99-247ORIGiNAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 2,722,026 'I , 062,115 3 784,'143 i WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has experienced a tremendous increase in construction activRy the past three z years with double digit increases in the number of permits, inspections, construction valuations, and revenues; and 3 n WHEREAS, 1998 was the single targest year in terms of permits and the value of construction activity, topping the e half billion dollar mark for the first time in the City's history; and � WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection has been able to keep up with the a increase in the workload through efficiencies and the use of temporary inspectors until recently; and �o WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has developed a plan to meet the ii current increase in worktoad through various reassignments of e�nsting staff and the addition of one new inspection �z position and one new plan examiner position; and 13 +a WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. '10.07.01 of the city chaRer, certifies that there are available for is appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the budget; now therefore, be it is RESOLVED that the City Council approves the following changes to the 1999 budget: n ts �s zo FINANCING PLAN: zi DepaRment of Executive Administration 2z Division - License, Inspections, and zs Environmental Protection za GL 320 33351 2800 Permits zs All Other Activity Financing zs x7 SPENDMG PLAN: za Department of Executive Administration zs Division - License, Inspections, and �o Environmental Protection si GL 320 33351 011 � Full Time Permanent az GL 320 3335'I 0439 Fringe Benefits a� GL 320 33351 01 � 7 Trades w/o City Benefits �a GL 320 33351 0438 Fringe Benefiits forTrades sa ss All Other Activity Spending 36 37 Adopted by Council: Date �����., l�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: � � ���� s �.. . -. . . �. - .1 ���/ �,, / . � � �� � Current Budget 474,772 598,194 1,595,756 283,007 838,498 3.790,227 Council File # 6reen SheeC # Committee: Date Change 68,566 0 68, 566 20,486 5,780 35, 930 6,370 0 65,566 Requested by Department of: Rg - Z�1'1 50441 Amended Budget 2,790,594 '1,062,'115 3 852 709 495,258 603,974 1,63'1,686 289,377 538,498 3, 858, 793 Office of License, Inspections, and Environment I P ot ti n B Y' , � d� Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: B�� � �� Form Approved 4v City Attorney/'1 � for�uVbmiss'/on,to Council: � 5 DFFMTL'ENf/OF}1Cf1C011NC9. DA'18 WIIIA'IID e � � ��� ExecutiveAdministration-LiEP 02-25-99 REEN SHEET NO. 50441 � taxrnre ttdrw�e coxrwCretxFONa2twrlE t Ax7Affll1'DWE4Tdt Os arrooutim. RobertKessler 266-9112 �,�, ��rnrenwv�r � arrumx ��aN�.,,�.��„� � o �,,,.��� o ��,��,.� o ����„�� o TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CtlONRH2U6S1ID roval to amend 1999 spending and finaucing for LIEP Special Fund 3?A xecw.aatmwnots: eeu�G)axe�a W PERSONAi. SII2VICE CONTRACLS MUSL ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: euiumaea�ox 1. klss IDia peisoa�m e�awwYed �der a�4a�far�is departmwCt cmm�m'!ts YES NO WLLSFRVIC6CtlW.9590N 2}I� Utis pasodf�0 ElT[ 6CC� a tMy e�? n sr,us YES NO 3. Does ilns persodF¢m pos�s a skill �t nu�mallY P�bS �Y cmrent dtY emp]%ee? YES NO 4. b ihic pe�son / Stm a tageted `rndoft YES NO (Ezplaio ail yes aoswers oo uP�te she� and saac6 to �een stieet) W[IIA1YlGPROBIFM. @}91EOPPORRINII'Y l�. �4�4 R'heM1 W6f'k For fluee yeats, the CiTy of Saint Paul has experienced double digit increases in the number of pertnits, inspecfions, construction valuations, and revenues. This has subslantially ine[eated the inspeetots' and plan examiners' wocklaad. The Office of Lieense, Inspeetion, and Environmenffil has developed a plan to mee[ ihe increased workload through shaffreassigntnenis and the addition of one new inspection position and one new-p}an examiner. Funding for these new positions will come from additional pertnit fces and record construction activity. - ADVANTACP3IFAPPROVhD: Adding these new positions will provide needed assistance to meet the increased workload. D6ADVANTAC6IF APPROVID: None DLS.1D VANTACd�S OF NO'! APPAOV�: The City would eacpetience inereased difficully in maintainu�g the euttent level of inspections and plan reviews. C4u�;�6i ��5�«°�h ���?��i MAR 0 419� 'IOtALAMDUN�OF'IkALSACRON_� 6HS6V COST�tfi�k2ilI6BlIDGEI�1CLtCLEUNEI O T10 F,,, Permit Fees .a,h,Y,N,�Ea GL - 320-33351-2800 FINATICIALAU'ORMA'RON. �SYL41N) �� .� qq •a4n CITY OF SAIN"I' PAUL INTERDEPART'MENTAL MEMORANDUM February 26, 1999 To: Joe Reid, Budget D'uector Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director �� Re: 1999 Budget Amendment--One Additionai FI'E As you know construction activity in the City continues at a record pace. 1998 was the third record yeaz in a row with double digit increases in the number of pernuts, inspections, valuations, and revenues. Until recently, LIEP staff have been able to handle the increased work load through efficiencies, working smarter, and the use of a number of part time and temporary inspectors. However, it is no longer possible for us to keep pace with the increase in the number of permits and inspections without the addition of another buiiding inspector, and we are seeking your approval to add one FTE. We are not seeking the addition of any other trade inspectors at this time because we are working with the Business Review Council to restructure the furnace inspection process (reducing the required three or four sepazate pernuts and inspections) to free up inspection time far work on other gas and wann air permits for more complicated jobs. By creating a single permit for new or replacement gas forced air furnaces we can reduce the number of annual inspections from 1,000 up to as many as 1,800, and save the homeowner more than $40.00 in fees, and reduce the number of inspections that have to be scheduled for the same address. The details of this proposal still have to be worked out, but we are optimistic that we will be able to reach agreement with the affected unions and industry representatives in the next two months. We aze also asking for pernussion to utilize an F'I'E from gambling enforcement in plan review to assist the plan review staff to keep pace with the workload. We identified this change in my December 23, 1998, memorandum (attached) which proposed a Streamlined Drganizational Structure for LIEP. We ask to use Sheila Reed's vacant FTE in the Gambling Special Fund Number 167, and fill it at a lower rate by hirfng a Plan Reviewer I in the License and Pernut Special Fund Number 320. We aze not using gambling funds for this change since gambling revenues are restricted to support gambling enforcement only. An ordinance to repeal the increase in the charitable gambling tas from 2.5% to 3% which is scheduled to take effect in 1999 is also attached. I have attached several documents, including a budget amendment, in support of these requests. Please let us know if you have any questions. c: Lori Lee, Accounting LIEP Managers 9q -zy'1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM December 23, 1998 To: Tom Fabel, Deputy Mayor Joe Reid, Director of Financial Services Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director � Re: Streamlined Organizationai Structure for LIEP I am pleased to submit, for your review and comment, the proposed streamlined organizational structure for the Office of License, Tnspections and Environmental Protection that was promised in our 1998 and 1999 proposed budgets. The structure recommended is the result of many weeks of work by LIEP's senior managers, with the excellent assistance of Steve Cvinar from Human Resources. The stimulus, and guiding principal for the new structure, is our desire to become a fully "unified customer oriented organization". With the approaching relirement of 7anet Odalen at the end of 1998, Gary Pechmann in the spring of 1999, and the creation of the project facilitator position, we saw an opportunity to reduce the number of "divisions" in the office from three to two, and to reallocate resources to better support our customer service objectives. Our proposal utilizes the same number of FI'E's, but fills two high salary F'I'E's at a lower levels, consistent with the Mayor's goals of efficiency and cost savings in our operations. As you know we aze wrapping up the third straight yeaz of record construction activity, with total valuation exceeding a half a billion dollars for the first time in City history. In addition, our pernut and license related revenue is expected to exceed our projections by more than $500,000. We have addressed the increased inspectional workload in the shoft term through the addition of temporary trade inspectors. But we will be seeking approval for an additional building inspector in January, 1999. However we want to keep the request for another building inspector sepazate from the changes in the organizational structure. The request for the buiiding inspecrtor is work load driven, while the organizational changes, presented here, are intended to both addreess workload issues and improve service and efficiency in the long term with our present complement of personnel. We aze anxious to begin the implementation, but seek your concurrence before we start. Besides the approval of the actual organizational structure, we will also be seeking approval of a budget amendment which will change and consolidate budget activities for the Office, while reducing our bottom up to aproximately $35,500 (see numbers 6 and 7 below). The most salient changes illustrated in the attached charts include: Tom Fabel and Joe Reid December 23, 1998 ctct_ly� Page 2 1. The elimination of one of the three deputy directors and the consolidation of all field inspection responsibilities under the Building Code Officer 2. The "optimal" positioning of the project facilitator to allow her to act as the single point of contact for high profile and/or controversial projects 3. The creation of a quasi-independent hearing officer to conduct informal hearings on problem restaurants, dangerous dogs, problem telephones, etc. 4. The utilization of the gambling accountant to support the whole office in the azea of budgeting and purchasing. 5. The reassignment of resources from gambling enforcement to plan review to meet the sia ificantly increased work load for general construction and heritage preservation plan review and approval 6. Filiing of Gary Pechman's FI'E with a Environmental Health Specialist, at an approximate cost savings of $19,000. 7. Filling of Janet Odalen's FTE with the Charitable Gambling accountant for an approximate savings of $2,500, and in turn filiing the gambling accountanYs position with a plan review technician for an additional savings of up to $14,000 thereby producing total savings of $16,500. I�i conclusion we are seeking your approval to begin immediately to implement the new organizational structure. Please let me know if you have any quesfions regarding this proposal. c: Steve Cvinar, Human Resources LIEP Senior Managers Peter Kishel U N a � v � � . m t � W � �Y � � O m � C t6 N C O V � Q. y'n N V C .a: Q y a 6 , � � *`°• rn a �? _ � w. � N � 0 � � V O � w � � � C U O W ' O a o V am 0 J a o m Y {p o m J y T > (/J N � 3 � N N U m y � C C O � � � � . R Q N w m = m N U Y N m m � y m m d `y c c E $' N N � � U U U O v � a � 0 U j m V ._ m T m d � L Q y � Y W d °' a a i r 0 a_ 3 � N T ma U � U iA C � � £ d m E > � o C� `c W � M �" N m Y N a0 `v o a �d £ m2 � � U O c 0 U A _" Q Y p� U c t ei o V N` C N N m � U:: � J � _ j a C � - O U oe t 0 � � N .� � N N C 2 y a °� c a .°�. � N m W� 0 N d � c c E m � °> w� mcrycc�e8o � c a�i � N N L L L� 0@ C� N N 3 N-Q N N m d ¢` � m d in m c m � O � 0 m 0 O m o�" c �. d �� m m � �'� L m`� m� o m W � E o Q c ' ` m m � � Y �� Y Q m Z m �YF- o � d -� � Y N L � N @ Z Z r m m m m 0 T N N � C C d � L (!� U y c c � � U � c p �Xj� '�CLy c� iy �� � o U o� �^� � w d 3 � � L oEa��� d 3 o� � � f!] NJ�.cOK �"�r3Y n7 � a o��~� Y} p m U O O N C N 3 � L � U s (n U N a ' Y 0 � d � >m m f0 2 m N r G t N c J � rn T R U C m � � O C C m � u N N � N J c y m � > N my a . � � c ui o O� m c c 47J �Y� � � � � � U Q @ > � w � y 3 m �=a� mti `mN � N C � t � N C .. C y N V �� C O �a+c d �m °' 000� C� U p s� N' J 0 1n r/� a' N �J � C � N �� 1] �� C. � �° L' Y o c� c i a�i (7 '7 � N =� Y RLL� N v T c m c i0 m- a�N ° W = � 6] �p I- m r N �6 C � N @ � LL � �.1 C N � U a a9-�y' a m Q N a H � � c c � �' O O �� t C U C C� C p� N s d m m a N � m W' Y Z~ 2� 2 i m � � o�� m m' y o� z H (�DD � N 9 ., � C u � �.�i � W N A � O O c � o � N � � L N O N N £ N �' ' � N rn � � ° a; rn c � �`�p c � �j TQ �i N > j?���r m a o=md� r � N y U �p 'c A N F N Q �a V y N £ t a d L �� N N C N a o � � T N 0 c� U p m �d, � C � Z m � � m � U' N j � 9 C -L 3 � 6 � � N N T y �U N @ �» 0 � N N � T N 3 IC O) C� C 9�'� 4l � i N�m Q�� UG > !0 !0 N Q� V � C G� t�! C W V�.-�� � m��' d � E rn O u' � K OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECITONS AND h'NVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION RobertKessler, Direclor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narne Colemmr, Mayo� February 8, 1999 To: Mayor Norm Coleman City Councilmembers Fr: Robert Kessler �. Re: 1998 License and Permit Report LOWRYPROFESSIONAL BUILDA'G Suite 300 350 Si. Peter Sbeet Saint P¢ul, Minnesom SSIO2-I570 Bob Kessler ctq -Zy'1 Telephone: 651-266-9090 Facsimik: 651-266-9099 651-266-9124 I am pleased to provide you with a copy of our 1998 Annual Report far the yeaz ending December 31, 1998. The total value of construction set a record for the third consecutive year with the total in 1998 exceeding a half a billion dollazs for the first time in history. I wish to aclaiowledge the excellent work of all LIEP staff in handling the tremendous increase in the workload these past years, and I look forwazd to many more prosperous years in the furiue. Highlights of the report include: Number of permits issued Fees collected for permits Valuation of work 1998 28,100 $4,325,479 $558,166,125 1997 25,642 $3,685,681 $417,938,697 Increase 2,458 $639,798 $140,227,428 % Increase 10% 17% 34% License Revenue (including Environmental Health Fees and Fines) was $2,395,386. Revenues were budgeted at $2,407,000 which exceeded actual by only $11,614, coming in very close to budget. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding our report. c: Department and Office Directors Neighborhood District Councils Qq-ay'1 OPFICE OF IIC@IS$ INSYP.C770N5 AND FNVIRONM@'1TAL PROt'EC1iON 350 ST. PEfHt SCRFEf. SAIN1' PAUL, MINNESOTA 55302 MONTI�.Y REVENUE REPORT ,�,�. ���� I coxsTtcucrtox r�ax v,v.u,�noxs I FaUopingYad6ola6mdpanit�atmtlomfQthemmWM:DECEA18SA1998 NO. 61 430 0 0 0 i SO 0 843 37 2 17 32 22 9 205 i 1 2 Yl 5 1ffi U sa 0 0 0 33 9 1 % 0 261 5t 0 1314 Canmerciel-addic3uos. ariusnwa &�pei�s 8edtrmiial- e�cons. aUaaions & rqceirs Apm�t �J�gs �ar � commerdm (Nev) n�ma;nW ro sy nw, z c�.. � nwa c�m•n �� PhGric F�evuor Exc¢vetiadFauodetiw Prnas Fue Suppmsdw Firepla�e � Ges Bumer Mwiug (OrcHw¢) Offi�dN'mehwte Oil Bumer Othr Fuels ���6 Plumbin6 R�plPaztiog I.ac xerne��� xu�,s� xu�� wau s�a Si�e SinHleFami�Y Due➢in6 QHear) SkY�'aS Sreavfitmeg Svimming Poda warm q;r w� uwq Wood Smve VAi,UATiON OF PERM[I5 S 17,03T310.49 S 7,969.068.29 S O.ao S o.00 s o.ro S 16,40D,OW.00 S ro.�ao.00 s o.ao S 10,819,495.OD 3 9o8,25Ga0 S 27.SOO.ao S 35,116.95 S 361,1%.00 S 41,825.00 S 113,728.20 S 46v.o71.ao S 70.000.00 S 8UD.000.00 S 20.099.00 S 1%,150.00 S 25.450.00 5 3,386,160.70 S O.ao s as9.00�.ao s o.ro s o.ao 5 o.ao 3 107,286.90 S 1,256,300.88 S 6ai.9W.00 S 320,630.00 S 0.00 5 1.855.243.80 s sas.iv�.00 S 0.00 S 63.702.304.21 LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRO1�iMENTAL PROTECTION, CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ,� 1y � Permits with Valuation of $500,000 and over for 12/Ol/98 - 12/31/98 OWNER/JOB ADDRESS PERMIT TYPE/WORK VALUATION OF WORK Air Regent Investors Building - Office/Wazehouse $800,000.00 603 Eaton St. St. Paui Co. Building - Commercial $590,000.00 180 E. Sth St Improvemem City of St. Paul Building - Skyway $603,900.00 23 W Sth St. Ramsey County Building - New Commercial $16,400,000.00 25 W. 7th St. Regent Aviation Building - Commercial $1, l OQ000.00 607 Eaton St. Improvement Salvation Army Building - Commercial $630,000.00 375 St. Anthony Ave. Improvement Cathedral I3ill LPP Building - Residenrial $514,285.00 272 Dayton Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residemial $514,285.00 280 Dayton Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residen6al $514,285.00 276 Dayton Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residential $514,285.00 277 Selby Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residentiai $514,285.00 273 Selby Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residential $514,285.00 268 Dayton Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residential $514,285.00 269 Selby Ave. Improvement Allina Health Building - Commercial $12,000,000.00 347 Smith Ave. N. Improvement St. Paul Housing Building - Residential $889,000.00 1000 Edgerton St. Improvement City of St. PaullWild Plumbing $2,SOQ000.00 Hockey Arena 199 Kellogg Blvd. W. The Wild Arena Electrical $5,100,000.00 199 Kellogg Blvd. W. q�������������� � � O O. .� y ^[� P m(� y V O� r r t� F �� t�f b <� y O. 00 Vf O. O. .r 7 �. e� ... .. ... < � g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g C��g.�.�� ° n ° m n 8 $ ts7vm �.n aov_o�o � e�mev_ a. � N�ON N O. N 1� b. ^ h�O O. �p vf b p {q r � W�o O cn vf y H O N h t�l O O e� O Q m N H H� H H� H Vf �� I� �z" � � Q a v�i vi,� 8v eg O° �g° on �/.. 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N� e��i �ry r�.��. M N � O CO .-� V H V� N N 00 N I� vf O N[� Q P N O. GO V O Ni NI N.-� t7 1� N N r O 7 N O H N H N H y N H H i N � p H H W O O n O� 0�0 N m N r O N v�f � O T q Q O. N O� C1 T N '? � O< M aD .� � O i� � Q' �y h �+f e� w� �� O m< Q�O V� ro ao T Q Vf h O O�D N h W h N t� < t�f 'O h y � V.n y V M�G N O. m q �D —� O O � vf P Q�11 W '+ H N� H< N O v� Hf ao a0 m m F K r� N H H H y f/f H� Vf H Vf � 'O y a o " �' � u N N tn M O. l� �!� V�p O p� �p O N m N V O� O. vf a0 ^< O. C o. < Y N e1 �O M t7 O� fV q P N O V H1 �D T O y � r �+ �+ N v� N Y-� W �7 K a� N S O O O S O O O O O S S S S N P � z y�p, P v�i < N t��1 O y r b O O N N O v�i ^ O O �O ao ao O P wf P h N v^ �O m O� Q � O V � O a0' N V e0 ao h �O vf �f h V N y r t�l ..� t�1 Vf O O Hf h U V� O. V Vf �� N N y H H y K H O� H N h 1D O Q O N H H H N (+� y 7 S v� N O O b O O a�0 O O t�f O.�-� O a W ❑ N V N� N`O N h Nf N h t1 W M O'J Cf z � oo O� l� h�D N V a0 en O� <^ O o0 < 1'� Y� �D �D M N� W q v� (�1 �p N �p 1� VI (/� �p N�O y ? y H N V P aT N y�O a+I v� v� � O {i] � 4 d' Vi Vi Vi H N N(A N O T w, H H N H H y (/� Vf N n� '� U F N �p V N.�i ����.�. m � m r m r n ��+f � V�O N N O N N N '�" W � N a^ O � y � o c� � � �a . � � � e u Q C7 U ( U W z a.. ��7' � d p., O q �+1 yF¢ Wt w<? �' m Q Fa [." a"aM � iG .7 � F� W 0 m 5 a�� i' W ."�. W W cy W h� x 6� W z W� F F Q F U0.' mwww��p�Oaa�hH33FC a °I9-1y`1 � DECEMBER 1998 RECEIPT5 r��.��� ���a�� A(,'C1VLfY OD1TT - OPS - ONGOIIiG - ANII.4AL CONfROL Ammal Coni�ol Fco 56,905.00 rarnt, ooi-oorn ss,vos.00 ACfIV1TY 00178 - OPS - NEW - 7ANIIiG Ef AL Siga Dia�id Revicv $0-0p j270.00 WetLods Rsiew j0.00 571137 Zoning Hiatoria AraefficLed SL4�.00 54,661.00 VuiaxdAppula 51,295.00 SZi,4?3.OD SiroPlanRcviewApplicstione S1.S8i-OD SZ7.309.00 TOTAL 001-00178 53.1?A.00 550.40437 ..: __.. _,.,. . ,,,. �::, . .-:. . .. ,-.::m•---��'r�.�' .. -.� :'� ........... ...: . � .::..,.. � .. .: . : � . - :ws�u'�:.u..4". . �v. � �a.. .w. � 'aw.a �.. ._., em.�a�'w�u �iY:...a.._. .. .. .. ... SPECIAL FOND 167 ACfMTY 31352 - OP3 - ONGOING GAhffiLR1G ��s f1'%� �s) Sa�,vns3 33�i�azo.6s Jury Di+ry 50.00 S1so.00 TOTAL 167-31352 $47,992.83 $371,600.68 ............ ........................ . ... ... .., . �c ` �a'a:..�.:a, �'....�ra': �«e'en'«.�:... �..,:.. _:. o..`�;>.r�.:y :�>���"���tit.,��.c�'��>�c��r�����:�.���� H��:.h'��� SPECIAL EUND 320 5108,490.00 uaa,a9o.00 ACI'MTY 333t2 DESIGN SECPION Design Section TOTAi, 320.33312 $O.W 50.00 SnO.vt 5770.02 ACfIV17'Y 33350 - OPS - ONGOING - GENERA[. Bmineea Licenx (5178,251.49 - 33,085.63 NSF & Ref Adj) Ovecpaymea[ Rnee (e+eesaed by CounciD Subpoe�tness Jury Duty PEES.SALES,SERVICES Environmen[al HcaltL TOTAL 320.33350 5175,165.86 $0.00 SI,O50.00 50.00 50.00 S125.00 5176,640.86 52,367.700.60 (Bus Lic YTD Totl i�l S13U,066.10. The 29% Oc[-Dec '97 rev hamf to G.P. aubtrected &om totl in 2/98 iepoR S7a6.25 537,95635 S'77•80 5170.00 $6,734.50 52,395,385.50 ACfIVITY 3335t - OPS - NEW - GENERAL Pe[miu (5401,332.27 + 526,618.08 NSF, Ref ffi ttP �J) ElevaWr Inapeetion FEPS,SALES,SERVSCRS Plm Examimtion Mi.vicelianeous (Copies md Data f[i.+tory Reaeazeh) stmcmre Ivapeceon T�de A.a ..riona T�ade Licenaea CeniSca[e of CompUency Code Compliaucc vacam Buildiog Forfeimres Fence Varimce Cash ShoAage Iuxy Duty TOTAL 32033351 ACf1V1TY 33353 - C[JSTOMCR SERVICE Ala[m PermiEa (511,005 - $8 Refu�) 5427,950.35 Sia,onso 584,737.51 stu.00 5150.00 $4,135.00 565,214.00 571,655.00 51,775.00 52,000.00 SO.W 50.00 �.� 5671,819.66 510,997.00 54,296,750.06 an,z6z.eo 5797,846.85 at,a�aso 51,491.00 514,560.00 5112,248.00 593,060.00 519,ou.00 578,000.00 5150.00 (5876.99) 560.00 55,445,675.02 591,290.00 TOTAL 32433353 510,997.00 591,290.00 a a"z`�'1 ; ,.u..::..,.._ -::.....: «.�. �::H .:.......<:...:.�... -..... -�-:.:. �,�.�. - Yi� .. . _..`.. ♦ ♦ '.:\�vni�vYA�Mii.ugrc`....�.-_._::.�...,_.:.._.w W xt4xi.: ..'`:."1'�..� .>i.yvu �t�.:��'��'.�`4�'`r`* cy:� a:. " ��:q � �' �� " .�''��m:< _.a'�.��':..`i#i "L,. ��-..:.,.,x.�,.s� . _...,.._ .,..�,..._.� ..,... �,�,.a..., �.,...,,«,,...+:ax.�,....e....,.nn...,.�x.:..�a:�a: Gsitw ,�a'R .z... ° .t���v<.�.,>.., � a 9 .>�1*1 OPFICE OP ISCFNSE, INSPE(,TIONS AND PNVIItONAffiiTAL PROTEC170N 350 ST. PEi'ER STREEf, SAW1' PAUL, MINNES(Yl'A 55102 . MONTHI,Y REVENUE REPORT CONSfRLRRIOF PERDIlT VALUATIONS FdlarvingiaaWbv7efimdpamitval�inosfarNemoefAd:J.u'NARY1999 '� NO. 56 184 0 0 0 2 5 0 AfA 33 1 1 44 18 1 20l 0 0 3 I1 0 16i 0 1b 0 I 1 72 4 0 51 0 204 � 0 1579 Commen;ial - adAi¢�s. al�ons & �epaia Residental - additioaa. slre�oas & �rs APertmnnt Buildings C�apy � Commercial (New) DemoLnon (2 s8� Dwt. 1 GemBe, 1 DuPlex. 1 Chumh> Dupinc flutnc fl��a exw�modPwoaeriw Fenres Fve SLppmssiw Fireplece �8� Ges Hura°.r Moving Offia/Wmehouse Oil &iicec O[ber Fuele Plasmring Plumbing Ramp/Parking La Refrige�ion Resraurent Reteining WaI1 Shed Signc SinBle PamilY Daszllin6 QQew) Skyway Sr�mfitting S\vimmivg Pao7s Warm Air water Ufiliry Wood Stove YALUATION OF YHUAS$ S 9,861,406.00 S 4,026,0�0.60 S O.Oo 5 O.Oo S O.00 S 60,oao.0oo.ao 5 33,690.00 3 O.00 S 3,979,525.00 S 1,425,409.95 s u,000.ao 5 2,525.00 S 384,356.00 S 37,400.00 S 10,552.32 S 534,887.OD 3 0.00 $ 0.00 S 164,4WAU S 565,OOO.00 S O.oO $ 760.226.70 S O.00 S ?b7.866Au $ 0.00 5 115,000.00 5 s5,0oo.00 S 65.a69.o0 5 ao2,aa0.ao f 0.00 $ 321.YF1.00 s o.00 S 2,150.880.00 S 608.021.00 $ 0.00 S ffi.795,869.57 LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVII20NMENTAL PROT'ECTION, CONSTRUCTION PERNIITS q c� .Zy� Pemuts with Valuation of $500,000 and over for 01101i99 - 01{31199 OWNER/JOB ADDRESS PERMIT TYPE/WORK VALUATTON OF WORK Allina FIealth Building - Commercial $500,000.00 333 N. Smith Ave. Improvement IvIDI Building - Commercial $1,000,000.00 1700 Wynne Ave. Improvement Media One Building - Commercial $3,857,000.00 10 River Park Plaza Improvement MN Mutual Life Ins Building - New Commercial $60,OOQ000.00 401 Robert St. N. St. Paul Schools Building - Commercial $2,000,000.00 790 Conway St. Improvement St. Paul Housing Building - Residential $1,597,000.00 899 S. Cleveland. Improvement United Hospital Wazm Air $800,000.00 347 Smith Ave. N. Metropolitan Councii Electrical $2,000,000.00 2400 Childs Road o��������� a F^'° ^� �_ m o o s o� a n o _¢ -- a � 4 � $888 p 888588 p 8 p 88 p 888 O W O O S O S S S S O G O$ O S S f� (� {i� N[� Y R t'1 O� N l� O� ?? m v� N W p p. ay �p �n oo t� m N�n m�+ oo b N O {b �� y O j ^ �O � v1 N N� n1 vf N Hi C1 O {S� �J � H �z O ¢ O 6 P O O O O O O O O � O O O O O v�i Q U N O O N W S�� N b b'Y � N� �-. vf Y T t+^ CO < N o'J Y N W O W ¢ Q O. �n 1� < < < v� O 1� v� O oo �n 3 �n [� N�n oo t� �'o b�o �O N� O P .� N O� e{ {n N Y1 l� N th `G r �� a{ M r N V� ; � � H v� O�O O T�n O O O O m r m h F b N cn O r N S O O O O� T c�f O ¢ G� ao O� ��O O� v� O�+f O�n �+f N N o0 00 �G W O� h �l �O ��/1 h < NI N O� P T W q � oo < W� h N O m V O N w oo l� ao W �� N V y r�n N m cn Ni N cn N� � W a � Uf � O �O O t�f �< I� M^ O C�O N�+ V O O� N< m•• <� � ^ N N�n N ao N H F / � y � � G4 � a w" a� N O v� O o o O o o O o o O O o N P O O. O O O O O O I� O O O O O O (7 vI U O b l� O O O�D �O Pf � O P � P N O O v� oo O O N�o �O < oo N�O �n R V Cf W V O N W< N W O W H .: o�v� � e"vv�n o ��n om G. � c� 1� N N1 � t'1 �D `O �O �D b N� O P a 3 v^ O� V t7 h v� h N CI �D [`� �y V m �+ N 7 O h � b N c�+t O� N S O O O O� T M O O xi Q W O. ��O T vf O Cf O v1 CE N N O] tL �O z � rn t� vt �D � vf t� Q m N T P O� � m v w � v: o 0o v o N m m t� Q V) U Vl VI N K^� N N M N1 l�l VI t�1 � � W � N�n N N N � � w a � � O F b O m a0 ? h�n -+ O V' �O N�+ < O O� N<� _• < N .�n �O N N v� N Si f� h CW � N a '" � i� y N � � N �q ay �WaW� a ? � � ¢�'zv V w�zua.a'RUd� �f� Q�>a"°'�w��ay�a wm��Naxaa��W�ao a�i w w c c w c Q 7 0�o a' a , a a m ti 3 g h o���������������� �{II vl �G �� P � N vf N1 l� N Y Q��'^ �O a4 G -- �i� ¢� 88 � fi1 V a�0 � r O�. O b O b O� N � N O O �7 W N�O N N T N[� O. ^ h�O a� �O �n b O (jj a tL b O H N � Vf < N l� Cf O O Nf O ❑ W y1 H H M(h Vf K t1 N I� C. � H H Vf Vf Vf Vf �wz" " O d C7 ¢ O� 8 � S 8� Q 8 S S S S S S t N b � V O� `O O •G p N h Q l� �O �O Hf l� �'� v� t�f O. N O'O O< l� O �I Q c�f m M1 t� p N y�O O� q�D N? N h N O�D O r1 V h O Q O P O� � O� N b O N N(� DJ �O � Nf 3 N Y�O O h b^ o> N O w V� � Y � � �� K y H K� H W H H H H� P ,� ti N O N N ; O H y y H � v1 N O`O O O O O O r < O. O�D � {�7 !� S P O �n h O S O O O O. tn �n O? b n F povNi v�o vi oao.�c �on �or�n g r Q� W O� Hf vf O� N m l� N N f� <n P N b o0 � 1� vf �+ N�O a0 c�l N�n O� < l� P m a0 �O N p a Hsmns9 y ww y w�yan»wya`�n N y» � W K W O r N< m � c��f m � r N� M r m o r � Nt V .� ^r � v� h F W a a � V O S v�i O O O V O O O O O O O c N � �J-. Q T b O W O vt N� Q m�D �D Cf [� Q V vf cn O. v� O �D O Y h O�n o� M I� 1� O� N "] �n �D ao O. �O N O� N'/1 �n O�D O Cf Q l� O F� a, o" -� a m�n �o o vi N t= w�o � cn Q Q N a b O l� �o V eo v� O O. �n � V ao r~ '3 N N w� w aif H� Vi � w V N ' N N ; � H� y H N r O Q S CE N S S O O S O� Cl N O R `O � Q O < Cf K�O m O Q ^ b �O h.J `O h N O h [� W O� (�1 � O� N h N N Hf nf O. N�O � O t� v� N'O W('1 N Y� P K 1� P th O� �O N Q� N � N-w �+ y v� P� N� N '+ cn < �n N O �G [S� W�(9 Vf Vf H K N� fA Vf Vf d (9 N � � � � K K � O F U N v�� n m�.�.. �' r c� �� cv — m gE �� y y m� m o t� „ h � {y � a � O J' (n f _ p U � W z^ U U� U a 2 W ��� rX �� � d a ~ d�wWN����S����� �O xc w www�w��o�Oa4`��,�3 H ua a q9 •zy'l 7ANUARY 1999 RECEIPTS GENERAL FUNA 001 .::.... ......................... ;;.:����:�m: ACI'IViTY 00177 - OPS - ONGOING - ANIMAL CONTROL Animal Control Fees TOTAL 001-0O1?7 as,�s.00 55,975.00 55,975.00 35,975.00 ACfIV1TY 00178 - OPS - NEW - ZONING SI' AL Sign Dist2iM Reaiew 50.00 50.00 Weflends Review 50.00 $0.00 Zoning Histnries Reseazched 5270.00 5270.00 Variance/Appeals 51,680.00 51,680.00 Site Plan Review Applications S225.00 3�.0� TOT'AI, 001-00178 32,175.00 52,175.00 . .........:.... � . . —. ..—...�..�:.;... .,:...�.�....:....,.;x::-:�>�.......o_.,,_....g�s:::=r..<::::..;::.:a.r._,•,,;. ...::._��, . . . � ro....... ..z:. .... . . :. . rx . . . .. .: ..�.....<.:.:.. . ti_:.,v: � ..::..... ... ..,... ^� . , a .�..:°.o�: ,..� > . _,. x . � . ,.�:..a..o.,,� . .... ;...�.�.... ..��i.,.��'.........�'[+^'....�.�>��F.c�.x.u:o.xn.:>..:.._.<:n .............:.......>......,.r:�.....,...es,:::m......:::::a..,<.<..:x� .,::....:i;���a?iii:^+:3:�:i:: x:i::�::6 �::a?3�"i „�'„�„'�',�' SPECIAI. FUND 167 ACTIVITY 31352 - OPS - ONGOING GAMBLING Gambling (Tac Only) 529,539.50 529,539.50 TOTAL 167-31352 $29,539.50 529,539.50 . .. .... . :.......... ...........: ........ ... .. ........_... :r.tt�.:��<;.c<.: ;..:gr�..�,::: .a . . . . w.i.;;�F1�=::c.rcC:_Y«;<:Fn:T.._:•...::k:'s.q•x..<0s_.. . :. .�. ' :. : . ......._. w..a3:. �....x (�]� y :... -. . �:..ro:..x. .<A:Y. :..a> . . H�..o ... s: 8'>rx�<..� � ...... .��.R.�'�.� ..yo.°w::.:.::o<....:\ a:.v..:r:4:�:x _..... Rh':����w.��.�::.v..�.�...�....C.<.y..oau�...:..... ♦u.�::v'..��:":y_:.: � ..�......�a._.....�..T._ . Tti�..._. ..x.w�..... �.w.� . .:..: uC.c�"�c.�>3:<:.:.i��i� . . . . ..:QR:.:�..�..:>.a.��.�._3.o'L....9...a.i6.�.._...:SaLi°i�<..g.�:�.Y:`:..:._..:.. .....::tt.�..�.:�..�...�°�::, � . SPECIAL FUND 320 ACTIVITY 33350 - OPS - ONGOING - GENERAI, Business Licenses ($264,824.50 - $3137.00 iefunds) Overpayment Fines (assessed by Council) 5261,687.50 ��� �� $261,687.50 $O.DO a i,000.00 FEES, SALES, SERVICES Alcohol Awareness Training Environmental Health TOTAL 320.33350 so.00 S1,d26.90 5264,t14.40 ao.00 f 1,A2b.90 5264,114.40 ACTIViTY 33351 - OPS - NEW - GEtSERAI, Permit ($412,886.07 + S 10,850.46 Ref & Dep Adj) Elevator Inspee[ion FEES,SALES,SERVICES Building Constmction & Plan Examination Miscellaneous (Copies snd Data FSisWry Reseamh) strucm:cInspecdon Tiade Examinations Txade Licenses Certificate of Competency Cade Compliance Vacarrt BuIlding ForfeiWrea TOTAL 320.33351 5423,�36.53 31,870.00 5146,523.04 5263.50 $117.00 $2,695.00 542,773.00 $16,117.00 5525.00 ao.00 $634,621.07 5423,736.53 51,870.00 3146,523.04 S264S� $117.00 52,695.00 542,773.00 516,117.00 5525.00 ao.00 $634,621.07 ACTIVITY 33353 - CUSI'OMER SERVICE Alann Pemuts . �. �� 56,065.00 TOTAL 320.33353 . �. �� 56,065.00 ° ..._ .....:........__......................_.._....� - y� - - . u�.v.r� <.:�,,.:.. .«.«,< y �. .. , .:��-..;,.<..::,_z��..::���,-„« <-.�.`..?C::>^s;-:�.�:.:•-:;`��.x:<>;;e:?°�c�x?r -. �ut.�b`.:`::::::.'.za�:`�` .: . .y . .. . .'� . ,�, '�::� �..»'d:.axC.^� ..... .:.,... w . ..s�i�."i.°�. ::�i'���}�" -,.. .�v��.`� �`��.:�.io: �,,::.;�.���.,.,.,....,e.. �: ..,� ..:...............:.. �-....:.....�.,�.....u.....��.......::<:S'@lu..��....,..S�1.a�iiw.�.:.�ai4.\i...o a..�.vtt.V. �";: �....:.. . ... _. _. � qq -�.y�1 CITY OF SA1NT PAiIL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: November 6, 1998 TO: John Conway Senior Building Inspector FROM: Greg Johnson RE: Projected Building Inspection Manpower Requirements for 1999 Summation: The attached calculations establash the need to staffthe building inspection section with at least 9 and nearly 10 field inspectors if we aze to keep up with the continuing rise in pernut volume. In fact, I have calculated that even with no rise in permit volume from the anticipated 1998 end of yeaz total, our field staffing level should be at least 9 inspectors. Obviously this report again does not reflect the sigmficant administrative and supervisory work load of the Senior Building Inspector. t�lso once again, this report does not evaluate the building inspector assigned to the vacant building program since it `stands alone'. Methodology: There was a necessity for reasons of timeliness to `fill in the blanks' and estimate the permit volume for November and December of 1998 in order to project the year end total of building and stucco permits issued for the yeaz. This was achieved by establishing what percentage of total yearly permits were issued after October 31 for the yeazs of 1994 through 1997. Those percentages were then averaged and that average percentage mcrease used to project a 1998 yeaz end total issuance of 9,044 permits based upon the 8,021 permits already issued through October of this yeaz. The seven yeaz average of 2.92 inspections per pernut is for 1990 through 1996. Figures for 1997 and 1998 were not available due to computer system failutes. Projected 1999 pernut issuance was derived by calculating the average increase in permit volume for the past eight yeazs and inflating the anticipated 1998 yeaz end total by that eight year average. It should be noted that these yeaz to yeaz percentage do show a significant range. Due to the range of yeaz to yeaz percentage changes in pernut issuance, 1999 projected inspections were calculated with both an average increase in permit volume and no increase from 14981evels. � .,. q9.zy� Building Section Inspection Time & Activity Analysis 1993-1996x (Travel Times Not Included) Inspection Hours 1993-1996 22,229 Percentage of total hours 60% Average Annual Hours 5,557 Office & Education Hours 1993-1996 Percentage of Total Hours Average Annual Hours Total Office, Education, & Inspection Hours 1993-1996 Average Annual Hours Average Annual Inspection Hours per Inspector Average Annua] O& E hours per Inspector Average Annual Hours per Inspector Average AnnualInspections Average Individual Inspection Time in Hours •No acwrate inspections or hourly time tracking data available for 1997 ot 1998 due to computer system failures. 1999 Inspection/tIours Projections w/ No Permit Volume Increase 1999 Projected Building Section Inspections Multip]ied by Average Individual Inspection Time Anticipated Inspection Time in Hours Anticipated Of£ce & Education Time (�,130 x 40/60) Total Anticipated Inspector Hours Total Anticipated Hours (11,883) divided by TotalAvecage Inspector Haars(1,303) = Inspectors Required 14,287 40% 3,572 36,516 9,129 793 510 1,303 20,265 .27 26,408 _27 7,130 4,753 11,883 9.12 1999 Inspection/Hours Projections w/Average Permit Volume Increase 1999 Projected Building Secrion Inspections Mu]tiplied by Average Individual Inspection Time Anticipated Inspection Time in Hours Anticipated Office & Education Time (7,572 x 40/60) Total Anticipated Inspector Hours Total Anticipated Aours (12,620) divided by Total Average Inspector Hours (1,303) = Inspectors Required 28,044 _27 7,572 5,048 12,620 9.68 a°� -zy'1 Building Permit History and 1998 Projection Year End of October Xear End Increase Increase as Percentage Year to Date Totals Totals of October YTD Total 1994 6,239 7,133 894 14.3% 1995 6,090 6,812 722 11.9% 1996 7,140 7,946 806 113% 1997 7,546 8,563 1,017 13.5% 1998 8,021 9,044" 1,023* 12.75%** *Year end totals for 1998 are projected by multiplying the average percentage increase from the end of October thro the year end total by the year to date figures for October 1995. **This is an average of the preceeding four years. Ratio of Inspections Made to Permits Issued Annually 1990-1996 Average Build'eng Section 60,525 / 20,772 = 2.92 � 1999 projected inspections based on projected 1998 year end totals with no increase in permits issuance from 1998 to 1999. Total permits issued (9044) X Average inspections per issued permit (2.92) = 26,408 Projected 1999 Building Permit Issuance YEAR 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 PERMITS 5,283 5,561 6,071 6,043 6,928 6,812 7,946 8,563 9,044* 9,604** % of AVG Change +5% +8% -.5% +13% -2% +14% +7% +5% t(.2% *Projected 1998 year end based on average November & December issuances. **1998 projected year end ( 9044) multiplied X average percent of change (6.2) = 9,604. 1999 projected inspections based on projected 1998 year end totals with average increase in permits issuance from 1998 to 1949. Projected permits issuance (9604) X Average inspections per issued pemut (2.92) = 28,044 °lg -yy� CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM March 3, 1999 To: Joe Reid, Budget Director Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director � Re: 1999 Budget Amendment--Additional Information This is in resgonse to your inquiry regarding the addition of an inspector and a p]an reviewer to the 1999 �P Budget. As I pointed out in my eazlier memorandum the request is needed because of the increase in construction activity in the City. 1998 was the third record yeaz in a row with double digit increases in the number of permits, inspections, valuations, and revenues. It would be reasonable to expect a commensurant reduction in L1EP's staff complement when the pace of construction activity slows signifiucantly. However, as you know, some lazge construction projects go on for several years, so inspections continue, while overall constriuction activity may be slowed. Therefore it may be difficult to pin point the exact time when reductions can and should be made. At any rate, I certainly agree that workload dictates the number of staff needed, and LIEP has demonstrated our commitment to maintaning a lean and efficient staff in the past, and we will continue to do so in the future if and when construction activity slows significantly. Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding this matter. I.ori L,ee, Accounting LIEP Managers ORIGiNAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 2,722,026 'I , 062,115 3 784,'143 i WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has experienced a tremendous increase in construction activRy the past three z years with double digit increases in the number of permits, inspections, construction valuations, and revenues; and 3 n WHEREAS, 1998 was the single targest year in terms of permits and the value of construction activity, topping the e half billion dollar mark for the first time in the City's history; and � WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection has been able to keep up with the a increase in the workload through efficiencies and the use of temporary inspectors until recently; and �o WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has developed a plan to meet the ii current increase in worktoad through various reassignments of e�nsting staff and the addition of one new inspection �z position and one new plan examiner position; and 13 +a WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. '10.07.01 of the city chaRer, certifies that there are available for is appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the budget; now therefore, be it is RESOLVED that the City Council approves the following changes to the 1999 budget: n ts �s zo FINANCING PLAN: zi DepaRment of Executive Administration 2z Division - License, Inspections, and zs Environmental Protection za GL 320 33351 2800 Permits zs All Other Activity Financing zs x7 SPENDMG PLAN: za Department of Executive Administration zs Division - License, Inspections, and �o Environmental Protection si GL 320 33351 011 � Full Time Permanent az GL 320 3335'I 0439 Fringe Benefits a� GL 320 33351 01 � 7 Trades w/o City Benefits �a GL 320 33351 0438 Fringe Benefiits forTrades sa ss All Other Activity Spending 36 37 Adopted by Council: Date �����., l�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: � � ���� s �.. . -. . . �. - .1 ���/ �,, / . � � �� � Current Budget 474,772 598,194 1,595,756 283,007 838,498 3.790,227 Council File # 6reen SheeC # Committee: Date Change 68,566 0 68, 566 20,486 5,780 35, 930 6,370 0 65,566 Requested by Department of: Rg - Z�1'1 50441 Amended Budget 2,790,594 '1,062,'115 3 852 709 495,258 603,974 1,63'1,686 289,377 538,498 3, 858, 793 Office of License, Inspections, and Environment I P ot ti n B Y' , � d� Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: B�� � �� Form Approved 4v City Attorney/'1 � for�uVbmiss'/on,to Council: � 5 DFFMTL'ENf/OF}1Cf1C011NC9. DA'18 WIIIA'IID e � � ��� ExecutiveAdministration-LiEP 02-25-99 REEN SHEET NO. 50441 � taxrnre ttdrw�e coxrwCretxFONa2twrlE t Ax7Affll1'DWE4Tdt Os arrooutim. RobertKessler 266-9112 �,�, ��rnrenwv�r � arrumx ��aN�.,,�.��„� � o �,,,.��� o ��,��,.� o ����„�� o TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CtlONRH2U6S1ID roval to amend 1999 spending and finaucing for LIEP Special Fund 3?A xecw.aatmwnots: eeu�G)axe�a W PERSONAi. SII2VICE CONTRACLS MUSL ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: euiumaea�ox 1. klss IDia peisoa�m e�awwYed �der a�4a�far�is departmwCt cmm�m'!ts YES NO WLLSFRVIC6CtlW.9590N 2}I� Utis pasodf�0 ElT[ 6CC� a tMy e�? n sr,us YES NO 3. Does ilns persodF¢m pos�s a skill �t nu�mallY P�bS �Y cmrent dtY emp]%ee? YES NO 4. b ihic pe�son / Stm a tageted `rndoft YES NO (Ezplaio ail yes aoswers oo uP�te she� and saac6 to �een stieet) W[IIA1YlGPROBIFM. @}91EOPPORRINII'Y l�. �4�4 R'heM1 W6f'k For fluee yeats, the CiTy of Saint Paul has experienced double digit increases in the number of pertnits, inspecfions, construction valuations, and revenues. This has subslantially ine[eated the inspeetots' and plan examiners' wocklaad. The Office of Lieense, Inspeetion, and Environmenffil has developed a plan to mee[ ihe increased workload through shaffreassigntnenis and the addition of one new inspection position and one new-p}an examiner. Funding for these new positions will come from additional pertnit fces and record construction activity. - ADVANTACP3IFAPPROVhD: Adding these new positions will provide needed assistance to meet the increased workload. D6ADVANTAC6IF APPROVID: None DLS.1D VANTACd�S OF NO'! APPAOV�: The City would eacpetience inereased difficully in maintainu�g the euttent level of inspections and plan reviews. C4u�;�6i ��5�«°�h ���?��i MAR 0 419� 'IOtALAMDUN�OF'IkALSACRON_� 6HS6V COST�tfi�k2ilI6BlIDGEI�1CLtCLEUNEI O T10 F,,, Permit Fees .a,h,Y,N,�Ea GL - 320-33351-2800 FINATICIALAU'ORMA'RON. �SYL41N) �� .� qq •a4n CITY OF SAIN"I' PAUL INTERDEPART'MENTAL MEMORANDUM February 26, 1999 To: Joe Reid, Budget D'uector Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director �� Re: 1999 Budget Amendment--One Additionai FI'E As you know construction activity in the City continues at a record pace. 1998 was the third record yeaz in a row with double digit increases in the number of pernuts, inspections, valuations, and revenues. Until recently, LIEP staff have been able to handle the increased work load through efficiencies, working smarter, and the use of a number of part time and temporary inspectors. However, it is no longer possible for us to keep pace with the increase in the number of permits and inspections without the addition of another buiiding inspector, and we are seeking your approval to add one FTE. We are not seeking the addition of any other trade inspectors at this time because we are working with the Business Review Council to restructure the furnace inspection process (reducing the required three or four sepazate pernuts and inspections) to free up inspection time far work on other gas and wann air permits for more complicated jobs. By creating a single permit for new or replacement gas forced air furnaces we can reduce the number of annual inspections from 1,000 up to as many as 1,800, and save the homeowner more than $40.00 in fees, and reduce the number of inspections that have to be scheduled for the same address. The details of this proposal still have to be worked out, but we are optimistic that we will be able to reach agreement with the affected unions and industry representatives in the next two months. We aze also asking for pernussion to utilize an F'I'E from gambling enforcement in plan review to assist the plan review staff to keep pace with the workload. We identified this change in my December 23, 1998, memorandum (attached) which proposed a Streamlined Drganizational Structure for LIEP. We ask to use Sheila Reed's vacant FTE in the Gambling Special Fund Number 167, and fill it at a lower rate by hirfng a Plan Reviewer I in the License and Pernut Special Fund Number 320. We aze not using gambling funds for this change since gambling revenues are restricted to support gambling enforcement only. An ordinance to repeal the increase in the charitable gambling tas from 2.5% to 3% which is scheduled to take effect in 1999 is also attached. I have attached several documents, including a budget amendment, in support of these requests. Please let us know if you have any questions. c: Lori Lee, Accounting LIEP Managers 9q -zy'1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM December 23, 1998 To: Tom Fabel, Deputy Mayor Joe Reid, Director of Financial Services Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director � Re: Streamlined Organizationai Structure for LIEP I am pleased to submit, for your review and comment, the proposed streamlined organizational structure for the Office of License, Tnspections and Environmental Protection that was promised in our 1998 and 1999 proposed budgets. The structure recommended is the result of many weeks of work by LIEP's senior managers, with the excellent assistance of Steve Cvinar from Human Resources. The stimulus, and guiding principal for the new structure, is our desire to become a fully "unified customer oriented organization". With the approaching relirement of 7anet Odalen at the end of 1998, Gary Pechmann in the spring of 1999, and the creation of the project facilitator position, we saw an opportunity to reduce the number of "divisions" in the office from three to two, and to reallocate resources to better support our customer service objectives. Our proposal utilizes the same number of FI'E's, but fills two high salary F'I'E's at a lower levels, consistent with the Mayor's goals of efficiency and cost savings in our operations. As you know we aze wrapping up the third straight yeaz of record construction activity, with total valuation exceeding a half a billion dollars for the first time in City history. In addition, our pernut and license related revenue is expected to exceed our projections by more than $500,000. We have addressed the increased inspectional workload in the shoft term through the addition of temporary trade inspectors. But we will be seeking approval for an additional building inspector in January, 1999. However we want to keep the request for another building inspector sepazate from the changes in the organizational structure. The request for the buiiding inspecrtor is work load driven, while the organizational changes, presented here, are intended to both addreess workload issues and improve service and efficiency in the long term with our present complement of personnel. We aze anxious to begin the implementation, but seek your concurrence before we start. Besides the approval of the actual organizational structure, we will also be seeking approval of a budget amendment which will change and consolidate budget activities for the Office, while reducing our bottom up to aproximately $35,500 (see numbers 6 and 7 below). The most salient changes illustrated in the attached charts include: Tom Fabel and Joe Reid December 23, 1998 ctct_ly� Page 2 1. The elimination of one of the three deputy directors and the consolidation of all field inspection responsibilities under the Building Code Officer 2. The "optimal" positioning of the project facilitator to allow her to act as the single point of contact for high profile and/or controversial projects 3. The creation of a quasi-independent hearing officer to conduct informal hearings on problem restaurants, dangerous dogs, problem telephones, etc. 4. The utilization of the gambling accountant to support the whole office in the azea of budgeting and purchasing. 5. The reassignment of resources from gambling enforcement to plan review to meet the sia ificantly increased work load for general construction and heritage preservation plan review and approval 6. Filiing of Gary Pechman's FI'E with a Environmental Health Specialist, at an approximate cost savings of $19,000. 7. Filling of Janet Odalen's FTE with the Charitable Gambling accountant for an approximate savings of $2,500, and in turn filiing the gambling accountanYs position with a plan review technician for an additional savings of up to $14,000 thereby producing total savings of $16,500. I�i conclusion we are seeking your approval to begin immediately to implement the new organizational structure. Please let me know if you have any quesfions regarding this proposal. c: Steve Cvinar, Human Resources LIEP Senior Managers Peter Kishel U N a � v � � . m t � W � �Y � � O m � C t6 N C O V � Q. y'n N V C .a: Q y a 6 , � � *`°• rn a �? _ � w. � N � 0 � � V O � w � � � C U O W ' O a o V am 0 J a o m Y {p o m J y T > (/J N � 3 � N N U m y � C C O � � � � . R Q N w m = m N U Y N m m � y m m d `y c c E $' N N � � U U U O v � a � 0 U j m V ._ m T m d � L Q y � Y W d °' a a i r 0 a_ 3 � N T ma U � U iA C � � £ d m E > � o C� `c W � M �" N m Y N a0 `v o a �d £ m2 � � U O c 0 U A _" Q Y p� U c t ei o V N` C N N m � U:: � J � _ j a C � - O U oe t 0 � � N .� � N N C 2 y a °� c a .°�. � N m W� 0 N d � c c E m � °> w� mcrycc�e8o � c a�i � N N L L L� 0@ C� N N 3 N-Q N N m d ¢` � m d in m c m � O � 0 m 0 O m o�" c �. d �� m m � �'� L m`� m� o m W � E o Q c ' ` m m � � Y �� Y Q m Z m �YF- o � d -� � Y N L � N @ Z Z r m m m m 0 T N N � C C d � L (!� U y c c � � U � c p �Xj� '�CLy c� iy �� � o U o� �^� � w d 3 � � L oEa��� d 3 o� � � f!] NJ�.cOK �"�r3Y n7 � a o��~� Y} p m U O O N C N 3 � L � U s (n U N a ' Y 0 � d � >m m f0 2 m N r G t N c J � rn T R U C m � � O C C m � u N N � N J c y m � > N my a . � � c ui o O� m c c 47J �Y� � � � � � U Q @ > � w � y 3 m �=a� mti `mN � N C � t � N C .. C y N V �� C O �a+c d �m °' 000� C� U p s� N' J 0 1n r/� a' N �J � C � N �� 1] �� C. � �° L' Y o c� c i a�i (7 '7 � N =� Y RLL� N v T c m c i0 m- a�N ° W = � 6] �p I- m r N �6 C � N @ � LL � �.1 C N � U a a9-�y' a m Q N a H � � c c � �' O O �� t C U C C� C p� N s d m m a N � m W' Y Z~ 2� 2 i m � � o�� m m' y o� z H (�DD � N 9 ., � C u � �.�i � W N A � O O c � o � N � � L N O N N £ N �' ' � N rn � � ° a; rn c � �`�p c � �j TQ �i N > j?���r m a o=md� r � N y U �p 'c A N F N Q �a V y N £ t a d L �� N N C N a o � � T N 0 c� U p m �d, � C � Z m � � m � U' N j � 9 C -L 3 � 6 � � N N T y �U N @ �» 0 � N N � T N 3 IC O) C� C 9�'� 4l � i N�m Q�� UG > !0 !0 N Q� V � C G� t�! C W V�.-�� � m��' d � E rn O u' � K OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECITONS AND h'NVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION RobertKessler, Direclor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narne Colemmr, Mayo� February 8, 1999 To: Mayor Norm Coleman City Councilmembers Fr: Robert Kessler �. Re: 1998 License and Permit Report LOWRYPROFESSIONAL BUILDA'G Suite 300 350 Si. Peter Sbeet Saint P¢ul, Minnesom SSIO2-I570 Bob Kessler ctq -Zy'1 Telephone: 651-266-9090 Facsimik: 651-266-9099 651-266-9124 I am pleased to provide you with a copy of our 1998 Annual Report far the yeaz ending December 31, 1998. The total value of construction set a record for the third consecutive year with the total in 1998 exceeding a half a billion dollazs for the first time in history. I wish to aclaiowledge the excellent work of all LIEP staff in handling the tremendous increase in the workload these past years, and I look forwazd to many more prosperous years in the furiue. Highlights of the report include: Number of permits issued Fees collected for permits Valuation of work 1998 28,100 $4,325,479 $558,166,125 1997 25,642 $3,685,681 $417,938,697 Increase 2,458 $639,798 $140,227,428 % Increase 10% 17% 34% License Revenue (including Environmental Health Fees and Fines) was $2,395,386. Revenues were budgeted at $2,407,000 which exceeded actual by only $11,614, coming in very close to budget. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding our report. c: Department and Office Directors Neighborhood District Councils Qq-ay'1 OPFICE OF IIC@IS$ INSYP.C770N5 AND FNVIRONM@'1TAL PROt'EC1iON 350 ST. PEfHt SCRFEf. SAIN1' PAUL, MINNESOTA 55302 MONTI�.Y REVENUE REPORT ,�,�. ���� I coxsTtcucrtox r�ax v,v.u,�noxs I FaUopingYad6ola6mdpanit�atmtlomfQthemmWM:DECEA18SA1998 NO. 61 430 0 0 0 i SO 0 843 37 2 17 32 22 9 205 i 1 2 Yl 5 1ffi U sa 0 0 0 33 9 1 % 0 261 5t 0 1314 Canmerciel-addic3uos. ariusnwa &�pei�s 8edtrmiial- e�cons. aUaaions & rqceirs Apm�t �J�gs �ar � commerdm (Nev) n�ma;nW ro sy nw, z c�.. � nwa c�m•n �� PhGric F�evuor Exc¢vetiadFauodetiw Prnas Fue Suppmsdw Firepla�e � Ges Bumer Mwiug (OrcHw¢) Offi�dN'mehwte Oil Bumer Othr Fuels ���6 Plumbin6 R�plPaztiog I.ac xerne��� xu�,s� xu�� wau s�a Si�e SinHleFami�Y Due➢in6 QHear) SkY�'aS Sreavfitmeg Svimming Poda warm q;r w� uwq Wood Smve VAi,UATiON OF PERM[I5 S 17,03T310.49 S 7,969.068.29 S O.ao S o.00 s o.ro S 16,40D,OW.00 S ro.�ao.00 s o.ao S 10,819,495.OD 3 9o8,25Ga0 S 27.SOO.ao S 35,116.95 S 361,1%.00 S 41,825.00 S 113,728.20 S 46v.o71.ao S 70.000.00 S 8UD.000.00 S 20.099.00 S 1%,150.00 S 25.450.00 5 3,386,160.70 S O.ao s as9.00�.ao s o.ro s o.ao 5 o.ao 3 107,286.90 S 1,256,300.88 S 6ai.9W.00 S 320,630.00 S 0.00 5 1.855.243.80 s sas.iv�.00 S 0.00 S 63.702.304.21 LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRO1�iMENTAL PROTECTION, CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ,� 1y � Permits with Valuation of $500,000 and over for 12/Ol/98 - 12/31/98 OWNER/JOB ADDRESS PERMIT TYPE/WORK VALUATION OF WORK Air Regent Investors Building - Office/Wazehouse $800,000.00 603 Eaton St. St. Paui Co. Building - Commercial $590,000.00 180 E. Sth St Improvemem City of St. Paul Building - Skyway $603,900.00 23 W Sth St. Ramsey County Building - New Commercial $16,400,000.00 25 W. 7th St. Regent Aviation Building - Commercial $1, l OQ000.00 607 Eaton St. Improvement Salvation Army Building - Commercial $630,000.00 375 St. Anthony Ave. Improvement Cathedral I3ill LPP Building - Residenrial $514,285.00 272 Dayton Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residemial $514,285.00 280 Dayton Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residen6al $514,285.00 276 Dayton Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residential $514,285.00 277 Selby Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residentiai $514,285.00 273 Selby Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residential $514,285.00 268 Dayton Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residential $514,285.00 269 Selby Ave. Improvement Allina Health Building - Commercial $12,000,000.00 347 Smith Ave. N. Improvement St. Paul Housing Building - Residential $889,000.00 1000 Edgerton St. Improvement City of St. PaullWild Plumbing $2,SOQ000.00 Hockey Arena 199 Kellogg Blvd. W. The Wild Arena Electrical $5,100,000.00 199 Kellogg Blvd. W. q�������������� � � O O. .� y ^[� P m(� y V O� r r t� F �� t�f b <� y O. 00 Vf O. O. .r 7 �. e� ... .. ... < � g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g C��g.�.�� ° n ° m n 8 $ ts7vm �.n aov_o�o � e�mev_ a. � N�ON N O. N 1� b. ^ h�O O. �p vf b p {q r � W�o O cn vf y H O N h t�l O O e� O Q m N H H� H H� H Vf �� I� �z" � � Q a v�i vi,� 8v eg O° �g° on �/.. V (H b n r O P Q V� V t7 1� y V1 N1 t�l V �'� (V � a N N�� m Y O v N O� h� a Q Q N N l'� n ro Q<'Y N V�-i �O N e O. t+f h N O. r O N� m q y �+= m�o e en a.+� � o a rn e m t � o y N V m h b N w ' vi N y�O vf vf m � O m H N H H N H y N H N H y H F < M O. m m n P� b O V b V P O O O cV Y N N � tn � t� C t� aD ,n�, W v� P e �� N�D �� N Y� O a Y � T N 1� O m t� m? � O. tn t� �D y v� N W'Q Vf H t�1 fh �D N M fn �D Q fy N O � a � H Vf H y (9 Vf � H N N N t+f � N y o " � �n N Q K O vf �O h O oo �G N p N�O b y M N t�f N v� Vf P W O O� t� M < O� N N O� N t�f < 1� yy ao 00 .-i N .-1 N N ir W � � a`� W O S S S S S S O� S T O�� N �L. Q`!� ` 41 b�+ O. O O O f W O t�f t� y �� N V N�. O O � V� O N b N� m O�O T W T O�O N�O Q h O N�p N 'C tn O d b�O N P N m O. O N�O O � 3enma`n.nv.n v�.nv �nw�nr w �^ �^ H H H H m H c9 H � O C� � H H �O 7 h O O O g N O O O O� V a�o b O N 1� VI N (�i �Si (� V m h T< a0 N�O cn �O m O. 00 T N z �y �o N n N y v� V v m� V^ 1� N v.� Q � �G (� O O. a0 �n N M N aO t? q tn fV R��? l�l � Hf � h�O V l�l N+ .r � W� N H H y H K R Vf H �i H � � w a y � O �. U N Hf ^ N N v� N N y vf GO ty b 4 N� N NI N N e0 vf M M N vf t � N H '�" W � N P� � O � �'N � z� � wam<or�aW�WZ�w w�a� U'" C7 U U a^� cu' W yaFa d�zu,az f] � q..1 ' .'7 a'. W W m C7 c `,� Q W W W N u� �� S 6?� z �� E F mww�wwr�ip�"oaa`a�` ��'nu Q�������������� � �� m N Oo N O. O P [� N O � y a � e a � n ^� m m m$ 6 � r g g g g g$ g g g g g g g g 8 $���88���������� g �{L [� O e�1 N N� 1� N^ O O�O m O N N O. �/f H H P O[� e� O. W V O 4 l� y H H y N H H N H H y Nl � � y � �i S� < Y P b O� O v�f O O O O Q N� vf < N � � F �< eo o. � O�o C1 cl o v� en �G o, m V�o ee e� Q N M a0 N N eo �D O. N�O N�D O. N C l�f v� N� a0 �D i� t� N O e�f v) O. �n b < '�' � V� P � O O v�f .�. N� e��i �ry r�.��. M N � O CO .-� V H V� N N 00 N I� vf O N[� Q P N O. GO V O Ni NI N.-� t7 1� N N r O 7 N O H N H N H y N H H i N � p H H W O O n O� 0�0 N m N r O N v�f � O T q Q O. N O� C1 T N '? � O< M aD .� � O i� � Q' �y h �+f e� w� �� O m< Q�O V� ro ao T Q Vf h O O�D N h W h N t� < t�f 'O h y � V.n y V M�G N O. m q �D —� O O � vf P Q�11 W '+ H N� H< N O v� Hf ao a0 m m F K r� N H H H y f/f H� Vf H Vf � 'O y a o " �' � u N N tn M O. l� �!� V�p O p� �p O N m N V O� O. vf a0 ^< O. C o. < Y N e1 �O M t7 O� fV q P N O V H1 �D T O y � r �+ �+ N v� N Y-� W �7 K a� N S O O O S O O O O O S S S S N P � z y�p, P v�i < N t��1 O y r b O O N N O v�i ^ O O �O ao ao O P wf P h N v^ �O m O� Q � O V � O a0' N V e0 ao h �O vf �f h V N y r t�l ..� t�1 Vf O O Hf h U V� O. V Vf �� N N y H H y K H O� H N h 1D O Q O N H H H N (+� y 7 S v� N O O b O O a�0 O O t�f O.�-� O a W ❑ N V N� N`O N h Nf N h t1 W M O'J Cf z � oo O� l� h�D N V a0 en O� <^ O o0 < 1'� Y� �D �D M N� W q v� (�1 �p N �p 1� VI (/� �p N�O y ? y H N V P aT N y�O a+I v� v� � O {i] � 4 d' Vi Vi Vi H N N(A N O T w, H H N H H y (/� Vf N n� '� U F N �p V N.�i ����.�. m � m r m r n ��+f � V�O N N O N N N '�" W � N a^ O � y � o c� � � �a . � � � e u Q C7 U ( U W z a.. ��7' � d p., O q �+1 yF¢ Wt w<? �' m Q Fa [." a"aM � iG .7 � F� W 0 m 5 a�� i' W ."�. W W cy W h� x 6� W z W� F F Q F U0.' mwww��p�Oaa�hH33FC a °I9-1y`1 � DECEMBER 1998 RECEIPT5 r��.��� ���a�� A(,'C1VLfY OD1TT - OPS - ONGOIIiG - ANII.4AL CONfROL Ammal Coni�ol Fco 56,905.00 rarnt, ooi-oorn ss,vos.00 ACfIV1TY 00178 - OPS - NEW - 7ANIIiG Ef AL Siga Dia�id Revicv $0-0p j270.00 WetLods Rsiew j0.00 571137 Zoning Hiatoria AraefficLed SL4�.00 54,661.00 VuiaxdAppula 51,295.00 SZi,4?3.OD SiroPlanRcviewApplicstione S1.S8i-OD SZ7.309.00 TOTAL 001-00178 53.1?A.00 550.40437 ..: __.. _,.,. . ,,,. �::, . .-:. . .. ,-.::m•---��'r�.�' .. -.� :'� ........... ...: . � .::..,.. � .. .: . : � . - :ws�u'�:.u..4". . �v. � �a.. .w. � 'aw.a �.. ._., em.�a�'w�u �iY:...a.._. .. .. .. ... SPECIAL FOND 167 ACfMTY 31352 - OP3 - ONGOING GAhffiLR1G ��s f1'%� �s) Sa�,vns3 33�i�azo.6s Jury Di+ry 50.00 S1so.00 TOTAL 167-31352 $47,992.83 $371,600.68 ............ ........................ . ... ... .., . �c ` �a'a:..�.:a, �'....�ra': �«e'en'«.�:... �..,:.. _:. o..`�;>.r�.:y :�>���"���tit.,��.c�'��>�c��r�����:�.���� H��:.h'��� SPECIAL EUND 320 5108,490.00 uaa,a9o.00 ACI'MTY 333t2 DESIGN SECPION Design Section TOTAi, 320.33312 $O.W 50.00 SnO.vt 5770.02 ACfIV17'Y 33350 - OPS - ONGOING - GENERA[. Bmineea Licenx (5178,251.49 - 33,085.63 NSF & Ref Adj) Ovecpaymea[ Rnee (e+eesaed by CounciD Subpoe�tness Jury Duty PEES.SALES,SERVICES Environmen[al HcaltL TOTAL 320.33350 5175,165.86 $0.00 SI,O50.00 50.00 50.00 S125.00 5176,640.86 52,367.700.60 (Bus Lic YTD Totl i�l S13U,066.10. The 29% Oc[-Dec '97 rev hamf to G.P. aubtrected &om totl in 2/98 iepoR S7a6.25 537,95635 S'77•80 5170.00 $6,734.50 52,395,385.50 ACfIVITY 3335t - OPS - NEW - GENERAL Pe[miu (5401,332.27 + 526,618.08 NSF, Ref ffi ttP �J) ElevaWr Inapeetion FEPS,SALES,SERVSCRS Plm Examimtion Mi.vicelianeous (Copies md Data f[i.+tory Reaeazeh) stmcmre Ivapeceon T�de A.a ..riona T�ade Licenaea CeniSca[e of CompUency Code Compliaucc vacam Buildiog Forfeimres Fence Varimce Cash ShoAage Iuxy Duty TOTAL 32033351 ACf1V1TY 33353 - C[JSTOMCR SERVICE Ala[m PermiEa (511,005 - $8 Refu�) 5427,950.35 Sia,onso 584,737.51 stu.00 5150.00 $4,135.00 565,214.00 571,655.00 51,775.00 52,000.00 SO.W 50.00 �.� 5671,819.66 510,997.00 54,296,750.06 an,z6z.eo 5797,846.85 at,a�aso 51,491.00 514,560.00 5112,248.00 593,060.00 519,ou.00 578,000.00 5150.00 (5876.99) 560.00 55,445,675.02 591,290.00 TOTAL 32433353 510,997.00 591,290.00 a a"z`�'1 ; ,.u..::..,.._ -::.....: «.�. �::H .:.......<:...:.�... -..... -�-:.:. �,�.�. - Yi� .. . _..`.. ♦ ♦ '.:\�vni�vYA�Mii.ugrc`....�.-_._::.�...,_.:.._.w W xt4xi.: ..'`:."1'�..� .>i.yvu �t�.:��'��'.�`4�'`r`* cy:� a:. " ��:q � �' �� " .�''��m:< _.a'�.��':..`i#i "L,. ��-..:.,.,x.�,.s� . _...,.._ .,..�,..._.� ..,... �,�,.a..., �.,...,,«,,...+:ax.�,....e....,.nn...,.�x.:..�a:�a: Gsitw ,�a'R .z... ° .t���v<.�.,>.., � a 9 .>�1*1 OPFICE OP ISCFNSE, INSPE(,TIONS AND PNVIItONAffiiTAL PROTEC170N 350 ST. PEi'ER STREEf, SAW1' PAUL, MINNES(Yl'A 55102 . MONTHI,Y REVENUE REPORT CONSfRLRRIOF PERDIlT VALUATIONS FdlarvingiaaWbv7efimdpamitval�inosfarNemoefAd:J.u'NARY1999 '� NO. 56 184 0 0 0 2 5 0 AfA 33 1 1 44 18 1 20l 0 0 3 I1 0 16i 0 1b 0 I 1 72 4 0 51 0 204 � 0 1579 Commen;ial - adAi¢�s. al�ons & �epaia Residental - additioaa. slre�oas & �rs APertmnnt Buildings C�apy � Commercial (New) DemoLnon (2 s8� Dwt. 1 GemBe, 1 DuPlex. 1 Chumh> Dupinc flutnc fl��a exw�modPwoaeriw Fenres Fve SLppmssiw Fireplece �8� Ges Hura°.r Moving Offia/Wmehouse Oil &iicec O[ber Fuele Plasmring Plumbing Ramp/Parking La Refrige�ion Resraurent Reteining WaI1 Shed Signc SinBle PamilY Daszllin6 QQew) Skyway Sr�mfitting S\vimmivg Pao7s Warm Air water Ufiliry Wood Stove YALUATION OF YHUAS$ S 9,861,406.00 S 4,026,0�0.60 S O.Oo 5 O.Oo S O.00 S 60,oao.0oo.ao 5 33,690.00 3 O.00 S 3,979,525.00 S 1,425,409.95 s u,000.ao 5 2,525.00 S 384,356.00 S 37,400.00 S 10,552.32 S 534,887.OD 3 0.00 $ 0.00 S 164,4WAU S 565,OOO.00 S O.oO $ 760.226.70 S O.00 S ?b7.866Au $ 0.00 5 115,000.00 5 s5,0oo.00 S 65.a69.o0 5 ao2,aa0.ao f 0.00 $ 321.YF1.00 s o.00 S 2,150.880.00 S 608.021.00 $ 0.00 S ffi.795,869.57 LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVII20NMENTAL PROT'ECTION, CONSTRUCTION PERNIITS q c� .Zy� Pemuts with Valuation of $500,000 and over for 01101i99 - 01{31199 OWNER/JOB ADDRESS PERMIT TYPE/WORK VALUATTON OF WORK Allina FIealth Building - Commercial $500,000.00 333 N. Smith Ave. Improvement IvIDI Building - Commercial $1,000,000.00 1700 Wynne Ave. Improvement Media One Building - Commercial $3,857,000.00 10 River Park Plaza Improvement MN Mutual Life Ins Building - New Commercial $60,OOQ000.00 401 Robert St. N. St. Paul Schools Building - Commercial $2,000,000.00 790 Conway St. Improvement St. Paul Housing Building - Residential $1,597,000.00 899 S. Cleveland. Improvement United Hospital Wazm Air $800,000.00 347 Smith Ave. N. Metropolitan Councii Electrical $2,000,000.00 2400 Childs Road o��������� a F^'° ^� �_ m o o s o� a n o _¢ -- a � 4 � $888 p 888588 p 8 p 88 p 888 O W O O S O S S S S O G O$ O S S f� (� {i� N[� Y R t'1 O� N l� O� ?? m v� N W p p. ay �p �n oo t� m N�n m�+ oo b N O {b �� y O j ^ �O � v1 N N� n1 vf N Hi C1 O {S� �J � H �z O ¢ O 6 P O O O O O O O O � O O O O O v�i Q U N O O N W S�� N b b'Y � N� �-. vf Y T t+^ CO < N o'J Y N W O W ¢ Q O. �n 1� < < < v� O 1� v� O oo �n 3 �n [� N�n oo t� �'o b�o �O N� O P .� N O� e{ {n N Y1 l� N th `G r �� a{ M r N V� ; � � H v� O�O O T�n O O O O m r m h F b N cn O r N S O O O O� T c�f O ¢ G� ao O� ��O O� v� O�+f O�n �+f N N o0 00 �G W O� h �l �O ��/1 h < NI N O� P T W q � oo < W� h N O m V O N w oo l� ao W �� N V y r�n N m cn Ni N cn N� � W a � Uf � O �O O t�f �< I� M^ O C�O N�+ V O O� N< m•• <� � ^ N N�n N ao N H F / � y � � G4 � a w" a� N O v� O o o O o o O o o O O o N P O O. O O O O O O I� O O O O O O (7 vI U O b l� O O O�D �O Pf � O P � P N O O v� oo O O N�o �O < oo N�O �n R V Cf W V O N W< N W O W H .: o�v� � e"vv�n o ��n om G. � c� 1� N N1 � t'1 �D `O �O �D b N� O P a 3 v^ O� V t7 h v� h N CI �D [`� �y V m �+ N 7 O h � b N c�+t O� N S O O O O� T M O O xi Q W O. ��O T vf O Cf O v1 CE N N O] tL �O z � rn t� vt �D � vf t� Q m N T P O� � m v w � v: o 0o v o N m m t� Q V) U Vl VI N K^� N N M N1 l�l VI t�1 � � W � N�n N N N � � w a � � O F b O m a0 ? h�n -+ O V' �O N�+ < O O� N<� _• < N .�n �O N N v� N Si f� h CW � N a '" � i� y N � � N �q ay �WaW� a ? � � ¢�'zv V w�zua.a'RUd� �f� Q�>a"°'�w��ay�a wm��Naxaa��W�ao a�i w w c c w c Q 7 0�o a' a , a a m ti 3 g h o���������������� �{II vl �G �� P � N vf N1 l� N Y Q��'^ �O a4 G -- �i� ¢� 88 � fi1 V a�0 � r O�. O b O b O� N � N O O �7 W N�O N N T N[� O. ^ h�O a� �O �n b O (jj a tL b O H N � Vf < N l� Cf O O Nf O ❑ W y1 H H M(h Vf K t1 N I� C. � H H Vf Vf Vf Vf �wz" " O d C7 ¢ O� 8 � S 8� Q 8 S S S S S S t N b � V O� `O O •G p N h Q l� �O �O Hf l� �'� v� t�f O. N O'O O< l� O �I Q c�f m M1 t� p N y�O O� q�D N? N h N O�D O r1 V h O Q O P O� � O� N b O N N(� DJ �O � Nf 3 N Y�O O h b^ o> N O w V� � Y � � �� K y H K� H W H H H H� P ,� ti N O N N ; O H y y H � v1 N O`O O O O O O r < O. O�D � {�7 !� S P O �n h O S O O O O. tn �n O? b n F povNi v�o vi oao.�c �on �or�n g r Q� W O� Hf vf O� N m l� N N f� <n P N b o0 � 1� vf �+ N�O a0 c�l N�n O� < l� P m a0 �O N p a Hsmns9 y ww y w�yan»wya`�n N y» � W K W O r N< m � c��f m � r N� M r m o r � Nt V .� ^r � v� h F W a a � V O S v�i O O O V O O O O O O O c N � �J-. Q T b O W O vt N� Q m�D �D Cf [� Q V vf cn O. v� O �D O Y h O�n o� M I� 1� O� N "] �n �D ao O. �O N O� N'/1 �n O�D O Cf Q l� O F� a, o" -� a m�n �o o vi N t= w�o � cn Q Q N a b O l� �o V eo v� O O. �n � V ao r~ '3 N N w� w aif H� Vi � w V N ' N N ; � H� y H N r O Q S CE N S S O O S O� Cl N O R `O � Q O < Cf K�O m O Q ^ b �O h.J `O h N O h [� W O� (�1 � O� N h N N Hf nf O. N�O � O t� v� N'O W('1 N Y� P K 1� P th O� �O N Q� N � N-w �+ y v� P� N� N '+ cn < �n N O �G [S� W�(9 Vf Vf H K N� fA Vf Vf d (9 N � � � � K K � O F U N v�� n m�.�.. �' r c� �� cv — m gE �� y y m� m o t� „ h � {y � a � O J' (n f _ p U � W z^ U U� U a 2 W ��� rX �� � d a ~ d�wWN����S����� �O xc w www�w��o�Oa4`��,�3 H ua a q9 •zy'l 7ANUARY 1999 RECEIPTS GENERAL FUNA 001 .::.... ......................... ;;.:����:�m: ACI'IViTY 00177 - OPS - ONGOING - ANIMAL CONTROL Animal Control Fees TOTAL 001-0O1?7 as,�s.00 55,975.00 55,975.00 35,975.00 ACfIV1TY 00178 - OPS - NEW - ZONING SI' AL Sign Dist2iM Reaiew 50.00 50.00 Weflends Review 50.00 $0.00 Zoning Histnries Reseazched 5270.00 5270.00 Variance/Appeals 51,680.00 51,680.00 Site Plan Review Applications S225.00 3�.0� TOT'AI, 001-00178 32,175.00 52,175.00 . .........:.... � . . —. ..—...�..�:.;... .,:...�.�....:....,.;x::-:�>�.......o_.,,_....g�s:::=r..<::::..;::.:a.r._,•,,;. ...::._��, . . . � ro....... ..z:. .... . . :. . rx . . . .. .: ..�.....<.:.:.. . ti_:.,v: � ..::..... ... ..,... ^� . , a .�..:°.o�: ,..� > . _,. x . � . ,.�:..a..o.,,� . .... ;...�.�.... ..��i.,.��'.........�'[+^'....�.�>��F.c�.x.u:o.xn.:>..:.._.<:n .............:.......>......,.r:�.....,...es,:::m......:::::a..,<.<..:x� .,::....:i;���a?iii:^+:3:�:i:: x:i::�::6 �::a?3�"i „�'„�„'�',�' SPECIAI. FUND 167 ACTIVITY 31352 - OPS - ONGOING GAMBLING Gambling (Tac Only) 529,539.50 529,539.50 TOTAL 167-31352 $29,539.50 529,539.50 . .. .... . :.......... ...........: ........ ... .. ........_... :r.tt�.:��<;.c<.: ;..:gr�..�,::: .a . . . . w.i.;;�F1�=::c.rcC:_Y«;<:Fn:T.._:•...::k:'s.q•x..<0s_.. . :. .�. ' :. : . ......._. w..a3:. �....x (�]� y :... -. . �:..ro:..x. .<A:Y. :..a> . . H�..o ... s: 8'>rx�<..� � ...... .��.R.�'�.� ..yo.°w::.:.::o<....:\ a:.v..:r:4:�:x _..... Rh':����w.��.�::.v..�.�...�....C.<.y..oau�...:..... ♦u.�::v'..��:":y_:.: � ..�......�a._.....�..T._ . Tti�..._. ..x.w�..... �.w.� . .:..: uC.c�"�c.�>3:<:.:.i��i� . . . . ..:QR:.:�..�..:>.a.��.�._3.o'L....9...a.i6.�.._...:SaLi°i�<..g.�:�.Y:`:..:._..:.. .....::tt.�..�.:�..�...�°�::, � . SPECIAL FUND 320 ACTIVITY 33350 - OPS - ONGOING - GENERAI, Business Licenses ($264,824.50 - $3137.00 iefunds) Overpayment Fines (assessed by Council) 5261,687.50 ��� �� $261,687.50 $O.DO a i,000.00 FEES, SALES, SERVICES Alcohol Awareness Training Environmental Health TOTAL 320.33350 so.00 S1,d26.90 5264,t14.40 ao.00 f 1,A2b.90 5264,114.40 ACTIViTY 33351 - OPS - NEW - GEtSERAI, Permit ($412,886.07 + S 10,850.46 Ref & Dep Adj) Elevator Inspee[ion FEES,SALES,SERVICES Building Constmction & Plan Examination Miscellaneous (Copies snd Data FSisWry Reseamh) strucm:cInspecdon Tiade Examinations Txade Licenses Certificate of Competency Cade Compliance Vacarrt BuIlding ForfeiWrea TOTAL 320.33351 5423,�36.53 31,870.00 5146,523.04 5263.50 $117.00 $2,695.00 542,773.00 $16,117.00 5525.00 ao.00 $634,621.07 5423,736.53 51,870.00 3146,523.04 S264S� $117.00 52,695.00 542,773.00 516,117.00 5525.00 ao.00 $634,621.07 ACTIVITY 33353 - CUSI'OMER SERVICE Alann Pemuts . �. �� 56,065.00 TOTAL 320.33353 . �. �� 56,065.00 ° ..._ .....:........__......................_.._....� - y� - - . u�.v.r� <.:�,,.:.. .«.«,< y �. .. , .:��-..;,.<..::,_z��..::���,-„« <-.�.`..?C::>^s;-:�.�:.:•-:;`��.x:<>;;e:?°�c�x?r -. �ut.�b`.:`::::::.'.za�:`�` .: . .y . .. . .'� . ,�, '�::� �..»'d:.axC.^� ..... .:.,... w . ..s�i�."i.°�. ::�i'���}�" -,.. .�v��.`� �`��.:�.io: �,,::.;�.���.,.,.,....,e.. �: ..,� ..:...............:.. �-....:.....�.,�.....u.....��.......::<:S'@lu..��....,..S�1.a�iiw.�.:.�ai4.\i...o a..�.vtt.V. �";: �....:.. . ... _. _. � qq -�.y�1 CITY OF SA1NT PAiIL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: November 6, 1998 TO: John Conway Senior Building Inspector FROM: Greg Johnson RE: Projected Building Inspection Manpower Requirements for 1999 Summation: The attached calculations establash the need to staffthe building inspection section with at least 9 and nearly 10 field inspectors if we aze to keep up with the continuing rise in pernut volume. In fact, I have calculated that even with no rise in permit volume from the anticipated 1998 end of yeaz total, our field staffing level should be at least 9 inspectors. Obviously this report again does not reflect the sigmficant administrative and supervisory work load of the Senior Building Inspector. t�lso once again, this report does not evaluate the building inspector assigned to the vacant building program since it `stands alone'. Methodology: There was a necessity for reasons of timeliness to `fill in the blanks' and estimate the permit volume for November and December of 1998 in order to project the year end total of building and stucco permits issued for the yeaz. This was achieved by establishing what percentage of total yearly permits were issued after October 31 for the yeazs of 1994 through 1997. Those percentages were then averaged and that average percentage mcrease used to project a 1998 yeaz end total issuance of 9,044 permits based upon the 8,021 permits already issued through October of this yeaz. The seven yeaz average of 2.92 inspections per pernut is for 1990 through 1996. Figures for 1997 and 1998 were not available due to computer system failutes. Projected 1999 pernut issuance was derived by calculating the average increase in permit volume for the past eight yeazs and inflating the anticipated 1998 yeaz end total by that eight year average. It should be noted that these yeaz to yeaz percentage do show a significant range. Due to the range of yeaz to yeaz percentage changes in pernut issuance, 1999 projected inspections were calculated with both an average increase in permit volume and no increase from 14981evels. � .,. q9.zy� Building Section Inspection Time & Activity Analysis 1993-1996x (Travel Times Not Included) Inspection Hours 1993-1996 22,229 Percentage of total hours 60% Average Annual Hours 5,557 Office & Education Hours 1993-1996 Percentage of Total Hours Average Annual Hours Total Office, Education, & Inspection Hours 1993-1996 Average Annual Hours Average Annual Inspection Hours per Inspector Average Annua] O& E hours per Inspector Average Annual Hours per Inspector Average AnnualInspections Average Individual Inspection Time in Hours •No acwrate inspections or hourly time tracking data available for 1997 ot 1998 due to computer system failures. 1999 Inspection/tIours Projections w/ No Permit Volume Increase 1999 Projected Building Section Inspections Multip]ied by Average Individual Inspection Time Anticipated Inspection Time in Hours Anticipated Of£ce & Education Time (�,130 x 40/60) Total Anticipated Inspector Hours Total Anticipated Hours (11,883) divided by TotalAvecage Inspector Haars(1,303) = Inspectors Required 14,287 40% 3,572 36,516 9,129 793 510 1,303 20,265 .27 26,408 _27 7,130 4,753 11,883 9.12 1999 Inspection/Hours Projections w/Average Permit Volume Increase 1999 Projected Building Secrion Inspections Mu]tiplied by Average Individual Inspection Time Anticipated Inspection Time in Hours Anticipated Office & Education Time (7,572 x 40/60) Total Anticipated Inspector Hours Total Anticipated Aours (12,620) divided by Total Average Inspector Hours (1,303) = Inspectors Required 28,044 _27 7,572 5,048 12,620 9.68 a°� -zy'1 Building Permit History and 1998 Projection Year End of October Xear End Increase Increase as Percentage Year to Date Totals Totals of October YTD Total 1994 6,239 7,133 894 14.3% 1995 6,090 6,812 722 11.9% 1996 7,140 7,946 806 113% 1997 7,546 8,563 1,017 13.5% 1998 8,021 9,044" 1,023* 12.75%** *Year end totals for 1998 are projected by multiplying the average percentage increase from the end of October thro the year end total by the year to date figures for October 1995. **This is an average of the preceeding four years. Ratio of Inspections Made to Permits Issued Annually 1990-1996 Average Build'eng Section 60,525 / 20,772 = 2.92 � 1999 projected inspections based on projected 1998 year end totals with no increase in permits issuance from 1998 to 1999. Total permits issued (9044) X Average inspections per issued permit (2.92) = 26,408 Projected 1999 Building Permit Issuance YEAR 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 PERMITS 5,283 5,561 6,071 6,043 6,928 6,812 7,946 8,563 9,044* 9,604** % of AVG Change +5% +8% -.5% +13% -2% +14% +7% +5% t(.2% *Projected 1998 year end based on average November & December issuances. **1998 projected year end ( 9044) multiplied X average percent of change (6.2) = 9,604. 1999 projected inspections based on projected 1998 year end totals with average increase in permits issuance from 1998 to 1949. Projected permits issuance (9604) X Average inspections per issued pemut (2.92) = 28,044 °lg -yy� CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM March 3, 1999 To: Joe Reid, Budget Director Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director � Re: 1999 Budget Amendment--Additional Information This is in resgonse to your inquiry regarding the addition of an inspector and a p]an reviewer to the 1999 �P Budget. As I pointed out in my eazlier memorandum the request is needed because of the increase in construction activity in the City. 1998 was the third record yeaz in a row with double digit increases in the number of permits, inspections, valuations, and revenues. It would be reasonable to expect a commensurant reduction in L1EP's staff complement when the pace of construction activity slows signifiucantly. However, as you know, some lazge construction projects go on for several years, so inspections continue, while overall constriuction activity may be slowed. Therefore it may be difficult to pin point the exact time when reductions can and should be made. At any rate, I certainly agree that workload dictates the number of staff needed, and LIEP has demonstrated our commitment to maintaning a lean and efficient staff in the past, and we will continue to do so in the future if and when construction activity slows significantly. Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding this matter. I.ori L,ee, Accounting LIEP Managers ORIGiNAL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: 2,722,026 'I , 062,115 3 784,'143 i WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has experienced a tremendous increase in construction activRy the past three z years with double digit increases in the number of permits, inspections, construction valuations, and revenues; and 3 n WHEREAS, 1998 was the single targest year in terms of permits and the value of construction activity, topping the e half billion dollar mark for the first time in the City's history; and � WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspection, and Environmental Protection has been able to keep up with the a increase in the workload through efficiencies and the use of temporary inspectors until recently; and �o WHEREAS, the Office of License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection has developed a plan to meet the ii current increase in worktoad through various reassignments of e�nsting staff and the addition of one new inspection �z position and one new plan examiner position; and 13 +a WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. '10.07.01 of the city chaRer, certifies that there are available for is appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the budget; now therefore, be it is RESOLVED that the City Council approves the following changes to the 1999 budget: n ts �s zo FINANCING PLAN: zi DepaRment of Executive Administration 2z Division - License, Inspections, and zs Environmental Protection za GL 320 33351 2800 Permits zs All Other Activity Financing zs x7 SPENDMG PLAN: za Department of Executive Administration zs Division - License, Inspections, and �o Environmental Protection si GL 320 33351 011 � Full Time Permanent az GL 320 3335'I 0439 Fringe Benefits a� GL 320 33351 01 � 7 Trades w/o City Benefits �a GL 320 33351 0438 Fringe Benefiits forTrades sa ss All Other Activity Spending 36 37 Adopted by Council: Date �����., l�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: � � ���� s �.. . -. . . �. - .1 ���/ �,, / . � � �� � Current Budget 474,772 598,194 1,595,756 283,007 838,498 3.790,227 Council File # 6reen SheeC # Committee: Date Change 68,566 0 68, 566 20,486 5,780 35, 930 6,370 0 65,566 Requested by Department of: Rg - Z�1'1 50441 Amended Budget 2,790,594 '1,062,'115 3 852 709 495,258 603,974 1,63'1,686 289,377 538,498 3, 858, 793 Office of License, Inspections, and Environment I P ot ti n B Y' , � d� Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: B�� � �� Form Approved 4v City Attorney/'1 � for�uVbmiss'/on,to Council: � 5 DFFMTL'ENf/OF}1Cf1C011NC9. DA'18 WIIIA'IID e � � ��� ExecutiveAdministration-LiEP 02-25-99 REEN SHEET NO. 50441 � taxrnre ttdrw�e coxrwCretxFONa2twrlE t Ax7Affll1'DWE4Tdt Os arrooutim. RobertKessler 266-9112 �,�, ��rnrenwv�r � arrumx ��aN�.,,�.��„� � o �,,,.��� o ��,��,.� o ����„�� o TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CtlONRH2U6S1ID roval to amend 1999 spending and finaucing for LIEP Special Fund 3?A xecw.aatmwnots: eeu�G)axe�a W PERSONAi. SII2VICE CONTRACLS MUSL ANSR'ER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: euiumaea�ox 1. klss IDia peisoa�m e�awwYed �der a�4a�far�is departmwCt cmm�m'!ts YES NO WLLSFRVIC6CtlW.9590N 2}I� Utis pasodf�0 ElT[ 6CC� a tMy e�? n sr,us YES NO 3. Does ilns persodF¢m pos�s a skill �t nu�mallY P�bS �Y cmrent dtY emp]%ee? YES NO 4. b ihic pe�son / Stm a tageted `rndoft YES NO (Ezplaio ail yes aoswers oo uP�te she� and saac6 to �een stieet) W[IIA1YlGPROBIFM. @}91EOPPORRINII'Y l�. �4�4 R'heM1 W6f'k For fluee yeats, the CiTy of Saint Paul has experienced double digit increases in the number of pertnits, inspecfions, construction valuations, and revenues. This has subslantially ine[eated the inspeetots' and plan examiners' wocklaad. The Office of Lieense, Inspeetion, and Environmenffil has developed a plan to mee[ ihe increased workload through shaffreassigntnenis and the addition of one new inspection position and one new-p}an examiner. Funding for these new positions will come from additional pertnit fces and record construction activity. - ADVANTACP3IFAPPROVhD: Adding these new positions will provide needed assistance to meet the increased workload. D6ADVANTAC6IF APPROVID: None DLS.1D VANTACd�S OF NO'! APPAOV�: The City would eacpetience inereased difficully in maintainu�g the euttent level of inspections and plan reviews. C4u�;�6i ��5�«°�h ���?��i MAR 0 419� 'IOtALAMDUN�OF'IkALSACRON_� 6HS6V COST�tfi�k2ilI6BlIDGEI�1CLtCLEUNEI O T10 F,,, Permit Fees .a,h,Y,N,�Ea GL - 320-33351-2800 FINATICIALAU'ORMA'RON. �SYL41N) �� .� qq •a4n CITY OF SAIN"I' PAUL INTERDEPART'MENTAL MEMORANDUM February 26, 1999 To: Joe Reid, Budget D'uector Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director �� Re: 1999 Budget Amendment--One Additionai FI'E As you know construction activity in the City continues at a record pace. 1998 was the third record yeaz in a row with double digit increases in the number of pernuts, inspections, valuations, and revenues. Until recently, LIEP staff have been able to handle the increased work load through efficiencies, working smarter, and the use of a number of part time and temporary inspectors. However, it is no longer possible for us to keep pace with the increase in the number of permits and inspections without the addition of another buiiding inspector, and we are seeking your approval to add one FTE. We are not seeking the addition of any other trade inspectors at this time because we are working with the Business Review Council to restructure the furnace inspection process (reducing the required three or four sepazate pernuts and inspections) to free up inspection time far work on other gas and wann air permits for more complicated jobs. By creating a single permit for new or replacement gas forced air furnaces we can reduce the number of annual inspections from 1,000 up to as many as 1,800, and save the homeowner more than $40.00 in fees, and reduce the number of inspections that have to be scheduled for the same address. The details of this proposal still have to be worked out, but we are optimistic that we will be able to reach agreement with the affected unions and industry representatives in the next two months. We aze also asking for pernussion to utilize an F'I'E from gambling enforcement in plan review to assist the plan review staff to keep pace with the workload. We identified this change in my December 23, 1998, memorandum (attached) which proposed a Streamlined Drganizational Structure for LIEP. We ask to use Sheila Reed's vacant FTE in the Gambling Special Fund Number 167, and fill it at a lower rate by hirfng a Plan Reviewer I in the License and Pernut Special Fund Number 320. We aze not using gambling funds for this change since gambling revenues are restricted to support gambling enforcement only. An ordinance to repeal the increase in the charitable gambling tas from 2.5% to 3% which is scheduled to take effect in 1999 is also attached. I have attached several documents, including a budget amendment, in support of these requests. Please let us know if you have any questions. c: Lori Lee, Accounting LIEP Managers 9q -zy'1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM December 23, 1998 To: Tom Fabel, Deputy Mayor Joe Reid, Director of Financial Services Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director � Re: Streamlined Organizationai Structure for LIEP I am pleased to submit, for your review and comment, the proposed streamlined organizational structure for the Office of License, Tnspections and Environmental Protection that was promised in our 1998 and 1999 proposed budgets. The structure recommended is the result of many weeks of work by LIEP's senior managers, with the excellent assistance of Steve Cvinar from Human Resources. The stimulus, and guiding principal for the new structure, is our desire to become a fully "unified customer oriented organization". With the approaching relirement of 7anet Odalen at the end of 1998, Gary Pechmann in the spring of 1999, and the creation of the project facilitator position, we saw an opportunity to reduce the number of "divisions" in the office from three to two, and to reallocate resources to better support our customer service objectives. Our proposal utilizes the same number of FI'E's, but fills two high salary F'I'E's at a lower levels, consistent with the Mayor's goals of efficiency and cost savings in our operations. As you know we aze wrapping up the third straight yeaz of record construction activity, with total valuation exceeding a half a billion dollars for the first time in City history. In addition, our pernut and license related revenue is expected to exceed our projections by more than $500,000. We have addressed the increased inspectional workload in the shoft term through the addition of temporary trade inspectors. But we will be seeking approval for an additional building inspector in January, 1999. However we want to keep the request for another building inspector sepazate from the changes in the organizational structure. The request for the buiiding inspecrtor is work load driven, while the organizational changes, presented here, are intended to both addreess workload issues and improve service and efficiency in the long term with our present complement of personnel. We aze anxious to begin the implementation, but seek your concurrence before we start. Besides the approval of the actual organizational structure, we will also be seeking approval of a budget amendment which will change and consolidate budget activities for the Office, while reducing our bottom up to aproximately $35,500 (see numbers 6 and 7 below). The most salient changes illustrated in the attached charts include: Tom Fabel and Joe Reid December 23, 1998 ctct_ly� Page 2 1. The elimination of one of the three deputy directors and the consolidation of all field inspection responsibilities under the Building Code Officer 2. The "optimal" positioning of the project facilitator to allow her to act as the single point of contact for high profile and/or controversial projects 3. The creation of a quasi-independent hearing officer to conduct informal hearings on problem restaurants, dangerous dogs, problem telephones, etc. 4. The utilization of the gambling accountant to support the whole office in the azea of budgeting and purchasing. 5. The reassignment of resources from gambling enforcement to plan review to meet the sia ificantly increased work load for general construction and heritage preservation plan review and approval 6. Filiing of Gary Pechman's FI'E with a Environmental Health Specialist, at an approximate cost savings of $19,000. 7. Filling of Janet Odalen's FTE with the Charitable Gambling accountant for an approximate savings of $2,500, and in turn filiing the gambling accountanYs position with a plan review technician for an additional savings of up to $14,000 thereby producing total savings of $16,500. I�i conclusion we are seeking your approval to begin immediately to implement the new organizational structure. Please let me know if you have any quesfions regarding this proposal. c: Steve Cvinar, Human Resources LIEP Senior Managers Peter Kishel U N a � v � � . m t � W � �Y � � O m � C t6 N C O V � Q. y'n N V C .a: Q y a 6 , � � *`°• rn a �? _ � w. � N � 0 � � V O � w � � � C U O W ' O a o V am 0 J a o m Y {p o m J y T > (/J N � 3 � N N U m y � C C O � � � � . R Q N w m = m N U Y N m m � y m m d `y c c E $' N N � � U U U O v � a � 0 U j m V ._ m T m d � L Q y � Y W d °' a a i r 0 a_ 3 � N T ma U � U iA C � � £ d m E > � o C� `c W � M �" N m Y N a0 `v o a �d £ m2 � � U O c 0 U A _" Q Y p� U c t ei o V N` C N N m � U:: � J � _ j a C � - O U oe t 0 � � N .� � N N C 2 y a °� c a .°�. � N m W� 0 N d � c c E m � °> w� mcrycc�e8o � c a�i � N N L L L� 0@ C� N N 3 N-Q N N m d ¢` � m d in m c m � O � 0 m 0 O m o�" c �. d �� m m � �'� L m`� m� o m W � E o Q c ' ` m m � � Y �� Y Q m Z m �YF- o � d -� � Y N L � N @ Z Z r m m m m 0 T N N � C C d � L (!� U y c c � � U � c p �Xj� '�CLy c� iy �� � o U o� �^� � w d 3 � � L oEa��� d 3 o� � � f!] NJ�.cOK �"�r3Y n7 � a o��~� Y} p m U O O N C N 3 � L � U s (n U N a ' Y 0 � d � >m m f0 2 m N r G t N c J � rn T R U C m � � O C C m � u N N � N J c y m � > N my a . � � c ui o O� m c c 47J �Y� � � � � � U Q @ > � w � y 3 m �=a� mti `mN � N C � t � N C .. C y N V �� C O �a+c d �m °' 000� C� U p s� N' J 0 1n r/� a' N �J � C � N �� 1] �� C. � �° L' Y o c� c i a�i (7 '7 � N =� Y RLL� N v T c m c i0 m- a�N ° W = � 6] �p I- m r N �6 C � N @ � LL � �.1 C N � U a a9-�y' a m Q N a H � � c c � �' O O �� t C U C C� C p� N s d m m a N � m W' Y Z~ 2� 2 i m � � o�� m m' y o� z H (�DD � N 9 ., � C u � �.�i � W N A � O O c � o � N � � L N O N N £ N �' ' � N rn � � ° a; rn c � �`�p c � �j TQ �i N > j?���r m a o=md� r � N y U �p 'c A N F N Q �a V y N £ t a d L �� N N C N a o � � T N 0 c� U p m �d, � C � Z m � � m � U' N j � 9 C -L 3 � 6 � � N N T y �U N @ �» 0 � N N � T N 3 IC O) C� C 9�'� 4l � i N�m Q�� UG > !0 !0 N Q� V � C G� t�! C W V�.-�� � m��' d � E rn O u' � K OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECITONS AND h'NVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION RobertKessler, Direclor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Narne Colemmr, Mayo� February 8, 1999 To: Mayor Norm Coleman City Councilmembers Fr: Robert Kessler �. Re: 1998 License and Permit Report LOWRYPROFESSIONAL BUILDA'G Suite 300 350 Si. Peter Sbeet Saint P¢ul, Minnesom SSIO2-I570 Bob Kessler ctq -Zy'1 Telephone: 651-266-9090 Facsimik: 651-266-9099 651-266-9124 I am pleased to provide you with a copy of our 1998 Annual Report far the yeaz ending December 31, 1998. The total value of construction set a record for the third consecutive year with the total in 1998 exceeding a half a billion dollazs for the first time in history. I wish to aclaiowledge the excellent work of all LIEP staff in handling the tremendous increase in the workload these past years, and I look forwazd to many more prosperous years in the furiue. Highlights of the report include: Number of permits issued Fees collected for permits Valuation of work 1998 28,100 $4,325,479 $558,166,125 1997 25,642 $3,685,681 $417,938,697 Increase 2,458 $639,798 $140,227,428 % Increase 10% 17% 34% License Revenue (including Environmental Health Fees and Fines) was $2,395,386. Revenues were budgeted at $2,407,000 which exceeded actual by only $11,614, coming in very close to budget. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding our report. c: Department and Office Directors Neighborhood District Councils Qq-ay'1 OPFICE OF IIC@IS$ INSYP.C770N5 AND FNVIRONM@'1TAL PROt'EC1iON 350 ST. PEfHt SCRFEf. SAIN1' PAUL, MINNESOTA 55302 MONTI�.Y REVENUE REPORT ,�,�. ���� I coxsTtcucrtox r�ax v,v.u,�noxs I FaUopingYad6ola6mdpanit�atmtlomfQthemmWM:DECEA18SA1998 NO. 61 430 0 0 0 i SO 0 843 37 2 17 32 22 9 205 i 1 2 Yl 5 1ffi U sa 0 0 0 33 9 1 % 0 261 5t 0 1314 Canmerciel-addic3uos. ariusnwa &�pei�s 8edtrmiial- e�cons. aUaaions & rqceirs Apm�t �J�gs �ar � commerdm (Nev) n�ma;nW ro sy nw, z c�.. � nwa c�m•n �� PhGric F�evuor Exc¢vetiadFauodetiw Prnas Fue Suppmsdw Firepla�e � Ges Bumer Mwiug (OrcHw¢) Offi�dN'mehwte Oil Bumer Othr Fuels ���6 Plumbin6 R�plPaztiog I.ac xerne��� xu�,s� xu�� wau s�a Si�e SinHleFami�Y Due➢in6 QHear) SkY�'aS Sreavfitmeg Svimming Poda warm q;r w� uwq Wood Smve VAi,UATiON OF PERM[I5 S 17,03T310.49 S 7,969.068.29 S O.ao S o.00 s o.ro S 16,40D,OW.00 S ro.�ao.00 s o.ao S 10,819,495.OD 3 9o8,25Ga0 S 27.SOO.ao S 35,116.95 S 361,1%.00 S 41,825.00 S 113,728.20 S 46v.o71.ao S 70.000.00 S 8UD.000.00 S 20.099.00 S 1%,150.00 S 25.450.00 5 3,386,160.70 S O.ao s as9.00�.ao s o.ro s o.ao 5 o.ao 3 107,286.90 S 1,256,300.88 S 6ai.9W.00 S 320,630.00 S 0.00 5 1.855.243.80 s sas.iv�.00 S 0.00 S 63.702.304.21 LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIRO1�iMENTAL PROTECTION, CONSTRUCTION PERMITS ,� 1y � Permits with Valuation of $500,000 and over for 12/Ol/98 - 12/31/98 OWNER/JOB ADDRESS PERMIT TYPE/WORK VALUATION OF WORK Air Regent Investors Building - Office/Wazehouse $800,000.00 603 Eaton St. St. Paui Co. Building - Commercial $590,000.00 180 E. Sth St Improvemem City of St. Paul Building - Skyway $603,900.00 23 W Sth St. Ramsey County Building - New Commercial $16,400,000.00 25 W. 7th St. Regent Aviation Building - Commercial $1, l OQ000.00 607 Eaton St. Improvement Salvation Army Building - Commercial $630,000.00 375 St. Anthony Ave. Improvement Cathedral I3ill LPP Building - Residenrial $514,285.00 272 Dayton Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residemial $514,285.00 280 Dayton Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residen6al $514,285.00 276 Dayton Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residential $514,285.00 277 Selby Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residentiai $514,285.00 273 Selby Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residential $514,285.00 268 Dayton Ave. Improvement Cathedral Hill LPP Building - Residential $514,285.00 269 Selby Ave. Improvement Allina Health Building - Commercial $12,000,000.00 347 Smith Ave. N. Improvement St. Paul Housing Building - Residential $889,000.00 1000 Edgerton St. Improvement City of St. PaullWild Plumbing $2,SOQ000.00 Hockey Arena 199 Kellogg Blvd. W. The Wild Arena Electrical $5,100,000.00 199 Kellogg Blvd. W. q�������������� � � O O. .� y ^[� P m(� y V O� r r t� F �� t�f b <� y O. 00 Vf O. O. .r 7 �. e� ... .. ... < � g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g C��g.�.�� ° n ° m n 8 $ ts7vm �.n aov_o�o � e�mev_ a. � N�ON N O. N 1� b. ^ h�O O. �p vf b p {q r � W�o O cn vf y H O N h t�l O O e� O Q m N H H� H H� H Vf �� I� �z" � � Q a v�i vi,� 8v eg O° �g° on �/.. V (H b n r O P Q V� V t7 1� y V1 N1 t�l V �'� (V � a N N�� m Y O v N O� h� a Q Q N N l'� n ro Q<'Y N V�-i �O N e O. t+f h N O. r O N� m q y �+= m�o e en a.+� � o a rn e m t � o y N V m h b N w ' vi N y�O vf vf m � O m H N H H N H y N H N H y H F < M O. m m n P� b O V b V P O O O cV Y N N � tn � t� C t� aD ,n�, W v� P e �� N�D �� N Y� O a Y � T N 1� O m t� m? � O. tn t� �D y v� N W'Q Vf H t�1 fh �D N M fn �D Q fy N O � a � H Vf H y (9 Vf � H N N N t+f � N y o " � �n N Q K O vf �O h O oo �G N p N�O b y M N t�f N v� Vf P W O O� t� M < O� N N O� N t�f < 1� yy ao 00 .-i N .-1 N N ir W � � a`� W O S S S S S S O� S T O�� N �L. Q`!� ` 41 b�+ O. O O O f W O t�f t� y �� N V N�. O O � V� O N b N� m O�O T W T O�O N�O Q h O N�p N 'C tn O d b�O N P N m O. O N�O O � 3enma`n.nv.n v�.nv �nw�nr w �^ �^ H H H H m H c9 H � O C� � H H �O 7 h O O O g N O O O O� V a�o b O N 1� VI N (�i �Si (� V m h T< a0 N�O cn �O m O. 00 T N z �y �o N n N y v� V v m� V^ 1� N v.� Q � �G (� O O. a0 �n N M N aO t? q tn fV R��? l�l � Hf � h�O V l�l N+ .r � W� N H H y H K R Vf H �i H � � w a y � O �. U N Hf ^ N N v� N N y vf GO ty b 4 N� N NI N N e0 vf M M N vf t � N H '�" W � N P� � O � �'N � z� � wam<or�aW�WZ�w w�a� U'" C7 U U a^� cu' W yaFa d�zu,az f] � q..1 ' .'7 a'. W W m C7 c `,� Q W W W N u� �� S 6?� z �� E F mww�wwr�ip�"oaa`a�` ��'nu Q�������������� � �� m N Oo N O. O P [� N O � y a � e a � n ^� m m m$ 6 � r g g g g g$ g g g g g g g g 8 $���88���������� g �{L [� O e�1 N N� 1� N^ O O�O m O N N O. �/f H H P O[� e� O. W V O 4 l� y H H y N H H N H H y Nl � � y � �i S� < Y P b O� O v�f O O O O Q N� vf < N � � F �< eo o. � O�o C1 cl o v� en �G o, m V�o ee e� Q N M a0 N N eo �D O. N�O N�D O. N C l�f v� N� a0 �D i� t� N O e�f v) O. �n b < '�' � V� P � O O v�f .�. N� e��i �ry r�.��. M N � O CO .-� V H V� N N 00 N I� vf O N[� Q P N O. GO V O Ni NI N.-� t7 1� N N r O 7 N O H N H N H y N H H i N � p H H W O O n O� 0�0 N m N r O N v�f � O T q Q O. N O� C1 T N '? � O< M aD .� � O i� � Q' �y h �+f e� w� �� O m< Q�O V� ro ao T Q Vf h O O�D N h W h N t� < t�f 'O h y � V.n y V M�G N O. m q �D —� O O � vf P Q�11 W '+ H N� H< N O v� Hf ao a0 m m F K r� N H H H y f/f H� Vf H Vf � 'O y a o " �' � u N N tn M O. l� �!� V�p O p� �p O N m N V O� O. vf a0 ^< O. C o. < Y N e1 �O M t7 O� fV q P N O V H1 �D T O y � r �+ �+ N v� N Y-� W �7 K a� N S O O O S O O O O O S S S S N P � z y�p, P v�i < N t��1 O y r b O O N N O v�i ^ O O �O ao ao O P wf P h N v^ �O m O� Q � O V � O a0' N V e0 ao h �O vf �f h V N y r t�l ..� t�1 Vf O O Hf h U V� O. V Vf �� N N y H H y K H O� H N h 1D O Q O N H H H N (+� y 7 S v� N O O b O O a�0 O O t�f O.�-� O a W ❑ N V N� N`O N h Nf N h t1 W M O'J Cf z � oo O� l� h�D N V a0 en O� <^ O o0 < 1'� Y� �D �D M N� W q v� (�1 �p N �p 1� VI (/� �p N�O y ? y H N V P aT N y�O a+I v� v� � O {i] � 4 d' Vi Vi Vi H N N(A N O T w, H H N H H y (/� Vf N n� '� U F N �p V N.�i ����.�. m � m r m r n ��+f � V�O N N O N N N '�" W � N a^ O � y � o c� � � �a . � � � e u Q C7 U ( U W z a.. ��7' � d p., O q �+1 yF¢ Wt w<? �' m Q Fa [." a"aM � iG .7 � F� W 0 m 5 a�� i' W ."�. W W cy W h� x 6� W z W� F F Q F U0.' mwww��p�Oaa�hH33FC a °I9-1y`1 � DECEMBER 1998 RECEIPT5 r��.��� ���a�� A(,'C1VLfY OD1TT - OPS - ONGOIIiG - ANII.4AL CONfROL Ammal Coni�ol Fco 56,905.00 rarnt, ooi-oorn ss,vos.00 ACfIV1TY 00178 - OPS - NEW - 7ANIIiG Ef AL Siga Dia�id Revicv $0-0p j270.00 WetLods Rsiew j0.00 571137 Zoning Hiatoria AraefficLed SL4�.00 54,661.00 VuiaxdAppula 51,295.00 SZi,4?3.OD SiroPlanRcviewApplicstione S1.S8i-OD SZ7.309.00 TOTAL 001-00178 53.1?A.00 550.40437 ..: __.. _,.,. . ,,,. �::, . .-:. . .. ,-.::m•---��'r�.�' .. -.� :'� ........... ...: . � .::..,.. � .. .: . : � . - :ws�u'�:.u..4". . �v. � �a.. .w. � 'aw.a �.. ._., em.�a�'w�u �iY:...a.._. .. .. .. ... SPECIAL FOND 167 ACfMTY 31352 - OP3 - ONGOING GAhffiLR1G ��s f1'%� �s) Sa�,vns3 33�i�azo.6s Jury Di+ry 50.00 S1so.00 TOTAL 167-31352 $47,992.83 $371,600.68 ............ ........................ . ... ... .., . �c ` �a'a:..�.:a, �'....�ra': �«e'en'«.�:... �..,:.. _:. o..`�;>.r�.:y :�>���"���tit.,��.c�'��>�c��r�����:�.���� H��:.h'��� SPECIAL EUND 320 5108,490.00 uaa,a9o.00 ACI'MTY 333t2 DESIGN SECPION Design Section TOTAi, 320.33312 $O.W 50.00 SnO.vt 5770.02 ACfIV17'Y 33350 - OPS - ONGOING - GENERA[. Bmineea Licenx (5178,251.49 - 33,085.63 NSF & Ref Adj) Ovecpaymea[ Rnee (e+eesaed by CounciD Subpoe�tness Jury Duty PEES.SALES,SERVICES Environmen[al HcaltL TOTAL 320.33350 5175,165.86 $0.00 SI,O50.00 50.00 50.00 S125.00 5176,640.86 52,367.700.60 (Bus Lic YTD Totl i�l S13U,066.10. The 29% Oc[-Dec '97 rev hamf to G.P. aubtrected &om totl in 2/98 iepoR S7a6.25 537,95635 S'77•80 5170.00 $6,734.50 52,395,385.50 ACfIVITY 3335t - OPS - NEW - GENERAL Pe[miu (5401,332.27 + 526,618.08 NSF, Ref ffi ttP �J) ElevaWr Inapeetion FEPS,SALES,SERVSCRS Plm Examimtion Mi.vicelianeous (Copies md Data f[i.+tory Reaeazeh) stmcmre Ivapeceon T�de A.a ..riona T�ade Licenaea CeniSca[e of CompUency Code Compliaucc vacam Buildiog Forfeimres Fence Varimce Cash ShoAage Iuxy Duty TOTAL 32033351 ACf1V1TY 33353 - C[JSTOMCR SERVICE Ala[m PermiEa (511,005 - $8 Refu�) 5427,950.35 Sia,onso 584,737.51 stu.00 5150.00 $4,135.00 565,214.00 571,655.00 51,775.00 52,000.00 SO.W 50.00 �.� 5671,819.66 510,997.00 54,296,750.06 an,z6z.eo 5797,846.85 at,a�aso 51,491.00 514,560.00 5112,248.00 593,060.00 519,ou.00 578,000.00 5150.00 (5876.99) 560.00 55,445,675.02 591,290.00 TOTAL 32433353 510,997.00 591,290.00 a a"z`�'1 ; ,.u..::..,.._ -::.....: «.�. �::H .:.......<:...:.�... -..... -�-:.:. �,�.�. - Yi� .. . _..`.. ♦ ♦ '.:\�vni�vYA�Mii.ugrc`....�.-_._::.�...,_.:.._.w W xt4xi.: ..'`:."1'�..� .>i.yvu �t�.:��'��'.�`4�'`r`* cy:� a:. " ��:q � �' �� " .�''��m:< _.a'�.��':..`i#i "L,. ��-..:.,.,x.�,.s� . _...,.._ .,..�,..._.� ..,... �,�,.a..., �.,...,,«,,...+:ax.�,....e....,.nn...,.�x.:..�a:�a: Gsitw ,�a'R .z... ° .t���v<.�.,>.., � a 9 .>�1*1 OPFICE OP ISCFNSE, INSPE(,TIONS AND PNVIItONAffiiTAL PROTEC170N 350 ST. PEi'ER STREEf, SAW1' PAUL, MINNES(Yl'A 55102 . MONTHI,Y REVENUE REPORT CONSfRLRRIOF PERDIlT VALUATIONS FdlarvingiaaWbv7efimdpamitval�inosfarNemoefAd:J.u'NARY1999 '� NO. 56 184 0 0 0 2 5 0 AfA 33 1 1 44 18 1 20l 0 0 3 I1 0 16i 0 1b 0 I 1 72 4 0 51 0 204 � 0 1579 Commen;ial - adAi¢�s. al�ons & �epaia Residental - additioaa. slre�oas & �rs APertmnnt Buildings C�apy � Commercial (New) DemoLnon (2 s8� Dwt. 1 GemBe, 1 DuPlex. 1 Chumh> Dupinc flutnc fl��a exw�modPwoaeriw Fenres Fve SLppmssiw Fireplece �8� Ges Hura°.r Moving Offia/Wmehouse Oil &iicec O[ber Fuele Plasmring Plumbing Ramp/Parking La Refrige�ion Resraurent Reteining WaI1 Shed Signc SinBle PamilY Daszllin6 QQew) Skyway Sr�mfitting S\vimmivg Pao7s Warm Air water Ufiliry Wood Stove YALUATION OF YHUAS$ S 9,861,406.00 S 4,026,0�0.60 S O.Oo 5 O.Oo S O.00 S 60,oao.0oo.ao 5 33,690.00 3 O.00 S 3,979,525.00 S 1,425,409.95 s u,000.ao 5 2,525.00 S 384,356.00 S 37,400.00 S 10,552.32 S 534,887.OD 3 0.00 $ 0.00 S 164,4WAU S 565,OOO.00 S O.oO $ 760.226.70 S O.00 S ?b7.866Au $ 0.00 5 115,000.00 5 s5,0oo.00 S 65.a69.o0 5 ao2,aa0.ao f 0.00 $ 321.YF1.00 s o.00 S 2,150.880.00 S 608.021.00 $ 0.00 S ffi.795,869.57 LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVII20NMENTAL PROT'ECTION, CONSTRUCTION PERNIITS q c� .Zy� Pemuts with Valuation of $500,000 and over for 01101i99 - 01{31199 OWNER/JOB ADDRESS PERMIT TYPE/WORK VALUATTON OF WORK Allina FIealth Building - Commercial $500,000.00 333 N. Smith Ave. Improvement IvIDI Building - Commercial $1,000,000.00 1700 Wynne Ave. Improvement Media One Building - Commercial $3,857,000.00 10 River Park Plaza Improvement MN Mutual Life Ins Building - New Commercial $60,OOQ000.00 401 Robert St. N. St. Paul Schools Building - Commercial $2,000,000.00 790 Conway St. Improvement St. Paul Housing Building - Residential $1,597,000.00 899 S. Cleveland. Improvement United Hospital Wazm Air $800,000.00 347 Smith Ave. N. Metropolitan Councii Electrical $2,000,000.00 2400 Childs Road o��������� a F^'° ^� �_ m o o s o� a n o _¢ -- a � 4 � $888 p 888588 p 8 p 88 p 888 O W O O S O S S S S O G O$ O S S f� (� {i� N[� Y R t'1 O� N l� O� ?? m v� N W p p. ay �p �n oo t� m N�n m�+ oo b N O {b �� y O j ^ �O � v1 N N� n1 vf N Hi C1 O {S� �J � H �z O ¢ O 6 P O O O O O O O O � O O O O O v�i Q U N O O N W S�� N b b'Y � N� �-. vf Y T t+^ CO < N o'J Y N W O W ¢ Q O. �n 1� < < < v� O 1� v� O oo �n 3 �n [� N�n oo t� �'o b�o �O N� O P .� N O� e{ {n N Y1 l� N th `G r �� a{ M r N V� ; � � H v� O�O O T�n O O O O m r m h F b N cn O r N S O O O O� T c�f O ¢ G� ao O� ��O O� v� O�+f O�n �+f N N o0 00 �G W O� h �l �O ��/1 h < NI N O� P T W q � oo < W� h N O m V O N w oo l� ao W �� N V y r�n N m cn Ni N cn N� � W a � Uf � O �O O t�f �< I� M^ O C�O N�+ V O O� N< m•• <� � ^ N N�n N ao N H F / � y � � G4 � a w" a� N O v� O o o O o o O o o O O o N P O O. O O O O O O I� O O O O O O (7 vI U O b l� O O O�D �O Pf � O P � P N O O v� oo O O N�o �O < oo N�O �n R V Cf W V O N W< N W O W H .: o�v� � e"vv�n o ��n om G. � c� 1� N N1 � t'1 �D `O �O �D b N� O P a 3 v^ O� V t7 h v� h N CI �D [`� �y V m �+ N 7 O h � b N c�+t O� N S O O O O� T M O O xi Q W O. ��O T vf O Cf O v1 CE N N O] tL �O z � rn t� vt �D � vf t� Q m N T P O� � m v w � v: o 0o v o N m m t� Q V) U Vl VI N K^� N N M N1 l�l VI t�1 � � W � N�n N N N � � w a � � O F b O m a0 ? h�n -+ O V' �O N�+ < O O� N<� _• < N .�n �O N N v� N Si f� h CW � N a '" � i� y N � � N �q ay �WaW� a ? � � ¢�'zv V w�zua.a'RUd� �f� Q�>a"°'�w��ay�a wm��Naxaa��W�ao a�i w w c c w c Q 7 0�o a' a , a a m ti 3 g h o���������������� �{II vl �G �� P � N vf N1 l� N Y Q��'^ �O a4 G -- �i� ¢� 88 � fi1 V a�0 � r O�. O b O b O� N � N O O �7 W N�O N N T N[� O. ^ h�O a� �O �n b O (jj a tL b O H N � Vf < N l� Cf O O Nf O ❑ W y1 H H M(h Vf K t1 N I� C. � H H Vf Vf Vf Vf �wz" " O d C7 ¢ O� 8 � S 8� Q 8 S S S S S S t N b � V O� `O O •G p N h Q l� �O �O Hf l� �'� v� t�f O. N O'O O< l� O �I Q c�f m M1 t� p N y�O O� q�D N? N h N O�D O r1 V h O Q O P O� � O� N b O N N(� DJ �O � Nf 3 N Y�O O h b^ o> N O w V� � Y � � �� K y H K� H W H H H H� P ,� ti N O N N ; O H y y H � v1 N O`O O O O O O r < O. O�D � {�7 !� S P O �n h O S O O O O. tn �n O? b n F povNi v�o vi oao.�c �on �or�n g r Q� W O� Hf vf O� N m l� N N f� <n P N b o0 � 1� vf �+ N�O a0 c�l N�n O� < l� P m a0 �O N p a Hsmns9 y ww y w�yan»wya`�n N y» � W K W O r N< m � c��f m � r N� M r m o r � Nt V .� ^r � v� h F W a a � V O S v�i O O O V O O O O O O O c N � �J-. Q T b O W O vt N� Q m�D �D Cf [� Q V vf cn O. v� O �D O Y h O�n o� M I� 1� O� N "] �n �D ao O. �O N O� N'/1 �n O�D O Cf Q l� O F� a, o" -� a m�n �o o vi N t= w�o � cn Q Q N a b O l� �o V eo v� O O. �n � V ao r~ '3 N N w� w aif H� Vi � w V N ' N N ; � H� y H N r O Q S CE N S S O O S O� Cl N O R `O � Q O < Cf K�O m O Q ^ b �O h.J `O h N O h [� W O� (�1 � O� N h N N Hf nf O. N�O � O t� v� N'O W('1 N Y� P K 1� P th O� �O N Q� N � N-w �+ y v� P� N� N '+ cn < �n N O �G [S� W�(9 Vf Vf H K N� fA Vf Vf d (9 N � � � � K K � O F U N v�� n m�.�.. �' r c� �� cv — m gE �� y y m� m o t� „ h � {y � a � O J' (n f _ p U � W z^ U U� U a 2 W ��� rX �� � d a ~ d�wWN����S����� �O xc w www�w��o�Oa4`��,�3 H ua a q9 •zy'l 7ANUARY 1999 RECEIPTS GENERAL FUNA 001 .::.... ......................... ;;.:����:�m: ACI'IViTY 00177 - OPS - ONGOING - ANIMAL CONTROL Animal Control Fees TOTAL 001-0O1?7 as,�s.00 55,975.00 55,975.00 35,975.00 ACfIV1TY 00178 - OPS - NEW - ZONING SI' AL Sign Dist2iM Reaiew 50.00 50.00 Weflends Review 50.00 $0.00 Zoning Histnries Reseazched 5270.00 5270.00 Variance/Appeals 51,680.00 51,680.00 Site Plan Review Applications S225.00 3�.0� TOT'AI, 001-00178 32,175.00 52,175.00 . .........:.... � . . —. ..—...�..�:.;... .,:...�.�....:....,.;x::-:�>�.......o_.,,_....g�s:::=r..<::::..;::.:a.r._,•,,;. ...::._��, . . . � ro....... ..z:. .... . . :. . rx . . . .. .: ..�.....<.:.:.. . ti_:.,v: � ..::..... ... ..,... ^� . , a .�..:°.o�: ,..� > . _,. x . � . ,.�:..a..o.,,� . .... ;...�.�.... ..��i.,.��'.........�'[+^'....�.�>��F.c�.x.u:o.xn.:>..:.._.<:n .............:.......>......,.r:�.....,...es,:::m......:::::a..,<.<..:x� .,::....:i;���a?iii:^+:3:�:i:: x:i::�::6 �::a?3�"i „�'„�„'�',�' SPECIAI. FUND 167 ACTIVITY 31352 - OPS - ONGOING GAMBLING Gambling (Tac Only) 529,539.50 529,539.50 TOTAL 167-31352 $29,539.50 529,539.50 . .. .... . :.......... ...........: ........ ... .. ........_... :r.tt�.:��<;.c<.: ;..:gr�..�,::: .a . . . . w.i.;;�F1�=::c.rcC:_Y«;<:Fn:T.._:•...::k:'s.q•x..<0s_.. . :. .�. ' :. : . ......._. w..a3:. �....x (�]� y :... -. . �:..ro:..x. .<A:Y. :..a> . . H�..o ... s: 8'>rx�<..� � ...... .��.R.�'�.� ..yo.°w::.:.::o<....:\ a:.v..:r:4:�:x _..... Rh':����w.��.�::.v..�.�...�....C.<.y..oau�...:..... ♦u.�::v'..��:":y_:.: � ..�......�a._.....�..T._ . Tti�..._. ..x.w�..... �.w.� . .:..: uC.c�"�c.�>3:<:.:.i��i� . . . . ..:QR:.:�..�..:>.a.��.�._3.o'L....9...a.i6.�.._...:SaLi°i�<..g.�:�.Y:`:..:._..:.. .....::tt.�..�.:�..�...�°�::, � . SPECIAL FUND 320 ACTIVITY 33350 - OPS - ONGOING - GENERAI, Business Licenses ($264,824.50 - $3137.00 iefunds) Overpayment Fines (assessed by Council) 5261,687.50 ��� �� $261,687.50 $O.DO a i,000.00 FEES, SALES, SERVICES Alcohol Awareness Training Environmental Health TOTAL 320.33350 so.00 S1,d26.90 5264,t14.40 ao.00 f 1,A2b.90 5264,114.40 ACTIViTY 33351 - OPS - NEW - GEtSERAI, Permit ($412,886.07 + S 10,850.46 Ref & Dep Adj) Elevator Inspee[ion FEES,SALES,SERVICES Building Constmction & Plan Examination Miscellaneous (Copies snd Data FSisWry Reseamh) strucm:cInspecdon Tiade Examinations Txade Licenses Certificate of Competency Cade Compliance Vacarrt BuIlding ForfeiWrea TOTAL 320.33351 5423,�36.53 31,870.00 5146,523.04 5263.50 $117.00 $2,695.00 542,773.00 $16,117.00 5525.00 ao.00 $634,621.07 5423,736.53 51,870.00 3146,523.04 S264S� $117.00 52,695.00 542,773.00 516,117.00 5525.00 ao.00 $634,621.07 ACTIVITY 33353 - CUSI'OMER SERVICE Alann Pemuts . �. �� 56,065.00 TOTAL 320.33353 . �. �� 56,065.00 ° ..._ .....:........__......................_.._....� - y� - - . u�.v.r� <.:�,,.:.. .«.«,< y �. .. , .:��-..;,.<..::,_z��..::���,-„« <-.�.`..?C::>^s;-:�.�:.:•-:;`��.x:<>;;e:?°�c�x?r -. �ut.�b`.:`::::::.'.za�:`�` .: . .y . .. . .'� . ,�, '�::� �..»'d:.axC.^� ..... .:.,... w . ..s�i�."i.°�. ::�i'���}�" -,.. .�v��.`� �`��.:�.io: �,,::.;�.���.,.,.,....,e.. �: ..,� ..:...............:.. �-....:.....�.,�.....u.....��.......::<:S'@lu..��....,..S�1.a�iiw.�.:.�ai4.\i...o a..�.vtt.V. �";: �....:.. . ... _. _. � qq -�.y�1 CITY OF SA1NT PAiIL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: November 6, 1998 TO: John Conway Senior Building Inspector FROM: Greg Johnson RE: Projected Building Inspection Manpower Requirements for 1999 Summation: The attached calculations establash the need to staffthe building inspection section with at least 9 and nearly 10 field inspectors if we aze to keep up with the continuing rise in pernut volume. In fact, I have calculated that even with no rise in permit volume from the anticipated 1998 end of yeaz total, our field staffing level should be at least 9 inspectors. Obviously this report again does not reflect the sigmficant administrative and supervisory work load of the Senior Building Inspector. t�lso once again, this report does not evaluate the building inspector assigned to the vacant building program since it `stands alone'. Methodology: There was a necessity for reasons of timeliness to `fill in the blanks' and estimate the permit volume for November and December of 1998 in order to project the year end total of building and stucco permits issued for the yeaz. This was achieved by establishing what percentage of total yearly permits were issued after October 31 for the yeazs of 1994 through 1997. Those percentages were then averaged and that average percentage mcrease used to project a 1998 yeaz end total issuance of 9,044 permits based upon the 8,021 permits already issued through October of this yeaz. The seven yeaz average of 2.92 inspections per pernut is for 1990 through 1996. Figures for 1997 and 1998 were not available due to computer system failutes. Projected 1999 pernut issuance was derived by calculating the average increase in permit volume for the past eight yeazs and inflating the anticipated 1998 yeaz end total by that eight year average. It should be noted that these yeaz to yeaz percentage do show a significant range. Due to the range of yeaz to yeaz percentage changes in pernut issuance, 1999 projected inspections were calculated with both an average increase in permit volume and no increase from 14981evels. � .,. q9.zy� Building Section Inspection Time & Activity Analysis 1993-1996x (Travel Times Not Included) Inspection Hours 1993-1996 22,229 Percentage of total hours 60% Average Annual Hours 5,557 Office & Education Hours 1993-1996 Percentage of Total Hours Average Annual Hours Total Office, Education, & Inspection Hours 1993-1996 Average Annual Hours Average Annual Inspection Hours per Inspector Average Annua] O& E hours per Inspector Average Annual Hours per Inspector Average AnnualInspections Average Individual Inspection Time in Hours •No acwrate inspections or hourly time tracking data available for 1997 ot 1998 due to computer system failures. 1999 Inspection/tIours Projections w/ No Permit Volume Increase 1999 Projected Building Section Inspections Multip]ied by Average Individual Inspection Time Anticipated Inspection Time in Hours Anticipated Of£ce & Education Time (�,130 x 40/60) Total Anticipated Inspector Hours Total Anticipated Hours (11,883) divided by TotalAvecage Inspector Haars(1,303) = Inspectors Required 14,287 40% 3,572 36,516 9,129 793 510 1,303 20,265 .27 26,408 _27 7,130 4,753 11,883 9.12 1999 Inspection/Hours Projections w/Average Permit Volume Increase 1999 Projected Building Secrion Inspections Mu]tiplied by Average Individual Inspection Time Anticipated Inspection Time in Hours Anticipated Office & Education Time (7,572 x 40/60) Total Anticipated Inspector Hours Total Anticipated Aours (12,620) divided by Total Average Inspector Hours (1,303) = Inspectors Required 28,044 _27 7,572 5,048 12,620 9.68 a°� -zy'1 Building Permit History and 1998 Projection Year End of October Xear End Increase Increase as Percentage Year to Date Totals Totals of October YTD Total 1994 6,239 7,133 894 14.3% 1995 6,090 6,812 722 11.9% 1996 7,140 7,946 806 113% 1997 7,546 8,563 1,017 13.5% 1998 8,021 9,044" 1,023* 12.75%** *Year end totals for 1998 are projected by multiplying the average percentage increase from the end of October thro the year end total by the year to date figures for October 1995. **This is an average of the preceeding four years. Ratio of Inspections Made to Permits Issued Annually 1990-1996 Average Build'eng Section 60,525 / 20,772 = 2.92 � 1999 projected inspections based on projected 1998 year end totals with no increase in permits issuance from 1998 to 1999. Total permits issued (9044) X Average inspections per issued permit (2.92) = 26,408 Projected 1999 Building Permit Issuance YEAR 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 PERMITS 5,283 5,561 6,071 6,043 6,928 6,812 7,946 8,563 9,044* 9,604** % of AVG Change +5% +8% -.5% +13% -2% +14% +7% +5% t(.2% *Projected 1998 year end based on average November & December issuances. **1998 projected year end ( 9044) multiplied X average percent of change (6.2) = 9,604. 1999 projected inspections based on projected 1998 year end totals with average increase in permits issuance from 1998 to 1949. Projected permits issuance (9604) X Average inspections per issued pemut (2.92) = 28,044 °lg -yy� CITY OF SAIN'I' PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM March 3, 1999 To: Joe Reid, Budget Director Dede Demko, Budget Analyst Fr: Robert Kessler, LIEP Director � Re: 1999 Budget Amendment--Additional Information This is in resgonse to your inquiry regarding the addition of an inspector and a p]an reviewer to the 1999 �P Budget. As I pointed out in my eazlier memorandum the request is needed because of the increase in construction activity in the City. 1998 was the third record yeaz in a row with double digit increases in the number of permits, inspections, valuations, and revenues. It would be reasonable to expect a commensurant reduction in L1EP's staff complement when the pace of construction activity slows signifiucantly. However, as you know, some lazge construction projects go on for several years, so inspections continue, while overall constriuction activity may be slowed. Therefore it may be difficult to pin point the exact time when reductions can and should be made. At any rate, I certainly agree that workload dictates the number of staff needed, and LIEP has demonstrated our commitment to maintaning a lean and efficient staff in the past, and we will continue to do so in the future if and when construction activity slows significantly. Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding this matter. I.ori L,ee, Accounting LIEP Managers