88-991 WHI7E - C�TV CIERK COLLflC1I ��/} /) PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 /� CANARV - D'EPARTMENT �' BLUE = MAVOF . Flle �O. " � �� � � u ' Resolution ;!� � �, � Presented By ` " "` Referr d To ��S ��" `� ����'�� �� R Committee: Date �` j�' �� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the City o Saint Paul has adopted the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 33, Building ode and Inspections; and WHEREAS, the goals of this chapter a�� to implement comprehensive building codes which facilitate safe building standard for all; and WHEREAS, fire protection sprinklin systems are 96 percent effective, save lives, and have never allowed multiple deaths o occur in buildings with fire sprinkler sy�tems; and WHEREAS, fire protection sprinklyi g systems are cost effective, generally providing a five-year payback in cost savings, an are usually no more than 1 to 2 percent of the total development cost which can be sim'lar to the cost of carpeting; and WHEREAS, Council File No. 88-481 w s passed on April 7, 1988, which accommodates the spreading of assessments over a twenty- ear period; and FINALLY, WHEREAS, the Council of t e City of Saint Paul has a strong commitment to insure the safety of all citizens as we 1 as to all Saint Paul fire fighters; and therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul mandates that all building construction projects requiring any pu lic financing shall be required to have fire protection sprinkling systems installe ; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Counci of the City of Saint Paul requests that the Mayor's Administration require that th appropriate City Departments and Divisions develop the appropriate procedure to implement the City Council's intent; and FINALLY BE IT RESOLVED, that the ouncil of the City of Saint Paul requests that the Saint Paul Port Authority implement a ire protection sprinkler system policy for all new construction projects which require Sa nt Paul Port Authority financing. Vetoed and readopted by the City Counc�.l n August 18, 1988 Yeas - 5 ays - Long & Scheibel COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �e+�e.. In Fav r coswitz Rettman ��;� � Agains BY c w� Wilson A� —.� '� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e cil Se y BY By. A►pproved by 1+lavor: Date _ Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY Pltl�II.IS�1E0 �,'J � � ( 198_ �' . � United As.SOCiati n of Journeymen and Apprentices of the � Plumbing and Pi e Fitting Industry a�d�a ea:S�a�� ��-��/ � Composedo[journeymenand LOCALNO. �}17 TREETADDRESS 312 Central Avenue, R�Om 458 apprentices who have jurisdiction over every branch of the plumbing s .t and pipe fitting indusiry CITY.STATE,ZIP Ml�LZT1eSPO11S � Minnesota 55414 SUBIECT MATTER J u� v� �7 H o DATE i �. Ms. Janice Rettman St. Paul City Council 704 city xall � St. Paul, NIN 55102 Dear Council Member Rettm . Your proposed ordinance t require sprinkler systems in all new or renovated buildings , financed by the city, certainly is in the best interest o the citizens of St. Paul, Although life safety and property rotection, I am sure, was your main concern, the property own r will also benefit greatly because the cost of the sprinkler system will be recovered in three to �, �ive years from the reduc d insurance rate savings . Please be assured that yo have the support of Sprinkler Fitters � Local Union No. 417 , repr senting the fire protection installers in the six-county metro a ea, regarding this proposed ordinance and feel free to call me f I can be of any help. . ' cerely, ��� Jerr Laumeyer � Business Manager Local 417 JL/mb opeiu��12 �„ � ��� � ��«��,«,ia be confined to MARVIN J.BOEDE CHARLE3 J.HABIG M.E E MOORE LOUi3 H.STINE ` �( f� �e aubject (',eneral Preaident Cenera!Secretary-Tre¢aurer Asst President Aut.General Secreta+y-Treaaurer � AFL-CIO-CFL ��' ` � Members: ����� '�' CITY O SAINT PAUL Bill Wilson, chai�,��� ����'���'��� Tom Dimond OFFICE O THE CITY COIINCIL �ki Sonnen Date: July 27, 19 8 WILLIAM �. wi�sotv RE�EiVED MARK VQERDTNG °°��'lm� Committee Report r.�.w�.e� JUL 2 819g8 To: Saint Paul City Coun f� CJ�( CLERK � From : Housing and Eco omic Development Committee Biil Wilson, Chair 1. Resolution approving the reappoin ment by the Mayor of Victor Reim and the appointment of Howard Guthmann to the St. Paul Port Authority, terms to expire August 19, 1994. (CF 88-1110) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENT OF VICTOR REIM AND TWO WEEK LAYOVER ON APPOINTMENT 0 HOWARD GUTHMANN 2. Ordinance creating a new chapter f the Legislative code pertaining to replacement housing. (CF 88-997) COMMITTEE RECOrII�IENDED REFERRAL TO PLANNING COMMISSION WITH INTERIM REPORT TO THIS COMMITTEE IN TWO MONTHS 3. Discussion of Economic Developmen Aspects of LRT Development and Resolution endorsing University Avenue as th City's preferred alignment for the Light Rail Transit between St. Paul and inneapolis, requesting the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority to establ"sh the same endorsement and to proceed preliminary engineering to resolve issues, and offering to the Regional Rail Authority support, participation d appropriate resources to complete the development of the LRT (CF 88-619 � COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, AS AMENDED 4. Resolution requesting the Mayor's dministration to direct appropriate City Departments and Divisions to perfo necessary procedures with the State of Minnesota to implement the City Co ncil's intent for fire protection sprinkler systems. (CF 88-990) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 5. Resolution Mandating that all buil ing construction projects requiring public financing shall be required to hav fire protection sprinkling systems, that the Mayor�s Administration require that appropriate City Departments and Divisions develop the appropri2te rocedure to implement this intent, and requesting the St. Paul Port Autho ity implement a fire protection sprinkler system policy for all new construc ion projects which require their f inancing. (CF 88-991) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) � CIT'Y HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 8�46 .;__._..�'.__-�„'_.-,-.a..-.--.-.. .�++++...so+-....-�.•--.�.._..,��..�..�.—_ ...�.........._�. _.�».._.._...,.,..,..,,,.._�_._.._ .._, . ........�........_......_._..�,.�.,.�,,.�...}.,,,,,,.,.�..,,.,.,�r.�.nwws�. � . . . �l � � S9� "����"� C�ITl' O ►SAINT PAUL . �,�`T7 �•' ,., � �o~�. � '��� OFFI E OF THE MAYOR �� �� 4 k : + It1U[lllll ' � ��i�+f r �J1 � llll [IIIlI. i� �v (��/ �� �� . 47 C1TY HALL � �� +... SA1N7' P UL, MINNESOTA 55102 �+`' GFORGE LA7'IA1FF (6l2) ^_9R-4323 ���c�yE� T4AYOR August ��, �988 . . ._ ._ � au� � �.��aa C1TY CLERK Council President James Sch ibel �'' and Honorable Members of t e City Council 7th Floor City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear President Scheibel and Members of the City Council: I veto Council File Nos. 88 990 and 88-991 which require installation of fire protec ion sprinkler systems in new construction for residentia , commercial and industrial structures receiving public financing assistance from the City of Saint Paul. During my discussions with taff on this issue it became clear to me that several matters req ired additional consideration and clarification. Specificall , I believe that the following need further consideration: -- There is little eviden e of need for sprinklers in single story industrial space -- Certain properties wit in the City will be placed at an economic disadvantage elative to other properties by this action, -- An inherent conflict b tween the City Council and the St. Paul Port Authority is created by this action - There is an issue of e ity and fairness between low income households and individ als and those households and individuals of more� co fortable means raised by this action, and -- There are some broader questions raised by this issue which deserve further consid ration. Let me address each of thes questions. Over the past several years the McKnight Family Housing Fund has increased the City's housin units by approximately 150 new units per year. The housing staf is fearful that requiring the installation of fire protec ive sprinkler systems will raise the cost of providing low incom housing increasing the cost of housing to those individual and households who can least afford it. Se(�.A6 �� � '' 1 C �` �� ! ✓ Council President James Schei el `!{� � ,� August 11, 1988 GC ��'` =�� Page 2 Requiring the installation of fire protection sprinkler systems in single story structures wi 1 increase the cost of constructing housing, commercial and indus rial buildings within the City while the same will not be tr e in surrounding suburban communities. .Many of these s burban communities already enjoy lower property tax rates, low r land prices and lower development costs. The resolutions as presently rafted request the St. Paul Port Authority to adopt a policy o fire protection sprinkler systems. I would suggest tha the passage of these resolutions creates a de facto policy for the Port Authority regardless of what its board might do. The City Council has veto power over any Port Authority financing nd should only approve those financings which are consiste t with City policy. If the Council believes that fire protection sprinkler systems are good for some, it follow that they are good for everyone. In this light, I do not beli e that all of the relevant questions have been consider d. For example, should every homeowner in the City be req ired to install such a system in their home? If so how woul these installations be financed? Is the Council going to sugg st that the State building code be amended to be consistent wit the City's policy and has the Council considered the ramif'cations of such a change in State law? I frankly do not belie e such an amendment would pass at the Legislature. If the Council chooses to im ose such an extraordinary requirement on a narrow grou of homeowners, then I believe that such a decision deserves a f ller discussion thar� this one has had to date. I am attaching to this veto essage an amended resolution for your consideration. Very truly yours, , Geo e Latimer Ma cc: Fire Chief Conroy Ken Johnson Gene Kraut City Clerk ��' � `�q � �� _. ���� R������o ��G1? BUILDERS ASSO IATION OF MINNESOTi�F��`Y� �g8 1410 ENERGY PARK DRIVE, SU E 6, ST.PAUL, MN 55108 (612)646-7959 ��Rk Prasident Roy Lund August 18, 1988 Vice Presldent Ray DeGeorgeo Dear Council Members: Treasurer The Builders Association of Minnesota opposes the adoption of Jce Weis Resolution 88-990 and R solution 88-991. Secretary ,lanetFiscner The National Association of Home Builders and the Builders Association Directors of Minnesota has spent e tensive research time in 1987 on the EdAamodt various aspects of auto tic sprinkler� systems in single family DaleBolt homes and low-rise mul i-family units. Our focus is clearly SueBrundage concerning single famil residences and low-rise multi-family Karen Butler Fran Deml units. Don Deuel MariinGrant Generally, our research oes not support the statement that sprinklers Dale Hallen are 96� efficient in sa in lives in sin le famil homes. There is Chip Hansen g g y DaveHedman no history or factual e idence to substantiate that statement. Kent Jefferson Automatic sprinkler sys ems are more a function of saving property. Dick Jergenson Gil Mamer Harob Moen If the comprehensive li e. safety is of utmost concern of the Council, ,lim stanton then it should be noted that early detection of fires is the proven, Keith Stensgaard most effective method o saving occupants of single family homes. LarryThompson The Builders Associatio contends that the most cost effective, Floyd Whipple Duane Willenbring life-saving system is a properly installed smoke alarm. Del Wischmann Further, in surveying 1 cal sprinkler installation companies we found Lite Directors that the cost for a s r nkler s stem ran es from $1.00 to $1.75 Richard Hanson p y g Jim Hill per square foot. These companies could not offer a definitive Clyde Rehbein recommendation on the t pe nor design of such a system. Robert Tilsen Bob Wallner Insurance premium reduc ions have also been sited as a savings to Nat�onal Representative the homeowner. Our res arch shows that the highest premium rate Clyde Rehbein reduction out of 12 maj r insurance companies was a 10� reduction in Butld PAC Trustee Premium. Three of thos companies stated that they would probably DonDahi reduce the premium but ould not put such a statement in writing. The influence was that he companies were concerned over liability Executive Director r,,,ith a faulty system an possible water damage. Mary Miranowski We found no clear evide ce that there would be a savings to the homeowner or that a sys em would be "cost-effective with only a five year pay back." S ch an expectation is unrealistic and connot be substantiated. U � ... � �y� �) c�� � �lr�/ BUILDERS ASSO IATION OF MINNESOTA 1410 ENERGY PARK DRIVE, SUI E 6, ST.PAUL, MN 55108 (612)646-7959 President Roy Lund PAGE 2 Vice Prosident Ray DeGeorgeo Treasurer The Builders Association of Minnesota is as concerned over life ,loeweis safety as the City Counc 1 and would like to once again stress Secrotary the effectiveness of ear y detection. Because our Association has �anetFischer researched this issue an has information that would be beneficial to your decision making e would like the opportunity to further Directors discuss the issues. xow ver, as the Resolutions are presently Ed Aamodt DaleBolt proposed the Builders As ociation of Minnesota is opposed to their Sue Brundage adOption. Karen Butler Fran Deml Don Deuel ' Marlin Grant � Da1e Hallen an M. Archer Chip Hansen XeCUt1V@ V1C2 President Dave Hedman Kent Jefferson Dick Jergenson Gil Mamer Harold Mcen Jim Stanton Keith Stensgaard Larry Thompson Floyd Whipple Duane Willenbring Del Wischmann Life Dirsctors Richard Hanson Jim Hill Ciyde Rehbein Fobert Tilsen Bob Wallner National Representative Clyde Rehbein Bulld PAC Trustee Don Dahl Executive Director Mary Miranowski