88-1062 wHiTE - CiTr CLERK I COUlICII y/11 PINK - FINANCE G f TY O F SA I NT PA U L /� / / BLUERr -MAyPpqTMENT File NO. �v ^r 0`�� �ouncil Resolution �� __, �.� � � ;�� , Presented By ��j"�'� �-� (ll� l� �(, _ , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By a Date i i RESOLVED: That Applicat�.on (i.D. #82875) for a Class 4 Entertainment License applied for b� Hollis L. Monnett and Martha M. Bergman DBA The Town Hous� at 1415 University Avenue be and the same is hereby approv�d. i i i i i i i i i COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond I �� In Favor Goswicz Rett°ia�`` B Sc6eibel A gai n s t Y Somm� ! �� > J'(N � 8 '�g Form Appr ved by Ci Attorney Adopted by Council: Date r ' Certified Pas� b uncil Secr ry By ��( �� By �n.•� � A►ppro d �avor: Date vUN � 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g� BY PUBIlSN J U L - 9 1988 � i � ` � �� ,Y . , t — ; o,,,�..�,� �,,,�� ���, ���N �WE �: 0 017 6 6 �,�� �,w„�� ��,�„��,- Kri$ ,er—V�'1 Hc�cti . �FoR � aw�e�wwa�xr s�s or�c,oA.�c�c�ac co�rr�cr . rro. Fir�anoe �& t. 298-5056 � � — �� -2—oou�cil Re�arch : . . 1: . CRY M10RNEV�. . . . i , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . - . �plica cxi for a C1ass TV t L�.c��e. � C�1 I�TE• 5/18/�8 i � I�iRaiG DI�+� I � u►1«�cA�f cou�+cw n�cH : ,..,. � . . ' . ..� . . I E. � DATE HJ . - � MTE OU� - ..� �. � PFiONE NO. �� . . ... . PI,I1tlMq CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION ..�.. .. ... . .. . . � . . aONrq �eD sxs a�oo�eo�no ! { sr� cxv�rea cw�a.nssarr 'I j ��s�s �ooEn• r�rn m oa�r�r _ �foa��o. _�oe�c�iiooeo*' o�aTn¢.�r cot�+Cn. I ex�u�ura�: , . ��- BUPPORI!YM11Cfl OBdEC'fNE9. ��. 'i r � �� . ._ , . . � .. . � � . . . .. � i , �. , . . . � .. . . �II f . . � . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . 1 �. . . �. .. � � . � . . !;.t � . . �. . . . . . - . � . . � . .. . � . . . . � � . 1 � � . . . . . � . . . . � . . . -� �I� � � . � � . . . . . � � . . . NIMIMIO�ROM�, 'GPPdRUMtY(Wlw.Whe4 NIh�1. .WI1y): , : kio3.Zis L. & Martha 1�. � DBA The � Hquae at 1415 t]�ni�rs3.ty AV�e �re : reques • �aril approval of their C�.a�s TiT En�rta3.rnnent Lic�r�se applicattiaz. il 'ij �1+on �a.M.�.s.�r � - • � , _. All fe�es apQlicativns hav�e C�een suixnftted and �Lt +��ired c��ts have r�eRrieweei ar�d ttie applicati.�. t e ; � . , , � ; ; � w1wr6 r�d To YY�om): : . � , . IF • d�7Qi�0�Vd� 1.8 Il�'t �' V�t t'�..' C'�Q11.C8I1't W1�.�. Tl� bE ZI�.�.�.+wC7�a 'b0 � ��+i3iL�;�11�1t at �435 'versity Avenue. _ , . . ., . _: � .: . ' �� : -�'re��rat: . , � vnos. coas � — — — — — — I � �ra►r ° . JU _ ��� � � _ ��: , � ; � �; ; � � . ; , � � _ � �, � -, , . C,��-,�a��. . DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERI�IT ADMINISTRATION DATE ���_ / ��a�l�� INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHICKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicat1t ���l��sL-YYln,nnc�i ��1[7►��^- Home Address a(9 t,.� . IL)'� �{, . � ��oZ Yl(1 ��e�r� I Business N e Home Phone �a, � - � kc� Business Address ��1 S �►�.Ue►^5�_ Type of License(s) c���y.►��. Business Phone ��_ A�S,,��- Public Hearing Date v�� D� License I.D. �� �a��� at 9:00 a.m. in the . uncil Cham ers, 3rd floor City Hall atd Cou�thouse State Tax I.D. �� llate Nutice Se � � � Dealer �� �(�►- to Applicant � Federal Firearms # � ��- Public Hearing I DATE II�SPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved Bldg, I & D �� G I \ + � � O Health Divn. I � � (1'W �iv�/1.�AC� i Fire Dept. ; I � • i n� I -- i I V Police Dept. I � I �'1 �� License Divn. S I � �k � �� � lt3 � � City Attorney � l� � i � Date R�eceived: Site Plan �Id�j �8� I : T• C�uncil Research � �-z Y`6 Lease or Letter Date from Landlord �vl . . , , City of Satnt Paul License and Yermit Uivisioa � � '"? Roam 203 City Hall ���� � Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �� � APPLICATIOfi FOR ENTERTa:riMyNT LICENSE P EASE COMPLETE ALL ITEMS LISTED BF.LOW 1. Applicaat/Company Naae D�� r/ �G �� �� �O-/ �� Telephona No. 2.. Businesa Name rL 3. Busiaess Address S Nu er Name Direction Type 4. Mail to Address STREET: ���` � /(f/(�`�5�� (J� - i—�umber Name Direc:ion Type �`T �4CPC /�/l� SS /!�'� City State Zip Code S. Name of Applicaat ' ,S �� Telephone(p� -� /"��%� / II ividua artne Officer Area Code/Numbar 6. Applicant Addreas STREET: �Q �i{� . �(J/�i' �7 T"r /��Z" Nu r Name Direction Type ��r ��v�-r /�llti�/ .�s�� City State Zip Code 7. Type of Business: Restaur� t Club Hotel/Motel 8. Manager in Charge ' /jJiU�li Firat Name iddle Last Date of Birt 9. Managar Home Addresa S T: �Z Number • Name irection Type N� /a� City State Zip Code Telepho le/p�� - �L���d / p Area Code Number Orig. Date of ployment 10. Claes of Entertai�eat (Check appropriate box.) Q Class 1 - Amplified o� non-amplified music and/or singiag by one perfurmer, and group singing participated in by patrons of the establishment. � Class 2 - All activit e6 allowed in Class 1, plus amplified or non-amplified music aad/or sing�g by three or fewer performers. ��� � Class 3 - All activit#es allowed in Class 1 and 2. plus amplified or non-amplified 3 �� music and/ot singing by performers without limitation as to number, and dancing by patrons to live, taped. or electronically-pzoduced music, and which may a o permit volleyball and broomball participated in by patrons ar guests o�the licensed establishment. O 0��0'� � Class 4 - AlI activit es allowed in Clasa 1. 2, and 3, plus stage sliows, skits, vaude- ���� ville, thea�er. contests. and/or dancing by performers without Limitation as ) to number. ncluding patron participation in any of the a'_orementioned. 11. Specify exact area(s) vh�re Entertainment will be provided. _�/V�C,,. f��C��� l�v .M�-��v �i4}2 l�Db..vi . 12. If danciag is proposed f r the public, specify the amount of floor space maintained for dancing in che form of a�scaled drawing or blueprint. 13. What days and times wi11 Entertai�ent be provided. 9��� �l� � �L�S�/U� �LL. I � Applicant s Signature � �o, /��� I, Date � . _ _ .. .._.. _ .. _ _ __. . . , � ��� �� l4��.. � � ;�$ I CITY OF SAINT PAUL IWTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM I I DATE: May 12, I988 I T0: Joseph F. Carc�hedi License Inspec�tor FItOM: Barbara Nash j Deputy Licens� Inspector RE: 1415 IIniversit�y Avenue — Entertainment The petition submitted to our office for Entertainment has 14 houses in the 200 feet radius. l The results were as follows: �ignatures Approving . . . . . 10 �oa—Signatures . . . 3 nable to Locate Owaer . . . . 1 T1.4� The percentage of th�.s is 71.4�. BN/lp I I i �� I I I I I : - ' .. -- - 6� -: ���� : . . . _ . � - _ . r. _ . .:.:�::::: _::::,:.::_.::: � . � . . - .�. _:�::::. - ti+.'l:_-:ti•:--•".�•.•. -:::::::: y� :� :I•�• �•iV:�•J'J:•:•:J-ti:�• �'i��:. .:ti�`:•::�. .':51ti::: '.•JJ: •.Y:•:•.:•::t� •A•.'�•::: ~�t: ��f.{• � ..{:; �7�. �-ti�� {�:•;y�}:::•`.{�:�:��;�,•.:.���.:}_�:j.:'P:'::'. '-:C%';:��;r�ti;. :;s: X4G :.�.�: •:A.. '-:�:=:{:.`•:�'r i::.?:= '=ii:�''-::;;::';: ?{ti - . . . . _.`� � . � . - ... . . . .. . . . . . .. . ._ . ... ��'��� .. � . . . . . . . � . . � . ..�.'_ . . . _.. . . . _ .. .. �_,._ . . _ . � v�� 3 Y.6 � _ �#.-• . ,_ � :. .. �.: •'__ ' . .: . - '�'.', ' . . . � ' � _� . ...: �� .. ... � . . .. .. ..?P..� � . .. .. � . . .. � . �� � ' .: �. / � � � G �-��-. . . .. �..,:. , .. . .. .. .�"Y': � � ' . .��.iw' � • �� .. .. 71�'i..... .:�.. � . ._,..'_ . .. � . . . ... .. �., ' ' ' .' ;}A. � _ " ...:.�..�_�.�... - �. . .'" � .: . :. ; ..: .. }.'.. . .-:.- .. . � - '- - :., ._-_.-; .-. ...�. i,'';.' ��� .�- '-; .-'. .�..,:.. . .., ,. . .. .'.�.>- . . y, ., - . .. ' � � � � .. . .. . . .. . ... . . ..- ..- ..-... ... .. :_....II .::•�� I I � �/D6�- � M�dW$y 1558 W. Minnehaha Ave. Coslition St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 District 11 646-1986 Serving the Hamline Midway area ,.�;„ ,, �I June 27, 1988 City Council Preside t James Scheibel and City Council Mem ers 7th Floor City Hall St. Paul , MN 55102 Dear President Scheibel and City Council Members, The Midway Coalition-District 11 Board of Directors reviewed the request for a class 4 entertainment license at the Townhouse Bar on Tuesday, June 21, 1988. Holly Monnett, owner, attended a meeting to discuss any concerns the organ- ization may have and to answer questions. Ms. Monnett presented the committee with evidence that 16 out of 17 residents had signed the petition in favor of the Townhouse being approved for a class 4 entertainment license. She also provided the co mittee with the police report from the past year which showed only five ser ice calls, none pertaining to activity at the Townhouse. Our understanding is tha� the request is for a comedy cabaret on Saturday nights, a talent sho and male dancers. The Land Use Committ e recommended approval to the full Board based on the information provided, with the exception of nude dancing or any activity which would be consildered adult entertainment under the new ordinance. Accord- ing to the new adult' entertainment ordinance the bar would not be permitted to provide adult entertainment because they are too close to residential , but the organization wants to go on record as opposing those activities. Since, ,Ly, .� , -� �� / � ; - �'J ---- � ��� ;% B.L. Bomberg, DDS i� President, Midway C aliti -District 11 I . , . _ _ ���`ab� ��� � J�L �!�l �� U� C l� .` �lty ci`I Hall , _ r.•z -- �� 3g6 _ �A�R�T� i� 0 lZ�� RECEIVED . ��� �� �p��T�A�za�r �A Y 161988 � CITY CLERK _.__.�. .. ��1 ��' LJEWELL Dear Property Owner: .. : Applicatian for a Class 4 Entertainment License PTJ�R�OSr. ,1}?'p"f'_��� Holl's L. Monnett F� Martha M. Bergman DBA Town House � • � ��G*�?*"j'�� 1415 University ,Avenue � une 28, 1988 9:�J0 a.a. . �� � '� - C c7 Cauacl C:�oers, 3r� i?oor C+�7 EaL' - Cau�_ =ausa B I.ic.�.sa aad ?�.t Ji�isica, De�ar—.._e=t oz =�cs az.: w �^•�z Serr.c$s, 3aa� 2�3 Ci� caL - Caur� :ausa, �Q�!�►i�. S�� f g _= a�� w�-,,�.toca � 8-��So � • T1z� data �ap be c�a e3 csi.thout t�e cansaaz �/or �ow t�ags az c�e I.�c_nsa �a Pe_�� IIi :sian. r� is suga=staa `�a_ pau c�._?? ��e C�� Cl.erti' s 0===c= ac Z°8 ' r".3i i.r �eu ��-►-sa con===-...�t=oa.