88-1021 WMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1IlC1I 4 CANARY - OEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L /) BLUE - MAVOR File NO. `� -r/�� � Council Resolution : ---; � ,. Presented ` �� eferred To r `'�'�'`'�� Committee: Date � � ��-�a Out of Committee By Date �EREAS, The Mayor, p� su�nt to Sect�.on,10.07.1 of t�e City Cha te , does Gertify inatheh���8a�udget;lan�e or appropriation revenues in excess o� t�iose estimated WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1988 budget: Cu rent Amended __Bu�get Changes __Budget FI�T�iCGNG PLiNFun ---- ------------ ---- UU1 g 0?0,3�' ad,35�S y��� Us o Fund Balance, Unreserved U �esignate$ o ,�g�. g , All Ot�ier Financing 118,671,134 " Q 118,6_7� ------------ ------------ ------------ 118,671,134 -�-�;$fr4 , , SP��ING PLAN _ �o.3�5 Ge�eral Fund � /l�� bQ1� �79 � Clerk Clerk Recoxds --�-- - � Oth�� ReDair and,Maintenance. __ - I)u icat Ug_Mac.h�nes _ _ -- -._ _ __��d'. _ -__�Yf� � . - 1 � �ier Pf�`�ng ui ment --- ._ _.__ ____ �....:_ .�_ A 1. .Ot er Spen�ding _—T.t � , — --- --- — � � ------------ ------------ ------------ 118,671,134 ag3�s''-�, , , 4 _ _ �r�, 6 9�, 5�7�' NET CHANGE a7o�3�j-��� RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1988 budget. Approval Recommended --�=�- �-!�=-?�� ���) Budget �'Di.�ctor COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond City Clerk �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman � � Against BY Sonnen Wilson .�p �L 2 � '�o� Form Appr v by City Attorne Adopted by Councii: Date Certified Passe Cou cil Sec e BY By A►pproved b avor: Dat _�UL � 9 � Appr b Mayor for S� is 'LQn to Council By � . �s � 1988. r ii��Ji'��f� . ,.; i.z :� • Y !e �f� �:� � . � . �� ���/ ' � , -� ` lU° Q11Q25 � Citv Clerk D p��� • � Al Olson C ACT NAME 298-4231 P NE � 5 27/aa � n � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER• �See reverse side.) � �r(f� � 1988 �— � Depart�ent Director 4 Ma.yor (or A�� t�n� /-� �! _ Finance and l�anage�ent Serv�ces Director 5 erk �V�rr�,/ udget Director C?(B �City Attorney ' — TOTAL NUMBF,rR OF SIGNATURE PAGES# _�, (Clip all locations f signature.) WHAT iTILL Bj� AC�IIEVED B�' TAKING �ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) In April se�reral ligh�ing fi�Ctures in Clerks Office began. to smoke and had to be disconnected from electrical system. Bldg. Mtc Dept concluded fixtures could not be repaired and lighting and ceiling improvements should be made. D�ring last year microfilm reader/printe has ndt functioned properly and supplies are being discontinued. Machine will replaced and cartridges changed �o adapt. Quality of duplicating machine copie and service problems warrant replacing equipment. � �ou��i� ���e�rch Center C ST B UD T Y AND NN L I C C P � JUN 14�98� Lighting: safety and proper lighting in work environment. Microfilm: enable Office to �continu� microfilming of records. Duplicating machine: Better, tim�ly service to customers. City Clerk had been accumula ing its l/3 Sauings fund' balances for 2 years to purchase miGrofilm equip. A 1 Dept' s 1/3 Savings fund bal.ances were used to balance 1987 budget. I C G S C G OR C DI ED: (Mayor•s sig,nature not required f under $10,000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: $21,860 .00 Activity Number: 002 50 Funding Scurce: 9890 Fu d. Balance , Unreserved, Undesignated ATTACHMENTSc (List and number a 1 attachments.) 1. Resolution 2 . Letter of 5/11/88�rom A1 lson to Greg Blees 3. Letter of 5/4/88 om A1 O son to Ramsey Co. Property Manager � �iDMINISTRATIvE PROCEAURES _Yes No Rule�, Regulat ns, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are the or timetable attached? DEPARTHENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes _1�o Council resolutio required? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes _N�o Insurance require ? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No Yes Nb Insurance attache ? , I ,�. . ' . . • �f,c,_:�i.sy� -_ � CITY OF S.AINT PAUL - ���a�1-�`' ;# ii'iii:�i � � • , OB'FIC� OF TH� CIZTY' CO�NCIL . Commi�tee �epar� � � F`inance l�ana�eme�t & Personnel Commi�tee, . - July 18, 1988 Est. ' -. - _ _ -__- �_ - ---- Time � � _.. , - . �_� . ._ . - - - 1:30 1. � Approval of minutes of July 5 meeting. � - Approved FINANCE � MANAGEME1dT . - - - � � 2. Resolution - 88-I073 - amending the I988 budget Approved � by adding $10,000 to the Finencing and Spending - - - Plans for Poiice-CCPP/Intervention project. (Referred from Ccuncil June 30) � .- _ � 1 :40 3. Resolution - 88-10i2 - amending the 1988 budget App�ov�d (3-1) �.-- by adding $20,720 to the Financing and Spending Plans for License Division-Investigative Repor�ts. _ - (Referred from Council June 30) - � 1:50 4. Resolution - 88-1074 - amending the I988 budget -_ Approved __ _ . . by adding $45,110 to the Financing and Spending . _ Plans for Refugee 5pecia�l Services. - (Referred fram Council June 30) . . 5 5. Resaluticn - 88-�02i - amending the 1988 budget � : -- . A �s � . by�eddis�g`°�3','8�i�1"�o the :F i nanc i ng and Spend i ng (De�ete $3,860 for Pian��r��fity Cle*k-�Records. (Referred fram lighting) Co�ncil June 23) 2:05 6. Resolution 88-984 - amending the 1988 budget by Laid over to Ju1y 25 adding $30,274 ta the Financing and Spending Plans for Finance b Management Serviczs-Division of Accounting and the Community Services Department for the Youth Athietics and Sports Assistance Program. (Referr� from Council June 16) (continued) CIIY IiALt. SEVENTH FLOOR SAL'�('rPAUL,MINNESOT�SSI02 . "T°�"'° . . ' _ C�-���/A.?! . . .� , �, ,...., cm� oF sA�Nr �ac�t .� ••.� - � : s� C?FFtCE OF THE ClTY CLERK � . �s'� "= A�BERT B: OLSQN.CITY CLERK •••• RECEIVED � t�r MsN,saia�Paui.Minnesots s6m2 CEORGE LATIMER i12-2�1 ,w�roR M AY 0 �i 1988 May 4. 1�8 �IIRY'OR'S OFFICE RECEIVED Mr. pat o�cya�IeY MAY 9 1988 �Y �ht ��ht �r Roaa 316, City Hail BUDGET OFFICE Dear Sir: On April 15, 1988, several light fixtures in Room 386, City gall, beqan to "smoke" quite he�vily and became inoperable and later in the day were totally disconnected from the electricat service by the bui].dinq electrician. As of this date, I am still waitin9 for ccst estiwatea and about one-third of the Iighting in the office remains as�oper�bie. I was told the ].ights could not be r�aired and m�st be rep}.ace8 and that the cost of replac�nent was the responsibiZit�r of my office. Inasmuch as the lighting problems in Room 386 were not caused by the City, I believe the replacement shoul.d be a maintenance cost and r�t considered an office beautification program an�d the aost should be borne by building maintenance. t would appreciate an early response to this request as it has a].ready been over two weeks since the incident ar�3 fortunately sunlight has been on our side. Sincerel.y� Albert B. Olson City Clerk ABO:th cc: Greg Blees� Bud et Director� - 9 Dave Nelson, Finance Dept. Kathy Friedman, Building Services • � •� �`� • ` / A����/��`7 t/' _-�°:�°""""'�° CITY OF SAINT PAUL °'T' °=:-,, -"� ��"''� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� �; %: ii� �� %,,+. �= ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK ,���°� '•" � 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 "�imn,,,...o���� GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4231 MAYOR May 11, 1988 RECEIVED Mr. Greg Blees MAY 16 1988 Budget Director gUDGET OF�ICE Room 367, City Hall Dear Sir: During the last few weeks, the City Clerk's Office has been besieged with equipment malfunctions. In April, several lighting fixtures began to smoke and had to be disconnected from the electrical system. The lighting fixtures are very old and building originals and have not operated or performed adequately for a number of years. After discussion with the Buildinq Maintenance Department, it is concluded that the fixtures should not be repaired and minimal lighting and ceiling improvements should be accomplished. The estimated amount of the ceiling and lighting improvement is $3,860.00. During the last year or two our microfilm reader/printer has not functioned properly and we have been notified that the liquid developer and special paper used for that machine will no longer be produced. It was my intention for some time to replace that machine this year with accumulated year end budget savings, but have now been informed that these funds were used to finance the 1988 budget and are no longer available. The cost of replacing the machine and changing the cartridges to adapt to the new equipment is $7,500.00- Thirdly, my office has been experiencing a number of problems and complaints with the quality of our duplicating machine. We presently use a Xerox which was a hand-me-down from Council Research some years ago. The cost of replacing the equipment is $10,500.00. For the above reasons, I am requesting a budget transfer from Contingent Reserve in the amount of $21,860.00. In the 1989 budget there will be a reduction of one FTE in the Election Division budget and a reduction of two FTE's in the 1990 budget, which would offset these expenditures. Your prompt consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated. 1f . ruly urs, --...� Albert B. Olson City Clerk ABO:th G��-/o�/ �;��:'":�� . CITY OF SAINT P�4UL '"� ''y OFFICE �F THE CtTY CLERK �� , _. �= �,. � � ;£ ';+. ' � �•_� /►LBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK "4°"� '••�.s'"`� 386 Ciry FiaN,Saint Pwl,MinnesoEa SSt02 KTnm� CEORGE LATIMER 6�2-298-423� MAYOR July 15, 1988 Councilme�er Robert Long and Members of the Finance Cte. Rooca 713, City Hall Dear Councilmembers: I respectfully request that a resolution, 88-1021, scheduled for consideration by the Finance Conani.ttee on July 18, 1988 be atnended to refl�ct the final quotation on the �cost for the mi,crofilm replacemenC equipment. Since the preparation of the resolution, the final cost has been determined to be $9�845.00 in place of the esti.mated $7,500.00 as contained in the resolution. I would respectfully request approval of the resolution with that amendment. If there are further questions concerning this item, I wauld appreciate a continuance as I will be unable to attend the meeting on July 18th� however, the mi.crofilm machine is virtually inoperable and the duplicating equipment is in poor shape, and it is important that the equipment be replaced as soon as possible. y y s, Albert B. Olson City Clerk ABO:th cc: Greg Blees, Budget Director