88-1031 . '
i File No.
Voting In the Matte�of i
Ward t�
2 operating and •aintai�tingithe Cit�—owned "Zcva Sqnare" Pnblic tpac��
lacated ♦ithin tt►e follo�►ing atreets; Cedar Str�et, 8ighth Strset,
Minnesota StreeL and Si=th� 3treet.
The le�el af operatian and saintenaace of the "Town Sqnar� Pablic
3paces" t'or the periad of' Jnl� 1 . I98� thsn June 30, 19Q9, shall be
perfor�ad ia a �aaaer se� forth and destrib�d in � a report fro■ tbe
Departseat of Ca��nnit� Sejr�ices.
A co�� of the cost attrib�ted to th� proarar vfth distribntioa af said
service �hsrges :re enclo�}ed xit1� this order.
The eosts of ogerating an� �aintsiaiag the "Tora 3qnare* Pablie Spaces
shall be as�essed asaiqst the benefited propertr o�rners of the
do�ntova ir:s as desfsn�ted fn the ?ava Square Asaessge�et Policy
for�nlsted b� tba Cit� of ! Saiat Paa2. (t�naq.fo)
under Preliminar Order ����� a roved 3 °?�_��
Y r�
' am�nal
The Council of the City of Sair�t Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed� by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Councii has hear� all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the sam�e; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council o� the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers a�re hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That u�on the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall re�port the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCIL PERSON i Adopted by the Council: Date VuN � �g
Yeas Nays I
���� i Certified Pa d by Council Secretary
�E �
l�ett>st�t � In Favor By
Sch�ibsl .
8omiea I � Against _ �
� I JUH � 4 � Mayor
, Pt1BLISHEO J U L - 2 1988
. . ���0 3�
� . �
/ Council File Na � 1—By Bob Lon —.
In the Matter oi 8
Pubiic '�P�etiag aad mai�►taining the City-ow►���p���.,
Spacea'locst ' wfthin the iollowing str�ets:Cedar St�et��ig�t�S{#reet!
Mina�ota Strcet �I Sixth Street in�oting Ward 2.
The levei of o tfon and maintenance af the"Toa►n Square Ft�bllc Spates
for the period of J y 1, 1� thro � "
manner aet torth � Juar 30, 19�� shali be Pertbhned in a
Services. described in a report trom the DeP8rtment af Co}�,munity
A copy of the c attributed to tb.e rq "
�1�arBes are encl with this order. p g��°`f�distribution of said�ervice
Tt►e costs of o ting and maintaining the "Town Square" Pubiic Spa�s
��1����� t t���ited Property ovnners of the dawntown area a�
designated in the wn $quare qsgessm�t policq formulated by the City of
Saint Paul.
The Council o!t City oi Saint paul hav�g�;���be�port of the Maqor �
uPon the above ' provement, and having' consfdered said
resolves: ieport, hereby
1. Z�st -the I d report and the same 3s`hereby apProved �r#th na
alternatives and that the estimated annnal cost thereoi is�6aB,�p�l;,pp,
2• That a publ he�be had on said impruvement on th ,�oi
� .,in the Council Chambers of������;Y�i
an ourt w the City o#Saint Paui.
3, That notice oi said public hearing be,g;�ten to the Persons�at�d in,the.
manner� ided by the Gharter, statiag the time and plaee ot hea�ing,
the nature o the improvemenx a�d the total cost thereM as esti a �
File No. 18113-88 �aattd
Adopted bY the unc}��ay 24, 1988. � '
APAroved May . 1�8. ::: ,
(June 4, iQ88)/ ' x�
' . .�. . . .. +S.r .
.+ '� , i __ $:� ��'r-�o�1
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' MAY 181988
To : Albert Olson ,
�i t y �1 e r k � C��( CLERK
From: Roxanna Flinl¢�r'�`� c�
Supervisor oft Assessments
Date : May 18 , 1988 � ,
Subject : Publication of Notice of Public Hearing
Town Square �'Public Space" Operation and
Maintenance Service Charges
Please have the fbllowing Notice of Public Hearing published
in the Legal Le+dger c�n ! June 4 , 1988 and June 11 , 1988.
Notice is hereby ' given that a public hearing will be held
before the City Con�c�X on the 23th day of June , 1988 , at 9 : 00
o ' clock A.M. in the S int Paul City Council Chambers , City Hall
and Court House , St. ' Paul , Minnesota to consider the proposed
level of operation a�d maintenance of the Town Square "Public
Spaces " located with�In the following streets : Cedar Street ,
Eighth Street , Minnesota Street and Sixth Street for the period
July l , 1988 to June 3;0 , 1989 and the costs to be charged against
the benefited property, as determined by the City. At said time
and place the Council will hear all persons relative to this
proposal. �
Thank you. �
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Notice 3s hereb� gi;ven that a pnblic heariag ai11 be h�Id
before the City Couneil �oa ths 23th dap o! Juae, 1988, it 9:Q0
o•clock A.M. in the Sai�dt Panl City Conacil Chambera, Citp Ha11
aad Court Honse, St. Pa�al, Miaaeaota to consider the propoaed '
level o! operation and �miintenaace of the Towa Squara "P�tbZic
Spaces" located within � the followiag streets : Cedar Streot, -
Eighth Street, l�iinnesota Street and Sigth Street for the period •
Julp 1', 1988 to .Juae 30,� 1989 -and � the costs to be charged againat
the bene�fited property, �as determined by the Citp. At said ti�e
. , �nd place . the Couacil diill hear. aIl persoas relative to this
propoaal. • ; _
. - .
- - _._.___ � . -
--- __...__ - ------ --- _ _ __ -
Dated May 27. 1988 �. . ---- —
. . . .
_ .
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Albert B. Olson . _ �
Ci Clerk . _
� .
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_ , . . .
. �
. . .
(June �4. 1988 and June 11. 1988) . '
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� RECEIVED �����/
File No. 18113-88
City Council District � 2
District Planning Council � 17
PURPOSE To consider the level of operation and maintenance
AND of the Town Square "public spaces" located in the area
LOCATION bounded by the ;following streets : Cedar Streetf Eighth
Street , Minnesota Streetf and Sixth Street for the
period of July l , 1988 to June 30 � 1989.
HEARING Thursday, June ; 23 , 1988 at 9:00 A.M.
City Council �hambers , 3rd Floor City H811—Court House
SERVICE Total estimated costs and financing plan for the propoaed
CHARGE level of Opetation and �faintenance for Town Square
INFOR— "Public Spaces; " for the period from July li 1988 to June
MATION 30 ,1989 , is as follows :
Skyway Level $613i643 Paid by Zone 0
Loft Level $292 � 839 Paid by a11 Service Charge Zones
Total proposed service charge $906 ,482
Estimated Sert�ice Charge rgtes are figured in Dollars
per square foot o� land area.
Zone 0 $4. 1579388 36 , SOA
Zone 1 $ . 0870474 35 � 37 � 49i50B� 51 � 60� 61 , 62
Zone 2 $ . 0619756 21 ,22 , 23 , 24 � 34i3$ �48 , 52 , 59 ,
63 � 71 , 72 , 73, 74 , 75
Zone 3 $ . 0414609 11 ; 12 , 13, 14f18 , 19 � 20, 25,
26 , 33 , 39 ,40 ,44 ,45 ,46 , 47 , 53
54 , 57 , 58 , b4� 65 , 69, 70� 76
77 �82 �83 ,84 ,85 , 86i $7 , 88 , 89
Zone 4 $ . 0041007 1 , 2 ;3 � 4, 5 ,6 , 7 ,8 �9, 10 , 15 , 16,
17 � 18A, 27 ,28 , 29 ,30s31 � 32 ,
41y43 , 55, 56 , 66 , 67 , 78i79 ,
81 ,90 �91 , 93 �94 ,95 , 96
� To find out what blbck your property is located in � check the
first three digits in the number above your name and address . You
can then take the blo;ck number and match it with the "Blocks in
Zone" list to find .the service charge rate for your property.
The Citq Council will hold another hearing for the purpose a£
adopting the service 'charge. You will receive a notice at that
time advising you ofjthe exact amount you will be required to pay.
QUESTIONS Services Performed : 227-3307 , Service Charge : 292-7028
Also , City staff will be available to answer any last minute
questions on this pro�ect in Room 218i City Hall 8 : 00 to 9e00 A.M.
the same day as the hearing.
Notice sent June 10 � 1988
by the Valuation anc� Assessment Division
Department of Finan�e and Management Services
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
(tnsqlst )
` � . � . �-��o.��
Notice is h y given that a public hearing will be held befare the City
, Council on 9•00 o'cl k A.M.in thc Saint Pau1 CYty
Council Cham e , i y a an u ouse, . Paui,Minnesota to consider
the proposed lev � of operation and maintenance of the Town Square "Public
Spaces" located thin the fol2owing streets: Gedar Street, Seventh Street,
Minnesota Street d Sixth Street ior the period July 1,1988 to June 30,1989 and
the,costs to be rged against the benefited property,as determined by the City.
At said time and lace the Council wil2 hear all persons relative to this proposal.
Dated May 2 , 1988.
ALBEBT B. O N,City Clerk
(June 4-11, 1988)
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