88-1044 WHITE - CiTV CLERK - PINK - FINANCE COI1jIC11 BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. 88-1044 , C�uncil Resolution Presented By ��' "-` —+ O< �/� Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date � WHEREAS, The Councilifinds that there may be a need to permit the parking of motor vehicles on resid�ential lots; and WHEREAS, Parking of v�ehicles on the required yards and the conduct of a parking business are not plermitted on residentially zoned properties pursuant to the provisions of the �xisting Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, The Council �would like to consider the possibility of amending the provisions of the citX's Zoning Code so as to permit parking of vehicles on residential property; and � WHEREAS, Provisions bf Minnesota Statute, Section 462.357, provide that amendments to zoning ordit�ances initiated by the City Council must be reviewed by the Planning Commissio�i, and this Council does wish to initiate such a review; now, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the Cpuncil does hereby request the Planning Commission, with the assistance of th�e staff of the Planning Division, to study the possibility of amending t�he zoning ordinances so as to permit parking of motor vehicles on residential piroperty, and to report to the Mayor and Council its recommendations. ' � i COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ,�� Dimond Long _�� In Favor Goswitz Rettman �� �i __ Against BY —�w�en I Wilson A� �' '� ��� Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date �r— Certified Ya.s o ncil Se ar BY sy� tappro by INavor. _ � �UG — 9 �=j Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council — By P1l41.1S�1Lt� r;'�u �. � �988 . . . . ... ��d����� ToR , „� �. : a�w„�,.o o�a«�rn..,�. . . . . , t����n �t�EE�` �.n Q08 71 � �ik3...Sonn�n : ' 6/1/88. 6/�/88 � . oErNr`r�r oe+� ►r,von ron nsere�rN.n Mol� . O�Rour , ' �r�t _ �a►wwa�e��s p� 1 cm a�wc . c�rr �+or�+a. � euoc�ra�croa — - : C =t .. Co.0 il 298-53Z8 • — �r„�,�oi�v , —` , , `kQ-�acze s.tud to review amendment �.to the Zoning Code reg�arding parking on yards in re�ideatial._ onss fox specified e ents. . 1q11E:( (e)a�(R)f cout+cN.�w�: , `_ - _ r�w►�p " cnrK s�rw�c�ssaN on�M o��ouT �rsr �ar�ra. �q�wo ca�w�eeaH �e�s.acHOO�ac�ro sn►�s cr+na�n ca�aree�on oo�w�re ns�s _�oo+.n�o.�* _��mn�� _CON���oom! - ororn�crcou� A Councilmembe ,�„a,,,: a�rsr��tx z �te�ghborhood empowerment : � I . . � '_ �.i ,. r+nYetMS reoe6l�r�. G�Ka�rtul�rv t�w.v+n,a�,vn�sn. wnr>: : - Co�o Park r sidents have allowed �arking on front, rear and s�de yards for decsdes du�ing • : th$. St�te F ir wit�hout enf,orceme � of exieting laws. Police Departmea�..and� 1�0`� .now �S�apose to ' f�rae'eXisting gark �g and zoning laws. . _ �1 Aer.r�p.e.�>: , _.':_., . : . ,_ .�: ;;. A Planning ission studq Tet�:l �larify the problem and the options. �iNIAIM. ;ard To VNbm): . ,. .,. . . i _ . Same neigh rs depend on parkin �revenues, some neighbors oppose parking in yards. ; � K�: _ _. wae cc�s D� nothing i No FED staff, time needed D3sseneion in the , neighh�rhood, � deterioration of ` golicelcam�unity relations. �nstaer ` PED has d ne` several 40-acre udias. . I , . �r�ues: Can zoni iaws be temporaril waived? ., . I . . -, r � ,. . ... .. , : I /��. • , +� r � � - � I ��� �. . � � _ .. . . _ ._ .__ _ ._ - _ . ._. ._ WNITE - CITY CLERK C01111C1I y�/O� PINK - FINANGE - G I ITY O F SA I NT PAU L p < �ANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. C�uncil Resolution �; , Presented B ' 1�-'��^ � ���y /�U Refe red To ��S <<��' 'F I�� `N - �-7���• Committee: Date �` ��"�� Out o Committee By I Date WHEREAS , The Cbuncil finds that there may be a need to perm t the parking o�f motor vehicles on residential lots adjacent to 't e Minnesota S ate Fair Grounds during the period of the annwa State Fair; a�d IW EREAS , Parkir�g of vehicles on the required yards and the� co duct of a p�arking business are not permitted on resi- dential zoned prqperties pursuant to the provisions of the exi�ting Zoning Codei and I WHER RS , The Cc�uncil would like to consider the possibility of ' amendi g the p�ovisions of the city' s Zoning Code so as to ipermit arking qf vehicles on residential property adjacent to ithe Fai GrouncYs during the conduct of the annual State Fair only; a d I � WHEREAS , Provis�ions of Minnesota Statute , § 462. 357 , provide thait amendmen s to zoning ordinances initiated by the City Cou�ncil must re�iewed by the Planning Commission, and this Couincil does w h �to initiate such a review; now, therefore , be lit � RESOLVED, Tha Ithe Council does hereby request the Planning Corrymission, with e assistance of the staff of the Planning Division, to study he possibility of amending the zoning ordi- nances so as to per� ' t parking of motor vehicles on residential prdperty adjacent t�o the State FaYr Grounds during the annual 5ta�te Fair only, and to report to the Mayor and Council its rer�ommendations . I i COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimonc� � �� [n Favor Goswit�G Rethnap Scheibe�► A gai n s t BY Sonnen �^ Wilson Form Approve by Ci Att ney Adopted hy Co4ncil: Date I g _ Certified Passdd by Council Secretary Y By Approved by iNavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor r Submission to Council By �- BY -_._ � I . , � ,� . ��'�e�/ � °°°'��'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL s:4��r r o�+@`0 ��0 '.�9 _; ��, OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ";; ����'li'°°� ;; <. � „:; EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ��''��,,;�tn^`m.��''� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR � ��„i�.�N Q,,�� �+-t;+� ,�,;t \ �;T' m'�'`5 ,: �£�. April 4, 1988 �+�"' �" � � �A � `c��� � ���r�,�a � R 0 4�g�as � �� Qp E�t�ER r 3 �����tL���� � Council Member Kiki Sonnen � , ���� �`�� Seventh Floor ; . e'�� City Hall � °5 ' i ��`"` Dear Council Member Sonnen: This is in regards to your letter asking for advice on the parking of cars on residential lots during the State Fair. Your letter suggests that the Zoning Code be amended so as to establish a special parking zone to retain the current resi- dential zoning classification, while at the same time permit the parking of cars on the required yards as an exception to the provisions of the Zoning Code . Amendments to the Zoning Code may be initiated by the City Council or by the Planning Commission. If initiated by the Council , the Planning Commission' s review and recommendation must be obtained prior to adoption by the Council . This referral and study is commonly referred to as the "40 acre study" , and can be initiated by the Council adopting a resolution setting forth the scope of proposed amendments and requesting the review and recommendation of the Planning Commission. In the event you wish to proceed in that manner, I have prepared for your consideration a draft resolution and attach it to this letter. In the alternative to a Zoning Code amendment, you may wish to consider an amendment to the Legislative Code to provide for an exemption from the provisions of sections 157 .04 (which prohibits parking of vehicles on lawns) and 157 . 15 (1 ) (which prohibits driving across sidewalks or boulevards) , and possibly a licensing ordinance for this particular activity, including provisions for ins�irance , surety bond to repair damaged public property, limitation on number of days and hours of the permitted parking activity, and a limitation on number of days and hours of the permitted parking activity, and a limitation on the number of cars that can be parked on a residential lot. The problems posed by following the second alternative would . • • • � ��//O� Council Member Kiki Sonnen Page Two April 4, 1988 be that the use of the required yards for parking and the business use of the residentially zoned property in a residentially zoned district would violate the Zoning Code provisions , so therefore it will be necessary to also provide for a Zoning Code amendment. Please advise me if you wish to discuss this. You very truly, 4 � '� + , 1 . _ `i JEROM� J . EC� L `�, Assis�tant i y Attorney JJS,: g � ' - ' � . . �!��ia�y , � � CIT�' OF SAINT PAUL ,nni�uu , mqt nm OFF�CE OF TAE CITY COIINCIL KIKI SONNEN Counc'Imember ' MOLLY O'ROURKE Legislative Aide ; --, � MEMORANDUM DATE: June 16, 1988 T0: Peg y Reichert I 9 FROM: Kiki Sonnen � RE: 40-Acre Study on Sta,'te Fair Parking 7he enclosed ordinance and �green sheet request Pianning do a 40-acre study on the issues of State Fair parking in Como-area yards. During last summer, in the Como neighborhood, State Fair police began enforcing existing laws wh�ch prohibit cars from crossing curbs, boulevards and sidewalks. As in past� years, neighbors opposed to parking cars in yards called for enforcement of zoning laws which prohibit parked cars in front and side yards. Neighbors� who have traditionally relied on the revenues from parking cars complain�ed about the enforcement. Police responded by saying they cannot decide ;which laws to enforce and which to overlook. After that controversy, a �community meeting on the issue was held in the winter. At the meeting, Chief McCutcheon proposed a "special zoning area" be set up which would allow people to park cars during the State Fair with perhaps some provisions fQr bonds and insurance to address the issue of cars wearing down curbs and bo�levards. Meanwhile, District 10 established a committee to also look at some options. The committee decided to do a community survey. It's my understanding this survey showed a fairly ev,'en split between those who favor and those who oppose yard parking. 1 asked the City Attorney to draft an ordinance along the lines of McCutcheon's suggestion. ; Jerry Segal responded in an April 4 memo to me, that the Council could n�t adopt such an ordinance absent a 40-acre study by the Planning Commission. Although such a study would probably not be ready for this year's State Fair, the 40-acre study process could aid in resolving this issue by the CITY HALL SEVENTH FL,OOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612i298-5378 i 6�46 _ . .. .._ . ` . - : . � , , ����o� }� . Peggy Reichert June 16, 1988 Page Two � � 1989 State Fair as well as �provide a vehicle for community discussions and ....recommendat i ons. � [f you have any questions or concerns, please cali me at 298-5378. KS/mb ' Enc. � cc: Chief McCutcheon Lt. Benson, Police Don Nygaard Kay Woitas, District '10 , .. • • I. �{/�\J' � �� I ���/'���'i��i� .. W � • ' f . � '� -��� ��-�D�� �l � �J�� � _ _____._____ _ ____ _ , 6. xe�olution requesting t'he Planning Commission to study the possibility of amending zoning ordi�nances to permit parking of motor vehicles on residential property adjacent to the State Fair Grounds duriag the annual State Fair only1�and to report its findings and recommendations to the Mayor and City ¢ouncil (CF 88-10�6} , COMMITTEE RECOI�IENDED ��4AL, !�S l�ED / ,... , __ ._... .__._.,,�-/ 7. Ordinance amending Chapter 73 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the Heritage Preservat�ion Commission and city street names (CF 88-1070) COMMITTEE RECOP�'IENDED APPROVAL, AS AMENDED 8. Discussion of project �roposal and potential sir rights over Dnited Way Building (HRA) � NO COMMITTEE ACTION NE�EDED; HRA WILL CONSIAER RESOLUTION NEXT i�IEEK 9. Resolution authorizing proper City officials to execute contract with the St. Paul Fire & M�rine Insurance Company pertaining to the construction of the new Sixth Street and the new headquarters to the St. Paul Company � (CF 88-1196) COMMITTEE RECOI�IENDED ,APPROVAL (2-1 vote) � � i ; i � , i . � � _m._.___,_�.__._.�__,a,..,,,".�. ... ._ _. .�---_ ___ , _. . ____ __._ _ _ ____..__+.:.._��