99-240Council File # � 1" L"�_U ORlGINAL Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� � � ' RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 RESOLVED, that the 3.2 Malt and restaurant licenses for the Groveland Tap at 1834 St. Clair Avenue is hereby 3 approved under the hazdship provisions of Secrion 409 paragraph 06 (c-1) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 �� Requested by DeparCment of: 34 35Adopted by Council: Date '{V'� �p \� 36 37Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy 38 3 `�, a- �.,,,_� _- � 40 /�� �/� 41Approved by or: Date /!'/��.5�// / 42 43 ay: 44 Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection B y � ���� f'�E�� Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: il UiTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INIiNim crrYCOUrrcn, Mazch 10, 1999 GREEN SHEET racr a�xsow a v.ior�e mnwuoa. Councilmember Mike Hanis Cr8630 �� Z�{O N� 62331 oE.,ur�,row�cra� ancousa_ i(3ENDA BY (DATE) ASSN:N NUYBERFOR ❑CIIYI1iiOR1EY fJIYCIi,IR ROUiING �� ❑ALI17nLa[AUICFfoYt RW1Wl.fFAV/KRC ❑ WYORlO0.A1RTIN1f) ❑ TOTAL iEOF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) A resoluGon approving the 32 Malt and restaurant licenses for the Groveland Tap at 1834 St. Clair Avenue. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION �Y) Rld�d:U���l Has th� peisoMfi�m e�er vroAced under a contract for fhis EepartmeM7 YES NO Has ihis Pe��rm ever been a cilY emPloYee9 YES NO Daes Mis Pa��rtn P� e sidll not normalbP� M' a�Y current ctry' emPloYee4 YES NO Is this pnsorJfirtn a tarpeted ventlaYt VES NO �lain all ves ansv.eB on seoa2te sheet aM altach to Lreen sheet ���a[6.:-� S'EiY�i�'ui : �.-• a u?:i£i•..F' Y 19Y13 3 � �f'��� TRANSACTION SOURCE INFORMATION (IXPWN) COSTIREVENUEBUDQE7ED(CIRCLEON� ACSIVRV NUM69t YES NO Council File # � 1" L"�_U ORlGINAL Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� � � ' RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 RESOLVED, that the 3.2 Malt and restaurant licenses for the Groveland Tap at 1834 St. Clair Avenue is hereby 3 approved under the hazdship provisions of Secrion 409 paragraph 06 (c-1) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 �� Requested by DeparCment of: 34 35Adopted by Council: Date '{V'� �p \� 36 37Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy 38 3 `�, a- �.,,,_� _- � 40 /�� �/� 41Approved by or: Date /!'/��.5�// / 42 43 ay: 44 Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection B y � ���� f'�E�� Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: il UiTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INIiNim crrYCOUrrcn, Mazch 10, 1999 GREEN SHEET racr a�xsow a v.ior�e mnwuoa. Councilmember Mike Hanis Cr8630 �� Z�{O N� 62331 oE.,ur�,row�cra� ancousa_ i(3ENDA BY (DATE) ASSN:N NUYBERFOR ❑CIIYI1iiOR1EY fJIYCIi,IR ROUiING �� ❑ALI17nLa[AUICFfoYt RW1Wl.fFAV/KRC ❑ WYORlO0.A1RTIN1f) ❑ TOTAL iEOF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) A resoluGon approving the 32 Malt and restaurant licenses for the Groveland Tap at 1834 St. Clair Avenue. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION �Y) Rld�d:U���l Has th� peisoMfi�m e�er vroAced under a contract for fhis EepartmeM7 YES NO Has ihis Pe��rm ever been a cilY emPloYee9 YES NO Daes Mis Pa��rtn P� e sidll not normalbP� M' a�Y current ctry' emPloYee4 YES NO Is this pnsorJfirtn a tarpeted ventlaYt VES NO �lain all ves ansv.eB on seoa2te sheet aM altach to Lreen sheet ���a[6.:-� S'EiY�i�'ui : �.-• a u?:i£i•..F' Y 19Y13 3 � �f'��� TRANSACTION SOURCE INFORMATION (IXPWN) COSTIREVENUEBUDQE7ED(CIRCLEON� ACSIVRV NUM69t YES NO Council File # � 1" L"�_U ORlGINAL Ordinance # Green Sheet # �� � � ' RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 RESOLVED, that the 3.2 Malt and restaurant licenses for the Groveland Tap at 1834 St. Clair Avenue is hereby 3 approved under the hazdship provisions of Secrion 409 paragraph 06 (c-1) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 �� Requested by DeparCment of: 34 35Adopted by Council: Date '{V'� �p \� 36 37Adoption Certified by Council Secretaxy 38 3 `�, a- �.,,,_� _- � 40 /�� �/� 41Approved by or: Date /!'/��.5�// / 42 43 ay: 44 Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection B y � ���� f'�E�� Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: il UiTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INIiNim crrYCOUrrcn, Mazch 10, 1999 GREEN SHEET racr a�xsow a v.ior�e mnwuoa. Councilmember Mike Hanis Cr8630 �� Z�{O N� 62331 oE.,ur�,row�cra� ancousa_ i(3ENDA BY (DATE) ASSN:N NUYBERFOR ❑CIIYI1iiOR1EY fJIYCIi,IR ROUiING �� ❑ALI17nLa[AUICFfoYt RW1Wl.fFAV/KRC ❑ WYORlO0.A1RTIN1f) ❑ TOTAL iEOF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) A resoluGon approving the 32 Malt and restaurant licenses for the Groveland Tap at 1834 St. Clair Avenue. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION �Y) Rld�d:U���l Has th� peisoMfi�m e�er vroAced under a contract for fhis EepartmeM7 YES NO Has ihis Pe��rm ever been a cilY emPloYee9 YES NO Daes Mis Pa��rtn P� e sidll not normalbP� M' a�Y current ctry' emPloYee4 YES NO Is this pnsorJfirtn a tarpeted ventlaYt VES NO �lain all ves ansv.eB on seoa2te sheet aM altach to Lreen sheet ���a[6.:-� S'EiY�i�'ui : �.-• a u?:i£i•..F' Y 19Y13 3 � �f'��� TRANSACTION SOURCE INFORMATION (IXPWN) COSTIREVENUEBUDQE7ED(CIRCLEON� ACSIVRV NUM69t YES NO