88-1083 WMITE - CITV CIERK '�, PINK - FINANCE G I T7� O F SA I NT PA U L Council �////�� CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 y�( �/D�3 BLUE - MAV0�7 �. FIIe NO. � V � Counci Resolution -��� Presented By �' �� � � � �' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Comtnittee By Date RE50LVED: That Application (jI.D. #45104) for an On Sale Wine License applied for by the City of� St. Paul/Parks and Recreation at Harriet Island (Robert P. Piram-Sluperintendent) be and the same is hereby approved. ,�� I COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas 'Nays (� Dimond �.. �ng ' ��� In Favor Goswitz ' Rettman scne;ne� A gai n s t BY Sonnen�� Wilson Adopted hy Council: , Date / JUN � � �98v Form Ap roved by City Attorney Certified Yas y cil Se t By v � sy A►pprove lllavor. Date �� ' � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY pU�LISHEO J U L 1� 6 19 8 8 _ � �:F'+sd`_"� te r.ru►� onie oo�o � • Mr: , Carchedi ���� ��T �. ��2��7 - �'t . . . .. DEPARTMB�Ii DMiEG70R YA1bii(OR A8818TANi) . . . . . Kris chweinler=V nHorn � — �,��� 3�«� � , , _ —` �°�'�" � Counejl �ese�rch finance & t. . -5 ; 1 cm��.. ; . . , Appli ation for an :On Sal ' kWine License Notif cation Date: 6-20-8 I H rin D ,�oMS:uwa►a.c «�.a(m.) r�sr�ncM r�Parr: . . .RAMNN9�OOM�KIIN . CML SElIWCE OOMMISS�ON .� � � �.M. . DATE d!T- .- . � PF10PE NO. .� � . . . � mlNlq CpMAIS8101i . IBD Cffi BCMOOI BOARD . '�� . � . . � � . � . . � . . . . . . . .�YTIiFF .. . . taY�R)St 001M�ON . OONPLETE AS I8� - �- ADDY • � RET'D TO OGiNfA�T� � GON67X'►U@R . . . � � _ � _FOR�ADD'l'R1FE1. . _f�0lAdC MD�* . � dBTRCf COUNGL . . . . . - . TION: -� �ffiIPr01R8.YMYCM OOUNCIL � . . . � �.� � . . . . . , . . � . . . � - � - . , � Council Research Center, . ' I ���� j JUN 2 � _ ; ..�.�.�.�.�. �.�,�,�,.�. .' Reque for Council approv 1 of the application for an On Sale :Wine ;: . � L�c�n by T�te City of St. paul/Parks & :Recrea�ion on Harriet Isla`nd.. � : �us�wc�noN tca.u�«,.�: s�sy: � . _ ,.: ... , All fe s and applications �Ive been submitted. Ai1 required. departments have r vtewEd and approved ;t�is applica�tion. , �u�a tw�� .�e a rw,o�r. i , _ „ . , . , ; _ .. . , , If Cou cil approval is not ' ceived, Parks & Reereation will not be �llowe to s�rve wine and w he coolers at Riverfest. _ . ; � �j _ , . _ - . _ a.�ra�: _ �aoa . � . � : ;� � _ , , _ , , .. : �+�rOnr�: � , ; _� � «asucs: � . . � ���o� DIVISION OF ,LICENSE AND PERMIT A�MINISTRATION llATE �5�� 5� / ��►S�$�' INTERDF.PARTI�ENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn Processed/Received by ! Lic Enf Aud Applicant I � {�G(���, Home Address �,i �n,�� �-y�� �-�----�---- 300 -�-{ Rusiness Name �� �f�'� Home Phone (�,�1oZ,���t(�� i Business Address ��hr�� �5��, Type of Lic.ense(s) (�Iq �kXa� WC.�.s� Business Phone a,�a- ,� � Public Hearing Date 3f) �Y License I.D. 4� ���,� at 9:00 a.m.� in the Co ncil Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthou�e State Tax I.D. �t � lR llate Notice Sent; a � Dealer /� �'(t to Applicanti _� ��� Lg L Pederal I'irearms 4� �� Public He�.iring —T I DATEjINSPECTIUN REVIEW I VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS Approve Not A roved � Bldg I & DI r I I : LQ' ,� , � , Health Divn. � I ' I 1� � � Fire Dept. l i /_ I � � i �u � l � I � I ( Yolice Dept. �� I I ; 4�� � License Divn. � ' � � � �� ' ��� City Attorney I � ��� , ��5 Date Receivedl: Site Plan i � � To Council Research (Q�'Zpt�(� Lease or Letter Date from Landlor� � � � � . _ .. _ i . .. _ _. . - - • . .. .. _ ., . ' ' , - �-.--���a�'-3 , �r , AppTication No. � Date Received By ._ , :_. _ . . _. . _. . i . . � �---� --- ' CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ----�--- ; APPLICATION FOR ON SALE INTOXICATING- LIQUOR� LICENSE SUNDAY ON SAl�E INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE _ ._ ___ , PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATINC LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE � ON SAL� MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE � � ON SALE WI�VE LICENSE � �� Directions: This form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole � owner, by each partner,. by each persort who has interest in excess of 5� irr the corporation and/or assoQiation in which the name of the license will be issued. TFfIS APP�ICATION TS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. Applicatiorr for (name of license} CITY OF ST. PAUL/DIVISION OF PARKS & RECREATION 2_ Located at (address) 300 CHA i25 W 4TH ST. ST. PAUL, MN 55102 3. Name under which business will be�: operated RI VERFEST • 4., Tru� Nam� �OBERT P � P I RAM Phone 2 9 2-7 4 0 0 irst � Mid e� Maiden Last cs► D3t�Of Bl'1"th` 6/21/3 9 Pl dC2 Of B1 t"th�� ST.. PAUL,- MN Month,. Day, Year ' _ . 6� � Are you a ci ti zen of the Urti ted S�tates T YES Nati ve� X NaturaTi zed � _ T. Hane Address. ~63I SO. HAMLINE +ST. PAUL 55116 Home Telephone �99-4283 8. Including your present business/employment,. what business/empToyment have you followed for the past five years? � Business/Employment Address � CITY OF ST. PAUL � 300 CHA 25 W 4TH ST. I 9. Married? YE S If answer isl "yes", Tist the name and address of spouse. � JOANN PIRAM 631 SO. HAMLINE ST. PAUL, MN 55116 10. Have you' ever been convicted of �ny felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance, � " � ether than traffi c? e�— No x ��'io� � � Date of arrest 19 Where Charge � " Conviction � Sentence Oate of arrest '19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence 11. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp �_ Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp �_ will be used. IZ. C1o5e5t 3.2 Place 2 MILES Church 2 MILES School 2 MILES 13. Closest intoxicating liquor plac�. Ort Sale 2 MILES Off Sale 2 MILES 14. List the namles and residences of three persons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not related to the applicant or �inancially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicant's character. Name Address JOHN WIRKA ' 917 W NEVADA ST. PAUL 55117 GERALD PRILL � 152 RUTH ST ST. PAUL 55119 � � ' ROGER GQSKI 2151 EDGEBROOK ST.. PAUL 55119 15. Address of premi ses for whi ch app�i cati on i s made (HARRIET I SLAND) 73 WATER ST.5 510 7 _�__.. _. . Zone Classification BS Phone �24-5190 16. Between what cross streets? NAGASAKI AND wP.LTER Which side of Street NW LT. Are premises 'now occupied? YES What Business? PARK . How Long? �PPROY. 100 YEARS � I8. List licenses which you currently' hold, or formeriy held, or may have an interest in. � � BEER LICENSES FOR AARRIET� I�SLAND AND THE PUBLIC GOLF COURSES FOOD LICENSES AT POOLS AN� GOLr^ COURSES .,:,�:, I }_'` 19:-} Have any of �'he 1 i censes 1 isted by you i n No. 18 ever been revoked? Yes No X If answer is ,"yes", list the dates and reasons � ,, .. _ ' ��/0�'3 '� ��20. If busineSs is incorpurated, give date of incorporation NA �g ... � and attach copy of Articles of� Incorporation and minutes of rst meeting. .� '` 21 .. List a1T qfficers of the corporatiorr,. giving�their names, office held, home address and home and business telephone numbers. . 22. If business is partnership, li�t partner(s) , address and telephone numbers. Name ' Address Phone 23. Is there anyone else who will have an interest in this business or premises? YES ST. PAUL RIVERFRONT MUSICj'FEST (RIVERFEST) FESTIVAI, EVENTS INCORPORATED � 24. Are you go'ing to operate this business personally? N� . If not, who will operate it? Nd(112FF.STTVAT. F.VF.NTS rNC Home AddressS��s TRnrrwnnn Phone 800-553-378�8 MILWAUKEE, WISC 25. Are you going to have a manager�or assistant -irt this business? Y�,�� . If answer is "yes", giv�e name, home address, and home telephone number. Name VICTOR WITTGENSTEIN �, Home Address 195 VALLEYS?t�E Phone 292—�409 ST. PAUL 55119 ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. , I hereby state under oath that I haVe answered all of the above questions, and that the information conitained therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state furtt�er under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, in connectijon with the transfer of this license, from any person by way of loan, gift, contribution dr otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application whijch I have herewith submitted. State of Minnesota) ' ) County of Ramse,� ) Signature of pp icant Subscribed nd sworn to before me t is � �day of�,¢}� 19� No Pub i , oun y Minnesa,t My comni ss i on e ciii res //— 7— j a ' R t��00�lT �1►��B�NN� I ' 1 � MINNESOTA�DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY �s 9»+�2-�� PHONE(617J 296-8'159 UQUOR CONTROL DIVISION 333$16LEY •ST.PAUL.MN 55101 � APPUCATiON FOR �COUNTY OR C1TY ON SALEWINEUC811SE NOTTO IXC€ED 1496 OFALCOHOLBY VOLUME EVEAY aUESTION MUSTBEANSVVERED. If�corpo�ation,an officer shall execute this applic�ation.If a pannership,a partner shall execUte this application.If this is a first appiication attach a copy of the anicies of incorporation and by-laws. , Applica�ts Name(8usinsll+.Psrtnership.Corporetion) Trade Nams or DBA City of St. Paul/Div. Parks & Recr�ation Riverfest Bus�ness Addross Business Phone ApplipMS Hane Pfions Harriet Island ( 612 ) 292-7400 1 6I2) 699-4283 City ' Countv State ZiP Code St. Paul , MN � Ramsey Ntl�l 55102 Is this application If a tronsfer,give name of fortner owner Licsnse period % New ❑ Renewal ❑Transfer Frorn 6-1-88 To 1-31-89 If a cwporaaon,give name,title:addross and.dsts of birth o each officer.If a partnerahip.give name,addross and dete of birth of each panner. i Partne�/Officer Name and T'itle Address DOB Robert P. Pira � Superintendent Pks! & Rec. 6 1 So. Hamlin PartnerlOfficer Name and TiNe Address DOB Panner/Officer Name and Title I Address DOB PartnerlOfficer Name an�Title Addroas DOB CORPORATIONS State of N�q Date o� N�A �ert��te N/A Incorporation Incorp ration Number Is corporation authorized to do business in Minne�ota? ❑ Yes ❑ No N/A If a subsidiary of anoRher corporatiort,.give.name�nd add�ess of parent corporation N/A THE BUILDING Name of , Owners BuiidingOwner City of St. Paul Add�ess Has the building owner any conneciion A�e the property taxes deliquent7 �Yes %X No direct o�indirect, with the applicaM? $XYes 0 No Describe the p�emise�to be licensed Harri e1t Is 1 and. THE RESTAURANT What is the During wha�hours will 12:0 0 noon Number of people 1 ? m i d n i h t restaurant will employ? nvA r S n Seating capacity? ver 4�_food be ava`lable7#� q How many months p�r year ; �11 food service be the princapal will the restaurant bel,open7 1 business of the restaurantl �Yes l7 No I _ , 0�3 If this restaura�t is in conjunction with another business(resort,etc.I,describe the business. Festival ' I OTHER INFORMATION 1. Have the applicsnt or assaciates been grantled an on-sale non-iMOxicating mait beverage(3.2�and/or a"set-up"license in conjunction vhrith this wine license? �Yes � No . 2. Is the applicant or any of the associates in this application a member of the cowity board o�the city council which will issue this licens�e? �Yes � No N/A! If yes, in what capacity? . (If the appiicant is the spouse of a member of the goveming body, or another famiiy relationship exists,the memtier shall not vote on this appiication.) 3. During the past license year has a summons�been issued under the liquor civil liabiiity law (Dram Shop) (MS. 340A 802). p Yes m No If yes attach a copy of the symmons. 4. Has the appiicant or any of the associates inl,this application besn convicted during the past five yearsof any violation of federal,state or locat liquor laws in this statel or any other state? ❑ Yes �No If yes,give date and detaiis. 5. Does any person other than the applicants, Have any right,title or interest in the fumiture, fixtures or equipme�t in the licensed premis8s? !�) Yes ❑ No If yes give names and detaiis. � t o aint Paul i 6. Have the applica�nts any interests,directty orl indirectly, in any other liquor establishment in Minnesota? � Yes � No If yes, give name and address of the estabiisl�ment. _ � ` I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THE A VE ND THAT THE ANSWERS ARE TRUEAND CORRECT OF MY OWN KNOWI.EDGE. �'��r �d' Signature of AppNcaM Date REPORT BY POLJCE OR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT This is to certify that the applicant,and the associates,named herein have not been convicted within the past five years for any vioiation of Laws of the State of Minnesota.Municipai or Courtty. i Ordinances relati I g to Intoxicating Liquor,exc�pt as follows i Police,Shenff Department Name Tit1e I Signature , I . I