88-1036 wHiTe — cirr CLERK COl1tiC1I y/��y` /J'� ��JJ'' PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT a /)� /J /,/� / BLUE - MAVOR � Flle N (/ V L/ �Q Co�nc "l Resolution �---� .��;. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date i i RESOLVED: That A licationl I.D. #24308 for a Dance Hall License a lied PP ( ) PP for by Heartthro� of St. Paul, Inc. DBA Heartthrob Cafe f� Philadelphia Bandstand at 30 . '�th Street be and the same is hereby approved,� with the conditiqn that the liquor be secured. i i I i i i � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long � I [n Favor Goswitz Rettman ��;�� � Against BY Sonnefi� i �ve ,UH i2� 1g88 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . - �-/�-�" Certified a ed by Council Secret I By � By Approve� by Ma or. Date �uN 2 � �UU Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy` ��""�"' I BY PUBIISNEO ��1 L - 2 1988 4 ���� � � ����� . �, , ,.� � � � � s�„�..�,,,�� �,�� �'��N ''��EET :MO. 0 02�0��6 �� � Mr. J. Carchedi � o�eRr�rrt ou�cron rv�va�ion�r�ra► : iCri Schwe�nler-uanNorn �r� ._ �.��� �«►„«� � r�wnNO �� �Council Rese�rch . — - . Finarnc� & , 298-5056 °�+: � ��� . : . . , � � ; App ication for a Dance �11 License , Not ficati�n Date: 6-13 Hearin Da�e: 6-23-88 11QNS:( W arlNl�ct(RI> �i11Npt.R�A11d1 R�ORi: � PIJ1NiM0 OOMMqBpM CMl BERVICE COIMAISSION "DATE N� . DATf OUT � . . PHONE�NO:: � � � . . .��OI�MNIi OO�M�ON � � - I��.BCFIOOL BOMD . . . � . . . � � STAOF - � � GNRTER(:OMM118810Id � �04WLFtE-A3�18� � . AOOL IIFO. � � RET'6 TO CWVTA�'!, . 00lIBTITUHlf �- . . . . � � . . . - � _ . _FOR AD[)1.INFO. �_PEEDl�At1C A00L�• . � � OI�TRICT ODt�iCL � :. E%rLANA7IQN� . . . � � . . BU�9RI8 W111CM OOUNCI Councii :Research Center. J UN 161988 ..�,�►..� �.�.,�.�.�. . �: _ : Hea tthrob Cafe DBA Hea t�hrob Cafe & Philadelphia Bandsta�td at 3fl : 8th St. request Co hcil approval vf their appl�cation for a Qan e �all ticense for t en dances on Sun�day .evenings. , . . _ _ �uan�c�»o�cc��s.�.�rw �: . . All applications and fee ' have been submitted. ; oo�uwtses cwn�a. .�a ta wno�►: - . If uncil approval :�s n t received, Heartthrab a� St. Paul Tnc e w�l nc�t be allowed to nduct this activity. , : � ,r.��nres: �nos cor�s � �rsTCanrrrne�rra: � �.�sauES: � . . , I t � .. . . . _. � . I.i - .. � ' . .-. . . . , � I ���o�� T�iVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE . / �,[ � 1(��� INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECI�LIST Ap n Proces ed/Received by ' Lic Enf Aud Applicant ��p��(tt�rU� Q���.�nc... Home Address �3 5� �Cn��j��pCj�o�- Rus'ness 'ame C, ��hi 10.��-Iome Phone � ��s �� v�• ��n�� Business Address 3v �. �� � Type of License(s) I Business Phone �� - a�� 3I Public Hearing Date � � License I.D. 4i p�� 3�� at 9:00 a.m. in the �incil C am ers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthous State Tax I.D. �� Uate Notice Se Dealer �� �'!� to Applicant tv 3�� Federal F3_rearms �� p'� Public Hearing DA�TE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUN�IENTS A pr ved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � I I,�� � c� Health Divn. � � ' ' t � ! � i I Fire Dept. ;1 � � Il� � � V � � Police Dept. � r1 I � I �� Il bin �u(Q�,�, License Divn. �� � �� � � �� City Attorney �i � 1 �� �� Date Recei,bed: Site Plan � �, 1 ,� �' To Council Research p Q Lease or Letter � Date from Landlord I I �� � � �/a�� CITY OF ST. PAUL ... . DEPAR'i'l�1iT � FIl�AIICE AFD MAI�AGF�T 38E�VICES LIC�15$ APD PERMI'� DI975IOA , 'I These statement farms are-issuedlin dnglicate. Plesse ansMer sll questio�s 11311y and complete�y. This applicstiott ia' thorvugl�y cbecked. Any faleificstioa vill be csvse for denial. �.�, Jun2 Z , 1988 1. Application Por D�.nce Hal� (���e) ��� 2. Aa�ee of applicantChristo1�h�r B. Coyer , Ge�eral Manacser for Hearttnro�, Inc. � 3. If applicsnt is/has been a m�rried le�male, list maiden neme 4. Date of birth 12/16/�� p�. �2 p�� o!' birtti Jouisville, K�rtv.c?�y 5. Are you a citizea ot the Uni�ed States Yas Aati�e X Fa�ur�i� i �� �- 6. Are yo�u a regiatered voter Y.�� Where S t . L o u i s P a r!r. M i r.n�s o t a T. Aome addreas 2?-7 ?ar';t�rooc�� P,oa� ,St .Loui� Far'.r,M!� ���-��' ►�ome te3:ephoDe 9�_ 81 �. Preaent business addreas =0 E. ���± S t . ,S t.�a u 1 ,�f"d Bwines• telfphooe '=L-�7 S 3 ��� _ 9. Iacluding your present busia�sa/emploqment, xhst bnsi�ess/eaployment lsais ycn follawed for the past five years. Business/F�playa�at ; Address Co_v�r Hcs_:i�ali':�� & Fo��' S�rvi^� "4an��2m�nt 5]_11. Ro�k�a^11 C� : , Bur%� , VA . " B�'a',y ;�4cGe�� , U.S.A. , Inc. 2?O1 E .Cartnl':.ac';; Roac? , , L V l� / �.J 10. Married Y_ If ansver is "ye�s", list aeme and address ot� apouse Nancy S . �.'O�t°Z' � 2?`7 ?=2.r?:;•IOGC'� RC' . � S� .�OU1S nd.?'�� 12� ^^�'�.6 11. �iave you ever been u�reated fp�' an olfease that has reaulted ia a caQVictiats!^�o It ans�+�er is "yes", list date�s of arrests, rhere, charges, convictiau aud s aenteaces. ' Date ot arreat �g_! t�herc CAAF.GE ' CONVZCI'ION � Date �: arrest 19' Where CHARG� CDNVICTIO?I ' SENTENCE I • • , I C��/�3(0 12. List the names and addre�ses (if married, name ot spoase also) of all persons, corporations, partnerships, associationa or organizations Which in aqy way have: a. A mortgage interest in the 1lcenaed preiaise, Larry S�a�z, Berr�ard S?�nan , a�� E. Illir.ois �t . , Chicago, IL; BCE Dev21�?;~�ent , Minne��ta , Ir_c. b. A security interest i�n the liceased premises, licease, or tbrnishings of the BCE Develoament , St. Paul , MN liceDSed premise, H�artt:�ro�a of St ..Paul, Inc. , 30 E. 8t� St. . 3U � . _.. c. A prvmiasory note for ituids loasxd for the aperation of the licensed premise or thr pnrchaae� o!'th+le license, � d. Financislly contribut�ed to the� purchase oP the premise or the license it- sel!' See "a" e. An�y other interest either direct or indirect, either Pinancial or othenrise i in the liceaaed premi�e or the license itaelP, No Attach a copy hereto of any ansi all documents referred to in this attids�►it. Premises L�ase onlfil2 with Licens= Departm�nt . Articles of Incor�oration on fi1� `•rit:� Lic�n�z Derartr��nt . 1?. Give names aad addresses of two persons, residents of St. Psul, Mias�eso�ta, who can give iatormation conc�rning you. RAI� ADDR�3 4��i1?ian P�. Nlahlum, At�arney a�� Minn2sota St . ,Suit? 2i22 . . au_ , L ��_ A�an B�co�, BCE�, i^c� "1�rtr Central Tow�r, St. Faal , ��?"1 14. Addreas of prdnisea for �+hich License or Permit is made Addreaa '� �. 3-c;:� St . , St. �,a, ,,r�s -�3-0'- Zone clasaificatia� B-�" 15. BetWeen r�iiat croa s street§ �'u'�'=''-a G'1� C 4:;a� Wni ch s ide of street 16. fta�e under which this bns�.neas nill be condncted HQarttnr�� Caf� & P�iladel�.hia F3an�stand 17. �aiaess telrphone rnnnber I 6�`-2�� `7 c.. 1�. Attach to this applicatio�, a detailed description of the design, locatioa, and square Pootage of the pre�ises to be Iicensed On Lil ��-i�'� �����r� D��-ur�;��h± _ �_ 19. ?re oremises nrn+ occupied `_at business i���r';t',ro'�, �-?c.H� long 3 ^�c� . ,i I I .- . � � . � ���"�°3�° 20. List license which you cuxfrently hold, or foz�erly held, or mapr havc an �atere in Entertainment - Class 4 #24308(RS) ; Sunday on Sale Liguor; Restaurant 14 Hrs 100S or nore - D Caterir_g to 1000 sq. ft . ; Intoxicating Liquors "On Sa12" , �Iusic Machine #55156 — 21. Have any of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been sevoked. Yes Na X . IP aaaver is "pres��, list datea aad reaaons: —` - — I � 22. Do you have an interest ofiar�y type in atLy other business or businesa premises. It answer is "yes", list business, business address aad taleph�e number._ No 23. If business is incorporate�, giw date of incorpora,tion 12�1 19 85 and attach copy of Article� of Incorporation and �.autts of firat meeting.i 24. List all officers oP the cbrporation giving their names, ofrice held� hame address, and hom� and buaineas telephone numbers: Larry Spatz, �resic��nt, ].OQO �i.La.':���?or:= Dr. , Ste. �'?D, C.".?ca.^.•o,IL 5061.1;:1.2-7$7-0?5�' B2r!rnarci Se�man,Vice ?r��ic�nt, �8 Co�rel? St. , T�r�?:�rtvill�, NJ 08�30; 609-?97-32�8 Scnya Stay, Secr�tar��, 1�5�9 Gar����,ri2-� Ct. , Orlan�? �=r':, IT, 6Q�62; 3'".-�2�-�699 i � 25. If busi�tss is partnership,l list partner{s) address and telepha� nt�bera: i ��� Addresa . Ta1.Ao. �� 2b. Zs there a�rone else who wi�ll have an intez�est -this-busS 4 es Ir answer is "yes", �ive na�Oe, home addreaa, te nimbers+�and ir�t�tf manner is their it�tereat: `.c . • '�� -� �_ . . ...._.___ _ _: f � 27. Are yon goinA to operate th�s business perso�nally Y�! if aot, xho v311 operate it: Asme � Ho�ae address Z�el.No. I �_ I li � � � (,r��-/�� Are yau going to have a t�far��ger or assistaat i.n this business? It aas�rer is "yes", give naax and ho:ne address and hame telephone number: N� Jo�y Weinre Homt address '24 Geneva Av�enue �l.go. 7_ 8 93�0 . au , .,� 29. Has ar�yone yau have named in questions 22 through 26 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes'}, list name of person, dates of s,rrest, where, charges, comic- tioas and sentence !Vo , 30. I C':iristot��!er B. Cover ! understand this prsmise may be� in- spected by the police, fire, health and other city oPficials at a�r and all times when the business is in operation. I State of y(inneaota) )SS , Cou.Zty of Ramsey ) I Czristo^her �. Cov�r being Yirst duly swora, deposes and says upon - oath that he has read the forego ng statement bearing his sigaature and lmo++s the co�tents thereof, and that the same is true oP his ka crpt as to thosr matters therein stated upon info�mation and bel' and� to those tters he be- � lieves them to be true. I y Subscribed ar�d svorn to befor.e me - i Applicsat this .; day of June 'I�g 88 ( ��� L�r.� Not Public, Ramsey �uaty, Minnesota ?dy c�ission expires JEANETTE BRAY �' as NQ�ARtl PU$LIC - MtiJN:SOTA DAKU7A COUNTY '�-- �r�r aon�nu.s�oe� ��fl.ao il I I � � `' � � I' ��ia3� , • ` LAW OFF'ICS MAI-YLUM & ASSOCIATES A rRORW10NAL Ai�OC1AT10N SUITE 2222,NORTN CENTRAL LIFE TCWER 44Q MINN[;OTA�lttR SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 30101 WILLIAM M. MAMLUiA JOMN C. SPRANGERS June 3� I.�SH T�`s��� CHRISTIHA STALKER 612-292-1993 idr. Joseph Carchedi �o _ License Inspector ' m rn Licensing Division i c �� City of Saint Paul I z `�''� 207 Ci ty Hal l � r°`� . �.,.� Saint Paul, i�v 551�2 , ��� �, -a .. Re : Heartthr�' of Sairlt Paul, Inc. N � �' ,, o •- Dear Mr. �arche3i : a� I write �aith rzgard t� the operati�n of Heartthr�p Cafe and its present intention to operate teen 3an��s on Sunday nights. Under separate covsr, we have submitted 3n annlication for a Dance Hall License, along with the appropriate Fee. AEter consultation with your office, �ve have agreed to volun- tarily suspen3 the Sunday On-Sale Liquor License from our package of licenses. We voluntarily suspend the Sunday On-Sale Liquor Lic�nse un3er th� foll�win� con3itions : 1. The voluntary s�}spension of the �unday On-Sale Liquor Lic�nse is condi ione3 upon the siinultaneous issuanc� of the Dance Hall Li ense. 2. �1'his voluntary su pension ��rill allow the Heartthrob Cafe to reinstate the Sun ay On-Sale Liquor License at any time in the future, subj ct to the then prevailing terms, condi- tions and fees . 3. The nortion of the Sun3ay �n-Sale Liquor License fee will Qe refunded directly to Heartthrob of S3int Paul, Inc. 4. Heartthrob Cafe reserves the right to lift the voluntary suspension of the Sun3ay Oz-Sale Liquor License for a �oortion of the premises, under terms and conditions accePt- abl� to your office :aith the requisite approvals; our intention woul3 be to s�rve li�u�r in the Cafe portion of the nremises. 5. 'I'his voluntary su�pension 3oes not signify any acquiescsnce in or acceptancel of the position that holding a Sunday � I , , , . I .. . ���a..3� Mr. Joseph Carchedi June 3, 1988 Page 2. On-Sale Liquor License for a portion of the premises is inconsistent with the hol3ing of an c�n-Sale Licens� for the whole premises for the other 3ays �f the week. In other words, we do not concede that there is any appropriate authority for the' proposition that a portion of the orem- ises may not be d dicated on Sunday to tsen 3ances and the establishment re ain within the strict confines •�f the Saint Paul Legisl�,tive Code and tns Minn�sota Statutes . Pursuant to our disclussion, Heartthrob �af� intends to have appropriately traine3' security personnel present during the operation �f tliese teen 3ances. ��Je have every confidence that Heartthrob' s hi�h 3uality of management an3 supervisi�n of the pr�mises will be :naintained at all Sunday teen activities. I trust the above clarifies the matt�r on oehalf of my client and should you have any questions, please 3o not nesitate to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, ��x & ASSOCIA�rEs % �� , t LLIA,.'�I M. :HAHLUM '�, `..,' � +�lMM: jb/0646t� , cc: Councilman James �cheibel �Ir. Chr i s Coye r Mr. Larry Spatz ' [+lr. Larry Sieg�l I �I I