88-1073 WHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE COURCll ��// CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO• v �� f D�� BLUE - MAVOR � �ouncil Resolution �� ; Presented y - b - � � Referred To �' � �--� Committee: Date 3 �� Out of Committee By Date a emons ra e ,nee to provi e greater assistance to victims of spouse and c i�d abuse; and �EREAS, The Mayor, pur�su�nt to Sect�.on,10.07.1 of tl�e City Cha ter, does �ertify at tn a e availab e or appropriation reeenues in excess o�f those estimated in the ���8 �udget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends th� following changes to the 1988 budget: Cu rent Am nded FI�TQ�TCING PL�T __Bu�get _ Changes___ __Bu�get_ UU1 Gg���al.Fund y Us o� Fund Balance, 'Unreserved Und�esignate� p 10 00 1p ppp All Other Financing ' 118,671,134 _' _ S 118,671;134 ------------ ------------ ------------ SPENDING PLAN 118,671,134 10,000 118,681,134 001 Gen �al Fund _ e Depaxtment. d nistrative IInitsJ - �olice ��- 2�� F es Other,Protlessional Services 16,74 10,00 26,74 A 4 �er St�n�iS ending �j _ g b t pe ng� 118,654,387 0 118,654,387 ------------ ------------ ------------ 118,671,134 10,000 118,681,134 _ NET CHANGE 10,000 RESOLVED, That the City Counc�l approves these changes to the 1988 budget. Approval Recomm�ended - �� ' ��� -------- B ge D rector Be it further resolved, that the Director of Community Services prepare and execute an amendment to the existing ,C.O.P.P. contract for service with The Saint Paul Intervention Project organization to reflect appropriate changes in performance objectives. COUI�ICIL MEMBERS , Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays , n�mona , Police Department �� ' In Favor �,.�_ � _ Against BY �l�����a�.C� !// ,�GG���'��'��_ Sonnen Wilson L 2 81988 Form Approv d y City At ney Adopted by Council: Date _� Certefied Yasse y uncil Secr ary ' BY / /: sy � ; � t#pproved \4av : Appro ed � yor for Su mis on to Council G By PUQIISHEq I;U G 6 1988 . � ��r'-`�� � . , � � , � . � . . .N.° 012478 , Pol'ce ARTMENT , � - - - - - — � • � TACT NAME � NE � E N A NG RD (See reverse side�.) I ���' � �����Y 1 Depar ment Director � Mayor (or Assistant) Finan e and Zla.na`�ement Se ces Director _,5_ City Clerk Budge Director _ City ttorney _ G A 1 (Clip 811 iocations for signature.) Y� W � . R ? (PurpasajRstionale) ; To et the de�nonstrated. j ed for greater assistance to victi.ms of and child abuse. Councfl Research Center. JUN 17 �� N T Y A SO M D: R�:� JUN 0 71988 IIAAYOR'S OFFICE RECpVED N C G D U G E C C DI ED: J�$ '�t�� (Mayor's gnature not requirel if under $10,000.) Tatal t of Transgction: �I� 10,�00 Activity Number: B���f�E Funding ource: ���� � 9890 Fund Balance Un:res�erved Undesignated F A (List and numberl 11 attachments.) C cil Resolution ' � ; D P EDURES _Yes No Rules, Regul ions, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes No If yes, are ey or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT R V EW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW . _Yes No Council resolu �on required? Resolution required? Yes _No _Yes No Insurance requ ed? Insuranc+� sufficient? Yes _No�/� Yes No Insurance atta � ed? � �, , � � � ����� . � C�TY OF SAINT PAUL � � - jiiie�i 19�1 I � '� Olk'FICE OF Z.`FiE CITY COIINCIL ' �Ut d f� �988 JAMES SCH IBEL "' Councilmem er � F ;� �� '� `P I May 25, 1988 I Mr. Russell V. Ewald I Executive Vice Presidentl The McKnight Foundation ' 410 Peavey Building 730 �econd Avenue South Minn apolis, Minnesota 55402 Dear Mr. Ewald: 'I A proposal for funding is being submitted to the Foundation by the Saint Paul Inte vention Project, and we write to support that proposal based on the sig- nifi�ant community contribution�we believe the Project provides. The Project began in 1985, staffed largely by volunteers and directed at in- tervention not only in p�rticular instances of domestic violence, but at providing the supports and access tto services which can break the cycles of domestic violence. Since that time, the Project has served victims and has assisted in dire'�Cting perpetrators to treatment. We v'iew domestic violence as particularly alarming because of the effects it • has on children as well s adults in affected homes. The Intervention Project has worked effectively w�th our Police Department to reduce the damage resulting from instances of abuse, '�and to provide a vehicle for family members to change abus;ive situations or to leave them. We Uelieve the Intervention Project is showing itself to be important to the futwre as well as the present interests of this community. As City Councilmembers we will continue to supp�rt city funding for this project, and we hope the Foundation will assist f�.nancially in furthering this important work. SinC,erely, ,��:.f!G�'y� James Scheibel Bob Long City Council President Councilmember I CITY I-�AL SEVEN�I'N FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 9�48 ' , , , �� ` � ��� �" �� , From:TURCHIN 06/07!/88 12:35: 14 ' Subject:COPP/Interlvention To:FRAN Fran, please let G4reg Blees know that Bob Beikler and Luci Mitchell have been informed by me that he and Gary Pederson are going to work on �he COPP/Intervention contract situation. Beikler has offere�d his assistance to write the amended contract for the Interventi;on folks. Luci expressed some relief if we could move the aclnlinistration of the contract from Police to C.s. under the CORP process. Greg is also to le�t me know how his work with Gary Pederson goes before we amend the budget through a $10, 000 resolution. Cc:TURCHIN ' I i I I ill �i I' - . ' " � � ' � ��-/0�-3 � . � , ADVOCACY PROGRAM I I Project Advocates help victims gain access to the criminal justice system. The succe5s of the intervention is dependent on daily moni- ' toring and advocacy in the system, as well as one-on-one support services to victim�. ' In 1987* 451 contacts were initiated by Project volunteers and staff immediately after a�n assault and arrest to offer services. , 750 informational packets were given to victims of domestic violence in Ramsey County. 214 assault victimsl received continuing case management and extended � support services. 327 victims of domeistic assaults received information, referrals, and support services where there was not an arrest. Out of that total, � 177 received assistance in obtaining an Order for Protection from Ramsey County's Family Cou�rt division. Advocates provided information at pre-court orientation sessions sponsored by Distri�t Court to battered women seeking Orders for Pro- � tection in 1987, as part of a cooperative effort with the Ramsey County Domestic Abuse office. ' An evaluation of program servdces (Client Survey) is currently being conducted. �' * 1987 St. Paul police data shows: 1096 misd�meanor assault reports .456 arrests 563 Gone On Arrivals (usually no arrest) 77 non-a�rrests The Saint Paul Intervention Pro�ect (SPIP) has received a special nine- month grant for 1988 from the Justice Department to expand services by reaching out to victims immediately after an assault when the abusive partner is gone on alrrival. This wi11 increase the number of victims 'receiving information, who are presently isolated and unaware of options available to them. 1 . , • �II� � • I /, � �/O,� � ' � � � VOLUNTEER PROGRAM I I The Saint Paul Int�rvention Pro�ect provides 24-hour crisis intervention ' services to victims of domestic assault. Upon notification by the , police, a telephon� call is made to the Pro�ect's hotline and two volun- I teer advocates areidispatched to offer emergency support services to the j victim and other family members. � Project volunteerslprovide approximately 139 hours per week to the community. They a�e on call nights and weekends providing outreach services to victims and assailants. � Fifty (50) volunte�,rs received at least 12 hours of training in 1987. ! They work on a rotating basis providing support, outreach, advocacy and court room monitor3Jng, and jail visits for victims and abusers. i Recruitment: Volunteers are recruited from every socio/economic, racial, religious, �ethnic and age group throughout the Metra area. 300 �, volunteer recruitment packets were distributed in 1987. ! Training: Criminal �ustice professionals, battered women, former batterers, t�erapists and community leaders volunteer their time on a quarterly basi� to help train the Project volunteers. Volunteers learn th� historical perspective and dynamics of battering; ' they become acquainted with laws pertaining to domestic assault; and proper responses to women (vict�.ms) in crisis. This is .also an oppor- I tunity for personaligrowth in empathy communication skills, listening land assertiveness. Letters of recommendation are available upon request. internships are ava�.lable to students and others planning a career in � law and/or human services. IThese training sessions are open to any interested persons. I I � 2 I I � , ; � � , �� �'�'_/a�� . . , � . , . � . ' ' SYSTEMS RESPONSE Given that batterin� tends to escalate in severity, the response of the community in the early stages of domestic violence is critical. I Improved responses have been developed by various criminal justice agencies, i.e. , man�iatory police arrest in St. Paul, but not all crimi- nal �ustice personnel agrees that domestic violence should be regarded I as a crime. In order to ensure the consistent enforcement of laws and agency policies, it! is necessary to have Project Advocates involved , daily with police, prosecutors and judges in order to promote an effec- tive and coordinated response in St. Paul.* I "The members of this Pro�ect provide much-needed emotional support and enrouragement as the victim goes through the court system. . � . We are convinced that for the presence and support of these workers, many assault cases would never ' be pursued because of the initial reluctance of victims to follow through with prosecution, not to mention their predictable fr�stration with the legal system itself." � -- Quote from a.letter signed_ by 5 Ramsey County District Court judges. � Police: SPIP st�ff provided education and feedback at 12 police '� roll call/shift changes in 1987. Twenty (20) volunteers and staff participated in the� police ride-along program in order to promote under- standing and cooperation between street officers and Pro�ect personnel. �' Meetings and in-service trainings were held with police administrators as needed throughouj� the year of 1987. Prosecution: In order to enhance the number of successful prosecu- tions wh'ere there wjas Project involvement in 1987: SPIP advocates met with City prosecutolrs every day to provide victim information in order to encourage appropriate charging decisions and provide �immediate feed- back on court decislions to victims to increase their protection and i safety. Advocates were present daily at Arraignment Court**, at pre- trial hearings, tri,als, and sentencing hearings, appearing with victims and on behalf of vil'ctims. * SPIP has negotiated a Purchase of Service contract with the Maple- wood Police Departm�ent to provide intervention services in the city of Maplewood in 1988. ' ** In 1987 an agreement was reached with Women's Advocates Shelter to , provide one trained system's advocate one day per week to advocate for victims and to world with the prosecutor's office and monitor court ' proceedings. 3 - , ��, ,a� . , ; � In 1987, 74% of domestic assault arrests were charged by city prosecu- tors where there was Pro�ect involvement. This is a decrease from 1986 � whe� 88% of cases were charged. This is due to a change in policy by � the St. Paul City Attorney's office. 'Many of these cases were dismissed on motion by the prosecutor without prior notice to the Ivictim, thus increasing danger of further violence 'to the victim when t�he abuser is released from custody without court 'restraints. (61% ov�erall charging rate with no Project involvement.) �Seventy-five percent; (75%) of cases charged resulted in a guilty plea or finding, and 86% pf sentences included treatment related to violent �behavior and/or jail� time. Twenty-three percent (23%) of these cases were dismissed at trial. �ao percent (2%) pernding. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING � Informational meetings and in-service training meetings were help with: � city prosecutors, SMRLS (Legal Aid) , Ramsey County Probation, Ramsey County attorneys, victim advocates, the state Attorney General's office, 'Women of Nat�.ons, Casa de Esperanza, MLV Coalition for Battered Women, �Midway Center for pomestic Abuse, Wilder CAP, Women's Advocates, Alexandra House, Ramsey County �udges and referees; Ramsey County 'Domestic Relations and Domestic Abuse office, and Police Chap•lain Corps. �COMMUNITY EDUCATION In order to stop the epidemic of domestic violence, community responses need to improve. Pr�vention must start in the home and in the neigh- borhood. Battered wbmen are isolated by fear -- "I would not leave my �home to reach out fo� help unless I knew I would be safe doing so." ;(Quote from a battered woman) IiFrom the beginning the Saint Paul Intervention Project has focused its �victim educational e�forts on the neighborhoods because we hope that �urvivors of abusia�e �relationships will be able to organize in their pwn communities and c�evelop their own programs using the Pro�ect as a resource. �► = . �� � ��,,073 : , . ; . , , Three weekly neighb�orhood educational groups'for battered women were ' held in three high-incident areas of St. Paul in 1987. They were: i the East side, at Bethany Lutheran Church; Midway area, at 435 Aldine, and; SuBnnit-Universiity, sponsored alternatively by IBCA, MLK, New Beginning Center and Model Cities Health Center. I These ro g ups were a'ttended by 8-12 battered women weekly who received - ' information on community resources and help developing an alternative support system. � Media presentations' and specially developed educational materials were ! used at these groups. , Transportation and child care costs were reimbursed to those requesting it, by SPIP. �, ' WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT � Thirty-three (33) battered women have completed the SPIP volunteer training program an�i four (4) have become group leaders/organizers. , One (1) battered woman has completed facilitator training and facili- tates the Midway grbup weekly. Survivors of violen� relationships have participated in SPIP's , professional training and community education presentations, MN Coalition's legisla�ive committee, United Way's A?Fair of the Heart, j television and radio presentations, newspaper interviews, and other community activitie$ during 1987. ADDITIONAL COMMUNIT'� EDUCATION Twenty-eight (28) p�esentations were made by Pro�ect staff to community ; groups, colleges, churches, agencies and organizations. i Staff participated in production of two training videotapes: "Broken Promises" in cooper�tion with BIHA, reflects the cultural dynamics of family violence in the Black, Hispanic and American Indian communities. I "Old Women: Breakin� the Silence", in cooperation with Home Free, addresses the problems of older battered women in shelters. These films will be distr�.buted statewide, possibly nationwide. The Saint Paul Inte�vention Pro3ect has been featured in two radio � programs, twv television shows, two Minneapolis news articles, four St. Paul news artic�.es and one national magazine in 1987. 5 I � � ' I � I . � � ��'/O�� ' � � � � � � I � . . . . I ���i�� � I i CONTRACT AMENDMENT I Ii This amendment to the orig�inal 1988 agreement is made and entered into this 1�th day of� June, 1988, by and between the City of Saint Paul , a municipal corporation of the State of i�innesota, ihereinafter referred to as "City" , acting through its Depart'ment of Community Services, and the St. Paul Intervention Project, hereinafter referred to as� "Contractor" . W�ITNESS I • WHEREAS. the City requires subsidized legal assistance/mediation for Saint Paul residents, and ' ' I W�IEREAS. the City currently has an a�;reement with the contractor in the i amount of �18,000 which states any modification to said a�reement will be reduced ', to writins , fully signed, and attached to the original, and ; ' , i ;i W�EREAS, it is deemed in the best interest of the City to increase the � amount ;of the contract by $10,000T for a total of 528,000, with a corresponding i increase in services urovided to the City, � NOW THEREFORE, iT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and betweeri the City and the Contra�tor as follows: � � 1 . That the Contract iis amended to provide a tota) reimbursement not to � , e:cceed $28,000 in the calendar year 1988. 2.' That the City wi.11 �give to the Contractor the sum of money described in , Aitachment A, according to the manner an� conditions described in Attachment A. This �repiaces Attachment A of the original contract. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the par�ties have set their hands as follows: ' City of Saint Paul ; A tivity Code 001-C91 � `. _�-�� --� --- �� _ St. Pau] 7n�erbention Projec�.rt —�- : yor �� ^ � I I ' Director of Finance and �tanagement Services APPR(JVED AS �0 FORv: ! i I � Assista�t C�ty Attorrley �-- Director, Dep rtment of Community Services � � � � � � i � i _ i _ . ���'l0� . . , � , 4 � � � . � ATTACH�IENT A i $28,000 will be paid to thje St. Paul Intervention Project in two installments. The following dates are folr reports and City disbursements. Reports due to City of ISaint Paul, Department of Community Services on or before: '� April 20,'11988 July 20, 'i1988 , October 2I0, 1988 January 2I0, 1989 I : . Semi-annual payments ma�ie by the Cifiy fio the agency on or before: BATE '� AMOUNT January 81, 198F3 $ 9,000 July 8, 1I988 �19,Q00 ', i 'I ,, I i . I ' � I I I i � ' I �1%'� %/,.`�'`%'i��..- _-._- . � I � : a . . . , . . . ... ._._ - �_- � .. . � CITY OF SBINT P9.UL - �' �_�p�3 -- � :i�tit��� � . �'��!L1� . � Q�'ICE OB` TS� CITY COUNCIL . � . � Commi�tee Report � . . _F:inance M a�em �t & Personnel Co '�tee. i . _. July 18, 1988 � Est. �I - - ; .. ._ . ._ _� �_�_ .,--- Time . . ... �_� . __ - - . - - --- - i:30 1. � Approval of min�tes of July 5 meeting. � - �m� FINANCE 8 MANAG�MENT - - - � � I,2. Resoiution - 88-1073 - am�nding the �<98� budget ,:-� by adct i ng $I D,0 0 to the F inanc i ng,�a�d Sper►d i ng - - - P i�;l�'°Pd i f c /I r�ervent fi t� pro;�ect. tRe#a��ad fran duncit .tcme 30) � 1 :40 .3. Resolution - 88-1072 - amending the 1988 budget App�oved (3-1) '.-- ' by adding $20,720 to the Financing and Spending - Pians for License Division-Investigative Repor-�s. � (Referred from Council June 30) - 1 :50 4. Resolution - 88{-1074 - amending the I988 bu�get -: ApP�� . _ -. . by adding $45,110 to the Financing and Spending _ Plans for Refugee Specia�l Services. - (Referred from Council June 30) � 1 :55 ' 5. Resolution - 88-1021 - amending the 1988 budget Apgroved as amended by adding $21,SI60 �o the Financing and Spending (Delete $3,860 for Plans for City �Clerk-Records. (Referred from lig�tting) Counci 1 June 23') 2:051 6. Resolution 88-984 - amending the 1988 budaet by j,aid over to July 25 �dding �30,274 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Fina ce 8 Management Services-Division . of Accounting nd the Community Services Department for the Youth thletics and Sports Assistance ' Program. (Ref�rrz�J from Council June 16) (continued� I � CIIY HALL; . SEVENTH FLOOR S�►L�IT PAUL,MINNESOT�SSI02 • .�T�„�° � . WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COlII1C11 /� ` BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO• " �r` �� ' Cou cil Resolution f��� .�' ��-__-. Presented�By _ � � 3� �8" �Refer ed To �—� � �N � Committee: Date Out o�' Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Minneso a Department of Jobs and Training has approved a grant to the City of Saint Paul providing $45,110 for the City's participation in an employment and traininq p ogram for women refugees who are at low literacy levels, and WHEREAS, This progra will provide employment assistance and training for up to 20 refugees; now, tYperefore, be it RESOLVED, That upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the City's participation in the 1988 Refugee Assistance Program, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper City officials are hereby authorized and irected to execute the contract between the Minnesota Department of Jobs and Training, the State Board of Vocational Technical Education and the City of S int Paul; and be it I!FINALLY RESOLVED, That the 1958 Special Funds budget be amended as identified below: Activity 36556 - JTPA Sec. 123 Vocational Education Special Pleeds Projects Fund 345 - Governmen al Employment and Training Program Current Increase Revised Financing Plan ' Budget Dec�ease Budget Refugee Special Services $ 0 $45,110 $45,110 345-36556-3111, Direct Gr�nt S�-ate AdministerPd-recler«1 $ 0 $45,110 $45,110 COUNCIL EMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas , Nays Dimo i.o� In Favor Goswi Rett sche; � �—_ Against BY Sonne� , Wilso� ' ' Form Approved by City Atto ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By � gy. t�pproved by iVlavor. Date _ ' Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council By BY I