88-1058 � �� � , ,; i r�- CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. ���� (^..../ � � FINAL ORDER i ` , �;,;,�.r,�L,�"'� : ay :�� �-- � ---�—__- . � 1E�42 D , File No. .� Voting In tl�e Matter of t�proYias tche foll�rina str�ta �ith a bit�i� pavina, ce�acrate Ward c� asd aattss�, concr�kte dzive�ps a�d ontwalts, sodd�d bc�l�rar�s � a strtat lightiag s�st� �s�pplea�at to l�aale/H��t Str�st Ps�ing asrd Li�tins � Pr°�:ct)z ! � Ala�da Street frc� Asl�ton A�rea�a to lf��rasta A�+etwe. � � � , � � under Preliminary Order �d'� �� approved S �� "` , The' Council of the City of Sai�t Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WH'EREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the sarme; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council qf the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers 8re hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FU�RTHER RESOLVED, That �ipon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall r�port the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. JUN 2 819$8 COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the CouncIl: Date Yeas' Nays � D�mond � Certified P s d y ouncil Secretary Goswitz �_ � In Favor B R�ttman i S�heibel i � Against So� I JUN J G �950 Mayor ; PUBIISHEO J U L - 9 1988 ; � � . . c, �- � r . ��� � �. ST. PAIJL CITY COUNCIL , o� PUBLIC i HEARING NOTICE ��� PI�BLiC IMPRO'VEMENT C�NSTRUCTION RECEIVED City Council District �15 Dear Property Owner• JUN 1 O �988 District Plannin Council 4�10 CITY CLERK File No. 18442D To decide whether to proceed with improving the following streets PURPOSEwith a bituminous paving, concrete curb and gutters, concrete dirveways $nd outwalks, sodded boulevards, and a street lighting system (supplement to Dale/Hoyt Pro3ect): AND . Alam�eda Street - from Arlington Avenue to Nebraska Avenue LOCATION Tuesday, June 28, 1988, at 9:00 A.M. H EA�IN G Cit Council Chambers, Third Floor City Hall - Court House --y- - ---------------------------------------------------------- Please nqte that the Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss �his item and develop a recommendation to� the full, City CounGil. Please bring any unresolved toncerns that you may have to this meeting on Wednesday, June 22, 1988, in Room 707 City Hall - Court House at 9:00 A.M. If the ouncil approves this pro3ect, a portion of the costs will be FINANCING assessed against benefitted properties �fter ratification. The , estimat�d assessments for this pro�ect are as follows: INFOR�IIIATION ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS for Paving $52,000 Lighting 4,000 TOTAL $56,000 ESTIMATED FINANCING: . Assessments $21,000 Storm Sewer System Charge 35,000 TOTAL $56,000 $treet Paving Assessments: �`19.00 per assessable foot �.ighting Assessments: y�2.00 per assessable foot INO STORM SEWER ASSESSMENT FOR THIS PROJECT The first 150 feet on the long side of residential corner lots will not be assessed provided that the short side has been assessed under � this; paving of oiled streets program. Shou�d you request a new storm sewer connection.,. sanitary sewer conn�ection or water connection, it will be assessed at actual cost per connection. If you own vacant property which you plan to develo soon, we suggest that you request that t�e construct these connection at �his time. Construction: 292-6277 Assessments: 298-4513 QUESTIONS � (Voice or TDD) Alsb, City staff will be available to answer any last minute que'stions on this pro�ect in Room 218 City Hall from 8:30 - 9:00 A..A1. on the same day as the hearing. � Senior Citizens m�y defer their assessments until the property is sold. We will �end further details at the time of the ratification of assessments or you may call 298-5125 for information. s s M' r- EL�1�IlIR!'� �� � Ct�ItTt�!'' , � o f M� 1�► � Z � �� Mt� f � O � � . { • t � Q � ► �,. � 1 , � � � � � 1 � � 1 ARl.!�16T0 • "� . , � p�,� '�� ' ~ � . ! : ¢� � W avs � , , _ v._ : s�TT�s LBGB�►p STRLET � � � � IMAaoVEM@NTS To insure an effective sewer separation proqram and to comply with state and federal mandates, all rainleaders (downspouts) must be disconnected from the sanitary sewer. Your building�s rainleaders are connected if exterior downspouts connect to an underground pipe or if your roof drains through the interior of your building. Some apartments, commercial and industrial buildings will require a separate storm sewer connection and you should request a connection stub from the main sewer to the property at this time to avoid a substantially higher cost to have it installed later. For more information, call the Sewer Division at 292-6024 (residential property) or 292-6247 (commercial property) . Notice sent June �0, 1988, by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services Saint Paul, Minne$ota 55102 � ��_,.w � ��,, °'� .. . ._...__...............__ .. ..�.. ...... . .. i . . Members: C� ����5"� f?si ,. C1'1'� Ul+� �A1N'1` 1�11 UL Roger J. Goswitz, chair � , ;;,,;6:::;;, ' Janice Rettman T��ee�a�t•���� OL�'1�'[ICJ: OI�' '1'IIH; C1'1`Y COUNCIL Tom Dimond � Date: June 22j, 1988 �ommittee Report To: Saint Paul City Gouncil From :Public Works,� Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Gos�;ivitz, Chair The Public Works Commi�ttee at its meeting of June 22, 1988 took the following action: Hearing Date . 1. 7/12/88 VACATION: � Petition of "600 Properties Partnership" for the vacation of a building encroachment along the north side of F�RD PARKWAY (Lots 22, 23 and 24, Block 7, St. Catherine� Park between Mount Curve and Cretin) . , Recommendjed approval unanimously. 2. 7/5/88 RATIFICA�ION OF ASSESSMENTS: For construction of Storm Sewer $ervice Stub Connections incidental to the SNELLING/�UNVERSITY AREA SEWER PROJECT. Recommended approval unanimously. 3. � 6/2$f88 FINAL . :.U�R: Improving the following streets with a bituminous paving, concrete curb and gutters, concrete driveway�'s and outwalks, sodded boulevards, and a street lighting� system. (Suppletqent to ARLINGTON/ARKWRIGHT STREET PAVING AND LIGHTII�$G PROJECT) : ARKWRIG�iT STREET from Nevada Avenue to Nebraska Avenue; • and DE 50T0 STREET from Nevada Avenue to Nebraska Avenue Recommelnded approval unanimously. (Supple,�ment to JACKSON/MAGNOLIA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJEC�) : Gerani�m Avenue from Jackson Street to Agate Street and Agate $treet from Jessamine Avenue to Geranium Avenue Recomm�nded approval unanimously. , ta� DALE/ROi£T STREET PAVING AND LIGH�ING PRUJ'E .�; Ii CITY HALL ALAMEI�A STREET from Arlington Avenue to Neb��91c��Avenue-� �!a.a8 , �co�tended epg�ovel unanimously. � , .► �- ����`S� (Supplement 'to COTTAGE/GALTIER STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT) : MARION STREET from Cottage Avenue to Arlington Avenue and ALBEMARLE S�REET from Cottage Avenue to Arlington Avenue Recommended denial. "' (Supplementl to FLANDRAU/IDAHO STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT) : IOWA AVENU� from White Bear Avenue to Hazel Street; HOYT AVENU� from White Bear Avenue to Ruth Street, and GARY PLACE from Hoyt Avenue to Idaho Avenue. Recommendeal denial. 4. 6/28/88 RATIFICATIIDN OF ASSESSMENTS: For the installation of a sanitary �sewer in FORESTER STREET from Canton Street to Bay Street' (Laid over from June 8th) . Laid over �in Committee to July 13th. 5. Solid Waste Task Force Report - Laid over in Committee. . 6. ACQUISITI�N: City officials are authorized and directed to pay WI�,LIAM J. CURRAN, record owner, the sum of $75,000 to creat�e ponding area for STILLWATER/NOKOMIS STORM SEWER SYSTEM. � Recommended approval unanimously. 7. DISCUSSIDN: Process by which Preliminary Orders/Final Orders a�e sent to the Public Works Committee. Laid ovelr in Committee to July 13th. 8. RESOLUT�ON 88-926 - Amending budget in amount of $25,000 from Sec�er Separation Project to save trees. Recomme�ided withdrawal of Resolution 88-926 upon receipt of prop�r signed Administrative Order. 9. RESOLUTION 88-937 - Affirming that any preliminary enginee;ring and study costs qualifying for Minnesota State Transpo'rtation Funds in excess of the grant be ' approp�iated from funds available to the City for the WABASHA STREET BRIDGE PROJECT. Recomm�nded approval unanimously. 10. RESOLUTION: To approve acquisition of Burlington Northern, Inc. plroperty for the JACKSON/MAGNOLIA pond acquisition. Recom�iended approval unanimously. 2 . � ' � f ���ia�� .. .�������� .��. :r� �� L }, l..*e.�'��""�}r� . � . �`ii .8 �:', . .. .� � . � '' _. . :..-. .:-• � . �- � �' '��1£f2�n� �it Ft�No.88-843 �By Roger J.G�witz— � .�����•,,� i�'��1i�r at�l�m; `'� t�,e fo2�o�;�'1�ri!#i_;��r��' � ' canc�a+e�+e�b�.amd t#+�s �a�e d�t�i��tveliks�, ' u � ��1'_�.�,'—��� "'�$� !a �i�t �d . ,� .�.'�,�i. . A���..�� ���: , ,5:. �,�:R �'i.' y �,4� .* . `'''�te"�ti�cl�Of �i�ilf�'�4i�MfNi1 �►�,fi���� � � e ' ,�nd hav� ca�i�+ed�� iv�� - ��� . .=s, {�..,,, �: 1 t t t � .z. ,;;. . 3 -T� � sai� aadV-tbu �rlme 3s'��; *'i�i�.�'�+'y y � ,���� n ��.. . ���"�� . .�,. '��:! F �'� ��,. . '`t''�v' �.. . ' . �������� ' •� f�l f�1 � .'�, . . . .� -�������� i- ��'���?��v n, `i r Ti s.d ` ., $ �;�I�di�IC'at: ��#�e'',�r��-�F�- �'�b' �- . �". :�.:or { . .F##I�1�. ?� ��_ ,�� y� 9� �,�tir����`� �, ~��� „F Y e�, � ss ��r ��i._ . Ap�1'� ,�iiud�e,�; , .�.; . _ , tduae 12, 1� '