88-1033 WMI,TE - CITV CLERK CO�111CII PINK - FINANCE G�TY OF SAINT PAUL �{g� ��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � - C,�ouncil Resolution ---,. Presented By � �; ��r; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �I I RESOLVED: That Application I.D. #28161� for a Firearms _Li_cense applied for by � __ _ � Eric!s_ Gu.r� Sho , Div sion_ ,of A.l�-7oh�nson Entergrises; -.Znc_� ', 7- DBA A1 � Eric s'��o (Albert M. Johnson, President) at 928 rcade Street;T"e-an3 the same is hereby approved. I � I I i i i . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman Scheibel � Against BY Sonnen —�� I�N Z 3 �� Form Ap ved by Cit A orney Adopted by Council: Date . G_�-� Certified P•ss by Council Secretar By gy, Q.f�-G , t�pproved 1+lavo • Da e _ I ' �Ihl 7� 1flQA Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . By BY prie�►i�ti� I J U L —� 198$ ,. .. OlMQrMiA •. , , • I ; o�tE Marurm a►st carr�s� ��' "" � Y _ i �RE�P� �HE�`�` �.0 02 a 1� ;. �ti^. J. C rchedi nc* � , oa+�ai�r p.Mrc►oA w�ron,on�� : �1"1 SC i n 1 er��dRM01"11 NUMBER F9H _ ��w�CE a tivlyoeMarr aEnvqEa or+ECtoA �Crtr q.Ewt . - ' „"�* . ; : � AamNO �� � Counci 1 Research Finance & t; 298-�ti56 � °�": � �A� - i Appl cation for Firearms ;icense. _ � . . Noti ic�tion Date: 6-6- + lNearic�g Date;�� . IIiCbIM161�Af101�: (A1 dr fielsct(R)) ! CaNiC�REBEARCH REPtlH'f: �_. . �Ra111x� . �. CNIlBERVICE W�AI9310N � � DATE�pi � � oAIE Olfr . � R1pNE N0. - . . . � aONMQ . . 18D B2b�8GIDOL lQMID � � � - . � � � . .� STAFF . � � . ..GWHiER OOYIMBBI011 �. i . . Cq�IPLETE A8 IS : .. ..� AOb1 • -� RETD-TO CON'f � . COMBTIfUEM � .. . Ob � . . . . . � I� __ � _WH ADDi MFO.'� � ._fEEDBNCK AqD�• . D16fNIC1'COUIiCI - . . � . � EI�LANAiION: � . � . . . � . - atlPORISYNApi 061EC11VE7 � �. . � . . . . .. . . � . . � . . . - � . - . Councii Research Cent�r , . - . _� �. � . . . .. .. . _ � . . , . � . . . . - . � . . . . � . - �� � -. � . . . . - .� � �. i� �� . . . . � � .. JUN 141988 . : , : , wnut�o r�o.ts�. o�oN,u�.r,►(w�w.wne�..�nsn. .�nM: _ : , _ � Requ st :for Council appro��1 of a Firearms License by Al & Eric's Gun Shop, , ` a Di ision of A.M. Johnso � Enterprises Inc. �BA AT & Eric's Gun Shap, __ . Rl� �I. JoHnson, Presid nt, at 928 Arcade St. .. I. -; . .. . ^4�. . . . - � . .. . . ti . . . .. . � . . ..._ ��': .. . ' ' . . - . , . . � . . ' ' . . • . . .. , . . . . ' . .. All pplica�tions and fees �ave been submitted and a11 required departments , hav� rev�ewed and approve this application. �(YMiM. .'�nd To YYliom): . _ I ' } If C ncil approval is no ':received, applicant wi11 not be allowed �o cond t that portion of h ,s� business that requires a City License: . �fer�►�s: , vaos= . co�s - : j � MIS7'ORY/�REC�EIITE: — L88AL M�UEf: , _° , t. . . . . , . r �; � ���3 � DtilISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � Z � / S�(�� � INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL KEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud A licant � Home Address � i� I' �.r► � �q A�rcc�dl� S�. �;u. o�- ��^'1. h�sa,-, 4.1,�,4 . �. Rusiness Name �. �.YIC.S ��ome Phone 1'1(g -�(� oZ 1 Business Address � o� � �rC.C�(,�,�_� • Type of License(s) �i1���f.✓rv�S �C.�..o,�,. Business Phone � _ Public Hearing Date � ��„��/�5{ License I.D. �{ a �` �(,� ` at 9:00 a.m. in the Council� Chambers, c 3rd floor City Hall and Couxthouse State Tax I.D. 4� ��(�g'� $�� llate Notice Sent; � Dealer 4� � � to Applicant ' rederal Firearms 4E 3��� —�c� a - G1 -t�, -r�� �g Public He�.iring IDATE INSPECTIUN REVtEW �IERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D i (' S( �� , o Health Divn. � ' • ' � I �. I i � i Fire Dept. � I � ; ���,� �, o� , � � Police De t. P -5��(C� � � 1�.. License Divn. �II� � Gl � C�� , City Attorney � i�� � � � � _ Date Received: Site Plan as� � li j� � � To Council Research � Lease or Letter � D te from Landlord r � I City of Saint Paui � . °? �/�I �� . ' • ' ,� Dep�rtment of Finance and Management Services - • j License and Permit Divisiorr �e�'1D.33 n .. 203 C(ty Halt i St. Paul, Minnesota 55102-29&5056 i APPLiCATION FOR UCENSE CASH CHECK CIASS NO. New Renew � Q � j � � . pp Date �� 19_.sL Code No. Title of Licensa From � 19�To 19� ao rn � � . �� l �' ,����s � n Applic�tlCompsny Nam i ,00 ...r�id- dt t9sYr1. ���sorr Cn�'eh. ..L, vrc�. F ���re s �� 100 Business Name O6 100 �.�� �l"(�Cl� ' 77�ll�.�, Busfness Address Phorn No. 100 �. 9:��' Ar�.�.a�e 100 Mafl to Address PhoM No. ,00 ���je�7� �I. �l?�1so� ManaqeHOwnsr•Name 100 9.��' ���.�� s� 100 AtanaqenGwnx-Home Addross Phone No. 4098 Application Fee I Received the Sum of 2 100 � , ��,(G� �, �� 77�/9�� � . �Q ManapedOwner•City.Slate 8 Zip Code 1 Total 100 __ __ --- �icense InspeCtor � By: . Signature of Applicant Bond• Company Name i Policy No. Expiration Oate Insurance: Company Name I Poliey Na Expiration Date Minnesota State Identificatton No. �D —v�0 I�1„_��� Social Se+curity No. Vehicle Information: i Ssrlal Numbx sts Number Other.�711°./�i/`rYl S #3-��-D6;�-�! -�/D-!�7!�' T IS IS A RECEIPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A UCENSE TO OPERATE.Your a�plfcation(or Iicense will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordinance and completion of tha inspectiona dy the Health, Fire,Zoning and/or License Inspectora. $15.00iCHARGE FOR ALL RETURNED CHECKS . _ � , � .���� �/.�/���-� �� , . . �� � . i � . . - . � , r . . . . . .. . ♦ .. � `„ � ! , � • , . . . . . 60� �4,�e., _._:,_ ._'-- __ . _._.... � FTRFARMS •. .. . . ' � , . _._ . . .._.__....____ ._.,_ . _ _ _:.._ CITY AE ST_.PAUI:. . : ,_':� _ _._. : _ • DEPARTM�NT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES '__.. . ._. ...__ i LICENSE AND PERMIT' DIVISION'� � ., , _ .... .;,,._. . :..:_ , ._ , ... _, . , . Application ta be completed.by each i.ndividual, partner or officer. Please aaswer ail , questions fullp and compleCelyl This, application is thoroughly checked. Any falsification _ will be cause for deaial. _..._ .. .____.._ :_ � ..,,. _ . . __ __.._ .� Date � . � 19 � .. . . _ 1...,,Applicatioa for: �sale of firearms O gua repair only 2...V�Federal Eirearms Licease NI umber � —�f —� �..2 —2f �f� " �� �� � I � 3. Applicaat business is ( � individually owaed, O partnership, or �4 Corporation. 4. ' Name of applicaat (indivic�ual, partnership or corporation). 1 ` , � J!� 5. Address of premises for wqic License is ma e: � .���..� J..�Cr,�"''- ���i'�G , 6. Between what cross streets? Which side of street? �� �'���� ar, ;�/_�h�.�t' _ __ _. _ 7. Name under which this busi}ness will be coaducted: �T��L� �i2u� _ ___ 8. Busiaess telephone number I ��/ — ���� � 9. Are premises now occupied?! What business? � How� long? �m�� _ _ _ 10. List license(s) which qou currently hold, formerly held, or may have- an interest in: � }, --- _ _ _ _. _ _ __ _ _ 11. Have any of the licenses l�isted by you in No. 10 ever been revoked? Yes No :� If the answer is "yes'', li�st the dates and reasons: i i 12. Do you have an interes t oflany tqpe in any other business or business premises? If the answer is "yes", list business, business address and teiephone number: i � � _ i �_._ i p.:... . � � _ _ _ (,i��"'d�;l� _,.. 13. If partnership or corporat�ion, aame of persoa completing this form� ' � � . � • __ � 14. If applicant is/h s beea � married female, list maiden name 15. Date of birth ���� Age �,_ Place of birth �/�G/�„�,��_//l.�r - 16.. Are you a citizea. of the United States? Native p` Naturalized. I � 17. Are you a registered voter? -�.. Where? ��Q' � 18. Type of Armed Services discharge: �Honorable, O General, O Bad Conduct, O Uadesirable, l( ) Dishoaorable, or O No Military service. 19. Home addres s: ��Q� �, �.�!��✓�' Home phone: 7�� "'�9�� -� 20. Present business address: i 9�,��G��f��' Bus. phone: �7�-���� 21. Including your present bu�iaess/employment, what busiaess/emploqment have you followed for the past five years? Busiaess/Employm'ent Address � 7�'� �' ?�Z`'� .��,y�../7�'��"�Ol`j � '•" es"' Iist name and address of s ouse: 22. Married if anI,swer is y , p I 23. Have you ever beea arrested for an offense that has resulted in a convictioa2 __�� If the answer is "yes", lilst dates of arrests, where, charges,. convictioas and seatences: Date of arrest: 19 Where?�" � CHARGE: CONVICTION: SENTENCE: Date of arrest: 19 . WhereT � CAARGE: , CONVICTION: SENTENCE: . _ 24. List aIl officers of the cl'orporation giving their names, office held, home address, and home and business tele�hone numbers: 7 I . . �� ,•• � ' _ � � . � . ��,9/�. � �t./ li�� ., !. � � ��� _ . 25. .If business is 'partnershi�; list partaer(s?-address aad telephoae aumbersc . ` Name� i , � ' Address: Phoae:. Name• ; Address: ! Phone: ; 26. Are you going to operate trhis business personally?` If not, who will operate it? � �i�` Name: Home address: � Phone: 27. I, ,. understand this premise may be inspected by police, fire ealth a�d other city officials at any and all times when the business is in operation. � ;I I� �I �I II _ I' � (SIGNED) I� � (TITLE) � - - (WITNESS) ` i (DATE) - - �� 19 . .. _ �.� �. . , . �.��� ` � -'��.*,., ' I CITY OF SAINT PAUL e'� '� � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES . 4� �e I DIVISION OF UCENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION ���� Room 203, City Hall Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer I Mayor I June 10, 1988 I REVISID I Al & Eric's Gun Shlp 928 Arcade Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Desr AI & Eric's G�n Shop: A review of the i estigations which were made in connection with your application has be�n completed. It will be my recommendation that your Iicense(s) be granted. A hearing on your �pplication for Firearms License(s), ID 4�(s) 28161 will be held before the Saint Paul City Council on June 23, 1988 at 9:00 A.M. in the Third Ioor Council Chambers, Citq and. County Court House. This date may be c�anged without the License � Permit Division's consent and/or knowledge. Therefore, it is suggested that you call the City Clerk's Office at �98-4231 to confirm this hearing date. Your presence is required at this hearing in order to respond to any questions that ma.ylarise. The City Council map have and/or receive other information which I am presently not awar� of that may cause them not to follow my recommend- ation. Verq truly yours, I , /��.�/ . ��'`''i � ' �/�`� , J eph F': Carchedi License Inspector , ,I JFC/lk I I � � I I I