike Kasson, from Saint Paul Public Works Department, Sewer
Oivision explained the rainleader disconnection ordinance
variance policy. First, the homeowner would request a variance.
Public Works reviews and makes a determination as to
approving/disapproving the variance. If a variance is granted.
fine. If a variance is not granted, the request is sent to the
Sewer Division for review and a final determination is made. If
the homeowner is not satified with Pubiic Works' decision, the
matter is sent forth to the Board of Appeals. In this case, Mr.
Schneider's request has been disapproved and he has requested the
Board hear his case.
Larry Ackerman, Sewer Division, Public Works Department said that
it is the department's opinion that the watershed is such that it
will drain away from the house and not damage his basement.
Discussion followed and it was generaily felt that instaliing the
dry well would not sotve the probiem since the home, possibly
the whole neighborhood, sits on a high water table. Also when
the laws change people must make changes at their expense, not at
the City's expense.
BOARD ACTION: Bill Tilton MOVED to der�y the variance on
rainleader disconnection. Seconded.
Mr. Tiiton explained why he denied the request: First there is
not enough evidence to establish that it is a geological problem.
Second, if the whole neighborhood is indeed has a high water
table, Mr. Schneider's problem won't make that much of a
difference. The whole neighborhood would need to petition to the
City Council for a variance because of the particular geology of
neighborhood. By installing the dry well would not solve the
Motion carried.
30-88-H 934-936 Galtier St. Twin Cities Habitat
for Humanity
Orin Scandrett
SUBJECT: Appellant has been working with Vacant Building
Division, and has been able to resolved the violations,
therefore, the Appellant is requesting a refund of the filing fee
of �10.00.
. � , .
PROCEEDINGS: Pat Rish, Fire Prevention, explained that this is a
vacant building wi,�th the Health Department. She said that the
parties involved h�ve resolved the problem - the Appellant is only
a�king for their f�e back.
BOARD ACTION: Bil ,l Tilton MOVED that if indeed the appellant is
asking for their $ 10. 00 fee back, because they have resolved
the issue, refund them the filing fee. If they are requesting a
variance of the v�acant building, deny the request. Seconded.
M�otion carried.
29-88-H 2O88 Nokomis Ave. Raymond Thorson
APt'EARANCE : Raymond and Vicky Thorson
Plo representation; from the City.
SUBJECT: Appella;nt is requesting a variance on constructing a 6
foot fence on sid�e of yard to corner of garage, the reason is for
privacy and to ke�ep children off side lot.
PROCEEDINGS: M�*. Thorson explained he is requesting a variance
on constructing � a 6 foot wooden fence for privacy and to keep
children off hi� lot. He plans to construct the fence 11 feet
from the garage �owards Pederson Avenue.
Discussion follbwed and it was generally felt that due to the
corner stop si�n it would be best if the appellant angte the
corner off - to� a 3U degree angle - so the line of site coming
down Nokomis wil�i not be obstructed. The Thorson's said they are
wii �ling to angle' off the corner to 30 degrees
BOARD ACTION: �Sean Carey MOVED to grant the variance on the
construction o� a 6 ft. fence, with the understanding that the
appeilant angl � the corner to 30 degrees so the line of site
�oming down tMe street is not obstructed and that the set back
requirements ar� adhered to. Seconded. Motion carried.
21-88-H 470 Aurora Ave. Charles Crutchfield
APPEARANC� : P�t Crutchfietd
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on fence height
around N.S.P tr-ansformer, and East and Southeast lot lines around
the back yard. ;
` .
PROCEEDINGS: Mrs. Crutchfield explained she is requesting to
have a variance on fence height around her back yard (from five
feet to seven feet) and around the N.S.P, transformer box (nine
foot fence) . She explained the increase in fence height around
her backyard would prevent adu)ts, as well as children, from
jumping into her yard and picking her vegetables and fruit trees.
She further explained that by installing the nine foot fence
around the transformer box, people wouid not be abie to boost
themselves up into her yard. Mrs. Crutchfield said the fence
, would be the same chain-linked, only that the color would change.
BOARD ACTION : Bill Tiiton MOVED that the request for variance
on fence height around N.S.P. transformer, and East and Southeast
lot lines around back yard be granted. Seconded. Motion carried.
20-88-H 823 N. Snelling Ave. Beta Kappa Corp.
Geoffrey Milier
APPEARANCE: Geoffrey Milter
Todd Smart
SU6JECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on the number of
baths for present occupancy load.
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Miller explained he is requesting a variance on
the bathroom code. The three-story house currently has a
bathroom (shower, urinat , stool and two sinks) on the second
floor. There is a bathroom in the basement with a shower, stool
and one sink. Mr. Miller would like to able to use both
bathrooms , and be allowed eight people per bathroom. The number
of people using the bathroom falls below the ratio Hamline
University uses for their dorms.
Gary Pechmann, City of Saint Paul 's Division of Public Health,
said the ordinance requires one complete bathroom facitlity
(handsink, shower/bathtub, and toliet) for every five residents
or fraction thereof. At the present time there are nine
residents at the house which would require two complete bathroom
facilities. Mr. Pechmann also stated that the ordinance require
the bathroom be on the same floor, on an adjacent floor or on an
adjacent floor but not in an occupied space. Therefore, the
toliet in the unoccupied basement would not meet the ordinance.
Mr. Pechmann has no objection to utilizing the basement bathroom
fior the nine residents; however, Division of Public Health has
not checked with the Zoning Code as to the number of occupants
that can be in that area. He recommend contacting the Zoning
Board to find out what they say about 16 - 18 residents using
that area.
' ���o�
Mr. Miller explain'ed that 16 is the maximum number of residents
allowed (house rul;es) . He stated that due to school , ,�obs and
family, it was very rare that all residents woutd be in house at
the same time. From his own experience, this has not been a
problem. Mr. Smart said at present there are 9 residents. with
pians of increasinc� the number to 11 (within the next two years) .
B(JARD ACT'ION: G�enn Gausman MOVED to grant a variance on the
bath situation, writh provisions that there be no more that 16
l ;iving in the house and that the basement bathroom be approved
for use within thi ,'s variance. Seconded. Motion carried.
- - 9-189 1 2-191 8th St. E. Gayle Stangeland
59 87 H 18 /
APPEARANCE: Gayl� Stangeland
�UBJECT: Appelian� is requesting the Board review her case again.
This case was on the Agenda in January, because of a death in the
family the Appel �yant was called out of town. She was scheduled
in February and �lid not attend the meeting as she claims she was
not notified.
lained she is re uesting a
PROCEEDINGS: Ms�. Stangeland exp q
variance on the w�indows. The building has been designated as a
heritage preser;vation site; enlarging the windows in the
building is incor�sistent with the preservation program. She said
she pians to p1aCe the building on the Nationai Register and use
the tax credits �for restoration. If she alters the windows in
the building's f�cades, she will be denied the tax credit. The
present windows �re 20 inches by 86 inches.
Pat Fish, St. Pa}�1 Fire Prevention said the minimum width for the
; windows is 20 inches . If the windows do in fact measure 20 inches
; wide they would accept that, but the windows need to be approved. �
� BOARO ACTION: S;ean Carey MOVED to grant the variance contingent
� upon inspection,� and if inspection approves that the windows are
; indeed ZO" or acceptable, the $10. 00 filing fee will be refunded.
; He ammended his �motion to include the variance for the percentage
� of windows. Seconded.
' y-----------------------------------
; ;
� 5
31-88-H 189 1/2 E. 8th St. Gayle E. Stangeland
APPEARANCE: Gayle E. Stangeland
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on bathroom
facilities for the present occupancy.
Discussion followed and the Board felt that the appellant met the
five (5) person per facility ordinance.
Glenn Gausman MOVED to grant the variance on bathroom facilities
for the present occupancy. Seconded. Motion carried.
23-88-H 756 Hall Ave. Edward C. McCue
SUBJECT: Appeliant is requesting a variance from St. Paul
Legislative Code 34.09 (Dead Bolts) .
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. McCue explained he is requesting that the Dead
Bolt request be waived. The building has had no history of break-
ins. From a fire safety standpoint, he could not understand why
an additional 1/2" throw on a deadbolt would secure an individual
in a fire situation. The doors have wood frames, are self-
closing, and have been inspected and approved. The dead bolts
that are currentiy on the doors are 1/2" - 5/8" bolt extentions
(keyed on the front, thumb knobbed on the back) . Mr. McCue said
if the bolts were to go bad, he is willing to replace the bolts
with the one ( 1 ) inch bolt.
Pat Fish, Fire Prevention, said the inspectors found the building
to be nice, and safe. It is a security building with solid wood
doors and frames with 1/2" dead bolts. However, she did say that
this is not a Fire Code item, rather a St. Paul Legislative
Housing Code item. Therefore, woutd support the variance.
BOARD ACTION: Sean Carey MOVED to grant a variance pertaining to
the deadbolts with the condition that when they need replacing
that the locks be replaced with one ( 1 ) inch deadbolt. Seconded.
Motio� carried.
, . . .
25-88-H 1025 �leveland Ave. S. Highland Court
Charles T. Gholl
APPEARANCE : Charles' T. Gholl
SUBJECT: Appellant �'is requesting a variance on Escape Windows in
bedrooms having to Gonform with the 48 inch height requirement.
E30AR0 ACTION: Oave Schults moved to deny the motion for the
ladcter, but would accept a foid down step with correct size (30
inches wide, 8 inch rise and 9 inch run) permanently affixed to
the wall . Seconded� Motion carried.
27�88-H 2O17 Iglehart Ave. Thomas K. Machacek
APPEARANCE: Kay Machacek
SU��ECT: Appellant �is requesting a variance on Escape Windows in
Apt. #1 & #2 on fir�st floor.
PROCEEOINGS: Mrs. Machacek explained that she is requesting a
variance on escape windows in the first floor front apartments.
The front apartments face the front of the building and share an
entry door. The door is a picture window door. She feels that if
the front windows were broken, there would be plenty of space for
the firemen to enter.
Pa�t Fish. Fire �revention said the escape window is a fixed,
c�ntered picture window with two smali windows, one on each side.
The windows on the� side are fixed, but openable, but not legatly
large enough to get through. Each window is approximately 17
ihches. The picture window is 53 inches wide. An option would
be to modify th�e present window to meet the current code -
install an auning �vindow that would open from inside or hinge the
window that would fasten at the bottom.
BOARD ACTION: Glenn Gausman MOVED to deny the variance.
qertaining to the �escape windows in Apt #1 and #2 on first floor.
The Appellant was given an extension of 30 days (June 10, 1988)
�o modify the win�dows so as to bring them into code complaince.
Seconded. Motion �carried.
� 8
24-88-H 1045 Cleveland Ave. S. Highland Court
Charles T. Gholl
APPEARANCE: Charles Gholl , Resident Manager
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on Escape Windows in
bedrooms having to conform with the 48 inch height requirement.
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. Gholl explained that he is requesting a
variance on the garden level two (2) bedroom apartments for one
of the bedroom windows to conform with the escape window height
requirement. He proposed a ladder along the wall underneath the
sill , which the bed would go against. He stated that this ladder
would not reduce the integrity of the room.
Pat Fish, St. Paul Fire Prevention said the windows are fine as
escape windows , it is just the sill height that is not
acceptable_ Escape windows should not be obstructed because
in emergency situations. people are not functioning under normal
conditions. She said the Fire Department cannot approve any type
of ladder for an escape. Buitding Code requires a normal eight
(8) inch rise, nine (9) inch run, 30 inch width step. The use of
the type of ladder Mr. Gholl is suggesting is dependent on the
size of a person's condition and if one is elderly.
Discussion followed pertaining to the i�nediate escape from the
sleeping room and it was generally felt that the ladder could not
ensure a person's safety.
BOARD ACTION: Dave Schultz MOVED to deny the motion for the
ladder but wouid accept a fold down step with correct size (30
inches width, 8 inch rise, 9 inch run) permanently affixed to the
wall . Seconded. Motion carried.
26-88-H 1055 Cleveland Ave. S. Highland Court
Charles T. Gholl
APPEARANCE: Charles T. Gholi
SUBJECT: Appellant is requesting a variance on Escape Windows in
bedrooms having to conform with the 48 inch height requirement.
BOARD RCTION: Dave Schultz moved to deny the motion for the
ladder, but would accept a fold down step with correct size (30
inches wide, 8 inch rise and 9 inch run) permanently affixed to
the wall . Seconded. Motion carried.
� ' ��/O�d
4 . , ,
22-88-H 395 North Fairview Ralph E. Malmberg
APPEARAMCE : Ralph �. Malmberg
SUBJECT: Appellant� is requesting a variance having to remove
Double Keyed locks �on apartment doors.
PROCEEDINGS: Mr. 'Malmberg explained he is requesting a variance
ta be allowed to l�ave the double keyed locks on apartment doors.
Te�nants are in favor of leaving the locks the way they are. The
keys are not permar�ently affixed in the locks. The locks are for
security measures ; tenants primarily use the locks when they
leave during the d�y, but use a chain lock at night.
P�t Fish, Fire Rrevention said its a Fire Department required
pQsition as well a� a code requirement that for a person's safety
while leaving out ' of the building, one cannot have a removable
k�y lock from the� inside. She suggested that one could either
cbver the glass pn the door or install a more substantial door
with a single keyidead bolt.
BOARD ACTION: Bil �l Tilton MOVED to deny the request for variance
on double keyed lo�ks. Seconded. Motion carried.
There being no fUrther busines to come before the Board, the
meeting was adjourhed.
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