88-1084 WHITE - CITV CLERK COU[1C11 C PINK - FINANCE GIT��Y OF SAINT PAUL /� BI.UERV - MAVPORTMENT File NO. v ^�O� - Co�u cil Resolution ;�-a�--�� Presented By ' � ���I Referred To I Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date i I RESOLVED:'' That Application (I.D. #26479) for four (4) Temporary On Sale Wine and four (4) Temporary On Sale 3.2 Malt Licenses applied ' for by the St. Paul Downtown Council at the State Capitol Mall, on July 1, 2, 3, �and 4, 1988, between the hours of 10:30 A.M. I and 11:30 P.M. (Sunday hours to be 12:00 Noon to 11:30 P.M.) , be and the same is hereby approved. I I I I I COUNCIL ME I ERS , Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond I �� �I [n Favor cosw;tz � Rettman B �he1�� I Against Y Sonnen Wilson ��N .� lf 19�U Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � • . Certified Pa.s y Council S tar By � Zz 88 sy �#pprov y �Vtavor: Date Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council gy BY PUB£ISNEB J U L � � i 98� �� io� � Y . ;;���„� ��� ��� ���r �. o o�0 2 s c eai . o��r��r a� ��i rop� . �g �� — �a�r s�rv�s ou�crop crtv c�i � ` NbMYER P-OR — � ' I pp�g euooer rnr�croR Fin ' 298� 056 . . j �: . — cm�r,ow�� _ _ — Appiication fo four (4) temporary # sale malt licens�s �:r►d �our (4) temporary on saie:�wine iicenses. ' ; � _ l�otification D e: 6/22 88 - H�ari Qate: 6 30 88 ��:( uq«N.l.c+c�l) . ; cou�:�►ncH nE�: : ?uwnNO oaae�on c�v�eEnv�ce�sarorr o�rE on�arr w� wior� �� ���� ' c��� g �/�-3 ��' � .,�/ �,�_ �� ���� ,��o. • _�,�,.�� _�* . °�sr"'ar oaMCt ' *owu�nau: ` surrortrs+�cuoou� � _ : �uuncif Research Center _ JUN 23 �$� . ..A�►,.��».�. ��,�.,�; ,: _ The St. Paul rvntown Council req�e ' s council approval of th�x� application £or four (4j te�xary on s le m�it licenses and! our (4) temporary on sale wine licemses for T,�.ste of Minnesota, Ju1 1-4, 1988, at the S te Capitol Ma11," between the;hours ;of 10:30 A.M. . and 11:30 P.M.. daiiy, (except for S ay - hours to be 12:0Q Noon to 11:30 P.M.) Proceeds wiil be used f r pro�oting St, Paul Jti�OM(�ta.�e�ln.ils. R�sl: _ . A}1 apglicatio s and fees have been! ul�mitted. Liquor liability and bonding requirements have besn ffiet. � i . I ; ,, co�ou�+a�s�r+.wi+dn.�a fo vN,�,t: , . . . If council $pp aval is" given, the S '� : paul Downtown Council will be at�le to se13 wine and beer t 'faste of Minnesota� if council approval is not given, wine and beer_will not . s,old. . , _ . . . _: : , ,i , _. . _ .,. u�� Qna�s , co�s _ . - . i �rn�rtse � � � � : : e.so��: . . . . � � ������ D O�i OF LICENSE AND PERMIT �.DMINISTRATION DATE lj i l G/�� � INT�,RDF.PARTJ�iFI�TTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Receive by '� Lic Enf Aud � � Applicant T �.�Av„� �0�`�Ok_�"�_�.O�t/�Ct�ome Address �i.00 �,�y� �n�yt( L��{ �4�1r• Rusiness Name ��(��}j, O� �1111L�S a'�"� Home Phone Business Address S� CQ,p4�tp' MQ,)� Type of License(s) � ��D on S4� �Q�� Business Plione oZo1g '���I � � �C�"►'1(.1 OU S,,`�lE �irl� Public Hearing Date � 3d Sg License I.D. 4l a(o �7Cf at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, ^_ 3rd floor City Hall and Courtholuse State Tax I.D. �� ��/T Date Notic� Sent; I Dealer 4f ti to Applicant � /�� � ; rederal Fi.rearms �� � Public Hearing I 'T DAT�E II�'SPECTION REVIEFI VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS Appro ed Not A roved ' � Bldg I & D ! � � ul� � � , Health ➢;ivn. ' ; , N 1Jq� ! , Fire Dept. j ( � � N ��. � i � I Police Dept. ' I � ,� Licensel!Divn. � I �� ;� o� City Attorney � � � i Date Recei�ved: Site Plan � �i� �' � To Council Research ��- �U Lease or Letter _ D e f rom Land�lord � �( � 1 � � � �c_.�.K ' I t� �/�� ' .. . : ' '� _ . - ' :. . City of Saint Pau�.. l�/�(�����d� , Oepartm�nt vf Finance and Management Services , ` , License and Permit Divisicn / {� 203 City Hall� O� �% / � ' SL Paul, Minnesota 55102-298-5058 � ;; AlPPL1CAT10N FOR UCENSE `,� CASH CtiEC1C ' CLASS NO. New Renew '.i � L.��1 �� L----+ � (fl / �� 19 C oate . � � Code No. Title of License . From i '� ' i9,rTo 19 ' �'' -; i ,��.�.:�, �'�l � _'.rn� ��.-' �-iC.' �J�QC� � y'�o�C:C� „� _` � —�-' � _l.�ul�� �� � i ' �i(!.! i �rJ!,l '10u:;} � _; tC i / ��,11 4 � ( r.1.; - ,..,�ri.= J 'tC) J C% npplieanuComoany t�ame � 100 ,��' ; ; ��- 1, ( ''.� i� �— . � : i, _ _ ` ' ` ti � -� r��� ! 100 Buaineas Name � 100 � ' ,-i �, ?-u; � '1�� _ ( 8usi�ess Addross Phot►�Na � , lOQ �'_` �.- LI �-: % `� � � �: �� � • (- � � � 100- Maii to Addreas Phont No. C:�;�:I, _..�c..' - ' � ', i , 1pQ � j '%�(: � ✓iltc ;� 1[.'i-i; 1 ' U: ! i'r I , ManaQ�pOwnar•Name i 1� �: /� . . � ;✓ v� •,� L-`.:`��(� . . , �-f) (, I � ��V�� l" , 100 AtanaqenGwner•Home Addreaa PhoneNa. 4098 Application Fee 2; 50 , - � , ;_; � Received.the Sum of , �� � � '' '.� , `;" f� :J '�-. � .� �:;1 ManaperlOwner•CItY.Slate 8 Zip.Cod�� � . . . t00' L Total t00 "' ��; ,� ; ��. - �, ti ^ ' � , 1 ti�/• . �i,.(i 1 . � ✓� Ucense Inspector � ��- i� By: ` `4 '` �9 Si nature of Applicant _ � � _ � ; _ � �, � ,� ..� . , .. - Bond' - �, i- ; ?, . � CompanY-Name: _ PolicyNoc. �-- , . ExPiration Oats _, . _ __ ` Insurance• ,,.., .:•• _ � _; � �* ' r c - Compaoy Name' Policy No. Expiratlon Oate •- Mfnnesota State Identification No /,1 /� Social Security Na . - Vehicle�nformation: Serial Numbsr� ate Number Other. THIS IS A RECEiPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A I.ICENSE TO OPEAATE Your application for license wili eithe�be granted or rejected subiect to the provisions of the zoni�g ordinance and completion of the inspections b�Y the Health, Fire,Zoning and/or licensa Inspecto�a. � _�.��i.i 4" � i $15.00 ''CHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS �-' � �_�.:---- ; � � �" � , � � � -� , \�~�., _� ' . `.__.-r� t.:' ,�. _ L_ ,- . _ . , - - -. - ��:.; :� ._.... _.. _ _ .,_ _ . _ / f , /',_. c' � , ;_ , ;� �_ _ ' �� � �c nQ+ �� `� ` — '..� ��' L.��,. (,�ab S� -�'� ��". ��, �� s ����o�� � � � B�e 3�,5�► %d� �j � CzTY OF SAINT PAUL; MINNESOTA • �tJ�n t� l.t�in� l�`.�I �Q�f APPLICATION FOR TII�IPORARY ON-S�cI.E INTOXICATING LIQUOR NOTE: This app�lication must be filled out and signed at the time of your interview a�SV �p with the License Inspector, '30 days prior to the date of the event. �e-�- 1. Name of organization St, Pau1 Downtawn Council DBA A 'i'aGte �f wt;n��ota 2. Address of, organization 600 No�th Central Tawpx, 445 Miiuiesota St. St. Paul, NH�1 55101 3. Type of organization - check one which is applicable. ' CIVIC ( � CHARITABLE ( ) RELIGIOUS ( ) VETERANS ( ) 4. List all officers and directors. �c_�ti _ve �Director ��� ��� 600 North Central Tower, 445 Minnesota 5�973�$Paul ��� - I � NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. Chai�n � N� DRESS PHONE N0. ViCe��,',�rwn Dick ZehrinQ 1500 Meritor Tower St Pa„1 -2q1-8300 N,�IE ' ADDRESS PHONE N0. Treasurer , Bob Buck � Amexican National Bank, St. Paul 298-6337 NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. Others ' NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. INAME , ADDRESS PHONE N0. 5. Location pf premises for whicti application is made State Capitol Saint Paul, �Ild (Zip Code) 6. Date(s) at�d hours during which the intoxicating liquor will be sold I �cct..t�' 5�1:�cla.� - �l� �T,_i�i_a i aQQ ��P�n.� ' . 10"30 a.m. � --i 1-�n=.gn._�?-l.Y hr�. ,,,.�ic � ���� 1z:uc� -�+�:� 7. For what will profits be used? Promotina Downtown St Paul �� How will �rofits be disbursed' (or spent)? Promotina St Pa �l 8. Upon comp�letion of events youlwill be required to submit a. financia2 statement showing � expenses for event and use•`ma�e of profits. . .,,.; , 9. Attach to this application a �etter of consent from the owner and/or a person with ;.. . lawful responsibilitq for the premises for which this Iicense is being requested. (OVER) ! I i , ���/o�� 10. Every appl.icant for a temporar� On Sale Liquor License shall file with his appli- cation therefore, a bond with � valid Power of Attorney attached, in the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000:00) . The surety on such bond shall be a surety , company licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota, and the bond shall be approved as to form and execut�on by the Corporation Counsel. Said bond shall be condition�d as follows: a) That the licensee will pay to the municipality, when due, all taxes, license • fees, penalties and other 'charges as provided by law. b) That the licensee will obey the law relating to such licensed business, and that in the event of any violation of the provisions of such law, the licensee will pay all fines, penalt,ies and other charges as provided by 1aw. c) That the licensee will pay!, to the extent of the principal amount of such bond, any d,amages for death or injury caused by or resulting from the violation of any provisions of law rel�ting to the business for which such licensee has been grant�ed a license, and co�ditioned that such recovery may be had from the surety on the bond. The amount recoverable shall be measured by the actual damages, provided, however, that i� no case shall such surety be liable for any amount in e�cess of the amount o�" the bond. 11. $3,0000 On Sale Liquor Bond and Liquor Liability Insurance (Accord Certificate) as per aCtached. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) � ___ being first duly swo , depo s says that he has read the foregoing applicatio�i and knows the contents ere , a that t same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belie `^ �� Subscribed and sw to before me� this � day of� �1 19 �a. � r� � ' y .,. . ��l�� � EIIEEN�, � an'rue��—n�ca,aescr.� Notary Pd��it, Ramsey County, in�esota : �-` r.�rcc,���'�!���' ..�v� ,�� �. My coarmi.ssion expires �� � . .� " '�"� � � . ' C,���o�� , � � � CITY' OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR TEt�PORARY ON-SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE NOTE: This application must be fiiled out aad signed at the time of your interview with the Licease Investigator, 30 days rior to the date of the event. 1. Name of o� anization St. Patul Dvwtitown Council DBA A Taste of Minnesota 8 2. Address of organizatioa 600 No.�th Central Tvwer, 445 Minnesota St, St. Paul 55101 3. Type of otgani2ation - check o�ne which is applicable. CIVIC (X) CHARITABLE ( ) RELIGIOUS ( ) VETERANS ( ) 4. List all officers and directons. fi�ecutive D�sector ' � RQru�ie L. Brooks 600 North Central Tawer, 445 Mituiesota St 297-6899 ' N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. Chaisman ' ���� J�hn Tavlor 332 Minnesota Street, St Paul 228-6667 N� ' ADDRESS PHONE N0. Vice Q�aisman , ��x' i�i ck 7.c�hri nn 15n(l Mari tpr T�I' St. Paul 291-8900 N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. Treasurer, t�r,h R,u-k ric-an Na�innal gank St Paul 298-6337 ' NAME EIDDRESS PHONE N0. Others N� ' ADDRESS PHONE N0. N� � ADDRESS PHONE N0. S. Location ,of premises for which application is made StatP ca,��t�� � St. Paul, hIId (Zip Code) 6. Date(s) �nd hours during whic� the aon-intoxicating malt liquor will be sold Ju,iX 1-4, 19�� �0:30 a.m* - 11:30p.m. Daily E,�� �� 5�N,��y - �/� (nv,,,, ,,,,;,� ;,� _. �z-..w - �:�. ���. 7. For what� will profits be used? Promotinq DOwntOwn St. Pdul How� willl profits be- disburse� (or speat)? Pi^omOti t�i DOwntown St. Pdul 8. Upon com�letion of events you will be required to submit a finaacial statement showing expenses for event and use malde of profits. 9. Attach to this application a ,letter of consent from the owner aad/or a person with lawful responsibility for the premises for which this license is being requested. . � , i � � ; (OVER) i � . ����-�a�� � . 10. Every applicant for a temporary On Sale Liquor License shall file with his appli— . cation therefore, a bond with a valid Power of Attorney attached, in the sum of : Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) . The surstq on such bond shall be a surety company licensed to do busines�s in the State of Minnesota, and the bond shall be approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel. Said bond shall be conditioned as follows: a) That the licensee will pay to the municipalitq, when due, all ta�ces, licease • fees, penalties and other;charges as provided by law. b) That the licensee will ob�y the law relating to sucn licensed business, and that in the event of any violation of the nrovisions of such law, the licensee will pay all �ines, penalties and other charges as provided by law. c) That 'the licensee will pay, to the extent of the principal amount of such bond, any damages for death or injury caused by or r�sulting from the violation of any provisions of 1aw relating to the business for which such licensee has been grant�ed a license, and conditioned that such recovery may be had rrom the surety on the bond. The amount 'recoverable shall. be measured by the actual damages, provided, however, that. i� no case shall such surety be Iiable .for any amount in e:�cess of the amount of� the bond. 11. �3,0004 dn Sale Liquor 3ond and Liquor Liability Insurance (Accord Certificate) as per attached. STdTE OF wI�1N�SOTA ) ) ss COWi TY OF RA2tiSc ) ' being first dul� swo pos and aps that he has read the '�foregoing application and '�cnows the contents er of, d th t the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belie" /�`�/ � Subscribed a�id swo to before �e / this � da� of \ ' �9 � ;, �/ � � h , � k Notary Y�ubli�, Ramsey County, iinnesota s �� �_ � �L. My co�issioin expires ��� �� .NOr,�,�CF�y ; i;r�.`�.'°�8��'X ., S� f v��XP�f�(lP�Jy�,A 1 � ' S�'i c 29 j,_ -I (,�������` , ' . � N 0 T I C E - Pursuant to Laws of Minnesota, , 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Sectio� 2 (270.72) (Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses) , the licensiag authority is. required to provide to' the Minnesota Co�i.ssioner of Revenue qour Minaesota business tax identification number and the �ocial sacurity number of each Iicense applicant. Under the �Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and �he Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advisk you of the following regarding the use of this inf o rmatia,a: 1. This iaformation may be used to deay the issuance or renewal of your liicense in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholding or motor vehicle excise Itaxes; 2. Vpoa receiving this information, the licensi.ng authority will suppl.y it only to the Minnesota; Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchaage of Iaformation Agreement the Department of Revenue may �upply this information to the Internal Revenue Service; 3. FAILURE TO SUPPLY THIIS ITFORMATION MAY JEOPARDIZE OR DELAY THE L�ROCESSING OF YOUR LICENSE ISSUe�,�YCE OR RENEWAL APPLICaTZON. Please sup�ply the following information and return along with your appronriate fee to Ci�y of St. Pau1 Licens,e Division, 203 City Hall, St. Pau3., :�`1___55102. Applicant's Last Name ', First Name Middle In�tial 8rooks, � Ronnie Applicant`s Address I City, State, Zip Code Phone No. 600 NortYl Central Tc�w�ex, 445 Minnesota St. St. Paul I�IlV 5510 Appiicant's Social Security ,No. Position (Officer, Partner, etc.) 139-38-�309 Executive Director Busiaess :1ame ' St. Pau.]. Downta�m Council DB�A A Taste of Minesota Business Address City, State, Zip Code Phone No. 600 Narth Centsal Tawpx, 445 " esota St. , St. Paul, NIlV 55101 297-6899 Minnesota Tax Identificatiob Number (If a Minnesota Tax Identif�.cation Number is not required for the business being operated, �dicate that by placing an X in the box.) 41 - 1452544 i Minnesota Tax Identification �lumbers (Sales & Use Tax Number) may be obtained from the ,State of Minnesota -' Business Records Department - Room G90 Centennial Building 6 8 Cedar Street. ' (2 blocks southeast of the State Capitol) Phone: `6-2 3 � • ,i � / _� -LL .��; I � � � �� - �=' . Signature � Date i I �� �7,�/��/E�%�`� - , , � MINNESOTA LIQU'O�t LIABILITY AS.SIGNED AISK PLAN ��n�1 f� ' � ' uQuuK�i��rx con�rr For I�lore PromPt DoNwt! �� AOMINISTRATOR Address I�Aail Ta � EMPLOYEE BENEFIT ADMINISTRATION CO. ErnpWyee 8�It1�dn�in•Co. 8441 ^'l� 'ia Blvd. Suite 200 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55426-1392 Phone(612) 544-0311 P.0.Brnc 591�3 �_(C�""` �-_•`'- r�.� b1a�s.�MN 55459-0143 INFORMATION PAGE T. Th�s���i�5�raict�r'He�i��r Contract No. 88-716 St. Paul Downtown Council _Individual Partnership Taste of Minnesota � 600 North Central Tower Corporation _Municipal 445 Minnesota Street ; St. Paul , MN 55101 X Non-Profit A. Schecluled Premises: St,ate Capital grounds, extending to and bordered by Constitution Avenue, John Ireland Blvd. , and Cedar Street from 12th to Univ�rsity and Rice Street to Cedar. 2. The contract period i � from 12:01 A.M. 06-30-88 to 12:01 A.M. 07-05-88 at the contiract holder 's scheduled premises . 3. A. Liq�ior Liability Coverage: Applicable to scheduled premises. The limits of our liability are: Bodily Injury $ 50 ,000 Each Person � $100 ,000 Each Occurrence Property Damage $ 10 ,000 Each Occurrence LosS of Means of Sup ort $ 50 ,000 Each Person $1�0 ,000 Each Occurrence B. The' coverage aFforded by this contract applies only to those businesses located in Minnesota. C. This contract includ�s these endorsements and schedules: , 4. The premium for this contract will be determined by our Manuals of Rules , Classifications , Rates and Rating Plans . All information required below is subject to verification and change by audit. Premium easis-Estimated Rate Per 5100 Description of Estimated Annual Premium Total Annua�l Liquor Receipts Lic�uor Receipts Operations $210,000.00 $4.00 Special Event $8,400.00 Deposit Premium Due on Effective� Date $8,400.00 Balance of Premium Due Within 45 Days of Effective Date :IOn-Receipt of premium in the of€ice of the contract Pdld t0 Date administrakor by the due date wiil result in cancellation. Miatsna Pr�ina N//� Agency Name and Address � American Business Insurance' Agency, Inc. c/o Marilyn Macdonald Ad�qua. 7701 Ybrk Avenue So. , Suite� 200 Minneapolis, MN 55435 , ' Date 06-15-88 , Authorized Representative rne ccn /n /nc� �