99-241ORIGINAL Council File # `'Z� Green Sheet # �C'� � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the SAINT PAUL s HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMNIISSION. 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 Daniel L. Scott shall serve a three-year term which shall expire on December 31, 2001. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By' Appr By: By: Form Approved by City Attorney gy; FYj�I,I�J � �ZNC 3 �_�P� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: C� Adopted by Council: Date � � ��q ., T . , �,,,,,,�,, ., �tq -�`�,� DEPAR7MQJifOFFICElCOl1NC{L DATEIMmAIED ' ' ' r� co�e�n�5 Office 3-10-99 GREEN SHEET No 64�'76 CANTACT PERSON 8 RiONE NM1auDab Initlau0ate Alberto Quintela, Jr. 68529 3 ce.An,re+rwECrort rncou,ca. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATq March 17, 1999 � � a ,.,�,�,. ❑ d ,,.� wu�en Fort nartu�c �� wuwu�tamVeeFSOU� wiaxan�mnaacerc � WYORIORAL98fN11) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C710N REQUESTm Approval of the appointment of Daniel L. Scott to serve on the Saint Paul Aeritage Preservation Co�ission. RECAMMENDATION Approve () or Rejeet () VERSONAL SERVICE CON7FACi5 MUSTANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Fias Nis personffirtn ever xrorked under a canhact forthis department? PLANNING CAMMISSION YES NO � CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Nis persoNfilm ever heen a city empbyee7 CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION YE5 NO 3. Does fhis persoMrm possess a sidll not rw�mallypossessed by any curreM cRy employee� YES NO 4. I8 this pHSaMrm e tarpeted vendoYt VES NO 6�lain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet and attach to preen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY (Who, What, When, WMre, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � P. �aCrU�*S� �a?er��,r;°� e,,�n;�,, �,A4 � � DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED DISAWANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FlNPNCNL INFORMAl10N (IXPWN) aq-Z�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemart, Mayor Saint Paut, Minnesafa SSZD2 TO: FROM: DATE: 390 City HaII rs west aet[agg eoulevard Saint Paul Cit�Councilmembers Counciimember President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Michaei Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember 7ames Reiter j Alberto Quintela / Assistant to the Mayor � March 10, 1999 RE: Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) Telephnrte: (612) 266-85I0 Facsimi(e: (6I2) 2668513 Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of the foilowing individual to serve on the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. DAl�'IEL L. SCOTT Daniel Scott shall serve a three-year term which will expire on December 31, 2001. Attached is a copy of the resolution, a copy ofMr. Scott's application and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 3anuary l, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions or concerns. AQ:drm Attachments c: Aaron Rubenstein, HPC Staff ���`�- ,� I�ame: Home Address: StreeY Telephone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred 1�Iailine Address: �Vhat is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: l�l � ,LI.U,�.GN C C F OFFICE OF THE NIAYOR 390 CIT'Y AALL SAINT PAUL, NSINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Zip (Home) 31D-q43�� �vork)Zal'3556 (F:1X)��2 ���7 g City Couneii �Vard: f�3, oJ F. k�; (�-A-�ctt @.k. (sr.oh,.,�) . (� sr. Tku� ��.h-N��n�� tv� u.uccu�r.l �t Rk�..IT_Si U'�,U��in/�Tl/ �F{.'ftUi fl FI I�1�G1�.t�C� !N Ti �F9'( 1iEf�J *"F/�i��j1=r ' J /, �1J,�-fr�r.�u � y ��f/�trl(�t�s1�. �Ri]M Wcla�ii,l�� �cii �G��� l2� `J m C-� �cv �F ( b TEKcS � SC�(.1.C.,5 ��O. wUwtr7 �'�/��_��" 1"lkc— ft3c.�/6 C�] �(.l�ti�,�.�j_ The information included in this apptication is considered private data according to the blinnesota Gor•ernment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. �ic,�rz�-� ag-�.y� �Z-ZZ-9'� (OVER) Rev. 8-�-9 i A��.+`�tUDft-i�iTlFS �,U.PUI�f-2S ��rA/t�l=/rC.n.tRc'RI (A�1uKC-2jb �J�-fG�tiSScoNh1.1 (u �1 u ��- 1 '�Vhat skiils, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? PERSONAL REFE FN E Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: U� �Vl���� Address: $U? Q�FL'�/o iy.� (J A..a��t,/ ,/„�N �j591 Phone: �S Reasons for your interest in this particul�r committee: �tC In1 SK—�r.rG '('� n ,,.�_..,.. �_,a., _ -+�,, ,�_ . _ , Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making apptication? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reRects the makeup of our community, ptease check the line applicable to yoa This information is strictly voluntary. _� White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �_ 1�Iale Female Disabled: Yes No �_ If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander D:tte of $irth: �llz � /�,S � How did yov hear �bout this opening? �!'.5 e��:i: '� � � �.,�, r • FEE.-C9 49(7UE1 1G �? h;l.�c; k�CuL�`SEL a9 • ��� Pro,hle of Daniel E. Scott, Esq. Kino & Counsel, L.L.C. I500 Landmazk Tow:rs 345 St. Peter Street S2int Paul, M\T 55102 (652) 291-3556 Dan joined King & Hatch, a locai Saint Pau] law firm, in 1996 afrer several years with a general practice firm in Southem Minnesota. As of January 1, 1999, King & Hatch merged with former members of the Zelle & Lazson law firm to form King & Counsel, L.L.C., a Saint Paul-based natinn211aw firm with offices in S2n Francisco and Miami, Consistent wicn the fum�s focus, Dan is a civil Iitigator, handli.n� cace$ in the fields of go�•exnmentdi, products, premises and automobile liability and insurynce coverage. He zealously represenu municipalities, business owners, manufacturers, professionals, insurers and insureds in litigarion matters. A South Dakota native, ban is a graduate of A;wstana College in Sioux Falls and William Mitchell Coliege of Law in Saint Paul. �Vhile an u�dzrgraduate student, Dan wa; active in many camp¢s acrivities and �vas cnptain and a�daemi� �11-America on the intercollegiate wresfling squad. After earning his bachelor's degree, he uaveletl the country as an admissions professional, recruiting students for Ius alma mater. During taw schooI, Dan was keenly involved in uial advocacy programs, competing on the internahonal moot coun team. ge was also a member of tne law school admissions cornmittee and served in other voluntary capacit��� for the school. Since law school graduation, Dan has become an energetic participant in communiry, church and professional activiries. He serves in volunteer capacities as a youth educator, mentor, coach, fundraiser and lay ��St� D� y�so enjoys volunteer work within the poli�cal arena Professionally, he is admitted to practice law in Minnesota and Souch Dakota and is a member ot t�'e Ramsey Cau�ty, Min.aesdta, South Dakota, and American bar associaIIons. Dan presently serves aS an officer and/or active member of the Professionali5m Committee, Commnniry Outreach Cnmmittee and Iv*ew Lavryers Section of the Minnesota State Baz Association. Home Residence 153 �Vestern Avenue N. Unit 4 Saint Paul, yiN SSIO2 (651) 310-9847 7�L o�l ??% 8�?2 � P. c.: -,- References for Daniel L. Scott, Esq. Father Andcew Cozzens Ca�edral of Saint Pzul 239 Selby Avcnue S2�n� Pau�, ivLN 55102 (65I) 228-1766 bSr. Scott Steven;on 3'v1 Insurance Claims hlanager 846 Fairnyou�� Avenue Sai.nt Paul, MN SSIOi (651) 224-7915 Judge Date E, L�� Rzmsey Co. Courthouse 151N. KelIogg $1vd. Saint Pzu�, ,�N SS102 (651) 266-8342 aq�.y� 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) 003436 Alstead, Stephanie 1206 Lafond Avenue St. Paul� MN 55104 Home - 646-1662 Architectural Designer 3-6-98 HPC Beth Randall H-MARC 700 Cook Ave. E., 55106 h) 771-2004 w) 644-0065 Chuck Hively, Architect 17284 Round Lake Rd. Eden Prairie, MN 55346 h) 937-2930 w) 645-8576 1 11 03/06/98 W F ICris Robinson 1182 Lafond Ave., 55104 h) 644-3262 w) 671-4659 003196 Austin, Becky 625 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 227-4168 Designer 1 8 07/OS/96 W F ave Morford 184 George Street, 55107 h) 222-5998 Jeff Ausha 862 Summit Avenue, 55105 h) 224-9374 Jeff Weisbach 321 Colborne h) 224-6578 003549 Berin, Mary 2019 Juliet Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - (651) 690-0060 Co-FOUnder/Partner NewArt 3 14 12/24/98 U F 12-24-98 HPC Resume submitted...no references listed qq •Zy \ 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMZTTEE : HPC Aetitage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- �01033 S1ick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Home - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 1 8 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mp1s h) 375-1037 Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Toqether 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 02/20/98 W F --------------"------------------------------{------------ 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {Job Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zotning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame(ricans and Parks-Rec: { 9� -�y� 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 3 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ______..____________________________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 2-20-98 Re£erences for Multiple Committees (S{ee ,$16 section) Rebecca HofEman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1521 University Avenue, Ste. 312 003376 Blissenbach, Ken 489 View Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 222-2555 Self-Employed, Consultant 2 9 02/26/98 W M Mary Yaeger 489 View St., 55102 h) 222-2558 w0 220-8290 May Lund 10839 Upton Ave. S. Bloomington h) 851-5012 w) 861-2245 chuck and Rose McGuire 177 Bedford Ave. S.E. h) 379-7390 A11 of above refetences listed 2-26-98 for CI{B; HPC; RRDC; Planning Commission and Workforce Dev. Cnc. 002944 Brown, Sherri Mortenson 2 16 12/28/98 W F 10 Victoria S. St_ Paul, MN 55105 Fiome - 291-9189 Policy Analyst, Dept. Commerce Valerie Whitehead 9q-��\ 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : HPC Aeritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ------- -- --- -- 1951 Montreal St. Paul, MN 55116 H) 698-9652 12-28-98 HPC; P.C. and NST (STARj: Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Aall, 55102 Alberto Quintela, Jr. 390 City Hall, 55102 003366 Crowther, James C. 757 East Sixth Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 793-0917 Restoration/Rea1 Estate 7 4 02/13/98 U rr Louis Sudheimer 439 Portland Ave., 55102 h) 297-9195 w) 648-7718 Charlie Nelson MN Historical Society w) 296-5475 Jame McGrew 1442 James Avenue h) 698-4569 000213 Dana, Richard Jet Construction & Remodelinq, Znc. 905 Jefferson Avenue, #30S St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - (651) 228-9490 GeneYal Building Contractor 2 16 02J08/99 W � 2-8-99 HPC and STAR: Thomas Fabel Lindquist & Vennum 444 Cedar Street, #920 St. Pau1, MN 55101 h) (651) 636-2423 (w) (651) 312-1300 Humphrey Doermann 736 Goodrich Avenue qq-zy� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS St. Paul, MN 55105 h) (651) 224-0921 PAGE 5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- -- --- Robert Kreischer, Director Mounds Park Academy 2051 E. Larpenteur Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55109 h) (651) 994-1448 w) (651) 777-2555 003525 Davis, Ted 456 Warwick Street St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 690-9852 Communications Consultant 14 12-28-98 Planning Commission & HPC: Larry Dowe11 President, St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce 332 Minnesota St., Ste. N-205 St. Paul, MN 55101 h) 223-5000 w) 223-5000 Rick Aguilar Aguilar Productions 602 smith Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 w) 292-9574 003522 Donnelly, Stan D. 5 Heather Place St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - (651) 221-9800 President/Manufacturing Co. 2 16 12/28/98 W M 12/21/98 W M 12-21-98 HPC, Business Review Counail, BZA, P{lanning Commission Darwin Reedy 5 Peninsula Drive Dellwood, MN 55110 (h) (651) 429-6433 F�' 003086 DuPaul, Angela 4 10/31/95 W F 668 Greenbrier St. Paul, MN 55106 °l9 -a� \ 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCAI3T5 REPORT PAGE 6 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- -- --- Home - 776-0550 Student/Lakewood Com. College 003552 Duckstad, Jon 46 E. Fourth Street 1310 Minnesota Building St. Paul� MN 55101 Work - (651) 227-3236 Attorney 3 15 2-15-99 Planning Commission & HPC: Joseph O•Neill, Esq. 1250 World Trade Center 30 E. Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55101 w) (651) 298-8300 Robert Fletcher Ramsey County Sheriff Adult Detention Center 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard St. Pau1, MN 55102 w) (651) 266-9303 Councilmember Jim ReiteY 310 City Ha11 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 w) (651) 266-8650 02/15/99 W M 003492 Enzler, Sherry A. 4 13 09J21/98 W F 1426 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - (651) 917-0374 Attorney 9-21-98 HPC; Human Rights; Capitol Area P1ann{ing Board & Planning Commission: SuSan Gaertner 9g -�y\ 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 7 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/01�94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ____�___ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Ramsey County Attorney 50 W. Rellogg Blvd., Ste. 315 St. Pau1, MN 55102 w� 651-266-3222 Bill Schreiber, Director IGR Policy, MNDot 395 John Ireland Blvd. h) 651-424-8081 w) 651-296-0369 Rebecca Comstock, Esq. Dorsey � whitney 220 S. Sixth St. Mpls., MN 55402 h) 651-471-9175 w) 612 340-2987 003213 Esser, Heather 491 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 298-8350 Public Program Coordinator 8 07j26f96 W �a Susan Roth Minnesota Historical Society 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55101-1906 Michael Koop MN Historical Society 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. Peggy Kovsmo-Kennon MN Historical Society 345 W. Kellogg 003531 Fotsch, Harold "Ha1" Moore, Costello & Hart 1400 Norwest Center 55 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 651 602-2609 Attorney 13 Planning Commission 12/28/98 U M 12-28-98 Planning Commission; HPC & NST (STAR{): Major Norman S. Marshall St. Paul Area Coordinator °19-��� 03-10-99 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 8 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Salvation Army 1031 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN w) 771-0015 Greg Wandersee, President Merriam Park Community Service 2000 St. Anthony Avenue St. Paul, MN w) 645-0349 Reverend Peter Roehlre 1849 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN h) 698-1246 w) 645-9154 003526 Freshly, Hal 399 Eichenwald Street St. Paul, MN 55106-5007 Home - 778-8765 Planner/Dept. Human Services 6-17-98 HPC Eric Hendrickson 395 Eichenwald Street, 55106 h) 776-3475 Rolf T. Anderson 212 W. 38th Street Minneapolis, MN 55408 h) 824-7807 Biil Byers 572 Lincoln Avenue, Apt. 11 St. Pau1, MN 55110 003365 Fu11er, Joan 1161 Randolph Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 695-0958 Natl. Admissions Rep/HOtels 3 14 06/17/98 W M 02/17/98 W F 2-17-98 Youth Fund & HPC Officer Sames Quinn Newport Police Dept. Broadway, Newport, RZ 02840 w) (4010 847-0088, X 240 q`t-�.�1� 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLZCANT � REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Eileen Morrice hasbro Toy Company RiveYSide, RI w) 9401) 725-8697, X 8747 Ronnie Getter 1149 Randolph Ave. St. pau1, MN h) 690-462'7 003252 Greiner, Kathryn 1734 Sherwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 776-4273 Graphic Designer 6 2 11/21/96 W F Carol Gaetz Planning Office St. Cloud City Hall 400 2nd Street St. Cloud, MN w) (320) 255-7218 Dave Ebnet Stearns County Historical Society 235 33rd Avenue S. Stearns County Historical Society 235 33rd Avenue S. St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 253-8424 -- Work Laurie Brickley Minnesota Historical Society 345 Kellogg Blvd. W. St. Paul, MN w) 297-1827 003345 Hecker, John C. 1501 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 646-6912 Architect 4 13 09/15/97 W M 9-15-97 HPC Bob Mack MacDOnald & Mack Architects, ltd. Grain Exchange Bldg., Ste. 712 Minneapolis, MN 55415 aq •�y� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 10 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS w) 341-4051 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Ms. Nina Zannieri Ex. Director Paul Revere Memorial Assn. 19 North Savane Boston, MA 02113 w) (617) 523-2338 David Heide David Heide Designs Grain Exchange Bldg., Ste. 710 Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 341-4051 003545 Holman, John C. 701 Oakland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 651 227-6086 Owner/Manager 2-1-99 HPC: 2 16 Michael J. Galvin, Jr. 1303 Bohland Place St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 651 699-5709 w) 651 223-6553 Edward Stringer 712 Linwood Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55105 651 699-9383 w) 651 296-4033 Howard Guthmann 683 W. Wentworth Mendota Heights, MN SS11S h) 651 450-0011 w) 651 222-1801 002505 Kabat, Sheryl 535 Brainerd St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 778-9602 Weed & Seed Coordinator 5 5 02/O1/99 W M 03/20/98 W F Julie Farnella 935 E. Cook a9 �ay� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 11 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT i REFERENCE COMMENTS St. Paul, MN H0774-4359 Betsy Batt H) 778-8994 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH C�EN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -"------ --- --- --- Jane Lee 3rd Avenue S. South St. Paul, MN H) 435-6712 W) 296-3245 March 20, 1998 Aeritage Preservation Commissi(on Councilmember Jim Reiter w) 266-8650 Susan Maldonado 381 E. Cook h) 774-1010 Karen Sullivan 531 Brainerd h) 776-2617 9-21-98 Planning Commission Councilmember Jim Reiter 320 City Aa11 w) 266-8650 { Council President Dan Bostrom 320 City Ha11 w) 266-8660 Karen Sullivan 531 Brainerd h) 774-2617 003228 Keenan, Sheila 1088 E. Hyacinth Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 776-6394 6 5 09/16/97 W F Jeanne Steinhagen 740 Mississippi River Rd_, Apt. SE 99.-'�y� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMISTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 12 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm_ FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS St. Paul h) 699-3340 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Mary Gillman 4033 16th Ave. S. Mpls., MN h) 724-0175 w) 962-6554 Sheryl Kabat (no address or phone # listed by applicant) Heard about opening from Carrie Wasley (emplo{yed by City of St. Paul/St. Paul Police Dept.) 003543 Krenik, John Frank 3 15 O1/26/99 W M 1270 Cleveland Avenue South St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 651 699-6555 Special Education Teacher 1-26-99 HPC: Thomas Conlon St. Paul School Board Member 2183 Berkeley Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 651 699-7399 Patrick Quinn Director of Plant Planning and Maintenance St. Paul Public Schools w) 651 293-5140 Mike Kleinschmidt 252 Liberty Street Winona, MN 55987-3711 h) 507 452-9160 003444 Kusnierek, Carol 54 Geranium Avenue W. St. Paul, MN 55117 FIOme - 487-2290 Landscaping 3-9-98 HPC 0 03/09J9S W F Dorothy 0linger aa •�y� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 289 Harrison Ave., #3 St. Paul, 55102 h) 224-1283 w) 649-0518 Michael Port 3511 39th Ave. S. Mpls., 55406 h) 729-4551 Monica Penner 2449 queen St. E., #5 Toronto, ON MYE 1H7 Canada h) (416) 530-0355 003535 Larson, Martha 112 Western Avenue N., #1 St. Paul, MN 55102 Aome - 290-2735 Chief Fin. Officer/MN Wild 1-9-99 HPC Tim Marx 1736 Yorkshire Avenue St. Pau1, MN h) 698-4995 w) 223-6600 Pamela Wheelock 1843 Highland Parkway h) 698-1164 w) 266-6628 David Thune 26 Irvine Park St. Paul, MN h) 227-2511 w) 266-6000 003221 Lloyd, Thomas 694 Oakdale Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 Home - 292-8352 Owner/Old Sty1e Restoration David VanLandshoot Justine Properties 572 Asbury St. Paul w) 641-0166 PAGE 13 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTEiER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 1 8 O1/09/99 W F 07/24/96 NA Y Cheryl Diskson q9 •zy� 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE : HPC Heritage PreseYVation Co[nm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Q1f44 PAGE 14 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) M.H.C. 987 ivy St. Paul 003546 Luna, Judy 5 925 W. Nevada Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 651 488-5809 Hair Stylist 2-2-99 HPC: Barb Metz, Owner Posh Hair Design 14 E. 4th St. St. Pau1, MN 55101 h) 633-5415 w) 651 227-7481 Eli Boyum 12 B Irvine Park (651) 227-5681 w) 612 336-5656 Marge Hols 1180 Summit Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55105 h) 651 227-3762 003519 Maldonado, Anastacia Belladonna 1098 Marion Street St. Paul, MN 5511'J Home - 488-9897 Lawyer 10 9-21-98 HPC & NST (STAR Program) S. Richard Cabrera Dean of Students William Mitchell Law School 825 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN w) 290-6422 Jim Brooks William Mitchell Law School w) 290-6319 Rev. Thomas Van Leer Chaplain Henneping County Home School 02f02/99 W F 09/21/98 U F q9 •�`�� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 15 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------" --- --- --- 14300 Cty. Hwy. 62 Minnetonka 003447 McMaster, Jennifer 22 W. George Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Home - 222-1785 Architect 3-18-98 HPC Bob Roscoe 1401 E. River Road 317-0989 Steve Weeks 89 Curch Street S.E. Mpls., MN 55455 624-2832/339-2685 John Rohrman 711 W. Lake St., Ste. 304 Mpls., MN 55408 825-8302 003499 Mejia, Matthew J. 675 Ho11y Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 2 3 03/18/9S W F 1 8 09/21/9S H M Capitol Planning Board Home - (651) 229-0045 Financial Planner 9-21-98 Planning Commission & HPC: Patrick Loonan Capital City Partnership w) 291-5604 Russ nelson Nelson, Tietz & Hoye 81 S. 9th St., #330 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 359-3202 qg-�y� 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 16 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ A1 Rashid 1221 Nicollet mall, �400 Minneapolis, MN 55403 w) (612) 347-8601 001527 Meuwissen, Lawrence E. 8 Bates Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 651 774-3418 Lawyer Karl Neid TCHNS: Liberty Bank Bldg. h) 771-9680 w) 645-9164 Larry Kitto 1227 Marion h) 488-4855 7 4 Jerome Lantry 2169 Beech Street h) 735-0139 w) 835-7035 ------------------------------ 12-14-95 Heritage Preservation Richard Parnel 1957 Selby Ave. h) 646-3238 w) 486-3219 Art Baumeister 700 St. Pau1 Bldg. h) 454-6732 w) 224-5686 Richard Anfang 411 Main Street w) 224-9445 1-7-99 HPC: Gladys MOrton 26 W_ lOth Street, #1808 St. Pau1, MN h) 229-0201 O1/07/99 W M Jim Erchul 823 E. 7th Street h) 774-6995 w) 774-6995 �9 -zy\ 03-10-99 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 17 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---"------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Martha Ba11ou 1188 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN h) 642-9928 w) (612) 321-9800 002716 Meyer, Fred E. 1 475 Iglehart Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 Home - 651 227-1855 Sales/Marketing Consultant Norm Coleman John Apitz Rev. Wade Schimmell 1-25-99 HPC; STAR Mayor Norm Coleman w) (651) 266-8510 Chuck Erickson Minneapolis h) 612 377-1375 w) 651 291-7909 Harold Schippits New Brighton h) 651 636-1248 w) 612 348-6857 003527 Moen, Wayne J. 7 387 Maple Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 776-3538 IIesignerfDrafter 6-19-98 HPC Eugene Piccolo 397 Maple Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Karen DuPaul 668 Greenbrier h) 776-0550 Carol Carey 635 Bates Avenue 8 4 O1/25/99 W M 06/19/98 W M qq-a�\ 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 18 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- ------- --- --- --- h) 774-0218 002554 Nordin, Cathy 1427 No. Albert Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 646-5918 Architect Leo Monster Horty Elving & Assoc. H) 481-1293 W) 332-4422 Bi11 snyder W) 545-3731 Mike Kinner H} 374-1629 W) 332-3944 4 10 Planning Commission 11-12-96 Planning Commission & HPC Julie Hoff District 10 C.O. 1556 Como Avenue, 55108 w) 644-3889 Dennis O'Rourke Past Chair of District 10 Community Council Midway Parkway h) 641-0834 Dave C1ark 7392 Ontario Boulevard Eden Prairie, MN h) 934-4460 W) 541-9969 003529 Oertel, Jeffrey L. Oertel Architects 140fi West Lake St., Ste. 201 Mpls., MN 55408 Work - 825-6613 Architect 3 14 11/12/96 W F 12/24/98 W M 12-24-98 HPC: Charles Nelson State Historical Architect �t9 •zy� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 PAGE 19 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTI-IER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ___________________________________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ State Aistoricial Society of Minnesota 345 Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 w) 651-296-5434 James C. O'Nei11 Attorney The Markham Company of St. Paul 408 St. Peter Street, Suite 425 Hamm Building St. Paul, MN 55102 w) 651-222-7463 Mark Swenson President, Elness Swenson Graham Architects Ilnc. 700 Third Street South Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 612-339-5508 003331 Puhl, Daniel G. 881 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 298-9880 Logistics Mgt. Specialist Stephen R. Frohrip 5704 44th Ave_ South Mpls., 55417 h) 727-1248 w) 520-6301 David M. Olson 1196 Parkwood Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 h) 730-6910 w) 70-5618 Curtis L. Newcomb 2565 Bayberry Avenue Stillwater, MN h) 351-7257 w) 296-4585 1 8 65A 09/03/97 W M 003528 Rathman, Deborah E. 6 06/22/98 W F �l`l •�`�� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT WMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 775 Fairmount Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55105-3342 Home - 222-4998 Architect 6-22-98 HPC: Duan Kell 821 Raymond Avenue, 55114 w) 645-6806 Ronald Ankeny 821 Raymond AVenue, 55114 w) 645-6806 PAGE 20 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Earl Gotnik MN Historical Soecity--Exhibit Design 345 Kellogg B1vd., W. St. Pau1 w) 296-6126 003523 Scott, Daniel L. 1 8 12/22/98 W 153 Western Avenue, #4 St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 310-9847 Lawyer 12-22-98 St. Paul Planning and Neighborhood S{ales Tax (STAR): Theres M. Pautz (Attorney & Former Colleague) 1769 N. Lexington Ave., Suite 330 St. Paul, MN 55113 h) 644-2455 w) 644-1288 Mike Smeby University National Bank (Loan Officer) 200 University Avenue W. St. Paul, MN 55103 h) 453-1846 w) 298-6750 Craig W. Johnson Hoversten Johnson Beckmann, P.A. Attorney & Former Boss 807 Oakland Avenue W. Austin, MN 55912 h) (507) 437-6438 w) (507) 433-3483 003092 Sprung, Albert F. 6 2 11/28/95 W M M q� -a�t� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 21 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT ➢ISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 957 Flandrau St. Paul� MN 55106 Home - 772-2880 Chemical Technican Joey Lundquist 6286 Upper 35th St. Court N. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) �79-4270 w) 832-2600 Robert Bohlken 2253 Pinehurst Lane Stillwater, MN 55082 h) 430-1465 Peter Hanson 1023 Ti11er Lane Shoreview, MN 55126 h) 484-7382 w) 291-9472 003550 Starns, Byron E. Leonard, Street & Dienard MN Wor1d Trade Ctr,/Ste. 2270 30 E. Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Wo�k - (651) 291-3503 Lawyer/Shareholder 2-5-99 HPC: 4 13 Zan Stewart Minnesota Historical Society/ 1901 Berkeley avenue h) (651) 690-3936 w) (651) 297-5513 Richard B. Allyn 2100 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN h) {651) 644-8044 w) (612) 349-8571 A. David & Betsy Ke11y 44 Kenwood Parkway St. Paul, MN h) (651) 291-1786 w) (612) 341-0881 003537 VinZant, Ray 7 1 605 S. Winthrop Lane 02/OS/99 W M O1/14/99 W M q���y� 03-10-99 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 22 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 612 578-1864 Bus. Mgr./A-1 Rootmaster 1-14-99 Planning Commission, Heritage Preserv{ation Commission & STAR Board: Judy Fotsch 2133 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 646-6216 Norm Coleman, Mayor 390 City Hall h) 227-5178 w) 266-8525 Bob Guy 602 S. Winthrop Lane St. Pau1, MN 55119 h) 738-2847 003094 Walgrave, Amy Lynn #2 St. Anthony Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 645-9238 Asst to Pres. @ MN Landmarks 4 13 11/22/95 W F David Lanegran, Ph.D. Dept. of Geography Macalester College 1600 Grand Ave., 55105 w) 696-6504--Macalester w) 292-3285--MN Landmarks Judy Brooks 456 Ashland Avenue, 55102 w) 292-3276 Ian Pitz Meshbesher Birrell & Dunlap 2450 Park Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55404 w) 871-7000 003246 Warner, Linda K. 4 14 2020 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 11/18/96 W F °�g-a�\ 03-10-99 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 23 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- �------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Home - 699-2941 FAX 6993431 Economist/Se1f-Employed Robert Long 2143 Berkeley Avenue St. Paul h) 690-1212 w) 337-9209 John E. Blomquist or Nicky Scarrella John E. elomquist, Inc. 700 Empire Building 360 N. Robert w) 222-3081 Bi11 Buth St. Paul Building Owner's & Manager's Assn. 645 Capital Centre P1aza w) 291-8888 003539 Wolfgramm, Richard G. Wolfgramm & Gleeson Architects P.A. 336 N. Robert St., Ste. #207 St. Paul, MN 55101-1504 Work - 651 223-8980 Architect 2 16 O1/19/99 W M 1-19-99 HPC: Larry Dowell, Presient St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce lst National Bank Building, Ste. #4-205 332 Minnesota Street w) 651 265-2770 Ray Faricy, Attorney Faricy & Dunn Firstar Central 101 East Sth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 297-8484 Richard (Dick) Zehring We1sh Companies, Inc. w) 897-7779 002973 Woods, Donald Z. 1 8 11/OS/96 W M 554 Portland Avenue °1 g -�`��. 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 222-0009 Retired Edward Wilson 476 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 291-0813 Richard McDermott 481 Laurel St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 222-5189 Priscilla Farnham 75 W. Fifth Street St. Pau1, MN 55102 H) 436-5442 PAGE 24 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 003414 Wovcha, Sarah 1673 Taylor Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 641-1727 Attorney 03/06/98 W F Health Services Adv. Comm. 3-6-98 Community Health Svcs., APC, Riverfron{t Corporation: Claire Press 1600 Lafond Ave., 55104 h) 647-9263 w) 228-3283 Carolyn Clemmons 331 21st Ave. S.E. Mpls., 55414 h) 331-1125 Jeffrey Dalton Conrod 36 Spruce Place Mpls., 55403 h) 338-1879 w) 290-1333 ORIGINAL Council File # `'Z� Green Sheet # �C'� � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the SAINT PAUL s HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMNIISSION. 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 Daniel L. Scott shall serve a three-year term which shall expire on December 31, 2001. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By' Appr By: By: Form Approved by City Attorney gy; FYj�I,I�J � �ZNC 3 �_�P� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: C� Adopted by Council: Date � � ��q ., T . , �,,,,,,�,, ., �tq -�`�,� DEPAR7MQJifOFFICElCOl1NC{L DATEIMmAIED ' ' ' r� co�e�n�5 Office 3-10-99 GREEN SHEET No 64�'76 CANTACT PERSON 8 RiONE NM1auDab Initlau0ate Alberto Quintela, Jr. 68529 3 ce.An,re+rwECrort rncou,ca. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATq March 17, 1999 � � a ,.,�,�,. ❑ d ,,.� wu�en Fort nartu�c �� wuwu�tamVeeFSOU� wiaxan�mnaacerc � WYORIORAL98fN11) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C710N REQUESTm Approval of the appointment of Daniel L. Scott to serve on the Saint Paul Aeritage Preservation Co�ission. RECAMMENDATION Approve () or Rejeet () VERSONAL SERVICE CON7FACi5 MUSTANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Fias Nis personffirtn ever xrorked under a canhact forthis department? PLANNING CAMMISSION YES NO � CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Nis persoNfilm ever heen a city empbyee7 CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION YE5 NO 3. Does fhis persoMrm possess a sidll not rw�mallypossessed by any curreM cRy employee� YES NO 4. I8 this pHSaMrm e tarpeted vendoYt VES NO 6�lain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet and attach to preen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY (Who, What, When, WMre, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � P. �aCrU�*S� �a?er��,r;°� e,,�n;�,, �,A4 � � DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED DISAWANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FlNPNCNL INFORMAl10N (IXPWN) aq-Z�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemart, Mayor Saint Paut, Minnesafa SSZD2 TO: FROM: DATE: 390 City HaII rs west aet[agg eoulevard Saint Paul Cit�Councilmembers Counciimember President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Michaei Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember 7ames Reiter j Alberto Quintela / Assistant to the Mayor � March 10, 1999 RE: Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) Telephnrte: (612) 266-85I0 Facsimi(e: (6I2) 2668513 Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of the foilowing individual to serve on the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. DAl�'IEL L. SCOTT Daniel Scott shall serve a three-year term which will expire on December 31, 2001. Attached is a copy of the resolution, a copy ofMr. Scott's application and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 3anuary l, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions or concerns. AQ:drm Attachments c: Aaron Rubenstein, HPC Staff ���`�- ,� I�ame: Home Address: StreeY Telephone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred 1�Iailine Address: �Vhat is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: l�l � ,LI.U,�.GN C C F OFFICE OF THE NIAYOR 390 CIT'Y AALL SAINT PAUL, NSINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Zip (Home) 31D-q43�� �vork)Zal'3556 (F:1X)��2 ���7 g City Couneii �Vard: f�3, oJ F. k�; (�-A-�ctt @.k. (sr.oh,.,�) . (� sr. Tku� ��.h-N��n�� tv� u.uccu�r.l �t Rk�..IT_Si U'�,U��in/�Tl/ �F{.'ftUi fl FI I�1�G1�.t�C� !N Ti �F9'( 1iEf�J *"F/�i��j1=r ' J /, �1J,�-fr�r.�u � y ��f/�trl(�t�s1�. �Ri]M Wcla�ii,l�� �cii �G��� l2� `J m C-� �cv �F ( b TEKcS � SC�(.1.C.,5 ��O. wUwtr7 �'�/��_��" 1"lkc— ft3c.�/6 C�] �(.l�ti�,�.�j_ The information included in this apptication is considered private data according to the blinnesota Gor•ernment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. �ic,�rz�-� ag-�.y� �Z-ZZ-9'� (OVER) Rev. 8-�-9 i A��.+`�tUDft-i�iTlFS �,U.PUI�f-2S ��rA/t�l=/rC.n.tRc'RI (A�1uKC-2jb �J�-fG�tiSScoNh1.1 (u �1 u ��- 1 '�Vhat skiils, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? PERSONAL REFE FN E Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: U� �Vl���� Address: $U? Q�FL'�/o iy.� (J A..a��t,/ ,/„�N �j591 Phone: �S Reasons for your interest in this particul�r committee: �tC In1 SK—�r.rG '('� n ,,.�_..,.. �_,a., _ -+�,, ,�_ . _ , Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making apptication? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reRects the makeup of our community, ptease check the line applicable to yoa This information is strictly voluntary. _� White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �_ 1�Iale Female Disabled: Yes No �_ If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander D:tte of $irth: �llz � /�,S � How did yov hear �bout this opening? �!'.5 e��:i: '� � � �.,�, r • FEE.-C9 49(7UE1 1G �? h;l.�c; k�CuL�`SEL a9 • ��� Pro,hle of Daniel E. Scott, Esq. Kino & Counsel, L.L.C. I500 Landmazk Tow:rs 345 St. Peter Street S2int Paul, M\T 55102 (652) 291-3556 Dan joined King & Hatch, a locai Saint Pau] law firm, in 1996 afrer several years with a general practice firm in Southem Minnesota. As of January 1, 1999, King & Hatch merged with former members of the Zelle & Lazson law firm to form King & Counsel, L.L.C., a Saint Paul-based natinn211aw firm with offices in S2n Francisco and Miami, Consistent wicn the fum�s focus, Dan is a civil Iitigator, handli.n� cace$ in the fields of go�•exnmentdi, products, premises and automobile liability and insurynce coverage. He zealously represenu municipalities, business owners, manufacturers, professionals, insurers and insureds in litigarion matters. A South Dakota native, ban is a graduate of A;wstana College in Sioux Falls and William Mitchell Coliege of Law in Saint Paul. �Vhile an u�dzrgraduate student, Dan wa; active in many camp¢s acrivities and �vas cnptain and a�daemi� �11-America on the intercollegiate wresfling squad. After earning his bachelor's degree, he uaveletl the country as an admissions professional, recruiting students for Ius alma mater. During taw schooI, Dan was keenly involved in uial advocacy programs, competing on the internahonal moot coun team. ge was also a member of tne law school admissions cornmittee and served in other voluntary capacit��� for the school. Since law school graduation, Dan has become an energetic participant in communiry, church and professional activiries. He serves in volunteer capacities as a youth educator, mentor, coach, fundraiser and lay ��St� D� y�so enjoys volunteer work within the poli�cal arena Professionally, he is admitted to practice law in Minnesota and Souch Dakota and is a member ot t�'e Ramsey Cau�ty, Min.aesdta, South Dakota, and American bar associaIIons. Dan presently serves aS an officer and/or active member of the Professionali5m Committee, Commnniry Outreach Cnmmittee and Iv*ew Lavryers Section of the Minnesota State Baz Association. Home Residence 153 �Vestern Avenue N. Unit 4 Saint Paul, yiN SSIO2 (651) 310-9847 7�L o�l ??% 8�?2 � P. c.: -,- References for Daniel L. Scott, Esq. Father Andcew Cozzens Ca�edral of Saint Pzul 239 Selby Avcnue S2�n� Pau�, ivLN 55102 (65I) 228-1766 bSr. Scott Steven;on 3'v1 Insurance Claims hlanager 846 Fairnyou�� Avenue Sai.nt Paul, MN SSIOi (651) 224-7915 Judge Date E, L�� Rzmsey Co. Courthouse 151N. KelIogg $1vd. Saint Pzu�, ,�N SS102 (651) 266-8342 aq�.y� 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) 003436 Alstead, Stephanie 1206 Lafond Avenue St. Paul� MN 55104 Home - 646-1662 Architectural Designer 3-6-98 HPC Beth Randall H-MARC 700 Cook Ave. E., 55106 h) 771-2004 w) 644-0065 Chuck Hively, Architect 17284 Round Lake Rd. Eden Prairie, MN 55346 h) 937-2930 w) 645-8576 1 11 03/06/98 W F ICris Robinson 1182 Lafond Ave., 55104 h) 644-3262 w) 671-4659 003196 Austin, Becky 625 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 227-4168 Designer 1 8 07/OS/96 W F ave Morford 184 George Street, 55107 h) 222-5998 Jeff Ausha 862 Summit Avenue, 55105 h) 224-9374 Jeff Weisbach 321 Colborne h) 224-6578 003549 Berin, Mary 2019 Juliet Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - (651) 690-0060 Co-FOUnder/Partner NewArt 3 14 12/24/98 U F 12-24-98 HPC Resume submitted...no references listed qq •Zy \ 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMZTTEE : HPC Aetitage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- �01033 S1ick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Home - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 1 8 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mp1s h) 375-1037 Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Toqether 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 02/20/98 W F --------------"------------------------------{------------ 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {Job Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zotning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame(ricans and Parks-Rec: { 9� -�y� 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 3 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ______..____________________________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 2-20-98 Re£erences for Multiple Committees (S{ee ,$16 section) Rebecca HofEman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1521 University Avenue, Ste. 312 003376 Blissenbach, Ken 489 View Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 222-2555 Self-Employed, Consultant 2 9 02/26/98 W M Mary Yaeger 489 View St., 55102 h) 222-2558 w0 220-8290 May Lund 10839 Upton Ave. S. Bloomington h) 851-5012 w) 861-2245 chuck and Rose McGuire 177 Bedford Ave. S.E. h) 379-7390 A11 of above refetences listed 2-26-98 for CI{B; HPC; RRDC; Planning Commission and Workforce Dev. Cnc. 002944 Brown, Sherri Mortenson 2 16 12/28/98 W F 10 Victoria S. St_ Paul, MN 55105 Fiome - 291-9189 Policy Analyst, Dept. Commerce Valerie Whitehead 9q-��\ 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : HPC Aeritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ------- -- --- -- 1951 Montreal St. Paul, MN 55116 H) 698-9652 12-28-98 HPC; P.C. and NST (STARj: Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Aall, 55102 Alberto Quintela, Jr. 390 City Hall, 55102 003366 Crowther, James C. 757 East Sixth Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 793-0917 Restoration/Rea1 Estate 7 4 02/13/98 U rr Louis Sudheimer 439 Portland Ave., 55102 h) 297-9195 w) 648-7718 Charlie Nelson MN Historical Society w) 296-5475 Jame McGrew 1442 James Avenue h) 698-4569 000213 Dana, Richard Jet Construction & Remodelinq, Znc. 905 Jefferson Avenue, #30S St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - (651) 228-9490 GeneYal Building Contractor 2 16 02J08/99 W � 2-8-99 HPC and STAR: Thomas Fabel Lindquist & Vennum 444 Cedar Street, #920 St. Pau1, MN 55101 h) (651) 636-2423 (w) (651) 312-1300 Humphrey Doermann 736 Goodrich Avenue qq-zy� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS St. Paul, MN 55105 h) (651) 224-0921 PAGE 5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- -- --- Robert Kreischer, Director Mounds Park Academy 2051 E. Larpenteur Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55109 h) (651) 994-1448 w) (651) 777-2555 003525 Davis, Ted 456 Warwick Street St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 690-9852 Communications Consultant 14 12-28-98 Planning Commission & HPC: Larry Dowe11 President, St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce 332 Minnesota St., Ste. N-205 St. Paul, MN 55101 h) 223-5000 w) 223-5000 Rick Aguilar Aguilar Productions 602 smith Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 w) 292-9574 003522 Donnelly, Stan D. 5 Heather Place St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - (651) 221-9800 President/Manufacturing Co. 2 16 12/28/98 W M 12/21/98 W M 12-21-98 HPC, Business Review Counail, BZA, P{lanning Commission Darwin Reedy 5 Peninsula Drive Dellwood, MN 55110 (h) (651) 429-6433 F�' 003086 DuPaul, Angela 4 10/31/95 W F 668 Greenbrier St. Paul, MN 55106 °l9 -a� \ 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCAI3T5 REPORT PAGE 6 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- -- --- Home - 776-0550 Student/Lakewood Com. College 003552 Duckstad, Jon 46 E. Fourth Street 1310 Minnesota Building St. Paul� MN 55101 Work - (651) 227-3236 Attorney 3 15 2-15-99 Planning Commission & HPC: Joseph O•Neill, Esq. 1250 World Trade Center 30 E. Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55101 w) (651) 298-8300 Robert Fletcher Ramsey County Sheriff Adult Detention Center 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard St. Pau1, MN 55102 w) (651) 266-9303 Councilmember Jim ReiteY 310 City Ha11 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 w) (651) 266-8650 02/15/99 W M 003492 Enzler, Sherry A. 4 13 09J21/98 W F 1426 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - (651) 917-0374 Attorney 9-21-98 HPC; Human Rights; Capitol Area P1ann{ing Board & Planning Commission: SuSan Gaertner 9g -�y\ 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 7 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/01�94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ____�___ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Ramsey County Attorney 50 W. Rellogg Blvd., Ste. 315 St. Pau1, MN 55102 w� 651-266-3222 Bill Schreiber, Director IGR Policy, MNDot 395 John Ireland Blvd. h) 651-424-8081 w) 651-296-0369 Rebecca Comstock, Esq. Dorsey � whitney 220 S. Sixth St. Mpls., MN 55402 h) 651-471-9175 w) 612 340-2987 003213 Esser, Heather 491 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 298-8350 Public Program Coordinator 8 07j26f96 W �a Susan Roth Minnesota Historical Society 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55101-1906 Michael Koop MN Historical Society 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. Peggy Kovsmo-Kennon MN Historical Society 345 W. Kellogg 003531 Fotsch, Harold "Ha1" Moore, Costello & Hart 1400 Norwest Center 55 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 651 602-2609 Attorney 13 Planning Commission 12/28/98 U M 12-28-98 Planning Commission; HPC & NST (STAR{): Major Norman S. Marshall St. Paul Area Coordinator °19-��� 03-10-99 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 8 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Salvation Army 1031 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN w) 771-0015 Greg Wandersee, President Merriam Park Community Service 2000 St. Anthony Avenue St. Paul, MN w) 645-0349 Reverend Peter Roehlre 1849 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN h) 698-1246 w) 645-9154 003526 Freshly, Hal 399 Eichenwald Street St. Paul, MN 55106-5007 Home - 778-8765 Planner/Dept. Human Services 6-17-98 HPC Eric Hendrickson 395 Eichenwald Street, 55106 h) 776-3475 Rolf T. Anderson 212 W. 38th Street Minneapolis, MN 55408 h) 824-7807 Biil Byers 572 Lincoln Avenue, Apt. 11 St. Pau1, MN 55110 003365 Fu11er, Joan 1161 Randolph Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 695-0958 Natl. Admissions Rep/HOtels 3 14 06/17/98 W M 02/17/98 W F 2-17-98 Youth Fund & HPC Officer Sames Quinn Newport Police Dept. Broadway, Newport, RZ 02840 w) (4010 847-0088, X 240 q`t-�.�1� 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLZCANT � REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Eileen Morrice hasbro Toy Company RiveYSide, RI w) 9401) 725-8697, X 8747 Ronnie Getter 1149 Randolph Ave. St. pau1, MN h) 690-462'7 003252 Greiner, Kathryn 1734 Sherwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 776-4273 Graphic Designer 6 2 11/21/96 W F Carol Gaetz Planning Office St. Cloud City Hall 400 2nd Street St. Cloud, MN w) (320) 255-7218 Dave Ebnet Stearns County Historical Society 235 33rd Avenue S. Stearns County Historical Society 235 33rd Avenue S. St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 253-8424 -- Work Laurie Brickley Minnesota Historical Society 345 Kellogg Blvd. W. St. Paul, MN w) 297-1827 003345 Hecker, John C. 1501 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 646-6912 Architect 4 13 09/15/97 W M 9-15-97 HPC Bob Mack MacDOnald & Mack Architects, ltd. Grain Exchange Bldg., Ste. 712 Minneapolis, MN 55415 aq •�y� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 10 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS w) 341-4051 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Ms. Nina Zannieri Ex. Director Paul Revere Memorial Assn. 19 North Savane Boston, MA 02113 w) (617) 523-2338 David Heide David Heide Designs Grain Exchange Bldg., Ste. 710 Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 341-4051 003545 Holman, John C. 701 Oakland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 651 227-6086 Owner/Manager 2-1-99 HPC: 2 16 Michael J. Galvin, Jr. 1303 Bohland Place St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 651 699-5709 w) 651 223-6553 Edward Stringer 712 Linwood Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55105 651 699-9383 w) 651 296-4033 Howard Guthmann 683 W. Wentworth Mendota Heights, MN SS11S h) 651 450-0011 w) 651 222-1801 002505 Kabat, Sheryl 535 Brainerd St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 778-9602 Weed & Seed Coordinator 5 5 02/O1/99 W M 03/20/98 W F Julie Farnella 935 E. Cook a9 �ay� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 11 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT i REFERENCE COMMENTS St. Paul, MN H0774-4359 Betsy Batt H) 778-8994 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH C�EN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -"------ --- --- --- Jane Lee 3rd Avenue S. South St. Paul, MN H) 435-6712 W) 296-3245 March 20, 1998 Aeritage Preservation Commissi(on Councilmember Jim Reiter w) 266-8650 Susan Maldonado 381 E. Cook h) 774-1010 Karen Sullivan 531 Brainerd h) 776-2617 9-21-98 Planning Commission Councilmember Jim Reiter 320 City Aa11 w) 266-8650 { Council President Dan Bostrom 320 City Ha11 w) 266-8660 Karen Sullivan 531 Brainerd h) 774-2617 003228 Keenan, Sheila 1088 E. Hyacinth Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 776-6394 6 5 09/16/97 W F Jeanne Steinhagen 740 Mississippi River Rd_, Apt. SE 99.-'�y� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMISTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 12 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm_ FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS St. Paul h) 699-3340 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Mary Gillman 4033 16th Ave. S. Mpls., MN h) 724-0175 w) 962-6554 Sheryl Kabat (no address or phone # listed by applicant) Heard about opening from Carrie Wasley (emplo{yed by City of St. Paul/St. Paul Police Dept.) 003543 Krenik, John Frank 3 15 O1/26/99 W M 1270 Cleveland Avenue South St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 651 699-6555 Special Education Teacher 1-26-99 HPC: Thomas Conlon St. Paul School Board Member 2183 Berkeley Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 651 699-7399 Patrick Quinn Director of Plant Planning and Maintenance St. Paul Public Schools w) 651 293-5140 Mike Kleinschmidt 252 Liberty Street Winona, MN 55987-3711 h) 507 452-9160 003444 Kusnierek, Carol 54 Geranium Avenue W. St. Paul, MN 55117 FIOme - 487-2290 Landscaping 3-9-98 HPC 0 03/09J9S W F Dorothy 0linger aa •�y� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 289 Harrison Ave., #3 St. Paul, 55102 h) 224-1283 w) 649-0518 Michael Port 3511 39th Ave. S. Mpls., 55406 h) 729-4551 Monica Penner 2449 queen St. E., #5 Toronto, ON MYE 1H7 Canada h) (416) 530-0355 003535 Larson, Martha 112 Western Avenue N., #1 St. Paul, MN 55102 Aome - 290-2735 Chief Fin. Officer/MN Wild 1-9-99 HPC Tim Marx 1736 Yorkshire Avenue St. Pau1, MN h) 698-4995 w) 223-6600 Pamela Wheelock 1843 Highland Parkway h) 698-1164 w) 266-6628 David Thune 26 Irvine Park St. Paul, MN h) 227-2511 w) 266-6000 003221 Lloyd, Thomas 694 Oakdale Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 Home - 292-8352 Owner/Old Sty1e Restoration David VanLandshoot Justine Properties 572 Asbury St. Paul w) 641-0166 PAGE 13 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTEiER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 1 8 O1/09/99 W F 07/24/96 NA Y Cheryl Diskson q9 •zy� 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE : HPC Heritage PreseYVation Co[nm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Q1f44 PAGE 14 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) M.H.C. 987 ivy St. Paul 003546 Luna, Judy 5 925 W. Nevada Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 651 488-5809 Hair Stylist 2-2-99 HPC: Barb Metz, Owner Posh Hair Design 14 E. 4th St. St. Pau1, MN 55101 h) 633-5415 w) 651 227-7481 Eli Boyum 12 B Irvine Park (651) 227-5681 w) 612 336-5656 Marge Hols 1180 Summit Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55105 h) 651 227-3762 003519 Maldonado, Anastacia Belladonna 1098 Marion Street St. Paul, MN 5511'J Home - 488-9897 Lawyer 10 9-21-98 HPC & NST (STAR Program) S. Richard Cabrera Dean of Students William Mitchell Law School 825 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN w) 290-6422 Jim Brooks William Mitchell Law School w) 290-6319 Rev. Thomas Van Leer Chaplain Henneping County Home School 02f02/99 W F 09/21/98 U F q9 •�`�� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 15 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------" --- --- --- 14300 Cty. Hwy. 62 Minnetonka 003447 McMaster, Jennifer 22 W. George Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Home - 222-1785 Architect 3-18-98 HPC Bob Roscoe 1401 E. River Road 317-0989 Steve Weeks 89 Curch Street S.E. Mpls., MN 55455 624-2832/339-2685 John Rohrman 711 W. Lake St., Ste. 304 Mpls., MN 55408 825-8302 003499 Mejia, Matthew J. 675 Ho11y Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 2 3 03/18/9S W F 1 8 09/21/9S H M Capitol Planning Board Home - (651) 229-0045 Financial Planner 9-21-98 Planning Commission & HPC: Patrick Loonan Capital City Partnership w) 291-5604 Russ nelson Nelson, Tietz & Hoye 81 S. 9th St., #330 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 359-3202 qg-�y� 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 16 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ A1 Rashid 1221 Nicollet mall, �400 Minneapolis, MN 55403 w) (612) 347-8601 001527 Meuwissen, Lawrence E. 8 Bates Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 651 774-3418 Lawyer Karl Neid TCHNS: Liberty Bank Bldg. h) 771-9680 w) 645-9164 Larry Kitto 1227 Marion h) 488-4855 7 4 Jerome Lantry 2169 Beech Street h) 735-0139 w) 835-7035 ------------------------------ 12-14-95 Heritage Preservation Richard Parnel 1957 Selby Ave. h) 646-3238 w) 486-3219 Art Baumeister 700 St. Pau1 Bldg. h) 454-6732 w) 224-5686 Richard Anfang 411 Main Street w) 224-9445 1-7-99 HPC: Gladys MOrton 26 W_ lOth Street, #1808 St. Pau1, MN h) 229-0201 O1/07/99 W M Jim Erchul 823 E. 7th Street h) 774-6995 w) 774-6995 �9 -zy\ 03-10-99 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 17 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---"------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Martha Ba11ou 1188 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN h) 642-9928 w) (612) 321-9800 002716 Meyer, Fred E. 1 475 Iglehart Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 Home - 651 227-1855 Sales/Marketing Consultant Norm Coleman John Apitz Rev. Wade Schimmell 1-25-99 HPC; STAR Mayor Norm Coleman w) (651) 266-8510 Chuck Erickson Minneapolis h) 612 377-1375 w) 651 291-7909 Harold Schippits New Brighton h) 651 636-1248 w) 612 348-6857 003527 Moen, Wayne J. 7 387 Maple Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 776-3538 IIesignerfDrafter 6-19-98 HPC Eugene Piccolo 397 Maple Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Karen DuPaul 668 Greenbrier h) 776-0550 Carol Carey 635 Bates Avenue 8 4 O1/25/99 W M 06/19/98 W M qq-a�\ 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 18 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- ------- --- --- --- h) 774-0218 002554 Nordin, Cathy 1427 No. Albert Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 646-5918 Architect Leo Monster Horty Elving & Assoc. H) 481-1293 W) 332-4422 Bi11 snyder W) 545-3731 Mike Kinner H} 374-1629 W) 332-3944 4 10 Planning Commission 11-12-96 Planning Commission & HPC Julie Hoff District 10 C.O. 1556 Como Avenue, 55108 w) 644-3889 Dennis O'Rourke Past Chair of District 10 Community Council Midway Parkway h) 641-0834 Dave C1ark 7392 Ontario Boulevard Eden Prairie, MN h) 934-4460 W) 541-9969 003529 Oertel, Jeffrey L. Oertel Architects 140fi West Lake St., Ste. 201 Mpls., MN 55408 Work - 825-6613 Architect 3 14 11/12/96 W F 12/24/98 W M 12-24-98 HPC: Charles Nelson State Historical Architect �t9 •zy� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 PAGE 19 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTI-IER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ___________________________________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ State Aistoricial Society of Minnesota 345 Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 w) 651-296-5434 James C. O'Nei11 Attorney The Markham Company of St. Paul 408 St. Peter Street, Suite 425 Hamm Building St. Paul, MN 55102 w) 651-222-7463 Mark Swenson President, Elness Swenson Graham Architects Ilnc. 700 Third Street South Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 612-339-5508 003331 Puhl, Daniel G. 881 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 298-9880 Logistics Mgt. Specialist Stephen R. Frohrip 5704 44th Ave_ South Mpls., 55417 h) 727-1248 w) 520-6301 David M. Olson 1196 Parkwood Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 h) 730-6910 w) 70-5618 Curtis L. Newcomb 2565 Bayberry Avenue Stillwater, MN h) 351-7257 w) 296-4585 1 8 65A 09/03/97 W M 003528 Rathman, Deborah E. 6 06/22/98 W F �l`l •�`�� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT WMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 775 Fairmount Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55105-3342 Home - 222-4998 Architect 6-22-98 HPC: Duan Kell 821 Raymond Avenue, 55114 w) 645-6806 Ronald Ankeny 821 Raymond AVenue, 55114 w) 645-6806 PAGE 20 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Earl Gotnik MN Historical Soecity--Exhibit Design 345 Kellogg B1vd., W. St. Pau1 w) 296-6126 003523 Scott, Daniel L. 1 8 12/22/98 W 153 Western Avenue, #4 St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 310-9847 Lawyer 12-22-98 St. Paul Planning and Neighborhood S{ales Tax (STAR): Theres M. Pautz (Attorney & Former Colleague) 1769 N. Lexington Ave., Suite 330 St. Paul, MN 55113 h) 644-2455 w) 644-1288 Mike Smeby University National Bank (Loan Officer) 200 University Avenue W. St. Paul, MN 55103 h) 453-1846 w) 298-6750 Craig W. Johnson Hoversten Johnson Beckmann, P.A. Attorney & Former Boss 807 Oakland Avenue W. Austin, MN 55912 h) (507) 437-6438 w) (507) 433-3483 003092 Sprung, Albert F. 6 2 11/28/95 W M M q� -a�t� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 21 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT ➢ISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 957 Flandrau St. Paul� MN 55106 Home - 772-2880 Chemical Technican Joey Lundquist 6286 Upper 35th St. Court N. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) �79-4270 w) 832-2600 Robert Bohlken 2253 Pinehurst Lane Stillwater, MN 55082 h) 430-1465 Peter Hanson 1023 Ti11er Lane Shoreview, MN 55126 h) 484-7382 w) 291-9472 003550 Starns, Byron E. Leonard, Street & Dienard MN Wor1d Trade Ctr,/Ste. 2270 30 E. Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Wo�k - (651) 291-3503 Lawyer/Shareholder 2-5-99 HPC: 4 13 Zan Stewart Minnesota Historical Society/ 1901 Berkeley avenue h) (651) 690-3936 w) (651) 297-5513 Richard B. Allyn 2100 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN h) {651) 644-8044 w) (612) 349-8571 A. David & Betsy Ke11y 44 Kenwood Parkway St. Paul, MN h) (651) 291-1786 w) (612) 341-0881 003537 VinZant, Ray 7 1 605 S. Winthrop Lane 02/OS/99 W M O1/14/99 W M q���y� 03-10-99 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 22 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 612 578-1864 Bus. Mgr./A-1 Rootmaster 1-14-99 Planning Commission, Heritage Preserv{ation Commission & STAR Board: Judy Fotsch 2133 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 646-6216 Norm Coleman, Mayor 390 City Hall h) 227-5178 w) 266-8525 Bob Guy 602 S. Winthrop Lane St. Pau1, MN 55119 h) 738-2847 003094 Walgrave, Amy Lynn #2 St. Anthony Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 645-9238 Asst to Pres. @ MN Landmarks 4 13 11/22/95 W F David Lanegran, Ph.D. Dept. of Geography Macalester College 1600 Grand Ave., 55105 w) 696-6504--Macalester w) 292-3285--MN Landmarks Judy Brooks 456 Ashland Avenue, 55102 w) 292-3276 Ian Pitz Meshbesher Birrell & Dunlap 2450 Park Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55404 w) 871-7000 003246 Warner, Linda K. 4 14 2020 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 11/18/96 W F °�g-a�\ 03-10-99 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 23 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- �------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Home - 699-2941 FAX 6993431 Economist/Se1f-Employed Robert Long 2143 Berkeley Avenue St. Paul h) 690-1212 w) 337-9209 John E. Blomquist or Nicky Scarrella John E. elomquist, Inc. 700 Empire Building 360 N. Robert w) 222-3081 Bi11 Buth St. Paul Building Owner's & Manager's Assn. 645 Capital Centre P1aza w) 291-8888 003539 Wolfgramm, Richard G. Wolfgramm & Gleeson Architects P.A. 336 N. Robert St., Ste. #207 St. Paul, MN 55101-1504 Work - 651 223-8980 Architect 2 16 O1/19/99 W M 1-19-99 HPC: Larry Dowell, Presient St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce lst National Bank Building, Ste. #4-205 332 Minnesota Street w) 651 265-2770 Ray Faricy, Attorney Faricy & Dunn Firstar Central 101 East Sth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 297-8484 Richard (Dick) Zehring We1sh Companies, Inc. w) 897-7779 002973 Woods, Donald Z. 1 8 11/OS/96 W M 554 Portland Avenue °1 g -�`��. 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 222-0009 Retired Edward Wilson 476 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 291-0813 Richard McDermott 481 Laurel St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 222-5189 Priscilla Farnham 75 W. Fifth Street St. Pau1, MN 55102 H) 436-5442 PAGE 24 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 003414 Wovcha, Sarah 1673 Taylor Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 641-1727 Attorney 03/06/98 W F Health Services Adv. Comm. 3-6-98 Community Health Svcs., APC, Riverfron{t Corporation: Claire Press 1600 Lafond Ave., 55104 h) 647-9263 w) 228-3283 Carolyn Clemmons 331 21st Ave. S.E. Mpls., 55414 h) 331-1125 Jeffrey Dalton Conrod 36 Spruce Place Mpls., 55403 h) 338-1879 w) 290-1333 ORIGINAL Council File # `'Z� Green Sheet # �C'� � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the 2 appointment, made by the Mayor, of the following individual to serve on the SAINT PAUL s HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMNIISSION. 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 Daniel L. Scott shall serve a three-year term which shall expire on December 31, 2001. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By' Appr By: By: Form Approved by City Attorney gy; FYj�I,I�J � �ZNC 3 �_�P� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: C� Adopted by Council: Date � � ��q ., T . , �,,,,,,�,, ., �tq -�`�,� DEPAR7MQJifOFFICElCOl1NC{L DATEIMmAIED ' ' ' r� co�e�n�5 Office 3-10-99 GREEN SHEET No 64�'76 CANTACT PERSON 8 RiONE NM1auDab Initlau0ate Alberto Quintela, Jr. 68529 3 ce.An,re+rwECrort rncou,ca. MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATq March 17, 1999 � � a ,.,�,�,. ❑ d ,,.� wu�en Fort nartu�c �� wuwu�tamVeeFSOU� wiaxan�mnaacerc � WYORIORAL98fN11) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) C710N REQUESTm Approval of the appointment of Daniel L. Scott to serve on the Saint Paul Aeritage Preservation Co�ission. RECAMMENDATION Approve () or Rejeet () VERSONAL SERVICE CON7FACi5 MUSTANSWER TXE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Fias Nis personffirtn ever xrorked under a canhact forthis department? PLANNING CAMMISSION YES NO � CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has Nis persoNfilm ever heen a city empbyee7 CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION YE5 NO 3. Does fhis persoMrm possess a sidll not rw�mallypossessed by any curreM cRy employee� YES NO 4. I8 this pHSaMrm e tarpeted vendoYt VES NO 6�lain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet and attach to preen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPOR7UNITY (Who, What, When, WMre, Why) ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � P. �aCrU�*S� �a?er��,r;°� e,,�n;�,, �,A4 � � DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED DISAWANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� VES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FlNPNCNL INFORMAl10N (IXPWN) aq-Z�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Colemart, Mayor Saint Paut, Minnesafa SSZD2 TO: FROM: DATE: 390 City HaII rs west aet[agg eoulevard Saint Paul Cit�Councilmembers Counciimember President Daniel Bostrom Councilmember 7ay Benanav Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Michaei Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember 7ames Reiter j Alberto Quintela / Assistant to the Mayor � March 10, 1999 RE: Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) Telephnrte: (612) 266-85I0 Facsimi(e: (6I2) 2668513 Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments of the foilowing individual to serve on the Saint Paul Heritage Preservation Commission. DAl�'IEL L. SCOTT Daniel Scott shall serve a three-year term which will expire on December 31, 2001. Attached is a copy of the resolution, a copy ofMr. Scott's application and an applicant report listing applicants on file since 3anuary l, 1994. Feel free to contact me at 266-8529 if you have any questions or concerns. AQ:drm Attachments c: Aaron Rubenstein, HPC Staff ���`�- ,� I�ame: Home Address: StreeY Telephone Number: Planning District Council: Preferred 1�Iailine Address: �Vhat is your occupation? Place of Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: l�l � ,LI.U,�.GN C C F OFFICE OF THE NIAYOR 390 CIT'Y AALL SAINT PAUL, NSINNESOTA 55102 Phone: 266-8525 FAX: 266-8513 Zip (Home) 31D-q43�� �vork)Zal'3556 (F:1X)��2 ���7 g City Couneii �Vard: f�3, oJ F. k�; (�-A-�ctt @.k. (sr.oh,.,�) . (� sr. Tku� ��.h-N��n�� tv� u.uccu�r.l �t Rk�..IT_Si U'�,U��in/�Tl/ �F{.'ftUi fl FI I�1�G1�.t�C� !N Ti �F9'( 1iEf�J *"F/�i��j1=r ' J /, �1J,�-fr�r.�u � y ��f/�trl(�t�s1�. �Ri]M Wcla�ii,l�� �cii �G��� l2� `J m C-� �cv �F ( b TEKcS � SC�(.1.C.,5 ��O. wUwtr7 �'�/��_��" 1"lkc— ft3c.�/6 C�] �(.l�ti�,�.�j_ The information included in this apptication is considered private data according to the blinnesota Gor•ernment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. �ic,�rz�-� ag-�.y� �Z-ZZ-9'� (OVER) Rev. 8-�-9 i A��.+`�tUDft-i�iTlFS �,U.PUI�f-2S ��rA/t�l=/rC.n.tRc'RI (A�1uKC-2jb �J�-fG�tiSScoNh1.1 (u �1 u ��- 1 '�Vhat skiils, training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? PERSONAL REFE FN E Name: Address: Phone: Name: Address: Phone: Name: U� �Vl���� Address: $U? Q�FL'�/o iy.� (J A..a��t,/ ,/„�N �j591 Phone: �S Reasons for your interest in this particul�r committee: �tC In1 SK—�r.rG '('� n ,,.�_..,.. �_,a., _ -+�,, ,�_ . _ , Have you had previous contact with the committee for which you are making apptication? If so, when, and the circumstances? In an attempt to ensure that committee representation reRects the makeup of our community, ptease check the line applicable to yoa This information is strictly voluntary. _� White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �_ 1�Iale Female Disabled: Yes No �_ If special accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander D:tte of $irth: �llz � /�,S � How did yov hear �bout this opening? �!'.5 e��:i: '� � � �.,�, r • FEE.-C9 49(7UE1 1G �? h;l.�c; k�CuL�`SEL a9 • ��� Pro,hle of Daniel E. Scott, Esq. Kino & Counsel, L.L.C. I500 Landmazk Tow:rs 345 St. Peter Street S2int Paul, M\T 55102 (652) 291-3556 Dan joined King & Hatch, a locai Saint Pau] law firm, in 1996 afrer several years with a general practice firm in Southem Minnesota. As of January 1, 1999, King & Hatch merged with former members of the Zelle & Lazson law firm to form King & Counsel, L.L.C., a Saint Paul-based natinn211aw firm with offices in S2n Francisco and Miami, Consistent wicn the fum�s focus, Dan is a civil Iitigator, handli.n� cace$ in the fields of go�•exnmentdi, products, premises and automobile liability and insurynce coverage. He zealously represenu municipalities, business owners, manufacturers, professionals, insurers and insureds in litigarion matters. A South Dakota native, ban is a graduate of A;wstana College in Sioux Falls and William Mitchell Coliege of Law in Saint Paul. �Vhile an u�dzrgraduate student, Dan wa; active in many camp¢s acrivities and �vas cnptain and a�daemi� �11-America on the intercollegiate wresfling squad. After earning his bachelor's degree, he uaveletl the country as an admissions professional, recruiting students for Ius alma mater. During taw schooI, Dan was keenly involved in uial advocacy programs, competing on the internahonal moot coun team. ge was also a member of tne law school admissions cornmittee and served in other voluntary capacit��� for the school. Since law school graduation, Dan has become an energetic participant in communiry, church and professional activiries. He serves in volunteer capacities as a youth educator, mentor, coach, fundraiser and lay ��St� D� y�so enjoys volunteer work within the poli�cal arena Professionally, he is admitted to practice law in Minnesota and Souch Dakota and is a member ot t�'e Ramsey Cau�ty, Min.aesdta, South Dakota, and American bar associaIIons. Dan presently serves aS an officer and/or active member of the Professionali5m Committee, Commnniry Outreach Cnmmittee and Iv*ew Lavryers Section of the Minnesota State Baz Association. Home Residence 153 �Vestern Avenue N. Unit 4 Saint Paul, yiN SSIO2 (651) 310-9847 7�L o�l ??% 8�?2 � P. c.: -,- References for Daniel L. Scott, Esq. Father Andcew Cozzens Ca�edral of Saint Pzul 239 Selby Avcnue S2�n� Pau�, ivLN 55102 (65I) 228-1766 bSr. Scott Steven;on 3'v1 Insurance Claims hlanager 846 Fairnyou�� Avenue Sai.nt Paul, MN SSIOi (651) 224-7915 Judge Date E, L�� Rzmsey Co. Courthouse 151N. KelIogg $1vd. Saint Pzu�, ,�N SS102 (651) 266-8342 aq�.y� 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 1 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLZCATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) 003436 Alstead, Stephanie 1206 Lafond Avenue St. Paul� MN 55104 Home - 646-1662 Architectural Designer 3-6-98 HPC Beth Randall H-MARC 700 Cook Ave. E., 55106 h) 771-2004 w) 644-0065 Chuck Hively, Architect 17284 Round Lake Rd. Eden Prairie, MN 55346 h) 937-2930 w) 645-8576 1 11 03/06/98 W F ICris Robinson 1182 Lafond Ave., 55104 h) 644-3262 w) 671-4659 003196 Austin, Becky 625 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 227-4168 Designer 1 8 07/OS/96 W F ave Morford 184 George Street, 55107 h) 222-5998 Jeff Ausha 862 Summit Avenue, 55105 h) 224-9374 Jeff Weisbach 321 Colborne h) 224-6578 003549 Berin, Mary 2019 Juliet Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - (651) 690-0060 Co-FOUnder/Partner NewArt 3 14 12/24/98 U F 12-24-98 HPC Resume submitted...no references listed qq •Zy \ 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT PAGE 2 COMMZTTEE : HPC Aetitage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- �01033 S1ick, Beth 401 Ashland Avenue Saint Paul, MN 55102 Home - 291-8583 Unemployed Rita Adams 774-1040 Dawn Alexander 1535 Magnolia St. 776-2639 Ann Degroot 1434 Ashland Avenue 644-8464 or 822-0127 1 8 5-30-90 apps. for PHA, PA and FN Sara Tesch 1630 S. 6th Mp1s h) 375-1037 Nancy Wisocke 1630 S. 6th Mpls h) 375-1037 Walter Rupp Advocating Change Toqether 1821 University Ave, 55104 w) 641-0297 02/20/98 W F --------------"------------------------------{------------ 5-15-92 Refugee Advisory Committee, Parks and{ Recreation, Riverfront Redevelopment Corporation, H.H.H. {Job Corps Center, Neighborhood Advisory Committee, Affi{rmative Action Advisory Committee, Public Housing Aut{hority and Como Park Educational Resource Center Task Fo{rce. 2-20-98 Planning; Riverfront; HPC; ACOA; Disa{bilities; Bicycle; Food and Nutrition; Health Services,{ Human Rights; Business Review, Youth Fund Board, Zotning, Ryan White, Overnight Shelter; MELSA; NAC; New Ame(ricans and Parks-Rec: { 9� -�y� 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 3 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ______..____________________________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 2-20-98 Re£erences for Multiple Committees (S{ee ,$16 section) Rebecca HofEman Strong Currently Homeless w) 293-5913 (pager) 608-2760 Barb Warren Mental Health Resources 1821 University, Ste. 400 w) 659-2900 Mary Kay Kennedy A.C.T. Midway Building 1521 University Avenue, Ste. 312 003376 Blissenbach, Ken 489 View Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 222-2555 Self-Employed, Consultant 2 9 02/26/98 W M Mary Yaeger 489 View St., 55102 h) 222-2558 w0 220-8290 May Lund 10839 Upton Ave. S. Bloomington h) 851-5012 w) 861-2245 chuck and Rose McGuire 177 Bedford Ave. S.E. h) 379-7390 A11 of above refetences listed 2-26-98 for CI{B; HPC; RRDC; Planning Commission and Workforce Dev. Cnc. 002944 Brown, Sherri Mortenson 2 16 12/28/98 W F 10 Victoria S. St_ Paul, MN 55105 Fiome - 291-9189 Policy Analyst, Dept. Commerce Valerie Whitehead 9q-��\ 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 4 COMMITTEE : HPC Aeritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- ------- -- --- -- 1951 Montreal St. Paul, MN 55116 H) 698-9652 12-28-98 HPC; P.C. and NST (STARj: Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Aall, 55102 Alberto Quintela, Jr. 390 City Hall, 55102 003366 Crowther, James C. 757 East Sixth Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 793-0917 Restoration/Rea1 Estate 7 4 02/13/98 U rr Louis Sudheimer 439 Portland Ave., 55102 h) 297-9195 w) 648-7718 Charlie Nelson MN Historical Society w) 296-5475 Jame McGrew 1442 James Avenue h) 698-4569 000213 Dana, Richard Jet Construction & Remodelinq, Znc. 905 Jefferson Avenue, #30S St. Paul, MN 55102 Work - (651) 228-9490 GeneYal Building Contractor 2 16 02J08/99 W � 2-8-99 HPC and STAR: Thomas Fabel Lindquist & Vennum 444 Cedar Street, #920 St. Pau1, MN 55101 h) (651) 636-2423 (w) (651) 312-1300 Humphrey Doermann 736 Goodrich Avenue qq-zy� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS St. Paul, MN 55105 h) (651) 224-0921 PAGE 5 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- -- --- Robert Kreischer, Director Mounds Park Academy 2051 E. Larpenteur Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55109 h) (651) 994-1448 w) (651) 777-2555 003525 Davis, Ted 456 Warwick Street St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 690-9852 Communications Consultant 14 12-28-98 Planning Commission & HPC: Larry Dowe11 President, St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce 332 Minnesota St., Ste. N-205 St. Paul, MN 55101 h) 223-5000 w) 223-5000 Rick Aguilar Aguilar Productions 602 smith Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 w) 292-9574 003522 Donnelly, Stan D. 5 Heather Place St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - (651) 221-9800 President/Manufacturing Co. 2 16 12/28/98 W M 12/21/98 W M 12-21-98 HPC, Business Review Counail, BZA, P{lanning Commission Darwin Reedy 5 Peninsula Drive Dellwood, MN 55110 (h) (651) 429-6433 F�' 003086 DuPaul, Angela 4 10/31/95 W F 668 Greenbrier St. Paul, MN 55106 °l9 -a� \ 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCAI3T5 REPORT PAGE 6 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRZCT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- -- --- Home - 776-0550 Student/Lakewood Com. College 003552 Duckstad, Jon 46 E. Fourth Street 1310 Minnesota Building St. Paul� MN 55101 Work - (651) 227-3236 Attorney 3 15 2-15-99 Planning Commission & HPC: Joseph O•Neill, Esq. 1250 World Trade Center 30 E. Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55101 w) (651) 298-8300 Robert Fletcher Ramsey County Sheriff Adult Detention Center 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard St. Pau1, MN 55102 w) (651) 266-9303 Councilmember Jim ReiteY 310 City Ha11 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 w) (651) 266-8650 02/15/99 W M 003492 Enzler, Sherry A. 4 13 09J21/98 W F 1426 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - (651) 917-0374 Attorney 9-21-98 HPC; Human Rights; Capitol Area P1ann{ing Board & Planning Commission: SuSan Gaertner 9g -�y\ 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 7 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/01�94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ____�___ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Ramsey County Attorney 50 W. Rellogg Blvd., Ste. 315 St. Pau1, MN 55102 w� 651-266-3222 Bill Schreiber, Director IGR Policy, MNDot 395 John Ireland Blvd. h) 651-424-8081 w) 651-296-0369 Rebecca Comstock, Esq. Dorsey � whitney 220 S. Sixth St. Mpls., MN 55402 h) 651-471-9175 w) 612 340-2987 003213 Esser, Heather 491 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 298-8350 Public Program Coordinator 8 07j26f96 W �a Susan Roth Minnesota Historical Society 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55101-1906 Michael Koop MN Historical Society 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. Peggy Kovsmo-Kennon MN Historical Society 345 W. Kellogg 003531 Fotsch, Harold "Ha1" Moore, Costello & Hart 1400 Norwest Center 55 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Work - 651 602-2609 Attorney 13 Planning Commission 12/28/98 U M 12-28-98 Planning Commission; HPC & NST (STAR{): Major Norman S. Marshall St. Paul Area Coordinator °19-��� 03-10-99 APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 8 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DZSTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Salvation Army 1031 Payne Avenue St. Paul, MN w) 771-0015 Greg Wandersee, President Merriam Park Community Service 2000 St. Anthony Avenue St. Paul, MN w) 645-0349 Reverend Peter Roehlre 1849 Marshall Avenue St. Paul, MN h) 698-1246 w) 645-9154 003526 Freshly, Hal 399 Eichenwald Street St. Paul, MN 55106-5007 Home - 778-8765 Planner/Dept. Human Services 6-17-98 HPC Eric Hendrickson 395 Eichenwald Street, 55106 h) 776-3475 Rolf T. Anderson 212 W. 38th Street Minneapolis, MN 55408 h) 824-7807 Biil Byers 572 Lincoln Avenue, Apt. 11 St. Pau1, MN 55110 003365 Fu11er, Joan 1161 Randolph Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 695-0958 Natl. Admissions Rep/HOtels 3 14 06/17/98 W M 02/17/98 W F 2-17-98 Youth Fund & HPC Officer Sames Quinn Newport Police Dept. Broadway, Newport, RZ 02840 w) (4010 847-0088, X 240 q`t-�.�1� 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 9 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1JO1J94 APPLZCANT � REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNZNG SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Eileen Morrice hasbro Toy Company RiveYSide, RI w) 9401) 725-8697, X 8747 Ronnie Getter 1149 Randolph Ave. St. pau1, MN h) 690-462'7 003252 Greiner, Kathryn 1734 Sherwood Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 776-4273 Graphic Designer 6 2 11/21/96 W F Carol Gaetz Planning Office St. Cloud City Hall 400 2nd Street St. Cloud, MN w) (320) 255-7218 Dave Ebnet Stearns County Historical Society 235 33rd Avenue S. Stearns County Historical Society 235 33rd Avenue S. St. Cloud, MN 56301 (320) 253-8424 -- Work Laurie Brickley Minnesota Historical Society 345 Kellogg Blvd. W. St. Paul, MN w) 297-1827 003345 Hecker, John C. 1501 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 Home - 646-6912 Architect 4 13 09/15/97 W M 9-15-97 HPC Bob Mack MacDOnald & Mack Architects, ltd. Grain Exchange Bldg., Ste. 712 Minneapolis, MN 55415 aq •�y� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 10 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS w) 341-4051 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Ms. Nina Zannieri Ex. Director Paul Revere Memorial Assn. 19 North Savane Boston, MA 02113 w) (617) 523-2338 David Heide David Heide Designs Grain Exchange Bldg., Ste. 710 Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 341-4051 003545 Holman, John C. 701 Oakland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 651 227-6086 Owner/Manager 2-1-99 HPC: 2 16 Michael J. Galvin, Jr. 1303 Bohland Place St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 651 699-5709 w) 651 223-6553 Edward Stringer 712 Linwood Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55105 651 699-9383 w) 651 296-4033 Howard Guthmann 683 W. Wentworth Mendota Heights, MN SS11S h) 651 450-0011 w) 651 222-1801 002505 Kabat, Sheryl 535 Brainerd St. Paul, MN 55101 Home - 778-9602 Weed & Seed Coordinator 5 5 02/O1/99 W M 03/20/98 W F Julie Farnella 935 E. Cook a9 �ay� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 11 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT i REFERENCE COMMENTS St. Paul, MN H0774-4359 Betsy Batt H) 778-8994 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH C�EN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -"------ --- --- --- Jane Lee 3rd Avenue S. South St. Paul, MN H) 435-6712 W) 296-3245 March 20, 1998 Aeritage Preservation Commissi(on Councilmember Jim Reiter w) 266-8650 Susan Maldonado 381 E. Cook h) 774-1010 Karen Sullivan 531 Brainerd h) 776-2617 9-21-98 Planning Commission Councilmember Jim Reiter 320 City Aa11 w) 266-8650 { Council President Dan Bostrom 320 City Ha11 w) 266-8660 Karen Sullivan 531 Brainerd h) 774-2617 003228 Keenan, Sheila 1088 E. Hyacinth Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 776-6394 6 5 09/16/97 W F Jeanne Steinhagen 740 Mississippi River Rd_, Apt. SE 99.-'�y� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMISTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT PAGE 12 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm_ FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS St. Paul h) 699-3340 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRZCT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ Mary Gillman 4033 16th Ave. S. Mpls., MN h) 724-0175 w) 962-6554 Sheryl Kabat (no address or phone # listed by applicant) Heard about opening from Carrie Wasley (emplo{yed by City of St. Paul/St. Paul Police Dept.) 003543 Krenik, John Frank 3 15 O1/26/99 W M 1270 Cleveland Avenue South St. Paul, MN 55116 Home - 651 699-6555 Special Education Teacher 1-26-99 HPC: Thomas Conlon St. Paul School Board Member 2183 Berkeley Avenue St. Paul, MN 55116 h) 651 699-7399 Patrick Quinn Director of Plant Planning and Maintenance St. Paul Public Schools w) 651 293-5140 Mike Kleinschmidt 252 Liberty Street Winona, MN 55987-3711 h) 507 452-9160 003444 Kusnierek, Carol 54 Geranium Avenue W. St. Paul, MN 55117 FIOme - 487-2290 Landscaping 3-9-98 HPC 0 03/09J9S W F Dorothy 0linger aa •�y� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 289 Harrison Ave., #3 St. Paul, 55102 h) 224-1283 w) 649-0518 Michael Port 3511 39th Ave. S. Mpls., 55406 h) 729-4551 Monica Penner 2449 queen St. E., #5 Toronto, ON MYE 1H7 Canada h) (416) 530-0355 003535 Larson, Martha 112 Western Avenue N., #1 St. Paul, MN 55102 Aome - 290-2735 Chief Fin. Officer/MN Wild 1-9-99 HPC Tim Marx 1736 Yorkshire Avenue St. Pau1, MN h) 698-4995 w) 223-6600 Pamela Wheelock 1843 Highland Parkway h) 698-1164 w) 266-6628 David Thune 26 Irvine Park St. Paul, MN h) 227-2511 w) 266-6000 003221 Lloyd, Thomas 694 Oakdale Avenue St. Paul, MN 55107 Home - 292-8352 Owner/Old Sty1e Restoration David VanLandshoot Justine Properties 572 Asbury St. Paul w) 641-0166 PAGE 13 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTEiER COMMITTEES SERVZNG ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 1 8 O1/09/99 W F 07/24/96 NA Y Cheryl Diskson q9 •zy� 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT COMMZTTEE : HPC Heritage PreseYVation Co[nm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Q1f44 PAGE 14 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) M.H.C. 987 ivy St. Paul 003546 Luna, Judy 5 925 W. Nevada Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 Home - 651 488-5809 Hair Stylist 2-2-99 HPC: Barb Metz, Owner Posh Hair Design 14 E. 4th St. St. Pau1, MN 55101 h) 633-5415 w) 651 227-7481 Eli Boyum 12 B Irvine Park (651) 227-5681 w) 612 336-5656 Marge Hols 1180 Summit Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55105 h) 651 227-3762 003519 Maldonado, Anastacia Belladonna 1098 Marion Street St. Paul, MN 5511'J Home - 488-9897 Lawyer 10 9-21-98 HPC & NST (STAR Program) S. Richard Cabrera Dean of Students William Mitchell Law School 825 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN w) 290-6422 Jim Brooks William Mitchell Law School w) 290-6319 Rev. Thomas Van Leer Chaplain Henneping County Home School 02f02/99 W F 09/21/98 U F q9 •�`�� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 15 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATZONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------" --- --- --- 14300 Cty. Hwy. 62 Minnetonka 003447 McMaster, Jennifer 22 W. George Street St. Paul, MN 55107 Home - 222-1785 Architect 3-18-98 HPC Bob Roscoe 1401 E. River Road 317-0989 Steve Weeks 89 Curch Street S.E. Mpls., MN 55455 624-2832/339-2685 John Rohrman 711 W. Lake St., Ste. 304 Mpls., MN 55408 825-8302 003499 Mejia, Matthew J. 675 Ho11y Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 2 3 03/18/9S W F 1 8 09/21/9S H M Capitol Planning Board Home - (651) 229-0045 Financial Planner 9-21-98 Planning Commission & HPC: Patrick Loonan Capital City Partnership w) 291-5604 Russ nelson Nelson, Tietz & Hoye 81 S. 9th St., #330 Minneapolis, MN 55402 w) 359-3202 qg-�y� 03-10-99 COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 16 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ A1 Rashid 1221 Nicollet mall, �400 Minneapolis, MN 55403 w) (612) 347-8601 001527 Meuwissen, Lawrence E. 8 Bates Avenue St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 651 774-3418 Lawyer Karl Neid TCHNS: Liberty Bank Bldg. h) 771-9680 w) 645-9164 Larry Kitto 1227 Marion h) 488-4855 7 4 Jerome Lantry 2169 Beech Street h) 735-0139 w) 835-7035 ------------------------------ 12-14-95 Heritage Preservation Richard Parnel 1957 Selby Ave. h) 646-3238 w) 486-3219 Art Baumeister 700 St. Pau1 Bldg. h) 454-6732 w) 224-5686 Richard Anfang 411 Main Street w) 224-9445 1-7-99 HPC: Gladys MOrton 26 W_ lOth Street, #1808 St. Pau1, MN h) 229-0201 O1/07/99 W M Jim Erchul 823 E. 7th Street h) 774-6995 w) 774-6995 �9 -zy\ 03-10-99 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLZCANTS.RPT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 PAGE 17 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---"------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Martha Ba11ou 1188 Portland Avenue St. Paul, MN h) 642-9928 w) (612) 321-9800 002716 Meyer, Fred E. 1 475 Iglehart Avenue St. Paul, MN 55103 Home - 651 227-1855 Sales/Marketing Consultant Norm Coleman John Apitz Rev. Wade Schimmell 1-25-99 HPC; STAR Mayor Norm Coleman w) (651) 266-8510 Chuck Erickson Minneapolis h) 612 377-1375 w) 651 291-7909 Harold Schippits New Brighton h) 651 636-1248 w) 612 348-6857 003527 Moen, Wayne J. 7 387 Maple Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Home - 776-3538 IIesignerfDrafter 6-19-98 HPC Eugene Piccolo 397 Maple Street St. Paul, MN 55106 Karen DuPaul 668 Greenbrier h) 776-0550 Carol Carey 635 Bates Avenue 8 4 O1/25/99 W M 06/19/98 W M qq-a�\ 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 18 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ----------------------------------- ---- -------- -------- ------- --- --- --- h) 774-0218 002554 Nordin, Cathy 1427 No. Albert Street St. Paul, MN 55108 Home - 646-5918 Architect Leo Monster Horty Elving & Assoc. H) 481-1293 W) 332-4422 Bi11 snyder W) 545-3731 Mike Kinner H} 374-1629 W) 332-3944 4 10 Planning Commission 11-12-96 Planning Commission & HPC Julie Hoff District 10 C.O. 1556 Como Avenue, 55108 w) 644-3889 Dennis O'Rourke Past Chair of District 10 Community Council Midway Parkway h) 641-0834 Dave C1ark 7392 Ontario Boulevard Eden Prairie, MN h) 934-4460 W) 541-9969 003529 Oertel, Jeffrey L. Oertel Architects 140fi West Lake St., Ste. 201 Mpls., MN 55408 Work - 825-6613 Architect 3 14 11/12/96 W F 12/24/98 W M 12-24-98 HPC: Charles Nelson State Historical Architect �t9 •zy� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLZCANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/Ol/94 PAGE 19 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTI-IER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ___________________________________ ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ State Aistoricial Society of Minnesota 345 Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul, MN 55102 w) 651-296-5434 James C. O'Nei11 Attorney The Markham Company of St. Paul 408 St. Peter Street, Suite 425 Hamm Building St. Paul, MN 55102 w) 651-222-7463 Mark Swenson President, Elness Swenson Graham Architects Ilnc. 700 Third Street South Minneapolis, MN 55415 w) 612-339-5508 003331 Puhl, Daniel G. 881 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 298-9880 Logistics Mgt. Specialist Stephen R. Frohrip 5704 44th Ave_ South Mpls., 55417 h) 727-1248 w) 520-6301 David M. Olson 1196 Parkwood Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 h) 730-6910 w) 70-5618 Curtis L. Newcomb 2565 Bayberry Avenue Stillwater, MN h) 351-7257 w) 296-4585 1 8 65A 09/03/97 W M 003528 Rathman, Deborah E. 6 06/22/98 W F �l`l •�`�� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT WMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS 775 Fairmount Avenue St. Pau1, MN 55105-3342 Home - 222-4998 Architect 6-22-98 HPC: Duan Kell 821 Raymond Avenue, 55114 w) 645-6806 Ronald Ankeny 821 Raymond AVenue, 55114 w) 645-6806 PAGE 20 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMZTTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Earl Gotnik MN Historical Soecity--Exhibit Design 345 Kellogg B1vd., W. St. Pau1 w) 296-6126 003523 Scott, Daniel L. 1 8 12/22/98 W 153 Western Avenue, #4 St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 310-9847 Lawyer 12-22-98 St. Paul Planning and Neighborhood S{ales Tax (STAR): Theres M. Pautz (Attorney & Former Colleague) 1769 N. Lexington Ave., Suite 330 St. Paul, MN 55113 h) 644-2455 w) 644-1288 Mike Smeby University National Bank (Loan Officer) 200 University Avenue W. St. Paul, MN 55103 h) 453-1846 w) 298-6750 Craig W. Johnson Hoversten Johnson Beckmann, P.A. Attorney & Former Boss 807 Oakland Avenue W. Austin, MN 55912 h) (507) 437-6438 w) (507) 433-3483 003092 Sprung, Albert F. 6 2 11/28/95 W M M q� -a�t� 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT PAGE 21 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DZS DISTRICT ➢ISTRICT (PRZOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 957 Flandrau St. Paul� MN 55106 Home - 772-2880 Chemical Technican Joey Lundquist 6286 Upper 35th St. Court N. Oakdale, MN 55128 h) �79-4270 w) 832-2600 Robert Bohlken 2253 Pinehurst Lane Stillwater, MN 55082 h) 430-1465 Peter Hanson 1023 Ti11er Lane Shoreview, MN 55126 h) 484-7382 w) 291-9472 003550 Starns, Byron E. Leonard, Street & Dienard MN Wor1d Trade Ctr,/Ste. 2270 30 E. Seventh Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Wo�k - (651) 291-3503 Lawyer/Shareholder 2-5-99 HPC: 4 13 Zan Stewart Minnesota Historical Society/ 1901 Berkeley avenue h) (651) 690-3936 w) (651) 297-5513 Richard B. Allyn 2100 W. Hoyt Avenue St. Paul, MN h) {651) 644-8044 w) (612) 349-8571 A. David & Betsy Ke11y 44 Kenwood Parkway St. Paul, MN h) (651) 291-1786 w) (612) 341-0881 003537 VinZant, Ray 7 1 605 S. Winthrop Lane 02/OS/99 W M O1/14/99 W M q���y� 03-10-99 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 22 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DZSTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- -------- -------- -------- --- --- --- St. Paul, MN 55119 Home - 612 578-1864 Bus. Mgr./A-1 Rootmaster 1-14-99 Planning Commission, Heritage Preserv{ation Commission & STAR Board: Judy Fotsch 2133 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 h) 646-6216 Norm Coleman, Mayor 390 City Hall h) 227-5178 w) 266-8525 Bob Guy 602 S. Winthrop Lane St. Pau1, MN 55119 h) 738-2847 003094 Walgrave, Amy Lynn #2 St. Anthony Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 645-9238 Asst to Pres. @ MN Landmarks 4 13 11/22/95 W F David Lanegran, Ph.D. Dept. of Geography Macalester College 1600 Grand Ave., 55105 w) 696-6504--Macalester w) 292-3285--MN Landmarks Judy Brooks 456 Ashland Avenue, 55102 w) 292-3276 Ian Pitz Meshbesher Birrell & Dunlap 2450 Park Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55404 w) 871-7000 003246 Warner, Linda K. 4 14 2020 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55105 11/18/96 W F °�g-a�\ 03-10-99 COMMZTTEE APPLICANTS REPORT APPLICANTS.RPT PAGE 23 COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLICANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTHER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ---- �------- -------- -------- --- --- --- Home - 699-2941 FAX 6993431 Economist/Se1f-Employed Robert Long 2143 Berkeley Avenue St. Paul h) 690-1212 w) 337-9209 John E. Blomquist or Nicky Scarrella John E. elomquist, Inc. 700 Empire Building 360 N. Robert w) 222-3081 Bi11 Buth St. Paul Building Owner's & Manager's Assn. 645 Capital Centre P1aza w) 291-8888 003539 Wolfgramm, Richard G. Wolfgramm & Gleeson Architects P.A. 336 N. Robert St., Ste. #207 St. Paul, MN 55101-1504 Work - 651 223-8980 Architect 2 16 O1/19/99 W M 1-19-99 HPC: Larry Dowell, Presient St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce lst National Bank Building, Ste. #4-205 332 Minnesota Street w) 651 265-2770 Ray Faricy, Attorney Faricy & Dunn Firstar Central 101 East Sth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 w) 297-8484 Richard (Dick) Zehring We1sh Companies, Inc. w) 897-7779 002973 Woods, Donald Z. 1 8 11/OS/96 W M 554 Portland Avenue °1 g -�`��. 03-10-99 APPLICANTS.RPT COMMITTEE APPLICANTS REPORT COMMITTEE : HPC Heritage Preservation Comm. FOR APPLICATIONS DATED AFTER O1/O1/94 APPLZCANT / REFERENCE COMMENTS St. Paul, MN 55102 Home - 222-0009 Retired Edward Wilson 476 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 291-0813 Richard McDermott 481 Laurel St. Paul, MN 55102 H) 222-5189 Priscilla Farnham 75 W. Fifth Street St. Pau1, MN 55102 H) 436-5442 PAGE 24 WARD PLANNING SENATE APP DATE ETH GEN DIS DISTRICT DISTRICT (PRIOR) (OTFiER COMMITTEES SERVING ON) ____ ________ ________ ________ ___ ___ ___ 003414 Wovcha, Sarah 1673 Taylor Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Home - 641-1727 Attorney 03/06/98 W F Health Services Adv. Comm. 3-6-98 Community Health Svcs., APC, Riverfron{t Corporation: Claire Press 1600 Lafond Ave., 55104 h) 647-9263 w) 228-3283 Carolyn Clemmons 331 21st Ave. S.E. Mpls., 55414 h) 331-1125 Jeffrey Dalton Conrod 36 Spruce Place Mpls., 55403 h) 338-1879 w) 290-1333