88-1069 WHITE - C�TV CLERK - PINK - FINANCE G TY O F SA I NT PA U L Councii /+ CANARV - DEPARTMENT ///���y BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � /"�• - � ouncil Resolution __---_____ Presented By — Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WEIEREAS, the Divi ion of Public Health has requested the City Council to hold a public heari g to consider the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of a one-story wood frame structure which is located on p perty hereafter referred to as the "Subject Property" comranly as 415 Sinnen Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota and legally described as: Lot 6, Block 1 , B. Sinnens Subdivision of Blocks N. 10 a d 22 of Lyman Dayton's Addition, except the No heasterly 65 feet thereof; and Lot 7, Block 1 , B. Sinnens Subdivision of Blocks N. 10 a 22 of Lyman Diaytons Addition, except the No heasterly 65 feet and except the Southeasterly 7 feet thereof, according to the record plat th reof, and situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota; and Wf�2FAS, based n the records in the Ramsey County Recorder's Office on August 27, 1987, an updated on June 3, 1988 the follawing persons are owners, interested pa ies or responsible parties of the Subject Property„ The owners are Robert . Gibbons and Constance M. Gibbons, 708 Hague Avenue, No. 3, Saint P ul, Minnesota 55104. Other clairnants of an interest in the Subject Propert include Raymond Allen Sanford, 1739 North Fairview Avenue, Saint Paul, Mi esota, 55113; Charles Hassett, 629 N.E. Jefferson Street, Minneapolis, nnesota, 55413; and Robert M. Sch�cher, 9155 28th Street North, Lake El , Minnesota, 55042. There are no judc�nents or liens of record against the parties; and I I i COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman s�ne;�e� _ Against BY Sonnen �Ison Form Appr ved City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY C � ,� B}� � A►pproved by IVlavor: Date _ Appro d y Mayor for Subm si ouncil By - � f��io��. , . WEIEREAS, the Division of Public Health has issued orders identified as an "Abandoned Building No ice" dated April 29, 1988 which is attached and incorporated as part o� this resolution by this reference. This order was served on all owners, interested parties and responsible parties of the Subject Property l�own to the enforceqnent officer. The notice and order inforn►ed these parties that the one-story wood frame structure located on the Subject Property is an abandoned building and a nuisance pursuant to Sections 45.01, Subd. 1 and 45.02, Subd. 11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The April 29th order also had attached to it a 1''st of deficiencies regarding the strtuature on the Subject Property, said�list is attached and incorporated as part of this resolution; and WEEIE�REAS, the April 29, 1988 order inforn�ed all owners, interested parties and responsible parties that they must either repair the structure on the Subject Property by correcting the list of deficiencies or d�nolish the structure, either actic�n to take place by May 15, 1988. Wf�REAS, no actior� has been taken regarding co�liance with the April 29, 1988 notice and order, and as a result the Division of Public Health requested that a public hearing be scheduled to take place on Thursday, June 23, 1988 for the City Council to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering the correction of the nuisance condition or in the alternative consider the demolition and renaval of this structure; and Wf�RFAS, the abov� referenced owners, interested parties and responsible parties have been persdnally served notice of the time and purpose of the June 23, 1988 hearing before the Council; Wf�REAS, a hearing was held before the Saint Paul City Council on June 23, 1988 and all testimony and evidence was considered by the Council. NdW THII�EFORE, BE �IT RESOLVED, that based upon all of the testimony and evidence presented at �.he June 23, 1988 hearing, the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the follawing Findings and Order concerning the structure at 415 Sinnen: 1. That in July of 1984 the structure located on the Subject Property was deternnined to be vacant and open to access. The building has remained vacant and has been either op�n or boarded since July of 1984. 2. That since Ju]ly of 1984 the City of Saint Paul has on ntunerous occasions issued orders to the owners to make this structure secure and not accessable. On many occasions, because of the inaction on the part of the owners, the City has had to hire a private contractor to make the building secure and not open to access. 3. That the owne s of the Subject Property have repeatedly failed to register and pay the v�cant building fee for this structure as required by City ordinance. ' 4. That the Division of Public Health Department of the City of Saint Paul condemned this structure as "Unfit for I��nan H,abitation under Chapter 34 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code" in May of 1985. The building is still subject to this condemnation order. � -2- `� �<<� ' ���069 � �� � . � 5. That there are now and have been since July of 19$4, multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations in existance at the Subject Property. 6. That the owners, interested parties and responsible parties of this structure are as previously stated in this resolution. These individuals have been properly served notice of the June 23, 1988 hearing concerning this structure. 7. That the owners, interested parties or responsible parties have been ordered on niunerous occasions to repair this structure and have failed to do so. 8. That on August 5, 1987 and April 29, 1988 Abandoned Building Notices were sent to the owners, interested parties or responsible parties ordering these persons within thirty (30) days from the date of the notice to either deqnolish the structure or make repairs and cure the list of deficiencies. 9. That the orde s of August 5, 1987 and April 29, 1988 have been disregarded by the own�rs, interested parties and responsible parties. 10. That the one-story wood frame structure located on the Subject Property is an abandon�d building under Section 45.01, Subd. l, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code in that it is "a building or portion thereof which has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year" and during that period of t�me has been either "unsecured", "boarded", has had "multiple exterior Housing Code or Building Code violations" or has been "placarded as unfit for H�n Habitation �xarsuant to Chapter 34 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code." 11. That the one-story wood frame structure located on the Subject Property is a nuisance as defined under Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 45.02, Subd. 11, in that it is an abandoned building located in the City of Saint Paul that has created a dangerous or unhealthy condition or which threatens the public peace, health, safety or sanitary condition of the City or which is offensive or has a blighting influence on the comrnuiity. 12. That the costs of abatement of this nuisance are estimated to exceed two thousand dollars ("�2,000.00) or the abatement involves demolition of a building other than a �tructure accessory to a residential building. ORDER The Saint Paul Cit�y Council hereby makes the following order: 1. The above ref�renced owners, interested parties and responsible parties and their assic�ns shall make the Subject Property safe and not detrimental to the �nzblic peace, health, safety, and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the comnunity by rehabilitating this building and correcting those deficiencies set forth in the list previously referenced in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by d�nolishing the building and filling the site in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances. The rehabilitation or demolition of the building must be cotnpleted within thirty (30) days of the date of mailing of this resolution. 2. If the above corrective action is not com�leted within the thirty (30) day time period, the proper City officials of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to demolish this structure and fill the site and charge the costs incurred against the Subject Property �xxrsuant to the provisions of Section 45.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. -3- � ��� ! ��� WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 .{/�` CANARV- DE�ARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL ^ �'- �/{. B�LUE - MAVOR File NVr��-' ,(�rv. ��,u��� � CCouncil Resolution ., (�;; . - � � :���d � - 1988 Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date . Out of Committee By Date 3. In the event the }�zilding is to be demolished by tl�e City of Saint Paul, all personal pro�erty or fixtures of any kind which shall unreasonably interfere with the demc�lition and removal shall be removed fran the building by the awners, interested 'parties and responsible parties by the end of the thirty (30) day titre period. If the personal property is not so rernoved, the City of Saint Paul shall remov� and dispose of such property ar►d fixtures as is provided by law. 4. IT IS FURTf�t QE2DER�, that a certified copy of this resolution and the incorporated Order and list of deficiencies be mailed to the last ]mown address of the awners, interested parties and responsible parties pursuant to Section 45.11, Subdivi�ion (5) . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if all work has not been accomplished, proof of financing and a time frame providing for the completion has to be approved by the C�ouncil. I COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond O N I Y RV I C E �ng � [n Favor Goswitz Rettman B �he1�� �_ Against Y Sonnen � Adopted by Council: Date JUN 2 3 198$ Form Appro d by City A orney c � � � �� Certified ed by Cou cil Secre ary � BY By, c�.c.�-�D/7- t Approved y iNav r. �Date� L I Appr d y Mayor for Sub i Council By _ PUBI.ISHED �J U L — 2 1988 Communit Services _ pEpARTMENT ��✓�0�� N� ��� t 3 •�� Steven R ' CONTACT 292-7718 � PH(HVE . ; June 9, 988 � ; DATE - � . � �� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROtiTING ORDER C Al.l Locations for Si nature : ��,� �� �-- - Y�i � Departmen Di'rector 3 Director of'Managem��al:y�r1988 Finance a Management Service �Director � � City Cl�rk (;�TY p.�.T(��. Budget Di �Gt�r ' � � Y 2 City Atto ey , 's WHAT WILL BE HIEYEQ BY TAKING AC �ON ON THE ATTAGiED MATERI S? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The City will begin the. process o I�ay��his abandoned reaidential building declared a; - nuisance and rdered fepaired or �Y . ' ;,N i � 1988' Councii Research Center, .RECEIVED � JUN 2 0198� ' �JUN 0 91988 � f��OR'S OFFtCE ; j : Carrr�iryl Swrio�t COST BENEFIT UDGETARY AND PERSON IMPACTS ANTICIPAT�D: � If the owner ails to repair or ra � the building, the City will raze the structure and assess the costs aga nst the taxes. Esti' � ted costs $5,000.00 - $7,000.00. Already budgeted. . FINANCING SOUR AND BUDGET ACTIVITI NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- tur.e not� re- Total Amoun of_'T�ansaction: no e quired if ur►der - � $10,00�) - Funding Sau : 3326:�� _. Activity Nu r: � • ATTACHMENTS Li t and Number All At ' chments : List of defici ncies for the build g located at 415 3innen Street, File #4333 � - � � i I� � � � � � � � , , , � DEPARTMENT REVI W i CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No C uncil Resolution Re � �ired? ' Resolution Required? XYes No Yes �No I surance Required? i Insurance Sufflcient? Yes X No Yes x No I surance Attached: j . � t ' (SEE •REVERS � SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) � Revised 12/84 I �� �'"�y� ,� `" �`/ , �:/,�,,�;�;,� s��,�;� '' �" I % / ��� °F-�,dt�� i � � 3 , � ;���/o��� e `�,t.o. i I�-�� CITY OF SAI�IT PAUL `� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES . ; ; ���'ii'i ; I • DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH `�,,� �°� 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George Latimer I (612)292-7741 Mayor May 23, 1988 � Mr. President and � Members of the City Council i Re: 415 Sinnen Street Diate of Heari.ng: J� 23, 1988 — District Council: 4 Honorable Council: ! The Division of Public H lth is hereby suYxnitting its report on the condition of the structu�e at the location referred to above. The owners of record are� Raymond Allen Sandford 1739 N. Fairview Ave. (Nbrtgage Holder) Saint Paul, NIlV 55113 I Constance M. & Robert M. Gibbons 708 Hague Ave. #3 (Fee Owner) I Saint Paul, NIl�T 55104 Robert M. SchLmiacher I 9155 28th St. N. (Mortgage Holder) Lak�e Elmo, 1�Il�1 55042 The legal description of the property is: Lot 6, Block 10, B. Sinnens Subdivision of Blocks N. I10 and 22 of Lyman D�ayton's Addition, except the Northeasterly 65 feet th�reof; and Lot 7, Block 10, B. Sinnens Subdivision of Blocks N. 10 and 22 of Lyman Daytons Addition, except the Northeasterly 65 feet and except the So�utheasterly 27 feet thereof, according to the recorded plat thereof, anld situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. The l�uilding is a one sto�-y, �JOOd frame, single family residence. The subject property has been unoccupied since June 19, 1985. This building has stood ur�cc.vpied for longer than one year and meets one or trr�re of the conditions that constitute an abandoned building, as defined in Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. On April 29, 1988, the Di ision of Public Health mailed an order to the awners, interested partie� and responsible parties of this building requkring that the building be either repaired, by correcting the attached list of deficiencies, or �l�rolished on or before May 15, 1988. Inasmuch as � I . - � ��io�� Mr. President ar�l Members of the City Council -2- May 23, 1988 the orders have not been ccx�leted to the satisfaction of the Division and the continued abandoned condition of the building contri.butes a blighting influence and potential l�azard to the neighborhood, it is the recomc�endation of the Division that the City Council pass a resolution ordering the owners, interested parties and responsible parties to either repair or demolish the bt}ilding in a timely manner to the satisfaction of the City. In the event the owners, interested parties or responsible parties fail to co�ly with the Council E�esolution, the Building Inspection and Design Division should be authorized to desnolish the building and assess all costs incurred in the dercaolition against the real estate as a special assessnent to be collect�d in the same manner as taxes. Yo truly, �` !:�� � .� , / ��;� ��,�� F ank A. Staffe n E�vironmental H lth Director Enclosure cc: George Lat�mer, Mayor John McCormick, Asst. City Attorney Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshall Jan Gasterland, �zilding Inspection Warren Frost, PID District Housing Inspector � , �1. �' � �����9 {ri � ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - �...v. •'� � � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � ni�iii° + �s ; � • DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEAITH �... � SSS Cedat Street.Saint P�ul,Minnesoq 5510/ George luimer I ABANDONED BU I L01 NG . c6�2)292-mt M�Y� NOT I CE Date: Apr. 29, 1988 ' Raymond Allen Sandford Constance M. & Robert M. Gibbons Robert M. Schumacher 1739 N. Fairview Ave. 708 Hague Ave. 463 9155 28th St. No. St. Paul, MN 55113 St. Paul, MN 55104 Lake Elmo, MN 55042 , RE: Address and Legal Description ' Address: 415 Sinnen St. , St Paul, Minnesota 55106 Legal Description: See atta hed. Dear Sir ar �iadam: , , . _ , The oivision of Public Health ' has determined that the above-noted building is an _ a6andoned building. which Chapter 4$•oE the St. �Paul Legislative Code deFines as: " any building or portion aP a building which has stoad with an incomplete exterior shell Eor Ionger than three (3) years or any bul.lding or portioa thereoP which has stood un- � occupied for longer thaR one (1) year and which meets one or more of the following criteria; � (a) unsecured, or � (b) boarded, or (c) having multiple exte�ior Housing Code or Buflding Code violations, or (d) placarded as "Unfit for Human Habitation" pursuant to Chapter 34 oF the St. Pau1 Legislative Code." - � The ordinance further states that an a6andoned building is a nuisance and it may be�ordered torn • down by the City. IF you do not wa t to have the City begin action to have the buflding torn doc.m you are hereby notiFied that the at ached list oF deFiciencies must be repaired or you must have the building torn docm on or befora May 15, 1988 Any repair or demol.ition must be completed in accardance wit a11 appLicable laws. LE tha :�or�c is not completed or if ou have not had tha building torn down by the above date, the Division oE eubLlc Neal�h will refer this matter to the City Council to receive authority to raza the building and harge a11 costs incurred against the real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the s�me manner as taxes. The City Council c+ill scheduLe a public hearing to consider iF the building' should be torn do.+rt. IF a public hearing becomes necessary, you �ill be 'notified oE the time and date oE the hearing and you will be allowed to pcesent evi- dence to the City Council. A copy oE this ocder will be kept on file in the City Cleck's oEEice and a resoLution declaring this property to be a nuisance sha11 be on file in the Ramsey County Recorder's oEfice. Compliance �.�ith r.hz attached list oE deEiciencies c+ill remove ya�.z buiTding from the Iist oP abandoned buildings but it�does not mean that the building compLies uith a11 applicabls housing and building codes. � The date for compliance �rith these o�ders shall not be e:ctended unless you receive written approvaL , Ero m the Divislon oE Cublic Healch. IE you have any questions about this order please contact the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-4153. � Sincerely, il ec: Warren Frost � , Planning & Economic Division �C��� 12th Floor, City HalL Annex st. Paut , Mri s5toz Steven Et.• Roy Envlconmental Pro3rlm :ianager o,....__, . ,,.,. • . . y �. , 4 � , ��--/D�� 4. THE LAND REFERP.ED �0 IN THIS 0 C MMITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: L��t E, E�l��ck 1�, E�. Sir�r�ens S�_ibdivisi��r� =�f E�lack.s N. 1�Z� ar�d c� of Lyr��.�n Daytor�' s Adliti��n, except the N��rtheasterly 6� feet there��f9 and L��t 7,' E�l��ck 1�, L�. Sir�r�er�s S�_ibdivisi��r� af E�1�_�cks N. 10 and 2c ��f Lyn �r� Dayt��r�s Addit i��n, except the N��r•theasterly 65 f et ar�d except the Sc��_itheasterly �7 fe�t ther�e��f, acc��r•ding t�� the recc�rded plat �ther�_�f, ar�d sit!!�te i r� Ramsey C���_�n t y, M i r�r�e=��t a. Abstract Pr��per�ty. � . . . . , _ i i -, � ' �C ��0,�9 ; ,- DEFICIENCY LIST ; FOR I 415 SIr�N s�Er ' All repairs and new insta lations must be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permit must be obtained where changes and/or additions to an electrical system r , ire upgrading of the service size to current National Electrical Code (N.E.C.) r��irements. Soi� pltunbing repairs may necessitate updating of the fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required to for any repai or new installation. Permits may be obtained from the Building Inspect�on and Design Division, Room 445 City Hall. EXTERTOR . 1. Front porch - Th� floor is r,ussing; the floor joist are decayed and the floor is, supported on t��orary cement blocks. The roof has decayed ��rooc� and is sagged• Repair, replace or relnove this porch. 2. The front steps �o the front porch are tipped out of pltm�b and lack a handrail.' Repair or replace these steps. . 3. The front founda�ion has loose and missing stones and mortar. Regair or replac� this foundation. 4. The south side porch: the roof and floor are decayed the floor is collapsing and has a hole in it and is unlevel. Repair, relnove or replace this por�ch. 5. The south side alnd north side exterior foundation walls are bowed away from the house. Repair or replace the foundation. 6. The electric, g�s and water service have been disconnected. Provide. 7. The chimney has loose and missing mortar. Regair chimney. 8. There is debris�stored in the rear lean-to addition -- an old refrigerator, s ove and sink. Remove all debris. 9. Several windows have torn and missing screens. Provide functional screens for all openable windows. 10. The roof shingles are worn and the shingles at the northwest corner are missing. Repair and replace damaged shingles. 11. The plumbing ve�t stack on the west side of the roof does not extend 12 inches above the roof. Repair. 12. The rear storag� shed has a worn roof covering. Repair or remove shed. 13. On the south side porch: exposed wires and water c3amage to ceiling Repair ceiling and repair electrical system to meet the N.E.C. � � - I , ° . � ���v�9 . � , � , I Deficiency List for 415 Sinnen Page 2 of 3 EXTERIOR (continuedl 14. Some siding has broken pieces. Repair. 15. There is a cra k in the foundation near the south side door. Repair. � 16. Front porch has missing decking. Provide. INTEE2IOR A. BASII��NT 1. Basement stair�: loose and out of pliunb. Repair or replace. 2. I�roperly installed waste for bathtub. Provide legally installed waste pipe. 3. Improper use o� heater hose for waste pipe. Provide legal waste PiPe• 4. Water heater d teriorated. Replace. 5. ro r use o� flexible gas piping to water heater. Replace with �P Fe legal gas pipe. 6. Vent for water heater in contact with wood. Provide legal clearance from combustibles. 7. There is missing mortar between the foundation stones. Repair. 8. No spill pipe �or the TPR valve. Provide. 9. Open and exposed electric wiring for the light fixture at the bottom of the �teps. B. KITCEiET1 . . 1. Water damage t ceiling. Repair. 2. Unvented S tra and i.t�roperly installed waste for kitchen sink. Install a legal vented trap and waste pipe for this sink. 3. Floor deterior�ted and unlevel. Repair. 4. Windows are painted shut. Repair windows to make them operationable. 5. Closet near kit�chen has exposed wires. Repair to meet N.E.C. I ' ;i � ° , . � . ; �. �-�o�9 . ,� ' . Deficiency List for 415 Sinnen Page 3 of 3 � . C. BATHROOM 1. Unvented S tra for sink. Provide legal waste pipe and vent systgn. 2. Open vent on in soil stack in bathroom. Properly seal vent stack. 3. Deteriorated p aster on the walls. Repair. 4. Toilet tank br ken. Provide a�roved toilet tank. � 5. Window painted shut. Repair window to provide normal operation. 6. Open electric ires near stove. Provide electrical system which meets the N.E. . D. LIVINGROOM 1. Walls buckled. epair. 2. Outlets lack c ver plates. Provide legal cover plates. 3. Cracked window ne. Replace. E. NORTFi BIDROOM 1. Space heater ve t too close to wood. Keep space heater vent a legal distance rom combustibles. 2. Wall covering w rped. Repair or replace. F. NORTfi BIDROOM SEr 1. Water damage to ceiling. Repair. . 2. War�ed wall cov ring. Repair or replace. � Deficien list on Order to Vacate Notice (attached) . If you are unable to fi ce the correction or rehabilitation of the prgnises to co�ly with his order, there are state and local rehabilitation programs or which you may qualify. Information about these programs is available fr the Department of Planning and Economic Development, Rehabilitat on Section at (612) 647-9273. Ask to speak to a loan officer. , , r � ' ,� �, , . . . '� �-�ob� �� � . . , , ., , . ;. � • . �, . � . May 10,. 1985 -2- 415 Sinnen ' l. Present 30 AMP 2 w're service lacks fusing or is • overfused, is ille ally wired and Iacks adequate branch circuits. IIpdate system, pe it and inspection required. 2. Znstall a smoke de ector. �3. Replumb kitchen si k and bath lavatory waste per State Code. ' 4. Replace/repair dam ged entry locks. . 5. Replace cracked wi dow livinq room. • 6. Repair torn screen 7. Secure loose Iight fixture south porch. � �BASEMENT �'� 8. Secure strinqer, r pair broken treads stairwell. 9. Remove rubbish. I0. Remove hose from w ter service, replumb per State Code. ' 11. Install a e on the water heater. ��/�F�p� � 12. Repair collapsinq oundation northenst corner. � 13. Complete repairs t the east porch. �+ 14. Repair all deterio ated floor boards and supporting member south porch. � 15. Install a flue lin r if chimney lacks same. t f ; The dwellinq must be v cated by May 13, 1985. I � I i THIS DWELLING SfIALL NO AGAIN BE USED FOR HFJMAN HABITATION IINTIL WRITTEN 4 APPROVAL IS SECURED FR M THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTA, SECTION OF AOUSING � CODE ENFORCEMENT. � ! � . i C In addition to the abov enumerated deficiencies, the following improvements ; _ and/or repairs are requ'red to bring this/these dwelling unit(s) into ' compliance with the Housing Code: 16. Repair damaged plas er behind water closet. 17. Repair ceiling wall , casing trim etc in a workmanlike •manner. 18. Replace/clean soile carpetinq. 19. Remove, flex connec or from water heater, bent gas pipe, replumb per State Code. � 20. Remove all wood deb is miscellaneous rubbish from exterior property , areas. � Frank A. Staffe s n Ed R. £berhardt Supervisor of ousing I�spection Public Health Services Manager FAS/ERE/cm I� _ •- . � . . encl. . ;I � I I i i i ; i i ; ��� ' i r� � � � ,St (� -�o-� ; 2►;a � , - � 3rd �-�u��� I Adopted -� � i Yeas � Nays ; . � , D'IMOND �j���'-��74 (� i GOSWITZ � ��� f i LONG C�� / � . . � RETTMAt� � SONNEN R j WILS0:1T N�R. PRFSIQENT, SCHFIBEL ,.,i . _ j i � � ; I ; : : _ i . i I i i i i I