88-992 � ,
3�'; _
ciTV oF sT. Pau� COUNCIL FILE NO. O O�' o
FINAL ORDER /� �.yJ-' �'1 � �
BV f�/„Ty,j,. / / . iy" . ..�z�+•.�v �,. .
J J� �� .1 � ��"'�.
File No. S-�8�"30 thtn 8"'�""3�
Votin� In the Matter of ��� �t� or =aEO�st�ttiw � t� t�
Wsrd I.MaC�+wrt
5 5-88-30 Both sides Pa kview Avenue from N. St. Albans
to N. Grotto treet
5 5-88-31 $oth sides Wo dbridge Street from Hatch Avenue to
W. Lawson Ave ue
6 5-88-32 West side Arc de Street from E. Jenks Avenue to
E. Lawson Ave ue
6 S-88-33 Both sides At antic Street from E. Idaho Avenue to
E. Larpenteur Avenue
6 S-88-34 Both sides Bi mingham Street from E. Ivy Avenue to
- E. Arlington venue.
. =sii vr z[rw vi r�cvasrsr�sQII aa.ac�s==. sivug sa� =ves�sfsa, Lira - ivHa ssIIZ OZ ZIf!
COMM�BCIAL rates tall prop�rtT ather �an residential)
100�tua1 coat esti�atad to be a proxi�atel� $k.00 per squars foot of xalk
under Preliminary Order �� �-3 approved `S�d2 ° °
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has condu ted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Cha er; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objec ions and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Sain Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed nd authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completio of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to th City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date
JUN 16 1988
Yeas DiaOZ�d Nays
Coin►itx Certified P sed b Council Secretary
�g ���"�
�t� � In Favor By
�'� � c,-.��UN 1 � 1988
i�ilson Mayor
, , . .. . �` r �'c�— ,hy`-_..�y'
� ' !�S.tS.
GREEN SHEET 001108 ��� ��
5 S-88-30 Both sides P rkview Avenue from N. St. Albans
to N. Grotto Street
5 5-88-31 Both sides W odbridge Street from Hatch Avenue to
W. Lawson Av nue
6 S-88-32 West side Ar ade Street from E. Jenks Avenue to
E. Lawson Av nue
6 S-88-33 Both sides A lantic Street from E. Idaho Avenue to
E. Larpenteu Avenue
6 S-88-34 Both sides B rmingham Street from E. Ivy Avenue to
E. Arlington Avenue.
6 S-88-35 West side Bu nquist Street from E. Jessamine Avenue
to E. Maryla d Avenue
6 S-88-36 Both sides E Cottage Avenue from Kennard Street to
Flandrau Str et
6 S-88-37 Both sides . Hawthorne Avenue from Greenbrier
Street to Wa sh Street
6 S-88-38 Both sides E. Hawthorne Avenue from Hazel Street to
Luella Stree
6 S-88-39 South side E. Jessamine Avenue from Nokomis Avenue
to Edgewater Blvd.
6 S-88-40 Both sides Ki gsford Place from Ames Avenue to
E. Jessamine A enue
6 S-88-41 Both sides E. ebraska Avenue from Kennard Street
to Flandrau St eet
6 S-88-42 South side E. evada Avenue from Edgerton Street
to Payne Avenu
6 5-88-43 Both sides E. evada Avenue from Hazelwood Street
to Germain Str et
6 S-88-44 West side Noko is Avenue from unimproved E. Geranium
to unimproved . Maryland Avenue
� � ST PAl1L C1 Y COUNCIL Cc-�
� P U B L I C I-� E A I N G N O T I C E C1�''�'
r Dear Property Owner: File No. 5-88-30
�pY 2� 198 City Council District �! 5
Planning District Council 41 10
P U R P Q S E To consider the constr ction (new) and/or reconstruction of all or
part of the public sid walk in front of your property. The limits
AN D �f this pro3ect are:
Both sides Parkview Avenue from North St. Albans to
L 0 C A T I 0 N North Grotto Street
NOTE: Sidewalk in goo condition may not be replaced. Please
call the phone umbers listed below if your sidewalk may
fit into this c tegory. �
Thursday June 16, 1988 at 9:00 A.M.
H E A R I N G �ity Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
If the Council approv s the orders (or any part thereof, a portion
_ � of the costs will be ssessed (after construction) against benefited
i N F 0 R M AT I 0 N properties. You will only be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts
your property. The e timated assessments for this pro3ect are as
5 foot side sid walk -
New Constr ction
' (where no alk existed) $13.00/front foot
Replacemen of old sidewalk $6.50/front foot
New sidewalk will be onstructed 5 feet wide. Some existing side-
walk is 6 feet wide. Sidewalk reconstruction will be built to a
width of 5 feet in al cases where this width is practical. This
choice of width allow the assessment to be kept at the lowest
rate. In the event q u prefer the existing width, which may be
greater than 5 feet, nd are willing to accept the higher assess-
ment rate, please con act the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to
request your preferen e.
Rates for reconstruct on of sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated.
For example: 6 feet ide sidewalk - $7.80/front foot; 10 foot wide
sidewalk - $13.00/fro t foot.
All corner residentia properties will receive a credit up to the •
first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting
the "long side" of th property.
COI�fERCIAL rates (all property other than residential) :
100% of actual ost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per
square foot of alk constructed. Zf the property has area-
ways under the idewalk that need to be eliminated, that
cost will be as essed in addition to the sidewalk assessments.
Please call 298-4255 f r construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice
Q U E S T I 0 N S or TDD) for assessment questions. Also, City staff will be available
to answer any last min te questions on the pro�ect in Room 218 City
Hall from 8:30 to 9:0 � A.M. the same day as the hearing.
Notice sent May 27, 1988, . by he Valuation_and Assessment Division �
._ . Dep rtment of Finance & Management Services
" Roo 218 City Hall = Courthouse '
� � Sai t Paul, Minnesota 55102
� . . S T� P A 11 L C I Y C 0 U N C i L C, ' ���"�
, � �7'���- ���
Dear Property Owner: File No. S-88-31
MAY 2 7 988 �ity Council District �l 5
Planning District Council ll6
P U R P 0 S E To consider the constr ction (new) and/or reconstruction of a11 or
part of the public sid walk in front of your property. The limits
AN D �f this pro�ect are:
L 0 C A T I 0 N Both sides Woodbrid e Street from Hatch Avenue to
West Lawson Avenue
NOTE: Sidewalk in goo condition may not be replaced. Please
call the phone umbers listed below if your sidewalk may
fit into this c tegory.
Thursday., June 16, 198 ; at 9:00 A.M.
. H E A R i N G City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall
If the Council approve the orders (or any part thereof, a portion
� � � of the costs will be a sessed (after construction) against benefited
I N F 0 R M AT I 0 N properties. You will nly be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts
your property. The es imated assessments for this project are as
5 foot side side alk -
New Constru tion
' (where no w lk existed) $13.00/front foot
Replacement of old sidewalk $6.50/front foot
New sidewalk will be c nstructed 5 feet wide. Some existing side-
walk is 6 feet wide. idewalk reconstruction will be built to a
width of 5 feet in all cases where this width is practical. This
choice of width allows the assessment to be kept at the lowest
rate. In the event qo prefer the existing width, which may be
greater than S feet, a d are willing to accept the higher assess-
ment rate, please cont ct the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to
request your preferenc .
Rates for reconstructi n of sidewalks wider than S feet are prorated.
For example: 6 feet w de sidewalk - $7.80/front foot; 10 foot wide
sidewalk - $13.00/fron foot.
All corner residential properties will receive a credit up to the •
first 150 feet of new r reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting
the "long side" of the property.
COMMERCIAL rates (a11 rope�ty other than residential) :
� 100y of actual c st estimated to be approximately $4.00 per
square foot of lk constructed. If the property has area-
ways under the s dewalk that need to be eliminated, that
cost will be ass ssed in addition to the sidewalk assessments.
Please call 298-4255 fo construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice
Q U E S T I 0 N S °r TDD) for assessment questions. Also, City staff will be available
to answer any last min te questions on the pro3ect in Room 218 City
Hall from 8�30 to 1.9�,00 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
Notice sent May 27, 1988, . by t e Valuation_and Assessment Division
._ . Depa tment of Finance � Management Services
. ' Room 218 City Hall = Courthouse �
' Sain Paul, Minnesota 55102
� � S�r� P A l.� L C I T Y C O U N C I L C�����"y�
� c I� �
. Dear Property Owner: MAY 2,� 1988 File No. S-88-32
City Council District ll 6
Planning District Council # 5
. P U R P 0 S E To consider the cons ruction (new) and/or reconstruction of all or
part of the public s dewalk in front of your property. The 1lmits
A ^' D of this pro�ect are:
'V West side Arcade treet from East Jenks Avenue to
L0 C A T I 0 N Lawson Avenue
� NOTE: Sidewalk in g od condition may not be replaced. Please
call the phon numbers listed below if your sidewalk may
fit into this category.
Thursday., June 16, 1 88,
� H E A R I N G City Council Chamber , 3rd Floor City Hall
If the Council appro es the orders (or any part thereof, a portion
- - of the costs will be assessed (after construction) against benefited
I N F O R M AT I 0 N properties. You wil only be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts
your property. The stimated assessments for this project are as
' follows:
" 5 foot side si ewalk -
New Const uction
' (where no walk existed) $13.00/front foot
Replaceme t of old sidewalk $6.50/front foot
New sidewalk will be constructed 5 feet wide. Some existing side-
walk is 6 feet wide. Sidewalk reconstruction will be built to a
width of 5 feet in a 1 cases where this width is practical. This
choice of width allo s the assessment to be kept at the lowest
rate. In the event ou prefer the existing width, which may be
greater than 5 feet, and are willing to accept the higher assess-
ment rate, please c tact the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to
request your prefer ce.
Rates for reconstru tion of sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated.
For example: 6 fee wide sidewalk - $7.80/front foot; 10 foot wide
sidewalk - $13.00/f ont foot.
All corner resident al properties will receive a credit up to the �
first 150 feet of n w or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting
the "long side" of he property.
COMMERCIAL rates (a 1 property other than residential) :
100Y of actua cost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per
square foot o walk constructed. If the property has area-
ways under th sidewalk that need to be eliminated, that
cost will be ssessed in addition to the sidewalk assessments.
Please call 298-4255 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice
Q U E S T i O N S or TDD) for assessme t questions. Also, City staff will be available
to answer any last m nute questions on the pro�ect in Room 218 City
Hall from `_8:30to 9: 0 A.M. the same day as the hearing.
� Notice sent May 27, 1988, � by the Valuation.and Assessment Division
_ . De artment of Finance & Management Services
' . Ro m 218 City Nall '- Cvurthouse �
� Sa nt Paul, Minnesota 55102
P U B L I C �-� E A i N G N 0 T i C E C�e'' �--
MAY 2 71 88
Dear Property Owner: File No. S-88-33
CITY CLE K City Council District ll 6
Planning District Council # 5
P U R P 0 S E To consider the const uction (new) and/or reconstruction of all or
part of the public si ewalk in front of your property. The limits
A �1 h of this pro�ect ar�:
Both sides Atlanti Street from East Idaho Avenue to
L0 C A T I 0 N Larpenteur Avenue
NOTE: Sidewalk in go d condition may not be replaced. Please
call the phone numbers listed below if your sidewalk may
fit into this ategory.
H E A R I N G �ursday, J ne 16 19 8 at 9:00 A.M.
C ty Counci� Cham�ers '3rd Floor City Hall
If the Council approv s the orders (or any part thereof, a portion
- � � of the costs will be ssessed (after construction) against benefited
I N F�R M AT I ON properties. You will onlq be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts
your property. The e timated assessments for this pro�ect are as
5 foot side sid walk -
New Constr ction
� (where no alk existed) $13.00/front foot
Replacemen of old sidewalk $6.50/front foot
New sidewalk will be onstructed S feet wide. Some existing side-
walk is 6 feet wide. Sidewalk reconstruction will be built to a
width of 5 feet in al cases where this width is practical. This
choice of width allow the assessment to be kept at the lowest
rate. In the event y u prefer the existing width, which may be
greater than 5 feet, nd are willing to accept the higher assess-
ment rate, please con act the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to
request your preferen e.
� Rates for reconstruct on of sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated.
For example: 6 feet ide sidewalk - $7.80/front foot; 10 foot wide
sidewalk - $13.00/fro t foot.
' All corner residentia properties will receive a credit up to the •
first 150 feet of new or reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting
the "long side" of th property.
COrIIiERCIAL rates (all property other than residential):
100% of actual ost estimated to be approximately $4.00 per
square foot of alk constructed. If the property has area-
ways under the idewalk that need to be eliminated, that
cost will be as essed in addition to the sidewalk assessments.
Please call 298-4255 f r construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice
Q U E S T I O N S or TDD) for assessment questions. Also, City staff will be available
to answer any last min te questions on the pro3ect in Room 218 City
Hall from g;30 to "�q:p A.M. the same day as the hearing.
� Notice sent May 27, 1988, . by t e Valuation,.and Assessment Division
._ . Depa tment of Finance & Management Services
. " . Room 218 City Hall = Courthouse �
' Sain Paul, Minnesota 55102
; . .ST � � PA I.JL C ITY C0U NCIL � �����r
c �� � a`
Dear Property Owner: MAY 271 88 File No. S-88-34
City Council District �' 6
CITY CLE K Planning District Council �i 2
P� � �O c C To consider the construc ion (new) and/or reconstruction of all or
J G part of the public sidew lk in front of your property. The limits
AN D �f this pro�ect are:
Both sides Birmingham Street from East Ivy Avenue to
L 0 C A T I 0 N East Arlington Avenue
NOTE: Sidewalk in good ondition may not be replaced. Please
call the phone nu bers listed below if your sidewalk may
fit into this cat gory. �
ursday, June , 19 , at :00 A.M.
� H E A R I N G City Council Chambers, 3 d Floor City Hall
If the Council approves he orders (or any part thereof, a portion
. � � of the costs will be ass ssed (after construction) against benefited
I N F 0 R M AT I 0 N properties. You will o q be assessed for sidewalk work that abuts
your property. The esti ated assessments for this pro3ect are as
5 foot side sidew k -
New Construct on
� (where no wa existed) $13.00/front foot
Replacement f o1d sidewalk $6.50/front foot
New sidewalk will be co structed 5 feet wide. Some existing side-
walk is 6 feet wide. S ewalk reconstruction will be built to a
width of 5 feet in all ses where this width is practical. This
choice of width allows e assessment to be kept at the lowest
rate. In the event qou refer the existing width, which may be
greater than 5 feet, an are willing to accept the higher assess-
ment rate, please conta t the Sidewalk Division at 298-4255 to
request your preference.
Rates for reconstructio of sidewalks wider than 5 feet are prorated.
For example: 6 feet wi e sidewalk - $7.80/front foot; 10 foot wide
sidewalk - $13.00/front foot.
All corner residential roperties will receive a credit up to the -
first 150 feet of new o reconstructed sidewalk along and abutting
the "long side" of the roperty.
COt�fERCIAL rates (all p operty other than resident�al) :
100% of actual co t estimated to be approximately $4.00 per
square foot of wa k constructed. If the property has area-
ways under the si ewalk that need to be eliminated, that
cost will be asse sed in addition to the sidewalk assessments.
Please call 298-4255 for construction questions or 298-4513 (Voice
Q U E S T I 0 N S or TDD) for assessment q estions. Also, City staff will be available
to answer any last minut questions on the pro�ect in Room 218 City
Hall from �::"�0 to 1�;�00 .M. the same day as the hearing.
' Notice sent May 27, 19.88, � by the Valuation.and Assessment Division
_ . Depart ent of .Finance & Management Services
. ' . Room 2 8 City Hall = Courthouse '
� Saint sul, Minnesota 55102
. - � �
• ,i ��"r" .�,�.-
. ���f�
�4 P1tE A1CY 9RDER
� w �,., . r
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, . _. . . . , __,.
Cou�tsa,l Fiyle, ,I�o..,�743—8y,�oB r J•Goswitz—- - � 'Y
L�i`the Mattl��#sfdev�r�lkra� ructiQnand��r,recons,truction�t�4etfb�o,��in�
locatioris: , ,
Votimg _ •• :� _ - ,:� t
�" ,�' .,� : '.:^ � � ' r' ".
wa�,t '
; , . - .
5 5�8-30•-Sath�sfde4�trr� �ve,•$s�I� �:Alb�i��t��srotto St. . : '
5 5-88,31-*Bct��s:tdtd+ee�-:W. .. �St,f}?oat,�!�Ave. to yY.��vsnn 1�ve. _
6 3-88-32—�V�t sid�°�nc��e�t iraat•�£.d*ult�,�:t@ E.�av�svn�v@::, ;
6 3=88-38—Hoth sideEs�Aflant#a t:#ra�E.�aiso��4�e:to E.�tes�c�v�z.4
6 $-88-34—Both sides Birmingt 3t.from E.Ivq Ave. to E. ArliagEt�'.Ave.
RESIDENTIAL rates(single f ily to 3 family) �
For a 5-foot wide sfdewalk:N CQnstructfatk(where no walk?eidsfed)�13.b0
per front foot;Replacement ef Id si�eWal�'�.30 p�r front foot.
For a 8-foot Rride cidewalk: �T�w �on�frudttan $15.60 per front iQo#;
Replacement of old sidewalk$ ..�0p�.�rqyt�t.
All corner residential pruperti sv'�ii-���s'a. t up to th�first�80 fe�t of
new or r�tructed side�va alor� arid a"�tia� the "lotag side" oi the
Pto�erty. :, ; . :
�O��Li�tCI�.Tat�t{a�l�; �er tb#�r-�i�t.�al�: , � . _
1'00% of actuai c�rast+e�etimtted t �#�e sAP��.Y�.��er sq�taps�tY�e,►�g�.,
wai�C eonstn�eted,...
The Csu�eiLt�!`��i�,v=of:8si�, . �4�i��t��a�t��i�TDr,:
upon �tl� .aba��i�; . t��9��� -;�.. .��i4�'t. h�,!}'�1�<
resolvdt: . �.
1. '17zat the said repv�# :a�et tiuG �e � %��-.:��6 �!�
�t��. �1 tb�tt-F�. ed�tw���reof.ds * �ie,ai�#tv� �
2. Tl�at a. ublic � ''
P hea�a$be on said improvement}aa,t�¢ �
t Q;�#Q ' ���C,�oy4tnt��Qy��,_�qbesl�o�
•i9� Vl�,�'��C7l7d�. • s t
t' " ��:�� � ,
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��T�+ t.,e�: tb�.�G� �: i
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