88-985 WNITE - GITV CLERK PINK - FINANC�E �f� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PAU L COUflCl y� BI.UE -MAVOR File �NO. `� 1 i_.. . Counc l Resolution � � Presented By Referred To v � � �t=- Committee: --Date �� �� 4 � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropra.ation r venues in excess of those estiinated in the 1988 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the fo110 ing changes to the 1988 budget: Current Amended Budget Changes Budget FINANCING PLAN 126 PED OPERATIONS FUND 9890 Use of Fund Balance 0 12,000 12,000 All other financing 7,431,572 7,431,572 7,431,572 12,000 7,443,572 SPENDING PLAN 126 PED OPERATIONS FUND 36010-0821 cars 0 8,000 8,000 36010-0859 communication equipmen 0 4,000 4,000 All other spending 7,431,572 0 7,431,572 7,431,572 12,000 7,443,572 RESOLVED, That the City Council approve the above changes to tlie 1988 budget. � � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� Goswitz [n Favo _� Long ,/�.�'�C%�i�wr� � Rettman � Against BY �/�� �lb�el Sonnen Wilson �L Z 8 Form App ed by City orney Adopted by Council: Date i� � Certified Pas b ncil Secre ry BY � gy. � � � � g Appr d Mayor for Sub ' ouncil Approved b � avor• Da , gy B P1�.1SHf� A�u G � 1 8$ i � . , ����G� ; . O d � n 1�� 012�76 i PED DEPAR l��I - - - - — - — _t�Tilliam Patton CONTACT N _�253 PHONE � 5/5/88 DATE ,*�' � l. �SS?GN NUKBER F4R ROtTTING ORDER: (See everse side.) � , � \t� `��_ �partmenL Director�.1/,d� 4 Mayor (or Assistant� _ Finance and Management Services Dir ctor 5 City Clerk �se�r 6 Ci� yCouncil City Attorney 7 Accountant TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 Clip all locations s gnature.) W Y IN Y (Purposefttationale) � Approval of the attachec� resolution �;a�l provide funds for �he �n3��oy��t�g�.�unbudgeted items: teievision monitors and equipmen to link PED with the Cftp's Cable Sys�tem; a vehicle to replace tTie PED vehicle wh ch was totaled in an accident several ffionths ago. ��uncii Research Center � JUN 4 71�88 c nNn � RECEIVED Financing is avsilable from existing fu d bal.ance to make the purchases. �UN 011988 p�AYOF�S aEfICE C G T T VI C D OR EDIT D: (Mayor's signature not required if unde $10,000.) Tota1 Amount of Trans�ction: $12,000 Activity.Number: 36010 Funding Sourca: PED Operations -Fund Fund Balance A ACt1MENTS•� �� ',� (List and number all atta ents.) MAY 6 1988 1. Council Resolution to amend budget. , BUDQET O�F�CE /EDI�INISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _YES _No Rules, Regulations, P c.edures, or Budget Amendment required? �Yes _No If yes, are they or t etable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY A�RNEY REVIEW _Yes No Covncil resolutio� requi ed? Resolution required? _„Yes _,No _Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? �Yss _,.,_No Yes No Insurance attached? - . ��i'�;%:�i�i.- _- -- . . . . . _ _ _-;- - . . � CITY F SAINT PAUL - ��',�d`5� �iilrii.�' ' . . OB'B'IC�; F TH� CITY COIINCIL � � Co '�tee Report � .� F.�in ce ana�eme t & Personnel Co '�tee. J ly 18, 1988 Est. • : .. . .. --_� �^ - -y - - Time �• . _.- _ _ - - - --- - -----_ _ . 1:30 1. � Approval of minutes of J ly 5 me�ting. � - �ro� FINANCE. B MANAG�tiENT - � • � � 2. Resoiution - 88-1073 - ending the 1988 budget APProvecj � � by adding $10,000 to the Financing and Spending - • Plans for Police-CCPP/In ervention project. iReferred from Council J ne 30) - � 1 :40 3. Resolution - 88-1072 - a ending the 1988 budget App�ov�d (3-1� -.--� by adding $20,720 to the Financing and Spending - Pians for License Divisi n-Investigative Reports. , � (Referred from Council J ne 30) � 1 :50 4. Resolution - 88-1074 - a ending the I988 bu�get �: Approved - - � - by adding $45,110 to the Financing and Spending . Plans for Refiugee Specia Services. - (Referred fram Council J ne 3�) - 1 :55 5. Resolution - 88-1021 - a ending the I988 budget � Approved as acnended by adding $21,860 �o the Financing and Spending (Delete $3,860 for Plans for City Clerk-Rec rds. (Referred from lighting) Councii June 23) 2:05 6. Resolution SS-984 - amen ing the 1988 budget by �d over to July 25 adding $30.274 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Finance � Mana ement Services-Division of Aceounting and the C unity Services Department for the Youth Athietics nd Sports Assistance Program. (Referr� fro Council June 16) � (continued} CITY HALL SEVENTH LOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA SSIQ2 , .r°�.is � _ . .. . . - - _ � i � . . . . � �:��s r-.� `..�_.� � __ . _. . ` -- _.____ � �. . - - : . r. __. . •:. . . . 2- 7, R� tc�tc� 88-'�8"3_ - amet� rtg the 198� bue�e� by ' ad : �,;,:,�. - .OQO ta the Fin ncing and Spendfng _ �► ��'ED-t�"!�`fiDri�`�: : .(Rc�e�red from � � �°�i�e����tf) • . 2:25 8. Resolution 88-1105 - amen ing the 1988 budget by Approved adding $68,625.00 to �the inancing and Spending . Plans for Community Servi es-Metropoiitan Library Service Agency. (Referre from Councii July 7) . 2:30 9. Resolution 88-1106 - amen ing the 1988 budget by � Approvec� � j adding $104,015.52 to the Financing and Spending - i Plans ror Community Servi es-�riends of the St. � Paul Public Library fund. (Rererred from Council July 7) . : -- 2:35 10. Resolu�ion �88-1107 - amen ing the 1988 budget 6y Approved ' adding $16,992.50 to the inancing and Spending Plans for Community Servi es-Perrie Jones Library � Fund. �iReferred from Cou cil July 7) 2:45 11. Resolution 88-1108 - amen ing the 1988 CIB budget Approved . _ _. by transferring $20,000 f om Cortnnunity Services- Maintenance to Merriam Pa k Branch Library. _ (Referred from Council Ju y 7) � . 2:50 12. Resolu�cion 88-1109 - amen ing the 1988 budget by ' A�roved adding $248,449.60 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Community Servi es-Libraries. 2:55 13. Resolucion 88-950 - setti g date of hearing to Laid over to July 25 consicer sewer service ch rges. (Referred from Council June 14) 3:00 14. Discussion of Proposed Bu get Hearing ScheduTe and Wark Plan. � PERS_ - . . 3:15 15. Resolution 88-908 - amend ng Section 5.E of the Laid over to July 25 Civil Service Rules perta ning to Character and - Fitness. (Referred frem ouncii June 7) 3:20 16. Resolution 88-909 - amend ng Section .6.8 of the Approved � Civil Service Rules perta ning to Examination . Contents. (Referred from Council June 7) " 3:25 17. Resolution 88-1019 - esta lishing the rate of Approved - pay for Zoning Technician in Grade 35, Section . IO2 or the Technical Stan ard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Raies of ompensation Resolution. (Referred from Council Ju e 23) (continued) 2