88-997 1 ' • /" r��G�����O�f/° � - WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��„� �q � . BLVE -MAVOR File NO. � � Or indnce Ordinance N 0. � ; Present d By ��2 ��� � � , � Referred To �' Committee: Date G ' �'" l '' � Out of Committee By Date An ordinance creatin_ a new Chapter XXX of the Saint Paul Legisl ive Code pertaining to rep i ace ent hous i nca. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PA L DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . Section XXX.O1 . Intent. The ity of Saint Paul finds that the number of rentai units affordable- to low-i come residents has substantially decreased during the last severai y ars, in part due to publically assisted redevelopment activities. Yhe City desires to take steps to insure that its own actions will not further contri ute to this loss of housing and intends by this ordinance to preserve the s ock of decent. safe, sanitary, and affordable rental housing available to low-income citizens. Se tion 2. Section XXX.OL. Definitions. a) Affordable Rental Housin . Affordable rental housing shall be considered residentiai rental housi g which (a) has rents which during the orevious year amounted to not more han one hundred twenty five percent ( 125�) of the federal Section 8 Fai Market Rent for comparable units in the St. Paul Area, as determined by the Department of Housinq and Urban Development; (b) has not been vacan for more than two years immediately preceding application of this ordin nce; and (c) is a legal zoning use. A hotel room shall be considered rent 1 housing when used by the occupant as a primary residence. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor c��cZ Rettman Scheibel � A gai ns t BY Sonnen C , . , !C� Wilson �j /�,L Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorne Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . . . � � ��-�9� b} City Assisted Proiect. A ity assisted pro_iect is one in which the City provides financial assista ce or aid in securing pubiic financial assistance inciuding any federal gr nt administered by the City, revenue bond financing, tax increment finan ing, or tax levies, to a development or redevelopment project. c) Comparable Rents. Compara le rents are rents which do not exceed one hundred twenty percent of the r nts charged for the affordable rental housing units that are being replac d pursuant to this ordinance and which do not exceed one hundred twenty fi e percent ( 125�e? of the federal Section 8 Fair Market Rent for comparable u its in St. Paul area, as determined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Se tion 3. Section XXX.03. Develo ment a d Im lementation of Housin Re lacement Plan. Before the City, or any agenci s or bodies within its control , issues any demolition, foundation or building permits, for a city assisted project which contributes to the loss of af ordable rental housing, or takes any actions itself which will contribut to the loss of affordable rental housing, the City must adopt a plan for the replacement of such housing. This plan must provide for the repl cement on a one-to-one basis within the City of Saint Paul of affordable re tal housing units, with units of comparable size and at comparable r nts, within two years of the date of approval of any City assisted proje t or City action which contributes to the loss of affordable rental housi g in the City. Once the City adopts this plan. the City must take all r asonable steps within its control including providing financiai or ot er assistance, to implement the ptan within the time period specified. 5 ction 4. No demolition, foundation or uilding permit shall be issued under Chapters 33 or 368 of the Legislative Code for any City assisted project which will contribute to a loss of affordable housing, nor shall the City itself demolish any affordable ren al housing until the head of the division of housinq and building code enfor ement of the department of community services has reviewed and approved the housing replacement plan for compiiance with the requirements o Section 3 of this ordinance. , ���;0_�9 - 2 - / +f` r/ r� lst (D �l�'�" : 2��d �— "�� G 3rd Adopt Yeas Nays DIMOND ���%C�f / GOSWITZ LONG ��r SONIJE W�I.S�J �]R. g�1�SIDE�l , ��:H;GIC3FL WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 CANARV -OEPARTMENT CITY O� SAINT PAUL BLUE -MAVOR File NO. �� �� Or indnce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Se tion 5. It is the intent of this ordin nce to create legal rights which can be enforced by aggrieved persons in an action in District Court for deciaratory relief or for any other appropriate equitable relief. Se tion 6. This ordinance shall take effe t and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and pubiication. City assisted projects which have aiready been issued demo ition, foundation or building permits shall not be subject to the provisi ns of this ordinance. 3 - COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor coswitz Rettman s�ne;ne� Against gY - Sonnen � Wilso — �`�Q� Adopted by Council• Date Form Approved by City Attorn Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , By BY ��-�1 . . Z1RI�IA � . . . � ' _ -� . . . DATEMI7A� 6 I�� �R��� V�E�� �. O�oO��v.�,/�V. . . � • . �f . . - . . -� � � GEfApT�AEti'f OIRECiOR . �NYOH(OR J�18'TAlR). .. Mo13. 0'Rou ke � _ �a.waor�a�rr sehncES o�roA 1 crn«.r�c ��� COlRACT . . . . . ACE NO. � . � �- . . BUDOET qRECfOR � � , .� . � . . �- �: . � � . _'_ �.... � � � . . � . . - .. . - OR�C .CflY ATTORNEV .� � � . . - . . . . . . Ordinance pertaiafitig to replacemenE housin : . IIfCOMil�iill7�olNe:(Mpw+G►)a FieJsa(H)) cXitltiqL REPORr: , w�uwMCi� avM.s�+wcE c�ssioN . u�1E�+ DArE our ,�r�r8r aqNE No. zo�roo� eo�ss acHOO�ea�ao as� auvrr¢n co�ssar+ �s is _�woti au�o.r�ooEO* aEr'o r�catr�r oo�n�r _�on +rra _�oar�c�oaEC:* o�t�TC�a�c� A City Councilmem �xP,,,,a�T ; auMa�rra�a+�oe�crrvEv Ho��ing . wranw w4ow�+�t+aurt.c�►a�rruMrrr twno.wn�.vh,er,.wn�e,wnr): _ Loss of affordable housing in the City : �1�►110M(�0.�.�1s.AdY.wrP..Reiu�l: . - : , . _ . . Houstng r�eedsd in City ' ''�1YNet:tM1�4�a To wlwel% . , _. . - Replacement housiag requirement,s ��ucr�s: - ooNS . . Statusquo None Cantinual loas of housin Eatablish housing fund from developer Provides replacement fees housing wsroev�: ` .. City..housing plan _ a�au�s: City Attorne�► and Southern Minnesota Leg Resottrces will address legal issues at ` ; �Council meeting - . . . �-��� J > ' • . �,�,��r ^ L . ,Lv . / *" `�� �� • �� �"�� f,�-�.'�i V'tr ���^A�� � TO: Councilmember Kiki So nen o �� � �r 3 and James Hart, Assis ant City Attorney 3�g�� �-`; FROM: Ellen Gavin � ,uN O -� 6 COUNCIIM�ENR �. K1K� SON `��` RE: Replacement Housing O dinance 0 �� r1\ ��..�� DATE: June 3, 1988 ******* ************** Enclosed please find he revised replacement housing ordinance which incorporates the changes made at our meeting on Wednesday. We have incorpor ted the following additional changes as well: Section 2a) . We deci ed to define affordable rental housing as 12 � of the fair arket rent as determined by HUD. This seems like a more worka le formula because fair market rental amounts vary accordin to the number of bedrooms in a unit whereas the median household income standard would not differentiate among differen sized housing units. The fair market rental amounts repres nt the median rent for the St. Paul area. We defined affordable rental housing as 125� of the fair market rent amounts so that e definition would irrclude housing occupied by people just abov very low income. If this housing is lost it will put even mor pressure on the low income housing market. The current fair ma ket rental amounts for the St. Paul area as determined by HUD ar as follows: 0 bedroom. . . . . . $359.00 1 bedroom. . . . . . .435.00 2 bedroom. . . . . . .516.00 3 bedroom. . . . . . .645.00 4 bedroom. . . . . . . 720.00 We also added a sentence def 'ning when a hotel room should be considered as a rental unit ince some low income people do live in hotels . We changed the d finition in Section 2b) to City Assisted Project to clarify at actions by the city this ordinance will cover. We ad ed a section (c) on comparable rents so that the replacement housing built will be affordable by the same income group that lost e housing. Section 3. We tighte ed up the language to make sure that the same terms were being use consistently throughout the ordinance. Section 4. We change some of the language so it would be consistent with the rest of t e ordinance. We checked the cites to the legislative code and f und that Chapter 33 deals with building permits and Chapter 368 references demolition. � . . . � � � Section 6. We added language to clarify when a city assisted project would be s bject to the provisions of this ordinance. Thank you for your h lp with this ordinance. If you have questions or concerns about these revisions, please feel free to contact me at 222-5863 or D nnis Dorgan at 228-9823. 2 � j � • � _ , • An ordinance creati g a new Chapter XXX of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to replacement housing. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S INT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: S ction 1. Section XXX.O1 . Inten . The City of Saint Paul finds that the number of rental units a fordable to low-income residents has substantially decreased duri g the last several years, in part due to publically assisted r development activities. The City desires to take steps to ins re that its own actions will not further contribute to this 1 ss of housing and intends by this ordinance to preserve the st ck of decent, safe, sanitary, and affordable rental housing av ilable to low-income citizens. S ction 2. Section XXX. 02. Defin' tions. a) Affordable Rent 1 Housin . Affordable rental housing shall be considered esidential rental housing which (a) has rents which during the p evious year amounted to not more than one hundred twenty five percent (125$) of the federal Section 8 Fair Market Rent f r comparable units in the St. Paul Area, as determined by the D partment of Housing and Urban Development; (b) has not bee vacant for more than two years immediately preceding applic tion of this ordinance; and (c) is a legal zoning use. A hotel r om shall be considered rental housing when used by the occ pant as a primary residence. b) Cit Assisted P o 'ect. A city assisted project is one in which the City provid s financial assistance or aid in securing public financial as istance including any federal grant administered by the City, re enue bond financing, tax increment financing, or tax levies, to a development or redevelopment project. c) Com arable Rent . Comparable rents are rents which do not exceed one hundred tw nty percent of the rents charged for the affordable rental housin units that are being replaced pursuant to this ordinance a d which do not exceed one hundred twenty five percent (125�) o the federal Section 8 Fair Market Rent for comparable units in St. Paul area, as determined by the Department of Housing and Ur an Development. c . ' • ' , ' . � S ction 3. Section XXX. 03. Devel ment and Im lementation of Housin Re la ement Plan. Before the City, or an agencies or bodies within its control, issues any demoliti n, foundation or building permits, for a city assisted project ich contributes to the loss of affordable rental housing, o takes any actions itself which will contribute to the loss of af ordable rental housing the City must adopt a plan for the replace ent of such housing. This plan must provide for the replacement n a one-to-one basis within the City of Saint Paul of affordable rental housing units with units of comparable size and at comparable rents within two years of the date of approval of any City ssisted project or City action which contributes to the loss of affordable rental housing in the City. Once the City adopts t is plan, the City must take all reasonable steps within its c ntrol including providing financial or other assistance, to imple ent the plan within the time period specified. Se t ion 4. ,,,,.-���� �� No demolition, foundati or building permit shall be issued under Chapters 33 a 68 of the Legislative Code for any City assisted project which will contribute to a loss of affordable housing nor shall he City itself demolish any affordable rental housing unt ' 1 the head of the division of housing and building code enf rcement of the department of community services has review d and approved the housing replacement plan for complian e with the requirements of Section 3 of this ordinance. Se tion 5. It is the intent of thi ordinance to create legal rights which can be enforced by aggr 'eved persons in an action in District Court for declarator relief or for any other appropriate equitable relief. Se tion 6. This ordinance shall ta e effect and be in force thirty ( 30) days from and after its assage, approval and publication. City assisted projects which ave already been issued demolition, foundation or building permit shall not be subject to the provisions of this ordinance. 2 ����7 u t ' Members: �- � Bill Wilson, chair- CITY OF S INT PAUL Tom Dimond - t9liGll7i11 : . , � �,���� e,�?.» ; ` Kiki Sonnen . � : OFFICE OF TH CITY COIINCIL � Date: April 12, 1989 WILLIAM L. WILSON Commit ee Report MARK VOERDING Councilman ._ Lesig►ac��e n�ae . To: Saint Paul City Council From : Housing and Econo ic Development Committee Bill Wilson, Chair 1. Approval of Minutes - APPROVED - MARCH 22, 1989 . x nance creating a new chapter of t Legislative Code pertaining to �replacement housing (C.F. 88-997) .CQMM,ITT.TE RECOMMENDED WITHDRAWAL OE 0 INANCE 88-997 3. r inance amending the Legislative Co e by adding a new chapter pertaining to . replacement housing (C.F. 89-541) R ferred by Council 3/28/89 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED TWO WEEK LAYOVE WITH THIRD READING TO TAKE PLACE BEFORE NEXT COMMITTEE MEETING - APRIL 26, 1989 4. Report of Highwood Task Force with re ommendations for their neighborhood COP'Il�IITTEE RECOMMENDED THE REPORT BE F RWARDED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION WITHIN 60 D YS, WITH A 40-ACRE STUDY TO BE COMPLETED WITHIN 90 DAYS S. Approval of Tax Exempt Revenue Bonds or Impressions, Inc. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL SUSPENSION ITEMS: C.F. 89-663 Resolution deleting co dition No. 2 of Resolution 181541 adopted February 19, 1957, for the vacation f Clarence Street from Wilson to Conway COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, WITH AMENDMENT �Must be on Council Agenda on April 0, 1989) C.F. 89-662 Resolution pertaining o a policy for replacement housing COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED TWO WEEK LAYOV R • (in conjunction with C.F. 89-541 abo e) CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUI., MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 8�46