88-987 WHITE — CITV C�ERK CO1111CII C J1C � y� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMEN T G I TY O SA I NT PA U L �� /) p BLUE —MAVOR File NO• V v ' Counc 'l Resolution � �5 � Presented By �_��. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLV�p,_by the Cour�al of the� ity of��Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long-Range apital Improvement Budget Committee, that �e Cap� �pr�ment B�+dget. as her fore adopted and amended by this Cc�nal, is hereby further amended in the fotlawin pxticulars: C ent Amended �. F +�. L4� � fi h�.9e �?�1' i4 rR a�on 1988 MSA S-0701 Dale St. ROW 3 8,�.00 -184,000.00 � 134,000.00 Acquisition 1988 MSA Seventh St. -o- +184,000.00 184,000.00 White Bear to.Haz T!�� S;. P�ui L n • .�_Q-��29t`E? �t,r,:'� � c �ith'�'t. i r z+�r�T� .�7 _� !'!r,, iU-:l l _3::2�:.����: T..:�.or�:.. ..l ta'i1� �`( U.'1 f �- /� --� ��v.; ...�...��rz�,�.:.�„ �wzr.z=xadb Si�gned: � .,.:: __.. , ` ^ �:, -^ ,� ..,, . f /� / Eugen A. Schiller Gregory Finance & Management Services Budgeyt D'rector COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays (� vimond Public WOr'ks JD) 5-4—$8 E�b� �� In Fav r Goswitz Rettman � �be1�� � _ Agains BY � �. w7son .lUN 16 �8 Form Ap r ed by City torn Adopted by Council: Date S'�//�` Certified Pa:-e ouncil Se tary BY � gy, �' 1 Approve avor a e N 1 � 198a Appr y Mayor for � By P1�3l1SHE0 J��� 2 5 1 88 �a � ��� «�.«►,� _, �„� ,� ���.►� �rf���1 �S►H��T �,o."0 0�.9 7 9 � ; =�: x. aara �-� 8s ;� carrncr ir,c� �r w�r�«+�on�ra+n ' Dan �unford � ������ ��«��� � �� P i i�ork.s 292-675.D . ; ,,;�„xr� — 1988 Capital Improvement �udget ndment roMS:t�vror.w«�c'(�a) �new�tr: : , r�Nw+o oa.�aaan' a�ni s�nce coerwe�ow a►�x� o��arr �No. mNn+a oo�wMeepN �eo aa s�+oo�ea�o � sr� awrrEn� re ns�s �ooL • n�v To coNr�cr oo� _ _a��out x�o.* _�e�c�r�oo�� asrnicr oa�+cw , �: ��«�.�T�� RECEl1i�p. � ouncil Res�arch Cente� �" ��� 1 i988 : JUN 0 71�� o��r� �� �A�MENT t)F FMAM�CER raM�sa�sK iaue.oNa��r camo.wne�virt»�:ra,ore,�r• Seventh Street between [�hite Bear nd Hazel is an MSA route a�d �ra$ not budge�e�3 �o�t�:��construct�on in 1988. The, S i1lo�aterjNakomis Se�er Projeet being constructed. in 198� inelude� recon tructinq most of th.e stre.��� aro�nd th�s ar�a. Now ia best opportunit� to a�nclude th.e Seventh Stre�� 3ero�k w�th. t�ie se�v�r project. � ,�s�wc��s�o�r'a�:o.ue.�.w.��: _ : -- _ - ,. Low costs are ava�.lable now for t�. s work. and by do�.ng �h.is wor� no�v it would complete all of the work in he area. �� - , , ;. , - _ , _ MAY 2 319� ��.�►.-.���,,: ,_ � ._ ., : If work not done no�, tY�e wvrk �rou d be d�ne in 19�0 and the resid�rits wou�.d 4 agai� be burdened with constructio activity, Any ba�ances �rom, otller 1988 MSA funded proje�ts can be transferred back to ttie D�le.:Street Rflkl project. �ua� vnos co��s Do the work in 199Q. None _ Construc�ic.�n aetivity . would be epread out � over three years. � Poor roadway �ur�ace for another three years. «�TOnr�s: , Fund :trangfers are done as ne�ceesa y,: , ��: None